02x08 - The Trophy: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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02x08 - The Trophy: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

-["I'm always here" playing]

♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge
of surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ Oh, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

-Hey, shauni.
Come on in.

-Hey, shauni.
What a piece of fruit?

-No, thank you, hobie.

-What's wrong?

-Eddie just got arrested.

-What happened?

-I don't know.
Um... [Sniffles]

Garner said that...

That a girl accused him
of statutory r*pe.

-I know what r*pe is, dad.

-Yeah, I know you do.
Just wait for me upstairs,
will ya?


I'm sure eddie didn't do
anything wrong.

-Come on and sit down.

-I can't believe
this is happening.

-Garner say anything about
the girl who filed
the complaint?



You know, yesterday,

I found a girl's bathing suit
in eddie's tower.

He said... [Exhales]

She asked him to let her
change in there...

The day before.

Somebody he pulled out of water.

-Was it a one-piece
bathing suit?
Black and gray.


The trophy hunter.

I knew it.

-Was she underage?

Seventeen at the most.

-She a regular out there?

-A new comer.

-Probably wanted to get noticed.

-Mitch, I warned him.

I told him what she was after,

And he told me
I was being jealous.

I knew it.

-We've got a sworn statement
from caroline larkin
that you got her drunk

And engaged in
sexual relations with her
in your lifeguard tower.

-She's lying, all right?
I didn't touch her!

-Why would she lie?

-She's bragging.

-Lifeguards are trophies.

-Eddie, did you know
she's 15 years old?


-Look, maybe you shouldn't
waive your right to
have an attorney present.

-I don't need one, garner.
I didn't do anything.

she swears you did!

Then it's her word against mine!

-That's right.
The word of a street punk,

Who was arrested twice
as a juvenile

For shop-lifting
and grand theft auto,

Violated probation.
The list goes on.

-Yeah, well, it's an old list.

-[Telephone ringing]

-[Clears throat]

Right. Thanks.

Eddie, mitch and the guys
have posted bail for you.
You're free to go.

-You'll be arraigned
within 48 hours, so don't make
any vacation plans.


Get a good lawyer.

-Eddie, I just want you to know
that as far as everybody here
is concerned,

You were set up.



According to
departmental regulations,

You gotta be suspended
pending the outcome
of an investigation.


I don't believe this.

You know something, mitch?

If a stranger's out there
drowning, everybody's on it.

Guard needs help,

Backup comes from land, sea,
and air, if he needs it.

But what if he
really needs it, huh?

I mean...

What if he's the one
who's really in trouble?
What's his backup then?


"You're on your own, pal.
Sink or swim."

Thanks a lot, mitch.

-You know what to say.
Say your story, that's all.


Why are you doing this...

-You stay away from my daughter.
-Don't lie! Tell him.

-Take it easy, huh?
-Mitch, she's lying.

I never touched her.
She's a liar!

-You're the one who's lying!

-Come here!
-I never touched you.
You know I never touched you.

-Brad, get him downstairs.

-Tell him.
-Go on.

-You're a liar.

-I want him arrested
for as*ault.

-You threw the first punch.
-[Shouts] no!
I want him...

-Calm down!
Come on now.

Come into my office.

-Did they say how long
you're gonna be suspended?

-Indefinitely, or until
something goes better for me,
which will never happen.

-Nobody thinks
you did it, eddie.

you pulled your hand
awfully quick

When you found out
what garner said, huh?

-That was a reflex. I'm sorry.
I wish I can take it back.

You know,

Something goes wrong, bust me.
Blame me for everything.

Isn't that right, shauni?

-Don't pull away
from me, please.
-What's the point?

-Huh? You're old man is gonna
stop you from seeing me
as soon as he finds out.

-I'm not gonna let him.

-Eddie, come on...
-You don't get it, do ya?

You don't get it.

It's the story of my life.
I don't know who the hell
is right in this damn thing,

But it ain't gonna be
a happy ending.

So, get out while you can.

-Don't leave, eddie.
Where are you going?

to find some place
where I can breathe!

-I'm at the end of my ramp.

-Turner, I don't know
what I'm supposed to do?

I'm not sure what you want.

-What I want?

How about a time machine?

-I wish I could
make one for you.

-You can't.

-Should we arm-wrestle?


You wouldn't see me,
so I came to see you.

Thought you might be
getting chilly,
so I brought you some tea.


Rob, this is eric turner.
Eric, this is rob carlton.

-Pleased to meet you.

-Hope you brought sweet'n low.

What? About three packs, right?

-Actually, I take it plain now.

-Amazing how things change.

-Would you like some?
It's chamomile.

-Uh, no, thanks.

I better go.

-Here, let me give you a hand.

-Get your hands off me!




mr. Buchannon?

Mr. Buchannon?

-Hospital announcer:
dr. Pritchett to emergency.

Dr. Pritchett to emergency.

-Dr. Ken.

How's he doing?

-Well, he's stable.

In fact, he's strong
considering what he's undergone.

-Can I see him?

But I wanna make you
aware first.

I just told eric his condition.

-Which is?

fragments of bone
have impinged his spinal chord.

He's paralyzed
from the waist down.



What about rehabilitation,
and, you know, physical therapy?

-No, I'm afraid that
the paralysis is irreversible.

-Oh, come on, doctor.
This guy is an athlete.

-I'm sorry.

I'm very sorry.

-Female nurse: hi.

-Hey, mitch.
It's good to see you.

Meg snuck this in for me.

Can't live without my music.


How're you feeling?

-Like racing.

But the doc says
I wont be able to
do it for a while.

-Dr. Ken?

yeah. Well...

He used the word "never,"
but, uh,

He doesn't know the heart
of a lifeguard like we do,
does he?

-Oh, he doesn't.


You better keep working out

'Cause I'm gonna beat you.

-Well, won't be the first time,
will it?

-Who won the overall?

-Sorry to tell you this.


all right!

-Uh, megan's downstairs,
and a whole bunch
of other people.

They're all dying to see you.

Are you up to that?
I mean, can I bring them up?

-Yeah. A victory party.

Let's do it.

Hey, mitch.

Do me a favor, mitch.

Get rid of that thing
for me, will ya?

-Got it.
It's outta here.


What're you doing here?

Pretty late, isn't it?

-I'm just hoping eddie shows up.

-Take it easy.

Eddie's not the first lifeguard
this has happened to.

I know.
I remember what happened
to craig.

-It also happened to me.

Quite a few years ago.

-What happened?

-It was summer, '63.

Beach boy music.

Little surfer girls
running all over the place.


Three girls made a bet

On who was gonna
win my affection.

At the end of summer,

They all claimed victory.

-So what did you do?

-I got them all together.

I confronted them.

And the truth won out.

Like it always does.

That's why eddie's
gonna be all right.
He's gonna get through it.

-I know.
It just hurts that he wants to
get through it by himself.


He wants to get through it
with you.

He just needs more time.

-You really think so?

-I know so.

All right.
Now, you go on home.

'Cause if eddie calls
or shows up here,

I'm gonna hogtie him,
and then I'm gonna call you.
Go on.

-Thank you.
You're the best.

-Male: so as soon as the wind
switches on shore,
we're out there.

-All right.
-Take off from right over there,
then we're gone.

-That sounds good.


Then we'll grab the surf
after we eat,
if there's any waves.

-Hey, guys.

What's the problem, huh?

How come you're sitting around
on your butts?

What, it's a little too
blown out for you?

-Nah, it's not flyable
in this wind.

Smash you right
into the rocks, man.

-Only if you give into it.

Let me use your rig.


-Come on, I'll show you
how to have the flight
of your life, man.

Come on.
It'll be an adrenaline rush
that'll make you pop.

-Sure. Why not?


-[Radio chatter]

-[Upbeat music playing]

♪ When I've got you next to me
cant help this feeling ♪

♪ Is this real or fantasy

♪ You may be out of my league
I'm barely breathing ♪

♪ Your everything I need ♪

♪ Ooh ooooh
ooh ooh yeah ♪

♪ Ooh ooh
don't wake me up ♪

♪ Ooh ooooh
ooh ooh yeah ♪

♪ Ooh ooooh

♪ This is what dream are made of ♪

4♪ Running to you and I can't get enough ♪

♪ Ooh
this is what dreams are made of ♪

♪ Hot rush ready to fall in love ♪

♪ Ooh ooh
don't wake me up ♪

♪ Ooh ooh
don't wake me up ♪

♪ You got me on my knees
your love is healing ♪

♪ You know you hold the key baby

♪ Love how your hanging on me
kisses your steeling ♪

♪ You're crash in like the sea baby

♪ Ooh ooooh
ooh ooh yeah ♪

♪ Ooh ooh no
don't wake me up no ♪

♪ Ooh ooooh
ooh ooh yeah ♪

♪ Ooh ooooh

♪ Ooh
this is what dreams are made of ♪

♪ Running to you I can't get enough

♪ Ooh
this is what dreams are made of ♪

♪ Hot rush ready to fall in love ♪

♪ Ooh ooh
don't wake me up ♪

♪ Ooh ooh
don't wake me up ♪

-Flying on a day like today,
you'll think you died
and went to heaven.

-Oh, my god!

Yeah. Patch me through
to mitch, and hurry.

Those are odious winds, man.
What're you trying to prove?

-That you don't need legs
if you got wings.

-Are you sure
you're ready for this?

-You bet.

-All right, man.
Here we go.

-Adios, amigo!

-[Dramatic music playing]

-[Sirens blaring]

-How could you let him go?

-Hey, the dude's a pro.

-The dude's out of his mind!

Damn it!

I need your glider.

-[Dramatic music playing]




-Is he okay?

-He's okay.

Hey. [Shouts]
hey! Hey!


-No luck, huh?

-I have been driving around
all night, mitch.

I'm worried about him.
I mean, you know how he gets.


-Do you know
where that girl works?

-Yeah. She works at
the boathouse restaurant
on the pier.

I know you're worried
about eddie.

He'll be all right.

Where else is he gonna go?

♪ It's another day in this life

♪ Where do you begin?

♪ So many faces, so many places

♪ There's a fire deep within

♪ Nothing's like it used to be anymore

♪ Woah

♪ And time waits for no one

♪ Stand up, you gotta put up a fight

♪ Stand up and let the flames ignite

♪ Stand up cuz it's your time

♪ You've come so far

♪ It's who you are

♪ Stand up

♪ You,ve gotta put up a fight

-Turner, look at me.

Look at me!

-No, you look at me.

Nobody looks at me.

They look at me
and see something else.
They don't see who I am!

I'm just afraid
of becoming what people see.

-Well, I don't buy that.

You know what I see?

That you're trying
to prove something.

You don't have to prove
anything to me, turner.

-Do you have any idea?

When I came back,

I didn't expect you
to still be in love with me.

But then I saw you, and...

And all the memories started...

Coming back, and...

Suddenly I felt like maybe
things could be like they were.

-When you got hurt,

All I could think about was you.

What could I do for you?

I would've sacrificed everything
to be there for you.

But you totally shut me out.

-I just didn't wanna
put you through my pain.

-Don't you think
that should've been my decision?

-No, it had to be mine!

Like it's my decision to go back
to san diego tomorrow.

-But the job,
it'll be good for you...

I can't handle a job, meg!

-Yes, you can!

-No, I can't!
Don't do this to me!

-I'll still be here
for you, turner.

Anytime you need a friend.

-And what if I need
more than a friend?

-I don't know, turner.

I just don't know.

your move.

-It's my buddy!

-Oh, I am your friend.

-A real friend wouldn't have
turned his back on me.

-Eddie, people are
looking for you, you know?


-Tell 'em you found me
and I'm doing just fine.

-You know, you must've been
real good at track at school.

-And what the hell's
that supposed to mean?

-You're always running.

-Mitch, I didn't deserve
what happened to me, okay?

-Oh, give me a break!

Who deserves anything?

Do you think turner deserved
what happened to him?

At least you can run.

-Well, I guess I'm lucky.

You're blessed.

You got someone in this world
who really cares about you.

Don't blow it with her.

-Hey, mitch.

-You know where she is?

-Yeah. She's headed
towards the pier.


My name's shauni.
Your boss said
you were out here.

-Your eddie's girlfriend.

-Have you seen him?

-Not since yesterday.

-Well, I think that
you and I need to talk.

-Well, look,
my dad's gonna be here
any minute.

-Well, that doesn't give us
much time then, does it?

-Please just leave me alone.

-Caroline, look.
I know how hard it is
to be the new girl on the beach.

And believe me,
I know how important it is
to be accepted.

Sooner or later,
you're gonna have to
tell the truth.

Because the longer
you put it off,

The more people
you're gonna hurt.

all you want is to get
your boyfriend off the hook.

You don't care about me.

-It's not true.
I do care.

nobody does.

-Caroline, come on.

-My father thinks I'm a whore.

-Listen, if you just
tell the truth,
then he won't.

-And everyone will know
I'm nothing.

I'm nothing!
I'm nothing!

-Caroline, don't!

-[Dramatic music playing]

-Get off her!
I said leave her alone!

Leave her alone.
-[Shauni shouts]
stop it!

Stop it!
He's trying to save her!

Stop it!
You daughter just
jumped off the pier.


-Maybe because
she couldn't lie anymore.

-Give me your jacket.

-I'm sorry I lied.

I didn't mean to get you
in so much trouble.

-I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I had no idea.

-Mitch, you ever just
wanna get on a boat
and just sail away?

-You know,
I should've let you drown.

I wouldn't have to listen
to all this nonsense.

-Oh, what?
what, are you angry with me?

You angry with me?

You mad at me?
Go ahead, hit me.

Hit me.
Go ahead, hit me!


'Cause I know you won't
hit me back 'cause
I'm in this chair.

-I'll knock you
right on your ass.

What's the matter?

You afraid that when I hit you,

You won't be able to use
your chair as an excuse anymore?

Go ahead, man!

-You think you know everything,
don't you?

Don't you?

-All right!

You say you love the water,

Then why don't you take
the job, man?

Be a swim coach.

-[Both struggling]

-Knock it off!

Knock it off!

Now, shut up and listen to me!

You got an opportunity
to inspire kids!

You can teach them, man!

You can teach them.
No obstacle is too big
to overcome.

You can make a difference
in their lives.

Turner, you've got more courage
than any man I've ever met.

Will you just use it?

-You could always do this to me,
couldn't you, mitch?

It's because I love you, man.

I love you like a brother.

-Hey, mitch.


-I'm starting to feel
pretty silly here.

People are looking at us.

Come on.
I'll race you till
the end of the pier.

-Listen, what do you say
we, uh, grab something to eat?
Go down to the palisades.

-I'd love it.

Let's take a walk
on the beach first
and watch the sunset.


-Can I come up?

Please, just for a minute.


-I just came to say goodbye.

-I'm moving back to ohio.

-I hope you'll be happy there.

-Me too.

Eddie. [Sighs]

I can't tell you how sorry I am
about what I did to you.

I never meant for it
to get so out of hand.

I really didn't.

-Good luck in ohio.

-Do you forgive me?

-He does.

It's just hard to say.

-Well, I can't blame you
for hating me.

Well, thanks, you know,
for not letting me drown.



[Sighs deeply]
look, I know that you...

You didn't mean for things
to happen the way they did.

But you didn't have to do
something so stupid
just to join a clique.

And, hey,

Nothing's worth
k*lling yourself for.

You understand?

-My dad said that I can go
see someone.

I guess a psychologist
or something.

He'd come with me, so...



Take care of yourself now.

-Tell shauni she's lucky.

-[Clears throat]

She said you were lucky.

-I am.

-I'm the one that's lucky.

-["Current of love" playing]
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