02x19 - Lost Treasure of Tower 12

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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02x19 - Lost Treasure of Tower 12

Post by bunniefuu »

-[Theme music playing]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always ♪

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always ♪

♪ I'm always here

[Ominous music]

[Alarm blares]

-You tripped
the damn alarm.

-Let's get out of here.

-[Alarm blares]

-[Police sirens wail]

-[Heavy breathing]

-[Metal detector whines]

-Morning, ian.


-What? What's the matter?
What are you looking at?

-Truth, beauty,
the american dream.

Ah. Would you like
a sardine?

-No, thank you.

-My mother, she, uh,

Used to feed these to me
every morning

For breakfast no less.

She wondered why I
turned out this way.

All I wanted was a
bowl of wheaties, ma!

-Hey, I read your
poem last night.

-You didn't like it,
did you? I can tell.

Only, you're too
nice to let me know,

So you're gonna tell
me it was brilliant.

-It was.

-And, uh, what makes you think

I care what you think?

What was your favorite part?

The last verse, right?

"The day was moving westward
leaving colors in the sky.

"The eastern black was chasing
holding colors that had died.

"The day was racing quickly,

"But could not
outrun the night.

And I rode along the seashore
to the caverns of delight."

-You're a very talented writer.

-Thanks to you.

-Me? What have I
got to do with it?

-You have everything
to do with it.

You're my inspiration.
You're my ideal.

You're my muse.

-Oh, ian.

-No, you really are.

Every time I look
at you, the words

And the rhymes, the passion,

It just, it flows
from my soul, shauni.

-I have to get back to work.


And I'll be at my office.


-Little buddy.
Where the hell have you been?

-Let go.

-Where's the box?

-It's buried under that tower.

The place was
crawling with cops.

I had to stash it somewhere.

-I oughta k*ll you
right here and now.

We'd be in mexico by now
if you hadn't screwed up.

-Just control yourself,

Nobody knows it's there.

All we've got to do is wait
for the crowds to leave.

-Be right back.

-I lost it somewhere...
Somewhere right about here.

I think.

-We got problems.

-So what do you think?

God, I hope you can find it.

It's like my favorite

I've worn it every day.

-Well, you'd be naked
without it, right?

-[Metal detector squeals]

-Hey, hey, hey.

What is this, huh?

What is this?

Look at this.
Look at this.


By popular demand.

For you, my love.
-Ian, thank you.

-Thank you.

-Class meets the
day after tomorrow.

Hobie and I won't
be back until then.

-Mitch, I can do it.
No problem.

-You're sure?
-It's my day off!

-You sure you know how
to teach windsurfing class?

in my sleep.

Hey listen, you've got
nothing to worry about.

Nothing at all.

Okay, now you go on and
be a little indian guide,

And I'll take care
of everything.

-All right, ben's got
all the information

Where the class meets.

-Would you get out
of here already?


-Hey, ian.


-So, did you have
a productive day?

-Well, I didn't get a
whole lot of writing done,

But I found myself
a corkscrew.

I found myself a, well,
half a watch anyway.

-And a $1.27 in change.

In here.

And um, well i--
I made this for you.

-Hey, that's not bad.

-One man's trash is
another man's treasure.

-That's very sweet
of you, ian. Thank you.

-You're welcome.

[People arguing]

-Oh boy.

-Duty calls.

-I'll see you later.

-Hey, hey, hey, hey!

[Men argue]

-Until tomorrow.

[Metal detector squealing]

-Where is it?

-It's here, somewhere.

Just keep digging.

-Brooke, that storm
off of baja

Is still making some
noise, so we're gonna

Have to move the towers
back again

On all south-facing beaches.

-Okay. I'll spread the word.

You're beautiful.

-You sure you got
the right tower?

Maybe it wasn't number 12.

-It was number 12,
beggs, believe me.

It's not something
that I'd forget.

-Well then, maybe you
never buried the jewels.

Maybe you ripped me off.

-Think I'd be that stupid?

Take it easy, beggs.

-Ah, such splendor.

From an admirer, I take it.

-There's no card.
-Secret admirer.

-There's so many here, I
can't even count them all.

-There's, um,
there's 137 of them.

-You sent these flowers?

-That's all the
flower shop had left.

-What's this all about, ian?

-It's about love and romance
and elegance, perfection.

And the sale of my first poem!

-You sold poem?


-That's great.

-Thank you.

I couldn't have
done it without you.

-See ya.

-Hey, ben.

-Harvey, what's all
this I've been hearing

About you teaching
a class for mitch?

-Well, he asked me
to do him a favor.

What could I say?

-You could say
that you don't know

The first thing
about windsurfing.

-Well, I wouldn't go that far.

-Have you even
been up on a board?

-It's been awhile.

But I'm good with kids.

-Oh, I'm sure.

Especially when they come
from the mayfield school
for girls.

-Hey, I'm doing a
favor for a friend.

-[Cackling] yeah.

-Hi, hey.

You guys like poetry?

Listen to this, huh?

This is beautiful.

"The sea can take
a man's last breath

As well as guide him home."

"I love the..."

-We hate poetry.

-Oh. Well.

-How much you want
for that thing?

-Metal detector?
It's not for sale.

-Here's 50.

-Well, that's a very
generous offer...

-Plus, another 50.

-You just bought
yourself a metal detector.

Good metal detector,
as a matter of fact.

Hey, hey.

Half day today, huh?
-Split shift.

I'm gonna finish
up at headquarters.

-Ah, I was hoping you
could read my new poem.

-Yeah, great. Here.

-But I haven't
finished it yet.

-Okay, I'll read it tomorrow.

-No, no, no, no, no.

You see, it's a
very nocturnal poem.

It must be read at night
for maximum effect.

So with that in mind,

I was hoping
maybe we could have dinner?

Uh, possibly go dancing?

-Um, ian I think you might have
the wrong idea here.

I'm involved with somebody.

-So bring him along.

-I'm very involved
with somebody.

We live together

And we're both
very much in love.

-Ah, but does he
take you dancing?

See, I love to dance.

And I know you do, too.

-And how do you
know I love to dance?

-Because it's
written all over you.

I can see it in your hair

And in your eyes.

And your fingertips.

-Whoa, don't tell me
eddie got you all those.

Not on a lifeguard's salary.

-They're from a friend.

Hey, newmie, do me a favor and
keep them until you close up.

I'll pick them up tonight.

-All right.

-Hey, go and figure they'd move

The tower in the
middle of the night.

-We're never gonna
find those jewels.

They're gone.

And why are they gone?

Because you're
a worthless fool.

-I don't have to
take this crap from...

-The hell you don't!

-Man: guys, knock it off, man!

-Hey! Break it up!

-Man: hey, chill.

-Hey, get off.

Hold it.

-Hi, shauni.

-Eddie, what are
you doing here?

I thought you were gonna
tx with somebody tonight?

-I tried to change
and nobody wants

To work the graveyard shift.

What can I say?

I'm stuck, you know?

Especially with mitch
being on this camping trip.

-I know. I'm not blaming you.

I understand.

I just miss being with you.

I mean, I feel like
every time I'm getting

Off work, you're coming on.

I feel like we're two
ships passing in the night.

-I know and I'm sorry.

Things are gonna be
better, I promise,

As soon as mitch gets back.

Gotta go.

I'm sorry.
I really am sorry.

I'll see you at home, okay?

Things are gonna change.

Trust me.



-Welcome to what?

-To what?

To the caverns of delight.

-What did you do to yourself?

-I showered. I shaved.
I cut my hair,

I put on my tux.




I uh, I thought you might find
me irresistible.

-I find you
a little bit crazy.

-Ah, somewhat deranged,
but I'm not crazy.


-We're not allowed to
drink on the beach, ian.

-Just a sip.
That's all I ask.

-Ian, listen...

-To days of ease and
nights of pleasure.

[Waltz playing]

-I can't do this, ian.

-No, no--
shauni, wait!


-Garner, I don't
think this guy drowned.

Did you see the
marks on his neck?

-It looks like somebody
choked him to death

With their bare hands.

-Newmie, are you
sure this is the guy
you saw fighting at tower 12?

-He was getting
his butt kicked.

I had to pull the
other guy off of him.

-Newmie, I need you to go
with me to make a positive id.

In the meantime, if I were you
I'd be careful out there.

[Ladies talking]


Good afternoon, hi.

Uh, gather around,
listen up.

Hi, uh, my name is harvey

And I'm going to be
instructing you

In the finer points
of wind surfing today.

But first what
I'd like you to do

Is write down your names
and telephone numbers

For me if you would.

-yeah, right.

-Uh, strictly
for safety reasons.

And then we'll get
to the good stuff.

Guys, the thing
to remember is,

As with any sport,
the toughest part

Is getting started.

But once you get
the hang of it,

It comes second nature.

It's real easy, you just
gotta keep your balance.

-This is pathetic.

-I'm gonna tell the dean not
to use the lifeguards again.

Oh, this guy
doesn't have a clue.

-Woman: that's for sure.

-But it's a lot of fun,

Once you get it...



-Oh, he's cute.

-This is ridiculous.
Let's go, girls.

-Let's go.



I was, uh...

I'm just showing the
worst-case scenario, you know?

I mean, I'm really good
at this.

-No you're not, harvey.

But I am.

Or was.

Now girls, would
you come back here?

I'd like to talk to
you just for a minute.


Thank you very much.

I'm lieutenant edwards.

Now, if you all
would like

To stick around here
this afternoon,

I'd like very much
to show you

A couple of things
about windsurfing.

On the up-and-up, okay?


[Soft rock playing]

♪ No life's worth living on your own

♪ You're better off safe at home

♪ But wings were made to fly

♪ Wings were made to fly

♪ She follows as he leads the way

♪ And bites the words she wants to say

♪ Cuz this wings were made to fly ♪

♪ Wings were made to fly

♪ She can't break free the cage

♪ She hides her tears in the rain

♪ And dream of bluer skies

♪ Cuz wings were made to fly

♪ Wings were made to fly

-I understand if you don't
want to talk to me again.

I feel like, uh--

I don't know
what I feel like.

I've never
felt this way before.

I'm sorry, shauni.

I had no right to impose
my fantasies on you.

I crossed the line.

I'd have done the same
thing if I were you.

Get the hell away
from this lunatic.

He's out of his mind.

Look, I just came
back here to tell you

That I'm back in my mind.

And I apologize if
I embarrassed you

Or caused you any hurt.

-Come here.

Let's put this
in your lapel.


Are you sure
you don't find me

Just a little bit

-I miss the starving poet.

-Yeah, so do i.

-So, how'd you pay
for all this anyway?

-Ah, what does it matter?

Like the song says,
"money can't buy you love".

But it was sure worth a try.

I'm gonna miss you,

You'll always be
my inspiration.


-I know, he's bizarre.


Is that you?


-I almost didn't
recognize you.

Uh, found this in the trash.

Don't you want it no more?

-No, joe, it's a
part of my past now.

Why don't you keep it?

Who knows, maybe you'll
find your dreams with it.

-Why didn't you tell
me about the roses?

-For one thing, I
haven't seen you.

-Shauni, come on.

-Look, if it bothers
you that much,

I'll throw them away, okay?

-I don't want you
to throw them away.
I happen to like roses.

I just want to know
who they're from.

-His name is ian.

He's a poet.

-A poet?

-He writes on the beach.

He's very good.

He's been giving me
his poems to read.

-Sounds like a
real sensitive guy.

-Look, eddie, there is no
reason to feel threatened.

-I'm not threatened.
-He sold his first poem and
he got a little carried away.

-I ran a check on your
man's fingerprints.

They turned up all
over a motorcycle

That was used in a
burglary night before last.

-You talking about
that job up in malibu?

-What was stolen?

-Half a million dollars
worth of jewelry.

-Do you know what
kind of jewelry it was?

I mean, do you think
it would register

In a metal detector?

-It was all kept in
an antique silver box.

I imagine that would
register, yeah.

[Rock music plays]

♪ When I call your name

♪ Do you hear me sing

♪ You're the only one
who makes me feel like this ♪

♪ Give you anything,
I promise I won't miss ♪

♪ Girl it's you

♪ I want to call my own

♪ And it's true

♪ This love is set in stone

♪ Cause I can't stop holding on
to this romance ♪

♪ And the way you laugh,
it puts me in a trance ♪

♪ Give me a chance

♪ Lay beside me underneath the stars

♪ Open up so I can see your scars

♪ Girl it's you

♪ That I want to call my own

♪ And it's true

♪ That this love is set in stone

♪ Girl it's you

♪ How do I get you alone

♪ And it's true

♪ It sinks down to the bone

♪ Girl it's you

♪ That I want to call my own

♪ And it's true

♪ That this love is set in stone


-Oh god, ian, you
scared me half to death.

-I'm sorry.

I thought it might have
been whoever did this.

-Why didn't you tell me
that you found these jewels?

Why didn't you call the cops?

-Because I started
believing in my own dreams.

And I think you did, too.

Last night I had this
feeling deep down,

I don't know
where it came from,

But I know you felt it.

-I'm calling the police.

Yeah, this is shauni mcclain.

I'd like to speak
to garner, please.

Well, do you know
where the jewels are?

Do you have them?
Are they gone?

-I had a feeling they
might be coming back,

-So I hid them.


-Garner, it's shauni.

I found ian.


-Takes your breath
away, doesn't it?

No heroics, please.

Just hand over the box.

Thank you.

Now, get inside.

[Fast-paced music]


-I'm okay, I'm okay.

Go on. Get that son of a--




-What are you doing here?

I thought you were
supposed to be on patrol?

-Ben relieved me.

Said it looked like I
could use a day off.

Whatcha got there?

-It's just something
somebody made for me.

-Oh, I like it.

It's cool.

-It's no big deal.

-Uh-huh, from ian?

Is that why you went
looking for him?

-I didn't want him to get hurt.

-Shauni, I know guys
hit on you all the time.

And I know you know
how to deal with it.

Better than I do,
as a matter of fact.

This isn't going
to bother me as

Long as you can
look me in the eye

And tell me you love me.

You do that, I'm fine.

-I love you.


-So, what do you
want to do tonight?

How about a play?

How about a movie?

Better yet,
let's go dancing.

Now, when was the last time
you were out on a dance floor?

-What do you say we
just turn in early?

-I can live with that.

[End theme plays]
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