04x14 - Coronado Del Soul: Part I

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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04x14 - Coronado Del Soul: Part I

Post by bunniefuu »

[Theme music playing]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to have somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be alright ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready
[i'll be ready] ♪

♪ Whenever you fear
[no, don't you fear] ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready
[i'll be ready] ♪

♪ Whenever you fear
[no, don't you fear] ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

[Gentle music]

-I love you, diana.

I love you more
than life itself.

-Oh, rupert, don't.

-Leave him.

Leave everything.

Come away with me.

-I can't, jonathan won't grant
me a divorce, you know that.

-Do you love me, diana?

-Rupert, with all my heart.

-Do you love me more
than life itself?


-Then come away with me now.


-Where we can be
together for eternity.

Where nothing can
ever come between us.

[Jazz music]
[splashing waves]

Two souls, one breath.

[Jazz music]

-Hey, morning, dad.

-Morning, pal.

-Hey, dad, I don't get it,

If you're taking the scarab
to san diego,

Then how come we have to drive?

-Because we're making
a stop along the way.

-Solana beach.

-What's in solana beach?

-Six foot swells,
according to your uncle.

-My uncle?

Uncle buzzy?

-Yeah, that's right, and kyle.

-Well, what are they
doing in san diego?

-They bought an old sailboat
and they're living on board

While they're restoring it.

-How cool.

Can't wait to go
surfing with kyle again.

Remember when they
were here and...

-Yeah, he almost k*lled
himself sh**ting the pier,

Believe me, I remember.

Look, I know he's your only
cousin, but he's not exactly

What I would call
the most positive role model.

-Kyle: hey, I'm gonna
pop a chill, want one?

-What's a chill?

-A beer.

How old are you anyway?

-10 And a half, almost 11.

-Knock yourself out.

-Oh, no, thanks.

-Go on, take a hit,
it's not like

You're gonna be
driving or anything.


-Mitch: hey, hobie!

-Well, dad,
that was two years ago.

People change.

Who knows, kyle's probably
like this perfect kid now.

-I doubt it, not with
a father like buzz.

How come you never
told me about kyle?

-I suppose 'cause his mother
never told me about him.

You remember
when I was living

In that commune up in big sur?

There was this lady, felicia,
looked like joni mitchell,

I mean, she was beautiful.

Anyway, we kinda dug each
other, but, well, you know me,

I'm not one to stay around
one place for too long.

She never told me she was
pregnant when I split,

I never saw her again.

-Then how'd you
find out about kyle?

-She died about three months
ago, they tracked me down

In bells beach in australia.

So I came back,
picked him up, he's mine.

-No offense, but I mean,
are you sure he's...

-That he's my kid?

You wait til you see
him on a board, man.


I mean, that's wild,
I mean, you're a father.

What are you gonna do?

-It beats the hell out of me.

-I'm serious.

-I know you're serious,
you're always serious.

You were born serious.

I'm the only screw-up
in this family.

I don't know, I don't know.

-Good job.

-Yeah. All right.


-What was that all about?

-She's just an old
friend from malibu high.

-I don't remember her.

-She must have left
before you got there.

-All these girls
from your past, matt,

It's funny how they
just keep popping up.


-You guys all set?

-Yeah, what's the
best time so far?

-Mitch and c.j.,
One minute and 47 seconds.

They've already qualified.

-Qualified? I thought this
was just a training session.

-It is, but there's
a special bonus

For the two fastest times.

A team from baywatch has
been invited to san diego

To demonstrate water-based
rescue operations.

So far, it's mitch,
c.j., And myself.

Come in under two minutes
and you've got

A free weekend
at the hotel del coronado.

-Alright, let's do it.

See you later.

-Good luck.

Get ready!


[Engine roaring]

[Rock music]

One minute, 57 seconds.

You're in!


Del coronado, here we come!

[Gentle music]

-Stephanie: hello.

-Matt: hey.

Stephanie: hi,
how was your drive?

-Matt: excellent, we came
down the coast highway.

-Stephanie: ours was great.

-C.j.: Guys,
this place is fantastic.

-Summer: yeah,
I can't wait to see the rooms.


-Hi, you guys,
this is mel dawson

Of the coronado
island lifeguards.

-How you doing?
-Hi, I'm summer.


-Nice to meet you, hi.

How you doing.

-Thanks for coming, I don't
know what stephanie told you,

But we've been trying to add

A water-based unit
around here for years.

I finally figured the only
way to get the funding from

The city council is to show
them what they'd be missing.

Anyway, I understand
you guys have had

Some success with your scarabs,

So I called up lieutenant holden
and I begged her for help.

-Summer, are you with us?

-Oh, yeah, I'm sorry.

-It's okay, I scheduled
the formal briefing for

Later on tonight, so you'll
have some free time until then.

But feel free to call me
if you have any questions.

[Gentle music]

-There they are.

-Dad, do you ever wish
you and buzzy were closer?

Well, you guys were really tight
when you were young, right?

-Yeah, we were, but when
buzzy left home at 17,

I guess our lives just went
off in different directions.

-You mean you settled
down and buzzy's still

Out there searching
for the perfect wave?

-Something like that.

-Hey! Hey, they're
here, come on!

Hey, come on down here,
you wusses.

Come on!

Hey, bro!

How you doing?

-Man, I missed you.

-You look great.
-I missed you.

What do you think?
You see me out there,
not bad for an old has-been.

-Took the words right
out of my mouth, old has-been.

Kyle, hey, come here, pal!

Oh, man.
Look at you, you got big!

-Hey, can you show
me that cut back move?

-Yeah, of course, go on out,
I'll be right out there.

-Great, see ya.

Come on, kyle, let's go!

-Go on out.

-Hey, mitch, mitch,
you remember

That cut back move
I taught you, man?

-Geez, buzz, I don't know,
you taught me so much.

-You better believe it, bro.

Why don't you get your board?
We'll see how much you remember.

-Piece of cake.

[Gentle music]

[Wind blowing]
[eerie music]

[Wind blowing]
[eerie music]

[Phone ringing]


[Wind blowing]


[Door slamming]

[Eerie music]

Somebody help me!

Somebody open the door!

Help me!

-Matt: summer?

-Matt? Matt,
I can't open the door.

-Give me the key.


-Slide it under the door.

The lock must have jammed.

You should call the front desk
and have it fixed.


Does this mean you're
not mad at me anymore?

Okay, what if I promise to never

Even so much as look
at another girl?

Ever again.

For the rest of my life.

-Well, then you would lose
your job because you can't

Be a lifeguard and not
look at beautiful women.

-Okay, then I'll look
at the beautiful women,

But I'll think of you.

What's wrong?
-I don't know.

-Why'd you stop?

-I just feel like somebody
is watching us or something.

-Watching us?

Come on, summer,
you can come up with

A better excuse than that.

-No, it's not an excuse, matt,

Something really weird
is going on in this room.

Come on,
let's just go for a swim.

-We've got all day to swim.


[Rock music]

♪ We all, we all

♪ Have a little time to waste

♪ You are you are

♪ A picture perfect dream

♪ Of fate

♪ And every now and then I feel I fall

♪ I fall in your eyes
♪ I fall into paradise ♪

♪ Every now and then I hear a call

♪ A call in the night ♪

♪ A call from an angels voice ♪

♪ Come on baby open up your eyes

♪ Come on baby don't you realize

♪ We all, we all

♪ Have a little time

♪ To waste, you are ♪

♪ You are a picture perfect dream ♪

♪ Of fate

♪ And every now and then I feel I fall

♪ I fall in your eyes ♪

♪ I fall into paradise

♪ Every now and then I hear a call

♪ A call in the night

♪ A call from an angels voice

♪ Come on baby open up your eyes

♪ Come on baby don't you realize

-Hey, what's this? What's this?

What's this? What's this?

-You look so lonely.

How come you're here
all by yourself?

-His name's rocky.

-Hi, rocky.

-What's yours?

-Hi, c.j., Keith travis.

-I know, I saw
the show three times.

-You wanna feed him?
-Oh, could i?

-Sure, just watch
how I do this.

Take him by the tail.

-She's so...
You're ready.

Just lay it right there
in her mouth.

Oh, yes, see that?

-Okay, rocky, open up.

How come he's so isolated
from the rest of the group?

-Well, his mother
died during childbirth.

We rescued him
and brought him here,

Fed him, got him healthy,

None of the other females
want to bond with him.

-Oh, that's so sad.

All he wants is a mommy.

-Well, I think right now he'd
settle for a few more fish.



-What did they say?

Did you get a room?

-No, the hotel was
totally booked solid.

-Well, you could
always stay in my room.

Summer, look,

Why don't you relax?

We're at one of the most
romantic hotels in the world,

Let's not let it go to waste.



-They're really getting along
great, man, that's nice.

Kyle doesn't have
a lot of friends.

-What do you expect?

You never stay
in one place long enough

For him to make any.

-Watch it, man,
you're starting
to sound like dad.

-If you're gonna be
living down here now,

Maybe we can get the kids
together more often.

-That's what I was hoping.

-What are your plans anyway?

You gonna stay in san diego?

-Doesn't really look that way.

-Why not?

-'Cause this
relationship didn't really

Come together the way
I expected it to.

I mean, kyle's a great
kid and all that,

But me as a father,
I'm really not cut out for that.

I can hardly take
care of myself.

You know that, you know me.

-What are you talking about?

-Look, when I finish
work on the boat,

I'm gonna sail to
new zealand, solo.


What about your son, buzz?

-I was kinda hoping
he could live with you.

-What are you out of your mind?

You actually expected me
to say yes, didn't you?

When are you gonna
grow up anyway?

You've been running
away from home

Since you were 17 years old,
it's time to call it a career.

Buzz, you're a father now,
kyle is your responsibility.

-Look, mitch, you don't
have to take him, alright?

I've made a decision to split,

If you don't want him,
he goes to the foster home.

-Hey, dad, is dinner ready yet?

-Couple of minutes,
we'll call ya.


-You're unbelievable.

[Eerie music]

-Mm, don't stop.

-Don't stop what?

-Kissing me.

-Kissing you?

-You weren't just kissing me?



-You must have been dreaming.

[Eerie music]

-Some hotel, huh?

I came here to study
architecture when
I was in college.

This is the largest wood
structure on the west coast.

If you care.

Alright, pal, what's up?

What's on your mind?

-Dad, is uncle buzzy
really thinking about

Putting kyle in a foster home?

-Did kyle tell you that?

-Is it true?

-Well, uncle buzzy is thinking
about sailing to new zealand.

I think that's one
of his options, yeah.

-Why can't kyle
come live with us?

-Because you don't just
pass your kid around

Every time you need space.

How would you like it
if I dumped you on buzzy while

I went over to switzerland
to go skiing for the winter?

Hobie, families
don't work that way.

Look, I know you're
close to kyle.

-You had a brother when
you were growing up,

I'm all by myself,
I get lonely sometimes.

You know what I mean?

-Yeah, yeah, I do.

-Besides, I think
it'd be good for kyle

To come live with us,

Stay in a real house
with a real family.

He's never even gone
to the same school

For two semesters in a row.

I know this isn't an easy
decision for you to make,

But just think about it, okay?

-Okay, I'll think about it.


-So, c.j., Where'd you
rush off to this afternoon?

Did you go shopping in tijuana?

-No, I went to sea world.

-Sea world?

-Yeah, I go to sea world
every time I'm in san diego.

-Well, did you have a good time?

-Well, I got to
feed a baby dolphin,

And I met a great guy.

So, I guess you could
say it was pretty good.

-I wanna hear about this.

-Dolphin or the guy?

let's start with the guy.

-Okay, he works at sea world
with the marine mammal

Rescue program, and he
also performs in the shows.

He's smart, he's talented,
he's gorgeous,

And he takes care of little,
poor, baby, stranded animals.

I think I'm in love.

-[Sighs] here we go again.

C.j., Please,
you can't fall in love

With every man you meet.

-How about a guy
you've never met?


-Like maybe he
doesn't even exist,

But you can just
feel his presence.

-What are you talking about?

-Something really
strange has been going on

Ever since we got to
this hotel, either that

Or I'm, like, totally

-Summer, are you alright?

-I don't know.

It's just that ever
since we got here,

I've felt like somebody's
been watching me,

Outside, even in my hotel room.

And then, today,
when I was sunbathing,

He just started kissing me.

-Who started kissing you?

-I don't know.

I mean, there was nobody
there, except matt,

And he said he didn't do it.

Besides, matt has never
kissed me like that before.

It was the most
passionate, tender kiss

I have ever felt
in my whole life.

[Phone ringing]



How you doing?

-I'm okay.

-Well, you sure you
don't want any company?

-No, matt, I'm really exhausted.

I'm just gonna go
to sleep, okay?

-Well, sweet dreams.


[Eerie music]

[Wind blowing]

[Heavy breathing]

-Man: help us!

-Woman: over here.

[Dramatic music]
[engines roaring]


[People shouting]

[Dramatic music]



-Man: here they come.
They're on their way.

-Help! Help!

[Dramatic music]


[Dramatic music]

-Stephanie: okay.

-Man: thanks.

-Woman: help!
I'm in here!

-Move away from the door.

-Come on.

-Woman: I'm glad
you guys are here.

-That's it, captain,
any questions?

-No, I think they
get the picture.

Thanks, steph.

-Ladies and gentlemen,
I'm not sure I can add anything

To what you've just seen.

Except for,
given our department's
current capabilities,

We could not have responded
to that type of an emergency

In a similar fashion.

The undeniable fact is,

The scarab and the waverunners
will save lives.

-Hey, you guys
ready to shove off?

-Not exactly.

We're not gonna go.

What, you're gonna miss
the maiden voyage
after all that work you put in?

-Well, hobie hasn't seen
san diego, you know,

I was gonna show him around.

-I don't think that's
such a good idea.

-Come on, dad, please?

-Yeah, go on, mitch,
just let them go.

Used to do the same
thing to mom and dad.

They don't wanna hang
with a couple of stiffs.

Alright, you go on, just make
sure you're back at dark.

-Dude, let's bail.

-Thanks, dad, bye!

-Bye, hobe.

[Gentle music]

-Stephanie: hi.

-Matt: hi.

So how did we do?

-You were terrific,
thanks, guys.

-So you think you're
gonna get your new scarab?

-No one was going for their
checkbook, but I'm optimistic.

-Well, if there's
anything else we can do.

-No, that's it, you got

The rest of the weekend
to yourselves.

Enjoy the del.

-We will.

-Stephanie: hey,
where you going?

-We're going snorkeling.

We'll see you guys later.

-Summer: bye, mel.
-Stephanie: bye-bye.

I wonder where
mitch and hobie are.

-They went sailing
with his brother.

-Oh, that's right.

And I assume that you're gonna
be going back to sea world.

-You wanna come?

no, I don't think so.

I think I'll just
hang around the hotel.

-Okay, bye.

-Mel: see ya.
-Oh, c.j.?

Has summer said anything
more about the invisible man?

-No, she's back on
planet earth now.


-What is it you were
saying about, summer?

-Oh, yesterday, summer
was telling us about this

Mysterious presence she was
feeling around the hotel.

I don't know, I'm sure
it was all in her mind.

Summer can be just
a little dramatic sometimes.

-That's interesting.

-What's interesting?

-Mysterious presence.

Legend has it this hotel
is haunted by a ghost.

[Eerie music]

-Oh, stephanie,
am I glad to see you.

-What's wrong, are you okay?

-No, I'm not okay.

I really just want to leave
this hotel and go home.

-Summer, I wanna
show you something.


-This is a book
about the hotel.

Supposedly, it is haunted.


Like, by a ghost?

See, stephanie,
I wasn't hallucinating,

There really is a ghost.

-It says here that 50 years ago

A man named rupert
mansfield fell to his death

From the top
of the southwest spire,

He'd been having an affair
with a married socialite
named diana sutherland.

The police ruled it a su1c1de,

But a lot of people
thought it was m*rder.

Nobody knows what
really happened.

Oh, look at this, it says
he was staying in room 318.

-Hmm, where's room 318?

-There is no 318,
the rooms have been renumbered.

It's now room 3018.

-Oh, my god, stephanie,
that's my room.

What do you think
he wants with me?

-This is diana sutherland.

And there's rupert mansfield.

[Gentle music]

-Haha, man, beautiful
out here, bro.


-We could just keep going.

Got enough food to
make it to hawaii,
the boys would understand.

-You know you're unreal.

-It was a joke,
man, I was kidding.

-No, you weren't.

-Mitch, look,
I'm sorry about yesterday.

I had no right to
ask you to take kyle.

I never should've brought it up,
I was way out of line,
I apologize.

But i... I figured if I knew
he was in good hands

I wouldn't feel so
damn guilty, that's all.

-I'll take him.

-I said I'll take him.

Kyle can come and live
with me and hobie.

-You mean that for real?

-Why not? I've been bailing
you out your entire life,

Why stop now?

-I don't know what to say.

I love you, bro.

-Wind's picking up,
we better jibe.

-Hey, stand by the jibe.

Come on, take over.



Buzzy, you alright?
-I'm okay, man,
it just grazed me.

-Hang on.

-Hurry up.

-Let me untie this loop.

Grab the buoy!

What's the matter?

-I don't know, it's my chest.

I can't breathe.

-Alright, hang on.

It's okay, pal, I got ya.
Hang on, hang on.

-I think I'm having
a heart attack, man.

-Alright, don't try to talk.


[Ominous music]

[End theme playing]
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