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06x08 - The Math of the Wrath

Posted: 01/12/22 08:55
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Shield:

My detective found 1 2 bodies
hacked to pieces.

Machete's the w*apon of choice
for Salvadorans.

It supports the tip
that Aceveda's cronies gave us...

...that the K*llers were Salvadorans.
The victims were Mexican illegals.

Solving it is the difference
between keeping the Barn open...

...or closing it.

Salvadoran bangers
sponsored this fair.

This looks like retaliation
for the San Marcos house murders.

-That's Hernan.
-lCE has an undercover operative...

...high up the Salvadoran food chain
I need to protect.

There's an operative inside
the Salvadorans...

...who can help solve
the murders.

You know who the Salvadorans were
who were swinging the machetes?

It'd be the death of my cover
if I asked.

The Salvadorans are closing ranks.
It's getting too dangerous for you.

-Where's Hernan?
-We lost contact with him.

You guys could have
compromised his cover.

-Did you talk to Shane?
-He k*lled Lem.

I did what I thought
had to be done.

I see you again, I will k*ll you.

Vic wanted to know how Ben
got ahold of cash down in Mexico.

Vendrell came by today.
Wanted the same information.

We're not gonna let you
get hurt over this.

-We gotta get out of L.A.--
-I'll squirrel enough away.

Just imagine every wrong thing
we have ever done.

If anything happens to me,
or my wife, or my son...

...that lands on lAD's doorstep.

Tell Kesakhian
I got a business proposition for him.

-I'm a cop. He's gonna need to know.
-I'm an associate, Ellis Rezian.

I said I wanted
to speak to Kesakhian.

Been a while since we had a good
relationship with law enforcement.

-That's funny, I'm a fixer.
-There's a gas station on Talmadge.

The Armenians,
did they put you up to this?

Their supplier will be here tomorrow
to fill up all your tanks.

Stay in. Stay in.

Respiratory therapist, call CCU.

Respiratory therapist, call CCU.

Thank you.

The nurse said
you're staying strong, Papa.

We need to finish
your English lessons.

I can only stay for a few minutes,
but I brought you this... remind you of the colors
in the garden, back in Yerevan.

-Can I help you?
-I need to speak to Kesakhian.

He's supposed to have
an office here.

-He's not here.
-Look, I've squeezed...

...every food-stamp collecting
Armenian from here to Glendale.

Now, this is where he works out of.
And I'm not leaving...

...till I get a little face time. Do we
understand each other, sweetie?

-This way, please.

Take a seat.

-I'm Kesakhian.

I got my nuts in a ringer now.

And I don't like it when people
crank the handle, okay?

I need to speak
to the real Kesakhian.

My father's out of town.

But anything you need to discuss
with him, you can discuss with me.

I'm handling his affairs.

Then you pass this message
along to Pops, okay?

I didn't sign up to be walked
into a m*rder jackpot.

-He better damn well fix it.
-I don't know what you're talking about.

Your old man will.
Rezian had me run an errand for you.

Me drumming up business
for your gas-delivery operation.

Yes, I manage the books
for the fuel company.

Yeah, well, the owner wound up dead
with a gut full of super unleaded.

That shit blows back on me,
for chrissakes.

-Please, this is a holy place--
-Jesus can kiss my ass.

If Rezian needed a patsy to pin
a m*rder on, he just found himself...

...on the business end of a hollow
point. Are you taking mental dictation?

We should take this conversation
across the street.

You know what your daddy
and his crew do for a living?

They're stone-cold gangsters.

I know when and what
my father was.

He came here from Armenia
last year.

He asked me to give up my studies
in Berlin to come here and help.


That's how I know that all
our transactions has been legal.

Just because people haven't gotten
their feet chopped off...

...doesn't get the Armenian mob
into the chamber of commerce.

I'll speak to my father.

And I will ask him to look into
what happened at the gas station.

Tell your old man
to take care of my problem.

Or I will create a world
of problems for him.

You called?

-What's up?
-Why don't you two tell me?

I know what it's like to lose
someone close. The dance you two...

...have been doing is about
something else. I wanna know what.

Not sure I catch your drift.

You've been hounding Nancy Gilroy
about Ben's Mexican hookups.

And I threatened to charge her
if she doesn't tell the truth.

What's so important
about these contacts?

In a case that's been closed
for over a year?

-She and I had a conversation.
-I'd think with your appeals hearing...

...coming up, you'd be more helpful,
if you're interested in saving your job.

What were you after?

Lem's k*ller. Lem was on the run.

Knew about Gilroy's
underground railroad to Margaritaville.

I thought something
might have gone sideways.

Coyote pulling a double-cross,
I don't know.

It's a bit of a stretch.

Aceveda's had you detailed
to his dead Mexican hat dance.

It's not like you've done a hell of a lot
of finding Lem's k*ller.

Don't ever use a tone like that
to me again.

Transfer comes through soon,
won't be an issue.

My operative's been dark
for 36 hours.

Since you debriefed Hernan
without authorization.

I assume his cover's
been compromised.

We don't know that
with any certainty.

He called in distress.
He didn't show up to a meet.

What are you people doing
to locate him?

Well, we've been sitting on his
girlfriend's place for the last 24 hours.

We're running surveillance
on his Salvadoran associates.

My status report to the bureau chief
assigns accountability to you...

...and your personnel.

-Consider yourself notified.
-It's 1 0:42 a.m.

In case you need a time-stamp
for your ass-cover memo.

If Hernan's still in play... will report any and all contact
with him to my office immediately.

I see now why Hernan reaches out
to us instead of his handlers.

We shouldn't have inserted ourselves
in a long-term federal investigation.

Hernan can help us break
the San Marcos killings.

Who else besides our team
knew about Hernan's cover?

Just Dutch, me. That's it.

Hernan can take care of himself.

Still, we need to be able
to throw him a rope if necessary.

And right now, he's MlA.

Stir up the waters looking for him,
we put him in a worse spot.

We gotta make some bank sh*ts,
see what bounces off of what.

Anything turn up
at Hernan's girlfriend's?

Sat on her house all night.
She was a no-show.

It wasn't a complete waste. She does
do yoga in the nude, blinds open.

Now that really worries me, Hernan
not showing up at home for that.

I say we work the other side.
Talk to the Byz Lats.

Truce isn't holding. It's possible
Hernan got caught up in retaliation.

Ronnie and I'll have a sit-down
with Santi.

-Take Shane to back you up.
-No. We don't need him.

Shane has a history with the Byz Lats,
could get in the way.

Okay, Julien and I will go
pester the Salvadorans.

Spread the love around.

Hey, Vic?

-I gotta worry about you and Shane?
-No. Thanks for your concern though.

Look, man.

I can't forgive Shane for what he did.
But taking this beef public....

I know, I know.

It's tough keeping
a poker face...

...with Shane playing off Lem's m*rder
like he's trying to solve it.

Then you need to keep your anger in
the cut. We're not clean in this either.

I'm not spending the rest
of my life wearing state property.

Makes two of us.

-Santi in his rat hole?
-Thought I smelled bacon.

That keen rodent sense of smell.

Came by to make sure
you ain't misbehaving.

Still making good on the truce
with the Salvadorans.

We ain't sitting down
with no pinche Salvadorenos...

...on account of you
trying to play us.

We heard about the rat
undercover with those fools.

I ain't stupid, homes.

You're full of shit.

If we had someone under
with the Salvadorans...

...we'd have taken you and them
down by now.

Well, what my source tells me
is la verdad.

There'll be no sit-down with my crew
until the Salvas...

...take care of the snitch
in their own house.

Because we ain't
walking into no trap.

You need a new Ouija board because
you're channeling some bad intel.

Hey, I'm all about the peace.

But you brought it upon yourself,
homes, trying to double-cross us.

Plus you haven't come through,
handing over the éses...

-...from the San Marcos whack.
-We're working on that.

Yeah? Where?

On the way.

Oh, shit. They found a body.


We got a male Hispanic,
20s, 30s, Salvadoran ink.

Hacked to pieces.
Looks like a fresh dump job. No lD.

Well, that's not him.

We just dodged a machete.

-It's not Hernan.
-Good news.

Doesn't mean they'll not
go through ranks till they find him.

Get a canvass going.

Spot like this, decent shot,
somebody saw something.

My son didn't lie on purpose.
He just didn't say what he saw...

...on account of the girl
he was with being too young.

I thought she was 1 8 until she
invites me to her quinceanera.

Tell them what I heard you
telling your brother.

All right, her parents was gone.

And we were up in the bedroom.

Tricia was on top.

Anyway, she's bouncing,
and she looks out the window...

...and this load pulls up
into the alley. Camaro.

What color?

Dark green,
with gray primer on the front.

This guy gets out. He dumps
a couple of trash bags and splits.

What's he look like?

Vato, regular dude, you know.

License plate was
1 -B-J-something.

But I didn't get the rest.

-You're sure?
-Yeah. Yeah.


That's what I told my chavala I needed.
Like it was a sign, you know?

I spoke to my father.

He asked me to let you know
he's concerned about your situation.

His concern
doesn't help me one bit.

It'll take the names of the people
who k*lled that gas-station owner.

He knows that.
And he asks for your patience...

...and for me, in the meantime,
to give you this for your troubles.

Can I also ask you a favor?

Doing favors for you people
is how I got my ass in this sling.

We own several apartment buildings.
There have been robberies.

-Well, report it to the police.
-We have.

But you people have not been
very helpful.

Might have something to do
with the owner's last name.

There's not a lot of love there.

The tenants are nervous. It's getting
harder to rent out vacancies.

Crimes like this make it difficult
to get a good price if we decide to sell.

Could you find out
who's responsible, please?

Finding out who did it...

...and getting them off the street's
two different things.

Anything you can find.

I know it's a lot to ask,
but I need help.

Are you a mob daughter
or a damsel in distress?

Give me the addresses.

You pay me for my time.

I'll pull out my shovel
and start digging.

Leave it by the cabinet. I'll fill out
the paperwork when I get over there.

-All right.
-Hey, Tina.

You and Julien responded to a call
a couple weeks back, 301 3 Widmer.

-I don't know, did we?
-It's your report.

The Russian chicks.
Yeah, I remember.

Neighbors called in a complaint.
One of the girls...

...said that her ex-boyfriend
tore up the place and took off.

It wasn't a 21 1?

She didn't mention anything
about him stealing.

She wasn't real cooperative.
Got the feeling she didn't want to talk.

-She was working.
-It's like that, huh?

Any citizen chilling in the middle
of the day in fishnets and garters...'s either a pro
or a cross-dresser.

-All right.

Any luck lD'ing the car
used to dump the body?

Partial kicked back five plates.
One registered to one Leticia Cepedo.

-Hernan's girlfriend?

-I'll put out an APB on the car.
-That'll attract too much attention.

Vehicle description, information
broadcast only. Stake and notify us.

Suppose it was Hernan
our witness saw dumping that DB.

-How do we spin that?
-We don't, until we have to.

Yes. Who is it, please?

It's Matthew.
I called you from the airport.

Who are you here to see?

Well, after hearing that sexy voice,
I'm hoping it's you, darling.


Hey there.

-Are you a police officer?
-Are you kidding?

Sounds like you're Russian.
That's hot.

Let me see your cock.

Did you want the full hour?

I'm in no kind of rush.

Donation's 300.

Money exchanged is for time
and companionship only.

Anything else is a matter of personal
choice between consenting adults.

-Get comfortable.
-You're under arrest.

You let me touch your d*ck.
It's entrapment. I know the law.

It's my word against
your magic little fingers.

Now zip me back up.
Put your hands behind your back.

-Do you know who did this to you?
-Get me out of here.

Okay, we're gonna take care of you.
Can you describe your attacker?

-What do we got?

White female vic, s*ab and grab.
Definitely not from this 'hood.

Hey. Hey, I know you. I saw you
last night, Sunset and Vermont.

Thirty feet tall, 60 feet wide.

You know, you're a lot prettier
in person.

just put up a billboard.

-Guess I'm a celebrity now.
-Well, congrats.

Excuse me, ma'am. I'm Detective
Billings. This is Detective Wagen--

-She's asking for a lawyer.

Cedars. Take me to Cedars.
Dr. Clebbanoph.

Why I don't work the Westside.
Entitled assholes.

Anybody have a Sharpie?

Guy wants an autograph.

Ma'am, I'm Detective Wagenbach.
This is Detective Billings.

You're aware a woman
was att*cked out here?

I no see nothing. You go.

-She may have been a customer.
-Oh, no customer.

-Where does that go?
-Locked door. No have key.

-Ma'am, please, a woman was--
-You have no warrant.

You go.


Unis found the Camaro.
Fifth and Virgil.

-Hiatt know?
-Yeah. He and Julien are en route.

Hernan or his girlfriend will have
to come back for the car eventually.

Shane's wound pretty tight.

He starts unraveling
one of these days, what then?

There's something
you should know.

He generated a document.

Remembrances of things past,
Strike Team style.

All the shit we've ever been into
in black and white.

You're in it too.


-How do you know?
-He gave me a copy.

To let me know
he has a suitcase nuke...

...he can use against us
if he had to.

-What did you do with it?
-I burned it.

Mara knows everything too.

It's a text message.

"Shitters' alley. Right now."

Hernan must've seen us watching.

Let's go find out.

I'm gonna go in alone.
Keep it low-key.

-Could be a setup.
-Or another dead body.

-Everybody hold your position.
-Copy that.

-Who are you?
-Too dangerous for Hernan to come.

He sent me instead.
He says not to worry.

You're lying,
or this is some kind of a trick.

Your own mother won't
recognize you when I'm through.

Please stop, you're hurting me.
Please. Please.

-Who sent you?
-Hernan, I swear.

I swear. On my baby sister's eyes.

He told me to give you
a message.

He and a couple of soldiers,
they're doing a job tonight.

Where and when?

Alvarado, near the park.
Robbing that g*n store.

Six o'clock.
Hernan says to let it go down.

But to get the innocents
out of the way.

How much of what he's into
do you know about?

Just that he's some sort of cop.

And that he trusts you
to have his back.

Have you told anybody else
about any of this?

No. No one.
No, it'd get us both k*lled.

Yeah, like that guy your boyfriend
dumped in that alley with your car.

Hernan didn't have no choice,
all right?

That guy was a snitch.
Octavio had him ex*cuted.

All right? Ordered Hernan to get rid
of the body to prove his loyalty.

Can you get a message
to Hernan?

All right. You tell him that
he's giving his bosses in D.C...

...a bad case of the nerves.
They want him to come in.

Also, leave the car parked
where it is.

I'll figure out a plan
to deal with this robbery.

I'll leave any instructions
in the right front wheel well of the car.

By four o'clock.

-All right.
-I want to speak to my attorney.

I don't give a shit if you've got
an illegal fish market in your room.

I wanna know what went down...

...two weeks ago that you didn't
wanna talk about.

You do that, you streetwalk
out of here a free woman.

You just bought you and your
moneymaker 30 days in County.

We got jacked.

-How much?
-Twenty-five hundred.

This guy called
for an appointment.

Sounded white.
Like a regular business john.

I answered the door,
three black men pushed their way in.

They made us lay facedown
on the floor.

Said if we made any moves
or look at them they'd sh**t us.

-Who you tricking for?
-The deal was I tell you...

...what happened, you forget about
the rest of what I do.

Your bosses know
about the burglary?

Me and the girls been working
double shifts ever since.

No days off
until the money's paid back.

I need you to try and remember
what they looked like.

How long's this gonna take?

I got a golden-shower client
this afternoon. Big tipper.

I gotta start drinking iced tea
to get it the way he likes.

I'll be right back with those mug books
and a Snapple.

A least Hernan's alive.

Assuming his girlfriend's
telling the truth.

My strong sense
and her brown panties...

...Iead me to believe
she's on the level.

If we interdict this robbery,
we blow his cover...

...and whatever win
he's about to hand us.

We're not letting that heat
get into the hands of thugs.

Look at the damage they did
with a couple machetes.

Gotta be a way to keep those
g*ns off the street and Hernan in play.

The longer he stays,
the better the chance he'll give us...

-...who did the San Marcos killings.
-Screw his cover.

Our instructions are to notify lCE
as soon as he makes contact.

Technically, he didn't.
The girlfriend did.

Can we hold off
notifying lCE until we scoop him?

Getting the feds involved,
with their reports...

...and the chiefs,
will FUBAR the whole thing.

Orders are to head off this robbery
and arrest the people involved.

And get Shane in on this.
He's with a hooker in lnterrogation.

I don't want him freelancing for Vice
while he's still under my command.

We gotta protect Claudette
from herself here.

That fed ragging on her has got her
taking the path of least resistance.

Reel in Hernan
and turn him over to lCE.

Come here.

It's a hell of a risk
disobeying an order...

...and going behind her back
when we don't know.

You want to stay in this job
and win on the street... don't do it by listening
to upper management.

We pull this off, we keep the g*ns
out of the wrong hands...

...and we preserve Hernan's cover
long enough... find out about San Marcos.

No guts, no glory, right?

These boost jobs
in your pop's buildings?

It's part of a string of a dozen
or more over the last six months.

Interesting thing,
this crew only targets places...

...that escort services
operate out of.

A whole g*ng of Russian hookers
call your pop's buildings home.

He's not involved in that kind of thing.
We are real estate investors.

Specializing in Cossack cooch.

Look, it's called the Natasha trade.

Girl gets a place to live..., two-third split
with the boss...

...who also holds onto their passports
for safekeeping.

Now, whatever legit business
your father's gotten into...'s window-dressing...

...wrapped around the same
old-school gangster shit.

-And the robbers?
-I got a tentative lD on one of them.

Still needs to be verified.

I'll be in touch
when I get something definite.

Thank you,
and I'm sorry for the troubles.

These gentlemen
have agreed to immunity, Eleanor.

You tell them everything
you remember.

I know these guys. It's okay.

My best friend told me about this place
that has incredible replicas.

I bought three. A little overboard.
At those prices, I couldn't--

You make a habit of roaming
the barrio for cheap handbags?

Nurses here
do it all the time.

He knocked me down,
stabbed me, took off running.

There wasn't even time
to grab my Mace.

So you lost the three purses
you bought, plus the one you had?

They're not purses.
Two were evening clutches...

...the other was a keepall.

And what did this keepall bandit
look like?

Mexican, Puerto Rican.
Smelled awful.

Like when we had a dead rat
in the wall at the Montecito house.

Probably thought
the knockoffs were real.

-Figured he struck a gold mine.
-Knockoffs are sold in Times Square.

These are quality replicas.
There's quite a difference.

She said for $60 you can't tell
the difference from the real thing.

These replicas are that amazing.

It's all about the quality of hardware,
embossed, well-sealed, good weight.

Men have Hustler magazine,
I have the Marc Jacobs look book.

I'm a classic Gucci girl.

Medium hobo with the single,
non-adjustable buckle strap.

I keep thinking some day....
But not at these wages.

I got my diaper bag from Old Navy.

I've seen those.
They're pretty stylish.

All right, I've coordinated
with the unis.

-What's going on?

The Salvas are knocking over
a g*n store. We'll let them.

Vic's walking everyone
through the details.

Danny and Tina will
run a checkpoint on Vermont.

-They in the loop on our plan?
-No, which is why...

...our priority is to watch their backs
in case this goes sideways.

Won't happen as long as Hernan
sticks to the playbook that we hid.

Problem is we've been communicating
by carrier pigeon essentially.

We gotta be ready
for anything.

Everyone clear
on their assignments?

-What do you want me to do?

I'll fill you in on the way.

Right on time.

-Julien, you're about to have company.
-Copy that.

Alive and upright.

-He's taking point.

Take it easy. Be cool, man.
Be cool.

-Keys? Where's keys?
-My pocket.

Here they come.

Jesus, nice haul.

Suspect vehicle is on the move.
Julien, you okay?

Affirmative. All good here.

Got a visual. Eastbound on Sunset
coming up on Echo Park.

Copy that.

Okay, we"re moving
into second position.

We see you up ahead.
We"re five car lengths behind.

All right, don"t get too close
to him now. Hang back, hang back.

Buckle up, Shane.
He"s turning into the checkpoint.

--yours ready, please.
It's just a routine check.

Just have your license, registration,
proof of insurance ready, please.

He's telling his buddies
his car registration expired.

-They don't look too happy.
-What to do?

Go for it? Pray nobody asks
to pop the trunk?

Or risk going away
for a few decades?

-lf it were me, I'd vote with my feet.
-Let's hope Hernan makes the case.

And he's the only one
who pulls a g*n.

-We've got rabbits.
-Shane, go.

Easy, easy.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey, buddy.
Take it easy. Take it easy, all right?

-Shane, you okay?
-Okay, we're clear. It's good.

-It's all right.
-It's okay, Danny.

We're running a surveillance op.
We got what we wanted.

It's okay.

Exploratory committee allows you to
find out what the public wants to hear.

Why not just announce
my candidacy?

That's a shit awful idea.
You say you're running for mayor... trigger a financial
disclosure event under the statute.

Know how much
our supporters are giving.

Information our enemies can use.

The exploratory committee
allows you... investigate
running for another office.

State Assembly, for instance.

Would we even
have a shot at that?

With some massaging.

You have a Korean problem.

Conservative, less sympathetic
to our populist Latino platform.

But any election can be won
by cracking, stacking and packing.

Talking about redistricting?

Crack the Korean constituency...

...stack it over three or four
other districts, nullify their influence.

Pack the new boundary
with Latinos.

Then focus on getting out
the core vote.

But I would also annex
these folks here.

Our message doesn't fly
with black folks either.

No matter. They don't vote.

Represent more people, the more
influence you have in Sacramento.

-Even though they don't support us....
-They don't hurt you either.

Best part is you can spearhead
the redistricting of your future office...

...right now
from your councilman's seat.

Redrawing these lines is going to cost
a great deal of money.

Mother's milk of politics.

-For the exploratory committee.
-Thank you.

-It's only for 1 00,000.
-You'll get the other half...

...when the people responsible
for the killings are brought to justice.

There will be closure.
I promise you.

Before I plough any more money
into a w*r zone...

...I need to see a demonstration
of the rule of law...

...not the law of the jungle.

Should have denied immunity
and booked her.

Yeah, after she slammed Dutchboy...

...for being too lowbrow.

Trademark infringement
is a serious deal.

So is as*ault.
Find the guy with the knife.

At least expedite a search warrant
for the knockoff emporium.

Is this really a pressing issue?

This place is going to attract upscale
clientele to a shitty neighborhood.

-Which could lead to more stabbings.
-I'll get to it, but make an arrest.

Last thing I need
is a well-connected...

...pampered socialite
breathing down my neck.

That's what I have Aceveda for.

If you're hovering
for a San Marcos update... news to report.

Well, I'm sure you're doing
everything you can.

I actually came down to see what else
you need in the way of resources.

Additional overtime, tech support.

All of the above.

What can you tell me about
this latest homicide? Is it connected?

I'm already in hot water
for briefing you...

...about the lCE agent we went after
in the warrant search.

Then he went missing.

Claudette, this is me.

-You're not suggesting--
-No, of course not.

But I shouldn't have been discussing
secure intel with anyone.

Not even you. It's a note to self.


Put together a memo detailing the
things you need and I'll get right to it.

Never hit the streets of Farmington.

Hernan's in the wind, the others
at large. How'd that happen?

I called an audible.

Wiser action was not
to intercept them at the g*n store...

...where these could have
been used against us.

Safer to wait until they were locked
in the trunk.

At the checkpoint, the suspects
were able to elude capture.

But we'll get them.

Give us a second, will you?

That man's in the mix.

You think my bullshit detector
isn't already on high?

Now listen, I made this call, okay?
Not him.

-Were the unis in on this?
-ln on what?

It was my understanding
it was a routine insurance check.

Authorized by whom?
Because it wasn't me.

I go through that paperwork,
I bet I'll find your signature or Vic's.

You knowingly put personnel
in harm's way...

...without giving them a heads up?

"Harm's way" is part
of the job description.

I brought you in because
I thought you could be trusted.

Because you're not Vic Mackey.

Now you're letting him pull you
by the nose right in my cross hair--

This entire city is breathing down
your neck and mine...

...over those 1 2 dead Mexicans.
Hernan can close that case for us.

This isn't about Hernan.

You wanna follow Vic out the door?
Keep it up.

Choice is yours.

Hey, Juneteenth Freeman.

Parole officer said I'd find you out here
beautifying America.

Still got about
400 hours left, right?

-What the hell you want?
-Hey, who are you?

He's cooperating
with a police investigation.

-I'm all over the game... and your boys been running
on the working girls.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Pick up enough garbage, they'll kick
that felony to misdemeanor.

Unless I start coming after you,
bunch of B and E's... assaults and whatnot.

-You can't prove shit.
-Try me.

You could play this another way.

Cut me in on these jobs you're doing.
I run interference. I monitor dispatch... you don't get all gaffled up
like at that condo on Widmer.

I'm gonna need 500 up-front,
earnest money...

...and an equal split between you
and the other two.

-I gotta ask my nigs.
-You mean Pancake and Squeeze?

How'd you know it was
Pancake and Squeeze?

Saw you had priors together,
but I didn't know till right now... thank you.

So look, if my dudes is cool with this,
how am I gonna get with you?

Don't worry about it.

When you said
your father was traveling...

...I didn't think you meant heaven.

I ran a data search,
91 1 call.

Eleven days ago, he was
transported here in full cardiac arrest.

Merciful Jesus heard my prayers.
He's doing much better now.

No, he's not.
I chatted up a nurse.

They don't expect him
to last the week.

How long do you think
you can keep this a secret?

Long enough for a miracle.

And in the meantime
you think you're running the show?

I know.

I'm not gonna let everything
my father spent a lifetime building...

...get picked apart by snakes
and vultures who see a weakness.

Seems you already got people
in the organization...

...freelancing behind your back.

Running whores out of your own
buildings, doing murders.

People loyal to my father.

Many of them.

I can count on you, yes?

After you lied to me? Said he had
the gas station whack handled?

When the guy can't
even open his eyes?

The last time there was
an Armenian jump-off...

...that old-world hit man Margos
crawled out of the woodwork.

A nice choirgirl like you... don't want any part
of that kind of bloodbath.

And if he could talk, he'd tell you
the same g*dd*mn thing.

I would like those names, please.

You paid for them.

You got much bigger problems
than these idiots.

Eleanor wasn't kidding when she said
she had an eye for detail.

She described her attacker
right down to the pockmark.

Yeah, right before
she got Medevac'd to Cedars.

Yeah, said the guy had the B.O.
of a cadaver.

If you two can stave off
Tina's paparazzi, start on skid row.

This woman could have
anything she wants.

Is saving a few bucks
worth a couple of s*ab wounds?

When it comes to Louis,
Gucci and Fendi....

Coach, Prada, Chanel.... And if you're
on a budget, Dooney and Bourke.

Every time her bag passes off
as the real thing...

...when her friends pay
through the nose on Rodeo Drive...

-...she wins.
-It's the thrill of the k*ll.

Are they hearing themselves?

It's a girl thing.
You guys just don't get it.

Like us trying to understand why
you guys love your balls so much...

...that you gotta play pocket pool
all the time.

Hernan just texted me.

It went smooth on his end.
Got props for getting his people out.

Called for a meet tonight.
He's got some intel.

Better be worthwhile
after the ass reaming I just took.

I'll get the team.

No need for everyone.
I'll take Ronnie.


The check you gave me
on Shane today, I heard you.

As long as he's on your team,
I'll make it work.

If it was up to me,
you'd be staying too.

You're out of here.

It's a done deal.

Claudette's been playing you
since the day I showed up.

Figured you'd be easier to handle
if you thought there was a future.

Meanwhile orchestrating things
so there won't be.

I'm sorry, man. I wish
there was something I could do.

You gave it to me straight.

That's big.

We'll be working together
for a while yet.

Claudette's not the only player
at the table.

I don't get it. Risk your life
for something that's a knockoff...

...of something
that's already a knockoff.

To haul what, tampons
and the rest of their girl shit around?

Get a lunchbox. Whack a mugger
with that, at least you'll draw blood.

Chicks are nuts.

African-American male, 20s,
lD'd, Juneteenth Freeman...

...out on parole, found unconscious
in an alleyway...

...with his testicles cut off.

Some ex is probably carting his
stundeens around in knockoff Vuitton.

-Paid for with his money.
-It's not the only castration.

There's another one
up at Mission Cross.

African-American also.
Need you to follow up.

Missing bags maybe you boys
can relate to.

Women can be
the coldest winter ever.

Yeah, no shit.

Thank you, thank you.
Just another dirty day at the office.

-That's some perfume you're wearing.
-Oh, shit.

Casa Chanel over here decided
to throw homemade shit balls at us.

Not before we hauled him
out of the sewer.

-I'll take him. You get cleaned up.
-Don't deny me the pleasure...

...of throwing his skanky ass
into the cage.

Hey, man, wanna swing by a dive,
take the edge off?

What, I extend an invite,
you throw shade?

Come on, man,
what's that about?

I know what you did to Lem.

So don't "hey, man" me...

...all right?

Vic had to spin what happened
like I'm the antichrist.

Because he knows if it wasn't for him
Lem would still be alive today.

And that's
the God's honest truth.

Vic didn't pull the pin
on that grenade, did he?

-That was all you.
-What happened was a tragedy.

But it was also
g*dd*mn inevitable.

Start any horseshit about how
you were protecting us...

-...I will throw down with you.
-I don't wanna fight with you.

-Man, I got no beef with you at all.
-What about this journal, huh?

You write down everything on paper
that we have done.

Trying to blackmail us,
and that is no beef?

-No, no, no.
-What am I missing?

Did Vic tell you about it?

-Or did you actually read it?
-You telling me he's lying to me?

No. No, I wrote it down.

All 24 pages.

Every God awful thing.

You should ask Vic
to show you page one.

He burned it.

You know why?

Because he doesn't want anyone
reading the first paragraph.

About how he shot
and k*lled Terry...

...while I stood there and watched.

Look, I have been lying,
covering up...

...bleeding out of
my g*dd*mn anus, man...

...for three years,
trying to protect him.

If you ever get tired of Vic
walking you around on a leash...

...and you want to hear
the real and the raw... me.

This building here.

-Are you sure this is right?
-The captain's applied for a warrant.

This place is gonna get shut down
tomorrow or the next day.

It's the last chance.


-What you look for?
-My friend said you know a place...

...that might have Fendi clutches.

You come.


You come.

-Please, please.

-I'm not sure about this.
-Just keep thinking Louis.

Besides, I'm packing.

Look, we deserve it
after the day we had, right?

Hell yeah.

We got pelted
with shit balls this afternoon.

Meth-head puked all over me
first thing this morning.

We deserve this every day.

I get new Prada next week.
You come back. I give you good deal.

Next week might not work.

Hernan was a no-show.

Did he pass along any intel
through the girl?

Why the Salvas are beefing up
their firepower?

No specifics.

Only that something major
was about to go down.

Salva captains and the Byz Lats
meet tomorrow night.

Negotiate terms.

Hernan will have a seat
at the table.

No. He's on a plane
to El Salvador right now.

I don't know when
he's coming back.

There goes our best lead
on the San Marcos case.

Which means we went through
all that g*n shop bullshit...

...for no g*dd*mn reason.

Hiatt got in a jam
with Claudette...

...we're no closer
to breaking the murders...

...or knowing what the Salvadorans
were gonna do with those g*ns.

Why would he
jerk us off like that?

They sent him to El Salvador
till the heat dies down.

Way I see it, Hernan fingered
that chopped-up guy as the snitch.

He framed the guy
to throw suspicion off of himself.

Salva bosses had him k*lled,
made Hernan dump the body.

Hernan did more than
just set this guy up.

He did the chopping.

He's in all the way now.

Nothing else makes sense.

The guy he got dead
chose the life.

Probably had it coming.

Yeah. But Hernan's gotta
live with what he did now.

No different
than why you shot Terry.

Had to be done, right?

Shane tell you that?

Page one of Shane's memoirs
wasn't exactly new information.

It's difficult to prove,
fortunately for you.

I wish you'd been straight with me,
instead of living a secret every day.

I could have
looked out for you better.

What I need to know is when...

...we can finally leave this all
in the past...

...where it belongs.

Quite a cut job you did
on those two black dudes.

I bet Pancake and his jewels
are halfway to Alaska by now.

It was maybe too much?

I didn't have time
to make a better decision.

Well, I'm certain
you got your point across.

You'll also find the names
and addresses of the men...

...responsible for what happened
at the gas station.

Rezian's people.

Doesn't do me much good
without evidence implicating them.

They're prepared to provide
any details you need.

They're gonna confess,
just like that?


For the sake of their families
and their children back home.

They know the Armenian way
they suffer first.

That's an Armo first,
giving up your own tribe.

Even if it's your worst enemy,
differences get settled in-house.

You want to cure cancer,
you cut it out.

It's a matter of time before Rezian
finds out your father's out of the game.

If he hasn't already.

When he does, he's gonna come
after you with everything he's got.

Now, you're not ready for that.

I don't care how many balls you got
dangling from your mirror.

You think this is what I want?

-This is for my father.
-Come on.

Just because
he was in the life...

...doesn't mean
you're his little gangster.

My father is not a gangster.

He's a man who survives.

Who taught me history
at the table every night...

...about Armenia,
about the promises of freedom...

...all these promises
that were always broken.

He made me understand the difference
between the future and the past.

Everything was taken
from my people.

He taught me never to let that
happen to us again.

So I won't.
I won't let that happen to him.

My father still has
a lot of men loyal to him.

And now I have you.