03x20 - Shattered (Part 2)

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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03x20 - Shattered (Part 2)

Post by bunniefuu »

"Tonight on" Baywatch:

I'm thinking
I'll never walk again.

You know it and I know it.

Mitch, are you giving up?
Is that what this is?

I'm facing facts!

You're quitting, Mitch.

Come on, Dad, you can do it.

Just leave me alone, will you?!

We have to be strong
for your Dad.

"We don't permit"
visiting doctors here.

Hospital rules.

"Last week on" Baywatch:


You do have some serious damage
to your spinal cord

and you'll need rehabilitation

and physical therapy.

I am going
to walk again?

I'd say the odds
for a full recovery...

five percent.

I'm going to do everything I can
to get you out of that chair

'cause I want to see
those buns of yours

up and moving.

"You're" my physical therapist?

A drug deal went down

and Jason is my only witness.

This is
a rehabilitation hospital.

It's not a safe house.

At least you have
a chance to walk again.

Man, what I wouldn't give
to have that chance again.

If you want to get up
out of this chair,

there's absolutely
no room for self-pity.

You make it sound like
you're not coming back.

I'm not coming back.

If this lifeguard
becomes a problem,

you get rid of him, too.


And now,
Part two of "Shattered. "

Okay, push.
Push, come on.

Yeah. Come on,
once more.


Once more.
Come on, push.

Try to build
those muscles.

Good, "good. "

Hey, Mitch.

It's good to see you.

Meg snuck
this in to me.

Can't live
without my music.


How you feeling?

Like racing.

The doc says I won't be
able to do it for a while.

Dr. Kennan?

Yeah. Well, he used
the word "never,"

but, uh...

he doesn't know the
heart of a lifeguard

like we do, does he?

No, he doesn't.


Hey, you'd better
keep working out

'cause I'm going
to beat you.

Well, it won't be
the first time, will it?

Who won the overall?

I'm sorry to tell you this...


All right!

Uh, Megan's downstairs

and a whole bunch
of other people.

They're all
dying to see you.

Are you up to that?

I mean,
can I bring them up?

Yeah, a victory party.

Let's do it.

Hey, Mitch...

Do me a favor, Mitch.

Get rid of that thing for me,
will you?

You got it.

It's out of here.

You know, Mitch...

that wheelchair
is not your enemy.

I had a friend once
who was paralyzed.

He swore he'd walk again.

He was only fooling himself.

Honey, everybody's a fool for
at least five minutes a day.

Wisdom comes from
not exceeding the limit.

What are you talking about?

Why don't you just
leave me alone, okay?

Honey, resisting me is like
challenging a school of piranhas

to a game of water polo...

you gonna lose
every time.

"I been working like a dog
in my therapy sessions,

"can't feel a
thing in my leg

and nothing moves
on its own. "

Mind reading.

Just a little hobby of mine.

Why don't you tell me
what else I'm thinking.

You tell me. It's healthier.

You want to know
what I'm thinking?

I'm thinking
I'll never walk again.

You know it and I know it.

Mitch, that is not true.

It could still happen.

You never know
when a toe will wiggle,

but when it does,
then you're on your way.

Why don't you save that talk
for the dreamers, huh?

Okay, so what are
you telling me now,

you're quitting?
Is that it?

No, I'm telling you
I'm facing facts.

No, that's not what
you're telling me.

You are quitting.

I'm facing facts!

You're quitting, Mitch!

I can help
with the injury to your spine,

but I cannot do anything
about your other "back" problem.

What other back problem?

That streak of yellow

that's running straight down
the middle of yours.

Take your time.

Good. That's good.

Hey, Dad.

Hey, Hobie.

What are you doing?

I'm trying to move my foot.

Is it moving?


Well, are you trying
as hard as you can?

Are you focusing?

Did Sophie send you in here?


Never mind.

Dad, I bet if you, like,
really concentrate,

you can move your foot.


Try to knock
this can over.

Come on, Dad, you can do it.

Focus! Focus!

Try as hard as you can! Come on!

You can do it.

I know it, Dad! Come on!

Try! Try harder!

Just leave me alone, will ya!


Hobie, what's wrong?

My dad's mad at me

just because I wanted
him to move his foot.

Hey, Hobie...

Your son just ran out
of the room crying.

I know. I know.

I got frustrated,
and I took it out on him.

You're an adult, he's a child.

And he's scared
to death...

Well, adults can
be scared, too!



Look, I know
that this is hard for you,

but Hobie needs you.

I know.

I'm sorry.

I'll go find him.


Hobie, what's wrong?

Nothing. I'm fine.

I'm in a wheelchair,
man, not in a coma.

What's going on?


What's it like?

I mean, "really" like...

you know,

being paralyzed?

Man, that's a
hard question.

It's like every day
when I wake up...

for the tiniest
second, I forget

that I need help
to get out of bed

and be in a wheelchair

and then the whole
rest of my day, man,

just no way I forget.

Do you ever get mad?

Sure I do.

Sometimes I get mad
because that tiny second

in the morning just
can't last all day.

Do you ever get mad
at anybody you love?

Your dad got mad
at you, didn't he?

I used to get
mad at my mom.

But she knew it didn't
mean I didn't love her

or anything like that.

It's easy to get mad at
someone who loves you

because you know they'll
always forgive you.

I got to go, Hobie.

Sophie will k*ll me if I'm
late for therapy again.

Bye, Jason.


And thanks.

Hobie's over there.

Thanks, Jason.


Look, uh...

I'm sorry that I
lost it with you.

It's just, um...

I'm having a really
hard time with this,

and I'm trying
really hard to beat it

but sometimes I just...

just get a
little frustrated.


You forgive me?

I forgive you, Dad.

You know I love
you, don't you?

I love you, too.


What do you say we
go teach those guys

how to play that game?

All right! Great!

Okay? Let's go.

Hey, you guys!

Got room
for two more players?


All right.

Okay, Hobie go.

Hobie, outside, outside.

Hobie... I got it!

I hope you girls
had a great day.

See you.

Matt, let me work
your tower tomorrow

so I can be near Jimmy.

Hey, it's fine with me

if it's okay
with Stephanie.

Okay, thanks.
Come on.

Radar, will you give these
to Newman?

They're the tower assignments
for tomorrow.


Hey, guys.

Oh, rough day?

Seems like no one knew
how to swim today.

I spent more time
in the water

than in my tower.

Listen, Stephanie,
Matt and I were wondering

if we could switch
towers tomorrow.

Switch towers? Why?


Because, um...

I just wanted to
get more experience

in a different tower.

Well, it sounds like
you're getting

a lot of experience
right where you are, Matt.

Hey, guys, what's up?

I haven't quite
figured that out yet.

Hey, wasn't that
Jimmy I saw

surfing in front of
your tower today?

I think so.

You "think" so?

A surfer
like Jimmy Slade

either is or is not surfing
in front of your tower, Matt.

There's no
mistaking it.

What "is" a mistake, though,
is to try to get

a tower
to be near a boyfriend.

Yeah, well, that's not
what I was doing.

Isn't it?

No, not exactly.

Summer, you know,
I'm surprised at you.

This is
totally unprofessional.

If Mitch were here, he...

Look, Stephanie,
I'm really sorry.

I mean,
I feel really stupid

even thinking about things
like this when Mitch...

I mean,
when he may not even...

What summer's trying to say is
that we miss him, too.

Nothing's the same around here
without Mitch.

What's so funny?

Remember that big rescue
that Mitch went out on

before rookie school started,
and he called us

all in for backup?

Off Tower ,
all available units.

Rescue requesting backup.

Rescue en route.

Nice save, Mitch.

A bag, okay?

It's a bag.

You got us all the way
out here for that?

You girls missed what we did
to him in the locker room.

Very funny.

You know,
Mitch really believed in me.

Without him,

I don't think I'd be
a lifeguard right now.

Yeah, if it weren't
for him,

I'd still be guiding rafts
down a river.

Thank God, he talked me
into coming back to Baywatch.

I just wish there
was something

we could do for him.

You know, he's done
so much for all of us.

There is something
that we can do for him.

We can believe
that he's going to come back

just the way he was...

...because he is.

He has to.


This fire sure
makes my eyes water.

It's okay to cry.

I'm not crying.

Your dad's going
to be okay.

It's just going
to take a little time.

The doctor said
he'll never walk again.

Hobie, that's not true.

I heard you talking to
the doctor in the hall.

He said he only had
five chances out of .

Come here.

When have you known your dad
not to beat the odds, huh?

I know you're scared.

I'm scared, too,

but we have to be strong
for your dad.

I want to.

I don't know if I can.

Well, I know you can,

and your dad
started rehab, too,

and it's going
to be tough.

He's going
to need you, Hobie.

He's going to need you
more than ever.

Three jacks.

No way.

I doubt it.

Oh, Hobie.

Go ahead.
Go ahead.



The whole pot!


Sorry, g*ng,
but visiting hours

have been over
nearly minutes.

I cannot stretch it any longer.

Oh, come on, Sophie,
just one more game.

We'll be quiet.

He needs the rest
so he's ready for Sophie

to punish him
again tomorrow.

If he can handle it.

I can take anything
you dish out.

Oh, good.

I'm going to get Jason
from the therapy room.

- Good night.
- Good night.

Tell him I'm going to stop
by and see him, okay?

All right,
tomorrow is a new game.

Hey, thanks.
Thanks, you guys.


Yes, Doctor.

Jason Sanders' room number
is .

And here's his file.

Thank you, nurse.

I appreciate your help.

You're welcome.

Don't forget to call
tomorrow, okay, Dad?

Okay, pal.

Come on, let's go.



Are you
a new doctor here?

No, just visiting
a patient.

Come on, Stephanie.


Thanks a lot for the card game.

Dad, I was wondering

if I could stay
the night here.

I'll be really quiet

and you won't even know
I'm here. I promise.

"You'll" be really quiet?


We'll do another night
together, okay?

And you guys, thank you
very much for making sure

everything's okay
at the house with Hobie.

Could be a while longer.

You just concentrate
on feeling better

because when you are,
you and I are going

to have a race...
with our canes.

Pleasant dreams, Mitch.

All right. Good night.

- Good night.
- Bye.

- Bye, Dad.
- See you later, Hobster.

When did Mitch say
he's coming by?

Soon, so we'd best get you
settled in quick, okay?


Okay, so put
your cards away.

You can play with
them again tomorrow.

All right, here we go.



Evening, Mr. Buchannon.

Hi, Emily.

Could you do me a favor?

I know you got a couple
of candy bars

hidden back there somewhere.

I want to take them
to my friend, Jason.

He's a popular boy tonight.

What do you mean?

A new doctor on staff
just went up to see him.

New or visiting doctor?

Oh, we don't permit
visiting doctors here...

hospital rules.

Ah, here they are.

Mr. Buchannon.

Mr. Buchannon, your candy bars.

Oh, well.

Sophie, what happened?



You all right?

Oh... yes.

Where's Jason?

Oh, Mitch, he took Jason.

Where did he take him?

I don't know.

Call security.

Oh! Okay.

Come on.

Come on.

Come on.


Hang on. Hang on.

Grab ahold.

Come here.

You okay?


Oh, come here.
Okay, okay.


You okay, Mitch?

Yeah, never had
a better day.

How you doing?

I'm doing fine.

That's him.

Oh, oh, Jason, Jason, Jason.

Jason, you okay?

You all right?
You okay?

Mitch saved my life.

Did he?

You know,
if you wanted to take a swim,

all you had
to do was ask.

Come on, get up.

Mitch, you moved your leg.

Did you, Mitch?

He kicked the g*n
in the pool. Look.

I did.

I kicked the g*n in the pool.


- I moved my leg.
- Yes.

I moved my leg!



Oh, yes! Yes!

Hey, Mitch.

See you guys later, huh?

Take care.

Okay. Bye-bye.

Mitch, sit down.

I can manage now.

Mitch Buchannon, sit down.

- It's procedure.
- Okay.

And besides, don't
try to rob me

of my last official duty.

Mm, that sun feels great.

Now, it's important that you
swim as much as possible, yes?

And please keep up
your leg exercises,

not once a day,
not twice a day, but...

But five times a day
keeps the pain away.

Yes, it does.

You know, it's hard to believe,
but I'm going to miss you.

I'm going to miss you, too.

If it weren't for you, I
wouldn't be walking out of here.

I really don't know
how to thank you.

Just to see those buns
of yours up and moving

is all the thanks I need.

Now, come on,
get on up, walk away,

so I can get a real good look.

Come on.


Mmm, mmm, mmm.

It was worth the wait, honey.

I don't know why they
call these things "walkers. "

I'm doing all the walking.

It's great to have
you back, Mitch.

Ah, thanks.

It's no fun
without you here.

You're doing great, Mitch.

Hey, Doc.


Good to see
you, big guy.

Glad to be back.


It's really good
to meet you.

I promised Eddie I'd bring him
back to L.A. After the trial.

We're going to have
some fun this time.

So that's your
real name... Eddie.

I like it.

Heard you beat him up
real bad in court, huh?

We nailed him.

Thanks to Eddie's testimony.

If it wasn't for Mitch,
I wouldn't have been around

to do it.

We, um... we got
something for you.


Ted Williams, autographed.

Thanks, Mitch.

I'll never forget you.

Come here.

I'll never forget you, either.

I'm going to come
and visit you, okay?

- Okay.
- Okay.

You know something, Mitch?

I think it's about time
that you took me up on my offer.

And what offer is that,
o great wise one?

Why, our race,

Come on.

You're on.
Hey! Hey!
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