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07x11 - Petty Cash

Posted: 01/13/22 08:15
by bunniefuu
Think Mara changed her mind?

Does anyone want any coffee?

Thanks, but no.

-Put on Claudette.

She wants to talk to you.

I'm glad you called.

My husband's giving Vic a 5:00
deadline to come up with $100,000.


Corrine's supposed to hand the money
to Shane... the fountain in Hollenbeck Park.

I appreciate you working with us.

-Promise Shane won't get hurt.
-I promise.

Because I know how some suspects
wind up dead getting booked.

You are going to make sure that
every cop in that park understands...

...that Shane going after Vic
and Ronnie was self-defence.

So he'll cooperate with us?

I can get him to cooperate.

He's gonna have to get something
in exchange.

I'll do everything I can.

That's not good enough. You need
to guarantee he'll get a light sentence.

Otherwise, I will blow this whole thing
out of the water.

I will work it out with the DA.

Just make sure he's treated okay.

That was beautiful.

That was beautiful, baby.

We just walked Vic
and a bag of dirty money into a bust.

We never have to worry about that
prick coming after us ever again.

The only problem
with getting Vic arrested... we lose any leverage
to negotiate a deal if we get caught.

That's why we can't get caught,
because I'm not going to prison.

And I'm sure as hell
not gonna let you end up there.

When Vic makes contact with you,
you're hearing all this for the first time.

You go along with it reluctantly.

Don't sign on too easily.

Having a problem
with all this won't be a stretch.

I don't want you wired
for your initial meet.

Vic's a master at smelling a setup.

When he hands over that money,
we'll be recording it.

How does Vic not figure out
that I set him up?

We'll play as if he's been
under surveillance for a while.

We'll go through the motions
of arresting you.

I don't like this.

What if Vic finds out
or something goes wrong with Shane?

We will take every precaution.

You came to us
to get Vic out of your life... close the book on him forever.
Let's do that.

How does somebody
get witness protection?

You'll have to testify.

That's not gonna happen.

Like I said, Vic can never find out
that I helped put him in prison.

It's his own doing.

Then why do I still feel ashamed
about this?

A little overdressed
for your paper route.

Pezuela's grieving widow.

Obit mourns an international business
guru's tragic su1c1de.

His shrink should be sued for not
recognising the seven warning signs.

Only Pezuela wasn't suicidal.

Just goes to show you... never know what's going on
inside someone's head.

su1c1de my ass.
Beltran had him whacked.

The only question is,
whether or not he used you to do it.

Hey, whoa.

You're giving me
a lot of credit there, Dave.

Olivia's not returning
my phone calls.

Now you drop a body
in the middle of my campaign.

Well, you were the last one seen
mudwrestling with Pezuela.

You're not screwing up
my investigation...

...and costing me the mayor's job
with one last scandal, Vic.

Nice to know that justice
is still your number-one priority.

-Corrine, I need to see you ASAP.

It's important.

I'm on my way to work, Vic.
What's up?

It's not something
I can get into over the phone.

-Can you take a personal day?
-What's wrong?

Meet me by the fountain
in Hollenbeck Park.

How soon can you be there?

Vic, this is crazy.

It's gonna be fine,
just meet me here at 5:00.

You're gonna give me a bag
full of money... give to the guy
who tried to k*ll you?

So Shane can take his wife, his kid...

...and this whole Vendrell shit storm
out of the country.

What if he tries to hurt me?

He saved you once
from the Armenians.

It's me he wants to hurt, not you.

Maybe you shouldn't do this, Vic.

When Shane calls,
tell him he's on his own.

Or blame it on me.

I just need you to do this
one last favour for me.

You certainly caught yourself
a break...

...Pezuela's narrow-mindedness being
cremated along with the rest of him.

Narrow-minded, how?

I can understand him
being down with La Raza.

But 40 percent of the dope trade
in this city... black-owned and operated.

Never could get that prick interested
in affirmative action.

Our experience with the blacks
in Phoenix, San Diego...

...have never been good.

Because you don't have a trade rep
fluent in the culture.

And that's costing you market share.

And you would be an upgrade?

A white cop who's made a career
at cracking the heads...

...of low-level gangbangers?

You would be surprised
at how much sense I've knocked...

...into some of those heads
over the years.

And if I was interested?

I'd set up a meet-and-greet
with the black board of directors...

...offer to become
their exclusive supplier...

...below current wholesale cost.

Year or two, you'd have a monopoly.

I don't meet and greet.


Wanna minimise your exposure
to law enforcement.

I'd be happy to take the meeting,
negotiate terms.

I would need a substantial
security deposit from the blacks.

As a show of good faith.

Of course.

What do you need, Mackey?

Back in the day,
we had an understanding.

We did?

I don't recall that far back.

Just two dinosaurs
sitting down now.

I need you to arrange a meet
with your board of directors.

I got a business opportunity.

What do you know about our business?

You and your five-0 crew
only swarm on the street level.

Thought it was about time I started
using my entrepreneurial skills...

...go to work for the other side.

So you come to me and the board
with this...

...because Vic Mackey
is all about the black man rising?

I don't give a shit
about the black man.

I'm just looking to earn.

I'm guessing that's the first honest
thing you've said in a month.

I'm gonna need to think on this
for a minute.

Beltran's still taking my temperature.
But he'll come around.

Get him to trust you to the point where
you have access... the cartel's workings.

Has he mentioned
any illegal dealings yet?

He's still playing it quiet.

Pezuela give you anything?

Besides attitude?

-He's an uncooperative shithead.
-No worries.

Only a matter of time
before I know everything he knows.

Hope that includes what he did
with the blackmail box and my file.

I turned his world upside down
looking for it, and still no luck.

Good news is, with Pezuela in custody,
he can't get to it to use it against you.

It doesn't mean
somebody else won't.

Look, I've got two jobs.

Gathering enough intel
against Beltran...

...and the cartel to deliver ICE
their biggest bust to date...

...and cover your ass
by finding that file.

I intend to come through on both.

-The meet is on.

72 Pine Bluff, Inglewood.

-Two p.m.
-That was quick.

What do you think, man?

Men's jail is headquarters, baby.

Something you need?

This new guy handing out the mail
must be dyslexic.

They keep mixing up our mail.
When's Danny coming back?

Unis responded to a sh**ting,
victim pronounced at the scene.

Steve, need you too.

Kid's name is Cardell Rhodes.

-Gunned down outside his house.
-The football player?

-You know him?
-Coached him in Pop Warner.

I'm sorry. I need you and Steve
to get on over there.

-I thought I was riding a desk.
-Not today.

I've got everyone sweeping the streets
ahead of the motorcade:

stash houses, dealers, hookers.

Much as I want out
of my forced detention...

-...Julien's history gives him a leg up.
-You're right, go with Ronnie.

-What's up?
-Never mind.

Another victim. Minor injuries.

-He was treated at the scene.
-I'm going back to my crosswords.

I'll meet you outside.

Hey, Steve.
Steve, I need you to do me a solid.

I took a bedroom tumble
with a woman on the force.

She found out she's not
the only teeter-totter, got pissed.

Now she's trying
to jam me up with Claudette.

This chick wrote a letter to Claudette
laying the whole thing out.

Should stand out as personal. I'm trying
to intercept it, but I gotta work.

You know, Ron, you and me,
we had our friction.

But in a world of crazy coozes,
trust me, I got your back.

That poison panty-gram
won't hit Claudette's desk.

Thanks, man.

First mail delivery came in, nothing.

Shit. Might not come
until this afternoon, maybe tomorrow.

Or maybe not.
He could be screwing with us.

We can't take that chance.

Good news is,
you're trapped at the Barn.

Was. Claudette just put me on a 187
with Julien.

-You can't bail?
-Believe me, I tried.

How's that other thing going?
One minute, one minute.

I think I see a play with the cartel.

-More on that later.
-That sounds kind of iffy.

I don't do "if."
I'm only about "when."

All right, I put something over here
for safekeeping.

You all know what I'm talking about.
Now where the hell is it?

You think your quality of life sucks?

You wait till I get done with you.
Now where's my g*n?

Hey, dog's ass, I gotta talk to you.

Think pink while you can, hero.

You die now amongst the righteous
and the urine saviour.

It's not loaded, pigpen.

I've arranged the trade summit.
All the senior management.

Need to know how much weight
you can provide.

It's a tempting opportunity... eliminate the competition
in one fell swoop.

Absorbing them
into your corporate structure...

...means less waves, more profit.

Pezuela was here for how long and
he never moved past the Byz Lat level.


Pezuela was a waste of clothes.

But he did manage
to renovate this place... a few others
to store our product.

Over budget and behind schedule.

You're gonna fill
this whole place with dr*gs?

The blacks understand the terms?

They will.

Disagreeable people.

Well, they've gone
through some shit over the years.

I'm gonna be walking
into an adversarial situation.

You got a few guys I can borrow?

You forget, huh?

My background
is professional military.

Cardell and I are talking.

He dives on top of me,
pulls me down.

Then I hear g*nshots.
Kid saved my life.

-How did you know Cardell?
-I'm here on a recruiting trip.

Cardell was my prize get.

He was on his way to a Heisman.
Special talent.

His field vision was one of a kind.

That kid had eyes in the back
of his head.

I coached him a while back.

You guys vet these kids
pretty thoroughly.

Problems in his personal life?

Look around.

The shit you have to put up with to get
a BCS bid, take a banger to brunch.

-Rhodes was affiliated?
-No way.

I had to get permission from
the shot-caller just to get a sit-down.

I'll talk to his mother.

He was a child of God.

But I don't have to tell you that.

You knew my baby.

Do you have any idea
who might have done this?

Why would anyone
wanna hurt my baby?


Hard to understand why the good Lord
would let something like this happen.

I see it every day, all day.

Tests my faith, believe me.

Mister, faith is all we got.

I lost my son last year too.

He was k*lled in a drive-by.

Sorry to hear that.

So they're saying this happened...

...because Cardell
was running around with a g*ng.

-You think that's what this is about?

Here's my card.

If you hear anything, give me a call.

Recruiter says Cardell
was repping Acorn Park.

How does he know
what goes on around here?

He had to have a sit-down
with OG's to talk to Cardell.

That wasn't Cardell. I knew him.

I get your history.
We gotta look at everything.

Kid's the closest thing to a hero
this neighbourhood ever had.

And nothing would make me happier
than to be proved wrong.

Let's chat with the factions.

You get with Acorn Park,
and I'll discourse with Spookstreet.

You're using the ICE sting
on Beltran... scam 100 grand off
of Beenie Spears' guys?

I don't know how else to come up
with the money to buy off Shane...

...given the time frame.

Playing both sides
is crazy dangerous.

How long before Beltran or the board
figure out they're getting jacked?

I only need to keep it together
a couple of days.

Enough time to get Shane ghost...

...walk Beltran into a jackpot
so ICE can take him down... exchange for giving us
an overall deal and immunity.


I've got Billings back at the Barn
intercepting Shane's letter.

The wheels are coming off
the whole g*dd*mn thing.

I'm on the way to this fundraiser. Could
use some backup that speaks ingl?s.

Can't. Claudette's got me
hip-deep in some shit.

Okay. No worries.

g*dd*mn it.

You don't have to be on this stakeout
if you're not up to it.

If you have to take me there
on a damn stretcher with IV's running...

...I'll be there to take down Vic Mackey
and Shane Vendrell.

Need help finding something?

I'm looking for my medicine.
It was here a minute ago.

Is this it?

-Take it easy.

How's Vic gonna get the money?

Somebody could get hurt or worse.

You wanted me?

Vic been in communication
with Ronnie today?

Ronnie's gotten a couple of calls.
Don't know who.

We're moving on intel that we're
convinced will give us Shane Vendrell.

We have reason to believe
we'll make another arrest.

Vic Mackey, for aiding and abetting.

If you're free of the other case,
I'd like you involved.

I'll make myself available.
Just let me know when.

Wanna give you a heads up
so you can prepare yourself... throw bracelets
on former colleagues.

Ronnie and Vic
might be planning something.

-We don't know what.
-They were your teammates.

It's pick-a-side time.

If I get wind of anything, you'll know.

Good. I'm also borrowing backup
from Rampart.

I'd like you to take point.

Is any of this gonna be a problem?

Not at all.

Changing suppliers benefits us how?

Lower cost, unlimited supply,
highest-quality product on the market.

We've been with the same wholesaler
since before you had a cowlick.

This meth,
made from pure Mexican ephedra...

...cooked up in a state-of-the-art
laboratory by a team of PhD chemists.

Clean as a virgin's whistle hole.

And a lot cheaper than the shit
that you're getting.

You sure you wanna undercut
your price on the street?

We pass.

But you haven't even sampled
the blow.

We got love for Beenie.

Only took this meeting
as a courtesy to him.

We got too much history
with our connect to just go astray...

...for some cop.

A peckerwood cop at that.

I lay out a proposal with enormous
financial upside to you people...

...and you just dismiss it
out of hand?

Why don't you take a look
outside that window?

That's what's in your future.

I asked my boss
for a little backup today.

That's what he sent.

Your spic boss
wants to throwdown, bring it.

Because I see two trucks
eight deep with Mexican gardeners.

They hear a shot out there...

...there'll be an RPG in this living room
before I hit the floor.

Put that shit away.

Let me tell you about the landscaping
job those gardeners did... Rosarito Beach, Mexico,
last year.

Them and a convoy of amigos rolled up
on a police station...

...m*rder*d everyone inside.

Forty-seven people.

Cops, dispatchers, janitors.

That was my spic boss's plan
for gaining market share in the area.

Now, if they're willing to do that
to their own countrymen...

...imagine what they're willing to do
to a handful of stubborn soul brothers.

And you think I'm a peckerwood?

This ain't no proposal.

It's a gank and grab.

I'm just trying
to increase the peace...

...and promote racial harmony
through economic opportunity.

Buy-in's 200 large.

I can wait
if you need to run to the ATM.

Jefe, wrong way.

-Se?or Beltran's in other direction.
-I'll catch up. Got an errand to run.

No, jefe.

Our instructions are
to be your seguridad.

We gotta get the money
back to Beltran right now.

He's waiting.


I'm gonna need some gas.

-Code Red.

Third and Alvarado,
gas station, men's room.

Trash can.

There's a package.
You know what to do.

-Highest priority.
-I'm in the middle of something.

You get your ass over here
as fast as you can, and I mean soon.

All right, sweetheart.

Daddy has to work late.

I'll see you later, okay? Love you.

Kids are terrific, huh?

You got any?

Van Bro.

Gardocki, my man.

What's good? What's up, black?

I heard what happened
to the Strike Team.

Guess you must be the last cat

Upright and breathing.

Signify your own path... won't get caught up
in other folks' bullshit.

That's how I do. And look at me.

Standing strong
and doing the damn thing.

But, Van Bro, what is up with this?

You used to have talent.

Hey, that's non-representational art
right there.

It worked for Basquiat,
it work for Van Bro.

-Take it.
-No, we just want information.

What do you hear
about the Cardell Rhodes sh**ting?

Rumour going around the cats making
book got pissed at young blood...

...for point-shaving against Dorsey.

Cardell was involved in gambling?

I wouldn't wanna speculate
on that for certain.

But little man with all that speed
stepping out of bounds...

...with all kinds of daylight
numerous times... got to wonder
about the spread.

Where'd you hear this?

Fourth-hand knowledge.

Don't really have
any specific names.

You might wanna check with Deuce
on Bronson next to the laundry mat.

Appreciate it, though, you keep
Van Bro's name out of your mouth.

Stay black.

-Detective Billings.
-Anything yet, Steve?

Oh, shit. Right.

Let me look.

Deuce says it wasn't point-shaving.

Cardell's been playing it smart, stepping
out of bounds to avoid cheap sh*ts.

Saving his knees for the next level.

The bookies knew that.
Factored that into the spread.

No, no mail yet.

-Just keep an eye out, okay?

-Head back to the Barn.
-I wanna talk to that recruiter... soon as he gets back
from scouting that kid.

-Polk's a victim, not a suspect.

Maybe he was the target.

That's worth a conversation.

I gotta go get a prescription filled.
I'll meet you back there, okay?

Hey, yo, my man.

Hey, man, you g*dd*mn deaf,

-What are you looking to get into?
-None of that g*dd*mn stepped-on shit.

I ain't seen you before.

I'm changing slangers. I'm looking
to bring my business to you.

Now, you wanna get paid or what, man?
Because I'm looking to get low.

Let me see what I'm working with.

I'm gonna hold a dub, coz.

-You ain't no cop.
-You need to work on your street skills.

You're gonna walk me
into that stash house off Normandie.

I ain't doing shit for you. I'm 16.

Take me in, they'll call my mom.

-I don't have her number.
-Hey, bro, why you tripping?

I can do this shit all day.

What's it gonna be?
You do what I tell you?

Or blood coming out your ears?

How much fire power inside?

Enough to shred
your bony white ass.

How much cash?

Eight to 10.

-Had a good couple of days.
-Let's get this done.

-What happened?
-Beats the shit out of me.

They was up and slanging
two hours ago.

You ain't a cop. I was right.

And you're a g*dd*mn genius.

We got a runner.

Got a runner. Hey, freeze.


One hundred grand, earnest money.

Don't smoke. Don't drink.

A man of few vices.

For me, it blurs the edge.

The edge is where we live.

All of us, all the time.

People try to convince themselves

It's just an exercise in self-deception.

A philosopher?

Former cop.

Same deal, less horse shit.

Things come easy for you, huh?

You mean one of these
hard-work-is-its-own-reward guys?

I had grandparents like that.

They died miserable and broke.

You've accomplished a lot
in a very short time.

You need to understand something
Pezuela never did.

You've got an action hero
on your payroll.


She's in position.

I've got a visual.

Tell me she's gonna get through
without cracking.

I'd feel better
if we could communicate with her.

That wire is risky enough.

I don't want Mackey
sniffing anything.

Ronnie's here.

Vic's not with him.

It's Gardocki.

What's he doing, recon for Vic?

you have a visual on Mackey?

-Where's Vic?

-This is for you.
-Vic was supposed to be here.

-Is he all right?
-He's fine. Something came up.

Come on, get him talking.

That what I'm supposed
to give Shane?

-Good girl.
-I gotta go.

-Thanks, Corrine.
-Ronnie is his g*dd*mn errand boy.

Mackey's a no-show.
Prepare to apprehend Gardocki.

No, no, Mackey might be watching.

You hold your positions
until you've got a visual.

-We got Ronnie dead to rights.
-We got Gardocki on tape.

We can file on him later.
We haven't got the real bastard.

Stand down.

Do not engage the target.

Shane's an hour late.

This doesn't feel right.

Thinking Mara got cold feet,
spilled to Shane?

They're not coming.

What if Vic figured out
that I was working with you?

That's why he sent Ronnie.

Jesus Christ.

Okay, she's losing it.

Why didn't you give me something
so I could hear you?

Somebody talk to me.

-Okay, call it.

-All units, abort.
-Copy that.

g*dd*mn it.

So now what?

Bottom line, we gotta hunker down...

...while they sweat the streets
on account of the president.

The danger is they know
you think like a cop.

So they're expecting you
to hit certain targets.

But they don't know how I think.

If you got an idea on how we can score
some cash, baby, lay it on me.

-The safe at the real-estate company.
-Come on.

No, there's a lock box...

...where the coordinator
keeps the cheques.

Mara, if I can't knock over
a stash house...

...what makes you think
we'll walk into a bank?

And cash stolen cheques made out
to an escrow company?

They also keep the cheques
for apartment rentals.

-First, last, security deposit.

Most the time,
they're cashiers cheques.

Folk in the 'hood
don't have chequing accounts.

Well, I can pass a cashiers cheque,
no problem.

I don't know
about cracking in no safe.

No, no, I have the combination.

Been filling in
for the assistant manager on leave.

So I'll go in, grab the cheques
and go.

-Too dangerous.
-Only people there are cleaning crew.

Think they don't know
you're fugitive?

They're illiterate
and don't speak English.

I'll go in.

I don't want the mother
of this little girl... harm's way
any more than she already is.

For a guy in a close race...'d think you'd have more pressing
matters than to stalk me for my vote.

Been looking into the circumstances
surrounding Pezuela's su1c1de.

And here I thought
you'd miss the prick.

Interesting facts surfaced...

...when I reached my contacts
at the coroners office.

Cruz Pezuela ate a b*llet
less than 24 hours ago...

...yet his body
is already back in Mexico.

Why waste time
taking out the garbage?

A su1c1de in L.A. County...

...coroner's required
to perform an autopsy.

But he never had the chance.

That's because Pezuela isn't dead.

Is he?

I got some place to be.

We can debate the eternal qualities
of the soul at another time.

Is Pezuela testifying?
What's he saying about me?

I played my cards, you played yours.
I took the pot, I win.

Now step away from the table.
Game over.

No, I still have one more card
to play.

I'll go to Beltran and tell him
Pezuela is alive and testifying.

I will wreck this investigation
before I let you and Olivia cut me out.

What makes you more afraid?

Being denied your legacy
as the great brown reformer?

Or it coming out that your campaign
is financed with dope money?

We have a common cause.

Are you asking me to be your friend?

I'm asking that we both respect
the other's endgame.

-Hey, how goes it?

-Claudette had you out on something?
-Checking a lead.

Something on Shane?

Turned out to be nothing.


Everything okay?

Yeah. Yeah.

Polk's back from San Diego.
I'm gonna go see him.

You got that covered?



Well, what about dr*gs?

Our intel says the cartel's
a major supplier across the Southwest.

Beltran never mentioned any dr*gs.

This guy's all about banks.

The scale of this thing: infrastructure,
transportation, security...

...looks like they're planning
to wash half the Mexican GNP.

Chaffee wants to find a way to imbed
our agents with you.

It's time for me to pull
Ronnie Gardocki into this thing.

Rather use someone from our end.

This isn't the time to play.
Ronnie and I have a shorthand.

I need Beltran to feel he's got reach
into the police department.

-I can't say yes.
-That's the way it's gotta be.

Meanwhile, this is yours.

Pezuela's blackmail file on you.

I just found it.

If I'm honest,
I was tempted to hold onto it.

Pull an Aceveda,
use it to squeeze you.

Thank you.

I just gave away any leverage
I ever had on you.

Now I'm out of a job...

...and I'm cosying up to the most
dangerous men in the Mexican cartel.

And even if I fool Beltran
long enough to stay alive...

...I've got no future
I can plan on past tomorrow.

I need a place to land.

Can I count on you for that?

Excuse me, mi amigo.
Hey, mi amigo.

Let's go. Get back.

Be quiet. Be quiet.

In the back. In the back.

Hey, come on, let's go. Right there.

Be quiet.

Be quiet. Be quiet.

On the floor, damn it. On the floor.

Hit the deck, damn it. Right now.

Down. Down.


All right.

Right, 32. Left--

Hey, shut up,
I'm trying to think here.

Twenty-seven right, 16.

Okay, 32 left, 27 right, 16.



All right, anyone moves, morto.

Mara, come on.

-I got--
-Bring him.

Just bring him, come on.

Let's go. God.

Hurry up.


That g*dd*mn safe.

Okay, I dialled right 32,
left 27, right 16.

You have to pass 27 twice, remember?

Stop on it the third time,
and then right to 16.

-I don't know what that means.
-Oh, God. Here, take him.

Hey, Jackson. Be still, buddy.

Be still. Be still, okay?

Buddy, that's it, huh?


-Okay, we've got it.

So how'd we do?

Five thousand, give or take.

That will work.

Shane didn't show up today?

What happened? I was worried.

Job interview came up
at the last minute. I had no choice.

-Job interview?
-A position opened up with the feds.

I really have a shot.

Good benefits.

And obviously, we're gonna need it.

Corrine, I am so sorry
I left you on the hook today.

I did not want to do that to you.

We sure as hell would have heard
if Shane got popped.

Anything happen at the park
that might have spooked him?

It was just me and the crackheads.

Listen, just get this money
out of here, okay?

It makes me nervous.

Keep it.

Shane might call back.

And if he doesn't, use it for the kids.

-Where did this money come from?
-All that matters is it's in good hands.

Please tell me
when this is gonna be over.


Hi, Dad.

Hey, kid. How are you?

Cassidy, get to bed.
You have an early morning tomorrow.

Just wanna show Dad my math test.

Got a 98.

You got a 98.

That's great, kid.

You're really pulling it together,
aren't you?

Thanks. Trying.

-What? She earned it.

Okay, Dad.

-Love you.
-Love you too.

Fax you a list of the kids we met
as soon as I get back to Dallas.

That could be helpful.

Just know that, usually,
a sit-down for me involves a coach...

...overprotective mother,
sometimes a family minister.

With Rhodes, I had a meet-cute with
some thug in baggy clothes and a grill.

Got me wondering if a scholarship
was a good idea.

For all we know, that thug could've
been there as a show of respect.

Make sure
he wasn't taken advantage of.

By who, me? I walk into a place
like this, I'm Mr. Opportunity.

Money, education, chance
to get out of a shitty environment.

That cuts both ways.

You destroy more dreams
than you make come true.

That earns you some enemies.

Tell me about it.

Last year,
I had a mother come after me...

...after we took a pass on her kid.

Same block as Cardell.

How random is that?

Thanks for bringing Verna
down here.

I didn't want her coming down here
by herself picking up her boy's things.

Did they find who did this?

Not yet.

Never found the g*ng member that
m*rder*d your son last year either.

No, they didn't.

You were at home
at the time of sh**ting?

I was there watching my stories
on television.

Did you hear sh*ts?

No, I....

I heard the siren, though. Then my
neighbour came knocking on the door.

If you care about your friend,
help me solve this case.

Save Verna a lot of pain.

-All you gotta do is tell the truth.
-Of course.

You knew Darren Polk
was in that truck, didn't you?

He the same man
that recruited your son?

He promised Dion a scholarship,
a car, money, all kinds of things.

Then it just, what, all falls through?

Your son was shot and k*lled
a little while after that.

Six months.

Shot my baby in the head
at a bus stop.

Mia, as a mother
who has lost a child...

...tell me that you didn't know
he was in that truck.

With them dark windows...

...I didn't.

I didn't see Cardell.

And that's the truth.

I didn't see Cardell.

That man, he destroyed my boy.

And now he's lying in the dirt...

...when he should be running
for touchdowns.


Hey, I was just about
to go upstairs and take....

Did you get it?

Called IAD. Got the paperwork
started on Gardocki.

We'll be ready to hit him
with an indictment.

It's fine.

Why don't you go home?

Because I've got work to do.

I talked to Danny.

Now that Vic's not here,
she's ready to come back... you take care of things again.

Seeing the bottom of my in-box
is not a priority.

We'll get Vic.

At the moment, I'm a little bit
more concerned about you.

You know,
we can't expect justice out there...

...when we don't demand it
in our own house.

Okay, so now you're taking
on the problems of the whole world?

Everything is not under your control.

If you don't like the way
I'm handling this case... can always leave.

Olivia smelled Beltran's musk on me.
Made her wet.

We deliver, ICE is gonna take care
of both of us, I know it.

If we close the deal
before Shane gets caught.

He and Mara just have to stay invisible
for another day or two.

What do you make of Shane
taking a pass on that money?

He was just giving us busy work.

Keeping it
so we couldn't look for him.

Jesus, this is cutting it close.

Hey, a little ulcer never hurt anyone.

Say hello to my friend,
Ronnie Gardocki.

He speaks highly of your character
and your abilities.

He taught me everything I know.

Boo Ray.

It's been a minute.

How's the family doing?

-My peoples is doing good.
-Glad to hear it.

Look, I need your help
on a little business matter.

I'm tapped out.
Come back another time.

Look, man, come on,
you know these are as good as cash.

All the favours I did for you.

Looking the other way
while you ran your weed operation.

Come on. You owe me, homey.

I will make it up to you.

Got yourself in a spot.

Yeah, don't believe everything
you hear.

This is 2 grand light.

Fifty cents on the dollar.

That's a pretty steep vig.

Look, it's unacceptable.
Give me 75 cents, we'll call it even.

I got enough trouble.

I got a kid.
I got another one on the way.

Walk away, white man, or I dial 911.

Put the phone down.
You're not a snitch.

Giving up a k*ller cop
ain't snitching in my 'hood.

It's the best I could do.

Anyway, it's a down payment
on us getting out of here.

I thought you said this guy
was your friend.

That he owed you bigtime.

Baby, come here.

Moving forward.

I guess we need
to embrace the reality...

...that neither one of us
has a friend in the world.

Except each other.