03x17 - The Tower

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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03x17 - The Tower

Post by bunniefuu »

-[Theme song playing]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to have somebody ♪

♪ When the edge
of surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

-♪ I'll be ready
-♪ I'll be ready

-♪ Never you fear

-♪ No, don't you fear

-♪ I'll be ready

-♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ Oh

-♪ I'll be ready
-♪ I'll be ready

-♪ Never you fear

-♪ No, don't you fear

-♪ I'll be ready

-♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

-♪ When I think about the love that's in
my life bring ♪

♪ These simple words come to me

♪ Loving you so

♪ Forever I have known ♪

♪ This will always be our home

♪ 'Cause you're the sunrise

♪ The rain falling down

♪ The moonlight

♪ All the beauty in my life

♪ You're the angel

♪ The saint that I found

♪ A new light

♪ All the love that's in my life

♪ Now and then I dream about the sunrise
in your eyes ♪

♪ The winds of change are on my mind

♪ Needing you so

♪ Together we will know

♪ This will always be our home ♪

♪ 'Cause you're the sunrise

♪ The rain falling down

♪ The moonlight

♪ All the beauty in my life

♪ You're the angel

♪ The saint that I found

♪ A new light

♪ All the love that's in my life

-Hurry! I need resuscitation.

-Slade, stop it.
I'm on duty.

-So keep your eyes open.

-Just go get wet again,
will you?

-I guess that means
I can't give you a gift
while you're on duty either?

-What kind of gift?
Where is it?

-This was my mom's.

She said I should keep it
till I met the right girl.


Jimmy, this is so beautiful.

I don't know
what to say.

-Just say
you'll never take it off.

Summer, you're
on duty, remember?

I'm gonna go surf
up the beach.

I'll come back
around lunch and see ya.

-Garner, will you relax?
You're in hawaii.

You're on vacation.
Enjoy the sun. Have fun.

Have one of those
rum and cokes.

Don't worry.
We'll handle things
without you.

Please have a good time.

All right.
Take care.

[Hangs up phone]
what the hell is that?

What are you doing?

-Uh... Hi, dad.

My science project--
fiber optic technology.

Just thought I'd try it out.

-Hi, hobie!
Did you find that money

You dropped outside
the women's locker room?

-Uh... Yeah. I found it.


-I um... I had
a hole in my pocket.

Some money fell out.

Can I have
my science project back?

-I think I'll hang on to this
for the rest of the day.

Why don't you be a good boy
and go play on the beach?


Women's locker room...

Not a bad idea.

-Hey, jackie!

What brings you up here?

-Oh, summer was in such
a hurry this morning

When she left the house,
she forgot her lunch.

Can you tell me
what tower she's in?
-I'll find out for you.

-Oh, great!
You're a doll.

-[Sirens wailing]

lifeguard! Hurry!
My wife fainted!

Please hurry!

-Come on.
You're gonna be okay.

You just suffered
a little heat stroke.


-[Lock breaks]

-We're conducting
a house-to-house search
in the palisades,

But there's a good chance
he made it down here.

He might be
on the beach somewhere.

-How dangerous is he?
-Ever see
"silence of the lambs"?

Jacob kilmer
makes hannibal lecter
seem like little bo peep.

For the past 17 years
he's been locked up

And has not responded
to any sort of rehabilitation.

He escaped
from a mental institution,

Terrorized and tormented
the woman who was supposed

To testify against him
in a m*rder trial.

I've been tracking
him for two years,

But every time we get close,
he finds a new way to disappear.

-All right.
What can we do?

-I want to clear the beach
from topanga to santa monica,

Funneling everyone
through a police line
in the parking lot.

-All right. Got it.

-[Police radio chatter]

-Police officer:
we are closing the beach

From temescal canyon southbound

To chautauqua
boulevard northbound.

The two major exits
are state beach

And baywatch headquarters.

-Okay, we're clearing the beach.

Please move
to the exits over there.

Thank you very much.

-[Police radio chatter]

-Police officer:
open the bag please, sir.

Step right through here.


-Hi. Excuse me,
but I'm sorry,

We have to ask everybody
to please leave the beach.

-Why? It's such a beautiful day.

What could possibly
be the problem?

-Well, I don't know.

They just asked everybody
to pack up their things

And please exit
to the parking lot.

-Ah, pity.

I was so enjoying
myself here on the beach.

do you copy?
Paramedics are on their way.


-Excuse me...

-John, let me talk
to mitch right away.

-But you don't understand--
my daughter is a lifeguard!

-I'm sorry.
You're gonna have to stay here.

-Sloan, you want
to come with me?

We found something
in the storm drain

That I think
you should take a look at.

-[Police radio chatter]

-Police officer:
see your bag please, sir?

-Get in,
close the door,

And put both hands
on the wheel.

-[Radio chatter]

-Please tilt
the rear-view mirror

So I can see
out the windshield.

all available lifeguard units
south of santa monica pier...

-The police have all the exits
from the beach sealed.

-They won't stop you.
You're a lifeguard,

And I need
you to rescue me.

That's sufficient.
Thank you.

You may start
the truck now.

Give it some gas, please.

Now drive toward the pier.

233, 233, this is 236.

Go to channel 12. Repeat--
go to channel 12. Over.

-Keeping both hands
on the wheel will be
to your benefit.

I like to keep informed.

roger. Maintain
your patrol and stand by.

all right. We know
he's on the beach.

Let's make sure
he doesn't get away this time.

-211-L, kmf-295.
Come in, ron.

-Send your traffic, mitch.

-Ron, I want
hobie off the beach a.s.a.p.

Send the closest unit
to come pick him up.

-Kmf-259, 217-l.

Mitch needs back up
at the storm drain, over.

Lieutenant holden?
Please come back.

Lieutenant holden?

-If your voice or your words
betray me, lieutenant holden,

I will silence them forever.

Say you're responding
to a minor emergency,

Nothing that requires backup.

-This is 217-l.
Go ahead, mitch.

-Stephanie, can you come
over to the storm drain
right away, please?

-I'm sorry, mitch.
I've got a code--

-No codes.
Simple english, please.

-Code what?
You cut out on me.

-I've got a lost boy
in the truck with me.

He's pretty scared.
I'm gonna take him
to find his parents.

-Why don't you just
turn the truck around

And drive the boy
over here?

-Tell him the boy
is much too scared.

[Pretends to cry]

-I'm sorry, mitch.
He's really scared.

I've got to drive
and find his parents.

-[Kilmer crying]

That was good, stephanie.
You're earning my respect.

-Kilmer came through
the strom drain, all right.

Maybe he got off the beach
before we set up our perimeter.

-I don't think so.
Have your men block

The top of the incline
south of headquarters.

I think kilmer is
in that lifeguard truck

With one of my people.

-Why is that?

-We don't drive around
looking for kids' parents.

We hold the kids
at headquarters till
the parents come pick them up.

-Wait. I'm coming with you.

This is sloan.
We got a possible
hostage situation.

208, this is 236.
Evac from temescal canyon

To chautauqua
is still in effect, over.


repeat-- all units
keep clear and stand by.

-Go! Deploy! Move!

-It must've been
something you said.

[Clicks tongue]
turn around.

If I don't get off this beach,
neither do you.

-Police officer:
hold at safe distance.
Stay right with him.

Be careful.
Don't provoke him.

paramedics are on their way.

-There doesn't seem
to be any reason

To stay down here.

-There's no way out.
Why don't you just
give yourself up?

No one's gonna hurt you.

-Pain means different things
to different people.

all units keep clear.
Check channel three.

-Stop in front
of that tower ramp.

-Patch me through
to summer's tower. Hurry!

-Slide over me
and get out.

-Summer, get out
of the tower right now.

Over the rail!

-It's too late. He's already
backing up the ramp
with stephanie.

-I've gotta help her.

-Kilmer, there's no way
out of this.

Let the lifeguard go,
and no one will hurt you.

-If all your vehicles
and personnel aren't
off the beach in 30 seconds,

I'll sh**t her leg
through the femoral artery!

She'll bleed to death!

-Sloan over radio:
if the shot's clear,
smoke him.

-Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.

You're first responsibility
is the safety of my people.

-My responsibility
is to drop that maniac.

-It's my beach, pal.
I'm in charge here.

-No. Once he gets
into that tower,
he'll be in charge.

-15 Seconds!

I can't get a clear shot.

-Five seconds!

-Tell your men
to clear the beach! Now!



-[Both yelp]

-Who the hell is that?

-It's slade.

-Whoever said "three's a crowd"
didn't have the right company.

-And your name is?


Fall, winter, spring.

She was an indian
on "howdy doody."

A marionette, actually.

She could only move
when her strings were pulled.

That shall define
our relationship

For as long as
we are together.

I will control
everything you do.

First, we need to secure
our little fortress here.

-No one is to fire
without a direct order from me.

-Dad! What's going on?

-Mitch, what's gonna happen
to summer and stephanie?

-Just take it easy.
We're on it. We're on it.

-What's the kid doing?
-Nothing yet.

Hold on.

One of the lifeguards
is coming out.

Kid just climbed
onto the deck.


-What an appropriate
place to be.

Don't you think, stephanie?


she's closing the flaps.

-With the flaps closed,
kilmer will have blind spots
all over the place.

-Tell swat to be ready.

-Who guards
the lifeguard's life

When the lifeguard's life
needs guarding? Hmm?




-Ugh. The kid's been shot!
-He's getting to his feet.

-Looks like a shoulder wound.
Hold your position.

-Get the paramedics
in a call car, ron.

-This is kmf...
-Slade, if you can hear me,

Get in the truck.

Don't think about
anything else, pal.

Just get in the truck.

-He's getting into the truck.

-With the flaps closed,
kilmer's vision is limited.

See if you can get a squad
closer to the tower.

-Okay pal,
start the truck

And head this way.

Everything's gonna be okay.

look, you don't
need both of us.

Why don't
you let summer go?

-Interesting suggestion.

-[Both screaming]


-Oh my god. Summer!
-Move in! Move in!

-Get in the truck.

-No way!
Not until summer's okay.

-Look pal, this isn't
multiple choice, okay?

You're outta here.

Okay! Go!

-Little peepholes.

So we can see
who comes to visit next.


-[Phone beeps]

whoever this is,

Have the police turn
and retreat immediately

Or I will sh**t
one of these young ladies.

-How do we know
you haven't already?

-Say your names... Now!

-Stephanie holden.

-Summer quinn.


-Call off the squad.
They're all right.

Have them retreat
to the parking lot.

-I can see the beach
in all directions.

If anyone comes near
this tower again,

There will be
no more warnings.

-Look, we know you have
the upper hand.

Everybody realizes that.

We don't want anyone else
to get hurt here.

-Yes. I agree.

And no one will be
if my instructions
are carefully followed.

-He wants a helicopter
fully fueled to land

In front of the tower ramp
in an hour.

I want our best
sharp sh**t on it.

It's always a risk,
but by the time we get to him,

He may have k*lled
both of them anyway,

So what difference
does that make?

-What the hell
does that mean?

"What difference
does that make?"

-Let us do our job, lieutenant.
-There are other choices here!

-If someone's drowning,
I'll call you.

-Ron, give me a schematic
of the old storm drain asap.

-I will take one of you
with me on the helicopter.

The other will stay here.

Which shall it be?

-That's plastique, isn't it?


-An expl*sive.
He's making a b*mb.

-Think of it as
a life insurance policy.

If I remain alive,
so will whichever
of you remains here.


-We don't have
that much time.

-When the helicopter lands
and kilmer makes his move,

We better be there
waiting for him.

Let's go.

-[Intense music playing]


-Rotate it.

-Damn it!

-We're 10 feet
short of the tower.

We need to be
right under it.

-It's the chopper.

-What are we gonna do?

-[Handcuffs clank]

-He says the b*mb
is on a timer

And it'll go off
in five minutes
unless he deactivates it.

-Which I will do
when we are safely airborne.

-Which he will do
when we're airborne.

-Tell him he doesn't
need the b*mb.

We'll guarantee his safety.

-He says that's
what the b*mb's for.

-Do you see him yet?
-Not yet.

But my dad will get there.
I know it.

-Mitch, this is too dangerous!

I'm not gonna
let you do this!

-There's no other choice.

Don't worry.

I'll just make
like a little sandworm.

-[Police radio chatter]

-No shot except
on my direct command.

-Police officer:

-It doesn't matter to you
whether we live or die, does it?

-On the contrary.

If you die, it probably means
I'm dead already.

That matters
to me very much.

-Don't you ever care
about anybody else
but yourself?

-I'm full of care.
That's why I'm so care-ful.


-That thing you're holding
in your hand...

It won't really
deactivate the b*mb, will it?

-You don't really
want me to give away

The ending
of the story, do you?

It would k*ll
the suspense.


Let's hug and hope
it's not goodbye.

-Summer, do what he says.

-Wish us luck.

Now let's make sure
those police sn*pers

Can't separate
me from you.

Come along, summer.
Under the blanket we go.

damn. We'll never
get a clean shot.

Take no action.
Repeat-- take no action.

-Police officer:

-There's dad!

He's by the bottom
of the ramp.

My dad's out there.

-In the sand
by the ramp.

-Damn him.

I repeat-- do not sh**t
except by my command.

nice and slow.
We don't want to trip and fall.


-You go.
-Yes, sir.

-Hold your positions,
men, there!

-Summer, deactivate it!

-Oh, stephanie,
it doesn't work!

-Oh! Get--
get me out of here!


Summer! Get the key
from the cooler!




-The key! The key!
-Get out of here!
It's gonna blow!

-Please hurry up!

-Go! Go!


Come on!
Hurry, dad!

Come on!


-Oh, my girl!
Oh god, honey. Oh.


-Get him out of here.
-Let's go, pal.

-[Kilmer continues laughing]

-Tell your teacher
to give you an "a"
on the science project.

-So how's slade?
Where is he?

-He's in the hospital.
He's gonna be all right.
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