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05x10 - Of Mice and Lem

Posted: 01/11/22 07:48
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Shield.

Sir, what's the problem?

My d*ck. Please.

You're caught in a rat trap.

I've got lupus. Had it for 15 years.

Claudette. Oh, my God.

Don't... Don't move her.
Call the paramedics.

Why didn't you tell me that Sadie
has a history of mental illness?

I made a life for myself.
You been missing me?


I wasn't worth taking care of
and now I'm not worth shit. You...

I wanna go home.
At least we found his weak spot.

Shit, go.


You. You're under arrest

for possession of heroin
with intent to distribute.

The price is simple. I help you
put away these fine young men,

you make sure you put them away
right here.

You send Lem to Lompoc,

it's you that's the real m*rder*r.
I had a conversation with Antwon.

You're bluffing. You don't have the
stomach to serve Lem up to Antwon.

I didn't used to.







Oh, shit.


LEM: You gotta be kidding me.

Welcome home.

KAVANAUGH: You don't look so good.
LEM: I'm not talking to you.

It's a social call.

You're lucky,
having a friend like Mr. Hovis.

Smithland Hovis?
The good buddy
who posted your bail?

It's funny.

He doesn't remember you that well.
Just get out, man.

You know, when I find out how Vic
and the other two got that bail money,

they're gonna wish that they had
a friend like your friend Smitty.



Is that blood?


Do you need a doctor?
Just get the hell out! Just get out!


Heard you had a rough week, so I told
Jon I'd stop by and check in on you.

Sun will rise in the west the day
that man cares whether I live or die.

Well, he did the same thing for me
with my ex.

Did more for her than he did for me.
Sounds like you guys are close.

We've been spending
a lot of time together actually
on account of the job.

But Jon's kind of tough to figure out.

You know,
IAD cops are a different kind of breed.

Consider yourself fortunate.

He didn't tell me, uh...
You have kids?

Family wasn't on Jon's to-do list.

Just as well. Easier to move on.
You want coffee?

Uh... Water's fine.

So how does it work, you and the ex?

Good and bad. But I look out for her,
make sure she gets what she needs.

At least you guys have a connection.

For better or worse.
You're not what I expected.

Truth is, I didn't have a clue what sort
of woman Jon would have married.

Neither did he. Still doesn't.

Just like him
to send somebody else over

to, uh, carry my emotional baggage.

Tell the prick I'm great.
Hey, it's tough to be a cop's wife.

Jon's wife is the job.

What keeps him warm at night.

And he's a coward
for not coming himself.


Is there some other message
you'd like me to give him?


Whoa, whoa, whoa-ho.

Oh... What about Jon?

When Jon left me,
he made his choice.

I'll make mine.





Hey. Where you been?
I had an ex-wife thing.

What did you need us here for?
Not her, me.

I'm gonna take a deal. Just listen.

If I plead guilty to the heroin thing,
this all seals off.

And without me,
Kavanaugh's got nothing else.

He's got nothing on you guys.
Oh, we're not feeding you to Antwon.

Lompoc's an idle threat.

The judge will most likely place him
in a medium-security facility.

Kavanaugh's not gonna
let you escape
with some cush deal.

He's got Emolia's testimony, man.
He wants years.

He's got the brass behind him.

Not anymore.

OIG and the chief,
they're losing confidence
in Kavanaugh's investigation.

DA's receptive.

I plead guilty to theft
under colour of authority,

they'll drop the intent
to distribute charge.

BECCA: Five years.

Up for parole in 18 months.


Man, you plead guilty,
it's your badge, it's your pension.

We're talking prison.
Eighteen months isn't a week.

I know.

Don't do it. Don't do it, man.
We're fighting this, man.

I don't wanna fight anymore.
I don't wanna fight anymore.

All right, if you were in my place,
you'd take the hit.

To protect me, the team.

I know you would.


Look, no matter what we do,
end of the day,
Kavanaugh's still got a brick of tar.

He's still got Emolia's word.
You heard Becca.

The chief's losing faith.
I'm working on discrediting this guy.

So IAD brings in someone else.
They still have the same brick.

I'm doing time no matter what.
This way I got some control.

Look, I'm just so tired of not knowing
what's gonna happen.

Worrying about the rest of you.

I gotta see an end.

Jesus Christ, man.
I gotta get back inside, talk to Becca.

VIC: Let us know if anything breaks.
All right.

For him to get out in 18 months,
he's gonna have to be a model inmate.

That's not gonna happen.

Protective custody's a joke.

He's gonna be fighting for his life
the full five years.

The hell is he thinking?

Between Kavanaugh spinning doom
and Becca selling him a rose garden,

the poor guy doesn't know
what end is up.

Or he's taking the deal
because he knows eventually,

Kavanaugh's gonna get him
to crack.

I'm off to Lompoc.



I was beginning to think that
you didn't have love for me anymore.

I was getting a little jealous,
you spending so much time

with another cop.

Yeah, Kavanaugh's an intense cat,
isn't he?

Hey, shame about Lemansky, man.

But you do know that blondie
will end up in my backyard.

We don't know anything yet.

And if Lem does do time,
he's not gonna land here.

I've got a real big backyard.

And wherever he lands,
I decide his quality of life.

But that's why you're here.
You need something, same as I do.

Otherwise, you wouldn't have sent
that little black breezy to find me.

Truth is, Antwon Mitchell's
the answer to all your prayers.

Lemansky's guardian angel.

See, we have a relationship,
you and me.

That relationship's
had its ups and downs,

but it's still a relationship.
You make me drive all the way here

for couples counselling,
or you got something to say?

The Niners have taken a serious hit
since my incarceration.

Halpern's been running them
under the radar.

Until this black-brown shit storm
plays itself out.

Look, that cranky black bitch
is afraid of his own g*dd*mn shadow.

I've got some serious
old-school weight coming in.

Kern Little.

I knew Kern's rap career
was in the dollar bin.

I didn't know he was back in colours.
Eventually, they all come home.

And Kern? He's eager to help me
with my cash-flow problem.

I've gotta hand out a lot of turkeys
at Thanksgiving.

There's a warehouse on Ridge Road.

Place where they're storing
what's left of the seized assets.

You want me
to rip off a P.D. warehouse?

Of course not.

Kern's already put together
a team for that.

You just gotta come up with a plan
on how and when to get my guys in.

Walk Kern and his second, Moses,
through it.

That's more than an escort.
That's a hooker and a hand job.

Hey, that's the price for my guarantee
that Lemansky stays alive.

Stand back. Nothing to see here.

Jesus, his d*ck's gone.
Somebody find it.

Detectives, another glory hole.

A jogger called it in. No ID.
CLAUDETTE: g*nsh*t?


There's a rat trap in one of the stalls.

I was real careful
not to disturb the crime scene.

Good thinking.
You wanna get that on ice,
send it with him to the hospital.

Not gonna matter if we don't
get him stabilized.

We need to move now.

Let's get a canvass going.

This is the same m.o.
as that attack couple of weeks ago.

Uh... Suspect was male,
Caucasian, thirties.

Well, let's not rule anyone out yet.

In a world of men,
thought has even crossed my mind.

Serrated teeth.
Interlocking, no less.

This is lot more gothic
than the last glory-hole attack.

DUTCH: You, uh, talk to the hospital?
Victim's still unconscious.

He sustained a head injury
when he passed out.
He's in pretty rough shape.

So we have no way of knowing
if and when he'll be able
to communicate.

Canvass turn up anything?
Nothing so far.

So we got d*ck. Which is more
than I can say for the victim.

We need to get the word out.
Bookstores, bathhouses, bars,

anywhere this sort of activity
goes on.

Uh, we need to re-interview the victim
in the first glory-hole attack.
What was his name?

He gave us everything that he had.
He never talked to a detective.

It's, uh, Alarico Trujillo.
I'll write his address down.

This Trujillo guy. He's married, kids.

I told him I'd keep his name out of it
if he cooperated. He held up his end.

This has escalated
way beyond a twisted prank.

He's our only conscious witness.

We'll be discreet. Thank you.
TINA: Okay.


Is this thing even remotely safe?

Make sure it is,
because we got no choice.

Antwon's the devil we know.
Yeah, what if it's the other devil?

Kavanaugh laying a trap?

He's been cutting deals with Antwon,
maybe this is his last s*ab
before Lem seals this off.

RONNIE: No. This place is wide open.
We could spot a surveillance unit
a mile away.

If Kavanaugh was planning a sting,
this wouldn't be the place.

He knows we would think that.
VIC: We sniff out every inch of thing.

Triple-check every last detail.
We get one bad whiff, we bail.


Why don't you crank it up?

Might still be some cops
in Long Beach who can't hear it.

Why don't you relax, thief.

I was hoping
I'd never see you in purple again.

Never took it off.
You know how that goes.

Yeah, I do.

This my boy Moses, man.
Check them both.

Looking for this?
VIC: No.

We've had a little bug problem lately.

You think we work for the white law?
VIC: White law, black power.

It's all the same shit.
Just wanna make sure
our visit stays anonymous.

They're clean.
No shit, Captain cr*cker.

That's clever. Can't understand
why the rap career didn't take off.

Hey, hey, hey. Easy, easy, easy.

Now, what's your g*dd*mn problem?
Times change, man.

I don't trust you,
or your ghost squad.

Well, the lack of love is mutual.

Yeah, I see that.

You and Antwon.
Nothing like karma.

Hey, the favour, I have to do.

Taking mouth shit from
M.C. Has-Been, I don't.

Come on, come on, fellas.

Now, let's just put this history on hold
and get this shit done. Okay?

Let's go over it.

Okay. There's one guard.

Spends most of his shift
at the gatehouse, here.

Guy of ours says the warehouse
is wall-to-wall cameras.

They feed into a bank of monitors
at the gate. The seizure locker's here.

Can't miss it. Right past the Hummer.
There's antiques, TVs and a safe.

A big one.
SHANE: Mitchell was right.

We checked the inventory. Over
500 grand in watches and jewellery.

Yeah, and that's all we go for.

No one drives out of there
with a Hummer or a flat screen.


VIC: Yeah.
Where are you?

VIC: Why?
We need to talk.


Kavanaugh's covering his bets
in case the criminal case
against you doesn't make it.

What do you mean "in case"?

Surprised this clown
hasn't gotten the hook already.

By acknowledging you failed to
clear the room when Terry was shot,

Kavanaugh's trying to characterise
your earlier statements
as false and misleading.

That's bullshit.
I've told the truth since day one.

Nothing I said has changed
because the facts haven't.

Well, then he's doing a good
job of twisting your words.

It's not inconceivable
that he could cost you
your retirement.

Where did you hear that?

Your case was referred
to the Police Committee for review.

You let him try to take my pension.
PBA reps will have his head on a pike.

Well, I wouldn't be so sure.

You know, Kavanaugh
could get this as a face-saving way
to end his investigation.

Never mind prying a cop with
a sketchy jacket off the taxpayers' tit.

Anyway, we said we'd share.
Thought you'd want the heads up.

Hey, wait a minute.

Is Kavanaugh making any noise
around here about me?

All's been quiet as it relates to you.
Undermining him is a priority.

For both of us.



We'd like to speak to Alarico Trujillo.

About a car accident he witnessed
a couple weeks back.


Uh... We had a few more questions
about that accident.

I told you people everything.

You didn't tell me
about no car accident.

I got nothing more to say.

There's been another driver
that's been seriously injured.

It's important you come with us.
Someplace private.

Look, man...

Just... just leave me alone, okay?

We can do this another way
if we have to.


Pretty soon this is gonna be
a Ionely room filled
with empty lockers, huh?

You and me
are the only ones on the way out.
I just cut a deal with the DA.

What deal's that?
LEM: Just ask the chief.

It's sitting on his desk
waiting for a signature.

He'll be out on parole before
the blood rushes back to your face.

You don't mind if I check the facts
before I pack my bags, do you?

I don't give a shit what you do.

Yeah. Thanks.

Chief's office hasn't even seen
Lemansky's deal yet.

His mouthpiece is feeding him
a happy meal to keep his spirits up.
Speaking of happy meals...

Did Vic bite on that intel
about me, uh,
going after his pension?

Oh, you didn't see the steam
coming off his bald head?

Beautiful, man. Ha-ha.

And I so want there to be trust
between you two.


I need to use your office.
KAVANAUGH: Of course.

Anything I can do for you?
No. It's a police matter.

Mi casa es su casa.

Gave us all a scare,
that spill you took.


Well, if you got one of these, there...

There's plenty of bounce
to the ounce.

Let me get to the point.

I've been made aware
that you have a serious
medical condition.

One that could compromise
your ability to perform your duties.

You needed to disclose
a disease like lupus. You didn't.

Because it was a personal matter.

Suppose you took a header
out in the field.
You could've put officers at risk.

But it didn't happen. And I'm not here
because of how I knock down doors.

I'm ordering you
to see a city physician
for a full medical review.

Until then,
you're assigned to desk duty.

Then let's get it done, ASAP.
I've got plenty of cases to clear.

I'm responsible for the health
and welfare of everyone working here.

Then maybe
you ought to do something

about the epidemic
bullshit in this place.

Claudette, don't...
Don't interrupt.

This man, Kavanaugh,
that you've just given
the place over to.

I understand he's got
an investigation to run,

but have you any idea
what he's doing to morale?

Oh. She's got a point there.
IAD is arrogant and intrusive.

It's the nature of the beast.
But this man,

takes intimidation
to a whole other level.

He's got
every officer in this place spooked.

They spend more time looking over
their shoulders than they do

doing their jobs.
It's a fair assessment.

Our last captain
had unpopular policies.

So you stuck us with an interim
jellyfish that won't rock the boat.

Then you cut resources
that we need to do the job.

Talk about putting people at risk.

Crime stats are down
since I took over.

Look, if you aren't out to lunch,
passing the buck,

or leaving every day at 4:00,
you'd know that our citizens

aren't reporting
half of what's going on out there,

because they know that we can't
or won't do anything.

If you want me to go and pee in a cup,
I'll be happy to fill it.

But I'm not your problem.


Pretty loopy.

Maybe that's why they call it lupus.

Look, I've been here too long as it is.
My wife's gonna get suspicious.

You have a plausible cover story.
If you'd like me to call and explain...

No. Please.

I just wanna go home.

Give me a second. Uh... Sit down.

What did the assistant chief want?

I'm trying to comprehend

why you felt the need to inform
the department that I have lupus.

l... N... I did nothing of the kind.

The chief's office
is certainly up to speed.

Well, not from me.
You're the only one who knew.

O-obviously not.
Because of you, I'm riding a desk.

Okay, Claudette,
you're not hearing me.

l... I have not spoken to anyone
about this.

You went to the DA's office before
to make a separate peace
behind my back.

Oh, come on. The...

You don't believe me?

If you didn't tell them directly,
then somebody you told did.

Maybe that little Latina wet dream
you've been pushing up against.
You gave her a little bit of gossip,

so you could show
how plugged-in you are.

Hold on. You've crossed the line into
wholesale character assassination.

Career assassination is a lot worse.

This is good. This helps a lot.

I'll have an officer
give you a ride home.

I'll take a bus.

I don't wanna be getting out of
a police car in my neighbourhood.

MAN: Captain?
BILLINGS: What can I do for you?

Art Gadwah,
Los Angeles Gay Men's Initiative.

I'd like to talk to whoever's in charge
about recent att*cks
on members of our community.

Julien, come talk to this guy
about the rat trap
glory-hole business, will you?

This is Officer Lowe. He's been
with this since the beginning.

Yeah, we've been
interviewing witnesses.

In the meantime, we're asking anyone
with any information to contact us.

So basically,
you're waiting for this sadist
to turn himself in.

That would be a wrong perception.

Well, your captain couldn't wait
to shuffle me off onto you.

And it's clear that you'd rather be
anywhere else than talking to me.

Instead of playing the blame game,

why don't you help us
get the word out and distribute these?

I'm sure you people know where
the glory holes are better than we do.

Are you aware that there are at least
half a dozen att*cks we know of

haven't even been reported?

Well, maybe those people knew
what they were doing was wrong.

Adults? Engaging in consensual sex?
In public, which is a crime.

Thank you for coming down
and registering your concern.

I need your name and badge...
You need to keep your hands off me.

You and your buddies in blue
can hate all you want to. We're here.

You need to get used to it.


Did a five-mile sweep.
No RF or infrared readout anywhere.

Nobody's transmitting
any voice or video.

Well, we've been up and down
the dial. No coded chatter.



Oh, Christ.
Don't move.

You don't fight, you don't die.
No fighting, man. Whatever you want.

Whatever you want.

Man, come on, don't,

Open up. That one and that one.

Hold his g*n.



You get the safe.
I'll check the drawer.

Come on.


Please, I got a family.

Just let me go, okay?
I won't say anything.

Shut that bitch up.

ELRON: I won't say anything.
ONE-NINER: Shut up.


Don't forget the tools.


Jesus Christ.
What the hell are you doing?

Just finishing the job.
Antwon's orders.

MOSES: Kern had to go.
SHANE: Holy shit.

Turn around against the fence
right now! Right now!

RONNIE: He's gone.
SHANE: What about Kern?


This was not part of the deal.
MOSES: Sure it was.

Part Antwon didn't tell you about.
SHANE: Holy shit.


It's done.

k*ll me,
and you lose favour with Antwon.

And your boy end up face down
in a pool of blood and blow juice.

Hey. Hey.

Get up.

Get the safe and get out.
SHANE: You heard him, let's go.

Get out.




What the hell do we do here?

g*dd*mn it.

VIC: Give me a hand.
Shit. Shit.


RONNIE: I don't get it.
VIC: Kern was no back-seat banger.

Antwon had him taken out
before Kern took over.

Why not just whack him
when he's in the hood?

Word got out
that Antwon took out Kern,

the street would take it
as a weakness.

g*ng without a leader,
brothers jump to other sets.

Kern goes down in the line of duty,
gets the Niners street cred.


Moses takes over,
pushes Antwon's agenda.

g*dd*mn it.

g*dd*mn it, man.

Let's go.


You gotta be sh1tting me.

These brothers can take a b*llet.

Oh, God. What now?

Get me help.

Get me help.


Let's go.

Vic, come on, man.
We can't...

911 will take 20 minutes to get here.

He's gonna be dead in 10.


We'll wait. Then we leave, call it in.

Are you sure about this?

Kern's dead. We can still save Lem.


No. No.


Mackey, Mackey, please.


Police! We're cutting the lock.

On my command, you stand,
hands on your head.

Sorry, it's based on a combination.

There's a glory hole over there.
And a couple of rat traps.

Yeah. The owner said
he put them out.

Tough to prove whose is whose.

Stand slowly. Hands on your head.

We helped you catch him.

I expect you to hold up your end.

What do you suppose
would happen if someone

snapped this, on someone's d*ck.

You're sick. You know that?

I didn't make this up.

This one here,

serrated teeth.

Guy who got caught in this is gonna
pee sitting down, if he survives.

Aren't you glad it wasn't you?
Be a hell of a secret
you'd have to live with.

Something personal
and embarrassing that affects
your ability to function.

Not something you'd want
a lot of people to know about.

Okay, you wanna do this,
you can talk to him.

I'll come back later.


So, Jarrod, what have you got
against gay folks?

That some sort of tactic?

You pretend to pick a fight and then
you do the whole tag-team thing.

Just answer the question.

He give you anything?

We need to put this guy in a lineup.
He's all yours.

Tina, we need to bring Trujillo
in again.

I'll tell him to meet you
down the block from his place.
Keep up appearances.

Got it.

Alarico Trujillo on Latimer Ave?

Unis just responded to a domestic
at his address that got ugly.

Run with it,
since you're dealing with him
on the other thing.

Okay. Okay.

I got balls in the air
on a big 211 that got called in.

I'm gonna check in on it personally.

We got here, he was standing
over her with a baseball bat.

We took it off him,
but not before he got a few whacks in.

I got this.

What happened?

We got married, priest told her
everything I'd done before with men.

That was in the past.

Tried to stop
but she knew what was up.

You people started coming around,
asking questions.

She knew why.

She started calling me a f*g
in front of my kids,

so I beat the shit out of her.



What the hell is he doing here?

VIC: Pretending to be a cop.
BILLINGS: You guys call this in?

Yeah. We got a tip the One-Niners
were hitting this place.

We got stuck on a van on a stakeout,
couldn't make it back here in time.

What's the damage?

Looks like the guard took out one
before he got his head blown off.

Detective Mackey.
Did you know him?

He was Kern Little.

Old-school One-Niner.

Went back to the street game
once his hip-hop career hit the skids.

You inventory what's missing, we'll
start turning over One-Niner rocks.

Familiar scenario, this.

Hmm. How so?

Come on, you don't see it?

A dead cop
k*lled by the g*n of a dead bad guy.

You two, innocent bystanders.

We were on the other side
of Farmington, assh*le.

Anybody see you?

It wouldn't have been
much of a stakeout if they had.

You know what?
Start eating again, man.

Malnourishment is
starting to screw with your logic.

Lemansky's going to prison.
You need to protect him.

You reach out to Antwon Mitchell.

For some reason,
he needs his, uh, crew leader dead.

Bad blood, internal beef, whatever.

So you k*ll him.

Your end of the deal.

He keeps Lem alive,

his end of the deal.

How does that logic sound to you?

Let me remind you of a few things
you seem to have forgotten.

I didn't k*ll Terry.

You've lost your leverage with Lem.

And your ex-wife's p*ssy

tastes like sweet butter.

What do you want?

Sadie, you gonna let me in?
I'm in the middle of something.

I just need to know
if you, uh... You've seen this guy?

Yeah, he came through.

You okay?

What do you care?

Sadie, did he hurt you?

You're the only one
who ever hurts me, Jon.

That's not gonna happen again.

I ju... Can you just...

Tell me what he did. Just tell me
what happened. What did he do?

What did he do? Um...

He made me come.

That's what he did.


No, he didn't.
Oh, yeah.


Do you know

who this guy is, Sadie?

Your friend,

who you sent to check up on me.

Well, he did.

What is wrong with you?


You need to go.

Move your arm from the door, Jon.


Or I will call the police.

What's up?

What are you doing here?

Chief's office just signed off
on the deal.

Look, I report for processing
tomorrow morning.

It's okay, man. It's over.

It's over.


Thank you, man.

LEM: It's all right. It's okay.

RONNIE: We got your back.
LEM: I know. I know. I know.

You'll be taken care of.
You understand?

All right.

I had nothing to do with this.

But if you're asking
if I think these perverts
should be punished...?

Look what they're doing
to our country.

Yeah. Seducing our kids,
spreading AIDS.

You gave us your spiel.

A moment of your time.

So where are we with this freak?

He's guilty, just not prosecutable.

The problem is the evidence
is circumstantial
and threadbare, at best.

He matches the witness description.

Well, there's no way
the DA's gonna indict
off a wife beater's say so.

Let's put him on the tour. Lose him
in the system for a couple of days,
uh, buy some time.

With IAD bivouacked in my colon?
You out of your mind?

If you can't close him, lose him.

Oh. Oh, Claudette, chief's here,
he wants to see you.

Hey, I tried to keep it copasetic
with you and Phillips.

Detective Wyms,
I got a preliminary report back

from the city physician.

You are medically fit
to resume your duties.

I could have told you that.

You'll be required to have
quarterly checkups.

Your nickel.

I understand you unloaded with both
barrels on my number two here.

Sometimes happens, I see red.

Changes have to be made.

For starters,
I've decided to appoint you captain.

What makes you think
I want that revolving door?

You know this place
better than anybody
in the department.

Which is why you don't see me
jumping at the offer.

My predecessor made a mistake
slapping you down

with that DA nonsense.

But you and I can find a way
to work together, right?

For starters,
I would need a guarantee

that I would run the Barn.
Not in theory, in fact.

No one can do the job with...

Sorry to interrupt,

but I just confirmed
some very disturbing news.

Did you...?

Did you sign off on a deal
with Lemansky?

I did.

I thought we agreed,

no deals.

The only way to get Mackey
is to leverage his guys.

We're in the middle of something
here, lieutenant.

So am I. And it just got derailed
because you guys backed down.

It's over, Jon.

Sending Lemansky to jail
sends a message.

We'll all move on now.

And Mackey skates clean.


This guy... This guy is just pissing...
Just pissing all over us,

and we just smile and lick it up.

That's enough.

Vic Mackey kills cops.

He... He deals dr*gs,
he beats suspects.

You know what he did yesterday?

He... He screwed my ex-wife,

with the sole purpose

of making this investigation
seem like a personal vendetta.

He may have assassinated

a g*ng leader.

And that's just all in one day.

I wonder what he's gonna do today.

I wonder
what he's gonna do tomorrow.

This guy!

This guy is just pissing...
He's pissing all over us,

he's pissing on you. What...?

What does it taste like?

Chief, what does it taste like? You
know what? It tastes like piss to me.

You have 48 hours
to tie up the loose ends.

And find someplace else
to do the paperwork.

Captain Wyms needs her office.



We'll sneak the whole cow
into you, man.

Hey, Lem, I'm sorry.

I'm glad it's over, though.

That's okay. Thanks. Thank you.

Hey, you're gonna be a little thinner
next time I see you.


Yeah. Mm.

LEM: Thanks. Hey, I gotta get
some things in order.

I'll see you guys at the party.
All right, man.

What's that?
That's the paperwork

for the 211 you called in last night.
EMT found a ton of jewellery

in the pocket of the dead banger.

Shithead shot an innocent guy
and walked away with almost nothing.

Which means?

The g*dd*mn safe was empty.
So Antwon's not getting his money.

That's gonna screw the whole deal.

Holy shit. I gotta talk to Antwon.


These fags choose a life of sin and
suffering, get what they deserve.

But I'm the one in handcuffs.


Stand up.

Does his family
deserve to have their lives ruined,

because of what you did to him?
Men's room on Alvarado.

Look, I've never seen
that guy before.

But if he's being punished
for his wickedness,
then it's God's will.

You're his spokesman now?

Says right there in the book.

You shall not lie with a male
as one lies with a female.

It's an abomination.
I mean, come on. Hey, hey.

Leviticus 18:22. I know.

What are you doing?
I don't have to talk to you. Hey. Hey!

Where do you go to church?

Christ Bethany. What is this?

So then you know that Jesus
lived a perfect life of truth,

and he was crucified for it.

What do you suppose happens
to someone who lies in his name?

Who passes judgement
on other people in his name?

Psalm 71, verse 4.

Deliver me...
Hey, stop it!

- oh, my God,
out of the hand of the wicked.

Out of the hand
of the unrighteous and the cruel man.

You wanted to look at a man

down there.
You wanted to touch it.

Thought about it
for a long time,
maybe all your life.

You just never did it
because you knew that it was wrong.

No. No. No! Oh, God!

So you convinced yourself
that you were doing God's will.

Gave yourself an excuse to find out
what another man's penis feels like.

No. I would never do something
so repulsive and disgusting.

You're no different
than the men you prey on.

You're a h*m*.
No. No.

No. No.

You're just too weak
and afraid to admit it.

That's a lie! That is a lie.
I'm a Christian.

And they are vermin.
I did it because they are vermin.

Why would any man
want to touch another man
down there?

I did it to punish them.


What, no muffins?

You shouldn't have taken
the deal, Curtis.

You weren't supposed
to get the worst of this thing here.

That's all you did
from the minute you picked me up
is thr*aten me with jail.

That's all it was. It was just a threat.
Well, you threw me in County.

You arrested me.

I knew you'd make bail,
just not so soon.

It's just a strategy.

A wedge to get you to turn.

Cops will always give it up
with the threat of jail.


But not you.
Not Curtis Lemansky.

I can't believe you're doing this.

You're gonna
take the hit for him.

For them?
Yeah, well, believe it.

I'm sorry, I didn't, uh...

That we didn't become
friends sooner.

Maybe, uh...

I could've pulled this
in another direction, if I just...

I just made a...

Any man would be lucky
to have you in his corner.

Good luck, Curtis.

Hey. Hey.

It's over.

I know.

Take care of yourself, okay?

Things went south.

Dirty south. Alabama south.

If I had all the information going in,
we wouldn't be sitting here.

But here we are right now.

Big blue and his little black puppet.

What the hell are you talking about?

Kavanaugh dimed me, man.

Told me you've been bragging
about how you were playing me
against him.

How you manipulated me
into protecting Lemansky,

to shit all over his leverage.
That's bullshit.

He's jerking us off.

What do you care?
He can't get to you in here.

No, but he can touch
everyone around me.

That crazy-ass n*gga,

he initiated a full-scale
DOC investigation of this place.

The heat is on.

And soon, I won't be feeling
all the comforts of home.

Look, uh, I'll figure out a way
to get you your cash.

I'll look into this DOC thing.

You've done enough.

The deal
and this conversation are over.

Jesus Christ.
I took care of that little thing for you.

Now you're gonna tell me
that doesn't buy Lem some time?

That buys you one more dead cop.

I got Niners in every pen in the state.

So wherever he touches down,
it will happen.

And you can set your watch
to that inevitability.

One of your crew
so much as hard looks my guy,

my reach will get you shived.

You got reach like that?

So why you sitting down here
talking to me, grey boy? Huh?

Hey, hey. That's enough.
That's enough!

It's okay. It's all right.

That's just Detective Mackey's
way of saying goodbye.

Security back up to the day room.

Security back up to the day room.

I cut you a break for that meltdown
in front of Phillips

on account
of your medical problems
and so forth.

And then I find out it's part of
your campaign to steal my job?

I didn't go after this.

Why did you do me like this?
I thought you and me were good.

We are good.
And I didn't "do" you.

Letting Kavanaugh loose in this place,
they set you up to fail.

It's not your fault.

I didn't fail.

Is that what people are saying?

I'll need you to help me
pick up the pieces.

I'm supposed to stick around after
getting shanked in the back like this?

No. I got some pride, you know.

Why don't you give it a few days?
When you're ready to talk,

my door is open.



Better get a good look.


The "entertainment" just showed up.

Figured it was time for me to leave.


Uh, this is not the safest hood.
I'll get you to your car.


Oh, my.

I see what you mean.

I'm taking him to the courthouse,
9 tomorrow morning.

Officially surrender.


You doing okay?


We did the right thing, Vic.

Thank you for helping him.

You're a good friend.
He's lucky to have you.

Hey, what's going on?

Listen, I gotta tell you something
about Lem.



I hear we got a confession
out of Trapper John.

He and Julien reasoned together.

Congratulations on your promotion.

Thanks. I didn't know it was public.

I wanted you to hear that from me.

Eh, you know how things
spread around here.
Like herpes at a swingers' party.

While you were stretched out
on the floor over there,

paramedics found
Prednisone in your purse.

They called your doctor to find out
what you were being treated for,

Billings overheard,
and reported to Phillips.

He just told me.

He thought lupus
was an emotional disorder.

I'm sorry.

Well, you can't un-ring that bell.

You don't trust me.

I made a mistake.
You made a choice,

to think the worst about me.

I'll need your support.
I've got my work cut out for me.

You'll do fine.

Whoever sits up there has to have
an active mistrust of everyone,

and everything in this place.

I can't imagine anyone
better suited to the job.


Who were they?

Look, you guys, I hate to step
on the p*ssy and laughs,

but we gotta talk
about a change of plans.

What change?

You're not going to prison.

What are you talking about?

Look, we made a deal with Antwon
to get you safe passage inside.

It went bad.

The thing at the warehouse?

Oh, Jesus Christ.

VIC: Kavanaugh's launched
a Department of Corrections
investigation of Lompoc.

He's gonna make Antwon's life hell.
And Antwon's blaming me.

SHANE: Oh, g*dd*mn it.
But I won't end up in Lompoc.

Word gets out Antwon's got a beef,
any prison, any protective custody,

best case scenario,
you bust enough heads to stay alive.

Which means
I can kiss early release goodbye.

Worse case scenario,
you're gonna kiss
everything goodbye.

What the hell
am I supposed to do?

Lay low until I figure out a way
to get Antwon back onboard.

You're putting him on the run?
I can't run anymore.

VIC: We're out of options.
I don't want to do this.

SHANE: Do we even have a plan?
I'm working on one.

RONNIE: Where's he gonna go?
I don't know! I don't know!


Now, you're gonna hide
while I find Gilroy's contacts.

Mexico? No. No.

Lem, it's only temporary.

But what about my deal?
If I run, man, they'll throw it out.

They'll have all new charges.
It's better than the alternative.

Lem, right now this is about
keeping you alive.


Lem, I promise you.
I promise you, man.

I promise you,
we're gonna make this work.





Hurry up.

Oh, God, Julien, shit.


g*dd*mn it. Oh!

Baby's coming. Oh!


Can I talk to you for a second?

Just one second, okay?