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04x12 - Judas Priest

Posted: 01/10/22 08:40
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Shield:

I r*ped those women. I k*lled them.

Was I supposed to know? Was I supposed to know this?

How could Joanna not know what you were doing?

She didn't see that side of me.

You ever, uh, suck a d*ck like a cell bitch, cop man? Suck it!

We're looking for Juan Lozano. Help me!

Tell me everything you know about Juan Lozano.

I know you've got a grandmother who's sick.

You tell just one person, you will learn the things I can do.

Carl, Scooby? You guys on foot?

Oh, Jesus.

What happened to those officers?

They were k*lled somewhere else, dumped here.

We seized this house last month.

We're re-evaluating the seizures entirely.

This department is not interested in any policy that inflames the community or leads to cop's deaths.

As for the seizures, they stay or I go.

I got something. Blinged-out dog tag. initials, J.P.

Get the owner, got a k*ller.

Captain's not buying your tall tales, Antwon.

She bought the one about me knowing nothing about dead cops.

I tied the Russians to Carl and Scooby.

They got k*lled over a speeding ticket?

VIC: We have to shake the Russians.

Figure out how this all comes back to Antwon.

There's only one guy who can get El Salvadorans, Russians, Africans and One-Niners all in the same bed.


[LAUGHTER] LEM: That's a nice smile.

VIC: The Russians are on the move.


VIC: Tall, blond guy's Tretiak.

ROC captain.

He's the assh*le that Carl and Scooby slapped with a reckless-driving ticket.

RONNIE: Who's the girl?

SHANE: Must be one of his whores.

VIC: Oh, shit.


Hey, we got a job to do here, okay?

Yeah, smacking a hooker around is not gonna give us any leverage to twist this guy.

SHANE: Why don't we turn over his office, find something real to pin on him?

Yeah, I got it.

Looks like invoices for the restaurant over here.

Go through them all.

Show me anything that doesn't look above board.

Gotta find something to hold over this guy's head.

MAN [OVER TAPE]: Tell Phillip that James and Peter are meeting us at the dance hall.


English for Russian Dummies.

LEM: Check this out, man.

Looks like a lot of their shipments get delivered to a warehouse at the Alameda rail yard.

According to this, he gets beef shipped there twice a month.

So it's a steak-and-blow job joint.

RONNIE: The warehouse is for dry goods.

What kind of steak doesn't need refrigeration?

I usually just order the blow job.


Can we talk someplace?

I'm good here.

The chief's made the decision to shelf the asset forfeiture policy.

I'm sorry. It wasn't an easy decision.

You were the eyes and ears of the chief on this project.

Who's really the one with his finger on the k*ll switch?

We have two dead cops, allegations of corruption, and a community on fire.

We said from the start it would be a trial.

Cops in other divisions are expressing concerns...

They haven't seen firsthand how this is working.

Look, I... I called you out in front of Aceveda.

Said some things I shouldn't have.

I apologize.

We know how invested you are in this policy.

That's why we want you to draft the department statement explaining why we're suspending it.

Sell it to the press however you deem appropriate.

Well, Phillips is hoping I'll just quit.

He wants you to take one for the blue.

I've been taking one for the blue for over 20 g*dd*mn years.

When are they gonna take one for me?

The seizures are making a difference.

You keep trying to make that case, but the crime stats say otherwise.

Those stats are three months behind.

I see a difference in our caseloads every day.

Less violent crime, less g*ng activity.

Those numbers catch up, they'll show I'm right.

Not if they shut you down now.

Well, it's not a done deal until Pol Com signs off on it.

They're assuming your committee will just rubber stamp it.

The next session is in three days.

I know how much you've got invested in the Barn.

It's your legacy.

I also know how you'd like the city council to have more influence on how the department operates.

Us working together is the last thing that downtown will suspect.

I mean, Mitchell's in jail.

We ride out this rough spot. We keep the seizures going.

Crime goes down, revenue continues. It's a win-win.

Farmington becomes a model for other districts.

And you get to hang your mayoral hat on a big success.

And where do we stand with the murders of Scooby and Carl?

Have you been able to prove that they're not seizure-related?

Not yet.

Well, that would be helpful.

Well, whoever's behind them is our main priority.

SHANE: So, what do you think is in the lunchbox?

VIC: Coke and a sandwich?

SHANE: Yeah, or china white.

It's too milky to be tar.

SHANE: Looks like the girl's translating.

Hey, the guy with the Russians is driving a pickup says Holbalt Construction.

He's alone.


SHANE: They leave the dr*gs sitting there?

LEM: What's that about, man? I don't know, man.

But I'm gonna get a closer look.

Oh, shit.

What's up?

VIC: Jesus Christ!

LEM: Head's up, dude.

What the hell was that?

Jesus Christ.



Hey, you do me a favor?

Yeah, what do you need?

I need you to remain silent, because anything you say might get you shot.

I got behind on my book. Ponies, mostly.

I started paying Tretiak back in supplies.

Lumber, cement...

expl*sives? They asked me to get C-4.

I told them it was risky.

The government keeps pretty close tabs on that shit.

They threatened to tell my boss.

So I forged the A*F papers.

Getting it from a plant in Arkansas.

Shipment comes in today.

What are they using it for? I don't know.

They're shipping a ton of it back to Kamchatka.

Shit. Everyone in this country's so worried about what's getting smuggled in, nobody's watching what's getting shipped out.

That clay hits Russian soil, ROC can distribute it to any major t*rror1st organization.

What size shipment are we talking about?

A ton.

Tell A*F it went down too fast to call.

We'll let them haul it away.

I'll get SWAT and a b*mb crew to back us up.

Great, us?

I'm riding with you and your guys on this.

Oh, uh, hey, wait.

This is real breach-and-bang stuff.

It's not a great time to babysit.

In three days, Phillips is gonna recommend to the police commission that they k*ll our seizure policy.

We need to prove that these cop killings aren't seizure-related.

That gives us a lifeline.

What we need is to find everyone who's involved in k*lling Carl and Scooby.

Which is why I'm coming with.

So how do you wanna do this?

Well, C4s pretty harmless without a cap, but I wouldn't wanna risk any g*n play.

Let them lock up the container.

Have the sharpshooters take point on the bridge.

My guys will be the first wave. Have SWAT take tactical watch.

Back us up with unis.


You find Tretiak?

He's back at the restaurant.

SHANE: He doesn't like heavy lifting.

VIC: Yeah, saving his strength for hooker-beating.

When we're done here, you two peel off, pick up Tretiak and his lieutenant and grab the hooker too. We're gonna need a translator.

I know these Russians.

Once they're in custody, they turn into stone.

Tired of our leads dead-ending.

We're gonna bleed Tretiak for everything he knows about Carl and Scooby.

Okay, we're all set. Us too.

SHANE: Hands in the air, right now!

You, right there, on the ground!

Let's go, Boris.

SHANE: Come on, right now!

Get down right now! VIC: g*dd*mn it!



OFFICER: Let's go.

Cold w*r's over, boys.

No sign of a struggle. No buckshot through the hands.

He never saw it coming.

That better or worse?

Either way, it's worse.

SID tech found this and a 12-gauge shell.

Looks like the victim's wallet.

Gill Prue. Local.

Amex, ATM card, about 40 bucks.

If he wasn't robbed, why get blasted at point-blank range?

Hummer gone bad? g*ng execution?

Dr. Grohl, Rage Management classes, one-on-one counseling.

Maybe he ran into someone who flunked that class.

I know a shotgun to the genitals always brings me to my happy place.


He's never gonna hurt you again. You understand that?

Never again.

This is right?

You are police?

Yes, yes, we can protect you.


Relax, relax! Easy.

I will help.


Now you ask him why they hired the Nigerians to k*ll those cops?



Jesus. We're gonna need a different plan.

Our victim just got out of Chino two weeks ago.

It's his third run.

He was a high school phys. ed. Teacher. Coached baseball.

His latest stretch was for nearly beating his shortstop to death.

It is America's favorite pastime.

Don't let them know it's eating you.

They'll never lay off.

Two cops are dead.

You'd think harassing me about dating Vic's wife wouldn't be a priority.

You're the distraction keeping them from thinking about dead cops. Forget about it.

DUTCH: You were tired of the life.

Constant beatings, embarrassment. Ridicule.

He got out of Chino, came home, just couldn't take it anymore.

CLAUDETTE: Sold your car last week for $8700.

Maybe you hired someone to stop Gill from hurting you?

The cash was for fake ID, forged reference letters.

He knew no school was gonna hire him with his record.

Is that why he was in that part of town? Getting a fake ID?

Could have been.

You didn't go with him?

No, I was at my 6:30 A meeting.

CLAUDETTE: ls there anyone else who knew he had the money?

That he was getting a fake ID?

What, dear?

I've been sharing about it in my morning meeting.

One of the newcomers, guy in a wheelchair, Bumper, he caught me in the parking lot after a meeting.

Told me he... He knew someone could help get Gill the IDs.



Make that look real.

These guys know how that shit works.

Don't worry, Olga.

We're just gonna scare the borscht out of your buddy.

Get him a little chatty.

What's the Russian for "all wired up"?

Let's go.

You tell him he's got 30 seconds to tell us why they hired the Nigerians and who else was involved in k*lling our cops, or we blow his boss to red heaven and then him.



Whoa, whoa, whoa. Tell him to relax or he's gonna flip that g*dd*mn chair.


SHANE: Hey, hey, hey. Vic...

Jesus Christ.


Shut up. Shut up.

Jesus. Holy shit.

SHANE: That was loud, brother.

Oh, what the hell are we gonna do?

Holy shit.

Oh, my God. All right.

Get our shit, grab the Russians. Let's get out of here.


VIC: Move! LEM: Let's get out of here.

Go, go, go! Come on, let's go.


That's far enough.

He says he doesn't know why.

Tretiak just told him to hire Nigerians to k*ll police.

The black cop gave Tretiak a ticket.

Is that why he k*lled him and his partner?


He doesn't think so. Said he was crazy, not stupid.

Oh, shit!

Apparently, the only person who knew anything just blew himself up.



He says there was a young black with the Nigerians. Driving.

A third black guy, three?

He says he saw him once before.

He brought language tapes to Tretiak.

Get her keys to the restaurant. Go get those tapes.


You have someplace safe you can go?

Nina, we're gonna grab some coffee at Ivid's.

Be back in a few.

This subpoena was delivered.

All right.

What is it?

It... Uh, it's nothing.

Judge wants me to sign some affidavits.

I always get these.

You ready, mamas? Huh?


Glad you could find time to visit.

Thought you were up in Terminal Island.

I'm in county this week.

Waiting for the judge to consider my appeal.

Appeal, on what grounds?


I didn't rob that market.

Three witnesses including myself saw you.

Well, Ricky, he went in for the food.

Next thing I know, I hear g*nshots.

Ran in to see what happened, you pointed a finger at me.

So your lawyer actually thinks that a judge will buy that bullshit story?

Oh, that's not gonna happen.

They're gonna drop the charges when you take the stand and admit that you forced my confession.


Otherwise, I'm just gonna tell the whole courtroom what went down with us.


I ain't got nothing to lose.

No one's gonna believe you.

Why, I got the picture to prove it.

Oh, you know, on your knees.

My d*ck in your mouth.

Shut up, shut up.

You forget the 50 ways that I can screw you and your loved ones to death if you open your mouth?

My grandma, she died last month.

Had that throat cancer.

My mom, she got tired of wiping rich kids' ass and moved back to Mexico.

You don't have a picture.

And neither does your girlfriend.

Oh, believe what you want.

Believe what you want.

But you will get on that stand, and say you violated my rights.

Or you'll pull some strings and get me out of here, powerman.

Show me what you could do.

Show it to me.



Found Tretiak.


Must have mishandled his merchandise.

Our best lead to these cop K*llers just got blown to hell.

Well, if he was involved, smells like justice to me.

We'll go through the restaurant, see if it gives us anything.

We traced some books on tape in Tretiak's office to the, uh, UC Northridge language library.

Checked out by a Jason Porter. J.P.

Ring a bell?

Yeah, Dutch found a J.P. necklace in the sewer next to Carl and Scooby's bodies.

SHANE: Kid's a foreign language major.

Spanish, Korean, Russian.

Clean record, got his dad's address.

Department head says he's been MIA from classes for two weeks.

Since Carl and Scooby were k*lled.


We're looking for Jason Porter.

So am I.

I haven't seen my boy in two weeks.

Come on in. Look around if you like.

Do you have any idea where he might be?

Oh, he's an adult.

Uh, road trips to Northern California all the time.

Uh, college buddies. Why you looking for him?

He may know a couple of Nigerians involved in a sh**ting.

We need to talk to him.

No, doesn't sound like Jason's friends.

LEM: Oh, shit. Hey, check this out.

That's Jason.

This guy always show up at your picnics?

Antwon Mitchell. Jason's half-brother.

You're not Antwon's biological father.

No. Jason and Antwon share the same mother.

Antwon and I are no relation.

You were a correctional officer at Chowchilla, weren't you?


Knocked up Antwon's incarcerated mother.

Cost you your job.

Got into security work and raised Jason on my own.

If you know where your son is, you need to tell us.

Places he goes? His friends?

Guess I didn't ask enough questions about where he goes and who he hangs out with.

I'm sorry about that.

I cross-referenced Bumper with DUIs.

Francis Valverde, a.k.a. Bumper. Various g*ng stuff.

Took a b*llet in a drive-by two years ago, left him wheelchair bound.

Been clean ever since.

Paula and Carlos are scooping him up now.


Well, if the pad fits...

I packed the napkins. Forgot the sandwich.

Hey... Uh, hey, hey... Um, you find out who's pulling this shit?

Uh, no, not yet. Did you ask around?

[SIGHS] Been working on as*ault, it's got me spinning.

But I'm onto it. I promise, okay?

RAWLINGS: Think this kid's capable of murdering two cops?

Antwon's blood. Wouldn't surprise me.

He could be hiding anywhere. How do we find him?

I got a C.I., works a pawnshop.

He put the word out that PD never found the necklace.

That it's just sitting there at his shop.

That's an expensive piece of ice.

Mm-hm, I'm hoping that greed wins out over smarts and he comes to claim it.

Listen, man, I'm the BNOC, brother, okay?

I spread the word from Crenshaw to Northridge.

If he's in town, he got the memo.

Okay, the video recorders are all on.

Step on this power strip, they'll all kick in.

You can't just sell him the necklace.

You gotta make him prove that it's his.

No, no, no. I'm well-versed in the conversational arts.

Good. Here's for your education.

There's another hundred if you don't screw it up.

I call the police, I don't know exactly, six or seven times a month.

I've stopped keeping track.

Harassment can be hard to prove.

Random, unpredictable.

It's as if they think it's my fault, or it's all in my head.

The phone calls, the rotten eggs on my car, the bleach on my lawn.

Tell me about the, uh, call today.

It was from a man who has called before who says I deserve to suffer the way Will's victims suffered.

Said he was gonna r*pe you? k*ll you? Used those words?

He said he watched me come home. He knew what I was wearing.

The police are not gonna protect me.

I thought you could help me get a carry permit.

For a g*n?

Do you have one?

What choice did I have?

Listen, most of the time, threats are just threats.

Somebody trying to feel powerful by making you afraid.

Well, it's working.

Hey, Dutch, we have Joanna Faulks's phone records for the last month.

It's a pretty short list.


She received, like, 15 calls.

And 11 were from telemarketers.

So much for the friends-and-family plan.

Aside from the 911, the numbers she dialed mostly were pizza and Chinese places.


She left me a message a couple months ago.

It's been a pretty rough time around here for all of us.


Check the names of the callers against a list of the Cuddler's victims.

See if there's a connection.


SHANE: That's him, buddy.

[PHONE RINGS] Horus' Trade.

VIC: Yo, that's him.

Come on, man, let me check it out.

Yeah, okay. Will do, bye.

What's going on, brother? How you living?

Heard you got your hands on a necklace.

Initials J.P.

Uh, yeah, yeah.

No, you know, I... I... I keep it locked up, you know.


It's a real fine dog tag here, man.

Oh, check it out.

How much?

Hm, you know what? I'm in a charitable mood today.

So I tell you what, I'll give it to you on the cheap, Fifteen grand.

You smoking crack, brother?

n*gga, that is platinum, okay?

With half-karats all around.

Necklace is worth 10 G's.

So, what, you the... You the bling king now?

I know how much it's worth because I'm J.P.

It's mine. My brother gave it to me.

Listen, a homeless dude came in here.

He told me that he found it in the gutter.

That's where I lost it.

My brother's Antwon Mitchell.

You really want that kind of trouble?

Go, go, go.

No, I don't.


Listen, I have heard of Antwon, okay?

All I'm saying... VIC: Freeze, police!

Yo! Yo! Shit!

Turn around, right now!


Shut up!

CLERK: I have receipts for everything.

What happened?

She came home, found the door unlocked. Reported a break-in.

You know where you leave things. Someone was in here.

Maybe it's possible that you left the back door unlocked?

Why, with everything that's happening, would I leave the door unlocked?

Uh, you can go, officers, thank you.

Sure thing, detective.

The carry permit. I'd still like to get that.

Honestly, I don't, uh... I don't think it's a good idea.

Uh, listen, I owe you an apology.

You left a message. I... I... I meant to call you back.

When Will was arrested, I was angry.

At him and you.

Nothing made sense.

I called because I thought perhaps I could cook you dinner.

By way of apologizing.

Oh, uh... that's, uh... That's not necessary.

But, uh... But thanks.

Listen, I have... I really have to get back. m*rder case.

I'll keep the unis coming by, checking on you.

You're gonna be fine.

Remember me, Mr. Mayor? Juan's girlfriend?

The one you kidnapped.

Juan says you think we're bluffing, that we don't have the picture.

I'm sorry I don't know who you are.

You can't put hands on...

What's this?

ACEVEDA [OVER PHONE]: ...Don't know who you are.

If you really had a picture, you wouldn't need me on this admitting one exists.

You'll see it when Juan shows it in the court.

Or maybe we can mail it to the Times.

Look, I might be able to do something, but it takes time.

So you need to convince your boyfriend to be patient.

No way, he's only in county this week and he's not going back to Tl.

You know what Juan did to you.

And soon everyone will know unless you get him outta there.

GIRL: Chimney.


WOMAN: Now let's make one for Daddy, okay?

GIRL: That's a flower without petals.



GIRL: Let's have a Christmas tree.

WOMAN: Okay.

I've got to go finish some things up.

It's Antwon Mitchell's half-brother?

How did you miss the connection?

RAWLINGS: The kid's on the dean's list.

No record, no g*ng ties.

Doesn't seem like the type to go 187.

Why are you here?

Heard you got a break on our cop killings.

Jason might be our Antwon connection.

Which means the murders are seizure-related.

Uh, we don't know what it means yet.

RAWLINGS: Nice ice. You should have seen it when we found it.

Covered in the blood of two dead cops.

I lost it on my way home from school.

Before or after the dog ate your homework?

That's the truth.

We know you were with the Nigerians when they k*lled our guys.

We also know you have a bright future.

No way you'd be stupid enough to do something like this without your brother, Antwon, telling you to.

Barely know Antwon.

These are checks for your tuition at UC Northridge.

That's Antwon's signature.

So he pays some bills, doesn't mean it's a love fest.

VIC: Antwon paid for your college.

You k*lling two cops sounds like the love being paid back in full.

Antwon didn't have anything to do with that.

He's a leader. A visionary.

His incarceration's a crime against this community, and all people of color.

VIC: No, let's stick to your crimes.

You're an accomplice to the murders of two cops.

We have a Nigerian in custody who's anxious to make a deal.

And your bling at the crime scene.

Covering up for Antwon is gonna do you no good.

And if this is about you cozying up with him at Lompoc, ain't gonna happen.

I met one of the Russians at school.

They knew who I was, thought I might be willing to help.

I arranged the deal with the Nigerians.

That night, I helped communicate the plan.

I did it to prove to Antwon that I could play in his league.

He didn't know anything about it.

So it sounds like Antwon's clean on this one.

You really think the Fresh Prince in there brokered a high-powered deal between the Russians and the Nigerians?

He admitted to his part in the murders.

Antwon's already in jail.

Sometimes you have to take "I did it" for an answer.

It's bullshit.

This kid is Antwon's tool. You know it.

Look, I know pinning this on Antwon puts these murders on the seizures.

That's a bad thing for us, I understand.

I just want to find out the whole truth, wherever it leads.





DUTCH: Sorry, sorry.


Come on, come up. Come up, I got it.

Okay, we're okay. We're okay now.

DUTCH: Tell us about Nokey.


This ID guy I used to roll with, all puns intended.

Did good work. I gave Gill his number.

Anything in it for you? Commissions, kickbacks?

Just a chance to be of service.

DUTCH: You have Nokey's number handy?

Sorry. I lost it.

We'll get it from Gill's house.

We'll be back.

I'm not going anywhere.


Visitor this late at night?

Must be important.

I've got some friends in Justice who might be interested in you.

Lot of people interested in me.

These friends can offer you witness protection.

You're monitored, but you're free.

I ain't a rat.

You got loyalties to the Salvadorans?

The DEA can't make their case and they're looking for any help they can get.

Well, if the feds want my love, why the hell am I talking to you?

They know the havoc you left in Farmington.

They won't push this through without some local cover.

And that's me.

Now, I can go tell Justice you're interested...

If what?

If you're willing to give some serious intel on the Salvadorans.

You gotta give them the names at the top. Names that matter.

All the locals in charge.

People in Central America that they answer to.

That's a tall order, man.

Yeah, well, that's the only way this works.

And I assume there's some sort of broker's fee for you.

Uh-uh. Nothing for me.

Call Justice.

Tell them I'm interested.

I will.

In the meantime, there's an inmate here in county.

Name's Juan Lozano.

He's due to testify this week.

Could upset a case that the DEA's working on.

This could be your chance to show that you're a team player.

Convince Juan to miss his court date.

I'll see what I can do.

I'll call Justice.

You do that.


Two, three, seven, got it, thanks. I'll get back to you.


CLAUDETTE: Are you okay?

They're bringing in Nokey. Let... Let's talk to him.

Dutch, come on.

DUTCH: We found Nokey. [YAWNS]

I don't think he likes you anymore.

He confessed. To making the fake IDs.

He said Gill was supposed to come by, pick them up, uh, pay off the $6500 balance.

Claims he didn't m*rder him, though.

We believe him.

Blowing off a guy's nads and stealing his money.

That's just bad business.

You knew Gill had the cash.

You took him down a quiet alley, put two rounds of buckshot in his privates.

In that chair, you'd have been face-to-balls with the guy.

And then roll away with the cash.

That's pretty ambitious for a cr*pple.

You mean a person with a disability?

I'm a goddamned cr*pple.

I own that.

You also own a brand-new handicap ramp.

Your contractor just e-mailed me the work order, $6000.

You paid cash. This afternoon.

I test those wheels, I'm gonna find shotgun residue and Gill's blood.

I should probably get a lawyer.

I didn't thr*aten to r*pe anyone.

I have a wife and two kids.

Well, how do you explain the calls made from your house to Joanna Faulks's?

Maybe one of my kids dialed the wrong number.

Her husband was convicted of raping and k*lling several women last year.

Your mother lives two doors down from one of the victims, Dory Smythe.

Police interviewed her at the time of the crime...

And my mom's still scared shitless because of it.

What does that have to do with me?

Okay, this assh*le did it but he's just not gonna confess.

He's actually trying to pawn it off on his sons.

Uh, take the recording over to Joanna's house in the morning.

See if she can, um, ID the voice.

DANNY: All right, sure.

I cover your ass last week. I ask you for a simple favor.

Not only do you not help me out, you pile on.

You gotta unwind a little bit.

All I see is you laughing right along with everybody else.

Maybe I ought to set an example, starting with you.

BILLINGS: You don't wanna get into this.

Not funny? What will you do? Turn off the hose and hide?


LEM: Check it out, Billings and Dutch.

SHANE: Oh, catfight!

LEM: You get him, Dutch boy!

I got 20 on the geek. That's even money.

LEM: Get him around, get him around, baby.

MAN 1: Come on. MAN 2: Stay away from the hair.

MAN 3: No pulling hair.

Come on, Dutch. Kick his ass, brother.

MAN 4: Billings, he's getting it.

He's getting it.

How many slapfests do I have to break up today?

g*dd*mn it!


Come on, let's just finish this. Come on, assh*le!

Let's go. Yeah, you, Vic.

Come on, you too. You want to keep riding me?

You wanna mess with my chair?

Come... Let's finish this, let's just do it...

Two of our own are dead!

RAWLINGS: Rise and shine.

You have to give us another name.

Apparently, Antwon's lawyer thinks helping you is a conflict of interests.

I don't understand.

It means that big brother doesn't give a shit about where you end up, which makes me wonder why you're trying so hard to protect him.

Antwon's just looking out for me.

Why'd he make such a big show about that custom necklace he got for you?

Couple of his boys picked it up in a robbery.

The original owner has confirmed that it was stolen.

Antwon's always got my back. Ever since I was a shorty.

Helps with groceries.

Covers the mortgage when my dad's out of work.

You're all just trying to screw with me because I'm tired.

Get me to say something stupid.

I'm sure Antwon's briefed you about the Farmington asset forfeiture policy.

Him being a known drug dealer, that statement means we can get a warrant.

Look into your father's finances.

VIC: The statement before the one about you saying something stupid.

The mortgage payments made with drug proceeds.

We can take your father's house.

VIC: Or you can tell the truth.

Keep your daddy from moving into a shelter.

Nobody touches my dad's house.

I don't want to go someplace far away.

We can connect you to the m*rder of two cops.

You go wherever we say you go.

Or I can talk to the DA, get the death penalty off the table.

Make sure they put you into Protective Custody.

You stay alive.

Dad still enjoys retirement rocking on the front porch.


I need to see the deal on paper.

Then I'll tell you how it went down.

This is all your stuff.


Can we just, uh...?

For a minute?

The kids are getting ready for school and, uh, I don't want them to see your face like that.

Listen, when I said before this started because of Vic.

That's not the only reason.

It's the only one that matters.

See, no. It isn't.

Because there's something here.

I know you want to believe that now.

But Vic got under your skin, and I was a way to get back at him.

Maybe he's still under your skin.

Maybe you even thought you... You could get back at him a little.

Show him you've moved on.

Men have time for pissing contests. Mothers don't.

You want me to forgive you?

You're forgiven.


Listen, I didn't tell you about Vic because I was afraid you wouldn't go out with me.

Then I was afraid to tell you because things were going so well.

Being afraid ruined it.

Yeah, it did. Well, I'm not afraid anymore.

So at some point, look past my bad start, give me another chance.

Let me know.

Antwon saw the coming tide.

Black and white's days are numbered.

It's all about making peace with the red, yellow and brown.

He paid for your education, made sure someone in his organization could speak the languages so he wouldn't be left behind.

RAWLINGS: Yeah, a goodwill ambassador.

Only instead of brokering peace, you broker drug deals, g*ng alliances.

How did Antwon get the Russians and Nigerians together?

The Russians had a beef with PD.

Because we took down Kozodav?

Antwon was plugged into that.

He offered Tretiak the Nigerians as hired help.

Why were Officers Haimes and Miller targeted?

Tretiak's idea.

The black cop pissed him off.

Gave him a speeding ticket.

And you?

I translated.


Made sure the Nigerians had what they needed to get the job done.

Antwon's emissary.

Russians have an international pipeline.

Need them in your corner if you wanna play outside the States.

k*lling the cops was a handshake.

Antwon knew if they did this, they'd be tied.

There'd be trust.

An oath in blood.


Mrs. Faulks?

JULIEN: I hear the TV.

Shit. She said the intruder came through the back the last time.

Mrs. Faulks, police. You in there?


Oh, damn it, shit! One-Tango-13. sh*ts fired.

Officer down.

Oh, God.

JULIEN: Let me see your hands.

Put that g*n down, put the g*n down!

Drop it! I thought you were...

Put it down! Down! I didn't know, I'm so sorry.

Put your hands on your head! Hands on your head!

I heard them outside, I thought you...

Step down, move, now!

I'm so sorry. [GROANS]

Give us a minute. Now!

DEA just requested all departmental files on Antwon Mitchell.

Shit, are they thinking of making a deal?

Witness protection, immunity. I hear it's done.

What? We've got to get it off the table.

We just linked him to the two cop murders.

How? His half-brother gave him up.

Antwon's gonna walk. You and your boy really did it.


And Aceveda.

I know all about the dance you two are planning for the Pol Com session.

You help him navigate this Mitchell deal?

What the hell are you talking about?

Aceveda brokered the deal between Mitchell and DEA?

A woman like you? Figured you'd get to know your bed mates before you lay down with them.


The deal is off. What?

Big brother struck a better one.

Which leaves you shit out of luck.

You can't do that.

You're gonna take a lethal injection for the k*lling of two cops.

And I'm gonna be there to watch.

Put him back in the cage.

VIC: What the hell happened?

Aceveda shit all over us.

Brokered Antwon to the DEA. Witness protection.

They're letting him go?

SECRETARY: Excuse me...

It's all right. Where do you get off cutting a deal for Antwon Mitchell?

Hey, it's the DEA's deal. They asked me to approach him.

Antwon ordered the hit on our cops.

His half-brother just gave him up.

You just set a cop k*ller free, you d*ck.

The kid said he acted alone.

Well, that family has a little bit of trouble with the truth.

He lied.

Call the deal off.

I can't. It's in DEA's hands now.

Carl and Scooby were stabbed over and over again.

Probably alive long enough to feel most of it.

I was there when the bodies were carried out.

I'm the one who found them. I'm still a cop.

Bullshit. Cops want only one thing, Antwon ex*cuted for what he did.

Look, the DEA cannot make a case against the Salvadoran cartel.

Mitchell is willing to give up the entire pipeline.

This is huge.

You and your council buddies get a few favors from Sacramento.

Do you think I care about a DEA win?

Carl and Scooby were my men.

You're the one who came crawling to me asking for a lifeline.

And I was an assh*le to think you were an option.

Watch it, you still need me.

I need shit from you.

You can take your backroom handshakes, your DEA cronies and your self-serving, cop-k*ller deals and you can shove them up your ass.

You're not a cop.

You never were.


♪ Livin' the good life ♪

♪ Throw your hands up ♪