04x21 - Trading Places

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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04x21 - Trading Places

Post by bunniefuu »

-[Beginning theme music]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ Where the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready, I
won't let you out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always,
I'm always here ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always,
I'm always here ♪

-You wanted to
see me, mister mahorn?

-Our last shipment
was short, zeke.

A dozen r*fles short.

-Come on, you don't think
I'd steal from you, do you?

[Laughs] come on.
I'm not that stupid!

-I don't think, zeke. I know.

-No! Come on,
mr mahorn, please.
You've gotta let me find them.

Please, please!

-Okay, let's get outta here.

-Summer: baywatch to scarab one.

Stephanie, it's summer.

We just got a call over the
emergency distress channel.

A pilot on approach to
santa monica airport

Thinks he spotted a body
floating in the water,

Ten miles west of vista point.

-We got it, we're on our way.

Over there!

-It's the coastguard.

They must have picked
up the distress call.

Stephanie, what's wrong?

-Baywatch scarab, this
is coastguard copter

Come in, baywatch.

-Go ahead, this is scarab.

-Stand down, repeat,
do not proceed.

Stand down at once.


Stephanie, I gotta
cut the engines.

-Rescue check complete, sir.

Swimmer's ready.

-Deploy swimmer.


Swimmer's okay.

-[Dramatic music]

-Petty office scott daniels,
united states coastguard.

-Lieutenant stephanie
holden, la county lifeguard.

This is my colleague,
matt brody.

-We radioed ahead
for an ambulance.

The victim's been transported
to the emergency room.

Looks like he's gonna make it.

-Why did you order
us to stand down?

-You were heading for a
large chunk of that fish net

The victim was wrapped in.

You couldn't see
it from your boat.

We could see
it from the air.

It would have
fouled your screws,

Disabled you, and
pulled the victim under.

-Hey scott, let's go!

-See you around, lieutenant.


-Hi, chief thorpe
reviewed my report

On our joint operation
with the coastguard.

He agrees that our
procedures need improving,

So then we're going
to be participating in

An exchange training
program with the coastguard.

-Starting when?


A coastie will be coming here
to learn more about our jobs,

And then I'll go work with them.

-Sounds like fun.

Hey, maybe they'll let you
jump out of a helicopter.

-Hey, look at that guy swim!

-Oh no.

-What? Who is it?


Have fun.


-Petty officer daniels
reporting for duty.

-Welcome to baywatch.


-You've met matt brody.
-Scott: yeah, hi.

-And this is summer quinn.


So where'd you swim from?

-Redondo beach.

It's about four miles.

I usually swim six, but I
wanted to save my strength.

I'm sure I've got a
grueling day ahead of me.

-I can't believe they
actually get paid to do this!


What's that old
lifeguard slogan,

It's not just a job,
it's a vacation.



-Well, unlike you people,
we don't sit around

Drinking coffee, waiting
for the phone to ring.

We have to maintain a
constant state of readiness.

And then react instantly.

Without the benefit of
all your fancy toys,

I might add.

This is as high-tech
as we get around here.

Your rescue can is not
just a life-saving device.

You may need it for
self-defense as well.

Not all the action on the
beach happens in the water.

You just as easily might
find yourself in the

Middle of anything
from a lovers' quarrel,

To a g*ng w*r.

Excuse me, petty office daniels.

I take my job very seriously,

And I expect you to do the same.

-Well, excuse me, lieutenant.

But you're not dealing with some

Fresh off the swim
team rookie here.

Like yourself, I'm a highly
trained professional.

And I have spent much
of my last five years

Airlifting oil workers
off burning derricks

In the gulf of mexico.

Pulling fishermen
from the bering sea.

Divers off the caribbean reefs.

Hikers hanging off
cliffs at big sur.

So I think I know a thing or
two about making a rescue.

What are you doing?

What's going on?


-Hey, watch it, man!

-[Dramatic music]

-Stay where you are!
-I can't touch the bottom!

-You're in a rip current.

-Let's get out of here!

-I got you; you're all right.

Nice of you to join us.

-Let me take him in.

Come on.

You're okay, come on.

-Wait, I didn't
order this, summer.

-I know.

It's compliments of petty
officer scott daniels.

United states coastguard.

You gotta admit,
stephanie, he's got style.

-Mind if I join you?

Look, I want to
apologize for coming on

Like such a jerk today.

Every now and then my
rescue swimmer's ego

Raises its ugly head.

-Does this mean that
you're admitting that

There's more to being
a lifeguard than

Just getting the perfect tan?

-I'll admit it's
not as easy as it looks.

I'll be honest, I didn't
have a clue who was

The victim out there today.

-Well, maybe now you'll
respect what we do.

-Without question.

-And you'll stop
referring to lifeguards as

Land weenies and sand peeps.

-[Laughs] never again will
those words ever pass my lips.


-Look, I realize we got
off on the wrong foot,

But I really would like if
we could become friends.

-Well, I'm willing to
leave open that possibility.


-I'm sure beneath
all that macho bluster

There's a warm,
sensitive side of you

Just crying out for equal time.

-You read me like a book.

And I'll bet you
like chinese food.

-[Laughs] I love chinese food.

But I start my coastguard
training tomorrow,

So I have to get a
good night's sleep.

Thanks for the root beer.

See you in the morning.

-First thing.



-So, how'd it go?

-[Sigh] well, if she looks
back, she's interested.

I guess that only works
if you're clint eastwood.

So, what are you doing tonight?


-I'll get her.

-Thanks for the ride.

-Give them hell, steph.

-I'll get that.


Did you get a good
night's sleep?

-Yes, I did.

-You missed a good dinner.

Chief's right up here.


-Chief, this is lieutenant
stephanie holden.

She's the lifeguard I
was telling you about.

-Heard you had to pull his
fat out of the fire yesterday.

About time somebody
put him in his place.

-Nice to meet you, chief.

-Welcome to the coastguard.

-Thank you.

-The chief was just
telling me that the victim

In the fishnet isn't talking
about how he got there.

-Why not?

-His name is zeke larouge

He showed up as a suspected
smuggler in the epic files,

But he hasn't been convicted.

-Since we already have
your security clearances,

We may as well use
this case as part of

Your first coastguard
training session.

Law enforcement.

-Zeke's been working on a
suspected smuggling vessel.

Fishing boat called
the la paloma.

-It's on our lookout list.

It means that some
agency, the A*F, fbi, dea,

Customs and coastguard has
a special interest in them.

Reason to believe they're
doing something else

Other than fishing.

-Spotted them going south
off the mexican coast,

But it was too rough
for a boarding.

-So what do we do now?

-We keep watching.

La paloma's just one of
many boats on our list.

Okay, well now that
you got your feet wet,

We'll move on to some of
the other things that we

Do around here when
we're not sitting around,

Drinking coffee, waiting
for the phone to ring.

-[Rock song plays]

♪ Hold up don't take for granted

♪ Don't you mess around

♪ I'll make you beg for mercy

♪ Then I'll take you down

♪ No lip your tongue is twisted

♪ What your got to say

♪ Surrender all resistance

♪ I'll let you walk away

♪ You bet I won't but oh yes I can

♪ You'll never find yourself a better man

♪ Rise born to fight

♪ Stay alive

♪ Reach the sky

♪ Stand up, you will be counted,

♪ Whatcha you wanna be

♪ Time's up when you're surrounded

♪ You better follow me

♪ Zoom out and focus in on

♪ There's so much to learn

♪ Gotta send me back to schoolin

♪ Gonna take my turn

♪ You bet I won't but oh yes I can

♪ You'll never find yourself a better man

♪ Rise born to fight

♪ Stay alive

♪ Reach the sky

-Before we go up in the helo,

There's just one more
area we have to cover.

One of the most important
functions of the coastguard

Is the maintenance of
maritime navigational aids.

-Give me a break.

-See that opening
at the bottom?

All you've got to do is climb
in there with the shovel,

Start scraping.

-What's inside?

-Oh, barnacles, seaweed, sludge.

You know, you name it.

If it's in the ocean,
it's in that buoy.

-Here you go.

-You're not really
gonna make me do this?

-Oh yeah.

Tubing a buoy is a vital part
of the coastguard experience.


-What are you looking at?

-good luck.




Ow, ow, ow!


Ow, something is biting me!


A little coastguard humor?

I will never forgive
you for this.



I take it you've flown
in a helicopter before?


-You ever jump out of one?

-No, but I've jumped off a
pier, bridges, boats, cliffs.

Heights aren't a problem for me.

-Well, good. Let's do it.

-[Dramatic music]

It gets a little
claustrophobic in here.

How are you holding up?

-I'm fine.

-You remember all
the hand signals?


-You're awesome.

Remember, when you jump, keep
your eyes on the horizon.

But do not lose
track of the victim.

Just a tricky crosswind.

Stay focused.

Okay, you're ready!

-[Dramatic music]



Are you sure you're up for this?


Sir, scrub the swimmer's
training for today.

-Okay, I'll notify rescue boat.

-All right, come on, that's it.

It's over.

You can do it again.

It's okay. It's all right.

-[Dramatic music]


I checked at headquarters.

They said you might be here.

Stephanie, you've got
nothing to be ashamed of.

It's damn scary up there.

Especially when you're getting
buffeted by those winds.

-It wasn't the wind.

I wish it had been.

I wish it were that simple.

When I was seven,

My father died in
a helicopter crash.

In vietnam.

For years I had
nightmares whenever I saw

News footage about the w*r.


I developed this deathly
fear of helicopters.

And then I went
to washington dc,

I saw his name on the wall,

And the nightmares stopped.

And I thought I'd come
to terms with losing him.

But then the other day,

When you swooped over
us on the scarab,

It all came back.

With such a vengeance.

-Maybe the best way
to deal with that fear

Is to confront it head on.

You don't strike me as a woman

Who backs down from anything.

I think you should get
right back up there.


I just need a little more
time, okay? To regroup.


-Hey, bro.

Let's go, come on.

-Claymore mines,

Grenades, mortars,



Get it all on board;

We got to get back
to la before dawn.

-Don't people realize what
those nets can do to sea lions?

-Good thing they have
us looking out for them.

-You're welcome! [Barks]


Come on, say goodbye to them.

-Yeah, goodbye.

-Come on.

Goodbye! [Barks]


-You're crazy.


-So, you never told me how
it went with the coastguard.

Ready to enlist?

-No, not in the near future.

I'm very happy where
I am, thank you.

-Well, what about
the rescue swimmer?

-What about him?

-Well, summer said he
has the hots for you.

Are you gonna go out with him?

-I already did.

We had dinner last night.

-Oh-oh! And...

-And what?


-Is there another date?

-Look, could we talk about
something else, please.

Like maybe your personal life.

-Oh, my personal life?

Sorry, I don't have one.

-Oh, please! [Laughs]
-let me take over.



-We're sitting ducks out
here in broad daylight.

-I gotta wait until
the engine cools

So I can see what's wrong.

-I knew it! I knew it!

-What's the matter?

-There's a coastguard
patrol boat out there.

-Well, get in there!
Fix the engine!

-Nichols, any word from
district on our sighting report?

They want me to board this guy?

-Not yet, chief, they're
still talking to the A*F.

Group is asking us to
take the radioguard

For the six-five-four-three.

-Very well.

-We threw a rod.

Engine's a total loss.

-So is our cargo.

We can't risk getting
boarded by the coastguard.

Abandon ship.

-Commander, I've got the
seven-three with secure traffic
on radio.

Chief clark would like to
brief you on something.

-Roger, switching.

Seven-three, this is
Go ahead, chief.

-Roger, six-five-four-three,
we have a vessel
under surveillance,

Diw, about four miles
west of our position.

If you don't have urgent
business elsewhere,

We'd appreciate your support.

Do we have your
radioguard, over?

-No problem, chief. Out.

-The fire's set. Let's go.

-All right, let's get
this thing in the water.

And take a heading to shore
so we'll lose the coastguard.

-Stephanie, check it out.

-Scarab one to scarab two,
come in scarab two.

-Newman here.

-We have a burning vessel
off long beach harbor.

We're gonna need your help.

-You got it.

-[Dramatic music]

-Gunmount one.

this is seven-three.

Looks like our target is
trying to scuttle the ship.

We're moving in to check it out.

-Roger, seven-three,
we're on our way.

-Look, possible survivors!

-Oh, just our luck.

It's the lifeguards.

What do we do now?

-Cut the engine.

Come on, start waving your arms.


-Do as I say.

Their boat's a lot
faster than ours.

Good thing you spotted us.

-What happened?

-Generator blew.

Started an electrical fire.

-And our raft sprung a leak.

-Baywatch scarab one to--
-put it down.


Get over there.


You, get over here.

Untie this raft.

Laimbeer, get over
here, tie him up.

-What about her?

-She stays with us.

-You just can't
leave him there.


-Tie her up.

-No! Stephanie!

Don't leave me!



-Scarab two to scarab one,
come in scarab one.

Stephanie, what the
heck is going on?

-[Dramatic music]

-Forget the fire,
forget the fire,

The lifeguard boat
has been h*jacked.

Suspects are in control.

-Roger, six-five-four-three.

Be advised, A*F
said these people

May have been smuggling weapons.

They're probably armed.

-Scott: speedboat southbound
off of long beach harbor,

This is the coastguard.

Cut your engines now.

-[Dramatic music]

-Yellow scarab,
cut your engines.

-Ugh, god.

-Sir, they took a shot at us.

Daniels has been hit.

-Check him out and hang on.

-Seven-three, we're trying to
herd the suspects toward you.

Your present course
should intercept.

-Roger, we've got him in sight.

-Baywatch scarab, come left.

Try to keep him from
heading onshore.

But stay out of g*nsh*t range.

-[Dramatic music]

-Coastguard: cut your engines,
put your hands in the air.

Drop your weapons, move
to the bow of the boat.

-Weapons on the deck,
hands in the air, move!

-Get to the front
of the boat. Do it!


-Get to the front. Get to
the front! Get on up there!

-Down on your knees!

-They dumped my partner
overboard back by
the fishing boat.

Will you get the helicopter
to go look for him?

-Can do.

-Is scott daniels on that crew?

-He's on board
but he's been shot.

He was wounded by
one of these guys.

-Shot! Is he okay?

-Coastguard: he's all right.
-Can I talk to him?

-We'll get you hooked up.
The radio's over here.

-We're gonna need your help.

-Go ahead, lieutenant.

Scott, we've got to
back and look for matt.

He's in trouble,
can you let me up?

-Sounds good,
prepare for hoist.

-My pilot's giving
me a thumbs up.

Stand by to be hoisted.

You'll have to be
our rescue swimmer.

I've got a shrapnel wound.

-[Dramatic music]

All right, you sure about this?

-My friend's out there;
I don't have much choice.

-Use my gear, some
of it will fit you.


-I thought you said
it was just a scratch.

-Don't worry about
me, concentrate on
what you're doing.

-I have a contact. Person
in the water, 3:00.

-Swimmer ready.

You can do it.

-[Dramatic music]

-I've got you!

I've got you, matt.



-Oh, here we go.
Here we go. Here we go!

Well, it's getting better.

-Well, this egg
roll is delicious.

-Here, try it with
some of the sauce.

-No, no, not if it's spicy.

-You don't like spicy food?

-No, I don't. [Laughs]
you do, I knew it!
You like spicy food!

-I hate spicy food.
It gives me heartburn.



I can't believe how
much we have in common.

I mean, being open
and talking like this,

This has never
happened to me before.

-I think you're a very
interesting man, scott daniels.

And I like being with you.

-So what's next?

How often do we see each other?

On the weekends?

A couple of times a week?

Every day?

-[Laughs] let's just see if
we can make it through lunch.
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