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05x12 - Keys to Heaven

Posted: 01/09/22 13:49
by bunniefuu
Previously on SEAL Team...

I'm sorry about Leanne and Hannah.

You're part of the reason
that Hannah left.

If you're flailing around
looking for somebody to blame,

why don't you check
the f*cking mirror for once?

You think this nuclear program
is already up and running?

There's more at stake down here
than any of us imagined.

Might have to hit the pause
button on our project

- while I'm gone.
- At least you can have some time to decide

if the side hustle is a passion project

or a distraction from problems at work.

Your head is not right,

- and it hasn't been for months.
- You want

to know what's f*cking
dangerous? Threatening

the team leader. f*ckin' warning.

CLAY: This how we operate

- the rest of the trip?
- Doesn't feel good

going behind his back, but
I don't see we have any other

option for protecting it.

♪ Yeah! ♪


JASON: You got to be kidding me, man.

Two weeks, and you're still
shit at this game, Sonny.

(LAUGHING) You can't
get in my head, man.

There's nothing but space in your head.

You really must get sick and tired of me

beating you like a rented mule.

You're out of your damn mind.
I beat you Tuesday,

- I beat you Wednesday.
- Uh-uh. What?

- What day is it now?
- Well, we've been sitting

on our asses for, what,
days now, Davis?

Yeah, days.

Look, now that we know
the dead Colectivos were exposed

to uranium- , I am just
waiting on intel from Smith

so I can figure out where the
Venezuelans are enriching it.

Tell you, why don't you
just play me this game

so my greatness will rub off on
you, and we'll get some answers?

I don't want to embarrass you,
but those two... they could

probably use a break from rearranging

- the fire-watch schedule.
- What? The Bobbsey Twins?

Yeah, they need to get the stick

out of their asses, if you ask me.

Oh. Yee-haw. I win.

The whole point of the game is
to get the rock in the hole,

not blow it up, Sonny.

Well, what's the fun of that?


Hey, you know what I've noticed?

All of my shifts,
either on watch or leave,

now line up with one of you two.

You want to explain that?

Just managing the workload, brother.

Bullshit. Both of you are looking

for ways to look over
my shoulder, isn't that it?

- It's not like that.
- It's not like that?

If you don't think I can lead this team,

you tell it to my face
right now, Ray. Go ahead.

Tell it to my face.

- Straight up.

What? He get in your ear,
you listen to him?

- We're just watching your back.
- Yeah.

While sharpening your knives.

After everything we've been through,

you trust that little shit more than me?

Jace, look, man, it's k*lling me
to say this, but...

you're compromised, man, and
you're putting the team at risk.

Because this guy here...
he's still bitching

about the probe in North Korea?

- No.
- No?

Because you brought that
building down on us in Mali.

Did not. Bullshit.

Enemy did that, and you know that.

You and I found an EOD hazard
when we were clearing.

Told me to mark it,
and then you forgot, right?

You had the GIGN just
set a charge right on it.

Just want what's best for you
and for the team, brother.

I'm what's best for this team.
I'm what's best for this team!

What, are you gonna go to Command?

- No.
- It's obvious to me

that loyalty and brotherhood
are just words to you.

You're both a disgrace
to the Trident. Both of you.

♪ ♪

Hey, how about, uh, how 'bout
you and I go check out

the diving in Santa Marta
when Brock gets back?

I was supposed to link up with
Jason to blow off some steam,

but his, uh, watch schedule
was conveniently swapped.

Means that you and I get
to hit the reset button

and hang, like old times.

Yeah, look, man, I know you
think you're a great substitute

for Bravo , but you ain't.

Think I'm gonna go in search of, uh,

Pablo's hippos.

Where's Sonny off to?

I don't know, but it's nowhere good.

Yeah, well, we got bigger fish to fry.

We need to try and talk to Jason again.

The Omega has proven
that I can divide the team,

not hold it together.

It's gonna be on you
to show Jason the light.

Coming to Colombia thinking
I could keep an eye on everyone,

over being with my son.

Must be out of my g*dd*mn mind.

You made that decision,
as hard as it was, for Jason.

So don't abandon him now.

Abandon him?

Well, best-case scenario,
he boots me off Bravo.

Worst case, he's got me sleeping
with one eye open.

Man thinks he's losing the job
he loves most. He...

He's terrified.

A wounded animal is the most dangerous.

Yeah, especially to himself.

Which is why we have
to make him understand

that we're on his side.

Outside the wire and in.

Jace... what are you doing?

Hey, we're here to work
this problem with you, boss.

years of combat,

and all the ways I could've gone out.

Command taking my bird is
the worst way it could end.

Jason, no one's going
to Command, all right?

So put the g*n down and let's talk.

You know, the doctor in Germany,

the f*cking doctor in Germany
told me I was at risk for TBI.

Wanted to run more tests.

- More f*cking tests.
- Well, did you?

You know, I knew the combat
was catching up to me.

You know, I felt it.

I had memory loss,
I forgot things, it got spotty.

Putting all of Bravo...

in the hospital and...

when I am supposed to be
leading my brothers, right?

Supposed to be leading my brothers,

protecting my brothers.

Brotherhood, loyalty... it...

it means the rest of us
step up to support you.

All the shit that I have seen in w*r,

one thing that scares me the most

is becoming as broken as Swanny.

That's what scares me the most.

CLAY: Science moves fast.

There's a breakthrough
around the corner.

Swanny hadn't given up, he could
be in a study right now.

There's a lot of promising
options out there, man.

There's gene therapies, psychedelics,

magnetic e-resonance,
hydrogels. I mean, there...

I did not sign up to become a lab rat.

- You understand?
- Jace,

let us have your back
for the rest of the Omega,

all right, the way
you've always had ours.

When we're home, I'll help you
find a way forward.

Hey, never out of the fight.

Propped up and pitied.
Propped up and f*cking pitied

by the guys that I'm supposed to lead.

You give me no choice.

I'm going out on my shield on my terms.





I told you to leave me alone.

(SIGHS) Last night was a rough one, huh?


Yeah, well, acknowledging

you have a problem
is the hardest step, believe me.

Shut up.

And you did that, man.

Now we just got to figure out
what to do about it.


Already told you what
I'm doing next, Ray, all right?

Going out on your shield, man...
that-that was the shock talking.

Look, I wrote a letter
to Mikey and Emma.

Left it in the cages.
Make sure they get it, okay?

You-you wrote a letter
before we came out here?

You didn't think you'd make it
off the b*ttlefield?

(LAUGHS) You expect me to do nothing

after what you did for me?

I expect you to shut the f*ck up
and get the f*ck out of here.

Well, you know what, Jace?

That's the one thing that I can't do.

You are my brother, Jason.

There's no man left behind.

PTS is treatable, man,
and I'm really glad

that you're on that path,
and you-you've done that,

but I'm telling you,

I got to get out...

before I get worse. You understand?

Let's take a drive, hmm?

Change of scenery.

Let's get you a breakfast burrito.

You love breakfast burritos.

You're not gonna
leave me alone, are you?

No, I am not.

If I go,

do not talk to me, you understand me?

My head cannot take it.

Won't say a word.

SMITH: Bet you didn't expect such a haul

when you requested these files, Davis.


Couple more out there.

What is all this?

Hard copy of truck routes out of ports

in Venezuela over the past six months.

My plan is to cross-reference
the delivery manifests

with the Colectivos' GPS data,
look for any materials

that could be used
in nuclear enrichment.

You couldn't farm this out
to someone back at Langley?

Well, I came here to prove myself.

Delegating hunches doesn't seem right.

I don't know if my being here's
even been worth it, but...

How you holding up?

I'm having my doubts, too.

Hey, do you have any idea
where Sonny went?

He mostly communicates to me
with dirty looks lately, so...

Why? You worried about him?

Yeah, I, um... I've seen him
in some pretty dark places.

Just something feels
different this time.

Okay, now I'm worried about him.

- What are you doing?
- Pinging his phone.

He's in Dibulla. It's-it's a rough area.

It's totally off-limits.

CLAY: I'm gonna go check up on him

and make sure
he's staying under the radar.

He's lucky to have a friend like you.

They all are.

You better be stopped

because that burrito's
working through you.

Fresh air'll be good for you. Come on.

f*cking kidding me.


How are you today?

All right. I, uh, was wondering

if you could help us find Marc Lee.

You're looking at him.
You must be Rick and Joe.

What the hell's going on?

This guy's expecting us?

Yeah, well, I read about Marc

when I started working on my PTS.

He's a former Ranger, had a TBI,

made worse with post-traumatic stress.

He found a way through. I figured

- his story could help you.
- All right, okay.

Point this guy back to Woodstock

and let's get the f*ck out of here.

Hey. I'm trying to find you
some hope, man.

Hope? Okay. You have a nice day.

I'd like to wish you the same,
but your friend told me

a little about you, and I can't imagine

you envision many nice days ahead.

What, you're just gonna advertise

what's going on with me on
Stars and Stripes? Is that it?

Yeah. Yeah, I remember
that paranoid feeling.

Living with my parents.

Fired from my second job, eight
months after getting discharged.

I couldn't stand to think
about them taking care

of their grown-ass son,

so I took matters into my own hands.

Yeah, well, suck-starting a p*stol's

got a better batting average, buddy.

Well, I didn't want my family to see

what we've all seen on the b*ttlefield.

I thought this would be easier for 'em.

My dad found me before it was too late.

I'm happy to tell you about my journey.


You know, there are records
of warriors complaining

about slurred speech,

inability to concentrate, depression

as far back as , years ago
in Mesopotamia.

All right, look, I'm not really

into this whole
, -year-old history lesson,

so, let's go.

Short version... w*r f*cked up my brain.

I tried a few things to unfuck it up.

I had the most success with this.


It's huachuma cactus,

more commonly known by the name

of the first Europeans
who tried it gave it...

San Pedro, after St. Peter.

- St. Peter holds the keys to heaven.
- That's right.

Those who drink San Pedro reach
some sort of... enlightenment.

Dissolving your ego
to confront fear has a way

- of balancing you.
- Hmm. So you're saying

the solution to your problems
is drinking some cactus plant

that makes you shit yourself?

Yeah, you're thinking about ayahuasca,

but the principle is the same.

Psychedelic dr*gs work
by rewiring neural pathways.

Friend of ours mentioned research

into psychedelics as treatment for TBI.

Right. Evidence shows

that psychedelics decrease

and increase neuroplasticity.

Could you explain that in English, bud?

The rewiring...

it allows the brain
to bypass scarred tissue and...

rebuild itself.

It's wild, man, and it works.

Former athletes have started
companies to work this problem.

Hell, DARPA's spending $ million

to develop synthetics
with all the benefits

and none of the hallucinations

to treat vets with neuropsych issues.

RAY: The science is coming. I mean,

be a damn shame if you gave up
before it got here.

If this stuff didn't work,

no way I'd be here.

I'm in.

- Give me the San Pedro. Mix it up.
- Whoa, no. Hold on, wait.

Go talk to the plant lady,
get it going, bud.

I brought you here for answers,

all right, some hope, not to get high.

Scientists are still
figuring this stuff out.

One dose is not gonna magically fix you.

We'll wait till we get back home,

we'll find some treatments
that you're interested in,

- find a doctor away from Command.
- No.

I go back home, I'm not
gonna have this option,

you understand? We're in an Omega op.

Omega is not a blank check.
If Command was

- to ever find out about this...
- You gonna tell Command?

If Swanny wanted
to do something like this,

would you say "no"?





Say hello to my little Blondie! (LAUGHS)


You have any idea
how many lines you've crossed?

Well, the only lines

I'm concerned about
are these tasty white ones.


Hey, where did you get all this shit?

Took it off the Hilajos.

- Who are "the Hilajos"?
- Hilajos.

Local gangbangers... Hijos del Diablo.

Sons of the Devil.

Yeah, that's appropriate, actually,

'cause they actually got the red ass

when I stole their cocaine
and their señorita.

- You come here, little lady.

SONNY: Mm. Yeah.

They was getting wild
at the club where I dance,

and El Jefe here knocked them
out and took their stuff.

I did, yeah, and I figured,
well, I got your party favors,

so let's go have a party! (WHOOPING)

Yeah, well, party's over. Sorry.

- Oh, come on, man.
- Party's over.

Hey, everyone get out.
Get out now. Get the f*ck out!


(SPEAKING SPANISH) Let's go. Let's go.

Everybody out. We got to go.
Party's over.

- My hermano is el funo policia.
- Mmm.

- Oh, that's right.
- Adios, papi.

- Te amo mucho.
- Let's go.


You have just compromised
this entire operation.

No, I haven't.

- You haven't?
- Oh, that is strong.

- Really?
- No, I haven't because...

I actually paid for this
in Colombian cash,

and it's not traceable,
and if you noticed,

there's no security
cameras in this hotel.

That is a shit ton of coke and cash.

- Yeah, these dudes are gonna want it back.

Yeah, well, no, no. The shit
grows on trees down here.

They're not gonna miss it, okay?

And the gangbangers...

they are all hat and no cattle, okay?

They're just a bunch of local punks.

They're definitely not cartel.
But I tell you what.

I have a great idea, okay? (SNIFFLES)

What do you say, you and I...
we fire back up this fiesta?

You're too strung out
to go back to the team.

- You need to sleep it off.
- No, no.

Lay your ass down and sleep it off.

Take a nap, buddy. Take a nap.


- Think it's kicked in yet?
- Yeah.

Another way this isn't like ayahuasca...

he can manage the journey alone.

In case you'd rather try it
than keep watch.

Oh. No, I think he needs me more

than I need my mind bent right now.

You're a helper.

Well, I haven't felt
like much of one lately,

but it's how I was raised.

My dad left pretty big shoes to fill.

Tell me about him.

Um, he was a firefighter.

Died on / .

My fault he was working that shift.

Sounds to me like, because of you,

he was in a position to help
a lot of people that morning.

Never thought of it like that.

I mean, beating yourself up is natural,

but maybe consider all the people

who lived to see another day

because your dad got them to safety.




MALE VOICE: Hayes! The hell is
taking so long with those beers?



Cujo? What the f*ck, man?

You guys couldn't find
a more flattering picture?

- I've, uh...
- Look at this.

- Uh...

Yeah, well, I could've...
could find a new one, but I...

I don't know if it would make up for...

Make up for what?

Well, getting you k*lled
on the Al-Hazred op.

Oh, Jesus.

You've became a downer in your old age.

You're still hung up on that?

You're not?

(SCOFFS) I mean...

Wouldn't be disappointed if you
named your son after me, but...

How'd the rest of the op go?


The team, they finish the job?
Erase Al-Hazred?

Oh, yeah, I got him.

You bagged the big trophy?

Hell yes, brother.


I bet that changed things for you.


There you go.

Things go wrong, but they also go right.

To the things that go right.



Let's go.

(SIGHS) It's not enough
for you to ruin my deployment,

you got to go ahead
and ruin my leave, too.

Would you rather have Jason
come chase you down

- after this bender?
- Jace would totally understand, okay?

That right there, that
is old-school team shit.

Wow. You know, I never realized

the old-school teams
were full of selfish assholes.

It's time to put your big
boy pants on. Let's go.


You're gonna square up on me

for pulling you out of a career-ender?

- Yeah, I am.
- Okay.

Yeah, 'cause that ego of yours

is gonna get an ass-whupping one day.

Let's hurry up and go.

Come on.











- (g*nshots)

(SIGHS, GRUNTS) Get off me.

That was quite
the death-defying act there,

Harry Blondini.


Oh, nice sh**ting.

- f*ck you.
- Oh, come on, man, seriously?

You have any idea what kind of
shit storm you've caused?

Those dirtbags came for us,
we put them down,

we acted in self-defense. Big deal.

Gangbangers or not,
these are Colombian nationals.

We're off the reservation here, Sonny.

That means there's no bailout
from the DoD or State.

Okay, this gets put on us,
we're finished.

So, let's skedaddle right quick

before anybody gets the wiser.

How many witnesses
can put you in this room?

Well, uh, one...

- Great. All right, let's go.
- Yeah, okay.

Let's go.

Come on. Let's go.

- Fewer eyes in the stairwell.

Hey, sir, can you hold that elevator

- for us? Oh, Jesus!
- (g*nsh*t)


These guys aren't gonna stop
until they find what you took.

Everyone in this hotel's at risk.

Listen, man.

You just get out of here, okay?

This is my mess. I'll clean it up.

One guy's got a shotgun,
the other guy's hands are empty.

As much as I want to,
I can't let you go solo on this.






All right, I g... I guess we're even.

They've already sent two waves,
there's gonna be another.

We can disable the elevator,
funnel them to the stairs.

Ah, it's like sh**ting fish in
a barrel. Smart. Look at that.

Ain't just a pretty face.

- Well, at least we got firepower.
- Three.


All right, we take the stairs down,

spot-check each floor on the way out.

Well, we better be faster
than shit through a goose

'cause Hilajos or the cops
show up, we're dead men walking.

That happens, I'll k*ll you myself.


You think he's okay, right?

San Pedro's safe.

No long-term effects.

I am less worried about him

having an acid flashback in ten years,

than what's going on right now.

The guy spends all of his time

focused on his three-foot world;

confronting his fears
might be a bit much for him.

My first time was...

definitely overwhelming.

Was not prepared for the earth
to literally speak to me.

What'd it say?

It's different for everyone.

Okay, but for you?

Concept of "moral injury" come up

when you treated your PTS?

Yeah, damage done
to a warrior's conscience

by fulfilling his duties.

Get off the b*ttlefield,
shame follows you.

I drank San Pedro and the earth

showed me the path to forgiving myself.

"Keys to heaven".


I know your friend is trying
to fix what's physically

broken, but I'm guessing he has
emotional wounds just like us,

and if his experience
is anything like mine,

he'll learn the journey
to redemption on that plane,

then walk it in this one.

Is this a friendly game?

What, you think we're wagering
souls or something?


Whoa, wait a second,
how do you guys know each other?

You were never teammates.

We're all friends here.
One long line of Bravo brothers,

like old-timers day for frogmen.

- Dead frogmen.

All of whom have kicked
your ass on this table.

Highly doubt that, man.

The only time I lost to your sorry ass

was when you were partnered with Guzo.

Had to lay down for the team leader.

- Never stopped me.
- It just goes to show you

how little you knew when
I drafted you out of Green Team.

Or was I a genius?

Pretty sure you owed me
three bills when I bit it.

Okay, you want me to beat you
individually, or as a team?

Get out of the way.

I got next.

I'm gonna bleed you out, Jace.

- Get it?

You can't escape me that easy.

Here we are.

First death you felt responsible for.

First guy you lost as team leader.

Last guy you lost as team leader.

You guys think it's weird
he hasn't asked yet?

- Asked what?
- What it's like.

- What what's like?
- Being dead.

CUJO: Guy's waving his g*n around,

vowing to go out on his shield.

Stands to reason he'd ask if
we think he's ready to join us.


Are you?

Aren't you guys pissed that you're dead?

Didn't you read my letter?

I died doing what I loved,
with the brothers who I loved.

- Same.
- Me, too.

So, no.

Can't be pissed when
it's a risk we signed on for.

You only know half of the story.

Taliban retook Afghanistan.

Iraq's pretty much controlled by Iran.

t*rrorists worse than Boko

are turning Africa into a forever w*r.

So, do you want to change
your answers now?


Sounds like you'd be
picking at that scab

whether we were dead or alive.

Did our work

have an impact?

Did it mean anything?

FULL METAL: A guy still running
into the fire after years

should know.

JORGE: Fought and died for each other.

The men, not the mission.

Don't need history books
to tell me it was worth it.

So, what's it like being dead?

Different for everyone.

Yeah? Well, how's that?


Depends how you're remembered
by the people who survive you.

All the guest floors are clear.

Guess you were worried for nothing.



- Pull.
- (expl*si*n)


♪ ♪







(GROANS) Maybe stealing
that coke wasn't such a...

a humdinger of an idea.

- Oh, man.

Cops find us, we're finished.
It's time to bail. Let's go.

What if still there's a...
there's more dudes out there?

No one's getting past the first floor.

Cleared the rest already.
Come on. Let's go.

Get your sorry ass up, Sonny.
Get up. Let's go.


Whoa. Winner, winner.

Whoo! Give him his prize.


"World's Best Boss"?

Well, I was, uh, I was never your boss.

That's why it's funny. It's a thinker.

But you've earned it.

You know,

whatever part I had
in losing all of you, I...

I really appreciate
you not holding it against me.

You think we're here
to absolve your guilt?

You've done that yourself,

working to remember how we lived,

instead of how we died.

Which I appreciate. Sight
of blood makes me queasy.


And lugging around in full kit

in your head for all eternity? f*ck no.

Yeah. Remember how you lived,
instead of how you died.



CUJO: Finally making peace with
all the numbers in your phone,

but there's still that one death
you're not over, brother.

Who's that?

What? Is that for me?

Hey. I'm talking to you.

Hey. I'm talking to you.

What do you want from me?

Hi, babe.


As much as I loved Vah Beach,

Coronado was always my happy place.

I mean...

this is it. This is it.

I mean, this is the spot
right here. We were right...

here when it happened.

Right here. This was, this was the spot

where I pulled the plug on our future.

Don't be so dramatic.

Our future lasted another


Yeah, but not how we planned.

Moving back to Philly,
you going back to school.

I chose to stay with the teams instead.

Not the first nor the last time
you put the teams first.


And every time I did, I was just...

one step closer to your death.

Guys were right,

you really are obsessed with my death.

You think?

You're worried about how
you're gonna be remembered.

I didn't leave on good terms with Emma.

Or with anyone, for that matter.

Well, it's true.

Sucks for me, you seem to remember me

as a helpless victim of your decisions.

You are. I mean, you were.

Hell I was.

It's a good thing Emma and Mikey counter

what you put out into the universe.

The kids were too young
to understand, you know,

how unhappy you were.


Or maybe because they spent
more time with me,

they saw more than my unhappiness.

- Jace.
- What?

Things go wrong, but they also go right.

If you only think about the end,
you forget about the start.

What's that?

You know what that is.

It's from the quarry.

You uprooted your whole life,

moved to a different hemisphere,

to open a retreat. I...

I admire your commitment.

I'm flattered you think

I had a life back home
to uproot. (CHUCKLES)

Curious how you managed
such a big pivot.

I mean, considering warriors
and change do not mix.

I had no choice.

You ever think about that term,
"armed services"?

Like, if I wanted to be of service,

why do I need to be armed?

Used to wonder that all the time.

So, all this is your path
to forgiving yourself?

San Pedro helped me
make sense of what I'd done.

Thing is, I don't know
how much blood is on my hands,

so the scales may never be balanced.

But each person I help

gets me a little closer.

RAY: Yeah, sometimes
helping one's hard enough.

My wife and I, we-we...

tried helping this vet,


get him off the streets and
into the system, but he, uh,

he disappeared on us.

Well, you tried.

That's more than most people would do.

Still, that failure stung.

Thought I could make
up for it with plans

to help even more guys like Sam.

Something on the scale
of what you're doing.

Oh, this place is my full-time job.

You already have one.

Still feel like I'm abandoning
people who need me.

He needs you,

and you're here.

Sounds to me like
you've found your path.

You'll know when the time
is right to start walking it.

Copy that.

This is from the quarry where we met.


The start.

The thing that went right.

Yeah, I saw this in the water.

Something happened, and you...

you saved me from drowning.


You saved my life, and I...

... took yours away.

Oh, Jesus Christ,
will you stop saying that?

Well, I did. I did.

Were you driving the truck that hit me?

No, but you were in the car

running an errand for me, so...

I was buying

wine, beer, and chicken

for us.

You're not responsible.

But before that,

you, uh, you had a life,
you sacrificed so much for me.

You sacrificed everything,
and you gave it...

you gave your whole life up.

No, you don't get to tell me
what my life...

what our life was
'cause we were both there,

and despite what you want to believe,

our good days
outweighed our shitty ones.

People who love me,
they end up just getting hurt,

and with my situation now,

with my head, it's just gonna get worse.

So that's why you want
to go out on your shield,

to protect people who love you?

And you're not deserving of their love

when you need it most?

The choices I made are why I'm here.

I spent most of my life loving you.


Well, that was a mistake.

I don't regret one minute of it.

I f*cked up.

I f*cked us up. I f*cked us up.

- How could you not?

- All the blood, all the trauma.

But that doesn't condemn you
to a life of misery.

If I was alive and
asked you to try again...

... you'd say no?

You deserve better.

You deserve a lot better than me.

Well, I guess we're back
where we started.

What's that mean?

I have to save you again.

I will allow you regrets,

but I won't allow you
to give up on yourself.

I never did.


Jason Hayes,

you are worthy of love.

Give me your cell phone.

We got to scrub the vehicle.
Davis is sending a pickup.


Look, man, I...

I've made peace
with the cost of this job,

but I did not sign up to get
k*lled over your pity party.

Never asked you to come and save me.

Nearly orphaning your son,
that's on you.

What about Leanne?

She's out of Vah Beach,
but she's not out of your life.

But you're just gonna just
throw in the towel on her?

Oh, we can't all be
as lucky as you, Clay,

with the white picket fence, okay?

Oh, wow. Lucky? Yeah, you know what?

I'm-I'm f*cking...
I'm really lucky, man.

I've never held my son.

He was, he was ripped away
from us at birth,

stuck with a bunch of tubes,

and he's been fighting
for his life all alone.

I can only pray that he gets
the same shot at life

that Leanne got.

And for being so brave,

his reward was nearly losing his dad

because of your f*cking pathetic ass.

I'm sorry, Cl-Clay. I didn't...

That's, like, a tough go
for your son, and I...

You know what, just... Sonny, shut up.

I'm done, I'm done with
your-your bullshit, man.

I'm done.

I know this is more
than you came here for,

but I hope it helps put you
on the path to healing.

It definitely helped me.

Jury's still out on him, though.


just keep him hydrated.

- Stay in touch.
- Yes, sir.

All right.


Let me get that for you, brother.

- (GROANS) Hey.
- Yeah?

Thank you.

- You did all this in one night?
- All the key drop-offs occur

at different locations within these

five city blocks.

Yeah, but the buildings are abandoned.

Except for the textile plant.

Which makes it the perfect
shield to deter an airstrike

for any surrounding building

housing a nuclear enrichment facility.

It's underground.

The textile plant is
directly above the center.

These drop-off sites are
different entrances underground.


That's them.

♪ After all the jacks
are in their boxes ♪

♪ And the clowns have all ♪

♪ Gone to bed ♪

♪ You can hear happiness staggering ♪

♪ On down the street ♪

♪ Footprints ♪

♪ Dressed in red ♪

♪ And the wind ♪

♪ Whispers, "Mary" ♪

♪ A broom is drearily ♪

♪ Sweeping ♪

♪ Up the broken pieces ♪

♪ Of yesterday's life ♪

♪ Somewhere ♪

♪ A queen is weeping ♪

♪ Somewhere ♪

♪ A king has no wife. ♪