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05x04 - Tapa Boca

Posted: 01/11/22 07:41
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Shield.

I have an attorney for you.
I'm Becca Doyle.

If everything hinges
on her, I'd be a fool
to give up that hammer.

Just like you were foolish
for letting me know

how important she is
to making your case.

You looking
for more business?

Right now I'd like to go home
and wash this place off.

Has anyone from
the department come
around asking questions?

Someone has been
asking questions.

He said he was the parent
of an autistic child.

That him?

Pitarrio, where's your stash?

About six months ago,
we found this kilo of pure heroin

in the glove compartment
of your car, but you never
logged it into evidence.

Lem got picked up by IAD.
They got him wearing a wire.

I'm going after Mackey.
And his team.

And I'm gonna be right here
to make sure
you don't blow it.

We got a CI next
to him, and when
he jumps dirty, we'll know.

It's okay, I'm on the clock.

I thought you were Vic's CI.

Whoever's got the money.

Check, one, two.
Check, one, two.

Good. That's good.

Hey. I need admissions
from Mackey and the others

on crimes that
they committed, all right?

Questions make cops suspicious.

You walk out the room every time
he opens his mouth to say
more than a good morning.

You think I haven't noticed this?
LEM: I'm just doing my job.

Vic and I aren't attached at the hip.
KAVANAUGH: Well, then get attached.

Because dragging this out,
trying to have it both ways,

you're torturing yourself.

You made your choice.

It was the right one.

Now you gotta
start living with it.

Hold on a second, okay? Please.

I know it's your birthday.

You mentioned that
you're a fly-fisher
on one of the tapes.


We're gonna be working together
for a while, and I just
thought, you know...

I know this is tough.

But we're both gonna
make our way through
all of this, right?


I would have pegged you
for a corner office.

First time a police officer's
stepped foot in here.

I've got a case that'll interest you.
BECCA: My schedule's full.

And I've been finding
my own cases
since I was 30.

Not like this one.

Five minutes.

Everything I'm about
to say falls under
attorney-client privilege.

Yeah, but it doesn't
obligate me
to take your case.

IAD's launched an investigation
into one of the guys
on my Strike Team.

I don't represent cops.
Especially corrupt ones.

We're good cops.

This is about the system
turning its back
on four of its own.

You'd be better off
going somewhere else.

You shuffle gangbangers
in and out of jail all day.

This is a chance
for you to take a shot
at the big boys.

What do they have on him?

Claim they found a brick of tar
in his glove compartment.

It's bullshit.
What else?

The only thing I know
for sure is that they're
going after my whole team.

Guy named Kavanaugh's
in charge.

I'd dig into it myself,
but it would raise
too many red flags.

Now, there's the first
real truth I've heard.

You wanna keep your knowledge
of the investigation secret.

And no one would suspect
I'm working for you.

So we agree
that you work for me, then.

I've got an old boyfriend
in the City Attorney's office.

I'll ask a couple questions,
but that's it.


Fiji, Barbados,
all those tropical
vacation places,

you're talking typhoons.

I'm just looking out for you.
Look out for the tape.

DUTCH: Angle looks car to car.
Bumper's got a dent, could be fresh.

So maybe there's an incident
out on the road,

someone in the other car sh**t,
victim veers off here.

Oh, Christ.

Get additional units down here.
Tell Danny I said now.

Umbilical cord.


Checked the g*dd*mn
Amber Alert requirements.
We don't have enough to file.

Somebody cut that baby
out of a woman's stomach.

Well, then get me
a witness, a description
of the other car. Something.

If they wanted the child,
why risk pumping
the mother with b*ll*ts?

Someone wanted it
to look random.
Maybe the boyfriend.

What do we know about him?

Works nights in a machine shop.
Hasn't been home since the m*rder.

I've got unis stationed
at the house.

The vultures are gathering.
I'll get rid of them.

Wait, wait. No, no, no.
Let's use them.
Somebody knows something.

We just need to pull
the right heartstrings.

All right, good.
You keep working, I'll do it.

Wilshire's not giving us
any bodies
for the search team.

Not if we can't prove
the baby's alive.

That's bullshit. Call again.
No, I'll call.

Who would do something like this?

VIC: What did the ex have to say?
Absolutely nothing.

And I called a couple ADA's
I went to school with.

Quiet on all fronts.

Not good. None of them
offered to look into it for me,

which means they know
something major's in motion.

What haven't you told me?

David Aceveda's name
come up with your friends?

The City Councilman?

He's assisting Kavanaugh
with his investigation.


Because he used to be
captain here.

Had me pushing
the legal line
a couple of times

when it meant
getting a k*ller
off the street,

making him look good
to the voters.

Overseeing the investigation
means he can steer it
away from himself,

make me and my guys
play the heavies.

Starting to get
your blood running yet?

I'm interested in
the true story of this heroin
they caught Lemansky with.

What does he say about it?
Haven't been able to ask him.

IAD's got him all wired up,
listening to our every word.

Well, they wouldn't make
that move unless they had
a witness or corroborating evidence.

I'll find out what I can.
Good. Me too.

So the kid's about, uh,
well, here, right?

The knife goes in, goes straight down,
gotta be careful about the depth.

I'd say it's intuitive.
You wouldn't need
medical training at all.

So I tell the newshounds
we're not looking for Einstein,

just a garden-variety psychopath,
possibly a woman.

Usually it's a woman
who's recently lost a baby

or who's been claiming
to be pregnant.

I'm never gonna
be able to sleep
until I have this kid.

Yeah, I'm here. You're not
gonna sleep then either. Thanks.

911 received a call
at 5: 17 this morning.

From a payphone one block
from the scene. They hung up.

That could be our line to the baby.
So how we gonna find them?

You've gotta convince them
to come to us.

Need another cup?
Two should do it.

Hey, we on that
missing baby yet?

No, Dutch and Claudette
are handling it.

Captain wants us available
to round up all the other
miscellaneous sickos.

Listen, man,
I'll be back in a few.
I gonna take a dump.

Smells like you already did.

All right, we got five minutes
to hear what's going on
with Kavanaugh.

Every detail.
LEM: He suspects I'm protecting you.

I've been helpful,
but not too helpful.
Nothing he can check out.

Any chance he's got
a witness? Someone who
saw you take that tar?

Shit. Pitarrio.

Or Emolia. I mean,
she was in the house too.

No, no, I got a six-month
relationship with her. She's solid.

Pitarrio's the one with an axe to grind.
Look, if they got Pitarrio, I'm screwed.

We don't know that yet,
but we're gonna find out.

No, he puts that heroin in my car,
makes IAD's case, what then?

First-time offender,
you'd do, what,
five years max, probably less?

VIC: Shane.
Look, I'm just... I'm just saying.

Worst case scenario,
you refuse to wear the wire,

you let Kavanaugh arrest you.

We'll work behind the scenes
to undermine him.

And you'll seal us off from this, right?
The shit you've done,

and I'm the one going to jail?

Are you kidding me?
Nobody's going away.

Hasn't been a jam yet
we haven't slipped out of.

Hasn't been a witness before,
or an IAD cop wiring one of us.

Hey, nobody jumped ship
when Antwon had
your balls in a sling.

And I was willing to put
a b*llet into Antwon
to keep it off the rest of you.

We got you out of that
before you had to
go through with it.

Which is exactly what
we're gonna do for Lem.
But if we can't...

you're gonna
look out for us, right?

Okay. Okay.

We're gonna get you
clear of this.

Ronnie and I'll track down Pitarrio
and we'll squeeze his balls.

I hate this.

Don't worry, we got you.
Let's get the wire back on.

What kind of person
cuts a baby out of
its mother's stomach?

The kind that should have been
an abortion.

There's the man.

Give me a sec.
For what?

Aceveda's been updating me
on a few things.

Be right back.

A moment of your time.

What is it?


Some assh*le dumped
a few couches
over on Benton,

I got a La-Z-Boy over on Scott.
Bums find that out, it's a Motel 6.

You screeched up here
to talk to me
about trash pickups?

Six Paul 11, Six Paul 11.

Billings is too squirrelly
to ask the city
for an extra dime.

Someone's gotta do it.
LEM: Hey, we got a 187.

Anyway, Farmington's
garbage is your area.

That's a little below
my pay grade. Call someone
in Waste Removal.

Okay. But I'd hate to see
your entire district
become a fire hazard.

Get what you need?
Yeah, he was very helpful.

The car was headed south.
Down there.

Hank Preminger. Green Explorer
came around the corner,

started blasting at him
as he exited the diner.

Nice piece.

Let this be a cautionary tale.
You find our heroin dealer?

Pitarrio cleared out
of his house.
He's a ghost.

Only sign of life
was a couple of
squatter crackheads.

Hey. Telephone worker
got a bird's eye from the pole.

He get a plate for the SUV?

But he gave unis a partial
plate on a witness
who had a better view.

Another white guy,
jumped in his ride after
the sh**ting, took off.

All right. You guys
work your angle.

Lem and I'll figure out
who's got a problem
with the Hair Club for Men.

All right, man.

That baby is still out there.

This disgusting crime occurred
at approximately 5: 15 a.m.
this morning.


So we beg you,
while the baby
can still be saved,

please call if you have
any information

about the traffic altercation
that led to the heinous m*rder
of Isabel Arrington.

We need you to call our tip line.
Time is of...

I, uh, pulled the records
of every single person

who worked with Isabel Arrington.

So far just petty stuff.

Here's our, uh,
grieving boyfriend.

Your neighbour told us
Isabel was screwing
somebody else.

That's bullshit.
Baby probably wasn't even yours.

Don't you say that.
You g*dd*mn liar.

If the baby's alive, tell us.
Oh, God.

Please let him be alive.
CLAUDETTE: It's a boy?

You notice that
when you cut him
out of Isabel's stomach?

We did one of those scans.

We saw his stuff.

You gotta believe me.

Okay. We'll get somebody
to give you a ride home.

Stay by the phone.
I may have more questions.

You accuse me
of slicing my baby
out of my girl's stomach

and now you want me
to go home and wait on you?

We're sorry for your loss.

I don't want your damn apologies!

I want you to find out
who did this to her,
and where my baby is.

Victim did a stint in Lompoc
eight years ago.

Been clean ever since.

No family, but coworkers
at the pet store said
he's got no enemies.

These matches
to the partial plate
on the witness?

I ruled out 50 of them. Got about
a half-dozen possibles here.

Pitarrio hasn't been
arrested in six months.

That's the longest he's gone
since he turned 18.

He's off the grid.

If the feds picked him up
and he made a deal
to give up Lem,

that arrest wouldn't show up
on his record.

Check this out. Leon Frankel
lives in the same building
as our victim.

Turns out they both got
their GEDs in Lompoc.

Well, let's find out
why Hank's study buddy

didn't stick around
to talk to the police.

We looking at this guy
as a coward or suspect?

Eh, whichever jacket fits.
Hold on, hold on.

Is that Leon Frankel?
That's me.

We were just on our way out
looking for him.
What did he do?

We were canvassing on that baby.
He threw a bottle at the car,
cracked the windshield.

Then he asked
if he could smell
my sweet spot.

Even Shane stopped
using that line.

Pretty stupid way
to get yourself arrested, Leon.

I had a bad day.

That bad day include
seeing your pal
Hank Preminger shot dead?

A friend of mine was
in trouble, I'd do everything
I could to help him out.

Sit down.

I was scared, I heard sh*ts, I ran.

Hey, look, maybe if
I sit here for a while,
something will come to me.

You're walking down
the street with your
enemy-free friend, Hank.

sh*ts go off, he's dead.
But you know those b*ll*ts
were meant for you.

Now you're not safe.

You're too damn cheap
to spend 20 bucks
on a fleabag motel.

You get yourself arrested
because it's safer in here
than it is out there.

Only we're not your g*dd*mn

Who did it?

I don't know.

Get out.

Get out. Get out.

Now, wait a second.
I remember a green SUV.

Great. Think of anything else,
give us a call.

I'm releasing Leon
on his own recognizance.

Wait a minute,
he's supposed to post bail.

I'm overriding bail.

You're gonna get me k*lled out there.
That's a chance I'm willing to take.

Okay, okay.
Come on, please.

Couple days ago, I had a client
fell behind on his payments.

Awesome pool player.
Now, I knew this guy, right?

He did me a solid back in the day.
We used to hang out at Gary's Tavern,
little place on Sunset.

Cut to the part where
someone wants to k*ll you.

My boss, Gus, wanted me
to take a crowbar
to his right arm,

and if I did that,
his break would never
be the same.

So I gave him
an extra 24 hours.

Most loan sharks don't
take too kindly
to independent thinking.

Gus never would've known,
but this ungrateful
prick disappears

with the 40 large he owes.

Now Gus thinks
we split the money,
and he wants me dead.

And your friend Hank
takes the hit meant for you.

Yeah, I feel like shit about that.
Who shot at you?

I'll bet you anything it was
that little ass-suck works for Gus.

He's always trying to hone in
on my business.

VIC: What's his name?
I don't know.

I just call him ass-suck.

Excuse me while I get
a Kleenex for the rest
of this sob story.

It's a protection game.

See, I got all these young guys
coming up behind me.

It's like no one wants
Leon to get ahead.

Jesus, what took so long?
I had to track Pitarrio through INS.

Miguelez Construction registered
his social security number

with payroll
two months ago.

Scumbag got a real job?
Working at a site over on Hillhurst.

If Pitarrio's breaking a sweat,
we know he's into the feds.

Let me wrap this up.

Hey. You're early. So am I.


How's Andy?

He's good, actually. He's inside.

Um, I was wondering,
how old was Andy
when he was diagnosed?

Around 3.

There's an Andy at this school,
but he's not your son.

What's going on?
When were you planning on
telling me you're a cop?

Who told you that?

I was married to one.
I see them every day in the ER.

You all walk the same.

Yeah, we do. I'm a lieutenant. IAD.

You'd make
a good detective, Corrine.

I don't know what you want
or why you've been lying
to me, but stay away.

Miss Mackey. I need you to know
that your husband and his team
are under investigation.

So what? I was his wife,
not his partner.

I don't know what
your involvement is yet,

but you and I are gonna do
a lot more talking.

And you mention anything to him
about me or this investigation,

and it's
obstruction of justice.

So I find out that
you told him, that he learned
anything about this case,

it's on you, and that's prison.

We'll talk later.

I wouldn't be here
if it wasn't a baby,
just so you know.

It's very generous of you
to come in. Could you
tell us what you saw?

That pregnant lady decided
she had to turn all of a sudden.

Almost drove into that other car.

Other car... Think it was white.

- goes honking, gets crazy,
starts sh**ting.

911 put me on hold.
Five-thirty in the morning.

So I hung up.

You said you saw something
on the car? Something
that could help?

The white car had
one of those decals
on the back window.

What did the decal say?

"Jevontrey." I have a nephew
named Devontrey, so
I remembered the decal.

It was one of those R.I.P. ones.

Kind that should have been
an abortion.

There's the man.

Give me a second.
LEM: For what?

Aceveda's been updating me
on a few things.

Be right back.

Councilman, a moment of your time.


Come in.

You said you have an update.

Lemansky's birthday's today.

His pals, they either
don't know or
just don't care.

That's the update?

My best friend forgot my birthday,
I'd be pissed.

This could be a way in.


Anything interesting
happen with you today?

Like what?

Like visitors?

He came by the office.

What about?

Some bullshit
sanitation complaint.

I think he just wants
to shove it in my face that
he's de facto running the Barn.

You didn't call him?

Don't have regular sit-down
meetings with him?

Just trying to figure out
which uniform you're
wearing, councilman.

Well, it sure as hell
isn't Mackey's.

Sorry for getting you down here.

Next time I have a birthday alert,
I'll just call you on the phone.



You're not safe here anymore.

I'm taking you.
We gotta go.
Gotta move.

Why? What happened?
Got a couple of possible leaks.

Get your stuff, whatever
Sebastio needs, okay?

You said Vic wouldn't find out.
I'm not saying that he has.

Either way, he calls,
you don't answer.

He comes by,
you're not gonna even be here.

The volume on this thing
just got turned way up. Let's go.



Yes, I am Pitarrio.
Nice try, dickwad. We know the guy.

Where is he?

Give me your papers.
Let's see them. Let's see it.

All right, you got a job off this.

What did Pitarrio get for his papers?
He got dead.


You sure he's not laying low?

Taking a cut off
your hard-earned money, huh?

No. Three months ago
we were down in El Salvador,
doing a heroin deal.

The Sombra Negra,
it got to him and it
sliced his neck in half.

Look, you gotta consider Emolia.

They might have some other
kind of corroborating
evidence against Lem.

She's got a messed-up kid.
She's got no job.

IAD offers her a deal,
she could've jumped at it.

I've spent time with this girl.
And the boy.

She's not gonna turn on me.

Well, just call her, then.
Check in.

Emolia. Emolia.


Have you seen the woman
who lives here?



I got every decal place
in town checking
special orders.

Meantime, I need
an extra pair of eyes.

Three years of death in LA County.
Holler if you see a Jevontrey.


Dutch, it's Corrine.

You there?

Hey. What's, uh...?
I need to ask you some questions.

Oh, I can't right now.

Please. I'm pulling up now.
It's important.

Sorry, I didn't know who else to call.
I can't stay long. What's going on?

Promise this stays
between us, okay?

Promise that you're gonna
give me straight answers,

no matter what you think of Vic.
Of course. What is it?

Some IAD guy's been coming
to the kids' school

trying to get me
to say things about him.

IAD's into Vic?
I wonder what they got on him.

I mean, probably, take your pick...
Listen, I don't know.

But he's threatened to send me
to jail if I said anything
or if I don't cooperate.

I need to know if he's
bullshitting me. I mean,
can he send me to jail?

Well, a lot of times the person who
goes down didn't have anything
to do with the original crime.

They found out
about it afterwards,
lied, covered it up.

Well, what about spousal privilege?

They can't force you to talk,
but if they can prove

you knew about
any of Vic's actions,
it makes you a co-conspirator.

What's gonna happen
to your kids if something
happens to you? You see?

You're their best leverage against him.
But I don't know anything.

Well, then take away
their leverage. Be completely
upfront and honest.

I'm sorry, I've really gotta go.

Hey, um, why would someone
take prednisone?

I don't know, a lot of reasons.
Arthritis, lupus, asthma,
Crohn's disease.

It's a common

Thanks. I'm sorry.

You don't have to memorize
every picture. Just flip. Flip it, man.

You want me to make a mistake?

Hey, cut the guy
some slack, all right?
He's got a target on his back.

Emolia, it's me again.

Got a Salvadoran thing going on.

It's kind of time-sensitive,
so call me back.

I need some air.
I'll come with.

That's the guy that
works for Gus. That's
ass-suck right there.

Justin Lamott.

Emolia's gone. Neighbour saw her
leave with a black guy.


You call her cell?
Three times, including just now.

You're her paycheque.

When's the last time she didn't
call you back in five minutes?

If Kavanaugh got to her
somehow, it's nothing
I can't turn around.

Well, he's probably
got her stashed at
a safe house somewhere.

Come on.

Had to start with Pitarrio.

IAD flips him,
shithead ends up dead.

They got nothing.
They go to Emolia,
twist her against her will.

What does she know about
besides the heroin?

I've kept her clean.

Is there any chance
Lem's really working
with these guys?

See, that's what Kavanaugh wants.
For us to doubt each other.

This guy's using every angle.

Prick talked to Corrine
at our kids' school.

This guy's chatting up your ex?

You think you might
have mentioned that?

I just did. Warn Mara.

Ronnie, you tell whatever
you're banging this week,
don't talk to strangers.

All I need is five minutes
with Emolia to coach her
on what to say,

let her know that
we're there to help her.

Trust me. We find her,
this whole thing goes away.

Well, how are we gonna find her?

Hey, we got an ID on our sh**t.
Justin Lamott. Vehicle matches.

Yeah, better luck
than we're having.

We're gonna need to
stick Leon in a safe house
until we make the arrests.

All right. I got
a list of available
HUD houses.

Yeah, let me see.

These are for captains
and above only.

Captain, they found the baby.

Won't leave your office.

The bones in his chest
are essentially pulverized.

Pulverized? How?

I'd say a fist.
Somebody punched a newborn?

Stepped on him, maybe.
There's a variety of trauma.

Skull fracture,
knife wound
on the left leg...

I'll know more later.
CLAUDETTE: Thanks for the rush.

On this one? Anything you need.

A typhoon in Fiji's looking
pretty good right now.

Did we even have a chance?

Crime scene says he died hours ago.
It's a special kind of monster.

Yeah, and that monster's name
is Tevares Glade.

Just got a call back
from a decal place on Pico.

Two years ago, Tevares placed
a special order there.

"R.I.P. Jevontrey."

In honour of a dead uncle.
Pulled his record.

Tevares drives
a white Monte Carlo.

And has six arrests,
all for violent crimes,

four of them
with a Sean Deeks.

Why do two men cut a baby
out of a woman's stomach

just to beat him to death?

There were more than two of them.
Look. In the blood.

Jesus, he's covered in them.

The big ones? Tevares Glade
or Sean Deeks. Maybe both.

But the little ones...

You think maybe
there was a girl here too?

Ass-suck, 12 o'clock.

Out of six rounds,
this dude manages to get

four in the wall,
two in the wrong guy.

Loan shark should have
hired a professional.

Some shit to be dealing with
on my birthday.

It's your birthday?
We should get wasted, man.

Hey, buddy.

You, uh... You Justin?


Gus sent us. He's a little
pissed off about the way things
went down this morning.

What are you talking about?
You shot the wrong guy.

I didn't.
I seen the prick hit the ground.

No, you saw his friend
hit the ground, and you
just confessed to m*rder.

You wanna spare
yourself the needle,
tell us where to find Gus.

All right. All right.

Justin ID'd the loan shark.
Got them both.

You tell Leon he's in the clear?
Yeah, freak tried to hug me.

But you insisted on the blowjob.


Must have ate something
this morning. Third time
I gotta shit today.

Be sure to inform us
of number four.

All right, look.
Pitarrio's a dead end. Literally.

We think Kavanaugh's
gonna try to get
Emolia to give you up.

I don't think she saw me take the H.

Meantime, Vic's
convinced a little TLC
puts her on our side.

Kavanaugh finds out
we got to her,
this blows up.

We even know where she is?

Ronnie and I checked out
the safe houses. Came up empty.

But her son has
occupational therapy
twice a week.

Emolia won't let
Sebastio miss those.

I chased down this therapist's
unfaithful wife

in exchange for
a couple of sessions
for Emolia's kid.

What do you want me to do?

Just put on your wire,
head home, kick back
your feet, have a beer.

Kavanaugh's turning up the heat.

We think he might be planning
to formally arrest you.

That happens,
we'll be ready to bail you out.

Hey, uh, I need you two guys.

This old man here.
He's been waiting
here for hours.

Apparently, some assh*le's
been moving around the hood
in a camper trailer.

The guy sets up streamers, flags.
Whole thing's very patriotic.

He's selling care packages
and bogus body armour
to our troops in Iraq.

Grandpa here paid 300 bucks
for a state-of-the-art vest.

His grandson called from Iraq,
told him he got it in the mail...

Let me guess. Piece of shit.

Go pull a car.

Glad to see you two kids
are working it out.


Your PR instructor said
you weren't in class
the other night.

Something about almost having
to blow a van full of skin pedlars

made me wanna go home
and drink a bottle of wine.

I wasn't up for baton training
that night.

So you missed a class
with no valid excuse.

I took three classes
already. And when exactly
do you lay off?

When I feel safe
riding with you.
There's our patriot.


Put him in the cage.

All right, officer.

What's a little bit like you
doing being a cop?

Put your hands
on top of your head.

What'd he do? Is he a m*rder*r?

Hey. Listen, I know we're
short-handed and everything,

but do you think
I can get reassigned?

You want a different T. O?

I've tried with Julien, I really have...
Look, there's murderers in here.

And rapists and shit.
I can't be in here with murderers.

I've taken three baton classes...
I'm just a drunk.

It's Julien. He keeps checking on me.
You gotta have a room or something.

We don't have a room.
This isn't an inn.

All right? This guy's in here
for resisting arrest.

And this guy's in here
for scamming grandpas

into buying bogus
body armour for their
grandkids over in Iraq.

No murderers.
So don't get your panties
up in a bunch.

Same goes for you.

Found your fingerprints
on the baby, Tevares.
Dried in the mother's blood.

Sean and Tevares
k*lled that lady so you
could have the baby.

And then what?
It got too much
for you to handle.

He cried too much.
So you let them
beat him to death.

We also have your friends.
We've got their fingerprints.

Pretty soon, one of them's
gonna start to talk.

DUTCH: Good defence attorney
just says they found
the baby in a dumpster.

Fingerprints mean
they tried to revive it.

Think the girl's the way to go?
She's our best shot.

Want me to give it a run?
I've got someone else in mind.

Okay. I feel him.

Like right here.

It's his foot. You wanna touch it?

You know,
I didn't even ever
really want a baby.

But now...

I guess you're too young to know
what I'm talking about, huh?

All those maternal feelings and all.

Which is why I'm thinking
that you did the cutting.

Oh, come on.

Those idiots you're
hooked up with, they wouldn't
even know how to make a baby,

much less
cut one out of somebody.

Feel it? That man lost
his baby son,
his girlfriend...

Bitch brought that on herself.

Is that why you wanted that baby?

You didn't think she'd be
a good enough mother?

Shit, we didn't even know
she was pregnant.

When you shot her?

She almost ran us off the road.
My man don't stand for that.

She almost k*lled us,
so sh**ting her was like
self-defence, right?

We didn't see the belly until
she got out the car and
started trying to run.

They was just gonna drive off,

but I said,
"No. We gotta save the baby."

They was thinking
they was gonna sell it.

But my sister, Myesha,
she had two abortions
when she was my age.

Now she wants a baby,

but those doctors
messed up something
in there and so

I thought maybe
she could take him.

But then the baby
wasn't breathing right.

So we did the stuff
you see on doctor shows.

We cleared out his mouth
and turned him upside down.

But that didn't work, did it?

So I made Tevares
do that CPR stuff...

but the minute
he pressed down...

we heard everything crack.

That's enough.

We was just trying to save him.
You know what... Just stop talking.

They've given this
Kavanaugh carte blanche
to work your case.

Any resources he needs.

What's Kavanaugh
trying to nail you for?

Because this isn't about
some misplaced heroin.

Aceveda and the Department
need a poster boy for corruption

to sell their softer, gentler force
to the voters.

Why pick you
as a scapegoat?

You're a push-the-envelope
kind of lawyer.

I'm a push-the-envelope
kind of cop.

Which Aceveda sanctioned.

This really does go to the top.

Those are some pretty
high-powered cages to rattle.

So you'll represent us?

Just you.


We're a team.
The four of us come as a package.

I've seen these things go down.

Everyone eventually needs
to look out for themselves.

You don't understand.

We're not the typical lowlifes
that you represent.

We're a family.

We're surviving this together
or we go down together.

Hey. Hey! Shit.
I need some officers in here, quick!


You g*dd*mn t*rror1st!

Stand back!

JULIEN: What the hell are you doing?
TINA: What?

You took your g*n into the cage.

Someone could have
grabbed your w*apon!

Do you see all these
people around you, huh?

Look at me.

You trying to k*ll one of them?
Or you trying to k*ll one of us?

MAN 1:
Hopefully one of you.


MAN 2:
Where you going,
pretty thing, huh?

You know why you're dangerous?

Because this isn't real
for you yet.

So you're gonna get on me too?

If you wanna be a cop,
you gotta recognise
your mistakes.

Learn from them.

All I've done is try to be
nice to you. To everyone.

You got a problem with me,
it's because of your own shit.

See, you're used to being
the queen bee around here.

But you don't get much attention
now with those stretch marks.

So you're gonna
make my life miserable.

Every cop here has
made mistakes. Including you.

And I bet you anything
all of you got cut
more slack than me.

If you go out of this room
with that sniffly nose

and those red eyes,
those guys will never,
ever respect you.

So you pull your shit together.

Jesus, it's b*tches like you
that make the job hard
for the rest of us.

Hey, man, where is she?

She hasn't come out yet.

VIC: She should have been
out of there 10 minutes ago.
You sure you saw her go in?

Yeah, man,
unless she went out the back.

Okay, here we go.

Get in.

She getting an IAD escort?

Hang loose.
They might be watching.


You're not going on vacation, are you?
Haven't decided where yet.

No, um...

You're sick.

How sick?

Dutch, I was here yesterday.
I'm here today.
I'll be here tomorrow.

I don't know what that means.

I'm your partner.

Look, all that stuff I said
about you not being committed,
checked out,


It's okay.

I gotta go take these pills.

Anybody shows up,
you call me.


Vic. What the hell?
You didn't return any of my calls.

I got worried.

This dealer was giving me
a hard time.

I had to get away.
Sebastio asleep?

Those sessions
take it out of him.

What's up with you?

VIC: When did IAD approach you?


What's he trying to get you to say?
No, I don't know a Kavanaugh.

Why are you lying to me?

I'm sorry, Vic.

What happened?

Did he come to you,

thr*aten to put you in jail
if you didn't cooperate, huh?

Because there's a way
out of this, you know.

What did you tell him?

That I saw your guy
take the heroin. That's it.

All right. It's okay.

Soon as we get you
out of town, your statement
won't mean anything.

No, I can't leave.

Whatever Kavanaugh's
squeezing you with,
I can make it go away.

I'm gonna pack your shit.
But Sebastio.

I'm gonna take him to your mother's.
I'll make sure he gets back with you
once you get settled.


I didn't know you then.


You've been
behind this all along?

You tipped IAD
about the heroin.

If had to do it over again,
I'd have said no.

You've been good to me
and Sebastio.

You didn't...?
You didn't say anything?

You never warned me?

All this goddamned time?
I told him that...

Shut up!

He checks in on me, Vic.
He'll be here.

What else did you tell him?
Nothing. I swear.

Six months.

Six months
you could have warned me!


One of my men, maybe all of us,
are going to jail because of you.

I was scared.
I helped your son!

I tried to get you out of this life!


I'll leave tonight.
And go where?

To a phone booth to call Kavanaugh?

Without you,
IAD's case goes away.

You knew what I was
when you started
running with me.

I report on people for money, Vic.
That's what I do!



I found you once.
I can do it again.

Come here.

Who'd you call today?

On your cell phone,
who did you call?

Only my cousin a few hours ago.

You called her
to get a message to her,
to tell me how to find you.

Got it?


Jesus, it's you.

Detective Mackey.

What are you doing here?


It's my CI.
What the hell are you doing here?

Emolia's helping us
with a Salvadoran drug ring.

IAD. Vice.
You're a jack of all trades.

I'm sorry. Did I miss something?
Why is it that you're here?

I got spooked.

Called my cousin.
She called Vic for me.

Next time you hide one of my Cls,

put a car out front.

This isn't safe.