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04x18 - Islanded in a Stream of Stars

Posted: 01/09/22 12:29
by bunniefuu
Previously on battlestar galactica...

What am i? A ghost, a demon?

You're asking the wrong guy. I'm just a piano player.

That for me? Here.

Holy crap.


There's a lot still going on in there.

And there is nothing to indicate that's he's having any kind of conscious thought.

What if we could link him to a data stream?

Like our hybrids?

We have to figure out a contingency plan for the ship now.

You have to face the fact that you're gonna lose her.

Boomer's loose. She's got my frakkin' kid!

K-ro, get on the horn to cic and alert the admiral.

Sir, boomer's spooling to jump.

If she jumps, the spatial disruption could tear galactica's guts out.

Hey. Hey!

What have you been bitching about?

It's not our fault the resin won't bond with these inferior alloys.

In other words, it's our fault that this goop of yours isn't doing crap, except making this place smell like the inside of a latrine.

Really? I thought that was you.

Lady, you work on your side, and I'll work on mine!

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Come on.

Come on, not with this guy. Not now.

Stop your bitching!

Not now.

Fine! Fine! Come on, let's go.

If john's plan all along was to steal hera so he could study her...

Study her?

They're gonna dissect her like a frakkin' lab rat and we all know it.

If he wants to try to determine what made her a successful human/cylon hybrid, he'll take her to the colony.

The colony?

I guess you could call it home.

It's where we and the centurions went after the first w*r, once we convinced them to abandon their own experiments with evolution in exchange for resurrection technology.

She knows where it is.

So you would have the galactica jump into a cylon's hornets' nest, risk everything, for one solitary, single child.

Is that what you're telling me, colonel?

She's not just any child.

With caprica six's miscarriage, hera is our people's only hope of avoiding eventual extinction.

She may be our only hope, too.

I just ex...

We just experienced something remarkable.

Hera wrote the notes to a song.

A song that my father used to play to me when I was a child.

The same song that switched us on when we were in that nebula.

The same song that led us to earth.

Something is happening here, something that is greater than all of us, and that little girl is in the middle of it.

She's the key, sir.

In other words, it's our destiny to go after her, right?


I've had it up to here with destiny, prophecy, with god or the gods.

Look where it's left us.

The ass end of nowhere, nearly half of our people are gone, earth, a worthless cinder, and I can't even walk down the halls of my ship without wondering if I'm gonna catch a b*llet for getting us into this mess.

We're alive, bill.

Four years ago, I wouldn't have taken odds on that.

At least give us a recon bird.

We can see what we're up against.

Make it a heavy raider.

I don't want helo and athena to find out about this.

Look at me.

Look at me.

Look at me.

You hate me, don't you?

Say it.

Say it.

Gods frakkin' damn it.





Bill, I've been having that dream again.

Help me!

Grab him!

Get him!

Grab the door!

Lock it!

Lock it!

Got internal bleeding, doc. Taking her to surgery.


I hope we don't lose power.

What's the tally?

61 Dead or missing so far, including 26 of theirs.

The leobens are calling it the proverbial straw.

Say we've got five more jumps, max.

After that, there's a 90% chance of tearing her in half.

I don't want to hear that you are 90% sure of anything.

You come back when you are 100% sure, you got that?

Go take care of your injuries.

Yes, sir.

That frakkin' cylon rep, sonja, wanted to know when you'd be transferring your flag.

Transferring to her baseship?

That'll be the frakkin' day.

That's exactly what I said.

I'll get on on top of this repair detail, we'll straighten her out.

Must be tough saying to good-bye to both of your women at once.

You must feel like we're abandoning you.

No one's going anywhere.

And neither one of my women are dying.


They just need a little more care and attention.


Admiral adama will be forced to abandon galactica.


At which point, the cylon baseship will be our sole means of defense.

Under the admiral's command, augmented by galactica's pilots, planes, and military personnel as it has always been.

Mr. Adama, but it sure seems like we're putting a lot of power into the hands of some people...

And I use the term loosely...

Who not so long ago were doing their damndest to wipe us out!

And your concerns are noted.

As you all know... As you... Let me speak!

As you all know, we agreed to accept admiral adama's military authority in return for a seat on this council.

We intend to abide by that promise.

Speaking of promises, I have been complaining about air quality aboard hitei kan from day one.

I am submitting my requisition now for galactica's c02 and particulate scrubbers.

Excuse me?

As long as we get the ftls.

Our last emergency jump, it took us six minutes to spin up!

Wait, wait, wait. Wait a minute.

Obviously we will have to do a complete inventory of galactica's equipment.

Maybe even a lottery so in order to ensure...


An equitable distribution of all the equipment.

Now listen to me for one gods damn minute!

No one removes so much as one bolt from this battlestar, not until the admiral tells us we can.


What does gaius baltar say about that?

Gaius baltar?


Angels, I hear you say?

I don't believe that angels appear to you in some mystical, spectral form.

Angels take the guise of those who are nearest and dearest to you, those who can understand your doubts and your trials, and steer you back on the road to salvation.

I believe in these angels because I see them.

Wherever you are in the fleet, this is gaius baltar wishing you a beautiful day.

Excuse me. Caprica?

Caprica six!

Uh, it's... It's good to, um...

Listen, I heard about... Your loss, and I want to offer you my condolences, tell you how truly sorry I am.

Thank you, gaius.

I see... I see you've got your...

You know, if need any more, we've had got... I'm fine.

I'm also not unaware of your current situation.

If you need a place to stay...

I have no desire to join your harem.

No, no.

That's not what i...

That's not what...

We are trying to make a difference within the fleet.

You haven't changed, gaius, not really.

I have.



She wants to talk to you.


She's dying.

Could you just take a few minutes out of your busy schedule and be with her.

Thank you.

Thank me for what?

For the privilege of finally being able to meet my father before I die.

You shouldn't be thanking me.

I spent most of my life trying to k*ll your kind.

Too much confusion.

I want my mommy.

I want my mommy.

I want my mommy. Take me home.

You know what, it's too bad they never upgraded the ftl on this relic, but if you think I'm gonna put up with your sniveling and your whining for another dozen jumps, guess again!

I want my mommy! Take me home!


Let's see if you can cry in your sleep.

It might be a long snooze, too, because these don't come in kiddy doses.

Give me your arm. Give me your arm!

You okay?

Saul, it's hera. We're got to do more.

I got him to send out a recon mission.

Yes, a recon mission.

Our people's future is at stake and you got him to send out a recon mission.

"Our people."

That's right, saul.

Thank gods.

Oh, frak. Empty!

Ah! Saul!

You want to know who my people are, lady?

The ones on this ship.

The ones I fought with and bled with.

The old man, this crew, they're my family.

The only family I've known, and the only one I care to.

Oh, saul...

You're a pip.

You really are.

"Old man."

Old compared to who?

You were my husband

2,000 Years before you even meet bill adama.

2,000 Years, that's a number.

That's what it means to me. It's nothing.

But that man's friendship... Oh, frak!

You're a cylon, saul.


Whether you remember that life or not, at least you must understand what we were trying to do.

We wanted to end the cycle of w*r between man and machine.

That was a bust.

Yes, we failed, but we have a second chance now.


Without her, our children are going to die off one by one, just like they're dying right now in cottle's sickbay.

I had a child.

He died.

You're wrong, saul.

You had millions.

Ah, ellen.

Come on, you've got to be hungry.

Eat this.

Do you know what I do sometimes when I'm sad?

I go to this special place.

A house where I wanted to live with a man that I loved.

You can see this?

You can project?

Yeah, you can still eat it.

Missed a spot.

By your left sideburn.

The latch was busted.

Thank you.


Do you really believe all that bilge you were spewing on the wireless?



The angels walking among us.

The angels that bring out our better nature, blah, blah, blah.

Yeah, I do, as a matter of fact.

Mm-hmm. And you've seen these angels for yourself?

With alarming regularity.


That must be important when you're full of crap.

Oh, that's charming.

Absolutely charming.

And you are entitled to your opinion obviously.

Who are you, by the way again?


I'm a dead chick, that's who.

Oh, right, and I'm full of crap.

No, I mean it.

I'm dead, as in six feet under dead.

Dead, as in crash-landed, burned to a crisp dead.


I took these off my body, what was left of it, anyway, on earth.

Take 'em.

You used to be a scientist. Run some tests.

Pull out the ol' cylon detector, do whatever you need to do, because I have no idea.

The only thing I know for sure...

I'm not an angel.

We tried hooking him up to the main power grid.

Thought it might him reset his neural net.

So in other words, you tried to jumpstart him like a car.

Let me guess. It didn't work so well for you.

Take a break.

Someone has to monitor...

I'd like a minute alone with my husband.

I'm sure you don't mind.

It's funny, you know? I, uh...

I remember when I told you that if I found out you were a cylon, I would put a b*llet in your head.

Some frakker beats me to it, and all I can think about is how I can get you back.

Human, cylon, it doesn't seem to matter.

I just wanted you back...

Because you're just sam.

You are my sam.

And that's how I'm gonna remember you... Ahh!

The neuroanatomy of fear and faith share common afferent pathways.

Flip a coin.

Increased vascular pressure marks the threat response.


Free will scuttles in the swamp of fear.

Do not fear the word.

You are the harbinger of death, kara thrace.

You will lead them all to their end.

End of line. New command.

Resume function.

Resume function. Resume function.

"And so I walked, "like the beat cop I used to be.

"When you walk, "you see things in different ways.

"But when something's something's out of place, "you notice.

"A cop's eyes always notice, "and those eyes were one thing they couldn't take away from me."


Open to page 61.

Don't worry.

Cottle won't mind. It's medicinal.

I can't believe you saved this.

Do you remember that day?


New caprica. Baltar's ground-breaking.

We talked and talked.

About a lot of things.

Guess what I'm thinking about right now?

Give me a hint.


A stream running into a little lake.

Water so clear it's like looking through glass.

Your cabin.

The one you wanted to build.

It's amazing how much I still think about it.

You know, sometimes I wonder what home is.

Is it an actual place, or is it some kind of longing for something, some kind of connection.

You know, I spent my whole life on caprica.

I was born in one house, and then i... I moved to another.

And then...


And then now, I don't think I've...

Ever felt truly at home until these last few months here with you.

I know you love this ship.

You probably love her more than you love me.

Bill, if you don't get us off this ship, you may lose both of us at the same time.

Why don't you give us a chance?

A closed system lacks the ability to renew itself.

Knowledge alone is a poor primer.

This has been happening all over the ship.

Power surges, temperature fluctuations, and now you're telling me it's been him all along?

We had no idea he had this ability.

How's he hooking into the ship?

I thought all our systems were firewalled.

Well, they are, which is why he hasn't accessed your computers.

But the organic resins we've been injecting into your super structure contain inductive elements, not unlike nerve fibers.

So he must have linked to those and then through them, electrical circuitry embedded in galactica's bulkheads.

What about our ftls, now that we've upgraded with your tech?

Are they vulnerable?


So, theoretically, he could jump the ship if he wanted to just like yours did.

End of line. Begin reintegration...

Oh, great. That's all we need.

Take him off line.

Do it.

Begin reintegration of command subroutines.

There's a hole in the bucket, dear liza, dear liza.

There's a hole in the bucket.

The long view returns patterns and repetitions.

All has happened before and will happen again...

That's a blessed relief.

Cavil moved the colony.


Judging from the residual energy readings, about five months ago.

Just before the civil w*r.

And you have no idea where he moved it to?


Excuse me.

Anything you imagine in here can be as real as you want it to be.

Do you want to see a special room, a room where I thought my daughter would live?


C-can I walk with you, sir?

I'm going to the funeral.

I understand if you're not going.

I'd like your permission, sir, to take out a raptor to go and look for my daughter.

I'm sure athena would be willing to pilot and...

I've already sent out a recon mission and they reported back.

You did?

We were looking for a facility where we knew boomer would probably take hera, but it was no longer there.

Sir, let me... Let me take out that raptor.

Maybe I can find something.

She's gone.

I've lost a son, and you've lost a daughter.

But I can't condone a su1c1de mission.

So let it go.

You want me to let it go?

You're the one who can't let go.

Painting over the holes in this bucket?

This ship is dead!

But my daughter might still be alive.

I understand your pain, captain, but don't lecture me.

You're here to take orders.

Do you understand?

I'm sorry.

I'm... I'm... I'm sorry.

One... One raptor, admiral.

Maybe it is a su1c1de mission, but at least give me the chance to do something.


For those that we have lost in the past, and for those that we are burying today...

They gave their lives...

We must remember... To save this ship...

There is a higher purpose.

Casualties, as much as any soldier fallen...

We mourn the passing of our friends.

Heavenly father... We must understand...

Grant us the strength...

That what we sacrifice here today...

The wisdom... Our women and men...

And above all, a measure of acceptance...

Of extreme courage...

However small.

Because that is what we are, voyagers traversing the stars in search of grace.


So say we all.

So say we all.

So say we all.

So say we all.

So say we all!

So say we all!

Present arms!


Listen to me.

Death is not the end.

And I'm not talking about cylon resurrection, I'm talking about the gift of eternal life that is offered to each and every one of us.

Yes, even the most flawed amongst us.

All we need is the courage to face death when it comes calling for us, embrace it even.

Only then will we truly have the ability to cross over, as one amongst us here has already crossed over.

One amongst us here is living proof that there is life after death.

The blood on these dog tags comes from necrotic flesh.

That means a dead body.

The dna analysis is 100% proof positive match for one captain kara thrace.

I told you there were angels walking amongst you.

When will you believe me?

She took these from her own mortal remains that lie on earth.

Even now, interred with her bones...

That's enough, baltar! Ask her yourself!

I will put you in the brig!

She's not a cylon!

They've already been revealed to us!

Ask her yourself! She will not deny it!

Dismissed, everyone! Off the deck now!


What are you doing?

Okay, listen to me.

I don't care, all right. I don't...

We've all been through some crazy, crazy stuff.

I don't care what you think you saw.

I watched your viper explode.

Don't care.

I'm here. You're here.

This is all that matters.


See you around...


Kara thrace.

Everything went smoothly, I take it?


It's a shame I can't be there to see the expression on ellen's face when she realizes how we played her.

You had a hard day's work. Go get some rest.

We'll take it from here.

Don't worry. We'll take good care of her.

Boomer, no, boomer!

There, there now.

You'll have all sorts of new playmates pretty soon.



I know you can hear me, sam, just like I know on some level you'll understand.

The old me is dead and gone, same as the old you.

Just took me a while to accept it.

Which brings us to the larger question:

Why am I here?

I think it has something to do with this music, there's a pattern there, a pattern that I can't see, but I think that you can.

So we are going to sit in this room until we figure it out.

Talk to me, sam.

New command.

You wanted to see me?

Yeah. I've made some decisions.

Good. About time you sent those toaster work crews packing, for all the good they've done.

Actually, I'm stopping all the repairs on the ship.

Put out the orders I want the crew to start stripping down galactica, packing all the weapons and gear.

Gonna start offloading the civilians by tomorrow.

Full crews and ordinance transferred by the end of the week.


We're abandoning ship, tigh.

No. No, you can't do this.

I have to, saul.

She's dying, and we both know it.

As your xo, I can't let you do this.

I won't.

You've never let me down, saul.

I can't blame you for being what you are, especially since it includes being the finest officer and friend I've ever had.

This ship never let us down, so we're gonna send her off in style.

So we're gonna do this, huh?


She was a grand old lady.

The grandest.

To galactica, best ship in the fleet.

To galactica.

This is the pits. Why can't we hire... Oh!
