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06x02 - Warm Lunch

Posted: 01/12/22 13:16
by bunniefuu
Previously, on "Workin' Moms:"

Are you sure you should be chasing pills

with, with champagne?

You don't think that you might be able

to maybe write us a
script for some more?

Nice of that lady to
let you hug her kid.

That's my kid.

You're sitting there

telling people what to do while high?!

Some doctor.

You know you can still have another kid.

Yeah? You see any free space
on that calendar?

You know, you could probably
bump some of those meetings.

We received a tip

that you've been abusing
prescription dr*gs.

I'm afraid I have to report you.


What the f*ck?

Please, help!

- Oh!
- I'm right here.

- I'm right here.
- I need-I need air.

- Oh my God!
- It's okay,

you're having a panic attack, buddy.

- Okay. Okay.
- I'm right here. Hey...

Uh, I will, I will,
I will get you some water.

- No, stay! Please.
- No, stay? Okay.

Hey, it's okay.
What should do you think, though,

what should I do?
Oh, you want-oh, you're choking!

You're choking- you wanna choke me out?

- No, the locket. Necklace.
- You wanna wear a necklace?

No, you're not wearing it!

Okay. Oh, okay.

- I see what's going on here.
- Kate, where's the necklace?

You don't see what he's doing?

- It was my, my mother's.
- I know, but it's also

very heavy and
uncomfortable to sleep in,

so it's safely on the cabinet, okay?

Well, go get it!

I got it, I got it.
It's right here, it's safe.

Put it on, put it on!

He's mourning!

Come on!



Okay, I can maybe give this
locket another day, tops!

I know it's weird,
but the kid's clearly having a rough go.

Could you just keep wearing
it for the time being?

You want me wearing it all the time?

Sitting in meetings
looking like Madame Bovary?

I just want my son to be able
to breathe at night. Okay?

Kids process grief in different ways.

Fine. I'll wear it all day.

Every minute of every day.

Despite the fact that
last night wasn't grief.

Uh-uh-uh! It was just another event

in this kid's campaign to f*ck with me

until he drives me out,
and he has you all to himself.

Shh! Here he comes.

- Hi.
- Good morning, how are you feeling?

Better, thanks. You look pretty.

- Good morning, dad.
- Hey!

Oh, this is nice.

- Mm!
- Mm.


Have a good day, everybody!

That's nice.

Okay! Here you go.

Have a great day.

What is it? What's wrong?

Nothing, it's just...
I like a warm lunch.

A... uh, a warm lunch, huh?

Mom used to make it so that it was warm

even when I opened it at school.

I have no idea how she did it.

Well, I uh, I could...
I could warm it up

in the microwave, how about that?
Wrap it in foil,

- yikes, so hot.
- That would never work.

But... feel free to look into it.

Okay. No more.

Okay! Let's get you ready for the day.

First of all, I want to thank you all

for your time here today,
I'm sure you're all very busy,

and the last thing you
wanna be dealing with

is a silly complaint like this.

Oh, there's nothing silly about it.

Abusing prescription
medication while on the job

is a complaint that we
take very seriously.

Of course.

Look I'm willing to own that I may not

have been operating at full capacity.

But this complaint that you received,

it was anonymous.

And I did only work there for one day.

Ah, but one day is one too many

to be a liability to
the people of Cochrane.

Have you ever been in Cochrane?

- How is that relevant?
- Oh, it's relevant,

I implore you to spend
a few months out there

before passing judgement, I mean,

you do what you have to, to survive.

But I'm back home now,

and I'm fully committed
to my private practice.

I've leased a new office,

I am building back a client base.

It would be a shame
for the board to stifle

all that progress, don't you think?


We good here?

We'll get back to you.

The board assigned me a caseworker!

Like I'm some kind of f*ckin' liability!

It sounds like you got off
with a slap on the wrist.

What is this person gonna do,
show up unannounced,

and like, check to see if I'm high?!

Okay, honestly,
it could have been a lot worse.

- Oh, really? Like how?
- I don't know,

off the top of my head,
you could be trapped in

some sort of... mountain hellhole,

waiting for them to throw the
book of cowboy justice at you!

Okay. Well, it's not a competition.

I haven't even seen my new house yet!

Or my kids!

Well, you did hit a kid multiple times.

Stay strong though, we miss you.

I miss you too.

Anne? Anne?

I get to see you in person today.

What is it, my birthday?

I don't know your birthday.

Has my star pupil
finished her book reports?

Yeah. Here's a crazy idea,

how 'bout I only write
detailed PR strategies

for titles you actually
intend on publishing,

not every book proposal
that lands on your desk?

- There's gotta be a thousand.
- At least.

But you're doing great.

And there are worse ways
to earn your way out

of the dog house,
so consider yourself lucky.

Luckiest girl in the world.

- What am I looking at?
- Well, for a change,

there was something decent in the pile.

It's a proposal, and the first chapter

of an exposé about multi-level
marketing companies.

- What, like pyramid schemes?
- Oh, this shit's insidious.

These poor women are buried

under mountains of debt
and essential oils.

Oh God, it sounds riveting.

Hey, don't do that, okay? It is!

You read like, a book in what, an hour?

This is one chapter.
That's barely a tweet for you.

You better get going on that next batch

before that pile gets any bigger.

Always a pleasure.

God, Sloane's a piece of work.

Can't you just make Mo do it?

If I could, I would.

But she made it very
clear that this is my job.

Well, how long are you
supposed to eat shit for?

Who knows, until I barf?

Oh dear, what's all this about barfing?


- Goldie!
- I'm sorry to interrupt,

but we just wanted to drop by

- with a goodie bag.
- Ooh!

To celebrate our doing
business together.

- Yeah.
- Well, that's nice.

Anyway, Kate, that's for your home.

But I think we're gonna have
to send a few more baskets.

That's very thoughtful of you,
Goldie, thank you.


Ah, sh**t, you know what,
I actually have to take this.

Oh, please,
that's what you get for barging in

on a busy lady.
It was wonderful to see you, Kate.

- Can I walk you out?
- Oh, of course.

It would be my honor!

Nice to see you. Thank you again.

Sloane, hey.

Let me guess,
you need some dry cleaning picked up?

You were right.
Couldn't put those pages down.

The journalist is gonna
be in my office at three.

Can you get back here?
Or do you have to attend

another one of your mom's weddings?

Uh no, I will... I will be there.

So, Cindy, a little about me.

Uh, I've had my own private practice

on and off for the last years...

Oh, uh, I know, actually.

This is embarrassing, but...
I'm kind of a fan.

- A fan?
- Another mom lent me your book.

I swear, we're passing
around this one copy

- like it's a hot potato.
- Wow, cool.

It'd be even cooler if
you all bought your own,

but um, that's-that's great.

Yeah, well, my daughter
is a true demon from hell,

so that book has become gospel to me.

I'm surprised I was able to
get an appointment so quickly.

Well, we just moved back, so...

So you're taking on more patients?

Oh! Wait 'til I tell the girls.

That schedule's gonna
book up real quick.

All of our teens are... just trash.

Well, send 'em my way.

- Tina.
- Anne.

I'm your board of psychiatric

ethics and practices caseworker.

Oh. Oh! Um...

I'm actually just in a session.

I wish you would've
told me you were coming.

Well, that would defeat the purpose.

- What purpose?
- I need a sample.

I hope your bathroom's
big enough for two.

I know- I know what this is.

Who put you up to this? Was this Bob?

He always pulls the
most hilarious pranks.

Tina, if that's your real name,
let me show you out.

Cindy, I will be right back.


Careful, it's hot.

Nothing I can't handle.
See you next week.

Right, it's, you know, it's just that

I'm working really hard at
building up a roster again.

Optics here.

You know what I'm saying?

Do you think you could give me
some advance notice next time?

Why? So you can tape
a clean urine sample

to the inside of the toilet t*nk?

Not on my watch.


Well, this is a hell of a debut.

We rarely see a voice this strong

so early on in a career.

Where have you been hiding,
Rebecca Anderson?

Uh, journalism school, I guess.

- I graduated last June.
- And why pyramid schemes?

Well, every time I logged onto Facebook,

it seemed like another girl
I went to high school with

was claiming some useless skin
care cream changed her life,

gave her financial independence.

And I'm always looking
for a side hustle,

because I've got crippling
student debt, right?

So I attend one of the
girl's presentations,

and as soon as I try
and state the obvious,

she gets super cagey and defensive.

I realise there's no job here, but...

there is a story.

Well, I think it's pretty clear
this is the kind of book

we're looking for,
so what are you looking for?

To help these victims, obviously.

And paying off my loans wouldn't hurt.

Also, protection.

The MLM crowd is a loyal bunch.

Sorry, when you say protection, uh,

we're not bodyguards.

Oh, I'm talking about reputation.

They will ruin you in a second.

Well, that won't be a problem.
Kate here will be

your personal PR rep.

She will guide you and protect
you through the whole process.

At Wynston, you're bulletproof.

- Yeah? That would be amazing.
- That being said,

it would be nice to know
some of the particulars

before we move ahead.
I'd love to know some

of the names of the companies
you are calling out.

Yeah, and I get into that
in the next few chapters,

- which I've almost completed.
- Great, send 'em over

when you're ready.

Not without a publisher's
full commitment.

Sorry, if you knew the kind
of fire I was playing with...

It's a lot.

That's a contract in your inbox.

Commitment enough for you?

Exciting, huh? Sweet kid.

Yeah, I just would've liked
to have known

what I was taking on before
you offered her a deal.

Oh, would you give it a rest,

she's sending over the
next chapters tonight.

I appreciate you looking out for me,

and I thank you for the recommendation,

- you got a hell of an eye.
- Mm.

Oh, would you loosen up?!
What do you want me to say?

Well, for starters,
how about you call off the busywork?

Is that what this is about?
Fine. I relieve you.

- So you admit it was busywork!
- I was pissed off.

- So am I out of the doghouse?
- For now.

- I can come inside?
- Baby steps,

- you're on the porch.
- I don't mind the porch,

- I like the porch.
- I'll tell you what, that necklace

- ain't coming in, though.
- Oh, for f*ck's sake,

you don't wanna know.

I've been thinking a lot
about what you said.

And I've decided maybe I could...

bump a couple meetings.

Sorry, I don't know
what you're talking about.

- A baby. Having one. Me.
- What?!

Well, I'm gettin' the ball rolling,

- giving it a shot.
- Holy shit!

What? Is that bad?
You think it's a bad idea?

I think it's a great idea, really.

Well, you know your way
around this world, so...

I might ask for help down the line.

Anything you need, I'm here.


Hmm. Oh! Sorry.

Shit. School.

Kate Foster.

This is the nurse
at Decklinton Secondary School.

We have you down as an emergency contact

for Nathan Podeski?

It's a spare period for me.

- Yeah, I'm heading out, too.
- Wait, you guys have spares?

Don't we have careers class now?

Not if you got a job, bitch!

If you can get a part-time job,
then they give you

- the credit for the class.
- Seriously?

- Yeah.
- And you guys both have jobs?

Basically everyone in the grade does.

Skip school, and get paid?
It's a no-brainer.

Dr. Carlson's office.

No problem. What was the name?

Wilson, here it is.

So it looks like we can
fit you in Friday, at : .

Great, see you then.

Pretty good.

So, does this mean I have the job?

It's more than just answering
the phones, you know.

I know.

This is an emotionally charged place.

You need to be sensitive and empathetic.

People need to feel
like they can trust you.

Because your face screams "trust me?"

I'm serious!

If you want that signature for school,

- you're gonna have to earn it.
- I will!

Here, look,

I started linking client
profiles to the calendar,

so now whenever you
click on someone's name,

all their info comes up.

Oh, wow,
that's actually pretty impressive.

You should probably start taking
more detailed notes, though,

this patient's entire file
just says, "yikes."

What? No, it...

Noted. Yep.

Look at us! Huh!

Like a dream team,
you and I, I'm so excited.

- Maybe we can go get a coffee.
- I'm good.

Actually, you know what,
just go get me a coffee.

He said he'd gotten so used
to having warm lunches,

that when he bit into the
cold sandwich you sent him,

his throat closed up, and he choked.

Oh, for God's sakes, where is he?

Well, I made sure
his windpipe was clear,

and I sent him back to class.

I know he's going
through a lot right now,

so maybe you could
just pop his sandwiches

in the microwave,
and wrap them in some tinfoil...

Sorry, are you saying you actually think

- he choked on cold food?
- Are you saying he didn't?

I'm saying that he's...
I don't know, f*ckin' with me?

You know, I mean,
did you ever eat pastrami

so cold your throat seized up?

Is that meat?

- Look, I never met Marlene.
- Oh, she was a great mom.

Volunteered at all the bake sales.

Uh-huh, no, she sounds great,

God rest her cookie-selling soul.
But in your medical

opinion, you know,

could there not be a correlation

between choking on room
temperature bread, and...

hating your new stepmother?

Ah... I see.

If I may, part of being a good step mom

is giving them what they need,

without passing any judgement.

In this case, what he needed was...

Oh, are we really doing this? Okay.

- A warm lunch?
- Bingo.

You'll get the hang of
this mom thing in no time.

Cool, thanks, nurse.

I love your necklace, by the way.

Oh my God.

I tried to step it up,
Anne, I really did.

Grieving is messy and confusing.

It sounds like you're
caught in the crossfire.

All you can do is support him.
Give him what he needs.

I keep hearing that,
"give him what he needs."

I'm doing everything I can to
make that kid feel welcome!

Even wearing this f*cking thing

at all hours of the day and night.

I'm pretty sure it's
turning my clavicle green.

It sounds like you need
to go toe-to-toe with him.

Alice! Out.

So you agree he's f*cking with me!

- How would you feel if he was?
- Thank you, honey,

- you can go now.
- Unappreciated, I guess,

I mean, neither of us
asked for this, you know?

I'm just looking for
some basic human decency.

You know one thing I learned

from going to three
schools in two years,

is that sometimes you need to
teach people how to treat you.

Huh. That's good.

- You're a smart kid.
- Thank you.

Now, shoo.

Oh my God.

No. No.

I mean, she's comin' for you.

So, how was your first day?

It was kinda cool, actually.

Yeah? I'll take "kinda cool."

I've gotta hand it to you,

you were pretty good with Kate in there.

What's your secret, Dr. Carlson?

I don't know, I just listened, I guess.

It was pretty easy, to be honest.

- Easy?
- Yeah.

- You think anyone can do this?
- No. But...

maybe I can.

Do you know how many hours
I had to put in to do this?

I went to medical school, I...

cut open cadavers.

To be a therapist?

You didn't think to question that?

A psychi...

Listen here.
I'm trying to rebuild a practice.

You can help by answering phones, uh,

running my calendars, and...

keeping your mouth shut. Got it?


Are you scared that I'm gonna
become a better psychiatrist

than you with zero experience?

How does that make you feel, Anne?

Nathan Jr.?

You gotta bring your hamper d...

Oh, you little piece of shit!

- Isn't it something?
- Oh!

- You've seen this before?
- Oh, absolutely.

- Hmm, really? Okay.
- Oh, yes.

- Hi?
- Oh, perfect timing,

come in here, you're gonna love this.

This is Valeria,
she's a jewellery appraiser.

I just figured since the locket's been

in the Podeski family for generations,

we should probably insure
it as quickly as possible,

- don't you think?
- My! My, my, my.

My, my, my, my, my.

What kind of silver did you say it was?

- Um, sterling?
- Well, then, don't mind if I do.

It's part of her process.


- No, that can't be right.
- What's that?

Are you're sure it's sterling?

Of course he's sure it's sterling.

- What is its provenance?
- Um... England?

Well, that's impossible.

These markings are distinctly Germanic.

Can I have that back, actually?

Why? Wouldn't you want
to make sure something

so valuable is properly cared for?

Unless it's not valuable.

Now, Kate, let's not be hasty.

Maybe this is that
special kind of silver

that's so rare and expensive

it actually looks like
a cheap piece of shit.


It's fake, okay?!

It wasn't my mom's, I bought it.

For $ . ? I found the receipt.

Caught red-handed.

You're a little devil, aren't you?

Thank you for your help,
Val, I'll call you later.

Anytime! That was fun.

All right, I'm sorry.
I just didn't know...

- Didn't know what?
- What to do about you!

I-I can't just treat you like my mom,

it's not fair to her.


Honey, I'm...
I'm not trying to replace her.

But your mom, when,
when she chose your dad

to take care of you,

she knew I was part of the package.

If I got her sign-off,

do you think I can get yours?

What if I throw in a new
frog to sweeten the pot?

- Too soon!
- I'm sorry. You're right.



I swear to God, if you just tried sleep,

I think you'd get a
real a kick out of it.

You check your email?

Rebecca sent over the "naughty list."

It feels like something
I could've checked on

- in the morning.
- Just open it!

It's a doozy.

- All right, all right.
- Ah! She's spittin' fire!

These pyramid schemes are goin' down.

Holy shit, big f*ckin' names!

Oh shit, you weren't kidding.

Somebody's gonna get their ass
handed to 'em.
