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05x07 - Man Inside

Posted: 01/11/22 07:45
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Shield.

You ever suck a d*ck
like a cell bitch,
cop man?

I'm just gonna tell
the whole courtroom
what went down with us.

Convince Juan
to miss his court date.

Took a 40-pound dumbbell
to the back of the head
in county.

So Aceveda meets with Juan.

And then Antwon,
Antwon gets the deal,
Juan gets k*lled.

I get to offically notify you
that Internal Affairs is
investigating your Strike Team.

I'm representing
all four of these detectives.

Vic gave me some cash in a bag
a little while ago.

How much?
Sixty-five thousand.

I've got lupus.
Had it for 15 years.

Hey, you guys have a Fatima Gardner
sign in to see you this morning?

Her brother just
reported her missing.

Maybe she started
looking at you funny.
So you k*lled her.

And reported her missing
so you could make yourself
look innocent.

No! Don't talk to me like that.

I'll talk to you any way
I g*dd*mn please.

You can't arrest me
and you're not helping me.

I'll find her myself.

Uni says it looks like r*pe.
His own sister?

CLAUDETTE: It's not Fatima.
DUTCH: Recognise the haircut?

It looks like I got under
Kleavon's skin after all.

Two outs. Olympic Division, six.
Farmington, five.

Lem. One to tie, two to win it, baby.
SHANE: Put the bat on that ball.

This guy's pitch is as bad
as his arrest record.

Let's go, butt-head.
MAN 1: Lay it in there, baby.

I got the next one. It's all right.

Shake it off, Lem. Let's go.

Come on, man.
MAN 2: Move. Easy.

MAN 3: Batter, batter.
SHANE: Big swing, big swing.

Take me home.
MAN 4: Come on, take him home.

SHANE: Take me home, buddy.
VIC: This is it. This is it. You go, Lem.

Eye on the ball. Big swing. Big swing.


Go, go, go.

You go, Shane.
MAN 5: Come on, baby. Come on.

RONNIE: Let him go home.
VIC: Let's go, Shane.

Here you go, Shane.
MAN 6: Watch it, hustle.

Down, down, down.


Hey, there's no contact allowed.

This is C-plus league softball,
for God's sake.

I tripped.
ERITANO: That's bullshit.

You gotta call him out, Billy.
VIC: Hey, hey, hey. Relax. Calm down.

REYES: Bullshit.
SHANE: Cheap shot.

Hey, Reyes, you know what,
you know, you win some,
you win some.


Hey, this ain't over.
Game's still tied 6-6.

VIC: Hey, hey, hey.
MAN 7: Back off, back off, man.

MAN 8:
Get back, get back.

MAN 7: Back off.
VIC: Jesus Christ. Put that away.

What the hell is wrong with you?
RONNIE: Lose the g*n.

MAN 9: Put that down.
Let's play again.

BILLINGS: Olympic Division
calls, you tell them
to shove it up their ass.

All right.

Actually, Paul Reyes did
just call from Olympic.

Is he still complaining
about the game?

That is a sore loser.

Let's call him back and
tell him to shove it
up his ass times two.

Times two.
I think he wants your help on a case.

Oh, sure. Tell him
I'll get right on it.


You know, Reyes is
heading up that
citywide task force.

Maybe you'd better
give him a call.

All right.
Where's Sofer?

She called in sick,
and I can't do
her job and mine.

g*dd*mn it, I knew that baby
was gonna screw me.

Gardocki. Got a minute?

No, he doesn't.
I need him for
a special assignment.

I'm sure I can get him freed up
for you. Who should I call?

Why don't you
tickle your balls
on your own time.

I'll see you in my office.
Not until his lawyer gets down here.

Tell her to hurry.
We'll do that.

I'm gonna feel him out,
then maybe
spring Fatima's visit,

his missing death kit
on him,
look for a crack.

Actually, I'm gonna go at him alone.
That's not your decision.

It was his the minute he cut
Pauline Wahler's hair
to look like mine.

Okay, okay, okay, good, good.
He knows how I operate.

He thinks he's got a bead
on me. You'll come at him
from a new angle.

I'm gonna watch on the monitor,
develop a game plan.
If you want me to jump in,

ask him if he wants you
to turn down
the air conditioning.

It's a code.

Between San Antonio and here,
you've k*lled at least eight women,

including one last night.

Your sister's missing 24 hours.
We think you k*lled her too.

Let's start talking.

If you're looking for a rematch,
I left my cleats back at the Barn.

He left half his skin on the dirt.

Unless it's the post-game activities
you looking to finish?

No, you guys cheated us
fair and square.
We'll get you next year.

Since when are
you guys good losers?

Since I got the news
my task force was expanding.

I was thinking of offering
your team the new slot.

I hear the Barn's a sinking ship.

We could've discussed this
over a couple beers just as easily.

I was going to after the game.
Didn't get the chance.

Figured we'd talk over
a couple bodies. Give me
a chance to see you in action.

I don't know if you heard,
IAD's had a wild hair
up their ass about us.

I've tangled
with those bastards
a couple times.

Just means you're getting shit done.

When this case is over,
we'll get those beers.

Hell, I'll even buy.
Let's go.

LEM: How old?
VIC: She was 2, maybe 3.

House belongs
to Maurizio Ochoa.

The dead woman is
his girlfriend, Jenny Rayball,
shot 15 times.

We've picked up Ochoa before.
Deals meth.

Little girl's name was Violet.

Didn't Ochoa get
popped once for
busting up his girlfriend?

Couple times.
Broke her jaw
six months ago.

That sounds like
the crank talking.

Let me guess. He took his stash
with him on the way out.

Ochoa hooked up
with a Mexican cartel guy in Chino.

Convinced him he had the chops
to handle weight.

We been set up on Ochoa
for three months.

Had our guy in place
to make the buy,
just waiting for the word.

Even if Ochoa didn't do this,
his business did.

It could be a rival slanger.

Either way, shot 15 times.
It was personal.

We gotta track down Ochoa.
He sticks his head up,

we'll be there to whack it.

We think he's sitting on
a hundred pounds
of meth. To sell.

I looked into your finances.

You know what I found?

Nothing unusual.

How did you manage to hide
your dirty money so well, huh?

The only money that I get
is from my weekly paycheque.

You trying to tell me
that you never took
just a little bit off the side?

Why don't you provide
some proof before you
accuse him of a crime?

Ronnie, you got any idea
where Mackey came up with
$65,000 in cash?

Don't answer that.

You said you wanted
some proof.

I think you're bullshitting.

Vendrell, he's got money
he can't account for either.

Which means one of two things:

Either these guys,
they don't include you
in the bounty,

which should piss you off,

or you're the one guy
who's bright enough
not to leave a trail.

Which one is it?

You just said you checked
my records and
you didn't find anything.

And I don't keep track
of how the other guys
balance their chequebooks.

Hm. One lawyer for
four guys. Who's looking
out for your interest?

Because from what
I've seen, she seems
to be more concerned

with steering the conversation
away from Mackey.

Who hired her in the first place?
Because she's certainly
not looking out for your interests.

Let's go.

My client is cooperating.
He's willing to answer
any questions.

If you have another one,
you let us know.

Come on, let's go.

Ronnie, you've been disciplined,
you've been careful, but not them.

They're gonna screw this up.

They're gonna bring you
down for a mistake

that you were
too smart to make.

That's it. Let's go.

We're gonna pick this up later,


How'd it go
with Kavanaugh?

Asked me if I knew
where you came up
with $65,000 cash.

Sixty-five? Exactly?

He's been going through
our financial records.
All of them.

He said this in front of Becca?

What'd you do
with your share of
the money train cash?

I gave it to Corrine for the kids.
So she gave it up to Kavanaugh.

What else could it be?
You said she wasn't calling you back.

Look, I'll get into it.
Well, tell me another way

he could've known the exact number.
That's gonna look great at trial.

Your ex-wife on the stand talking
about dirty money we stole
from the Armenian mob.

She doesn't know how
we got it, and she's never
testifying against me in court.

Let's go find Ochoa
before he dumps
these dr*gs on the street.



VIC: We're looking for Maurizio Ochoa.

What for?
He won the lottery.

We're here
to give him a cheque.


LEM: Hey, stop.
SHANE: Damn it.

Come here. Stop.

Police, stop.


Face down like your little girl.

Just sorry I can't put a b*llet
in your head.

Get up. Get up.

Fatima came to us.
Brought us that.

Whose blood is that?
That's not my shirt.

She also let my partner
into your house.

He found a death kit.
Tape, gloves, a knife

to control your victims
before strangling, I presume.

Fatima would never
have come to you.

Maybe you found out
she visited us.

Or maybe she got so nervous,
she showed her hand.

She's known for a while
how you hunt women.

If that girl had a problem
with me, believe me,
she'd let me know it.

Where am I gonna find Fatima's body?
Why you so sure there's a body?

You wanted to know
of any hits on
a Fatima Gardner?

Twenty-three hundred-dollar
MasterCard purchase at Hahn's
furniture store on Western.

Sounds stolen, but
whoever took it may know
what happened to her.

I can't leave here. Can you...?

We'll run it down,
we'll get right back to you.

Thank you.
So why did you follow Fatima to L. A?

So she'd continue
to look out for you?

I thought it was because
those Texas cops

had you pegged for
those murders. You decided
to swim to safer waters.

They had the wrong guy,
just like you. Those boys
still living Jim Crow.

They see a proud black man,

they're gonna come up
with a reason to put his ass in jail.

Press him.

What about me? I just
gotta see a proud black man
behind bars too?

You're just like them Texas cops.

r*cist white folk.

Don't try to convince me
that you're sitting there

because I'm some kind
of Uncle Tom.

No better than a house
n*gg*r called up to
the master's room each night.

Okay. This guy's got
a real need for black women
to be subservient.

Last time you got in his face,
he lost it and k*lled a woman.

We've got him trapped here,
so press him, hard.

Don't take his shit, just
fling it right back in his face.

He'll get angry,
lose his balance.

I need some water.

Take him into interrogation, twist him.
I'll be there in a minute.

When were you gonna tell me
about the $65,000?

I wasn't.

First you're being persecuted,

then you're a prime suspect
in a cop k*lling,

and now you're just a cop
on the take?

Sometimes things crossed our path.

dr*gs, money.

Sometimes we took a little
to use later

to help with intel
on the street.

Some just ended up
in your pocket.

I gave it to my ex, actually.

Looks like Kavanaugh
got to her.

I am trying to defend you.
Do you get that?

I let your guys answer
Kavanaugh's questions

because I was told
there was nothing to hide.

If you really want me
to help you,

you better mend fences
with your ex and me.

We're not gonna have to worry
about her.

We need to find out
what side she's on.

Look, I got two autistic kids.

There's special schools,
there's doctors...

No, that's bullshit.

I'm not gonna use my kids
as an excuse. It's bullshit.


It was easy, all right?

No fuss, no victims.

I was clearing twice as many cases
as anyone here.

I worked my ass off,
I knew I was making a difference,

so I took some for me. Me.

City got their money's worth.
Trust me.

But that was then.

I'm not the same person now.

Because you got caught?

Because I wanna still be a cop.

Because I don't wanna
be smeared

and pushed out of my job by the same
people who patted me on my back

every time I brought some
murdering r*pist assh*le in here.

Because I can do better.

But if I'm gonna have
a second chance,

I'm gonna need your help to get it.

You don't sh**t your lady 15 times
unless you want the bitch extra dead.

Wasn't enough to break Jenny's jaw,
send her to the hospital last summer?

I lost it a few times
and messed her up.
But I never hurt Violet.

REYES: You had 100 pounds of
Mexican weight you wanted to unload.
What's another 30 pounds of little girl?

You knew we'd rip the place
apart once we found them,
so you had a choice.

You move two bloody bodies
or you move the dr*gs.

A lot easier to hide your meth stash.
Lot less messy too.

You shot your girlfriend 15 times,
you k*lled your daughter,

and then you pulled your product
down from the kitchen ceiling.

Wait, are you saying the dr*gs
aren't in the crawlspace?

That's what we're saying.

He stole them and k*lled them both.

Ted Someshit. Her ex. He's the guy.

Why you so sure it was him?
He's a methhead.

And he never got over the fact
that his woman left him for me

while he was doing
a year and a half in Folsom.

He just got out last month.

So he wasn't too happy
when he found out about
the daughter she had with you.

She wasn't my kid.

Violet was his. Someshit's.

He didn't even know.
That's the way Jenny wanted it.

His name's not Someshit.


Ted Shusett.

ME called. Nothing on
last night's vic we can use.

Not even a hair?
He's that good.

He's such a perfectionist.

He k*lled extemporaneously
without leaving a trace.

Made the move from organised k*ller
to thrill k*ller without missing a beat.

But he knows
it wasn't his best work.

Got impatient, he rushed it.

He's probably on edge
about leaving
trace evidence behind.

Hit that hard. He screwed up.

Didn't take his time,
didn't plan it.

Knows he left himself exposed
by cutting the hair.

He said too much with that.
Gotta be kicking himself for it.

Hey, don't let up.

Have a great weekend, you guys.
WOMAN: See you later.

Now I know why
you won't return my calls.

Shouldn't you be at some
Lamaze class or something
for your new baby?

That what Kavanaugh told you?
Is it true?

That pregnant cop.
She didn't tell me I was the father.

But you're a candidate?

Well, you must be very proud.

So you told Kavanaugh
about the money out of spite?

I gave you the money. For our kids.

You get angry at me for a second
and you wanna send me to jail?

No, I didn't want that, okay?
He was looking into our accounts.

We didn't declare that money.

You wanna put me in jail?
He's bluffing. He wants me.

Well, what kind of a man puts
the mother of his children
in this position?

What did you want me to do?

I wanted you to say nothing.

Look, I'm sorry, okay?
I didn't wanna hurt you.

I'm sorry.

VIC: Hey.
Ochoa's alibi checks out.

He was at a house party in Whittier.
Got a lead on Shusett.

Apartment on Rowena.
VIC: Good.

You guys should know I told Becca
about some of our money skimming.

You did what?
VIC: I had to explain the 65 grand.

So you just confessed for all of us?
She's our attorney.

Maybe we need to talk about that too.
VIC: It's all privileged.

She has to know
how best to protect us.

Vendrell. Why don't you
come on up here,
spin the wheel?

Bring Becca.
I don't want her.

Hey, we can't take
any chances. Trust me.



Get on the ground right now.
Get down! Get on the ground!
Don't move!

Hands up. Hands up.

Sorry to crash the party, fellas.

VIC: Which one of you is Ted Shusett?
BILLY: He ain't here.

Who are you?
Billy Boyd. That's my brother, Jimmy.

You know where he is?

He comes by at night to crash
lately. I don't know what
he does in the sunlight.

He kills people. Like his ex-girlfriend
and his kid, for example.

Here. You hear from him,
you call that number.

You don't, I'll have you
both arrested for conspiracy
in their murders.

You must be doing okay.

You bought a $600,000 house
in Atwater six months ago.

How do you like the area?
We don't live there.

That's right.
Contractor said you gutted it.

Everything new from the ground up.
Do you have a question, lieutenant?

Actually, you pay as you go?

He gives your wife the bills
and she writes the cheques.

And we save every g*dd*mn receipt,
every invoice, every cashed cheque.

Everything is accounted for.
You wanna see them?

Already have. I've seen everything.

As IAD, you're only entitled
to look at department paystubs.

You need a subpoena
for any other financial history.

Every penny is accounted for

except for the normal,
everyday expenses of people living.

We scrape by.
You wanna jump in here?

You getting help from anybody?

Your friends, your family,
your relatives?

Doing anything to make extra cash?
Don't answer that. We're done.

Next time, you submit
your questions in writing
to my office.

I just wanna know where
you get the extra money from.

Come on, Vendrell.

Now she's defending me
like we're guilty.

Why don't you just put it up
in big, flashing neon lights?

I'm not the one
with bags of cash
floating around.

And excuse me if I step
on his questions
to help keep you out of jail.

This is about more than that.
It's about keeping our jobs.

It's about walking out
of here with our pensions,
our reputations.

Keeping us out of jail
is just one piece
of the puzzle.

Until Kavanaugh
charges somebody,
we just have to deflect.

Hope he reveals more than he should.
SHANE: Not me.

I'm sorry, darling,
but you don't
represent me anymore.

Can you give us a moment, please?

All right,
what the hell
happened up there?

He's looking into my records.

What me and Mara
bring home, what we're
paying for the house.

I thought that was covered.
It is. To the penny.

Problem is, there's nothing
left over, and he knows it.

This isn't good.
No shit.

All right, all right,
let's just take a deep breath.

While we're still
breathing free air.

Vic, we got a sh*ts-fired call
from the address you guys just left.

All right.
Lemansky. I need to see you for a sec.

VIC: What happened?
ASHER: Some kind of sh**t.

Dead guy inside
is this guy's brother.

Who k*lled Jimmy?
Was it Shusett?

No, saw them coming up the stairs.

Knew some major stuff
was gonna go down.

So I went and got my g*n.

By the time I found it,
Jimmy was all shot up.

Did you see who k*lled him?

Some cholo dude.

Rolls with Ochoa.

Guess Ochoa was a little more
broken up than we thought
about his dead lady.

Or he wanted his dr*gs back.
He k*lled my brother, man.

My street intel says
someone's trying to unload
weight. Mexican meth.

Shusett didn't go to Ochoa's
to k*ll his ex-crank-skank.

He went to steal
his dr*gs. Those things
flood the barrio, forget it.

RONNIE: So let's find them first.
Better yet, let's buy them.

Who do we know
who could buy from Shusett
without raising flags?

I got a dealer. Street name's Burnout.
I think he got popped with
Shusett once for possession.

VIC: All right.
REYES: I'll check in with my guys.

Let me know if you find him.
VIC: Great.

My quota's a little low this week.

Who wants to do the bracelet dance?
Back up, Burnout.

We need you to buy some dr*gs
from your friend Ted Shusett.

You guys got popped
together once.

Once a fellow fiend,
always a fellow fiend.

Partying together don't make us tight.
SHANE: Call him, all right?

Tell him you're looking
for product. He'll listen.

Do I look like
a stupid n*gg*r to you?

Why do you think we're talking?
Man, this is legit.

When he stole his dr*gs,
Shusett k*lled a 2-year-old girl
and her mother.

Tried to do it the easy way.

Okay, hold up, hold up, man.

Look, a call like that,
little girl dead, man,

streets gonna know
I'm the one giving it up.

That's pretty rough
on my reputation.

What's the going rate
for a reputation these days?

Twenty-five grand.

Get him out of here.

That's too much for
the department to authorise
on less than 24 hours notice.

City council could
rubber-stamp a reward, though.

See you guys inside, all right?
See you inside.

Councilman, glad
I could catch you.
You got a minute?

I have a speech to give.

Yeah, this is really important
for the investigation.

You ever heard of a guy
named Antwon Mitchell?

You know I have.

Talked to Lemansky.

I don't wanna push
on Antwon Mitchell

until I heard what
you got to say about it.

I don't know
what I can tell you.

How did Mackey learn that Crowley
was working with Justice?

What's this have to do with Mitchell?
Humour me.

Well, I suspected it was Gilroy.
Maybe it was you.

You set up Crowley.

You tipped Mackey.
Right, I'm also the fifth Beatle.

Mrs. Mackey reported that
he gave her 65 grand in cash.

What was your share?

Running a political campaign
gets really expensive.

So is my time. And now
you're wasting it.

I'm just trying to figure out
how Antwon Mitchell

and a guy named Juan Lozano
figure into all of this.

Lozano was the guy.
Wasn't that the kid
who assaulted you?


He grabbed your g*n?

You k*lled his buddy
during a robbery. Tracked
Lozano down yourself.

I mean, that's a pretty
impressive bust
for a desk jockey.

Then, later,
you visited him in county.

Yeah, well, he was planning
to appeal his case.

I know that Mackey
and his guys
have some connection

with Antwon Mitchell,
and he was in
the same cellblock

when Lozano was found dead.
Something big going on here.

You, Mackey, Mitchell, Lozano.

You wanna fill me in?

Waste your time with
these conspiracy theories

and you'll find yourself
even more lost
than you are now.

Clerk said it was a black woman
who used the credit card.

He wasn't sure
if it was Fatima Gardner.

J. J: Is anybody listening to me?
JULIEN: We've got a motel address...

What? Say... Say again.

J. J:
I said, Terry's the guy
you're looking for.

I'm not talking to you.
Say again, Julien.

JULIEN: I said, we've got
a motel address where the woman
wanted the purchases delivered.

We're headed there now.

Okay, good.

You gotta find Terry,
he's the one who needs
to be in here.

Shut up.

It's pretty sloppy work
you did last night,
k*lling that girl.

Not your usual
work of art.

Why'd you cut off her hair?
Why'd you cut off yours?

Don't interrupt.
My questions, not yours.

You used to look a lot different.

How long you been sick?

You're the one
who's sick, Kleavon.

Please, girl, you're wobbling
more than a squirrel
fell from a tree.

You may act like everything's
all right, but your needle's
going back and forth.

Yeah. I hear your bones
creaking every time
you get out that chair.

Get in there.

Hey, what am I doing here?

One of the victims
ID'd the guy
you sent to k*ll Shusett,

get your crank back.

We can lure Someshit out
if we make an offer to buy.

The only problem is, we need
a 25-grand reward for
our conscientious dealer first.

Why is this guy
so important
you have to pay him?

Because he can guarantee
putting us in touch with
the guy. He knows Someshit.

It's the fastest way we can
get our hands on this guy
and the suitcase full of crank.

All right, how fast
do you need it?

Guy stole over
a hundred pounds.
He's holding a fire sale.

It's only a matter of hours
before he finds a taker.

Or Ochoa's guy
finds him first.

My boys put a lot
of hours into this.

Hate to see it slip away,
end up on the street
after all that.

All right, I can authorise
the reward, but expediting
it's another question.

A 2-year-old girl
was ex*cuted.

J. J: Two-year-old?
Hell, I'll give you
some money.

No, that's okay,
pal, we got it.

Let's go.

You didn't tell me
IAD set up shop in the Barn.

Yeah, well, this guy's
a special kind of assh*le.

Kavanaugh's case against you is
a hell of a lot stronger than you think.

Since when
are you looking
out for me?

He's holding back
his trump card until
he can nail all four of you.

Turns out he reports directly
to Chief Johnson,

and even the mayor's office
is involved.

This city is committed
on getting its PR win
off you guys.

But I could broker a deal.

Make sure the jail time's
knocked down to just
one year for all of you.

Instead of the seven to 10

that you're looking at now.
No way.

Look, all you need
to do is give Kavanaugh
something on the others.

Something that will
give the city its win.

Give him Vic?

He's dragging you down.

And any of this
one-for-all pep talk

he's feeding you
is a bunch of bullshit.

Fine, but you gotta
let me know soon.

Look, when are you
gonna get it
through your head?

I don't want your help.
It's just one year.

Lem, one year for all of you.

Just one year
for all the shit
you guys have done.

But if you're
too stupid to take it,

well, then the four of you
deserve everything you get.

Okay. Let me know when you
see him. But let him get
all the way in the apartment.

All right, copy.
Stay sharp.

You didn't say
you was gonna be
using my house.

I would've charged you more.

Twenty-five grand was
to lure him here. I said nothing
about protecting you.

Man, shit.

Hold on, someone's coming.

Hey, I think that's him.

Okay. Come on.

Okay, we're ready.

Yo, this guy's tweaking bigtime.

Where's he going?

Shit. Vic, he's going
to the wrong door.

Does he have the dr*gs?
LEM: No.

Maybe in his car,
but it's not on him now.


VIC: What is he doing?
I can't see past
this g*dd*mn fence.

He's arguing with
the woman next door.

She's telling him
he's got the wrong place,
but he's not leaving.

We need him and the dr*gs.

Shit. Hey, Vic, Vic, Vic,

Reyes and his guy are moving.
RONNIE: We gotta go too, man.

There's kids around.
No, g*dd*mn it. Stay put.

Listen. g*dd*mn you.
Speak to me in English.

I'm supposed to meet
Burnout here right now.

Do you understand me?
I wanna see Burnout.

What's happening, man?
Chill out. Hey!

Let her go! Everyone, back! Back!
ERITANO: Get down here now.

RONNIE: Go! Let's go!
Go, go, go!

Go! Get out of here!
Get back across the street.

Got a hostage.

Yeah, and a damn good
vantage point.

SWAT's rolling, 15 minutes out.

Back off!


You guys back off!
Shithead's on a Mexican high.

We don't have 15.


Hey, I want a plane
or I'll k*ll the bitch.

This girl's toast, man.

SHUSETT: I want a jet.
Let's pull back and wait for SWAT.

Anyone got a better idea?
SHUSETT: Lady, you stay over there.

Department lets
you guys carry C4?

Yeah, just finished
my weekend in the Guard.

Never hurts to bring home
some supplies from the office.

Whenever you're ready.
You sure about this?

It's this woman's
best shot at getting
out of there alive.

All right, let's do it.


VIC: Yeah.
LEM: It's just him at the window now.

It's clear. Go now.
VIC: Okay. Ready.

Do it!



SHANE: You okay? You okay?
VIC: Don't move!

SHANE: Got him?
VIC: Yeah.

Let's get you out of here. Come on.
VIC: Don't move. Give me your hand.

Give it.

You had the dr*gs.
Why'd you have
to k*ll that little girl?

Wasn't me.

dr*gs were stolen from
Ochoa's house same time
Jenny and the kid were k*lled.

I got news for you.

That little girl,
the one you k*lled this morning,

she was your own blood.
You had a daughter, Ted.

You didn't just k*ll an innocent child.
You m*rder*d your own baby girl.

Two and a half years plus
nine months. That means
you and the ex, what?

three years ago.

You do so much meth
you forget how to do
a little arithmetic, Ted?

I wouldn't k*ll my own girl.
Not if I knew.

Hey, what was her name?

What was her name?

It's good working with
you. Pretty crazy stunt,
blowing that wall.

Yeah. I talked to my captain.

This IAD thing
is really pretty entrenched, so...

Means I'm getting shit done, right?

I would love to work
with you again.
But the boss...

He won't have you
working for me, so...

You know what,
saves me giving him
the bad news.

Me and my guys, we talked
about it, we're happy
where we are.

All right, I'll see you
on the diamond, then.


Hey. Listen to this.

When I was talking to
Kavanaugh, I noticed he was
wearing a wedding ring.

But he's been divorced
like two years.
What's that about?

Huh. Maybe this
gives us something.

Lets us put our boot
on his neck for a change.

Police. Open up.

Give me the key.


Miss Gardner?
Fatima? You need to
open up, ma'am.


JULIEN: It's all right. It's okay.
FATIMA: No! No, please, no.

It's okay, ma'am. You're safe.
We're not here to hurt you.


It's okay.

We have him in custody.
You have nothing
to worry about.

And what if you can't
arrest him again?

Now he knows
I've talked to you.

He values
his relationship with you.

He was always our little prince.

A sweet, sensitive boy
with just me,
my mom, and auntie.

We just wanted him
to know he was special.

Unfortunately, that resulted
in his narcissism.

So how do you wanna play this?

We found Fatima.
Dumped in an alley.

I'd say sorry,
but this is the way
you wanted it, isn't it?

It's all you. Your signature.


You're wrong.

You k*lled her like you did
those other girls.

You're telling me you have
blackouts after you k*ll them.
You don't remember it?

No, this is you. Your fault.

You should have found her in time.
You didn't even try.

This was all you.

And now you sit here
expecting mercy

from God's vengeance
when you didn't even
give a damn

about those brothers
and sisters, the mothers
and fathers

of the girls you k*lled.

How many of them
had to suffer
because you felt

you had the right to k*ll?

You didn't respect them,
you didn't even
see them as people.

And now your own sister?
The one who took care of you.




He is not gonna break.
He's cracking.

No, Dutch, he's not.

His grief over
his sister's death
is fuelling his rage.

It's just one more push.

I can't.
What? Don't pull out now.


I can't do this.

Well, you have to do it.
There's no evidence.

You've accessed
this guy better than
anyone else ever has.

That's why it has
to be you, now.
You're so close.

I can't. Look at me.

You accused me of letting
you being sick get in the way.

Well, now you're letting it.

This guy is a k*ller,
and I don't give a shit

how tired or weak
or pained you are.

If he walks today,
he's gonna come after Fatima

or you or some other woman.

So you get back in there
and you close him.

As your lawyer,
it's a mistake
and a big one.

But you know
I have to do it.

You can't change the past,
and it only makes
the present harder.

I can't get a fresh start
unless I know she has one.

It's dangerous.
It makes amends.

I'll deal with the danger later.

Haven't been here in years.

Young and poor,
we actually thought this was
fine dining, remember?

This doesn't feel too weird.

Listen, I...

You and the kids
can't get caught up
with this.

Feels like it's too late.
No, it's not.

I want you to get a lawyer.

Make a deal that
gets you clear
with Kavanaugh.

And make sure
he gets you
IRS immunity too.

And I want you

to answer all his questions.
From now on, complete
cooperation. The whole truth.

No matter what
it makes me look like.

I don't want anything
to happen to you.

Let me worry about me.
You just worry
about our three.

What do I say
about the money?

Well, when we needed it,
I came up with it.

I said I was gonna take
some overtime
to cover the expenses.

As far as you know,
that's what I did.

But that's not gonna go
with anything...

Let me worry about me.

Menu hasn't changed.

Some things never do.

LEM: Maybe I should
just give them some minor
bullshit that won't stick.

Get us all out of it.
SHANE: You gonna trust Aceveda now?



Why are we having
this conversation without Vic?

Because Vic's listening
to his lawyer more than
he's listening to us.

I don't like her
representing all four of us.

I hate to say it, but we
all have different levels
of involvement.

SHANE: Yeah, they'll get
Lem on possession, get
me and Vic on tax evasion.

You're the only one
clean so far.

Hey, I'm in this with you.
And so is Vic.

But I don't like
this unified-lawyer front.

Kavanaugh cannot handle
four lawyers poking holes
in his case.

I say we all lawyer up,
get them to throw
everything they can at him.

Keep him off balance.
I mean, what are
we waiting for?



The medical examiner
found the hair of
an African-American male

on last night's victim's body.

We're gonna need
to draw some blood
and tak e some hair samples.

I won't agree to that.

It's not your choice anymore.

It's the court's.
It's real stupid of you.

You got so pissed at us
asking you questions

about Fatima's disappearance,
you finally got sloppy.

Went out there,
k*lled in a hurry.

All the other times,
your planning
was just perfect.


You've sat here before.
What's different this time?

You had a fight with Fatima?

She confront you
about the other girls?

Is that why you finally k*lled
your own sister?

Or was it just me you couldn't control?
I didn't k*ll her.

You must have known
what was happening.

Seen her loathing,
her disappointment.

When she came to see us,
she said it was all her fault.

She never came to you.
Said she should've tried to stop you.

Is that what happened?
She tried to stop you?

You're bleeding.

Let's get some ice.
I'm fine.

Come with me.


Fatima hated you.
Her own brother, a k*ller.

She loved me.
And you loved her?

You k*lled her
over and over.

All those girls. Texas,
here, and God knows
where else.

They were all Fatima to you.

You needed her, but you
hated her, and you k*lled
them until you finally

got up the courage to k*ll her.

Now with that hair we found
on that woman last night,

we've got you, you son of
a bitch. I got you for her.

And the jury, if I got one, will put
all the others on you too,

including your sister.
I didn't.

We have the evidence this time.
I could never...

You k*lled Fatima,

and the hair proves you k*lled
the woman last night.

She was nothing.
Those others were nothing.

Fatima... Fatima was my sister.

So the others,
you k*lled them?

Pauline Wahler last night.

Mary Simpson. Lana Gregory.

They were just things.
You could hardly call it k*lling.

The ones in Texas.
Them too.

But not Fatima. Not her.
She was a person.

I didn't k*ll her.

Fatima? You did this?
You helped them make me
think you were dead?

Your soul's gonna burn, Kleavon.

And until it does, I'll visit you.
You bitch!

You're never gonna see
Mommy or Auntie.

They're crying over
what you've done.
What's wrong with you?

Why did you tell them?

Someone get her out of here.
You traitor! I'm your blood!

What's wrong with you, Kleavon?

Put him in there
to cool off.

Claudette! Oh, my God!

MAN 1: Hey, hey.
DUTCH: Claudette.

MAN 2: She's hurt.
MAN 3: Claudette? Is she all right?

DUTCH: Claudette?
TINA: He pushed her.

No, no, she fainted.
She was out before she fell.

She fell?

KAVANAUGH: She bleeding?
Don't move her. Call the paramedics.

Look, her neck is...
JULIEN: Call an ambulance.

DUTCH: Claudette?
JULIEN: Hurry. Hurry.

Who's going to hell now?

Hey, hey, hey, Claudette?
Claudette? Claudette?