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07x06 - Animal Control

Posted: 01/13/22 08:08
by bunniefuu

Third time this month.

TINA: I swear,
a bird shits too close to the place

the thing goes off.

I got the back.



D-don't sh**t.

Sir, you all right?

Where are your clothes?

Just stay
where you are.

Stay where you are.

You got a moment?

I just put a call in to one
of my contacts at Justice.

Regarding what?
It's time to end this.

I'm turning over
the blackmail box to them.

And I'm giving you
the opportunity

to come with when I do this,
so we can share the credit.

I want Pezuela in jail.

Not for 30 days
on some pissant charges

his lawyer can plea down
to a fine.

Hey, I'm the one
still washing

Robert Martin's blood
out of my suit.

So this off-the-books
investigation is done.

What about Olivia?

If you turn
over that box now

you're throwing a good woman
and her career under the bus.

She got herself
into that jam.

All she did was
to get arm-twisted

into helping illegals
cross the border.

She doesn't even deal
with Pezuela directly.

She got blackmailed into
committing an illegal act.

She's the only link
we know about for sure.

So if she's got to get dragged
down to bust Pezuela, so be it.


Pezuela uses a guy named Rios
to do his dirty work.

Now if I can catch
Rios red-handed

and make him
give us Pezuela?

If you can do that,
so can the feds.

Oh, I'm on the inside.

I'm the only one now who
can get Pezuela to trip up.

If I can't pull this off

we can both walk into
your buddy's office

day after tomorrow.

All right,
you get 36 hours.

But that box
is getting turned in,

whether you sting Rios
or not.



He had blood on
his hands and chest.

No visible lacerations
or cuts though.

What happened
to his clothes?

He was naked
when we found him.

Seems scared,
he thinks he hurt somebody

but can't remember anything.

Trying to get someone
to come down,

run a test, a psych exam.

This time of night, good luck.

You guys want him
when we're through?


Ah, I'm a little busy here.

Any naked girls show up though,
you give me a holler.

If psych
doesn't want him,

I'll take him in the morning.


The last time we were here,
Shane stood right next to us.

He watched as I vowed to get
the guy who k*lled Lem.

All this time
has passed,

and I still haven't made
good on my promise.

Why are we here?

Aceveda's taking the box
to Justice day after tomorrow.

We lose a lot of
leverage with Rezian

when he finds that
that box is out of play.

What do we do?

I've been standing here
for the last two hours

trying to figure that out.

I think I've come up with a way
to dig us out of our hole.

Which one?

All of them.

I've got a plan
that's gonna get rid

of our Armenian
problem for good,

take care of Pezuela in a way
that secures my badge.

And that will give Lem
the justice he deserves.

You were right,
we can't just wait around

until Shane makes a mistake
that's gonna drown us.

As long as he's around,

we'll never
breathe free air again.

Wait a second. We go through
with what you're talking about.

There's no turning back.

Never thought I'd convince you.
You don't.

But doing this in a rush,
to meet some deadline,

we're bound
to make a mistake.

Look, it's time we made
good on our vow.

We owe it to Lem.

What's the plan?

What I'm thinking about,
won't ever lead back to us.



Where you guys been?

We've been talking, I may let
the rough patch between us

make me a little hardheaded
about the blackmail box.

I told Vic about that
conversation that we had.

Soon as that thing is back
in Pezuela's hands

Rezian's eternally grateful
and we can move past all this.

The problem is,
Pezuela is not gonna wanna pay

for something he considers his.

But Rezian might.

VIC: Our third and final
wish to the Armenians.

Considering all the hell
we've been through,

might as well earn
a little scratch for it.


Call Rezian.

Tell him the owner of the box
is willing to sell it.

For a price.
Okay. All right.

So we get a couple of cholos
to play the role of our sellers.

I say we could milk at least
a hundred grand out of this.

I'll find the cholos.

Get us face time
with Rezian this morning.

We gotta agree to terms
before we make the delivery.

Yeah, sure.

I gotta tell you it's gonna feel
real good to move past this.

Already feel
like there's this weight--


Oh, I'm sorry.
Am I interrupting something?

Look what crawled in.

Tavon. How you doing?

I, uh...

I'm pretty good.

Just got off disability
a few weeks ago.

Still have some
physical therapy to do though.

Really. That's great, man.

Yeah. They got your boy
working Hollywood now.

TAVON: Yeah.

Blow jobs from B-listers,
sounds like good therapy to me.

That's not so bad.
It's, uh--

Hey, Julien.

Oh, you went out and found
yourself another brother?


They, They letting you ride
in the front of the bus yet?


Doesn't matter.

Listen, ah, Julien.

These guys, they might be tight,
but they're not unbreakable.


Listen, eh,
my sympathies about Lem.

Oh, thanks.

What brings you to the Barn?

Oh, I actually came
to talk to that guy.

Oh, you got a minute
to run upstairs

and chat with your captain?

Yeah. What about?
Gary Barba.

Hope he fell
into a meat grinder.

He popped back up on the grid
and landed right in my lap.

Sure. Yeah. Let's go.

I'll, uh--
I'll catch you guys later.

RONNIE: Yeah, do that.
JULIEN: See you later.

Who's Gary Barba?

A blast from Shane's past.

Don't worry.
It won't slow us down.

I liked Barba for a r*pe

back when, uh, Vic and I
were working Vice,

uh, we couldn't get enough
to bring him in.

Piece of shit goes off

and kills his family
a week later.

Only survivor was his, um,
10-year-old daughter Camille.

And he's been a fugitive
ever since.

I mean, completely off
the radar for six years

until this week, when
he reached out to Camille.

No shit.
Her foster family lives in Hollywood.

They contacted us
two days ago.

How's Cammy doing?

She's in bad shape.

I mean, he's been
calling her every day.

I mean, at first
he wasn't even talking,

just breathing.

And now he's trying to get her
to meet, face to face.

Camille told me
that she was close to you.

I stayed with her
in protective custody

while we were trying to track
down her assh*le of a dad.

Camille isn't comfortable

with going face to face
with her old man.

Even with undercovers
around her.

She said she'd only do it
if Shane was there with her.

Can Ronnie spare you?

Oh, for this, yeah.

You know what? I've gotta wrap
up a few things here first.

I'll, um--
I'll meet you there.

Yeah, listen, before we,
uh, get into all this,

I just really wanna
apologize to you

for hitting Mara that night.

Look, what happened in the past
is exactly that.

I've, uh-- I've moved on
and so has my wife.

I really am sorry.


Anything interesting?

Barba's back.

Got a chance to take him.
I'm gonna assist.

We got that
other thing today.

I know. I'll set it up.
I'll have to go back and forth.

I need you to appreciate
the seriousness

of what we're trying
to do here, Shane.

I do,
but Barba is here today.

Tavon say anything else?

You know, he still thinks
he smacked Mara around.

Good. Got enough
problems as it is.

What's the daily word
from the streets?

More like a whisper.
Nothing worth repeating.

on the Armenians?

Let me decide that.

I might have
heard something.

I'd rather not
tell you about it

because I'm afraid of what
you'll do with the information.

I don't pay you
to be afraid.

You don't pay me
enough to stand by

while you assassinate
city officials either.

It made my point.

Yeah, and it scared
the real Armenian targets

right into hiding.

And you know
where they are?


Look, I need to be sure

there will be
no more civilian casualties.

I already made my point.

All right, the word is

the Armenian Board
of Directors is meeting.

All of them. In one spot.

Where and when?

I'll have
all the details soon.

Coordinate with Rios.
Give him the details.

If you're gonna go
through with this,

it's gonna burn hot
and bright for a long time.

Now, it might be best if your
boys get lost afterwards.

Real lost.

Why would he come back now?

Ah, baby, your old man
is a bad penny,

and he was bound to show up
sooner or later.

The important thing
is I am here,

and I am not
going anywhere

until you're safe
and he's under arrest.

Shane and I will be
listening the whole call.

Okay? And he can guide you
through any bumps.

You ready for when he calls?

I'm ready. Are you?

Look, you don't
want him out there,

never knowing when
he's gonna show up again.

Now trust me, Cammy,
you are better off

dealing with trouble now

than looking over your shoulder
for the rest of your life.


Ah, God.

Jesus, I've been
calling you all morning.

I practically beat in
the front door.

I thought you were
supposed to be at the hospital.

I took a personal day.

Are you all right?

Yeah, yeah.
What's going on?

We were supposed to meet,

To talk about
counseling for Cass.

Can we do it tomorrow?

You've been bitching to me
about being more involved.

Now you wanna
do it tomorrow?

I just...

A-- Are you--?
Let me look at you.

Are you on something?

g*dd*mn it, you're high.

I couldn't sleep last night,
and I had these pills.

What kind of pills?
The kind that help you sleep.

Well, looking at your eyes,
they look like downs.

You have any idea how
addictive those things are?

Between Shane kidnapping us

and your ex-cop buddy
guarding us

I haven't had
a lot of rest lately.

Our three children
are living in this house

under your supervision.

Now, if you have to
pop downs

in order to handle
what's happening,

maybe we should figure out
a different plan.

That's just great.

Let that be the last thing
you say before you leave.

Our daughter's
falling apart,

and you're snoring
the day away?

I can't remember anything
after 11 last night.

Where were you then?

Watching the news at home.

Must have fallen asleep.
I sleepwalk.


You ever, uh, woken up
in strange places before?

Most of the time
I come to in my house,

the garage, the kitchen.

Most of the time?

Once I woke up
at a convenience store.

I was arrested
for public indecency.

I was naked then too.

How does your, uh,
girlfriend feel

about you running
all over town naked?

I don't have a girlfriend.

I'm married. Well, been
separated, six months.

You do any dr*gs
last night?

Uh, have anything to drink?

No. I'm-- I'm recovering.

Any idea
who you might have hurt?

I was sleepwalking.

You ever see a doctor
about this problem?

I know how it sounds.

I'm just scared I hurt someone.

I wanna make sure
they're all right.

Okay, Officer Hanlon
took a sample

of the, uh, blood that's on you.

Soon as we get a type,

we can match it against
any reported assaults,

m*rder victims in the area.

Was somebody m*rder*d?

Let's not get
ahead of ourselves.

What happened to your wrists?

Um, sometimes I tie
myself up at night.

To stop myself from leaving.


Well, this isn't
the first time

he's been caught
waving his willy.

Ah, he told me.

Looks like unis
responded to a 911 call

from his wife
six months ago.

Right around the time Jeff
said they were separated.

Could be our victim.

Let's track her down,
find out.

VIC: How's the Tavon thing coming along?

Stopped by
to check on Camille.

She looks great, man,
you ought to see her.

She's really grown up
in the last few years.

Really likes
her new family too.

Hey, you get a lock down
on this old man?

We gotta tell Rezian what time
this thing's happening.

Barba wants a meeting
in the park.

It's gonna be
this afternoon.

I tell you, it's gonna feel
really good righting that wrong.

Let's go get paid.



Open up,
you shit heads.


Come on, open this door.


Smells like
a dog's ass in here.

You boys forget
to slap on some deodorant?

Till my people stop
getting slaughtered

I'll be interested
in survival not luxury.

You said you have the box?
I don't.

But I found out who does.

SHANE: Someone inside the
Mexi's been pulling a fast one

on his bosses pointing
the finger at you

while he plays God
with his little box of intel.

Now that the heat's
getting too high,

he wants to off load
the box once and for all.

Asking price is $100,000.

VIC: As far as I'm concerned,
that's cheap.

You're gonna make 10 times
that in blackmail alone.

Or sell it back to the Mexis
for twice as much

and end this w*r.

It sounds like
a Mexican problem.

Let their g*ng
handle it internally.

The Mexicans think
you still have it,

so it's gonna stay
your problem.

And eventually you're gonna
run out of lamb kebab,

have to poke your head out.

Now, hopefully, you won't catch
a b*llet anywhere it hurts.

Forget it.

They'll have no problem
getting another buyer.

Can I see this box?

Nine o'clock tonight.

That is, if you can get
the cash that soon.

The money is not a problem.
VIC: Good.

The sellers wanna bring
a full crew,

guarantee their protection.

Then I want
a full crew as well.


You bring your three
lieutenants with you.

No weapons.

I'll screen the Mexicans,

make sure no one has
an itchy trigger finger.

Absolutely not.

You're asking me
to expose myself

and my men while there's
a target on our heads?

I'll be there with you,

Anything looks out of place,
I'll pull the plug.

Can't get a better guarantee
than that.

Here you go. Thanks.

What's this?

Composite sketches of
the Robert Martin sh**t.

Mayor wants them hung
in every precinct.

Help yourself.

A man att*cks you
in the line of duty,

and this is the first time
I'm hearing about it?

Army surplus room
was supposed to be cleared.

I didn't wanna get another
officer in trouble.

You understand if you had
stepped forward sooner--

I spent hours looking through
mug sh*ts. On my own time.

This guy wasn't
in any of them.

This is the first time

I've even come across his face
since that night.

New intel which makes
the Robert Martin sh**t

the same
as our body draggers.

I need the Strike Team
to look into where they are.

Any gangs you can roust.

I-I know where Shane is.
Where's Vic?

He's on his way here

From doing what?
Running down a lead.

On what?

This ongoing
Mexican-Armenian shit.

The shit is what
you're trying to feed me.

I put you in charge
of the Strike Team

so I could have somebody
who could be held accountable.

he's running down a lead.

If I wanted to be lied to daily,
I would have left him in charge.

Now, the truth is, that he is
running around out there

doing God knows what while
you are content to sit back

and cover his ass repeatedly.

Now, I've told you
time and time again,

so a reprimand goes
in your jacket.

One more you lose the team, plus
your job, if I can manage it.

You understand?

I am prepared to make it through
putting up with Vic's bullshit

till the hearing.

The question is, who's gonna
be left after he's gone?

RONNIE: Check it.

Where you off to?

Somebody connected
a few dots.

Claudette knows the Martin
sh**t are the same guys

who did the draggings.

She connected them
to Rios yet?


What happened with Rezian?
He's in.

Shane even offered to ride
the deal from the Armenian side,

I didn't even have
to suggest it to him.

I think he's already spent
his share of the hundred G's.

Holy shit.

This is gonna work,
isn't it?

Blood tests
on the naked guy came back.

Can you believe this?

My lawyer says my disability
case is hanging by a thread.

I'm lucky to get payment
for days missed.

Um... sorry?

Where are we at on Mr. Busada?

Blood came back AB negative,
as in not his.

But get this,
the wife's 911 call

was because he was
choking her in her sleep.

Claims he doesn't
remember doing it.

Because he was
sleep k*lling.

I think the parasomnia
claim is bullshit.

He lied to cover up what he did,
like he lied to the ex-wife.

We don't find the victim,
he comes off as paranoid.

We do, he's already
established his defense.

That Lloyd kid burned you,

gets away with sh**ting
his school buddy

and you start
taking it out on everybody

who walks through that door?
Quit projecting on this guy.

Uh, I would hardly say
Lloyd burned me,

and haven't you got
a lawsuit to lose?

Sounds like it's time to have
another talk with Mr. Busada.

Yeah. I'd love to,

but I got a legal catastrophe
on my hands here.

Dutch boy's gonna have to screw
this one up without me.

DUTCH: I guess I'm on my own?
I could use the diversion.


You okay? What's wrong?

Just got a call from Rios.

He says he needs safe
passage out of the country

for himself
and two others late tonight.

Something big must be
going down today.

I haven't heard any
lip flapping on the street.

I've been thinking
of turning myself in,

deal with this the way that
I should've from the beginning.

You've done nothing but
try to protect your brother.

I will keep you clear
of this.

This is my litter box.
I'm not worried about myself.

Why is it that people like
Pezuela walk around free

while you're falling
on your sword?

Because I don't have
any options right now.

Because I did wrong.

You always have other options.

Let's say you were gonna help
these guys with this task.

How would you do it?
I'm not.

I'm just trying to figure out
a way to string them along,

buy us some time.
Time to do what?

If we can deliver
Rios on something solid,

we can get him
to turn on Pezuela.

Whatever they're
planning today

sounds like a perfect

And if we don't figure out
what they're up to on time?

Vic, I can't have any
more blood on my hands.

Oh, we'll never
let it come to that.

Just call Rios,

tell him you're trying
to get his paperwork together.

Meanwhile, I'll--
I'll find out

why he's in such a rush
to leave, okay?


I'm gonna take care
of you in this.


Señor Rios.

Give lube-jobs
dressed like that?

You have
information for me?

Witnesses made two of your boys
for the Robert Martin k*lling.

Same two guys who dragged
a couple of Salvadorans around

like tin cans on a limo.

These are the same two guys

you plan on using
for our thing tonight?

Half the force is already
out looking for them.

Make sure they can't be found.
They won't be.

How's your exit
strategy coming along?

How are your boys
skipping town?

That's not your concern.

With my badge on the line

and Pezuela about to be
my only paycheck,

you bet your ass
it's my concern.

A call has been made.

I'm not gonna do this dance
after every question.

How is it being handled?

I've received confirmation

that our new identification
is being drafted.


Be at the armo junkyard
on Bradwell.

Little after 9.

Everyone will be there?
Everyone who counts.

You put one of them
in the ground,

you better make sure
put them all there.

Anyone having better luck
than me finding these assholes?

Southside door to door
got me nothing but blank stares.

Byz Lats
are in the dark too.

How'd the takedown go?

assh*le dad sensed something
and almost cancelled.

So I'm gonna have to push
that other thing a little later.

Ah, show me which locations
we have left to hit.

I don't think this other
thing can wait until later.

Why not?
You own the cholos, right?

Just tell them
to push an hour.

What if Rezian gets cold feet
because of these changes?

It's a couple hours, man.

Which is it? One hour
or a couple of hours?

All right, fine.

I'll make sure our
Mexican proxies know

the meeting has been pushed.

But make sure you and the armos
are there on time, okay?

I wouldn't miss this
for the world.


I was grabbing Sophia,
not choking her.

I was asleep when I did it.

DUTCH: That's not what
you told your wife.

In fact, you told her you
didn't remember what you did.

BUSADA: I didn't know
what was happening.

I was embarrassed.
DUTCH: Fine.

Let's, uh,

talk about your trip
to the convenience store

a month earlier.
I was asleep then too.

I was. I-- I swear.

I have a disorder.

It's called parasomnia, Jeff.

And if you'd really had
a problem this severe,

I think you'd know what
the proper name for it was.

I wasn't really diagnosed.

And yet, it's your excuse
for everything.

And yet, you won't
see a doctor about it.

You're a recovering
alcoholic, Jeff.

You'd hurt someone
while drunk last night,

you'd still be
accountable for it.

It doesn't mean
that it isn't true.

You know? It doesn't.

You wanna know
what I think?

I think the demise
of your marriage

was making you
feel powerless.

Being naked in public was
a way to get that power back.

In truth, you like making
people experience discomfort.

Most exhibitionists do.

That's the rush.
Until it doesn't work anymore.

You amp it up. Attack someone.

I think you probably got
into some kinky sex.

That would account for the,
uh, rope burns on your wrist.

Only last night,
things went a little too far.

She got scared.

So you silenced her.

Unburden yourself, Jeff.

You did a bad thing.

Don't make it worse
by lying about it.

I'm not lying.

Just tell us
who the victim is.

I-I never...

I never meant
to hurt anybody.

I swear,
I'm not a bad person.

Why don't you, uh,
leave Mr. Busada and me

alone for a moment,

I ran Rios through the database.

Yeah, there's nothing.
There was nothing.

But today, I ran him again
and he was flagged.

They put him
on a federal watch list.

Bank accounts, travel
and surveillance.

What kind of surveillance?

Camera cops documenting his
whereabouts and contacts 24/7.

Audio too?
I don't know.

Vic, if he gets grabbed,

I'll be the first name
out of his mouth.

I need to turn myself in now
while I still have some control.

Turning yourself in might clear
your conscience for a few hours,

but it's not gonna stop
what Rios has planned.

And if he thinks you're burnt,
he's gonna disappear for good.

I can arrange a meet
to give him the fake IDs

and arrest him there.

That way,
I can turn myself in with him.

We still could get him
red-handed. Get you out clean.

What's done is done, Vic.

I'll never be clean of this.

Feds are running
visual surveillance on Rios.

Could be audio too.


Photos of me and Rios
chatting on the same day

this thing goes down.

It's gonna be hard
to deny involvement

when we arrest him
for the Armo hit.

Do we call it off?


If letting Rios and his sh**t
slip through the cracks

means my family being safe,

it's worth going
through with it.

It may delay us
getting Pezuela,

but at least we get Rezian
and his crew members

who knew about me
and the money train.

And Shane, finally.

I'll call you.


Who told you this?
Believe me, it's solid.

With the feds watching,
Rios is of no use to us.

Find a way to get
a message to him.

Tell him to stay clear
of that junkyard.

I'll have his men
do the job without him.

We have to assume that
whatever exit Rios has planned

was compromised.

Gotta find another way to get
this guys out. Understood.

CLAUDETTE: You said earlier that you
were embarrassed to tell your wife

that you were asleep
when you tried choking her.

It's hard to explain.

Try me.
Well, it's disgusting.

That I did that in my sleep?

It shows those feelings actually
exist some-- Some where in me.

It must be difficult.

That moment when you awoke

and she said what you did
while subconscious.

I'm guessing
there's a lot of shame

with that loss of control.
Must be tiring too.

Having to defend your actions

no matter how unacceptable
may seem to other people.

I thought-- Thought
about hurting Sophia.

I wanted to make her pay

for-- For trying to take
my daughter away.

That's understandable.

I know you must love
your daughter a great deal.

Who thinks that about--?

About the mother
of their own child?

I thought
about other things too.

I don't know why...

My brain just goes places.

Like where?

Do you remember that story

about the football player
in the news last year?

He got in trouble
for dog fighting.

He put the female dogs in--
In a box to keep them trapped.

So the males dogs could have
sex with them for breeding.

They called it a r*pe stand.

I don't know why,
but I--

I couldn't stop
thinking about that.

I started to wonder
whether I could build

one of those--
Those for women.

I even made some sketches.

What normal person
would do that?

We can figure this out,

And whatever you have
to tell me,

the faster
we can resolve this.

We can maybe even save
whoever you att*cked last night.

I get these flashes.
Blond hair.

And young, I think.

I see her screaming.

I think I wanted to k*ll her.

You're doing fine, Cammy.
Just fine.

You got six cops
protecting you.

I'm scared, Shane.

Look, you're not scared,
baby. You're brave.

Okay, this is almost over.

What time is it?

He's not due for
another 10 minutes,

but let's keep the chitchat
down on case he's early.

You're good with her.

Hey, look,
I was wondering.

Uh, would you tell me
what happened that night?

I thought Lem told you.

He did.

And I just...

I-I've been replaying it all
in my mind all this time.

You know, what I--
What I can remember at least.

And I just can't understand
how I'd do something like that.

Hell, we got a 16-year-old
girl out there

who's scared to death.

Maybe this isn't the
right time for this, you know?



Picked a bad day
to come out of hiding.

I need to tell her
I'm sorry.

Yeah, that should make it
all better, right?

I mean, you k*lled her mom,
her two brothers.

You almost k*lled her.


Promise me you'll tell her
I'm sorry.


Make sure she knows
I mean it.

You know what, buddy?

Sometimes it's too late
to apologize

no matter how much
you mean it.

do the right thing, Gary.

Confess to all of it.

Maybe I'll tell Camille
you did that.

Nice collar.

Yeah, old-style Strike Team,

long time coming.

I need a minute.

RONNIE: Good job.

Yeah, thanks.

I need that guy's booking slip.
His lawyer called.

VIC: Rezian get the money?
As far as I know.

Okay. Just get there early,
and make sure he stays calm.

Look, I know what to do.


I wanna make sure

that we don't miss out
on a payday, that's all.

We won't, man.



Hey, Shane.

Listen, I was wondering
if you'd be cool

with me stopping by
this weekend.

I'd really like
to apologize to Mara.

It's not necessary.

I'll pass it along.

Look, Shane,
I'd really,

really like to talk
to her in person.

I need to try to make
some peace with myself.

Look, I appreciate it,
Tavon, really.

I-I just don't think

that Mara would be
too comfortable with it.

Yeah, sure.
Sure, I understand.

I mean, hey.

After all, she might not have
her iron ready this time, right?

What the hell is that
suppose to mean?

It's like I said, man.

I've been thinking

about that night
for a long time now.

And I, uh-- I can remember
almost everything.

except for hitting Mara.

You wanna know why I can't
remember that one thing, Shane?

Because it didn't happen,
did it?

You must have gone
through that windshield

harder that you thought.
You lied to me.

And then you had to use
Lem to cover it up,

so you wouldn't
get in trouble.

And I'm guessing it wasn't
the first time

that you had
these guys cover your ass.

What's wrong?


Oh, yeah, ain't got nobody
here to get your back.

But now I know
who you really are.

And so do you.

Hey. Thought you were
headed to the junkyard.

I am, I, uh...

I just forgot something.

Look, you know what? Um...

Maybe I've been looking
at this thing from my side.

Maybe you guys
would be better off.

You know, with a fresh start,
without me around.

It's just that, uh...

I don't know that
we'll ever be able

to put all this shit
behind us, man, really.

So when this is done
and, uh, your family's safe,

if you want me to transfer out,
I will.

You do what you need to do,
but Ronnie and me,

we got no axe to grind.


Okay, I'll, uh-- I'll see you
on the other side.

Can you believe the balls
on that guy?

Hey, superstar.
How's the canvassing going?

I got nothing.
No one's seen these sh**t

or even heard of these guys.

Splitting up
has gotten us nowhere.

The three of us
should roll together as a team.

See if we can
shake things up that way.

I wouldn't mind the company.

Us either.

Hey, give me a minute.

You come to raid
the evidence locker?

Here. I've only been
taking them for a week.

I just wanted
some peace of mind.

I'm exhausted, Vic.

And I know I am not doing the
best job of handling all this,

but it's the best
that I can do.

Those kids
mean everything to me.

And I don't care how many times
Cassidy screws up.

I will never
give up on her. Never.

So, please, don't try to
take them away from me. Please.

Corrine, I'm not gonna try
to take the kids from you.

How could you even think that?

"We need to figure out
a new plan"?

I know you, Vic.

I don't have the energy
to raise these kids

while I'm fighting you too.

I'm begging you.

You think my first move would be
to rip the kids from you?

That's who you think I am?

We both know who you are.

Just please don't do it.

Victim is Fiona Perskie, 34.

She's found in a Dumpster.

How far away from
where we found our guy?

A few miles.

He walked there without
anyone seeing his bare ass?

No. It means he knew
what he was doing.

He drove away from the scene,
got undressed to sell his story.

Stabbed, uh, five times.

CLAUDETTE: We're running
some tests on the blood.

But if you recognize her
as the woman you remember,

you'd be doing yourself
a favor by admitting it now.

Jeff, do you remember
what you did to her?

I'd like to call
a lawyer now, please.


We gotta stall
about five more minutes.


We gotta pull Shane
out of there, man.

I can't do this.

Vic, it's done.
It's all set up.

We'll never get
another chance this clean.

I don't care.

It's not too late.
We still have a choice.

Do you think that Shane
gave Lem a choice?

I'm not Shane.



Don't answer that.

This will just
take a second.

MARA: Hey, baby.

Can you do me a favor?

Uh, now's not the best time.

Can I call you back later?

I just need you
to stop by the pharmacy

and pick up Jackson's
prescription on the way home.

Yeah, sure, honey, um...

I gotta go.
I'm getting another call, okay?

Okay. Bye.

I said no phones,
no distractions.

Give it to him
or we're leaving.


I see any calls to Armenia,
I'm coming after you.


SHANE: Hey, there.
It's Shane. Leave a message.


Something's wrong. Shane
should be answering his phone.

Hey, Ronnie, didn't, uh--?
Didn't Shane tell you

he was gonna be seeing
the Armenians today?

Yeah, I think so.

Did he say where?

No. No idea.


Maybe we should roll by
Little Armenia, anyway.

See if we get lucky.

The captain was clear about
wanting us to stay on task.

Shane should be
answering his phone.

Plenty of reasons
he might not be.

We're looking out
for one of our own.

I'm not gonna sit back
while a team member

falls off the map
in a red zone.


This is taking too long.

You trust
this seller of yours?

SHANE: Vic says it's solid,
it's solid.

Trust me, we want this over
as much as you do.

You know what?

I'll take a look around.



[g*n CLICKS]


Who's this?


He's still not answering.

We pick up
the pace a little bit?


One Tango 13.

sh*ts fired in the area
of 5959 Bradwell Avenue.

Isn't the Armo junkyard
right round there?

No further, Code 2.



Anyone else?
We just got here.




Sorry I'm late.

I, uh, forgot to sign Tavon's
arrest report.

Had to stop by Hollywood.

No problem.

Just glad you're here.

How did you
get those Mexicans?

Almost got my d*ck shot off.

I know. I just got
some late intel on them.

I tried to call you.

Yeah, Rezian
took my cell phone.

Jesus Christ, Shane.

Thank God.
Yeah, no shit.

I'm still shaking.

I don't see any money.

Looks like our Armenian
problem's solved, though.

At least
your family's safe.

Found a victim
for our naked guy.

Woman in the Dumpster?
We already got her.

Captain's working
on a confession now.

No, Mission Cross
just called.

Says they have a blood
match for a girl.

Says she had a run-in
with a naked man

after leaving a bar
late last night.

I had a few
too many mai tais.

I felt sick and my friend
took me outside

to get some fresh air.

But I tripped on the curb,

and I smacked my head
into a fire hydrant.

Suddenly, he just came
running up to us.

Did he say
anything to you?

Well, he just
stood over me.

He kept grabbing on my arms
to pull me up.

He was, like, naked.

So, I mean,
he was a freak.

I just shoved him off me,
and I ran back to the bar.

Did he try to as*ault you
at all or act inappropriately?

No. He just
gave me the creeps.

Officer. Help me
open this door, please.

Oh, sh--

Call an ambulance!


I didn't wanna wake you.

You didn't.
What's wrong?

I just wanted to come by and
tell you, uh, you're safe now.

I, uh-- I let Carlson go.

It's all over.
It's just you and the kids.

Nothing to worry about.


Get some sleep, Corrine.
You've earned it.

BILLINGS: So the city
is countersuing against

my pursuing legal recourse
for getting hurt on the job.

Negligent lawsuit
or some bullshit.

Then my lawyer won't take
the case without a retainer,

but I can't afford the retainer
without winning the case.

Nice legal system, huh?

You gonna eat that?

You know, Steve,
someone died here tonight.

Yeah, well, the guy
sounded like a nut job.

Maybe, but I missed it.
I couldn't close Lloyd either.

You're having
a bad month.

Happens to the best of us.

I did my best work
when Claudette was my partner

because she challenged
my assumptions.

Forced me
to prove my theories.

For better or worse,
you are my partner now.

And I need the help.





You okay?

Someone should call
the wife.

Tina put in a call.

Maybe we should, um,
talk about what happened.

I'm going home, Dutch.



♪ Gave me their problems♪

♪ I accepted them all♪

♪ Nothing ever expected♪

♪ I was rejected♪

♪ But I came back for more♪

Where you been?

Looking for a place to hide
a hundred thousand dollars

where Vic won't find it.

One hundred thousand dollars?
My God.

Where'd it come from?


It's a consolation prize.

For what?

Vic and Ronnie
tried to k*ll me tonight.


Are you sure?

Yeah. They set me up.

It's sheer luck
I'm even alive right now.

And, you know...


You know,
the worst part is--


--is they think I'm too stupid
to even realize it.

