02x20 - The Big Spill

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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02x20 - The Big Spill

Post by bunniefuu »

[Theme music playing]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to have somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be alright ♪

♪ Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready,
I'll be ready ♪

♪ Whenever you fear

♪ Oh, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

[Bright piano music]

-♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready,
I'll be ready ♪

♪ Whenever you fear

♪ Oh, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always ♪

♪ I'm always here

[Lively music]

-Hobie: hey, brenda, wait up!


Brenda, slow down!

Brenda, wait up!

[Lively music]

Brenda, wait up!


-Hobie: brenda,
where are you going?

-Brenda: whoa!

[Frantic music]


-Hobie: can you breathe?


Push on my hand.


Squeeze my hand.

-Hobie, I'm alright.

You better not try to kiss me.

-Kiss you?

I was just trying to
make sure you were okay.

Could have broken your
neck or something.

[Everyone laughing]

-Okay, so it's me, her, and
the dog in the sleeping bag,

It's pouring rain--

-Don: mitch, mitch, come
see what the cat dragged in.

-Brody, man, hiya!

-How you doin', lieutenant?

Good to see you, man.

-Can I have your autograph?

Mind you, it's not
every day we get

An international celebrity here.

-Listen to you.

-I hope he doesn't
want his old job back.

-Hey, what's a matter?

A guy can't come back
and visit a few of his buds?

So, I miss ya, big lug.

-Lane! Hey!

-Lane: hi.

[Shauni laughing]

-Shauni: I am so proud of you.

This man risked his life
to save baby harp seals.

It was very heroic.

-Sinking a ship,
that's heroic.

-This was a ship that
was carrying hunters out

To k*ll defenseless animals.

-I don't need you
to defend me, shauni.

I have an attorney
that does that.

And, ben, I'm not asking you
to approve of our tactics,

Just the results.

If it weren't for greenforce--

-You wouldn't have made the
cover of "newsweek" magazine.

Not to mention 60 days
in an alaskan jail.

-Yeah, more like a
maximum security igloo.

[Everyone laughing]

[Upbeat music]

-♪ Flying down the highway

♪ Under the sun

♪ I'm gonna play the whole day ♪

♪ Gonna have some fun

♪ I got plenty of reasons

♪ To chase my dream

♪ The girls here in california ♪

♪ Are what I mean

♪ It's a wonderful day

♪ It's a wonderful day

-Lane: what do you think
of our tactics, mitch?

Do you see greenforce
as a bunch of

Wild-eyed eco-t*rrorists?

-I don't know, I
haven't decided yet.

-You know, there's
really not much difference

Between what I do now and
what I did as a lifeguard.

It's all about prevention.

We act to stop the next
disaster before it happens

Just like you do.

-Wait a minute, I've never
been arrested for making a save.

It's not the same thing.

-Yeah, but what's
the alternative?

I tried working through the
system, I wrote letters,

I marched in demonstrations,

I spent six months in
washington lobbying congress.

Mitch, the system does not work,

At least not fast enough
for me, or the planet.

At the present rate we're
destroying the ozone layer--

-Lane, I admire what
you're trying to do,

I just don't agree with the
way you go about doing it.

-Does that mean I
shouldn't ask for your help?

[Door banging]
-not necessarily.

[Doors banging]

What kind of help are
you talking about?

-About a month ago I
was contacted by someone

On the inside of
transicon industries.

You've probably heard of them,

They're a big
plastics manufacturer.


-Lane: anyway, this guy's
prepared to blow the whistle

On their entire waste
management operation.

Says that they've gotten
away with hundreds

Of illegal dumpings.

He's got access to documents,

All we got to do is get
in there and get them out.

-You mean steal them.

-In order to shut
down a major polluter?

Yeah, if that's what it takes.

Look, mitch, I'm not asking
you to get directly involved.

Nobody's gonna get hurt.

-[Sighs] well, what
are you asking me?

-Well, I'm just not 100%
sold on this whistle blower.

I've only spoken with
him on the phone,

And I wouldn't mind some backup
when this thing goes down.

-Sorry, lane, I can't do it.

-Mitch, you gotta draw
the line somewhere.

-I do, I draw the line
at breaking the law.

[Engine revving]

[Bluesy music]

[Door opening]

Yo, hobster, catch!

You remember lane brody,

Former lifeguard turned
environmental commando.

-How you doin', hobie?

-Yeah, good to see ya.

I hope you don't mind if
I join you guys tonight.

-You mean at the grand prix?

-Oh, yeah! I used to
love those little cars.

You can pretend
you're mario andretti,

Whip around those turns.

-When did captain thorpe call?

-About 10 minutes ago.

-Right, we're gonna go
put on some sweaters,

It's kind of chilly outside.

Would you ah...
-Yeah, I've got it.




-Shauni: hey!
-Come on in.


Eddie's still back east
at the lifeguard games,

So I thought I'd see what
you guys were up to tonight.

-Oh, great, we're glad you did.

At least I am.

So how is eddie,
are you guys happy?

Do you like living together?

-Yeah, yeah, it's great.

-Yeah, bummer. [Laughing]

-Hey, shauni, you
wanna go to the

Malibu grand prix with us?

-Yeah, sure, why not?



-Shauni: hey.

-Bad news, hobie, I just
talked to captain thorpe,

There's a special meeting at
county headquarters tonight.

Attendance is mandatory.

-I knew it.

-I'm sorry, pal, believe me.

Look, we'll do it
another time, okay?

-That's what you always say.

-Hey, wait a minute,
who needs your old man?

We'll take ya!

-You will?

Can they, dad?

-Hobie, are you
sure you're up to it,

Because you look
a little pale.

Mitch, he looks a
little pale to me.

-Uh-huh, I'm okay,
come on, let's go.

-Uh, go on, and be careful,
and have a great time, and uh

Don't go too fast
around those turns.

[Lively music]

-♪ Well you work in the city

♪ Rush hour every day

♪ And you want to drive faster

♪ You want to get away

♪ Put the pedal to the floor

♪ Feel the wind in your hair

♪ You need a little more

♪ Well it's all right there

♪ Cmon

♪ Cmon

♪ I've been big I've been small

♪ I've had nothing
I've had it all ♪

♪ I glimpsed heaven
when I hit the wall ♪

♪ I've been better
I've been worse ♪

♪ I've been blessed and
I've been cursed ♪

♪ I glimpsed heaven
when I hit the wall ♪

♪ When I hit the wall

[Tires screeching]
-oh no!

[Racing music]

-Lane: hobie, what happened?

Are you hurt?

-[Hobie moaning]
-[distorted] hobie,
are you okay?


-Are you okay?


let's get him home.

-All I remember is my
head started spinning.

I felt like I was
gonna throw up.

-Well it's no wonder, you've
got 104 temperature, pal.

-I'll run him a cold bath.


I'm gonna get some ice.

Would you help him
take his clothes off?

-Mitch: okay? Okay.

[Footsteps stomping]

[Phone ringing]

Yeah? Oh, actually,
mrs. Nickman, this is
a bad time,

Hobie's got some kind of bug.

She does?

-Here we go.

-Shauni, let me see some light.


What is that?
Is that a rash?

-Lane: a skin irritation,

He's got some on
his leg as well.

-Shauni: some
on his neck, too.

-Hobie, do you have
allergies of any kind?

-No, I don't think so.

-Have you been swimming today?


-Lane: where?

-The lagoon, my friend brenda
fell in, I had to help her.

-I just got a call
from brenda's mom,

Looks like brenda's
got the same thing.

-Call her back and
tell her to get her

To an emergency room.


-It's not the flu, mitch,
it's chemical poisoning.

They have been exposed to
a highly toxic substance.

[Dramatic music]

-Mitch, what are
you doing here?

-I work here.

-Shauni: well,
who's with hobie?

-They're keeping him in the
hospital for observation.

-Is he gonna be okay?

-Yeah, he's hanging in there.

What a long night.

-Well, did they confirm
it was chemical poisoning?

-Yeah, but his system
didn't absorb enough

To determine
the exact compound.

Did you get those water
samples from the lagoon?

-We were there at
the crack of dawn.

Lane's at the lab right
now having it analyzed.

-When do we get the results?

-I don't know, but I'm
sure it's gonna be awhile.

Look, why don't you go
home and get some sleep.

-[Sighs] I'm not tired.

They put a cot in
hobie's room for me.

Do you know he kept waking
up in the middle of the night

Crying out for mommy?

-All boys want their
mommy when they're sick.

-I know but when your
son is lying there in pain

And there's not a damn
thing you can do about it...

I never felt so helpless
in my whole life.

[Seagulls cawing]

Alright, put eddie on 15,
mimi on 16, shauni on 17.

Do you want to
work at headquarters today?

-I'll do that then, no problem.

Why don't you get
some rest, you look tired.

-Mitch: yeah, and
as far as one and two,

Put jimmy and bobby on those.

-Ben: okay, I'll do that,
you take care, alright?

Hey, what's happening, lane?

-Hey, how are you
doing, good to see ya.

-So what'd you find out?

-Enough to let me
take him home tonight.

-You know, mitch, he's
not out of the woods yet.

Once that toxic agent
gets into his system

It could affect any
number of things.

His nervous system, his
hearing, his heart--

-I know, I know, I went over
everything with the doctor.

Lane, he suggested we
shut down the beaches

As a precaution.

-No, the lagoon appears
to be the only area

Of significant contamination.

-Any theories on how
it got contaminated?

-Well, there's a storm
drain about 20 feet

From the entrance of the lagoon.

A lot of the time
after a heavy rain

Polluters will just
dump into a storm drain.

The runoff carries
it out into the bay

And makes it virtually
impossible for 'em to trace.

-Well, I put in
a call to the epa,

They said they'd send out
a team of investigators.

-Yeah? Well, I wouldn't
count too heavily

On a bunch of
government bureaucrats.

These guys are
gonna come out here,

They're gonna ask
a lot of questions,

They're gonna take
a lot of memos,

And they're gonna move
on to the next case.

Hey, tell hobie, "hi."

-I will.

[Dramatic music]

[Car revving]

-Lane: jeff?


-Lane brody.

[Door banging]

Nice to finally associate
a face with the voice.

-Same here, it's a
privilege to meet you.

I wish I had half your guts.

-Aw, hell, you're the one
that's risking his career.

-This will get you inside.

You're a computer technician.

I've got your gear in the trunk.


[Dramatic music]

-Mmm, good.

-Dad, don't make me eat that.

-Come on.

-Dad, please, it
tastes like turpentine.

-Come on, pal,
you're gonna spill it.

Come on, open up.

Ah, that a boy.

-Ew, how long did the
doctor say I'd be sick?

-A couple of days.

But you'll get better a lot
faster if you get some rest.

-But I'm not tired.

-[Laughing] not much.

[Smooches] come on.

Get some sleep, I love you.

-Hobie: dad?


-Could you read me a story?

-Yeah, sure, which one?

-You choose.

-Mitch: okay, let's see.

Remember this one?

Too scary?

-No way.


Scoot over, pal.

You ready?

"The ghost in the closet.

"It was a cold and dreary night.

"There was a knock on the door.


"A howling dog could be
heard in the background.


"There was a crack of thunder
and a flash of lightning.


"The knock came
again on the door.


"Slowly, the door
handle turned."


[Mysterious music]

-This way.

-Wait, wait a minute, one
thing that we haven't discussed,

The guards are gonna check my
briefcase when I'm leaving.

How am I supposed to get
out with the documents?

-Through the fence.

[Keys beeping]

[Mysterious music]

I'm sure you'll find
ample evidence of abuse.

[Papers rustling]
[voices murmuring]

I'll check it out.

[Mysterious music]

-This is unbelievable,
if you're gonna--

[Bashing] ahh.

[Mysterious music]

[Mitch sighing]

-"Step by step, brandon
walked down the stairs.

"Suddenly, a ghost
flew out of the closet,

"And he called, 'mom, mom.'"

[Mysterious music]

[Keys beeping]

[Mitch breathing deeply]


[Mysterious music]

[Lane groaning]

[Mysterious music]

[Frantic music]


[Mysterious music]

[Knocking on door]

[Gentle music]

[Knocking continues]

-Mitch: coming.

Hey, captain.

-Hey, mitch, look, I'm sorry
to bother you, how's hobie?

-Oh, he's okay, he's sleeping.

-Good, good.

Mitch, there's been an accident

At the transicon
industries' plant.

-What happened?

-One of the
pipelines was blown,

Over 100,000 gallons
of toxic chemicals

Spilled into the storm channel.

Should reach the
bay about sunup,

We've gotta close
down all the beaches

From palos verdes to point dume.

-Okay, I'm on it.

-Now, mitch, I've already
talked to the chief.

We're coordinating
with the coast guard.

-How the hell did this happen?

-According to the police,

Lane brody was trying
to sabotage the plant.


-They figure his expl*sives
detonated prematurely.

Mitch, he's in a coma,
he's fighting for his life.

[Melancholy music]

[Machines beeping]

-Hey, buddy.

It's me, mitch.

I guess you were right
about needing backup, huh?

What happened, man?

I don't know who
to believe here.

Lane, if you talk to
me, I can help you.

Okay, pal, just rest easy.

Don't you worry.

We'll nail these guys.

[Machines beeping]

[Beating music]

-♪ Where do all the good people go?

♪ Is it heaven? Or is it hell?

♪ Will we ever know?

♪ The things we do not understand

♪ Cause I gotta know,

♪ If this is how it's supposed to end

♪ Is this how it's supposed to end?

♪ I can see the fire

♪ In your heart

♪ Burning with desire

♪ Just with one spark

♪ I can see the fire I can see the fire

♪ In your heart

♪ Burning with desire burning with desire

♪ Just with one spark

♪ I can see the fire

♪ In your heart

♪ Burning with desire

♪ Just with one spark

♪ I can see the fire

♪ In your heart

♪ Burning with desire

-No, I'm sorry, we
really don't have any idea

When the beaches
will be opened.

I can't speculate on the
extent of the damages.

Let's just say
they're not good.


Okay, thank you for calling.






-Alright, what do we know
about transicon industries?

Is this their first spill?

-What difference
does that make, mitch?

It wasn't intentional,
it was lane.

He took the law right
into his own hands.

-Lane went there to get
evidence to bust these guys.

There's no way he'd
intentionally create
a toxic spill.

-And there's no
way that transicon

Is going to intentionally
blow up its own facility.

-Come on, you worked with
lane brody for 10 years.

-Mitch, the point is we
haven't seen any evidence

To even suggest that
lane was set up.

Not that I'm ruling that
out as a possibility,

But the fact remains lane
was trained in the navy

To use expl*sives.

-The lab just gave
a positive i.d.

On the substance we
found in the lagoon.

It's called az-47,
and it's a pesticide.

Or I should say it
was a pesticide.

-What do you mean?

-It's been banned by the
department of agriculture.

It hasn't been produced in
this country for over 15 years.

-15 Years?

-And all of a sudden it
ends up in our backyard?

-And of course, at this
point, it's almost academic,

I mean, we're gonna have to
clean up the entire shoreline

After this spill, anyway.

[Phone ringing]


Yes, yeah, I'm there.

He's out of the coma.

[Bright music]

-Woman: there you
go, walk the stairs,

Just take your time.


-Your friend is
a very lucky man.

-Can we see him?
-Sure, in a minute.

He's with his priest right now.

-Go ahead, I'll wait.

-His priest?

Lane's not catholic.

-He's not?

[Door crashing]

[frantic music]




-He's still alive.

playa del sol.


-Transicon, playa del sol.

-You hang in there, buddy.

You take care of him, alright?

Hang in there.

[Mysterious music]


-Hey, oh, I got a
call from garner.

Turns out the priest is not
cooperating with the police.

He won't even give his name.

-What do you think
playa del sol means?

-The area around the lagoon

Used to be called
playa del sol.

Before they built those
million dollar homes,

It was a landfill.

-What's that?

[Paper rustling]

-That's what they
got from lane.

The nurse called it in.

-What is this, it's some
kind of a code, what's it for?

-I don't know, that's all
she wrote, just those numbers.

-Well do you think this has
something to do with transicon?


-Well, did you
tell the police?


-I really hope that
you're not thinking about

Conducting this
investigation on your own.

-Shauni, before the police
get a search warrant together

Those files could be destroyed.

-Mitch, that's crazy!

No way, forget it,
you're not doing it.

At least not without me.

-No, you can forget that.

-No, I won't forget it!

Look, lane is somebody
that I admire very much.

And right now it's his
word against transicon's.

He can still be sent to
prison for that bombing

Unless we prove that
they framed him.

And you want to
know something else?

I am really getting sick
and tired of companies

Like transicon dumping
their crap in my water.

Enough is enough!

If we don't stand up
to them, who will?

-Sounds like I got a backup.

-You're damn right you do.

[Dramatic music]


[Dramatic music]



[Dramatic music]

[door opening]

[Dramatic music]


[Door creaking]

-Why don't you take these, huh?

[Dramatic music]

I got it.

Playa del sol.

Lane was right.

-Well, is this all we need?


-Good, let's get out of here.

[Filing cabinet closes]

[Door closing]

-I'll take that bag.

You're in no position to
resist, and I won't ask again.

-Hands up.

-I'm sure you have an
explanation for this.

-We're friends of lane brody.

-Shauni: we know
you tried to k*ll him.

We also know that 15
years ago you buried az-47

Underneath the playa
del sol landfill.

-We know you deliberately
caused a toxic spill

To cover up the pesticide that
was seeping to the surface

To save your company millions
of dollars in lawsuits.

-Yes, clever.

Too clever for your own good.

[Alarm ringing]


[Racing music]

-♪ Things haven't been right

♪ For such a long time

♪ We've both been too blind to see

♪ Time's pulled us away

♪ From the life we made

♪ Now it's too late to be

♪ Anything but broken

♪ Pieces scattered all around

-Man on radio: waverunners
heading for your position.

-Man 2: got 'em.

♪ Time we go our separate ways now

-Man: don't let
them out of the channel.

I repeat, don't let them
out of the channel.

-Man 2: roger.

-♪ You like it this way

♪ And I want it that way ♪

♪ We're opposites through and through

[Engines revving]

♪ Now that I've taken the time ♪

♪ To read between the lines

♪ There's nothing left to do ♪

♪ We're nothing but broken

♪ Pieces scattered all around

♪ And it's time to go

♪ Our separate ways now

♪ We are just broken pieces

♪ Scattered on the ground

♪ You know it's time we go

♪ Our separate ways now

♪ You know it's time we go

♪ Our separate ways now

♪ Our separate ways now

♪ Our separate ways now

♪ Our separate ways now

♪ Our separate ways now

♪ Our separate ways now

♪ Our separate ways now

-Man 2: oh,
damn, we lost them.

-Man: what's
happening out there?

32, Come in, what's going on?

-Man 2: they went
ashore, they're getting away.

-Man 3: get out of here!

Go, go!

-Mitch: uh-oh, hey!

[Laughing and clapping]

-You guys are too much.

-We will use any
excuse to throw a party.

-The news just announced,
the head of transicon

Has just been indicted
for attempted m*rder.

-And the epa is
filing separate charges

Under the clean water act.


-You did it, man,
you shut 'em down.

-Hey, we shut 'em down, don't
try to pin all this on me.

-Don't try and recruit
me for greenforce, either.

I got my hands full
here at baywatch.

-Me too.

-Hey, how about a small
financial contribution?

-How about some cake?


-One thing I was wondering.

Where'd you guys dig
up those waverunners?

-Ben: they're mine.

Welcome home, lane.

-Thanks, ben, feels
like home again.


-Hey, how about some cake?

-Yeah, I don't mind if I do.

-Lane: alright!

[Everyone clapping]

[Serene music]

[People murmuring]

-You don't have to go
out if you don't want to.

-I do.

It's just that I feel strange,

Like it's not the
way it used to be.

Does that make any sense?

-Yeah, yeah, it
makes a lot of sense.

But I'm telling you, that
water's not gonna hurt ya.

We've tested it over
a hundred times,

It's as clean as we can get it.





-Did you have to
worry about pollution
when you were a kid?

-No, maybe that's why it's such

A big problem today, you know?

-We always took for
granted that the water

Would stay blue and clear.

-Well, it's still
a beautiful thing.

-Yeah, it is.

-Then what are we waiting for?

-Let's hit it!


[Lively music]

[Ending song playing]
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