02x01 - The One That Got Away

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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02x01 - The One That Got Away

Post by bunniefuu »

[Beginning theme plays]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's going to be all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always
I'm always here ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always
I'm always here ♪

-Good afternoon, this is
los angeles county
lifeguard service

With your midday beach report.

Presently, the air is 88
degrees, water is 72 degrees,

Wind out of the west
at ten miles an hour,

Visibility is eight miles.

We have a south swell of three
to six feet and great shape,

And now for the stu report.

All seats are in an upright
position for take off,

Visibility is unlimited
here in the friendly thighs.

Oh, who's this coming in
on the next runway?

Lufthansa, the bikinis
are full and rising

With swells of 36 to 38
inches and great shape.

[Speaking german]

Hey, I'm harvey. Fly me!

Alitalia has some extremely
long legs down by the surf line,

Thongs very much.

[Speaking foreign language]

[Speaking foreign language]
know what I'm saying?

-No, harvey, I don't know
what you're saying,

But I'm sure it's
disgusting. Bye.

-[Men shouting]

-Whoa, it is a beautiful
day for flying,

And air france is
flying in formation

Getting ready to touch down.

Air france flying 36, 24, 36
this is harvey tower come in.

Flaps are up, gear is down,
a perfect three-point landing.

I give them a ten on
the harvey scale. My, my my, my.

[Speaking french]

-[Speaking french]

-Harvey, you better learn
some new languages.

These aren't working for you.

-All right, gentleman,
enough! Stop it! Knock it off!


-Take them from the inside.

-Are you all right?
-Yeah, I'm all right.

-Why don't you
wait over there?

Are you all right?

-What is wrong
with these people?

Can't they just come to
the beach for fun anymore?

-You were great out there,
you know?

You kind of remind me
of a little boom boom mancini
bobbing and weaving.

-They wanted
to drown each other, you know?

I should've just let 'em.

-So, are you all right?
Does this hurt?

-Yes, it hurts.

-Let's call garner and
just have them arrested.

Hey, megan.


What happened to you?

-Oh, two jerks fighting
over a plot of sand.

They got the whole
beach and they

Both have to have the same spot.

-It's gotten
crazy out there, huh?

-How's this
water project coming?


Tide pool seems to be thriving.

I think the polluters are
finally getting the message.

Contaminate levels are way down.

-Well, that figures.
Now that the water is safe,

The beach is
hazardous to your health.

-All right, kids on the
mats stretch those muscles.

-I heard your stu report
this morning, harvey.

-I was just
entertaining the troops,
you know?

Bob hope on the beach.

-You know how bob hope's
nose got that way, don't you?

-All right.

That's enough.

Let's rotate and work on
defending att*cks from the rear.

-Why don't you
just be yourself and

Stop with the
comedy routine, huh?

-Yeah, well that's easy
for you to say.

I mean, you're the
brooding james dean type.

Women just naturally
want to pull you

To their breast and nurture you.

Hey, brooke, I haven't
offended you lately, have i?

-34 To 38 inch swells?

-Yeah, well, you can never be
too precise about
the size of waves.



Remember, the police will
respond to your calls
for back up,

But you people are the
first lines of defense.

Ready. Go.

-Come on. Let's do it.

Come on. Let's go.

Eddy, we are lifeguards, not
cops on the beach, okay?

-Shauni, look,
what would you have done

If one of those creeps
grabbed you like this, huh?

-I'd have waited for you,

-No, I'm serious.

What if before I got there,
he grabbed you like this

And he pulled you to
the sand like this, huh?

I'm serious, shauni. Huh?

What if he had a razor,

And he was coming at you?

It's not that
I can't do it, eddie.

It's that I don't
want to have to do it.

-Whoa. Hey, wait minute.

-Well, I'm glad to see you've
got things well under control.

-It's not fun anymore.

-We work here, shauni.
It's our jobs.

It's not always going to be fun.

-I know.

I just would really like to
lay on the sand

With a pair of headphones and
listen to some music,
maybe read a book.

Not always have to worry about
watching the water

And break up fights in it,
you know? And check the
parking lot for weirdos.

-I know what you mean.
-No, you don't.

-Yes, I do.

-No, you don't.

Eddy, look, you love the action.

I mean, the more dangerous
the beach is that mitch assigns
you to,

The better you like it.

-I get bored otherwise.
-I know.

I mean and that's great.
That's okay for you,

But I miss playing volleyball,
you know?

And tossing a frisbee, maybe
even building a sandcastle.


God, do you know how long
it's been since I built one?

-Do you want to
build a sandcastle?

Come on, let's build
a sand-- come on!
-No. [Groans]

Get a big old castle going.

There, and have
a little thing on top, huh?

Now I'll start building a moat.

Are you going to
help me out or wha--

What'd you do that for?

-'Cause I felt like crushing
a sandcastle instead.

-Hey, get off the rocks.

Get off the rocks.

I'm a lifeguard.

Read the sign.

Get off the rock.


You stop thrashing or
I'll gut you like a fish.

-You don't
have to hurt me.

I'll corporate.

-Well, you ain't got no choice.

You got away from me yesterday,

And I hate when I loose catch.

-I'm a person not a--

-You're still glorified bait.

Rich men with their money
and their fa--


Hi. You okay?

Yeah. I just took an
extra long workout.

-Wait a minute.
How'd you get those bruises?

-I had some
trouble near the rocks.

-What kind of trouble?

-Why are you asking
me all these questions?

I'm sorry.

I'm fine, okay?
Don't worry about me.


[Rock song plays]

♪ Now there you go again

♪ Doin' me wrong

♪ Trying to impress your friends

♪ Well just move along

♪ You know you're driving me crazy

♪ With all this foolin' around

♪ You say it's all just playin'

♪ But now it's all comin' down ♪

♪ You better shape up

♪ No more messing around

♪ You know you better shape up

♪ Well here we are again

♪ I'm chasin' you down

♪ You don't want to play by the rules

♪ You don't know how

♪ You know you're driving me crazy

♪ With all this fooling' around

♪ You say it's all just playin' ♪

♪ But now it's all comin' down ♪

♪ You better shape up

♪ No more messing around

♪ You know you better shape up

♪ It's time to turn this around

♪ You better shape up

♪ No more messing around

♪ You know you better shape up

♪ It's time to turn this around

-Hi, I'm derrick.

No, it's got to be real.

I'm harvey, harv,

Would you like to
go out and grab

A burger with me sometime maybe?

I'm an international spy
posing as a lifeguard.

This is a matter
of life and death.

I need your help.

Hello. Hi. Hi. Excuse me.

Could you slow down
for just a second, here?

Thank you.

-Well, am I getting
a speeding ticket?

-Hey, you speak english.

-Better than you speak french.


Well, if you have anything
else to say, I've got to run.

-Hey, my name's harvey.

Can I take you out for a burger?

-I'm a vegetarian.

-Hey, I like salads too.

-You won't get a
way from me twice.

You're not the same one.

-I'm telling you,
something's wrong.

I've never seen megan
act this way before.

-Yes, tell me about it.

Shauni's been pretty
stressed out lately.

-You know,

I got enough recurrences
to handle his weekend.

Why don't you take her
on a busman's holiday?

-A what?

-You know,
a busman's holiday.

Take her to a nice hotel on
the beach, just the two of you,

Lots of fun no responsibilities.

Trust me. It'll work wonders.

-Yes, well it sounds great,

But you know
I can't afford that.

-Just a suggestion.

Hey, are you okay?

You okay?
What happened?

Hey, it's all right.

It's all right. It's okay.

-I was talking to her one
minute before it happened.

I was a hundred yards
away and I missed it.

-You can't stop
everything before it happens.

-Mitch, what did garner say?

-He said he'd like
for us to bring her to

The police station as
soon as she's up to it.

I'd like to drive her,
if that's okay?

-I think you should.

-How is she?

-She's battered and scared.

-You think she's up to
giving the police a statement?

still really upset.

She said she wanted to see you.




I don't know.
Why don't you find out?

I mean he was a surf fisherman.

Can you believe that?

-Was she able to describe him?

-Yeah, about five-ten, 170.

He was wearing a baseball
cap and mirrored glasses.

Mitch, I run by guys
like that all the time.

I mean this could've
happened to any one of us,

To megan, brooke, me.

Just be careful. From now on,
no workouts alone.

-She said that he held
a gutting knife to her stomach,

And he told her, "you won't
get a way from me twice."


And then he looked at
her and he said,

"You're not the same one,"
and he let her go.

-Not the same one.

-I mean what
does that mean?

-I should have
encouraged you to run with me,

So I wouldn't have been
alone when--

So, why did you run away?

-I know your reputation.

You come on to every
international stewardess

In their native tongues.

Then make a joke out of it,

So you won't be so hurt
when you're rejected.

-What are
you, a psychologist?

-A stewardess it
requires the same skills.

Harvey, if you want me to report
what happened to the police...

-Okay. I'll take you.

We'll catch this guy.

-I have a
flight in two hours.

I already told the other
lifeguard what happened.

I just want to
leave this place.

Please, take me back to my
apartment so I can pack.

-On one condition...

That you promise to see me
on your next lay over.

-I'd like that.

-And you go with
me to see the police.

-On one condition,
that you make me
laugh afterwards.

-It's a deal.

Hey, let's go.

Let's get something to eat.

Let's go to the hut.

-I can't.

I got to go home.

My parents are leaving
for the weekend.

-The whole weekend?

-Yeah. They bought a
new condo in palm springs.

-Well, that's fantastic.
I'll come over.

We'll have a nice
weekend together,

And I won't feel like
a social outcast.

-What, what is it?
-You can't come over.

-Why? You said they
were going to be gone.

-I promised
them that you wouldn't.

-Wait a minute. Let me get
something straight here.

Your parents made
it a point to make

Sure that I wouldn't come over?

-I'm sorry.

Eddy, look, as long as
I live in their house,

I got to live by their rules.

-Then move out.
-It's not that simple.

Look I am in a lousy mood,
and I'm tired.

I want to go home, and I want
to get some sleep, okay?

I'll call you.


-Mitch? Is that you

John? Who's there?

-Yeah, I'm coming.


-No, not yet.

-You were att*cked on the beach
yesterday, weren't you?

Was he a fisherman?

-How did you know?

Because he att*cked
a girl who looked

A little like you,
too, yesterday.

-Please no.

-It's okay.
She got away.

-Thank god.

Maybe because it wasn't you.

-It's because I got away
at least I thought I did.

-Why didn't you report it?

-Would you
believe that reporting

It terrified me almost as much.

Do you know what it's like
to report a r*pe, mitch?

-Well, I do.

After I got away from him
when I was treading water,

It triggered some old feelings,

And I was afraid that
if I reported it

The way I did once before
the feelings would come back.

-Oh, god, megan,
I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. I didn't know.

-I'm sorry.

If I'd report it,

Maybe that other girl
wouldn't have been att*cked.

-All right.

Now, we'll just take this thing

From the beginning
one step at a time.

I'll put on some coffee, huh?

Don't worry.
We'll nail this guy.

-Good morning.

Don't stop.

-Don't you want to
get an early start?


-Big day a head of us.

We're going to
have lots of fun.

-This is fun.

-You're so beautiful.

-I'm so happy
you got this boat.

I just can't believe
you got it for free.

-Well, I told the
broker I might buy it,

But I had to test it
out first to make sure

I can handle living in
such tight quarters.

-And can you?

-Buy it?

What, are you kidding me?

-Handle living in
such tight quarters?

-As long as you're with
me the tighter the better.

-I love you, eddie.

-And I love you too.

-He had the mirrored
sunglasses on all the time.

You never saw his eyes?

No, but I know exactly what
I look like when I'm scared.

-You don't have to
be scared anymore.

-That's what we say to

Victims to make
them feel better.

-I know but
it's the truth.

-Boy, if he takes off
that hat and those glasses,

He's going to be
mighty hard to find.

-I scratched him.


-His cheek, his left cheek.

-Megan, tell
him about the knife.

-He had a gutting blade.

-Can you describe it?

-In my sleep,

Bone like antler about
five inches long.

-Good. Good.
That'll help.

You give me a couple
hundred copies of that sketch,

I'll have it posted in
all the towers and piers.

That could drive him away.

We have to catch him.

-Megan, look,
I understand how you feel,

But this is a police matter now.

I don't want any lifeguards

Running around
playing magnum pi.

I'm not going to be
his prey anymore.


-It's time for me
to do some fishing,

And I know exactly
what to use for bait.

[Romantic song plays]

♪ All through the years

♪ I hear your voice calling

♪ All of the fears

♪ That lie in the dark, keep falling ♪

♪ Into my dreams, you will be

♪ What does it mean, to love

♪ Life is much more to me somehow

♪ When you're everything I need

♪ All of the tears

♪ Will disappear this evening

♪ I will be near

♪ If you should call to free me ♪

♪ Into your dreams

♪ I will be

♪ Sharing the meaning of love

♪ Life is much more to me somehow ♪

♪ When you're everything I need

-Nothing so far.

-Let me know if any
of them leave the pier, okay?

I think it's our man.

He just went into the
women's side of the restroom.

-I'm on it.

Stay here.

Anybody in there with him?
-I didn't see anybody.

-Could be.

Freeze! Hands in the air.

Up again the wall.

-Turn around.
Come on, spread them.

-You fight this, and
this line will cut you up.

It'll cut your throat.

-Look, I just came in here
because the men's room
was dirty.

-Chill! Let me see some id.

-I'll check in on megan.

-This is good.

Tell me what it feels like.

Huh? What does it feel like?

Come on.
Come on.

Tell me what it feels like?

-I don't know what you mean.

-You tell me what
it feels like to be caught?

-Please, no.

You tell me.

This is the moment I live for.
When I can feel a fish make

It's last desperate attempt at
life, we're connected, and I can

Feel it struggle. And I can
feel it when it surrenders.

-I'll never
surrender to you.

You'll have to k*ll me.

-Do you
know why I wear this?

So that you can see yourself
the same way I see you.

-I want to see you,
your eyes.

-It doesn't
matter what you want.

I'm under the pier.

I need back up now.

-Have you ever
heard the sound a whale

Makes when it's been harpooned?

It sounds like women screaming.

-You can k*ll me, but
I won't scream for you.

-You'll scream.

-Please don't
make me watch.

Please take off your glasses.

-Still you
think you can fight back.


I guess it's time now
just to cut the fight out of--

-How does feel, huh?

How does it feel
to get caught, huh?

How does it feel on the
end of my line?

Tell me.

-Stop. Megan. Megan.

Garner, over here!

Get rid of this guy.

If he gives you any trouble,
drown him.

-I got you.

-It's okay.
It's okay.

It's okay.

It's all over.

It's all over.

[Ending theme plays]
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