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05x08 - Kavanaugh

Posted: 01/11/22 07:46
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Shield:


Fainted. She was out
before she fe- Claudette.

They gave me some cash
a little while ago.

- How much?
- Sixty-five thousand.

I need that money.

When talking to Kavanaugh,
I noticed a ring.

He's been divorced, like, two years.

Ever heard of a guy
named Antwon Mitchell?

Mackey and his guys, they have
some connection with Antwon Mitchell.

Her body shows up with b*ll*ts in it
from your two gats.

You'll be doing time
for a long, long time.

Waste your time with these theories
and you'll find yourself even more lost.

About six months ago,
we found this kilo of pure heroin... the glove compartment
of your car.

- You never logged it.
- Why hasn't he arrested Lem?

Kavanaugh's gonna get Emolia
to give you up.

- You're not safe here. I gotta move you.
- Why? What happened?

- Possible leaks.
- You said Vic wouldn't find out.

Vic, what the hell?

You didn't return any of my calls.
Kavanaugh, what did you tell him?

That I saw
your guy take the heroin.

Six months,
you could have warned me.

One of my men, maybe all of us
are going to jail because of you.

But without you,
IAD's case goes away.

Jesus. It's you.

Antwon Mitchell.

Well, you're the right colour.

But for some reason, I feel that you're
working on the wrong side, brother.

Jon Kavanaugh, Internal Affairs.
Los Angeles.

- Really? What part?
- Lately, I've been based in Farmington.

Don't tell me you have officers
stealing ghetto kids' bicycles...

...and taking their candy?

Come on, say it ain't so, Joe.

You recognise
these gentlemen, I know.

Need to know everything
you know about these men.

You want everything,
and I just need something.

The pope himself couldn't get you
mercy time on those two cop killings.

Let's just say
I'm trying to keep hope alive, then.

I could see what I can do about
your accommodations and privileges.

I run this g*dd*mn place, man.

What is it that you think
I'm not getting up in here?


I tore some of that
up this morning...

...and I'm not talking
about the cellmate kind.

You're obviously no fan of cops.

Here's your chance to help me
put them in a dark corner.

See, now you're venturing
into an interesting area...

...but I can't feed my peeps
with no moral victories.

How do I know you even have shit
on these guys?

Shane Vendrell?

I could bury
this banjo-playing assh*le.

Bitch likes to talk the walk.

But if you put a boot on his throat...

...his eyes tear up... a little bitch.

And b*tches,
they give up their buddies.

That's what makes them b*tches.

The price is simple.

I help you put away
these four fine young men... make sure
you put them away right here.

You want them
to spend their time here?

Yes, that way every morning,
I can see their smiling faces...

...when I'm eating my oatmeal.

So you can k*ll them, right?

You got me all wrong, mister.

- Scout's honour.
- No deal.

You know my name.

If your brain clears up,
give me a collect call.

Sorry you wasted a drive, Joe.

What was it? Three, four hours?

- You're forgetting. Time is on my side.
- That's where you're wrong.

You see me,
I'm just living one real long day.

You're the one
who has the ticking clock in his ear.

Otherwise, you wouldn't be here
talking to a man like me.

You change your mind,
give me a call.

Handle code three, 1-Tango-10,
roger that.

Six-Paul-11 to control.
I'm code six at 5029 King Drive.

We're gonna need additional units
for evacuation and the b*mb squad.

You're not gonna believe this.

Someone tossed grenades
into a backyard barbecue.

- Did you say grenades?
- Yeah. Live grenades.

Stay right there.

Hey. What happened?

You here on IAD business
or you just visiting the front?

- Just tell me what happened, all right?
- Backyard barbecue.

Somebody tossed four or five grenades
over the fence.

M26, Vietnam era, time delay.

- That one's a dud.
- All clear.

Good. Let's go.

- Victims?
- Spookstreet Souljahs.

They're a local black set.

Friends, girlfriends, kids.

Hey, I...

Found this in the house.

- Already cut, bagged and weighed.
- It's a Spookstreet distribution crib.

- g*ng retaliation?
- If Spookstreet was beefing...

- ...we'd have heard about it.
- Local sets around here...

...don't carry this kind of a*tillery.
Stand back.

There's real police work going on.

- Take this around front?
- Sure.

Kyle, thanks, man.

No problem, Jon.

You said you got a call last week
from an El Salvadorian contact...

...offered you a job
assembling grenades?

Last week, you said I was a liar.

You were feeding me
bullshit stories...

...trying to get out
of testifying against Mackey.

Cut this for her, will you?

A bunch of grenades went off today.

Maybe now you'll listen to me.

- I need you to tell me what's going on.
- You want information?

Then promise me I won't have
to testify against Vic or his guys.

We've been over this already.

You not testifying against Mackey
is not gonna happen.

You're cutting the pieces too big.

The only thing
keeping you out of jail...

...and Sebastio out of a foster home
is my good grace.

So you tell me what you know
about those grenades...

...or the next person cutting his food
is gonna be a social worker.

Owner of the Spookstreet house
is Latasha Dunn.

- Son's name is Marcus Dunn.
- Street name is MC Dunn-Good.

a Spookstreet lieutenant.

Why don't you and Ronnie
scoop him up?

- All right.
- Vic.

My C.I. has intel. It's the Salvadorians.
I think she can help.

Emolia's friend, Maria,
contacted her last week.

Salvadorians were looking for girls
to assemble a shipment of grenades.

You heard this
and you didn't share it?

We've all seen his nose
for quality intel is not exactly reliable.

She gave me tips before.
Most of them were bogus.

So your witness against Lem
is unreliable. That's good to know.

All right, so, what now?

My team will set up a meet...

...between Emolia and Maria.
We'll work our way back.

You're not putting her in the field.
It's too dangerous.

She told us there's another shipment.

You want every night here
to be the Fourth of July?

All right.
Your team can run the investigation.

But decisions involving Emolia,
I have final word.

I don't run an op
without making all the calls.

Neither Vic nor his team will have
any unsupervised contact with Emolia.

And they do anything on the sly
to thr*aten or coerce her...

...I'll pull her immediately.

And either myself or Agent Irwin
will be with her at all times, all right?

Do it.


Look, we can deal
with other stuff tomorrow.

What's important today is that
we track down these grenades.

Your safety,
that's my number one priority.

You may have all worked out
a deal, but I haven't.

Now, you want my help?
I want to know what's in it for me.

- That's not what we talked about.
- I need $20,000.

For Sebastio to get help,
like Vic's kid gets.

- Let's talk about this later, okay?
- No. Now.

This department's
always looked out for you.

You help us crack this,
there'll be something in it for you.

Maria says the bosses
are shipping grenades into L.A.

They're assembling them here.

they could explode during shipping.

They're looking for cutters,
help put them together.

Nimble-fingered girls they can trust.

Why do the Salvadorians
need grenades?

They're making a play to get back
into the drug protection business.

The Colombians control the dr*gs.

They use the Mexicans
to mule it from Bogota...

...into the black dealers' hands
in L.A.

The Salvadorians used to protect all of
it, mules, routes, distribution centres.

Until we busted their General Bonilla
last year.

Crippled their L.A. power base.

Colombians figured if the Salvadorians
couldn't protect themselves...

...why pay them
to protect their product?

So they're bombing their way
back into the business? Extortion.


Hope it's not too late
for you to get that job?


But I'll need to call Maria.

Let's set up a meet.


- How's your partner?
- Getting better.

- Nasty fall. Is she-?
- She'll be back soon.

I'm glad to hear it.

You finding anything
on the Strike Team?

That investigation is ongoing.

You checking into their finances?
Their money?

If you're not looking, you should be.

What do you think I'd find?

Not here. Later.

And don't talk to me out there
like we're friendly.

Kyle, what's-? What's going on?
Why's Emolia moving?

Emolia's contact made a change.
Moved the meet.

Okay, follow her. Maintain a visual.

Mackey disagrees. Thinks her contact
might have eyes out for a tail.

I don't care what he thinks.
Let's just move.

Look, she's wired up,
she's got GPS tracking on her cell.

She's got eyes and ears
on her at all times.

I never authorised
the use of a wire here.

Well, I know how much you love them,
I figured I'd try one for a change.

Give them a five-minute head start,
then we follow.

Oh, great. Kavanaugh's coming.

Nothing like a large black man
wearing a suit...

...jumping in your van
to maintain your cover.

- Is she okay?
- No reason why she wouldn't be.

- This the place we do the work?
- Not yet.

There's someone
who needs to meet you first.

Tejado runs security.
Guardo is in charge.

Come on.


Who are they?

- I don't use.
- I check every girl I hire.

This isn't the same as H-cutting.

You need cojones. Quick fingers.

One mistake, your face gets blown off.

First, you reset the striker
in the fuse head.

Attach the spoon.

He's assembling a live one.

Lock the striker in place
by inserting the safety pin.

You know, once you remove the pin
and the handle's released...'ve five seconds to put the spoon
and the pin back before it explodes.

Is that a live grenade in there?


No, no, no, it's okay. He's bluffing.

That grenade wasn't armed.

You never lost your nerve.

Tejado will call you with instructions.

Let you know when and where
to start working.

Come on. Let's go.

How'd you know he was bluffing?

Because once you pull the pin,
there's no turning back.

He knew it wasn't live.

- Let's move. Make the bust.
- No. It's too early.

We bust them now, we only
get a couple of players off the street.

There'll still be grenades out there.

We squeeze Tejado and Guardo,
they give it up. That's what we do.

Salvadorians rarely rat.

- They'll take a needle before they talk.
- We follow Guardo.

- Let him lead us to the grenades.
- He must be parked out back.

- Hey, Emolia's still up there.
- They bought her cover. She's fine.

I don't move now,
we're gonna lose him. Let's go.

- We're not leaving Emolia here.
- All right.

Make sure Emolia's all right.

We'll find Guardo on the street.

All right.

- Hey, how'd it go?
- They bought her cover.

Gonna call with a time and place.

In the meantime,
she'll wait up in observation.

Marcus Dunn. a.k.a. MC Dunn-Good.

His mother's house was hit.

Found a drugstore
in his bedroom closet.

Hit the street.
Find what you can about Guardo.

We'll take MC Dumbshit upstairs,
have a little chat.

Come on, let's go.

you've got a telephone call.

- Take a message for me?
- They said it's urgent.

- Who said?
- She said her name's Sadie.

Excuse me.


Detective, I need you to give me a ride
to the 300 block of Forestry Street.

What's there?

A crime scene.
You're going to be the primary.

I've got work. And you don't
hand out my assignments.

Do I have to remind you how many
rungs detective falls below lieutenant?

Get your ass out
and meet me in the motor pool...

...before I open an insubordination file,
and put your picture up on my wall.

Come on.

I was only making sure I wasn't
too friendly to you on the floor.

Come on, I was just maintaining your
cop cred with the other IAD haters.

You should be thanking me.

Next time,
I'd prefer the silent treatment.

So? Mackey's finances?

You ever hear
of an Armenian money train?

The money laundering operation
of the Armenian mob.

I think the Strike Team
ripped them off.

- Dangerous enemies to make.
- Not if you get away with it.

And I think we're talking
about a lot of money.

Mackey gave his ex 65 grand in cash
they can't account for.

Corrine's got nothing to do
with anything illegal.

This is all Vic.

- Can I get a look at your notes?
- Sure.

So, what's this case?

I got a call from my ex, Sadie.

She was just r*ped.

Is that too tight?

Breathe normally.


- Are you all right?
- I don't know.

What happened?

She was att*cked
as she got out of her car.

Dragged to the side of the vehicle,
out of sight of anyone passing by.

No witnesses yet.

We need to get her
to a hospital right away, do a kit.

I stopped him.
I stopped him in the middle.

I fought back like you taught me.

I hit him, and I hit him, and I hit him
until he got off of me and he ran.

- I refused to be the -
- The victim. I know.

That's good.

Detective Wagenbach. He's gonna be
handling this investigation, okay?

We're gonna take
good care of you, ma'am.

Did you get a good look
at your attacker?

Mexican. Mid-30s.

Dark eyes. And a mole right here.

I took a picture of him in my head
when I was fighting him...

- ...because you always said -
- I know, I know. You did great.

You did great.

Next thing is these officers, they're
gonna take you to the hospital...

...and they're gonna do some tests
to preserve evidence, okay?

You're gonna be with me, right?

I'm gonna ride with you
to the hospital...

...and then I just gotta check
on a few things.

Stay with me.

You need privacy. You do.

Don't leave me. Jon.

I'm gonna be right back
after the tests are done, okay?


You let me take care of everything.

We can sit here all day.
That's not gonna change the fact...

- ...that you got a big problem.
- Yeah. I know.

Salvadorians want back in
on the drug protection business.

Now, tell me some shit I don't know.

So Spookstreet's just gonna sit
while they blow up your drug cribs?

- It's time to make peace, man.
- I told you.

The bosses in Bogota
ain't gonna go for that.

The bosses aren't having grenades
shoved up their asses.

Colombians control the product. They
make the rules. Ain't shit I can do.

Give me the addresses of the other
drug cribs so I can stop them.

Yeah, right.
How stupid do y'all think I am?

Never ask a question
you don't want the answer to.

Y'all can keep sending in the clowns
all day, ain't gonna change shit.

I'm the one player in this room
who's got any juice.

- How'd you get scratched up?
- It really matter?

Internal Affairs.
It does if I believe you.

You the one and only man? Prove it.

District Attorney Eric Zuckerman.

- Hello?
- Eric.

- Jon Kavanaugh.
- What's up, Johnny?

Hear about that house
in Farmington got hit by grenades?

Yeah, that's some
pretty freaky shit, man.

Salvadorian bangers
are planning to hit a couple more.

That's not good.

I've got a perp looking
at a possession with intent rap...

...willing to trade the addresses
of targets if we let him skate.

- Send it to my office.
- Need to any hear more?

- I trust you.
- Talk to you later.

I'll be here, Jon.

- My n*gg*r.
- All right. Give up the addresses.

Those cribs get busted off my tip,
you might as well stick a needle in me.

We'll give you a half hour to call.

Let them get the merchandise
out of there before the cavalry arrives.

Can I use your phone?


- Mrs. Mackey.
- Jon, I helped treat Sadie.

- Took a r*pe kit.
- And?

There's some minor tearing
and trauma.

- Skin under her fingernails?
- No.

But she said she punched him
and didn't scratch, so...

- DNA?
- She fought him off pretty quickly.

- It was almost like -
- Not a r*pe because it didn't last long?

No. I was gonna say that this guy
got more than he bargained for.

- She's a fighter.
- She okay to come down to the Barn?

I'll have to ask her doctor,
but I think so.

She's that way.

- Excuse me.
- Yeah, sure.

No. He had a mole.
Right here on his cheek.

You're doing good.
Just keep looking.

Yeah, don't worry.
Take your time, keep looking, okay?

- Hi.
- Hi.

- How's it going?
- We've been showing her...

...our sexual as*ault regulars.
No hits yet.

Guys, give me a second?
Just a second.

- I'm trying -
- You know what?

I'm gonna get you
some clean clothes...

...and I'm gonna take you down
to where I work, okay?

Why don't you get, you know,
cleaned up and everything.

you know I'm here for you, right?

Jon Kavanaugh.

Emolia? Where's Emolia?


There you are.
Why'd you bring her here?

Uniforms pulled over a Salvadorian
who fit Guardo's description.

Mackey wanted her to make an ID.
It wasn't him.

- She could've been compromised.
- You were off the grid.

I made a decision.

Get her k*lled?
That'd be great for you, wouldn't it?

- You been with her every second?
- Yeah.

- He even try to talk to her?
- No.

So, what happened?

Four grenades were thrown
through four windows simultaneously.

The house was hit on all sides.
A gas pipe exploded in the kitchen.

Whoever tossed them wanted
to make sure no one made it out.

This isn't one of the addresses...

- ...Dunn gave us.
- No, it isn't.

George and Mattie Jackson.
Retired schoolteachers.

So it's not a Spookstreet drug crib?

Only drug we found was
Metamucil in the medicine cabinet.

Taking a nap
when the grenades came knocking.

So what? Marcus lied?
Gave us a bad list?

An old list.
We busted this place last year.

A Spookstreeter used to bunk here...

...until Rawling seized it
and put it up for auction.

If Salvadorians were protecting
Spookstreet product last year...

...they'd know this place.

This was an old drug crib.
Last year's.

Yeah. The Salvadorians
are working on an out-of-date list.

How old a list we talking about?

- About a year -
- A year. Maybe two.

Write as many as you can remember.

I'll do my best.
But I ain't got a memory for this.

You can take him.

Sadie ID'd a suspect
out of a mug book.

An Emmanuel Olivo.
I've got him in interrogation.

You seem to be unclear
on the concept of parole, Emmanuel.

See, we give you
an early chance at freedom.

You return the favour
by not raping anyone.

- Who's he?
- Where were you this morning?

- Filling out job applications.
- Where?

All around. It's not that easy.

- Got to report my status -
- As a registered sex offender.

You didn't take a break
between references... r*pe a woman in a parking lot?

- Hell, no.
- Remember where you filled out...

- ...those applications?
- Not the names.

It would help provide you
with an alibi.

Yeah, but I don't got it.

He's lying. Can't you see that?

Yeah, it's just a couple things
bother me.

His previous sexual assaults were
against teenage girls, not adult women.

- Assaults that we know about.
- Yeah.

Also Sadie referenced a mole
a couple of times.

Olivo doesn't have one.

That's one detail off.
All the others match.

You gonna put him in front of Sadie?

Yeah, I already
brought her down here.

Listen, about Sadie.

- You ready, Vic?
- What the...?

- Shit.
- All right.

Hold on a second? I'll be right back.

Get her started, all right?

Hey, hey, hey.

- Hey, hey, hey, where you going?
- Emolia's contact just called us.

They're assembling grenades above
a furniture store. I used to cut H there.

- They want me right away.
- We're gonna drop her off.

Let Guardo make the pickup,
we sweep in and bust his crew.

And the list of Spookstreet drug cribs
Marcus Dunn gave us?

Billings is sending units
to clear out the tenants that live there.

And post cops in front of each one.

Guardo won't- He won't be making
that pickup for another couple hours.

Make sure Emolia gets in safely.

- Give me a call if anything changes.
- Yes, sir.

Someplace important
you need to be?

- How we doing?
- Better.

Sadie positively identified
Emmanuel Olivo as her attacker.

I'm proud of you. So strong.

Can I...?

Yeah. Excuse me.

- Come home tonight.
- No.

It's time to come home.

Our bed misses you.

- Let me take care of you, all right?
- You gotta stop wearing that.

It doesn't feel right.


Sadie, come home.

Don't keep asking.

Because at some point,
I'm gonna say yes...

...and then what kind of trouble
are we gonna be in?


Lieutenant. Lieutenant Kavanaugh?

Excuse me for a second.

You can't give me a minute? I need...

Yeah, I'm sorry. She okay?

Yeah. She's great.

Thank you. Really.

I appreciate you
closing this up for me.

You don't know
how much I appreciate it.

That's the thing,
it's not really closed.

Why didn't you tell me that Sadie
has a history of mental illness?

- Jesus Christ!
- You digging up dirt on her?

Okay, okay, I've been investigating
the claims of a witness.

- A victim.
- A victim, right, right.

- We have no physical evidence -
- She fought him off.

Okay, okay.

Right, and we are all grateful for that.

But it presents problems
if the case goes to trial.

You see? She's our sole witness and
she's got a history of mental illness.

It's all in the past.


How bad was it?

Few years ago,
she had a rough patch.


Paranoia, psychosis, depression.

- I'm talking depression.
- Dementia?

- Difficulty understanding reality?
- No.

She always knew who she was
and where she was. She just...

She just became different, all right?

And now?

We got divorced, she went and found
some doctors. They treated her.

She's fine. She's back.

- She's reliable?
- Yes, that's what I'm telling you.

- She's solid?
- Yes.

We don't have any
corroborating evidence.

Why don't you get to the crime scene
with some extra hands...

...and find the evidence
that you require... put the man who r*ped my wife
behind bars.

- I have to stay?
- Just a little bit longer.

Room upstairs.
A couch where you can lie down.

Go upstairs and lie down, all right?

Left at the top, first door on your left.

I'm gonna check on you in a minute.
I'll be there in a minute, okay?

- Mrs. Mackey.
- How is she?

- She's better.
- Good.

- This is my attorney, Sydney Driber.
- Lieutenant Kavanaugh.

The money I promised to turn in.
It's all there.

Log this into evidence for me.

My client wishes to cooperate fully
with your investigation.

She never engaged
in any criminal behaviour.

She seeks to secure immunity
in exchange for what she knows...

...about her ex-husband's past.

- So you're ready to tell the truth?
- Yes, yes.

Assuming an arrangement
can be made.

Did Detective Wagenbach arrange
or suggest for you... be the attending nurse
for Sadie today?

You're here to tell the truth
or you're not.

He suggested it, okay?

He said it might earn goodwill
with you. Is that wrong?

There is nothing illegal about
a registered nurse caring for a patient.

- No. Wasn't wrong of you.
- Dutch didn't do anything wrong.

- He was trying to help me.
- You know what?

I don't have time
right now to discuss any deal.

Even if I was amenable to one, which
I will have to take under consideration.

But I do thank you
for bringing in the money.

- Kavanaugh, yeah.
- Guardo showed up early.

- He's moving the girls and grenades.
- Where's Emolia?

Tracking her GPS.
We're all over her.

- Pull her over. I want her out of there.
- They're stopping.

We bust them,
they'll tip the other location.

This is a black hole.
We know nothing.

Emolia knows
to take care of herself.

She fooled me for six months.

- Are you trying to get her k*lled, huh?
- Good.

Great. Glad we're on the same page.


We have to move in quick and quiet.
Everyone turn off their cell phones.

Where's SWAT?
You said SWAT was gonna be here.

Should be here any minute.

They got MP5s. At least two dozen.

Looks like they're planning
to set up shop permanently.

It's a g*dd*mn armoury in there.

How long before backup
and SWAT arrive?

Ten, 15 minutes, tops.

- Guardo, we're short a grenade.
- Are you sure?

- I counted twice.
- Stop, stop!

Search her.


I only was gonna sell it for money.

There's so many,
I didn't think you'd care.

- What's going on?
- It's hard to tell.

Check the others.

- They're gonna find the wire.
- Go, go, go, get out.

- This one's wearing a wire.
- You told me I could -

Vic! Help me!

Help me!

Get them up. Up.

Stay down! On the ground, right now,
on the ground.

- Grenade!
- Down.

Where do you think you're going?

- Okay?
- Yeah, we're all clear.

- Clear.
- Clear.


- Kyle, where is she?
- I don't see her.

You take him.

Emolia! Mackey!


What did you just say to her?

I just told her
what a good job she did.

- What is she doing back here?
- I was getting her out of harm's way.

Hey, Guardo's gone.

Grab Lem and Ronnie and set up
a perimeter. Let's scoop him up.

- There's no sign of Guardo.
- My guys'll squeeze the Soujahs.

Find out who he is,
where he likes to hide.

Hey, captain, somebody ripped off
the vending machines again.

g*dd*mn it.
These things cost a fortune to fix.


No wonder these guys
get away with m*rder.

Captain's more concerned with the
sandwich machine than with personnel.

Pick up her son and her mother.

Don't let anyone know where she is.


What's up?

I always knew
you had some good cop in you.

You bailed me out, man.
Let me return the favour to you.

Quit chasing me and Vic.
Let us do our jobs.

Curtis, do you really want
to go to jail for that guy?

Do you think that he would have
picked up that grenade and saved me?

- That he would save you?
- Look, Vic is a great cop.

- He's a great cop, all right?
- Curtis -

- A real cop would see that.
- Hear me, please.

I'm giving you one last chance.

Give me Vic.
Don't throw your life away for him.

- What's going on here?
- Man, this guy just won't back off.

Keeps threatening to send me to jail.

This man saves your life...

...and you show him your gratitude
by offering him jail time?

It's no wonder you're IAD's MVP.

Ten square blocks
around Sadie's crime scene...

...are plastered with flyers
like that one.

Warning about a registered sex crime
offender in their neighbourhood.

Note the mole on his cheek. At least
it appears to be a mole at first glance.

It's an ink stain. It's on all the flyers.

She ID'd him off that,
not because he att*cked her.

She works in the neighbourhood,
she saw the flyer.

He r*ped her, the memory came back.
Doesn't change what happened.

I went back to Olivo, told him
about the r*pe, and he came clean.

He wasn't filling out job applications.
He was at a high school...

...watching the girls'
cross-country team.

He didn't tell us because
it's a violation of his parole.

Of course he's gonna admit to that
before admitting to r*pe.

Coach saw him hanging around.

We found this bottle in the nearest
trash can near Sadie's parking lot.

There's vaginal residue.

Pubic hair all over the mouth
and outside of the bottle.

Now maybe it was used in the attack,
but she never mentioned it.

And she's pointing a finger
at a perverted, but innocent, guy.

Where is she?

- What do you think that's about?
- I don't know.

Whoever the woman is,
she's got him pretty shook up.

How long until I can leave?

- Not long.
- I'm meeting someone tonight.

How you feeling, Sadie? You okay?

Yeah, I've been good.
Been real good.

I made a life for myself.

I know you didn't think
I could do that on my own.

- Same medications, same dosages?
- Jon.

I just want to know
which Sadie I'm talking to right now.

Ask me to come back again.

I'm asking for the truth, Sadie.

The truth is...'ve lost some weight,
haven't you?

Why doesn't it look healthy,
though, Jon?

I mean, what's going on with you?

Have you been missing me?


But he keeps wearing
the wedding ring.

Sometimes you just gotta
let the p*ssy go.

I'm asking for the truth about...

...this morning.

- About the r*pe.
- I want you to k*ll him for doing it.

k*ll what? A soda bottle?

Ask me to come home, Jon.

I'll say yes. I am ready
to come home to our bed now.

I am.

Please, just ask.

You're gonna be charged
with filing a false police report.

And you're going to be remanded
for psychiatric care.

That's what you have to do.

I'm not sick like I used to be.

No, I've been taking my medication.
Now I'm fine.

Sadie, you took a soda bottle
and you shoved it up yourself -

But I knew what I was -
I knew what I was doing.

No, listen, no, listen.
No, it was wrong.

But I knew.

I wasn't confused.

I just didn't know
how else to talk to you.

You pick up the damn phone.
You call me on the phone.

Yeah, but I wanted you
to be able to save me.

See, I did it because I knew
you want to save me.


To deserve me again.

Because I want
to come home now, Jon.

I'm ready.
I'm ready to come home now.

So just...

God, just ask me already.

Come on.

You're gonna be charged
with filing a false police report.

You're gonna be remanded
for psychiatric care.

No, that detective...

...he's done everything
you've asked him to do.

So you just tell him
that it was a mistake.

- I can't.
- Yeah, you can.

I won't.

- You're gonna abandon me again, Jon?
- No.

Like the last time?
You're gonna leave me alone, again?

- I'm going to help you.
- Take me home.

- I can't, there are rules.
- Then break one.

What I do is I stop cops
from breaking the rules.

- I can't stop them if I can't stop myself.
- Then you try bending one just once.

I'm an Internal Affairs Lieutenant.
That's who I am.

And I am your g*dd*mn wife.

And when I got sick,
you left me alone, Jon.

You shit all over me.

And the rest of the world
shit all over me.

- I couldn't take care of you.
- You tell the truth.

You didn't want to.

I was tired.

Of taking care of your wife.

- So you left.
- I'm sorry.

You can shove sorry right up there
with the pop bottle.

Don't say that, okay?

I wasn't worth taking care of.
And now I'm not worth shit and you -

- It's okay.
- No!

I wanna go home. I wanna go home.

No- I'm- Please?

- Please?
- Holy shit.

At least we found his weak spot.

I -

I wanna go home.

Everyone sees what I am.

Everyone sees me.

They all see.

- Come on, Jon.
- Shit, go!

- Don't leave me.
- Hey, hey!

You! You're under arrest.

For possession of heroin
with intent to distribute.

- You gonna arrest me today?
- Give me your badge and g*n.

- You're kidding me.
- Give me your badge and g*n.

- Get off me, man.
- Get your hands off him.

You touch me, you're gonna go
in the jail cell next to him.

- Hey!
- Curtis.

Don't be stupid, Curtis.
You give me your badge and your g*n.

Captain Billings, you take his badge
and you take his g*n, now.


- It's okay.
- Officers.

Arrest that man.

You arrest him
or you're gonna lose your jobs.

Let's go. Let's go, let's go!

Get him printed.

- We're out of ink.
- Stick him in the cage...

- ...until you're ready.
- He's a cop.

You don't put him in there.

- Clean out one of the other cages.
- No.

Right now. Let's go.

Officer, come over here.

Uncuff him, stick him in the cage.

Let's go.

Yeah, come on in and have a seat.

There you go, Mitchell. Inside.

You woke me up
out of my beauty sleep, man.

Yeah, I can see that.

I need a second with him.

I need you to tell me everything.

Everything that you know
about Mackey and the Strike Team.

Like I told you before.
No deal, no info.

- Get me back to my cell.
- You got your deal.

As long as you give me
what it is I need to know.