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07x12 - Possible k*ll Screen

Posted: 01/13/22 08:16
by bunniefuu
Hey, hold up. Look.

-How you doing?
-You need something?

Yeah, I need
to take some people's money.

Omaha high-low's my game.

Appreciate it.


-Put your money in the pot.
-It's going high.

-Yeah, that'd be great.
-All right.

I'm all in, I'm all in.

-You're not that welcome.
-Come on, man.

Daddy's coming back, baby.

He's just getting us
some money, okay?

Didn't see that coming.

Trap. Hey, Trap.

You put your hand on me again,
you're gonna lose it.

You don't remember me?

Oh, yeah. Yeah. Sorry. I've burnt
too many of these. What is it?

-It's Biddle. Marty's brother.
-Right, Marty's-- Yeah, that's right.

Yeah, yeah.
It's feeling like one of those nights...

...the tables are itching
to clear my pockets.

Think I'm gonna find my old lady,
get drunk, hold on to my money.

Whoa, wait. Chuck's here.

-He'd wanna see you. Come on.

Damn, that son of a bitch
is having a hell of a night.

-Hey, maybe he'll change your luck.
-Yeah, maybe he can.

Chuck, look who came back in town.

No shit.

-It's been a long time.

So long he didn't even remember me.

We got some catching up to do.
Party's at our place.

As long as you're buying.

g*dd*mn it.
That's gonna be my girl calling.

Well, tell her to keep her legs spread.
You'll be home eventually.

-Yeah. Hey, baby.
-There's two of them, Shane.

How're you gonna take them both?

-I told you I was going out.
-Where are you going?

I don't know what time
I'm gonna be home.

What about your g*n?

Yeah, well,
I'll see you when I see you.

Okay, I'll be right behind you.

Cut a few more, B. This is my night.

And our buddy Trap is back.

You know what? I think I'm gonna step
out for a minute and grab some air.

Your head's the last thing needs
to get clear. You've been lagging.

-It's time to catch up.
-It'll just take me a second.

Hey, I thought
you came here to party, man.

Come on, there's plenty of time
to get air after that, huh?

-Come on.
-All right. Set it up.

-Yeah, come on. Hey, it's....
-Here's the stuff. Bad stuff.

I chose to invest in it.

Not bad, yeah?

Yeah. Hell, yeah.

So have another, man.

-Come on.
-All right.

-There we go, Trap. Now it's a party.
-Damn. I'm gonna need that air.

Dude, what'd you cut that with?


You seen Marty lately?

No, no, man. I haven't seen Marty.
How's he been?

Not so good.
The g*dd*mn Mexicans k*lled him.

-What, man?

They got him in Chino,
right in the middle of the yard.

Right where you put him.
g*dd*mn vice cop.

Hey, man.

What are you talking about, man?
I'm not a cop, man.


Somebody's sleeping.

-Hold it.
-Oh, my God.

My shoulder!

Baby, you okay?

Are you okay? Are you--? It's okay.

Sorry. Come here, baby. Come here.

Just hang on.

Okay. Okay. Stand up. Stand up.

Give me the money.
Give me the money!

Shane, let's get out of here!

Ran into a guy I hadn't seen in ages.
Started drinking.

What was his name?

Trap. After the bar shut down...

...we came back here to keep the party
going. We were here about an hour.

-This girl comes in and starts firing.
-Is this Trap?

Yeah, that's the assh*le.
Dude's a cop?

-You see what he was driving?
-Red T-Bird.

Come here.

Stop moving.
If you broke your collarbone... could splinter off
and pierce your heart.

Okay? Lean back.

I didn't mean to sh**t her.

-I thought you were in trouble, baby.
-It's okay. It's okay.

No, it's not.

I k*lled her.

If you hadn't come in when you did,
they would've k*lled me.

-Let me see--
-Oh, God!

Baby, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry.

Even-- There's nothing I can do, baby.
Even if we went to the doctor...

...all they would do is put it in a sling
and try to keep you from moving it.

-Get me something for the pain.
-The baby.

We don't know
what pills could do to her.

Please help me.

-I'll just take a little bit.

I promise.

-Daddy, could you play with me?
-What happened to you in there?

They made me do some coke
mixed with speed.

It was some real strong shit.

-I know, buddy.
-Jesus, Shane.

It's okay. I'm okay now.
I'm gonna go get us some....

Some medicine and some food.

And I will be right back, okay?
It's okay.

-What's going on?
-A homicide took place late last night.

Suspects are a Caucasian couple,

-Pregnant woman was the sh**t.
-Oh, Christ.

House is owned by the brother
of one of Shane's vice collars.

Guy's been put up three times
on illegal gambling beefs.

Shane probably thought
he could take money off him.

Whatever the plan was,
it went sideways.

-Mara left the scene injured.
-They're coming off the rails.

Yeah, and putting you
and me on them.

We got to get ICE
to start cutting us deals now.

They won't do it.

Not without a juicy takedown apple
ready to be plucked off the cartel tree.

When's the soonest we can get Beltran
to make his move?

He doesn't plan on importing his dr*gs
for another three days.

Shane's not gonna keep it together
that long. Not after this.

If we can get Beltran
to move his dr*gs tomorrow...

...then we can guarantee ICE
a cartel bust in the next 24 hours.

Put enough pressure on them
to draft our immunity deals by tonight.

How do we get Beltran
to move up his timetable?

Shipment's gotta be moved up.

Don't tell me
how to move my product.

Some of the gangs got mouthy
about a shipment coming in.

Cops picked up on the chatter.
My captain got a memo.

"Be on the lookout
for a big drug score in three days."

Thought you had the blacks
under control.

I'm controlling the damage,
and I'm saving your ass.

I've brought you a solution.
There's a presidential motorcade...

...coming in tomorrow, and that's
gonna tie up every cop in the city.

President lands at LAX at 5 p.m.

All eyes and hands
will be stationed west of the 405.

All that heat and manpower...

...focused on moving him safely
through the Westside...'ll move your weight through
the Eastside, unnoticed, untouched.

two days ahead of the police intel.

I presume that the shipment's
coming in from Mexico... you better get it on the road.

It's already in Los Angeles.

-Even better. Where?
-Sitting in a port container.

But my customs rubber-stamper
isn't scheduled to work for two days.

Work schedules can change.

What if we could guarantee that
the guy scheduled to work tomorrow...

...was gonna call in sick?

Could you get your guy there
to help us make our window tomorrow?

-I'll call him right now.

We'll meet back here at midnight,
go over the specifics... to run distribution
to the gangs.

I gotta warn you, things have changed
around here the last couple of days.

-Sounds like for the better.
-Hey, Dutch. We gotta talk.

-Did you say hi to Danny?

I need you for a sec.

-I'd better tell Claudette I'm back.

I know it's been rough waters
between us. I need a favour.

The department is threatening to sue,
claiming fraud.

Now it's become a witch-hunt.
I need you to throw me a lifeline.

"Detective Steve Billings
suffers from severe headaches...

loss of short-term memory...

...and general impairment
of his exemplary job skills...

...after suffering from
a major head trauma while on the job.

I have personally witnessed
the steady deterioration...

...of this impressive officer's--"

-What is this?
-It's a statement I need you to sign.

I can't sign this.

I lose this job,
I'm an unemployed guy...

...with some empty vending machines.
Maybe that's what you want.

When does it end with you, Steve?

If you're not gonna do it for me,
do it for my kids.

-You heard about Vic and Shane?
-Yeah, Dutch told me.

-Glad I can be back to help out.
-Glad to have you.

Danny looks great, don't you think?

Getting away from this place
does wonders for a person.

I need something.

I've tried to work it out with Steve.
You've seen that.

But it's time for a change.

-Something happen?
-It's not working.

We're not meshing.

Well, you're not paid to mesh.
Try to work it out.

All right, never mind.
Forget I said anything.

Dutch, if there's a real problem,
you should tell me.

-As a friend?

Steve's ex and daughter came in...

...told him they had a sex offender
who moved in on their block.

We drove over, checked the guy out.
He was clean.

Reported every time he relocated.
Steve ducks out for a few hours.

Next thing I know,
the guy's getting hauled away...

...because they found
child pornography in his bedroom.

You're saying he planted it?

Not him. Somebody from
North Hollywood Division may have.

I wish you hadn't told me that.

I can't prove anything.
It's just a hunch.

You participated in framing a suspect
and engaged in a cover-up.


You told me someone's sitting in jail
for something he didn't do.

It's bad enough
Mackey running around.

-Do I have to worry about you?
-I didn't do anything.

-I was talking to you as a friend.
-I am a friend.

But I also heard this as a captain,
which now forces me to do something.

Wait. I did not come in here
to burn cops.

You let me try and fix this first?

Get this taken care of
before I have to.

-Hello? Rita? Hello?
-New girlfriend?

Lloyd's mom.

The boy who shot the kid
in the home invasion.

Three calls from her today,
three hang-ups.

Send some unis there,
make sure everything's okay?

-Of course.

Hey, Steve, you got a second?

Call you back.

What's up?

You need to call your friends,
get them to release Heap.

-Why would I do that?
-Claudette's gonna move on you guys.

-How did this get on her radar?
-I told her.

-Jesus Christ.
-It came up in conversation.

-She shared my opinion.
-She acted like a cop...

...not a friend or partner?
That sounds familiar.

-We need to fix this.
-I don't want that guy... on my kid's street.
-I don't care where he lives.

Get him released.

You wanna go to NoHo
and accuse them, be my guest.

Heap's innocent. Served his time.
He's been clean since.

Is he really worth
burning cops' reputations over?

I'm not unreasonable.
You need something. I need something.


Yeah, no, I'm sorry. I thought....

Yeah, I can come right over.
I'll be there in a few minutes. Okay.

Hey. What's up?

-Are you gonna arrest Vic?
-We're doing everything we can... stay on top of him.
-Well, are you gonna arrest him?

Not yet. Look, Vic is smart. He's been
careful not to expose himself.

That's why he sent Ronnie last time.

Vic had a legitimate excuse
for not showing up with the money.

Doesn't do us any good
until we have something solid.

How long are we talking here?
I mean, hours, weeks, months?

Corrine, I know this is hard,
but we're just gonna have to wait it out.

I risked myself and my family
to help you.

If you wait too long to arrest him,
he's gonna figure out what I'm doing.

We're not gonna let that happen.

-If we thought Vic had a clue--
-What if you figure this out too late?

No, no, no. You need to end this.
You need to end this now.

Shit. What did Mara say?

She said she and Shane
are coming for the money.


She said that I should bring the money
with a car and clean plates...

...and that it should have a car seat
for Jackson in it.

She didn't sound like herself, Vic.

I mean, she sounded crazy.
How am I supposed to get a car?

I'll take care of that.
Where do they wanna meet you?

They don't wanna meet.

She said she wants me to bring the car
to the 10 overpass at Alvarado, 7 p.m.

Mara said to put the money in the trunk
and the keys in the tailpipe.

Vic, I don't wanna go there.

Mara really sounded crazy
on the phone.

Don't worry,
you won't have to go at all.

I'll handle everything.

After I get the car,
I'll meet with you to pick up the cash.

We'll meet at 4:00
at St. Anthony's playground.

Then I'll take everything
to the Alvarado overpass alone.

Corrine, don't worry.
I won't let anything happen to you.

I'll go to the drop.

You focus on finding that port guy
we gotta jam up.

This could be a setup.
I'll come with you, cover your back.

Shane's broke
with an injured pregnant wife...

...who k*lled her shot
at getting out of this.

-He wants to get gone, trust me.
-At least let me tail you.

-Maybe I can take a shot.
-Forget about getting Shane.

We're betting everything on ICE
from here on out.

Something spooked Beltran.
He's bringing in the dr*gs early.

-How early?

Me and Ronnie are meeting him
at midnight to go over details.

How much weight?

Enough so he bought
his own warehouse to store all the shit.

Give me a time and address.
I'll bring the cavalry.

First, we should talk about
wrapping up me and Ronnie's deals.

I'll push on my talks with D.C.

Well, hurry, because we're gonna need
these deals in writing...

...before we meet
with Beltran tonight.

Just submitting that request
could take weeks in itself.

You weren't worried
about bureaucratic bullshit...

...when you needed me
to get next to Pezuela.

I came through for you
every step of the way.

All I'm asking is that Ronnie and I
get the protection we need...

...before we put our asses
on the sh**ting range.

Vic, you've got my word, I will try.

-I will try--
-Not good enough.

You will tell Washington
that we need a guarantee of jobs...

...salaries and full immunity.

Immunity for what exactly?

Look, when I was a cop,
me and my team...

...we had to cut some corners
to get the job done.

Our methods gave me a reputation.

Also got me
on my old captain's shit list.

Same reputation you used... pull in Pezuela
and get close to Beltran now.

Putting cuffs on him...

...will go a long way to winning friends
and getting Wyms off your back.

A bust this big, it can make people
forget who did what to who.

Meanwhile, she's still gunning for me.
I need a guarantee now.

You're asking for the impossible.

Then you can kiss Beltran and his
international drug pipeline goodbye.

I'm walking away
knowing I did right by you.

Something you need to understand:
The federal government is very patient.

And if we don't get Beltran tomorrow,
we'll get him next month.

ICE just boned me,
and you're next on the chopping block.

What are you talking about?

Beltran's drug shipment
arrives tomorrow.

I briefed Olivia,
told her it had moved up...

...that I had everything in place.

Instead of landing me
that spot on the roster...

...she brushed me off
with nothing but an IOU.

Welcome to federal-government hell.

Don't get too comfortable.
I'm only the first cut.

We agreed to look out
for each other's endgame.

-It's not my fault yours played out first.
-You're not hearing me.

By working on her time line,
Olivia's hanging us both out to dry.

Did you already sign that paperwork
that you were waiting for...

...clearing you of this Pezuela-Beltran
mess before the city primary?

Yeah, well, it's too late now...

...because I'm pulling out
of this ICE takedown.

If you terminate your relationship...

...with Beltran,
those dr*gs are gonna hit the streets.

Not my job anymore,
as you keep pointing out to me.

I'm only here to warn you
because we had an arrangement.

Vic, if you walk away from this,
you will only burn yourself.

Maybe, but if Beltran
ever does go down...

...ICE is only
gonna look after themselves.

Not me, not my family,
certainly not you and yours.

Better hunker down.

Soon you and I are gonna be looking
for a new line of work.

-What you looking for?
-Depends on what you got.

-I got it all. I'm like Wal-Mart.
-Yeah? You got anything for pain?

Like Oxy or Seconal?

I got shit put your ass in a coma
and a smile on your face.

Don't move,
or I'll blow your g*dd*mn brains out.

Hey, don't play games. I mean it.

Everything you got.

Empty your pockets right now,
you piece of shit.

People are right. Wal-Mart does have
the best prices in town.

We need to talk about Beltran.

David, I've run out of ways to convince
you of the importance of your role... this investigation.
-You mean takedown.

This could all be over tonight.

The decisions made by this office
are not mine alone, councilman.

You're just a mouthpiece
for a whole army of suits.

Y'all got your police training
from the halls of Quantico.

I got mine on the street.

And then couldn't wait
to put your suit on fast enough.

You know, in a sting operation,
you listen to the man on the inside.

Vic's the only lifeline you got
to what's going on.

If you ignore him now...

...your little cartel problem's
only gonna get worse.

-I appreciate the advice.
-Vic's out now.

We are still going to stop the cartel,
with or without Vic.

I'll just have to read about it
in the papers...

...because if Vic's out, so am I.

I'm gonna handle this on the city level,
where I have more control.

-We want you to come in.

Chaffee sold Washington
on your package.

Job, immunity.

-Are you there?
-Yeah. Yeah. I'm here.

Your Beltran meet's
still set for midnight?

He's just waiting on my word.

Then get down here.
Federal paperwork...

-...tends to be heavy on the fine print.
-Yeah, okay.

Good news. I got an address
on our port worker in San Pedro.

His name's Nunez.
I can head over there now.

Olivia called.
She came through, man.

Our immunity papers are just
sitting there waiting to be signed.

Feds are gonna
pull us out of this quicksand.

Gonna pay us for our troubles.

We can still take care
of that Shane thing now.

No, once we sign that immunity deal,
it won't matter what Shane does, ever.

-Flying back?

I really appreciate this.

You're gonna get your money's worth,
I guarantee it.

What is he doing here?

-You said our deal was ready.
-I said we had your deal ready.


Vic, job offer, your immunity
is taken care of.

But I couldn't get them
to sign off on Ronnie this fast.

I'm sorry.

There's no sorry here.
The deal is for me and my guy.

It's just you, for now.

-Tell me how I get this fixed.
-Not gonna happen.

Your deal's on the table.
That's all we can offer today.

We can discuss Detective Gardocki
at a later date...

...after Beltran's arrested,
and we have the drug shipment.

This is bullshit.

Washington wasn't comfortable
extending a deal this quickly.

We floated his job earlier to them.
They don't know you.

You've only just become
a player in this.

Nothing I've done for you people
could've been possible without Ronnie.

Ronnie shows us good faith
on this Beltran takedown tomorrow...

...he'll be signing the same deal
in a week's time.

Vic, sign it.

And let's grab these dr*gs
before they get in circulation.

I'm not signing shit.
This was never about just me.

It was about me and Ronnie,
both of us.

-You are making a mistake.
-You're the one making a mistake.

I'm not handing you half a win,
so I don't want half a deal.

When you can offer the same thing
at the same time to Ronnie...

...then you call me.
If that's before midnight tonight, great.

If not, I know how patient
you feds like to be.

Never trust a blond.

Vic, I appreciate--

Don't, man.
There wasn't any other choice.

What do we do now?

I gotta get that car to Corrine.

And you gotta get to Nunez
in San Pedro.

Make sure he calls in sick tomorrow.

This ain't over yet.

-I told you to stay away from us.
-Is Lloyd home?

It's been hard enough
for me to help him...

...get over your accusations
without having to see your face.

I'm sorry things happened
the way they did. I was worried.

Don't you dare pretend even for a
second that you gave a damn about me.

This is all about
your obsession with my son.

You're scared, aren't you?

Had to be to call that many times.
Is he inside?

-I didn't call you.
-You did.

Six times.

I want you to leave my property.

You knock on my door again,
I'm lodging a complaint.


Red Thunderbird.

Excuse me, those egg sandwiches...

-...are they up yet?
-It'll be another minute.

Right. Okay.

California 2-Frank-Adam-Nancy-321.

Licence number's registered
to a Larry Kristiansen...

...but it belongs
on a 2005 gold Acura.

I'll check these stores.
You go around back.

Be advised, subject possibly
travelling with a minor.

Please proceed with caution.

Give me the g*n. Hey, hey, hey.
Shut up. Don't make a sound.

Tina, where's Julien?
Hey, hey, hey, stop it. Okay?

I don't wanna sh**t you, but I will.
I will sh**t you.


Where's Julien?

Where is he?

He's inside,
looking through all the stores.

What do they know?
How much time do I have?

Three minutes till backup.

And I called in
your stolen licence plate.

Look, they know what Mara did.

That she shot that woman.
And that woman's dead, Shane.

-None of this is Mara's fault.
-I believe that. I do.

Just give me the g*n
and come in with me now.

We can have a car pick up Mara
and your son...

...and they can be safe.

-Please, Shane, stop this.
-Hey, hey.

My wife is not going to jail.

I've always liked you, Shane,
but a innocent woman is dead.

This has gone way too far.
You don't want this.

I'm afraid something bad will happen
to you or, even worse, to Mara.

Think about your son.
So please, just come in with me now.

No, it's too late.

No, it's....

You know what? It's too late.

Where the hell is Vic?

He's late, but he'll be here.

Oh, shit.

Vic, where are you?

The cops are there, Corrine.
They're watching you.

The cops are watching me?

How do you know? Where are you?

-How did he know?
-I was sure nobody followed me.

Did you hear anything strange
on the phone call with Mara?

You think that they have a wiretap
on my phone?

Did you talk to anybody else
about this?

No. No, I wouldn't do that.
I know better.

We don't have Vic on tape.
We got nothing.

-Vic. Vic, what do I do now?
-Get up and walk away.

Move in and arrest Corrine. Move in.
Now, now. Move in.


Am I in some sort of trouble?

I mean, what's gonna happen to me?
How do I explain all this money?

Leave it.
Leave the bag there and walk away.

Go to your car as fast as you can
and go home.

The cops are here. They're coming
after me. What do I do? Jesus Christ.

Corrine Mackey, you're under arrest.

Vic? Vic? Hello? Hello?

Okay, we gotta go through the motions.
Vic may be watching.


-I'm sorry I took so long. How is it?
-It's awful.

I couldn't get us anything to eat
because the cops, they spotted me.

-Holy shit.
-Yeah. I had to ditch the car.

-You okay?
-Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about me.

You just....

I want you to take these.

-What are they?
-They're Seconals.

And they will help with the pain.


What else did you get?

Just some street shit, you know?

Some meth and weed, a little blow,
but I had to do most of it.


The stuff that they made me do
last night, I was cratering...

...and I need to stay focused
so that I can get us out of this.

You can't help us
if you're high, baby.

It was just enough to even me out.
Okay? I promise.

Any movement on Ronnie's deal?

Not in the timetable
you're looking for.

I want my deal, but I need a favour.
It's not for Ronnie.

It's for my ex-wife.

I got her into some trouble.

She was trying to protect me today.

And she did something that might be
construed as aiding and abetting.

-" Might be construed"?
-She's a good woman.

She raises our three kids.
Two of them are autistic.

I can't let anything happen to her.

You give me that deal
in time to make the meeting...

...and you give her a pass
on this one...

...and I'll give you Beltran
and the whole g*dd*mn cartel.

Black board of directors on top of it.

I can't do anything for Ronnie yet.

Ronnie can wait until next week.

After the bust.

Your child r*pist is a free man.
Hope your morals stay intact...

...when some middle-school girl's
assh*le gets stretched out.

"Detective Steve Billings
may have sustained a head injury...

...possibly leading to the lack
of judgement and general irritability"?

What's this bullshit?

My statement,
as accurate as I felt comfortable with.

Thanks for dressing it up.

You're a real stand-up guy,
you know that?


My kids are at the sitter's.
They need to be picked up.

Do you need me
to call somebody for you?

There's nobody to call.

My sitter, she's a student,
and I can't leave them there too late.

Okay. I get off in a few minutes.

I could bring them to my house
and keep them there until you get out.

That's really nice of you.

Sure. I'm happy to help.


How you doing?

How much longer
do I have to stay in here for?

Vic thinks you were arrested.

If he hears anything, asks around,
it's gotta seem legit.

As bad as Vic can be,
he's not gonna let you rot away in here.


We've got a location on Vic.

Any questions?

I need to make sure you understand
each section that you're signing.

Section A
is your employment agreement:

A three-year contract with the agency
that begins as soon as you sign.

Your compensation is $62,000 a year.

You're enrolled in our medical
programme, life-insurance plan...

...retirement, even our family-friendly
support services.

Section B
is your immunity agreement.

In exchange for your continued
and complete assistance...

...with the Beltran investigation
and your services for three years...'ll be granted full immunity...

...for any and all truthful statements
you make tonight.

Anything you fail to disclose,
or if your statements are false...

...or if you ever fail to provide
your agreed-upon services...

...the entire deal will be voided.

What about Corrine
on the aiding and abetting?

Her immunity's covered in Section C.

Your statement will be recorded.

We've got a few hours if you're gonna
meet Beltran by midnight.

But let's try
to get through this quickly.

Is there anything you wanna say
before I turn on the recorder?

State your full name.

Victor Samuel Mackey.

Also present is Olivia Murray...

...with Immigration
and Customs Enforcement.

The date is....

--these declarations
of his own free will.

If you agree with this statement,
please say yes.

-Any time you're ready.

During a raid
on a drug dealer named Two-Time...


...shot and k*lled
Detective Terry Crowley.

You k*lled a police officer?

I planned it. I carried it out.

I shot him once, just below the eye.

My Strike Team was committing
criminal acts on a regular basis.

At first, it was just
taking dr*gs from busts...

...turning it around
and selling it for profit.

We were able to do this
by making partnerships...

...with local drug dealers and gangs,
you know...

...that we knew we could leverage.

You son of a bitch.

I k*lled Crowley
to protect me and my guys.

I shot him with Two-Time's g*n
to divert suspicion, but Aceveda knew.

So did Kavanaugh,
the IAD investigator who was after us.

They just couldn't prove it.

I was too good.

Is that it?

How much memory
does that thing got?

My team and I left some marked money
for a guy named O'Brien.

The money had been stolen
from the Armenian mob.

Two million dollars.

We found out later it was....
The cash was part of an investigation...

...into local
Armenian money laundering.

It was only a matter of time before
they connected O'Brien to the cash...

...and they k*lled him.

Why did you plant the money on him?

Couldn't let the Armenians know
that we'd stolen it.

Could I?

I'm Captain Claudette Wyms.
I'm looking for Vic Mackey.

You found the bastard.
But I guess now he's our bastard.

The Armenians
didn't like getting ripped off... they sent an old-school goon
to find it.

Margos. He hacked off half the feet
in Farmington looking for it.

things started pointing at us.

It was the beginning of the end
for my team.

Shane Vendrell's wife, Mara,
took some of the marked money.

She gave it away.

Lem's conscience
started getting to him.

It turned us against each other.

What happened to Margos?

I k*lled him.

I got the drop on him.
I shot him when he dropped his g*n.

Massaged the scene
to make it look righteous.

What kind of detective
did you raise over there, captain?

What kind of deal did you give him?

Full immunity.

-On what?
-On everything he confesses to.

Shane k*lled Lem with a grenade.

I didn't find out about that
until after I'd already tortured...

...and k*lled our lead suspect,
Guardo Lima.

I eventually got Emolia
to recant her story, but it didn't matter.

Lem was still gone...

...and our Armenian problem
was just beginning.

The meeting with Beltran
is in an hour. I think--

Well, we better hurry,
because I got a lot more.

And I'm not letting you
wiggle out of this on a technicality.

So you sit there
and let me finish what I've gotta say.

Now, after I'd found out
what Shane had done, I bellied up to....

-After all they did.

-I know.
-And they just walk away with it.

He gave up Ronnie,
and we're gonna catch Shane.

-Yeah, but Vic....
-You did the best you could.

Which is more than I can say for you.

You put careers in jeopardy
with that stunt you and Billings pulled.

-Oh, don't act innocent.

You broke the rules,
and it's gonna blow up in my face.

-I know you're upset about Vic--
-Don't tell me how I feel.

Take some responsibility for once.

If this is about Billings,
I'll pull back my statement.

You think by doing one little thing...'s gonna make up
for all your past indiscretions?

-We need to get you home.
-Get your g*dd*mn hands off me.

You're fired,
you sanctimonious son of a bitch.

-You heard.

Go on back to the Barn,
pick up your shit and get the hell out.

Claudette. Claudette.

This isn't you.

The pills aren't working?


-It's like a knife in my chest.
-Maybe you should take a few more.

I don't want to.

The baby.

How'd this all happen?

I'm sorry, baby.

I'm so sorry.

I k*lled that woman.

I k*lled her, Shane.

-I can't do this anymore.
-Hey, don't.

No, don't. Don't give up.

You can't.

I'm a m*rder*r.

Don't say that.

Don't say that, you hear me?
That's not who you are.

-I never thought I could k*ll someone.
-Baby, I'll do anything for you.

Anything. You just tell me.

Just take me home.

Please take me home.

Shane's still a fugitive.

I was bringing a car
and the money I ripped off...

...from Beltran's drug dealer
when I saw them arresting Corrine.

And I think that's the end.

You've implicated Gardocki
in enough shit... put him away
for the rest of his life.

I know.

But at least Corrine's free of all this.

Anything less than the biggest
drug bust this agency's ever seen...

...will not be considered
complete assistance on your part...

...and that will violate your deal.

Don't worry, I'll give you Beltran
and his entire organisation.

You are our employee now.
You do anything to warn Ronnie... tell him to run,
that will violate your deal.

You'll be prosecuted
for everything you've told me.

I need him to take down Beltran.

I'll string him along until we're done.

You are a sick,

twisted man.

Anything else?

I got a meeting.

Do you have any idea
what you've done to me?

I've done worse.