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04x08 - Cut Throat

Posted: 01/10/22 08:36
by bunniefuu
ANNOUNCER: Previously: Step back.

What happened to having my back?

I'm protecting the policy.

The difference between you and Aceveda is you fooled me into thinking you actually had a g*dd*mn backbone.

Proposition me so I know I'm safe.

I wanna be with you, sexually.

You can slap, but you can't leave bruises.

You're paid to protect my business.

Hey. New girlfriend?

She helped me on that methadone.

Unis just found Angie's mother, dead from an overdose.

She's out looking for her mom.

This is the little ho that gave up my block.


Her body shows up with b*ll*ts in it from your two gats, you'll be doing time for a long, long time.

This tape is from Shane's car last night.

How would you like to get that girl's body back?

Body for a body.

Vic Mackey. His body for hers.

Let me know when it's done.



♪ We ♪

♪ Chase misprinted lies ♪


♪ We ♪


♪ Face the path of time ♪

♪ And yet I fight ♪

♪ And yet I fight ♪

♪ This battle all alone ♪

♪ No one to cry to ♪

♪ No place to call home ♪

Come in.

What do you think?

This is yours?

Only 15 percent of us actually live in the neighborhoods we patrol.


Well, taming the frontier isn't enough for you?

Well, I'm thinking of staking a claim.

Seemed like a good idea a month ago when I put down the deposit.

But, uh, now, with everything heating up, Antwon Mitchell, maybe it's not such a good idea.


Get extra patrols, undercover units to look after you.

I can't divert police resources for my own protection.

I mean, that would defeat the purpose of living in the 'hood.

Then why am I here?

You want me to find a couple of code violations, sweat your landlord and get your deposit back?

I didn't sell you out.

Everyone in L.A. saw you on that tape grabbing that kid in the church and smiling.

I had to ask you to take a step back.

A back seat.

Let me guess.

Either you're with Vic Mackey or you're against him, right?

Keeps things simple.

I'm with you.

But I expect you to be with me.

Wherever your head is these days, just don't start cutting me out or going around me like you did with Aceveda.

Keeps things simple.

Hey, man. Where the hell you been?

VIC: Taking care of some things.

I hope you're talking about Shane.

We need to stick together.

I don't need babysitters.

Antwon's got Shane out to k*ll you.

What the hell we doing about it?

I'm watching my back.

Really? Out there in the open?

Could be setting you up, drive-by, waiting at your house.

He and Army are off the grid.

You seen them at all today?

We went by Shane's truck to pick up the latest tape, they're nowhere.

Let's get out there, man. Come straight at 'em.

Don't worry. When the time's right.

Why'd you change your hair?

It was a whim.

It's like seeing a stranger in the mirror.

That's a bit drastic. I wish you asked me first.

I could've offered an opinion.

You don't like it?

I'll get used to it.


What? What is it?

My sister's having a meltdown.

Her assh*le boss fired her today.

I'm sure your sister will be fine.

She wants to come over.

You told her it's not a good time.

Look, I wouldn't do this.

It's just she's really on edge, depressed.

We can hurry.

I'll make it up to you, I promise.

Hey. Come on in.

Okay. You look beautiful.

Mitch Robville, 33, throat slashed, was supposed to pick up a friend for work.

Never showed. Should have used a safety razor.

You say Mitch Robville?

You know him? He's one of our informants.

Tipped us about the crack house on Rivermore.

Took the money and ran.

Idiot shouldn't have turned down our offer to move him.

Tip leads to a seizure, and this is what happens.

We have to assume the same thing happened to Angie.

Yeah, that's one way to make sure the snitch well runs dry.

Very first roll call, I said that we would protect the people who helped us.

Now we've lost two of them.

You giving me the wheel or am I still in the back seat?

I want who did this.

Police! Antwon, get your ass out here!

You better have a warrant.


I just saw your door busted wide open.

Wanted to make sure you were okay.

You okay?

One-Niners got a campaign against police informants?

I'm done with this.

You think you can just go after anyone?

You think you're indestructible?

I don't know what you spitting.


If you've given the word, and some informant or some citizen or some cop gets hurt, you're gonna be spitting teeth.

I'm going back to bed.

Make sure you get that door fixed.

Anyone could just walk right in.


The other players on Rivermore all got the same inter-ghetto memo.

Word's out our dead guy was our tip.

Tried to take every precaution with our seizure CIs since Angie disappeared.

Pull in the rest of the tipsters until we get a handle on this.

Pulling in CIs is only gonna expose them more, ratchet things up.

They're all at risk.

Could be Antwon Mitchell sending out a hell of a signal.

Well, I'll see about sending him one back.

I'm also calling in IAD.

Seizures are stirring things up.

Could be getting ourselves all worked up about a leak that doesn't exist.

Then let them prove that.

Do you really wanna give Aceveda more amm*nit*on to shut this thing down?

Give me one last chance to find the leak, plug it.

Okay. But first, solve this m*rder.

Somebody k*lled one of our rats. I'm running it down.

Where do you want us?

VIC: Captain's digging into our leak.

Get the info from Billings, compare it to Angie's, see what they have in common.

Why bother? Shane and Antwon are responsible for Angie.

We can't tell that to the captain, can we?

LEM: What about Shane? VIC: This again?

You just want us to sit on our asses?

I mean, do you have a plan?

Are you gonna tell us what it is?

Shane's cell phone.

I palmed it from his locker yesterday.

Keep an eye on it, see who calls.

That's it? That's the master plan?

Part of it.

What are we doing to end this?

I appreciate you two having my back.

But I don't need it.

Meet me on the other side in three minutes.

Your unfinished business kicked down my door last night.

Well, it's complicated.

He's a smart guy, I gotta do it right.

He's coming straight at me, man.

And I'm not gonna lose no more sleep over this assh*le, you feel me?

Tomorrow morning's news will have a big picture of Mackey's kids crying their eyes out.

Or a picture of your son, crying his.

You don't wanna make that threat.

Your wife still sell real estate? Hm?

Still show those open houses?


Playtime is over.

Get it done tonight.


I'm on my way.


Ken Gibbin, science teacher.

Been at this high school seven years.

RAWLING: He's not one of our CIs.

Maybe he dropped a dime on one of his students.

This ain't exactly finishing school.

I ran his name. It's coming up dry.

Keep checking. Grab the class rosters.

Run the names of the principal.

See who's not on the dean's list.

He may or may not be connected.

The throat's cut, but it could be a copycat.

You have a different way to go?

You have a lead on the first m*rder that I'm not aware of?

Are the other snitches in safe houses?

I just finished that.

Call in the next shift OT. Increase their protection.

You don't think the one shift's got it covered?

No. I don't.

He's been doing 15 months for possession.

Only 14 months to go.

Someone planted all that weight in my locker.

Mr. Gibbin? Your old teacher? Somebody cut him, ear to ear.

That your idea of payback?

Gibbs? Nah, Gibbs wasn't no rat.

He was always trying to keep me straight.

I'd screw up, and we'd talk.

But he'd never take it to 5-0.

They cut him?

Head almost completely off.

VIC: Sheriff tells me the kid didn't have any colors before he hit juvie but to stay alive, he had to claim Spookstreet.

Could be covering for his crew.

Spookstreet supplied rock to the house our victim gave up on Rivermore.

Puts them in the middle of both killings.

And off of Antwon's plate.

Well, not necessarily.

Pull in all the unis assigned to Spookstreet.

I'll do you one better.

Danny's baby mama C.I. is a Spookstreet ho.

She's watching cable in a safe house on our dime.

That the one with the 2-year-old?

All her tips have been on One-Niners.

She'd never give up her own.

Danny knows her pretty well, she thinks she might have a soft spot.

It's worth a shot. Bring her in here.

I have a theory.

About the leaks.

Isn't Aceveda's office reviewing every one of the seizures?

I thought of that.

I see him pulling political moves, not moves that actually get people's throats cut.

I'm not pointing any fingers. It's just a notion.

You've given us some great intel on the One-Niners.

And you pay good money for the things I hear.

VIC: Anyone in Spookstreet taking it upon themselves to pay back people they think might be rats?

Everyone wants to know who's been talking.

Getting the cops to take their houses and shit.

It's a good thing I keep my mouth shut.

But Spookstreet is in the middle of both killings.

You must've heard something?

I can't help you.

Sure you can.

How much is it gonna cost us?

Money's for One-Niner shit only. Spookstreet's my blood.

I ain't spilling.

DANNY: Let me talk to her?

CLAUDETTE: What did he look like?

DUTCH: He already said he doesn't remember.

He was black.

I got that. Any identifying features?

Guy beat my head with a bottle. I was unconscious.

I'm lucky I remember my own name.

CLAUDETTE: How much he get away with?

At this hour, maybe 300.

DUTCH: We need you to, uh, check the receipts, tally a total.

CLAUDETTE: So black guy comes in, att*cks you, and next thing you remember is a different guy dialing 911 for help?

You ever try writing this shit down?

DUTCH: Come on, we got his statement.

MAN: I was by my car pumping gas.

I look up. I see somebody hitting the clerk.

You got a good look inside the station?

Not really, it wasn't until he came outside that I got a good look at him.

Hot off the press.

You should work that up into a flyer.

I thought he'd get another look at it again first.

Looks great to me. Right?

How do you know? You never saw the guy.

That's him. I have a really good eye for detail.

DUTCH: Appreciate it. We need anything, we'll call you.


Hey, Julien, captain got you riding a desk.

Yeah. Until my complaint's addressed.

The stand you're taking sets a great example.

Let me know if you need anything.

Hey, listen, since I got you...

A Jag dinged Aurora's car in the Gelson's parking lot, and took off without stopping.

Do me a favor, run the plate.

Uh... Sure. Thanks.

Thanks for coming down.


So, uh, how can I help?

We're afraid our seizure C.I. list has been compromised.

Is there any chance there's a leak on your end?

My end? That's ridiculous.

You just took office.

You sure you vetted everyone on staff properly?

They've got confidential police documents running across their desks.

I'll call IAD myself. We've got nothing to hide.

What'd they say about this place?

I'm still investigating.

Oh, so you haven't had IAD in here?

You haven't run Mackey?

Vic may have a hard-on for authority, but he would never put innocents at risk.

He's not the leak.

Have IAD here in the morning.

My staff will be happy to speak with them, as soon as they finish with Vic.

You know you're safe here.

But you also know that living the way you do, one foot in with the bangers one foot trying to get out, it's never gonna work.

I got no place to go.

Well, that's what the money's for.

It's a big world out there.

Single black mom, I just pick up and move to Beverly Hills?

Staying half in is gonna get you k*lled. Or Malcolm.

Maybe not now, maybe not next year, but somewhere down the line.

I'm safe with Spookstreet.

If I go off on my own, who am I gonna count on?

You think you can count on those assholes?

Those guys and their hos will slash your neck if they found out that you ratted on the One-Niners.

Come on, why don't we just take the baby right now?

We'll go get him inked with g*ng tats.

So it's a done deal, isn't it?

He's gonna wear colors, you're gonna wear black to his funeral.

She says that if any one of the Spookstreeters did the slashings, they'd get a brand before the day's out.

Some guy named Skitch is doing them now.

Check it out.

He comes in for looseys. Two, three times a week.

What's a loosey?

You don't know what a loosey is?

A single loose cigarette. Loosey.

CLAUDETTE: You sure it's the same guy?

CLERK: He makes me break a pack.

I'm not supposed to, but he winds up buying one smoke at a time.

What else can you tell us about him?

He comes in for looseys two, three times a week.

Looks just like that. Sorry.

He comes in again, give us a call, all right?


Where you going?

Guy was standing out there like he was waiting for us to clear out.

That's a buck, 20.

DUTCH: Hey, hey! Police!

Don't throw that coffee. Shit.

Stay down. Stay down! You're under arrest.

You okay? Yeah. You?

We just caught the big bad coffee bandit.

We've been looking for you, Starbuck.

I told you to wear your vest.


Yo, Skitch, we're looking to skin some Spookstreet hide.

You brand any today?


None? No one came in here looking for a Grim Reaper on their ass?

I'd have remembered that.

I can heat up a swastika for you though, Adolf.

Hey Vic, why don't I wait in the car?

You know, I'll let the two of you maybe talk in private?

Works for me.

Don't mind any strange noises emanating from this area.


Okay, I see how we doing it.

Maybe there were two other guys around here.

But you keep my name out of it though.

These guys ain't too fond of snitches.

Okay. This is Hook. This is Cutter-10.

A plainclothes unit has them spotted on Blythe and Fountain.

Uh, Curtis, I need you to take point.

Uh, Billings and I have been working this.

You're staying.

Real estate between me and anything seizure-related?

You did a great job finding these assholes, and you'll get a chance to interrogate them when the others bring them in.

But you cannot be the arresting officer.


I appreciate you understanding.

Go, go.


Get your hands where I can see 'em.

DANNY: Police! Outta the car now!

Get outta the car. Get outta the car!

Hey, get out. Get outta the car right now.

You heard the lady.


Got something. THUG: Come on, man.

Shut up.


VIC: Victim's blood, your fingerprints.

Somebody should have branded "dumbshit" on your forehead.

Yeah, but it took a whole fleet of blue to bring me in though, didn't it?

What's your reason for k*lling anyone helping us?

I ain't got no problem with the po-po cleaning up the streets.

That's what white law gets paid for.

You just don't like anyone cooperating with us.

Come on, man, some d*ck buys hisself a brand-new Caddy, he ride around like he some kinda mack.

People gonna thank me for doing him.

As a matter of fact, you make sure the pen hears all about it before I sit down.

What about the teacher?

You looking to make your bones with the kids in detention?

No. No, he was a snitch's snitch, man.

Everybody knew that he the one that gave up the One-Niners drug den.

Ah, we'll show you the books.

He wasn't our informant on anything.

What kinda cred's k*lling some innocent dude buy you in the can, huh?

He wasn't innocent, man. H-He was a rat big time, man.

Everybody knew he was ratting.

You got played, man.

People found out you got all worked up about snitches, just gave you a name, settle some personal score.

RAWLING: We'll make sure they hear about that in the pen too.

Someone punked you like that, you're not gonna let them share the pain?

Some breezy, she one of his students.

Tracy something.

She on the drill team, man.

I'm not admitting to anything, so...

Sure, whatever.

We're bringing in the other clerks to identify you.

They're pissed. They'll remember.


You know, uh, every once in a while, somebody commits a crime that we cops have to smile at.

Yeah. A hot cup of coffee, no other weapons. Brilliant.

Pour it, pay for it, bam.

You're back home before the guy's washing off.

Any dumbshit criminal can use a g*n.

Where'd you think of that idea?

Some broad threw coffee in my face.

I remember thinking to myself, I-I'm lucky this isn't hot.

After that, it all came together.

I heard you took one in the line of duty.

The coffee bandit is now in custody.

Dutch did a great job.

It was a team thing.


We'll pay to have your suit dry-cleaned.


Anything on the gas station as*ault that put you there in the first place?

Uh, suspect's a part-time smoker.

He'd go into the gas station a couple times a week for looseys.

I used to pay a dime for mine.

Ah, the good old days.

You were both smokers, huh?

Uh, the suspect's sketch has been put in every gas station in the area.

If he lives nearby, maybe he'll hit another one.

Good work.

A meeting got canceled. I figured I'd take a chance.

Expecting someone?

No. But, uh, you need to call first.

You know you can't just drop by.

Right. I might run into your sister.

How is she?

This isn't how it works.

Please leave now.


This place, your clothes, your hair...

Must all add up, huh?

That's why you bring the gifts.

As nice as Dell Rossetti's?

Did you forget I'm a police officer?

Your bullshit lies don't work on me.

He's a friend.

You don't have friends.

You have clients.

I'm guessing Rossetti's a generous one.

But then again, he showed up empty-handed.

Maybe we're standing in his gift.

He the reason you changed your hair?

He prefer blonds?

I told you a lie to keep our lie alive.

You wanna puncture that balloon, that's your deal.

Yeah? Well, what's this guy's flavor, huh?

Up the ass? sh1tting on you?

You don't get to talk to me like that.

Not even when I'm on the clock.

Well, Rossetti can certainly afford the all-access pass.

He's got condos going up all over the city.

We don't talk business.

And from what I can tell, he cuts corners, which could land him in some serious trouble with the authorities.

I don't know what shit you're trying to work through with me, but it's not working.

He got married a couple of years ago.

The wife has any brains, she put a cheating clause in the pre-nup.

You gonna call her?

Sort of a bitch move, don't you think?

I don't think she'd see it that way.

Or I could call my friends in the DA's office.

I could call my friends in the PD.

I could hit him with a dozen different shitstorms and my fingerprints wouldn't be on any of them.

You've got a wife too.

Should I let her know how to make you happy at home?

Oh, you wouldn't do that. Not to me.

Because you're so powerful, right?

You wanna see the things I can do?


Look, David.

I like our time together.

Let's not screw it up over something stupid.

Just tell me what you want.

I don't come second to anyone.

You're working today.

Yeah. What... What are you doing here?

Uh, I'm just trying to catch Vic.

Kid stuff. What happened to your suit?

Uh, a takedown got pretty messy. No problem. We got the guy.

We'll celebrate later.


There's Vic.

I've got a robbery I'm working on, so I'll talk to you later.

Hey, I got a pretty full plate.

What's going on?

I heard back from that clinical trial that I signed Megan up for. Uh-huh.

She's not eligible.

Shit. Come on.

She's under 3 years old, second kid in the family with autism.

Isn't that what they wanted?

It's not Megan. It's us. Our lawsuit.

Pyren Pharmaceuticals excludes anyone with pending legal action against them.

Wait a minute. First, these are the people who make the vaccines that make our kids sick.

And then they're the g*dd*mn gatekeepers of the ones who get better?

I spoke to Mamyn. We can drop out of the lawsuit.

It's just the money that we've sunk...

We're not eating 15 grand.

These clinical trials. I've seen video of kids who...

They haven't even talked, and now they're playing and they're laughing.

That'll never be Matthew, but Megan still has a chance.

Or she could end up being the one eating the sugar pill.

She shouldn't miss out.

But this lawsuit was our one chance for financial security for Matthew.

Ahh... I don't know what to do.

I'll take care of it.


There he is. Hey!

Hey, I been looking for you all day.

Don't know why the helping-out-kids angle wasn't my first stop.

Hop in. I have something you're gonna wanna hear.

I'll hear right here, man.

I ain't forgot what happened last time I conferenced with you two.

I got you and the 4-H Club a new road to heroin.

You should take this ride. Come on.

Let's go.

Little Pop, Los Mag OG, he owes me a favor.

They got a Nogales customs agent on payroll.

Tar slips over the Arizona border.

Just a Sunday drive away.

Antwon's beefing with the w*tbacks.

That's why we used the El Salvadorans.

That's where the deal gets interesting.

Look, we know you were next in line to be the One-Niner don.

Antwon got sprung, decided to reclaim his crown.

Things change, you know?

You wanna live, you change with 'em.

Well, it's time for another change, brother.

Los Mags are willing to work with a new One-Niners boss.

That's you. Ain't a smiling matter.

Look, Antwon keeps playing his Malcolm X games, the heat's gonna cr*pple you guys.

Already is.

He didn't give a shit about the One-Niners.

He's just using his old set to climb back on top.

You didn't come up with him.

You got no loyalty to him.

Say what you gotta say, man.

I've negotiated a deal between you and the Los Mags.

One condition, Antwon goes away.

Clean, simple.

Look, he's beefing with enough people, it's an easy pin.

You step up, you earn your crew's respect with this new product.

With Antwon gone, our captain, she loses her hard-on, PD backs off, the injunctions go away.

ARMY: Brothers get back to making money.

Everybody wins.

What you win?

That little girl's body.


Nah. I don't need to be the head n*gga in charge, man.

Antwon, he can have the limelight and the heat.

I'm a pass. Come on, man.

That's thinking like a p*ssy.

Nah, a p*ssy, that's someone who's willing to off a partner to cover his ass.

We're not talking about that. ARMY: k*ll what partner?

HALPERN: Don't worry, Pablo, it ain't you.

Not yet, anyway.


Wh...? Antwon wants you to k*ll Mackey?

No, Antwon wants a lot of things.

All right, the question is, is what does this guy want?

Now, I got a deal on the table. It's in your best interests.

That's your opinion. I'll tell Antwon we chatted.

Where you going? You're staying!

What the hell you doing?

You control your boy, man.

That's not the way to handle this.

Then how? He downloads to Antwon, and we're d*ck deep in dead girls and b*ll*ts.

Yo, handle this shit!

SHANE: Put it away. Put that thing away, okay?

Los Mags think that I've been dealing in your name.

Now, you back outta this...


I didn't mean that!

Jesus Christ! I didn't mean it!

That assh*le shot me, man!

What the hell are you thinking?

That assh*le shot me. What's wrong with y'all?

Holy shit.

Why didn't you tell me about Vic?

SHANE: Now's not the time.

WOMAN [OVER RADIO]: 6-Paul-24, come in.

What the hell have you gotten us into?

I said shut up! Everyone, just shut up.



All right. Where's that little girl's body?

I ain't saying shit.

Look, I can drop you at a hospital, or I can let you bleed out in the desert.

Now, where did Antwon put her?

Okay, fine. Fine. Next stop, Joshua Tree.


RAWLING: We heard that your teacher failed you for cutting class.

You think I slit his throat? I'm half his size.

Everyone knows you busted Hook and Cutter-10 already.

I ain't scared of you.

We need to know who you've been talking trash about.

If you've been sh**ting your mouth, your g*dd*mn lynch mob might go after them.

Why you ain't out arresting Dynamite?

That n*gga running girls on a track.

Or my mail-lady, she running numbers for Christ's sake.

So the code of silence is for everyone else?

Everybody got their own code. That's the only law out there.

You all just something to get around.

Well, you're not getting around us today.

We're booking you for conspiracy to commit m*rder, reckless endangerment, and anything else that we can think of.

Bullshit charges will never fly.

I'm supposed to let her walk?

No law against trash talking.

She knew the climate out there.

She used it to get a schoolteacher k*lled.

You'll never prove intent. It's a loser.

She's tuned in to what's going on out there.

We're not. I am sick of being blindsided by it.

I'm gonna move into that house.

You wanna drop yourself in all that crap? Good luck.

The only way to be a real catalyst for change is to leap in the mix, show them you're right there with them.

They won't give a shit.

Not at first.

Good work closing this one.

Zerkow, how are we on patrols tonight?

Short. Why?

Captain's moving into the 'hood.

You're kidding.

I wish.

Point of pride with her though, she won't order up extra patrols for herself but we gotta make sure no assholes get any cute ideas.

I'll put it in effect tomorrow.

Thanks. I'll look in on her tonight.

Heard you were in the thick of things out there.

Ah, I shouldn't have broken that damn window.

It's bullshit you couldn't be with us.

Next time.

Hey, Vic, do you wanna grab a beer or something?

Big bust like that, I sure could blow off steam.

I can't. Got something with the kids and a stakeout.

If you want some company for the stakeout, give me a call.

I'm still a little wired.


SHANE: Wake up. Where is she?

She's in the crapper on the right.

She's buried underneath, wrapped in plastic.

Not only did you k*ll her, you gotta shit on her too?

Methane helps hide the death smell.

You gotta get me some help.

SHANE: What time this place shut down?

It don't shut down.

The shelter's got guards 24/7, man.

How we gonna get her out?

HALPERN: I don't know.


What are you doing?

I send units to recover that body, you and Antwon'll be waist-deep in shit too.

Try to move it, I'll nail it in transit.

Hey. We can't just leave him here.

You tell Antwon I'm done with his shit, all of it.

He tries to come after us, my family or Vic, I'll walk up to him, and I'll put a b*llet in his head.

You got that?

You got that?!

Move. Get out of my way.



Was that like you wanted?

Aah! That's too hard.


You're too powerful.



It's so big. Aah! Aah!

Hey, detective.

Did you talk to that guy who was looking for you?

What guy?

He said something about a mini-mart?

Where is he?

You looking for me?

You the one handling the gas station beatings?


Yeah, that was me.

You... You're here to turn yourself in?

After I finish this, I'll tell you all about it.

Take your time.

All I need is one cigarette, then I'm good.

I buy a pack...

CLAUDETTE: You smoke them all.

So, what happened in the store?

This new idiot was working.

I told him the other clerk always busts a pack for me, but he wouldn't do it.

I told him, I said, "I'm trying to quit."

I'm begging him, "Show me some love."

But he wanted to be an assh*le.

And I lost it.

Just... Just one cigarette.

And $300.


You stole $300 from the register.

Maybe now, you can afford the whole pack.

No. I came here to admit my wrong.

I shouldn't have hit that man, and I take my punishment.

But I'm not a thief.

Police intel's making its way into the street.

Thought those slashings was a girl playing witch-hunt?

Yeah, they were, but we never did find our missing C.I., Angie.

We never determined who tipped off that warehouse raid when DEA was in town.

Sounds like plain old bad intel.

I thought all you guys took cynical pills.

Are you IAD or not?

At your service. What's my cover?

I'm gonna put you in as part of the g*ng Task Force.

You'll be working with Vic Mackey.

His name's run across our desks a few times.

You think he's involved?

No, but I need to prove to someone that he's not.

I told you, we don't have to decide tonight.

What's going on?

You need to take this.

You've been hiding money from me?

This isn't about ducking alimony.

I wanna take care of my children.

Where did this come from?

Where did you get this?

The money's clean.

Just make sure you don't deposit more than 5 grand every couple of months.

Do it.

Don't bring this in the house. I don't want it.

You wanna drop the lawsuit, get Megan into that clinical trial?

This is how you do it.

Use this for Matty.

I'm gonna go kiss the kids good night.

They're asleep.

I'm not gonna wake them up.

Why did you have me take Cassidy tonight?

Are you okay?

Nothing I can't handle.

I wanna say good night to the kids.

It feels like goodbye.



You're pretty quiet tonight.

Anything you wanna talk about?

Think the captain is dumb or brave for doing this?

g*ng Task Force is a pretty good idea.

Sure as hell keeps me from spinning my wheels out there, you know.

Thanks for putting me up for that.

So you wanna call it?


Oh, Jesus. Come here.


Oh, yeah. Like that. Oh.

DUTCH: We just, uh, need a few more details for your statement.

After the suspect ran out, how long did it take you to get to the victim?

Uh, a few seconds.

Once the thief drove off, I ran in, found him unconscious, called 911.

DUTCH: Uh, anybody else there?

I don't think so. Place was empty.

Probably why he robbed it then.

Or why you robbed it then.

I called this in, remember, guys?

You might be smart, but you're not criminal smart.

And you're a terrible liar.

I've never done anything like this before.

You always need more. Rent goes up. Alimony.

You feel so stretched and there was some cash, just sitting there.

I'm really sorry.

You're sorry you got caught.

DUTCH: If you were really sorry, you would have turned yourself in.

Ha. Come on. Who the hell would do that?

Shit. I can't get a hold of his machine.

What the hell kind of plan is this?

We can't even reach Shane.

I don't feel right at all.

Part of me wants it to go down tonight, get this all over with.

We can't let Vic go alone.

I mean, if Shane shows up, brings Army, it's two on one.

I don't know...

Hey, uh, where the hell is Vic?

I've been looking for him everywhere.

We haven't seen him for a while.

Hey, that's my cell.

Yeah, watch commander found it. Thanks for the heads-up.

Your phone was here. What was I supposed to call?

Never mind.

Hey. It's the way Vic wants it.


Yeah. SHANE: Hey.

Hey, I've been trying to reach you.

Look, uh...

Look, I need your help with something.

Can you meet me? Just you?

Yeah. Sure. Where?



Thanks for coming.


Look, uh...

I'm in some serious shit.

Hey. Hey, what the hell you doing?

What the hell's the matter with you?

Bugged your car.

It's you or me, right?

I guess it's you.

No. No, no, no, look, I'm explaining.

Please, listen to me. g*dd*mn it, listen to me.

Look, Antwon k*lled Angie right in front of me and Army.

He did it with our g*ns.

That's what I came to talk to you about.

Thought you had nothing to do with Antwon.

That's nothing that we haven't done before.

Look, he's squeezing us.

He says the body will turn up i-if I don't...

But I would never do that. Never. You know that.

Look, I was just bluffing him to buy time.

We took a run at Halpern, he showed us where Angie's body was but we can't get to it just the two of us.

Army's g*n went off.

Halpern's still alive, but once Antwon finds out, I'm dead.

I got Mara and Jackson out of town but I'm...

Look, I'm... I'm in trouble, man.

L-I don't know how it got this deep.

You got one shot.

Take it.



I would never choose him over you.

We let that money train bullshit get in the way, but...

Come on, you're my friend.

[g*n COCKS]

Look, I need you.

Will you help me?


