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03x08 - The Two Mrs. Scottsons

Posted: 01/09/22 13:11
by bunniefuu
Previously on "weeds"...

Hello. Uh...

Hi. My son.

Tim and I were just gonna play a game.

I'm just not really very good at games.

Well, my mom is. I guess she's a lot smarter than you.

Kesheshian says goodbye.

Peter... He's dead? All: yes!

Agent fundis... D.e.a.

I'm here to talk about peter scottson.

I'm his partner. The one who burps?

I get stares. Children cry and run away.

Want you to give a friend of mine a call.

We're sh**ting a movie in one of our empty houses.

Needs a caterer.

I'd like to solve the mystery of the school that receives federal funding yet permits a religious curriculum in direct violation of church/state separation mandates.

Sit down, shane botwin.

I have cancer.

Puppies are coming off, nance.

After reconstructive surgery, you're gonna feel good as new.

I'm separated, dancing my way to divorce.

You're gonna help me celebrate.

My last two relationships... Both guys ended up dead.


All right, fundis, tell me a story.


A man flying a kite found scottson.

We think he was stuffed in a drainpipe until a grate busted in the rain and...

Up came pete.

Can't you take something for that?

I've tried everything, captain.

Well, pop a f*ckin' breath mint.

What did you eat, pastrami? On rye, sir.

What else, fundis?

Well, a close-range shot to the head.

It's ugly.

Who, why, when?

I've been trying to figure that out since he went missing.

You know, retracing his steps, asking...

What's that?

Summer reading from internal affairs.

Quite the ripping yarn.

Retracing his steps?

How about covering your ass?

You got another story you want to tell me, fundis?

My career just took a swan dive into a shitcan.

I want to thank you for that.

I'd like to thank pete, too, since it appears he was the brains behind the skimming, extortion, wiretapping, evidence-planting operation you two had going.

But good thing for us he turned up the way he did and we don't have to get honest.

So here's the new story, agent assh*le m*therf*cker choke-on-my-d*ck.

You got three days to find whatever money is left over from your little side business, and before you clean out your locker for early retirement, take your uniform to the dry cleaner's

'Cause we have a f*cking hero to stick in the ground.

Priest: peter scottson served with dignity and honor in one of our most difficult jobs.

And for those of us here today, there will be no rest until those who put him here are brought to justice.

Dear lord...

We sadly send you another son in blue.

In the name of the father, the son, and the holy ghost.



What are you wearing?

You gave me the day off, boss.

Oh, come on. Indulge a pervert.

Black dress, black shoes, black everything.

Bet you look better in red.

Not appropriate for faking grief.

Don't know what that means. Don't care.

I bought you a gift.

You should take it back.

Don't you want to know what it is?

It's my day off.

When are we gonna have sex again?

When I'm feeling desperate again.

And when do you think that might be?

You get lost on your way to forest lawn?

Never knew the man.

Is conrad around?

Do you see conrad?

How about one time... Just for laughs...

I'll ask you a question, and you maybe answer me, you know, like a human?

What can I say?

You bring out the "f*ck you" in me.

Fine. Moving on.

Bringing good news. You're free.

Abe lincoln beat you to it. What else you got?

I took care of your debt.

You don't owe marvin anything.

I mean, you're gonna have trouble moving your shit on the streets, but you still have me.

I have a new territory opening up, three times the size of agrestic, so...

You're welcome.

No thanks necessary, since I assume...

None are coming.

What's that? I'm making a buy.

Little miss nancy do-good burying her boyfriend and back to dealing dime bags.

All things in their proper place.

Yeah, praise jesus. Blah blah blah.

Oh, am I boring you?

Well, I will stop wasting your precious time.

We're a bulk business now, so you can take your little milk money down to the corner.

Can I talk to conrad?

He's over with the pot clubs.

Large customers with large money.

Now, you come back with five figures, and we'll do business.


I'll even throw in a fountain.

Oh, hey, nance.


Cooking in my kitchen.

There's a reason for that.

Andy's on set. I'm helping him out.

Oh, that's nice.

Oh, that's from the tall one.

Leif garrett-y, "blue lagoon-ish."


Said you were out of weed, then took off with a blonde, tiny tits, big cross. Tara.

And your other one, big vocab, creepy eyes. Shane.

He's outside with what's-her-name.

Celia's d*ke. Isabelle.

Hey, mrs. Botwin.

Hello, isabelle, shane.

An unlikely duo.

We've bonded through sin.

And school suspension.

Suspension as in...

Don't come back until you love jesus.

They call it reflection. And we got three days of it.

And how are we going to reflect?

Wii tournament.

Ooh! My first paycheck!


My son's bringing in more money than I am.

Any chance I could borrow $10,000?

How fast can you turn it around?

Seriously? Turn it around in a month.

You got 10 grand?

If you could form a dummy corp and I form a dummy corp and you can find a supplier to accept the check, I know an accountant/councilman with access to a certain civic investment portfolio...

Can you do it? Have before.

Do it.

Make it $50,000.


What is that, a colonic spa?

Shane, where's your karate contact sheet?

Drawer by the coffee maker.

All right, lex, come on, baby.

Big finish. Big finish.

Let's show them how they do it in jersey, baby.

Oh, yes! Lovely, people!

Cut! Cut!

Let's take a break. Everybody, rinse out.

We'll be back in 10.

Wow, paul. Great scene.

You're really an artist.

Well, thanks.

We don't hear that enough in this business.

And that's a tragedy.

I mean, the genre's been h*jacked by amateurs, sure, but when I see your attention to detail...

The framing, the risks you take...

It makes this viewer...

I guess you should know.

I've always wanted to... Be in porn?

Every caterer does.

Well, I think I could be great.

Look, I respect your ambition, and I'd love to make it happen for you, but I work with gods.

Jessica... She comes like a fountain.

Lex is packing a f*cking buick.

It's all about that something special in this business.

What makes you special, andy?

"Footfuckers," scene 1, "a" camera, mark.

And action.



I have a package for mrs. Dowling.

Are you authorized to sign for it?

Your feet must be aching from all the walking around that you do.

Well, there's a lot of walking.

Well, why don't you come inside and, uh... Take your shoes off?

Paul: oh, that's right.

Use your something special, kid. Show me what you got.

Use that big toe!

That's f*cking great!

Viva las vegas," scene 1, "a" camera, mark.

Paul: and action.


Room service.

I ordered that about two hours ago.

I'm sorry, ma'am. The elevator got stuck.

I had to climb all 43 floors to get here.

Well, your feet must be k*lling you.

Listen, there's a huge market for these fetish videos, andy, mostly eastern europe.

You're gonna be a huge star in belarus.

I mean, huge! Oh, yeah, yeah!

Good! Good! Get dirty, andy! Get dirty!

I finish with the backyard, mrs. Dowling.

Okay, okay, thrust.


Oh, cramping, cramping, cramping! Cut!

Ow! Ow! Ow!

Well, if it isn't the music man of majestic.

My partner in altruistic bullshit.

How are you this afternoon, councilwoman?


You got my gift?

Not why I'm smiling.

But, yes, I did.

Piece of advice...

Never send a woman a dress she might not fit into.

Did you try it on?

It's a size 2.

Flattering and annoying at the same time.

I thought your breasts would look good in red.

Well, it's a nice thought.

Listen... I want to see you.

Wear whatever dress you want or no dress at all.

I'm almost divorced.

Mazel tov.

Would you...

Like to help me celebrate?

You know where I live.

I do. I do, indeed.

See you, councilwoman.

Shane: are you sure you want to do this?

Isabelle: yeah.

All right, hold it up to your mouth and I'll light it.

How is it? It's, uh...

...kind of gross.

You feel anything different?

I feel like I want to brush my teeth.

Maybe it's bad shit.

But my dad gets it from your mom.

You know... My mom's... A drug dealer?

I saw her come over once.

I didn't tell anyone.

I won't tell anyone.


You gonna try it?


This is that moment where I finally become cool, right?


Just stoned.

Stop it. Stop it!

Stop it!

That's very funny, tim. Open the door.

Open the f*cking door!


You don't talk to me.

You can talk to me about anything. No, I don't want to talk to you!



Oh, my god, are you okay?

Man: your kid's not okay! I'm so sorry.

Get some help for him!

Is it okay if I have one of your cigarettes?

It's okay if you help your kid!

I'm really sorry. Yeah, yeah!

You say that all the time!

Valerie: oh, hey, hey! I have the money!

I just went in to get a quarter. Hello?

You know what? f*ck you, okay?

f*ck you!

Thanks. That was my first boob.

How was it?


Do you want to touch my... You know?

Not really into penises.

Why haven't we ever hung out before?

I don't know.

My mom hates your mom?

I think my mom's secretly in love with your mom.

I think my dad loved me more than my mom does.

My mom's a bitch.

But I miss her.

I don't know why.

Do you feel stoned?

I guess.

I don't see what the big deal is.


I prefer beer.

I prefer touching your boob.


You want to make a buy?

I said, would you like to make a buy?

All right, let's just cut.


You did great, kid. You really did. Come on up.

You got your foot in the door...

Or in this case, your foot in jessica.

Hey, go get lex.

Wait, wait, wait, wait. That's it?

"Thanks for the foot. Go warm up the hot dogs"?

I've been working all day here.

What do you want, a medal? It's a job.

And, yeah... Go warm up the hot dogs.

Well, that's bullshit.

Hey, I'm talking to you, paul st. Moritz!

You know, I always stood up for pornography.

I believed in it.

I thought it provided an essential service...

Light up a young person's imagination, help a sexless marriage, keep a predator off the street!

I thought porn was magical.

Now I see it for what it really is.

It's a flesh factory, and we are all slabs of meat.

Lex here is not an unbelievably enormous d*ck.

And I'm not a foot.

You're not a foot, andy. Thanks, lex.

We're human beings.

I gave you my something special, and you ate it.

You took something beautiful, like jessica's vag*na, and you made it just a place to put a foot.

You need to do some soul-searching, my friend.

This whole industry does.

It exploits, it dehumanizes, it degrades men.

Everybody back to one.

Man: back to one!

Silas: this is from nancy.

First time I ever took a check.

She says she wants her fountain.


And what's your name? Judah.

And this is...


Is that right?

Well, mr. Judah, ms. Sunshine, you tell the city of agrestic we're impressed.

And you tell nancy if this check bounces...

She better start running.

I'll do that.


I want to, but I can't.


I have cancer.

I had cancer.

They cut them off.

These are, uh...

Spare parts.

I don't care.

No, I need to leave my top on.

Celia hodes...

You're a smart, ambitious, sexy woman.

I'm embarrassed.

I haven't gotten hard on my own for two years.

I've been popping magical boner pills.

Magical boner pills? Yeah.

I took one in your driveway half an hour ago.

Do you like my penis any less?


No. No, I don't.

We're used.

It doesn't mean we can't be sexy.

Doesn't mean we can't... Pardon my language...

f*ck like bunnies.


If I still had feeling in my nipple, I bet that would be amazing.

All right, enough. Listen to me.

I barely know you.

But the first time I saw you, there was something about you that was so familiar...

Familiar in the best way.

Like we shared something, like...

We had a secret.

I just want to know you.

I don't know why.

I just do.

Okay. Stop talking.



Mrs., Uh, botwin.

That's me.

I'm valerie.

You want to take a step up to the x-ray machine?


You're the doctor? Oh, no, doctor's at lunch.

I just take the x-rays. Mm.

You can take out your breast.


Oh, right. Right.

Mammogram's nothing to be nervous about.

It'll be over in a minute.

Right. Sorry.

I'm sorry.

Why are you apologizing? You've got great breasts.

Oh, these?

You should some of the jugs we get in here.

Gravity's cruel.

All right, lift up your breast and get as much of it onto the plate as you can.


Just get it all on there. Just spread it out from the bottom.

No. No. Just right on there.

Yeah, no, that's great. That's great.

Okay, now you're gonna feel a little bit of pressure when I lower the top.

Uh, uh... And smush.

Okay, I know it's probably uncomfortable, but I'm fast.

Do you like this job?

Are you locked in?

Oh, yeah. Ready to go.

I know who you are.

Excuse me?






So, nancy botwin, why are you here?

And what do you want?

And why the f*ck are you stalking me?