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06x04 - The New Guy

Posted: 01/12/22 08:52
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Shield.

We could order some Chinese food.

I got a great bottle of wine
I've been waiting to open.

-ls this a date?
-You want it to be?

Looks like Moses finally made it to
the land of milk and underaged honey.

Lem, I'm sorry. But I had to, right?

Gonna find out who did this.
And we're gonna k*ll him.

You know what,
maybe he didn't do it, man.

If it wasn't Guardo, who was it?

If he had a name, don't you think
he would have told us by now?

Just means he was acting alone.

-What's this?
-It's Captain Hyatt.

He used to be a rising star at lNS.
He's ours starting next week.

You're not adding anybody to my team
that I don't have approval of.

He's not your addition,
he's your replacement.

Come on boys, let's go.

-Don't sh**t!
-Hold your fire!

-lt wasn't me!
-They got g*ns in there!

Please, stand back, everybody.

-Give me the CliffsNotes.
-No read on how many inside.

Can't get a visual, no one's talking.

-Any sh*ts fired since you got here?
-A couple. Sounded semi-a*t*matic.

He's coming in, hold positions.

Vic. Kevin Hiatt, your replacement.

Hey. Looks like I found the fun.

g*ng sh**t. Multiple sh*ts fired,
called 10 minutes ago.

Stay down. Both of you.

Go, go, go.

Did he just give me a time-out?

-Let me see your hands!

Now or never, assh*le!

-Jesus Christ.

One-Niners shot us up
and they took off.

Put some pressure on that,
sweetheart, okay?

Hey! Get your hands on your head!

-Get your hands on your head!
-I can't, man. I can't move.


I was getting splinters in my ass
sitting on the bench.

Figured I'd chip in.

Asher. This one's not colored up.
Keep him away from the One-Niners.

You got it.

-He had Lem's g*n.
-lt was in my trunk.

-Probably just pulled it out.
-Tossing you out is bullshit.

Doing it for some cop in diapers?
How do we squash this?

How about some official introductions,
since we all have our hands free now?

Shane Vendrell, Ronnie Gardocki,
this is Kevin Hiatt.

-How's it going?
-I'll take that.

Listen, I heard about your boy.

I lost a partner three years ago.
It's a bitch of a thing and I'm sorry.

Lem was more than a partner.

Well, of course he was.

-Listen, ride with me.

I'll give you the rundown on the
One-Niners on the way to the Barn.

I've reassigned units
to enforce the One-Niner injunction.

That should keep things to a low boil
until we know what we're dealing with.

Having Hiatt around
might be good for you.

Give you a chance to show
you can play well with others.

It's a little late for me
to win Miss Congeniality.

What do you think?
Spookstreet or the Byz Lats...

...heard the One-Niners were having
a square dance, decided to crash?

Hotshot here learns three g*ng names
on his ride in, has to show off.

I was about to tell Vic...'re gonna bring in
your own guys, expanding the team.

-What about Shane and Ronnie?
-Plan is to keep them on.

I'd like two teams here
under Hiatt's supervision.

There's not a lot of people
who can do this job.

I know. That's why I've set up
an appeals panel... review your retirement.

We meet in two weeks, if the panel's
convinced that we need you....

Aceveda will never support that.

He's got a lot riding on the Barn.

And if you're not in charge,
he'll feel more comfortable.

But if you want me
to make that case... have to show me
you can make it work.

Listen, I gotta deal with this.

I'll make it work.

Well, I gotta say I'm a little confused.

I lied to Mackey.
In three weeks he's gone. Period.

But if he knows that, he'll start working
some angle, looking for loopholes.

I'm trying to keep him
on his best behavior.

Especially for your sake.

-Well, that's kind of cold.
-What do you know about Vic?

Rumors, mostly. I know he's made
an ass-load of arrests.

And that two guys on his team
got dead in the last three years.

Another went
head first through a windshield.

So if we're banging down doors
I better make sure I can see him.

You'll be fine as long as
he doesn't have a problem with you.

Now I've taken care of that.

Have a seat.

How about I start putting
my own team together now?

Swing the numbers my way a little.

We do have good cops around here.
I'll think on it.

-Everything okay?
-I'm fine.

No, no, no, stay.
Maybe you should all hear this.

I feel really stupid
for saying this out loud...

...and normally
I don't even believe in this stuff.

But I woke up this morning
and I felt like I was given a message.

What are you talking about?

I had this dream last night
and we were all there.

In our old backyard,
having a barbecue.

Only it wasn't our old yard,
you know?

It was this beautiful place
by this precipice.

And Lem was there.

And he was wearing his usual jeans,
but he had on this pin-striped shirt.

And his hair was shorter. And he was
younger, like when I first met him.

He was wrestling with one of you.
I don't remember which.

Then he wanted burgers
for you guys.

Really well-done. No pink.

The thing is, when I turned
to give him the burgers...

...he got really mad,
and he said I made them all wrong.

I'd never seen him like that.
He was shouting.

And then you came over to him
and you said it's all right...'d learn
to eat your burgers like that.

Then he got really calm and he said:

"Okay. It's all gonna be okay."

And then he stepped off the cliff
and he didn't go up or down.

He just disappeared
into this, like, haze.

I know this sounds crazy,
but I think it was Lem.

I think he wanted me
to tell you this story.

Maybe it means
that everything's gonna be okay.


Let it go, man. It's just a dream.
Corrine knows we've all been hurting.

Thought it would
give us some comfort. Go with it.

He didn't disappear up in the sky.
He disappeared sideways.

How is that comforting?

He lost friends today.

We lead with that.

Don't show sympathy. Gangbangers
see weakness, they tighten up.

I've done g*ng work before.

This isn't the Valley
or the Rio Grande. This is the majors.

Listen, you're not ready for this.
I know lmmigration isn't a cakewalk--

I saw shit on that border even you
can't imagine, four years' worth.

I understand. But all those Mexis too
smart to get picked up? We got them.

Plus black gangs, Russian mob,
Salvadorans, Asians...

... Armenians and more.
All in the same square mile.

What do you want me to say?

You're right.

So, you know, get me ready.

All your dead buddies were wearing
the same One-Niner ink as you.

Altered, just like yours.
You starting up a new faction?

Either you found a new set
or you're trying to jump out.

-Both are punishable by death.
-My guess is you wanted to get out.

In which case, you're not a bad guy.

But I'm looking at you now, man, with
your locked jaw, your pissed-off stare.

-Man, I'm a black man, and you a cop.
-So picture me with a puppy.

Give you that warm, fuzzy feeling.

Look, man,
banging ain't my life no more.

I been straight for four months.

Well, explain the.22 you were
carrying when we popped you.

It's a little thing we call
self-defense, man.

If you so squeaky, why you and your
boys meeting up with the One-Niners?

I need to know about Vantes, man.

If he got out.

All the other dead
were wearing One-Niner colors.

Now, start talking.

Cervantes is the leader
of the revolution.

And Vantes say,
"Oppressors are oppressors.

It don't matter
if you black or you white."

You already know
how much One-Niner soldiers make...

...hustling all day, all night.

They all might as well be just
flipping burgers. That's oppression.

Breaking ties with the One-Niners
over drug money ain't exactly noble.

We quit selling.
That's why we quit paying.

Banging doesn't come with
an out clause.

So what was your escape plan
for getting out alive?

Just a bunch of boys from the block,
we all jumped out together.

Safety in numbers.

How many?

It's about seven.

The meeting was supposed to be
us settling up with the Niners.

-Making sure everything was solid.
-Why the g*ns?

We ain't stupid, man.


...the Niners, they shot first.

And the revolution begins.

Stop that!

-Get off of her!
-You with me?

we're Code 6 to the alley rear.

-I almost finish up!
-Hands up!

Get your hands up!

Get back!

What do you want?
What do you want?

I do nothing. I do nothing.

You all right? Hey?

One-Baker-23. I need a paramedic
for an as*ault victim.

-Hey, I was watching that.
-Hey, get a life, assh*le.

Got one, officer.

Vantes Carter.
He's a low-level One-Niner.

I sent him to Corcoran about
a year ago for dealing, possession...

...but this kid,
he's more of a thinker than a slanger.

He spent his eight months
reading Malcolm X, Huey Newton.

As soon as he was released,
he started pulling his buddies out.

They stayed under the radar
till they stopped paying taxes.

That meet this morning was a setup.
Take them all out at once.

These kids are trying to get their lives
straight. Make up for their mistakes.

How many of these revolutionaries
are there?

Well, minus the two that are dead,
and the one in interrogation, four.

With a hundred or so
One-Niners after their heads.

Got a plan?

Find Vantes and his boys.
Get them off the streets, for starters.

Thanks for weighing in.

First thing we gotta do
is have a sit-down with Moses.

He's the head of the One-Niners. See
if we can't convince him to back off.

We can introduce him to the new guy,
while we're at it.

Meantime, let's get the ball rolling,
find these kids.

Keep me informed.

Shane's still real raw about Lem.
It's nothing personal.

-Hits everybody different.

-How are you doing?
-I been better lately.

Fifty bucks says Mackey and the new
guy get into it by the end of the day.

No, thanks.

Lowe and Sofer
interrupted a r*pe in progress.

The victim's Graciela Sanchez.
She's in the system.

She ran away from her
fourth foster home two months ago.

She's at Mission Cross.

I love the smell of underage
sexual as*ault in the morning.

I didn't mean that
the way it came out.

Julien and Danny
are riding together?

For the moment. Suspect's
been apprehended at the scene.

-What about Tina? She out sick?
-No, she transferred out.

Finally make your move?

Scare Hanlon
and her bikini briefs out the door?

He said cops would be coming.

Come on.

We're all out back.

Hey, you know all that shit
we've cleaned up for Moses.

We shouldn't be talking
to this assh*le in front of Hiatt.

What? Do you think he's gonna admit
to k*lling Kern?

Hold it together. Yeah, good.

Because I've got a shot
at keeping my job.

There's an appeals hearing for me,
I'll fill you in later.

But for now, help me be helpful.

Mackey's lackeys.

Rib eye's almost done,
but I got a minute.

Who's this?

Detective Hiatt.
But you can call me Detective Hiatt.

You're gonna be seeing a lot of him.

Let me save you time asking.
I got nothing for you.

Low-level shit ain't my concern.

Your boys set up a sh**ting gallery
in a chicken shack.

If one of my lieutenants is having
problems in his quadrant, he solves it.

I got zero knowledge.

Might be good for you to let Vantes
and his boys go their own way.

I mean, what's seven soldiers
in an army full of assholes?

You fall for that
Vantes-the-Revolutionary shit?

Just a scam
to take more cut for himself.

You got an eye cramp?

Thought we told you
to stay away from the tweener p*ssy.

You be having a good day, now.

Graciela's tox report came back
with extremely high levels of GHB.

She was practically in a coma
when we got her.

Date-r*pe dr*gs.
Twenty-first century chivalry in action.

Yeah, we've gotten lazy as a society.

Why write a sonnet
when you can slip a girl a Mickey?

her r*pe kit reads from A to Z.

In addition to fresh vaginal tearing...

...she showed signs
of significant a**l trauma.

There's something else.


Before he r*ped her?

Appears to be one or two days old.

What do you think it means?

There's no point in lying, Mehud.

Two police officers
caught you raping her.

-I screw her, but I no r*pe her.
-What does "Go home" mean?

What happened? You get a hard-on,
you slipped her a roofie at some club?

You give dr*gs? She go sleep?

I find her, she look like hooker. I say:

"Give 20 bucks for quick bang?"
She nodded okay.

Either way, at some point
she became unconscious.

-What? I'm supposed to stop?

Why do you want her to go home?

I give her twenty bucks, in her pocket.
Look and see.

-All right, come here.

-He didn't cut her up.

Vantes framed this himself.

Said it reminds him of where
he's been and don't want to go again.

-Let us get your son somewhere safe.
-He's better off on his own.

-Hey, hey. Hey.
-Shit. Get inside.

Keep your head down.

-What's up?
-What's up, man?

Get out of here, assholes.

Niners been driving by here every
five minutes all day, acting tough.

My boy's got to hide from them
and you just the same.

Tell us where your son is.
Vantes can't do this on his own.

He won't have to. See, a lot of people
think my boy is a hero.

Look, please.

If you want your son to be a live hero,
not a dead martyr, have him call me.

I just want to talk.

If I'd known I was gonna see you,
I would've worn that little top you like.

I thought you were gonna stop
seeing that assh*le.

I know.
It's just hard to find the moment.

Then try harder.

I don't want him touching you.

Okay, baby.

What you want?


But I need Moses' lieutenant
who's cracking down on Vantes.

Lieutenant's Angelo Owens.

But he's just doing this
because Moses came down on him.

I mean, them boys,
they been friends their whole lives.

Where's Angelo?

Blue house on Wornall,
by the gas station.

But don't get me in trouble
with the Niners.

Anybody messes with you, Tilli,
they're the ones in trouble, okay?

End it with Moses. Today.

I need you to do that. For me.


One-Niners are clamped down.
They wanna settle this in-house.

What about families? Somebody
knows where these kids are.

The Niners have them too scared
to talk or they don't know.

I want to send a message.

Somebody wants out of a g*ng,
we're here to protect them.

Find Vantes and his friends.

Anything you need
to bring them in safe, you got it.

Hey, man, where's Shane?

Said he had some Cl.
Somebody from when he was in Vice.

Shane was in Vice?
That explains a lot.

Vice guys are pretty intense.

Just picture Shane with a puppy.
It'll give you that warm, fuzzy feeling.

That's Hiatt's interrogation technique.
No shit.

What are you trying to get?
Answers or p*ssy?

Whatever it takes, right?

Glad to see everybody's having fun.

Course, Lem's still dead.

Anyone else give a shit about that?

-Hey, we were just--
-Shut up, man.

You don't belong here, in this room.

I can tell you're not half the man,
or cop, Lem was.

I got thick skin, man,
but you're starting to chafe.

You guys just act like everything's
fine. Like shit just moves on, right?

-lt does.

Not for me.

I actually give a shit that he's gone.

Lieutenant's Angelo Owens.
Got a location over on Wornall.

Good. Thanks.

My Cl says
Angelo set up the sh**t...

...but Moses
didn't give him much choice so....

I just-- I just want him back.

I look at that guy, man.
I mean, he's not Lem, you know.

Here's what's real, all right?

You keep this up,
I'm not the only one around here...

...that's not gonna have a job.

You, maybe Ronnie too.

You know Lem wouldn't want that.

In a couple weeks,
when this appeals panel... deciding whether
to send me packing or not...

...I'm gonna need this Hiatt
on my side.

-He says he needs me, I got a shot.
-Yeah, I hear that.

What happened with Lem,
the slate's clean.

-We made that right.

You think k*lling Guardo made
any difference, man? Lem's dead.

-Oh, Jesus Christ.
-Corrine said he's pissed.

-She said she'd never seen him--

I can't deal with a g*dd*mn dream
right now.

Look, just find this lieutenant.

-Let's save who we can save today.



You wanted me to call.

-Vantes, where are you?
-Don't matter. I gotta handle this.

Look man, let me
put you into protective custody.

Moses knows I talked to the cops,
Niners ain't going back to the table.

Moses wants you dead.
Where are you?

You read DuBois?

Do l--?


He wrote about
the path of honor and humanity.

I die, I still got that.

More than most people got.

Just wanted to tell you, stop looking.
Don't feel like being found.

Come on, man. Vantes.


So the site's coming along.
You're making quick time.

Thanks to your support
with the housing commission.

Only a few more
construction hurdles.

It's an easy sell.

It's a worthwhile project.

Noticed something else
you've been selling.

The cleaner, kinder Farmington P.D.

There was a bad apple.

He got deep, got himself k*lled.

Police committee
wants the community to know...

...that the rest of the barrel
is still here to protect them.

That's tough to buy
when we've got 1 2 dead Mexicans.

Slaughtered in that house
on San Marcos with no arrests.

Those murders were handed off
to Robbery Homicide.

Farmington's out of it.

Our HD doesn't give a shit
about a dozen illegals.

If they did,
this thing would be solved already.

I'll make some calls.
See if I can light a fire.

A couple guys on my crew
came to me.

Said they've heard rumors
that a Salvadoran g*ng...

...called La Raza Guanaca
is responsible.

I'll pass it along.

If Farmington P.D.
were to crack this case... could go a long way toward
allaying your constituents' belief...

...that the police don't care.

Could reflect well on you.

Should have been a politician, Cruz.

I leave that to the experts.

You remember that runaway,
came in six months ago?

Claimed she'd been kidnapped?

-Rings a bell.
-I dug up her taped statement.


That's okay. I--

I thought I'd have some privacy
in here.

You can use my office anytime.

Thanks. I'll go in there
and finish up now.


Princess Gaines.
Ran away, came back a month later.

Mom found blood in her pants,
asked about it.

Princess said she was abducted,
anally assaulted...

...and held c*ptive for two weeks.

He was white or Latin.
Yeah, he was a Latin dude.

Can you tell us anything else?

Not too much.
Had me drugged or something.

""Or something""?

Last thing she remembered
was begging outside a burger place.

Next thing,
she woke up in a strange room.

Man was holding her prisoner.

-It would really help us.
-Any little detail.

He kept saying,
""Go home now. Go home. ""

And then this man just...

-...Iet you go?
-I"m here, ain"t I?

One morning I just wake up
in the street.

What"d you do then?

Did what he said, went home.

We didn't believe her.

She wouldn't take a r*pe kit,
toxic screen came back negative.

Case didn't add up.

So this guy targets runaways...

...uses GHB to keep them out of it
long enough to do what he pleases.

All the while telling them to go home
like good little girls.

So Graciela got double-pumped.
This prick does her in the rear...

...Ieft the vaginal cavity intact for
Mahud to spill his load in the alley.

The cutting is an escalation.

He'll go further next time.

I'll call the mom.

Bring Princess in.

So your lieutenant
set up a slaughterhouse...

...without any encouragement?

The streets are full of liars.

Ain't my fault somebody says
I got fingers in this.

You're a two-striker.
All I need is one good bust.

You'll plant some shit on me?

You wouldn't do that,
right, Mackey?

Leave me out of options?

We stay on you,
we'll get you fair and square.

Might take a couple months,
but you can bank on it.

Just you.

Hey, fellas,
what say we trade some names?

-Oh, man.
-Vito, come here.

Vantes is the one
causing me problems.

He dies.

The other ones, I'll pull the order
as soon as Vantes is cold.

That's what I'm offering.

Now what do I get
for my generosity?

What do you want?

Back off my boys. I don't wanna see
no PoPo for six months.

Two months,
and me and my guys stay away.

I don't control the black-and-whites.

You control the new meat?

But you pull the order
on the other three now.

-Keep going, man.
-Lover's quarrel?

Moses had a proposal.

Sacrifice Vantes,
the other three stay safe.

What's stopping us hauling his ass
in on conspiracy charges right now?

I took the deal.

At least, that's what he thinks.

I teach you all my tricks the first day,
what're we gonna do tomorrow?

You're looking
for Princess Gaines, 1 6.

According to her mother,
she ran away for a second time...

...a couple of months ago.

Start with Runaway Row, shelters,
fast-food places, huh?

Thank you.

I'm sorry about...

...busting in on you.

-l.... I know it's all perfectly natural....
-Don't worry.

I'll keep them locked down
from now on.

They put Hanlon on a poster.

Oh, great.

She gets to be
Miss Farmington, huh?

And I'm stuck with her P1 duties.

Let's ride.

Take one home tonight,
drool in private.

We got the files
of every Latin sex offender... a 1 0-mile radius to go through.
-Where'd this come from?

-Captain told me to put them up.
-Well, yeah, but where'd it come from?

Do I look omniscient?

Hey, what's the deal
with the poster?

The old "new face" was caught
filing bogus OT.

She's out, Tina's in.

Posters, public appearances,
whole bit.

-She's citywide.
-But Tina wanted to be a detective.

This is straight from
the chief's office.

She was picked from the photos
they shot the other day.

Okay, thanks. I'll be right down there.

Graciela's awake. We got a sketch.

One-Baker-23, roger. Do you have
a description of the vehicle?

-Do you copy?

Roger, 1-Baker-23.
Driving a blue Honda...

...Iast seen southbound on 12th.

I can't afford a babysitter
that speaks English.


We are Code 6
at 1 2th and Effie.

Roger that.

Vantes was your friend...

...your soldier.

Him, Marlen, Jason,
they're all still out there...

...trying to escape your hit.

Fine way to treat your friends.
What do you do on birthdays?

I didn't want to.

Make the call, Angelo.

Put an end to this right now.

I didn't push the button,
I can't un-push it.

Moses is laying all of this
on you, man.

Why don't you tell me
something different?

Give me Moses,
we can work out a deal.

-Cop says "deal," you go to jail.
-Call off the hit.

You can still make this right.

I do what you want, I'm a dead man
and my family too.

Life is just the way life is.

Who is it? Is it Vantes?

-Danyel Billup.
-You're sure?


g*dd*mn it.

I guess Moses wasn't planning
on keeping his end of the deal either.

-Guess not.
-One down, three to go.

Hey, step back, sir. Step back.

-Move it, come on.
-I don't wanna see this shit. Damn.

Danyel was on a peace mission.
Vantes sent him back to the table.

Yeah. Someone sure shoved
the peace pipe right back up his ass.

Let go. I don't wanna go over there.
No man. That's my n*gga, man. Damn.

-Damn, man.
-Give him to me.

-That's my n*gga, man.
-Hey, Ray.

You see this? That's what'll happen
to your friends if you don't help me...

-...find where they're holed up.
-One-Niners took his phone.

Any call Danyel made,
they're gonna know about it.

Only a matter of time before
some One-Niner finds that person.

My man Vantes
can defend himself, man.

He might be a revolutionary,
but he ain't bulletproof.

We find them, or the One-Niners
leave their bodies for us to find.

How many funerals
you wanna go to?

-Bag him.
-Look at me.

Ray. You've done
a lot of bad things, Ray.

You sold dr*gs, stole money,

You do this one last good thing
for your friends.

Vantes would've called
his cousin Aquille, man.

-He'll know where they at.
-All right. Take him.

Let's find this Aquille.

Police! Open up!

The hell with it.

Hands on your head! Don't move!

Hands on your head. Hold still.

Sending your cousin on a little trip?

Where's Vantes?

The mask was red.

Anything else you remember?

Maybe he took you somewhere?

Maybe you remember
something about his hands?

He have an accent?

Detective Wagenbach?

Girls this age need a gentle touch.

You're the gentle-touch expert?

-I happen to be a wonderful father.
-Two weekends a month.

I'll be outside.

Sometimes I think humans
need a subspecies... categorize these bastards.

Hey, I saw Vic this morning.

He's doing better.

I hear he's handling the situation
with his replacement well.

-Oh, they filled Lem's spot?
-Vic's replacement.

Some guy named Hiatt is taking over
the Strike Team when Vic retires.

That's not for years.

The department's pushing him out
at his 1 5 mark.

That's in, like, a month.

So how's Hiatt working out?

He's nothing like Vic. I love him.

The dead Mexicans Dutch found,
they were k*lled with a machete?

Several machetes,
based on the number of body parts.

I got word
from a community back channel...

...that a Salvadoran g*ng
did the job.

-You heard of La Raza Guanaca?
-I didn't realize they'd come this far.

It could be the murders
are the response... the influx
from the prison closures in Mexico.

Salvadorans putting out
the unwelcome mat...

...for the Mexican competitors.

It occurred to me
that Hiatt's background in lNS...

...makes him perfect
to get to the bottom of it.

Maybe. If he was
at Robbery Homicide. It's theirs.

I had the case transferred
back to the Barn.

You said you weren't gonna
pull any strings.

Come on. Handled correctly,
this could be the PR win we need.

Or a crime-stats nightmare
that shuts this door forever.

You solve this, that's a dozen murders
in the win column.

And just might be enough to put
your quarterly stats over the top...

...keep these doors open.

Man, this wire shit,
this is straight-up dirty snitch, man.

Blame Aquille.

If he'd given us the info we need, we'd
be off saving your friends by now.

-He's set.
-Once Aquille gives you the location...

-...where Vantes is, give the signal.
-Don't make it obvious.

-He gets suspicious, we're out of luck.
-Got a sec?


Possible man for your team.
Take a look at his jacket...

-...see what you think.
-Will do.

You know,
Mackey played Moses today.

He let him think he was making a deal:
Vantes dies, the others go free.

It's a smart strategy.

I mean, it didn't work
but it got me thinking.

So far, it seems
that Mackey's usually spinning...

...three different wheels.
Creating the perception...

...that he's willing to cut a deal,
go off the grid, it's a way in.

Maybe this reputation...

...has more to do with that perception
than with reality.

Vic is showing you his good side
because it's in his best interest.

Don't be fooled.

-Can't you get up off me?

You keep mouthing, I'm gonna
stick you in the other cage with them.

Hey, man, I could walk by myself.

Let's see how you sit.

Anyway, the poster looks great.

Give me a call if you want.

Hey, I worked up a profile
on our guy.

Single dad, probably had a daughter
who disappeared or died prematurely.

Thinks he's teaching his victims
a lesson: Go home.

Good advice if it didn't involve
kidnapping, r*pe and t*rture.

Profiling is overrated.
Shoe leather's what cracks cases.

Come on, you like making stories up
in your head. Like about you and Tina.

Fact is, you don't have a shot.

Looks department alone,
you're a total mismatch.

What, you're such an adonis?

I know the kind of lady who's attracted
to me, and it ain't Tina.

Helping her improve her skills had
nothing to do with any interest in her.

-She happens to have talent.

-Even if others don't see it yet.
-Face it.

You took advantage of her vulnerability
just like our mystery psycho.

Except your drug was power...

...and the false hope
of career advancement.

That's ridiculous.

You have a reputation, Holland:
Chasing unis...

...Mackey's ex,
wives of m*rder victims.

I think a profiler would call that
a pattern of sh1tting where you eat.

I happen to be devoted to my job.

I don't exactly have time
to hit the bar scene.

If I wanna ask Tina out, I will.

-Let me know how that goes.

Stamos found Princess Gaines.
He's bringing her in.

-Thanks, Paula.
-Mom's on her way too.

Here he is at it again.

on getting another girl ass-r*ped.

I'm sorry we didn't believe you.

At the time you came in,
we just couldn't corroborate your story.

But that may have changed.

Ain't no never mind to me.

I cried my tears all out.

I whipped this girl
based on you telling me she lied.

-And now you telling me she didn't?
-There's another girl.

Certain details in her story match
what Princess said happened to her.

I told her to go to the police,
tell them what happened.

-I said the police would help.
-We are so sorry, Mrs. Gaines.

We just didn't have enough evidence
at the time.

Well, that beating
I gave her is on your two heads.

Just ask her what she knows.

I want my daughter home.

Do you remember any details
since we talked to you last?

Wish I didn't.

Anything you can tell us:

What he looked like,
where he held you...?

It was a girls' room,
only from a long time ago.

How so?

Posters on the wall were all wack.

White boys in these gay poses.

One of them was called, like,
"65 degrees" or something.

98 Degrees.

I took my oldest to the concert.

Do you recognize this man?

I know it's not much of a sketch.

Those are his eyes.

Ray's got Aquille chatting.

Shouldn't be long
before we learn Vantes' whereabouts.

A little light reading?

Package just came in.

"Not looking forward to the 8-by-1 0 cell
or fighting for the top bunk...

...but the least I can do
is come out smarter than I went in.

Send these to me wherever I land.

I'll miss you. Lem."

He ordered these online
the night before he went on the run.

Art, sports, history, Stephen King.

Look at this. Birds of America.

Dreams and What They Mean.

So, what do you wanna do
with these books?

Hey, Vantes is a big reader, right?

Well, we're gonna find him
and the other two.

We're gonna send them
someplace peaceful.


We're gonna give the books to him.

Corrine? Yeah, where are you?

What are you doing out there?

All right, I'm on the way up.

Give me a minute.

-You could come inside.
-I've only got a half-hour break.

And I don't want everyone in there
to know our business.

Except I guess they hear
everything first anyway.

Your so-called retirement?

-Shit. Look, I was gonna--

Were you gonna send me a post card
from Florida?

I just spoke to the captain.
It's probably not gonna happen.

What if it does?

I mean, are you figuring things out?
Making plans?

Or do you think your check
will magically appear in my mail?

I'll work it out.
I've always taken care of the kids.

Yeah, I know.

And I see what it costs you.

I don't want that anymore, Vic.

I don't want me or them responsible
for what it makes you do.

That's all in the past.

I hope so. You've lost enough.

Hey, wire worked.
We got a location.

Vantes is holed up
with the other two.

I'm not gonna lose my job.
I promise.

God, the amount of time I spend
attached to that machine....

I hope this is enough
to get Lee through tomorrow.



You think I should've taken
my six weeks?

-Be there to feed Lee myself.
-I wasn't thinking that.

Come on, Julien, you had nine months
to lay your judgments on me.

I'm not saying anything.

I'm sorry. I'm just.... I'm just so tired.

Besides, it beats riding with Tina.

I'm gonna get my groove back,
I promise.

-All right.

-Good night, captain.

Everything all right?

Sleep deprivation.

Hiatt's decided to add another member
to the Strike Team.

I suggested you. Say yes.

-Working with Vic?
-Hiatt will be taking over.

It's an opportunity. More money,
more prestige, making a difference.

Those guys will never accept me.

They won't have a choice.

It may still be called the Strike Team,
but it's a different animal.

No more bullshit antics.
You can handle this, Julien.

Say yes.

All right.

Thank you, captain.

New life starts tomorrow. Good luck.

Vantes, it's Vic Mackey.

I just wanna talk.

He's back here.

He's hurt.

-He was shot this morning.

Holy shit.

-Vantes. What happened?
-He was shot this morning... the restaurant. You gotta help.
-Shit. And you just let him bleed?

He wouldn't let us get help.
He said Moses would find us.

-He wouldn't let me tell his cousin.
-Niners will come.

Shit, he's going into shock.

-Vantes, open your eyes. Wake up.
-He bleeds out...

-...Moses lets the other two live.
-All three of them live.

-Keep your eyes open. Stay with me.
-I need an ambulance at 9246 Norton.

Come on, open your eyes.
Stay awake, man.


Come on, grab his legs.

-He called an ambulance--
-Grab his legs!

He stays here, he's gone.

-No, Moses.
-Just take it easy.

-We're gonna get you to the hospital.
-You'll be fine, hear me?

Get these guys to the Barn.
Let's go.

-Let's go, out.
-Stay awake. You hear me?

Stay awake, kid.


-Keep your eyes open. Stay awake.
-Come on, buddy.

Come on. Your mom
wants you to come home, man.

She wants you to stay alive
for her, right?

For the revolution.


Come on, man.

You're not gonna die on me.

I'm not gonna let you die.

Almost there.

We're almost there.
You're gonna be fine.

-Hey! We need a doctor in here!

-A doctor, g*dd*mn it!
-Let's go! Get out of the way!

Get out of the way!
g*nsh*t. He's bad, he needs help.

I'll page a doctor.




-More sterile strips there.

-Corrine! Hey.

Corrine! Corrine, I need you.

Hey, Corrine!


-Excuse me, you have a few minutes?
-I don't know.

-Plenty of people that have need.
-All right.

-We have to take the--
-Oh, always.

Lem. In the dream, did Lem...?

Your dream was....


In your dream, did Lem...?

What is it? What's going on?

Oh, my God.


-Hey! Stop! He can't just--
-It's all right. We're cops. Leave him.