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03x14 - All In

Posted: 01/09/22 11:34
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Shield Oh my God.

Matthew doesn't even think he did anything wrong. What are we supposed to do?

Put him in a home? We are not gonna put him away.

I don't want to.

Then don't bring it up again.

LEM: Tavon's up and talking.

The bad news is he remembers getting in a fight with Shane before Mara clocked him over the head with an iron.

He threw down first. Why didn't you tell us then instead of making up bullshit?

VIC: it was my call not to tell you, guys. Not Shane.

I was just trying to protect the team.

You think this is still a team?

HOLLAND: One foot's a trophy. Four is just plain weird.

They k*lled these Armenians looking for our money-train cash.

HOLLAND: You remember Margos Dezerian?

The Armenian drug guy who k*lled a man in our cage?

And escaped the paddy wagon.

You think he's involved?

It would explain the severed feet.

Margos is a big foot fetish guy.

Our main suspect in the Armenian money-train robbery, Neil O'Brien, just disappeared from his apartment.

VIC: Oh, shit! No feet! LEM: Oh, man!

VIC: Gonna make O'Brien disappear.

If he's dead, Dutch, Treasury, they'll turn over every rock.

Eventually, we'll be under one of them.

All right. So how do we get rid of him?

God damn it. I know where to do it.

This might fool Dutch and the Feds, buy the Armenians know the truth.

Trust me, we're a team. We just gotta get through this.

We never should have taken that money.

This isn't just Margos calling the sh*ts. He's in town.

He's got a thing for feet, and he's taking them off himself.

I don't know who amped up these psychos, but they ain't stopping till they get their money back.

You think you can do something?

I make them, this Margos creep, my number-one priority.

You give me the word to hit back hard, I'll unravel them foot by foot.

NELL: The mole's from Glendale.

He worked kibbutz in Israel for two years.

He was enjoying the nightlife in Tel Aviv when some connected Russia émigrés got their claws into him.

What's his connection to O'Brien?


He provided the Armenians with classified intelligence for cash.

Had a few girlfriends with expensive tastes.

It sounds like you've got things handled. Why am I here?

We set up a trap on our computer system.

He signed on, accessed information on four of your men.

ACEVEDA: Which officers?

ACEVEDA: You gave the Armenian mob information on my men?

MAN: They called. Asked for intel on the Farmington Strike Team.

How much information did you pass on?

Just... Just names and photos.

Did they ask for anything else? Home addresses? Relatives?

They wanted everything.

The system shut down before I could get the rest.

The Armenian mob is on a k*lling spree.

If my men are in danger, I need to know.

Look, they ask for information, I get it to them.

But in your experience, what does that mean?

It probably isn't good.

Hey, what's with the uniform?

I spoke to Heather about cutting back my hours.

I'm, uh, working part-time days now.

I thought you were quitting.

I'm only gonna work when the kids are at school or with the therapist.

I'm not gonna give up every other aspect of my life.

Heather said that I could choose my own hours.

Listen, uh, as soon as the house is livable again, I'd like for Cassidy to stay here with me for a while.

It'll give you a chance to focus on Megan and Matthew.

I'm not splitting up my family.

They'll still be together on weekends, holidays.

I'm just talking on a day-to-day...

A trial basis.

How can you even handle her on a day-to-day?

I do whatever I have to do.

I'll hire people just like you.

Now, you're doing your best, but Matthew almost burned the house down.

It's not working.

So just this once, we're gonna try it my way.


Brought you some contraband.

Don't let the nurses see it.

When we get you out of here, we're gonna wrestle you up some live ones.



Um, they're, uh, sending someone over at the station to talk to you.

They come by yet?

Uh, tomorrow, I think.

Oh, good.

Last thing you need is IAD crawling up your ass.

Well, how...? How do you mean?

They find out you started the fight with Shane, hit Mara... you could lose your job, your pension, maybe even your health benefits.

Lem said you don't remember much about what happened.

I... I don't. But I wouldn't hit a woman.

Mara's pregnant, remember?

The department could come down pretty hard.

Look, I... You know, I'll tell my side of the story, let him tell his and then they can just sort it out.

Tavon didn't bite.

♪ You're gonna suffer You're gonna bleed ♪

♪ I've heard it all before... ♪ What if I come forward?

I take responsibility for hitting him.

That's smart. Walk into a police station and admit the three of us have been covering it up for 2 months.

I'm just trying to do what's best.

VIC: I gave you the chance... I made the call.

I mean, can't you just talk to him again?

He's not listening to me.

♪ It's gonna be a g*ngb*ng... ♪

Well, Tavon's always had a soft spot for Lem.

Maybe the both of you can work on him.

All right, it's time to go bitch-slap the Armenian mob.

We'll talk about it on the way.

Try not to land the three of us in jail while we're gone.

♪ Don't call your mother Don't call your priest ♪

♪ Don't call your doctor Call the police ♪

♪ You bring The Razor blade ♪ What are you looking at?

♪ I'll bring the speed ♪

♪ Take off your coat ♪ It's gonna be a long night ♪ What's this?

You got something for me?

♪ I've heard it all before You will concede ♪

"Euro Rug imports." Is that your business?

I do work for them.

What kind of work?

Euro-rug imports.



Show and tell, kids.

Show us what you're doing, we tell you why it's a crime.


♪ New in town ♪

♪ Someone said you party down ♪

♪ Well, later I'll be comin' 'round ♪


♪ We'll rack 'em up And suck 'em down ♪ Oh, shit.

That's Armenian for "Oh, shit."


That was some serious bookkeeping you had going on down there.

Wanna tell me what all the accounting was for?

What, did you open up a branch of H&R Blochian?

I'm in the rug business.

There are only a half-dozen rugs in that place.

The numbers your girl was crunching went into the six digits.

Well, I guess we'll have to sweat her.

No, she doesn't, uh...

VIC: She doesn't what?

We're all just in the rug business.

Three months ago, you were living in Kirovakan running your family's tile business.

You're educated. No criminal record.

How'd you end up in the assh*le of L.A. cooking the books for the Armenian Might?

What do they have on you?


...father, uh, lost money to them.

He got sick, couldn't pay.

And now you're covering the debt.

He died two weeks after I left.

Then why do you stay here?

My sister, Sosi.

He has her here.

He will k*ll her if do I not keep helping.

Who has her?

Don't know name.

They fear him.

Long hair.


Is he here in Los Angeles?

Yes. Not know where.

He tells Petrosh nothing.

Treats him like dog.

Uh, tell me about the accounting.

They steal gas, sell it, pay no taxes.

Sosi... she doesn't even know our father is dead.


The DA asked me to come down.

A public defender was shot? Lisa Kensit.

She was a good lawyer.

She tried a bunch of cases of mine.

She made me look like a fool a couple times on the stand.

I know, it's hard to believe.

She's at Mission Cross. Don't think she's gonna make it.

ACEVEDA: We know what happened?

She'd come from sentencing for her client, a g*ng member in the One-Niners.

He got 10 in Chino, no chance of parole.

You think this is payback for a guilty verdict?

No one likes lawyers.

Having a thankless job's bad enough.

Getting shot for it's just insulting.


Hey. Hey, pull over.

Right here, pull over.

Put your hands where I can see them.

License and registration.

Get your ass down here, right now.

I... I do something wrong?

Sit down.

What were you doing at Gas 55?

Just making a delivery.

Tanker's at 92 percent capacity.

VIC: Making a delivery, huh?

You were delivering for 20 minutes.

t*nk's almost full. I just started my run.

Maybe you're filling up, not dropping off?

Let's go, gas man.

Protection for fuel.

That the deal the Armenian Might cut with the local pumps?

Once a week...

Once a week, I hit about three or four places.

I... I fill up the truck, and then I unload the gas at our stations.


VIC: We closed down your stations, confiscated your tankers.

You're out of gas, Petrosh.

We got no problem with Armenians trying to do business.

We just can't have some psycho chopping off people's feet and leaving the dead stumps in our back yard.


He's a problem.

Your bookkeeper confirmed his Interpol mug shot.

We know he's in town.

Come on.

I know you hate this guy as much as I do.

You need to...

You need to stop Margos for good.

He'll be stopped.

When our money-laundering operation took a hit, the bosses back home got angry.

They sent Margos to stabilize, get us back to the basics.

Basics? What, dr*gs? MAN: Heroin.

From his connections in Peru.

Margos has organized weekly shipments.

VIC: Where is he? MAN: He doesn't tell us.

But Kail Saffian... he sets up deliveries, distributes.

All right, you and Ronnie take first watch on Margos' distributor, Kail.

Lem and I will go see Tavon.


Hey, thanks for helping me out on that.


There's some bad blood between old-world and new-school Armenians.

Margos Dezirian's stateside.

Looking to revitalize the heroin trade.

ACEVEDA: How do we get to him?

VIC: We're gonna sit on his distributor.

You guys find Margos before he finds you.

What's that mean?

A mole inside Treasury passed on your names and photos to the Armenian mob.

VIC: Anything else?

ACEVEDA: Your personnel files weren't breached.

But if you want department protection...

The Armenians need protection, not us.

They could be looking to retaliate.

I take it as a compliment.

Means we're making a dent.

All right.

Let me know if you change your minds.

The Armenians think we know something about the money train.

Diagur or O'Brien told them.

They have our pictures.

We're walking bull's-eyes, man.

We've been turning over Little Armenia for days.

It's payback. LEM: Margos is in town.

He's here about the money, not the raids.

Look, in the next few days, that money will be turned into untraceable real estate.

Meantime, we get to this Margos prick before he gets to us.

I just heard from Nell.

Why didn't you tell me Treasury found their mole?

A public defender was shot. I needed you working on that.

So, what'd they tell us?

They caught the guy trying to access information on the Strike Team.

Just the Strike Team?

You sound disappointed.

I... I'm not.

We were... We were all looking into O'Brien, including you and me.

Vic and his guys have been tossing Little Armenia all week.


The question is, why?



Vic knew the name of the bar that O'Brien says he found the marked money in.

And you... You and I were the only ones who saw the case file.

You... You think Vic's involved?

Here's a guy who can overturn the Armenian mob in a week, but hasn't been able to find anything on the money train in three months?

If he's that good, how does a multimillion-dollar laundering ring get ripped off in his back yard without him knowing anything about it?

Maybe he found out who did it, is protecting him.

Keeping the money safe in return for a cut of the action.

No, no, he came begging to me for some OT.

I mean, he's worked three security details in two weeks.

This is not somebody who is flush with cash.

I'm not saying he'd be stupid about it.

Stick with Claudette.

I'll look into it.

All right, Vic says this distributor's supposed to be short.

How short?

SHANE: That short.

Kail's got kids?

What, bad guys aren't allowed?

I just think a guy with kids, you'd think he'd pull his act together, that's all.

Oh, Christ.

He can call collect from prison.

WOMAN [OVER PA]: to Labor and Delivery.

[WHISPERS] He's sleeping.

Come on.

Let's go.

Hey, man, you ready for that sponge bath?


I thought I asked for the nurse without the hairy knuckles.

Vic says you don't remember hitting Mara.

Yeah. Because I didn't.


I wouldn't.

Shane called me down after the fight.

You hit her right above the eye and in the side.

No. LEM: I treated the cut.

I saw the bruise.

The reason we didn't take her to the hospital is so you wouldn't get implicated.

Mara just got you worked up, man.

Believe me, I've wanted to crack her a few times myself.

LEM: Look, you can't let one stupid mistake cost you.

TAVON: Jesus.

Did I...?

Did I hurt the baby?

No. No, the baby's fine.

Though Mara did have some bleeding for a couple of days.


What do you...? What do you want me...?

What do I...? Well...


What do I say to the investigators?

VIC: Just keep it simple.

You were tired, fell asleep at the wheel.

Next thing you know, you... You woke up here.



Can you, uh...?

You think you can ask Mara to come...?

Mara to come down here and see me?

I just wanna tell her how sorry I am.

Yeah. Sure.

Don't sweat it, man. We got you backed up.

Parking attendant gave us your plate number.

You were in court today?

I just finished as a juror in a tax-fraud case.

Six weeks of trial, two more in the jury room.

I was the only one who graduated from high school.

It was a little slice of hell.

She said you were in a rush to leave the parking garage.

I just did my civic duty for two months.

I wasn't really looking to get involved in a m*rder trial.

I never mentioned anything about m*rder. Dutch?

Give us a place to start, we'll try to keep you off the witness stand.


Let's just say, I heard a story once about a black guy who shot a woman.

Ran down a stairwell after that, took off in a green Toyota.

She came in heavily anesthetized.

Doctors are afraid if they operate, she could go into cardiac arrest.

What was she on?

Opiate levels in her blood are typical of high doses of OxyContin.

CLAUDETTE: How big a dose?

Enough to k*ll a normal person.

She's apparently developed a high resistance.

Uh, she's a junkie?

Doctors say she could have dosed as early as this morning.

She was in court this morning.

Shane, Shane, we're here, man. You copy?

SHANE [OVER RADIO]: Yeah, man, here.

VIC: Where's Kail?

He's the midget into his third stack of hotcakes.

Hey, man, how did everything go at the hospital?

Good. Everything's fine.

Thank you.


He's moving.

Okay, he's, uh...

He's... He's moving.

He's in the silver Expedition.

On a booster seat.

VIC: Okay, we got him.

You already got me bugging cars in my garage.

What else you want, man?

Tell me more about how your operation launders cash.

What, you plan on jacking a bank, captain?

It's an additional part of our investigation.

Didn't Detective Mackey go over this with you?

He never said shit.

Let's say you've got, um, 2, 3 million dollars in cash.

What would somebody do with it?

Not everyone's as smart as I am about this.

Well, let's pretend they were.

First thing you do is nothing. Hold it till the heat goes away.

Hold it where?

Not home, not work.

Someplace close in case you need to access it quickly.

Low profile, untraceable.

Me, I prefer shell corporations.

Mere mortals, they use warehouses, storage lockers.

And you're tapped into other money launderers, yeah?

I gave you everything I'm giving you, man.

I want you to spread word that the feds are onto the crew that ripped off the mob.

For real? Yeah.

And if whoever's facilitating the cash-cleaning comes forward now, reveals who's got it...

they're looking at a free pass.

We're north on Kenmore.

He's driving with purpose.

SHANE: Yeah, we got him.

West on Fountain.

West on Fountain.



He's evading. He's driving smart.

Don't tip him off. SHANE: Yeah, we got him.

We're smarter.

He's driving this careful, he's going somewhere he doesn't wanna see us.

We're circling back around to you.

Shit. What...? What's he doing?

SHANE: Damn it. He made a U-turn, he's heading back your way.

Yeah, he's by us.

g*dd*mn it.

I need an APB on a silver Ford Expedition.

The reason you're here is Lisa Kensit paged you eight times last month.

Twice last night. She's my lawyer.

CLAUDETTE: Your trial was years ago. What'd you talk about?

It's privileged.

Your name wasn't on the sign-in sheet.

We met outside. She liked the fresh air.

DUTCH: We checked her cell phone records.

You were the last person she spoke to before she was shot. I didn't sh**t her.

Maybe you slipped off the wagon?

She threatened to tell your PO?

I've been clean a long time.

Why don't you just tell me why you paged her and I'll let you go home?

She had a habit.

So how'd you come into that?

I told her I'd report her if she didn't get me out of trouble.

And she got you probation?

Pulled every favor she had at the DA's office.

So you needed help keeping out of jail, she needed help finding fixes.

How long did you have this arrangement?

If, uh, you delivered, who was her dealer?

In a minute. How long did you have this arrangement?

All we want is the dealer.

What are you doing? You're shifting focus.

We need to find the sh**t, not get the down-and-dirty on Kensit's social life.

Maybe it's her social life that got her shot in the first place.

That's not why you're asking. What are you afraid of?

If you establish a time line for her addiction, any lawyer worth their salt's gonna push to retry her cases.

If she were high in court, they should.

She defended Bob Lindhoff.

He cut off Kayla LeSeur's arm and left her in a trunk to die.

You wanna roll the dice on a retrial?

You're worried about your conviction rate.

Witnesses get lost, change their story.

Criminals will go free.

If we know she was high, that's one thing.

I'm just saying we don't have to work so hard to find out.

Let's find the sh**t.

David Aceveda for city council.

He's cleaned up Farmington, he's gonna clean up L.A.

David Aceveda for city council and a better future.

Ma'am, management wants you to move.

Of course they want me to move. They're big business.

David Aceveda fights for people. JULIEN: You have to leave.

Is David aware of this?

He's a police captain.

Yeah, we know. He's our boss.

Hey, hey, hey.

Hey, what's...? What...? What...? What's with that? Why are you...?

Okay, come on. Yeah. No, no, no.

Why...? Why are you harassing his supporters, huh?

Ma'am... Is it because he fights police corruption?

It's time to go.

Come on. I'm not moving.

JULIEN: Watch your step.

David. It's him. David.

JULIEN: Quiet down.

Someone call for me? DANNY: Your biggest fan.

She's been campaigning outside of supermarkets, harassing customers for days.



You're gonna win.

You'll be mayor one day.

No, governor.

I'll talk to her.

No reason to put her through the system.

Uh, so what's your name?


Well, tell me, Carol, are you involved in my campaign in a...?

In an official capacity?

No, I do this all by myself.

Well, I appreciate your support, but all I really need is your vote.

So I'm... I'm gonna let you out but I trust you're not gonna break the law again. Okay?

That's it?

I'm out there 12 hours a day and... And...

And that's how he thanks me?

OFFICER [ON RADIO]: Six-Paul-11. We have a visual on your Ford Expedition.

Should we pull him over?


Give me his location, keep tailing and stay out of sight.

I got you now, you prick bastard.

Who's Kensit's dealer?

I can't tell you.

Can't or won't?

The dealer, Mary.

Is it cold in here?

No, why?

I noticed the goose bumps. Show me your eyes.

I told you, I'm clean.

How long did you deliver Oxy to Kensit?


You're under arrest.

On what charges?

Obstruction of justice.

Being under the influence of a controlled substance.

The only thing I'm on is allergy medicine.

I don't think so.

You can't hold her.

Sure I can.

Besides, she won't be in here for long.

Another hour or two, she'll be jonesing, tell us everything we want.

RONNIE: Kail's outside the warehouse with three other guys.

VIC: Armenian swap meet.

Can I interest you in a little smack?

RONNIE: A rug?

Yeah, with a horse rolled up inside it.

LEM: Yeah, what if it's not?

We blow this chance to get Margos, we might not get another.

I hope the rug fits in his cell.


LEM: Hands on your head. SHANE: Hands on your head.

VIC: Hands on your head. Get on your knees, fatty!

Get down!

SHANE: Right there.

Let's go. Right there.

Up against the car, man, let's go.

Stay right there. Right there.


Oh, I want the rest of the day off.

Where's Margos?


Hold them off.

We're good.

Margos, where is he?

You have the right to remain silent.

But I wouldn't recommend it.

Jesus Christ, Vic. Shit.


Where you meeting Margos?

Where are you meeting Margos?


LEM: Okay, I'm seeing a lot of windows here.

You heard Aceveda. Come on, Vic.

These assholes didn't get our names and pictures to send us Christmas cards.

We're getting Margos.

LEM: Shit.

Before he finds us.

You still thirsty, huh? [YELLS]

You still thirsty? [COUGHS]

Maybe I should top you off.

Shit, that's enough, Vic.

Get off me. Come on, bro.

He's talking before he's drowning.

That can't taste good.

In the car. Address in the car.

Where? Where?


[SCREAMS] Check it out.

Here, on your knees.

Shit. That's a block away.

Jesus Christ.

Is he watching us?








VIC: Go. Go, go, go.

VIC: Ram it.

LEM: Something's blocking it.


Oh, g*dd*mn it.

Lem! LEM: Oh, shit.

Oh, shit. Shit, shit, shit.

Find him!

LEM: She's alive.

SHANE: Clear. Not here.

LEM: He stabbed her in the back of the neck.

He saw the whole g*dd*mn thing.

LEM: She needs an ambulance.

VIC: Not enough time. Get her in the car.

No Margos.

VIC: Call the hospital.

Tell them we're coming. SHANE: I got it.

VIC: Get the sister down there. Come on, hurry up.

RONNIE: What about Margos?

Keep looking for him. SHANE: We got it. We got it.

Hurry up, man. Hurry up.


Come on, faster, she's going white.

Is she conscious?

No. Oh, man.

I hear you wanna talk.

Looks like you're jonesing for more than allergy medication.

His name's Marlon Gault.

That wasn't so hard.

He's my boyfriend. He took care of me.

CLAUDETTE: I can see that.

Did he sh**t her?

God, I don't know.

He just told me to arrange a meet at the garage so they could talk.

How long have you been delivering OxyContin to Lisa Kensit?

Three years.

Do you have any proof?

Uh, paperwork, receipts.

You could verify it?


I just arrange the meets.

Marlon always took the money himself.

She's gone.


We won't stand for his Gestapo tactics.

He doesn't care about working families, just himself, huh?


Here come the storm troopers now.


Would you please turn around, ma'am?

Your girlfriend flipped on you, Marlon.

She puts you at the crime scene.

She'll be saying something else, the trial comes around.

If Kensit dies, you got no chance of helping yourself.

I didn't sh**t the bitch.

Amazing what a junkie will tell you if you thr*aten to put them in detox.

Lisa Kensit owed you $15,000.

Sounds like motive.

DUTCH: That's a lot of money for a pissant drug dealer like you.

She couldn't pay you back, so word hit the street you're soft?

Can I chime in here?

I'll talk to the DA, but he'll need something on the dr*gs you sold to Kensit.

How's dealing to her for three years gonna get me time off this sh**ting?


If you can provide us with any proof that she was using during that time.

Shit, I got proof.

I need years off.

Make it quick. I'm hunting someone down.

We're gonna have to hold off on this real-estate transaction right now.

It's something about the Armenian mob being ripped off.

Treasury's onto the guys who did it.

Who told you this?

The word spreads.

Bottom line is a big transaction like yours is gonna be too dangerous right now.

I don't know what you mean.

The money.

Cleaning it.

You got the wrong guy.

What? You think I'm wired?

I don't know who you are, man, or why you called me down here.

Thought you'd give me a heads up when it's safe to do business again.

I'm a cop. You're talking about something illegal.

You keep pushing, I'll haul you in.

Now, get the hell lost.

Tavon changed his story.

We're gonna be fine.

We're gonna be fine.


Babe, I've made a decision.

I don't want Vic in our lives anymore.

Excuse me?

You can transfer to a new team, right?

No. No. I don't want him around us.

I don't want him around our child.

Mara, he's my best friend.

Would a best friend allow some scumbag to get away with taking a shot at you?

Oh, come on, g*dd*mn it, Mara.

I mean, we've already... That guy's going to jail.

Not long enough, you said so.

And when you told him that you didn't take that 7 grand, he didn't believe you, did he?

That's because you took it. But he didn't...

He didn't know that then.

You told him the truth and your best friend still blamed it on you.

Vic's in our lives, all right?

He's staying in our lives.

So you're just gonna have to find a way to make that work.

All right?


Excuse me.


Hey. Everything okay?

Yeah, I, uh...



I've got a house I gotta get ready to show for tomorrow.

Bye. Bye.

Uh, what's up?

I talked to a guy who said he rented out a storage locker to you.

He ID'd your photo but said you used the name Cletus Van Damme.

Well, why are you...? I was on something else, but that is your locker, right?


Yeah, yeah, yeah. When, uh...

When Mara moved in, she wanted me to get rid of my old furniture.

I didn't know if we'd make it, so I just put it in storage.

So why the fake name?

In case they called and she answered.

I didn't want her thinking I might be having second thoughts.

I mean, you know how chicks are.

What's this about?

I don't have a legal right to search that locker so I was wondering how you would feel about showing me what's inside.

Well, what's...? What are you looking for?

Hopefully nothing.

Yeah, when Mara and I got married, I just kind of threw everything away.

I had to sign a year lease, though.

I still got the key.

Go see for yourself.

Come in.

Our money launderer claims the feds are onto whoever ripped off the Armenians.

RONNIE: Oh, shit. So the feds know it's us?

I didn't ask. He could've been wired.

Aceveda was here, wanted to see the locker we cleared out.

What? Wh...? How long ago?

Half an hour.

He knew I put it under the name Cletus Van Damme.

How'd he track you down?

The manager, he... He ID'd a picture of me.

So, Aceveda and the feds are tracking us?

VIC: We don't know, exactly.

RONNIE: What if his next stop's where we're really stashing it?

We can't wait to find out.

We move the money right now, figure it all out later.

Look, they'll just keep looking for it.

If... If they catch us with it now, man, we're done.

We're driving it up to Bakersfield.

Well, who decided this?

Me and Shane. Really.

There's hundreds of storage units up there.

They'll never look.


Okay. All right.

We'll keep in contact by phone the whole way there.

All right, Shane and I'll take off first.

Get about five miles out.


We'll look for tails, eye in the sky, surveillance teams.

You have to evade choppers, you know what to do.


Just drive the speed limit, you'll be fine.

Call us when you get on the road.


LEM: All right. Check the back, man.

Make sure those trunks are covered up, all right?


Hey, man, my phone's not getting reception.

Let me see yours.

Yeah, it's good. Is it?



Hey, it's locked. Hey, it's locked.

What are you doing?


What are you...? [STARTS ENGINE]

Lem, Jesus!

No! Lem!


You made the arrest, got the sh**t.

What if she were trying all her cases high?

How could a public defender be an addict for three years and no one pick up on it?

Scrips aren't like H or crack.

It's easier to be functional.

I sat with one in interrogation today, had no idea.

We checked Kensit's court records.

Her acquittal rate is below average.

Other PDs have worse results? Yes, but...

So does that mean they're using dr*gs?

You're talking about reopening cases that'll cost the city millions of dollars.

Only to re-convict people that we know are dangerous.

The DA will never agree to a deal that turns the system upside down.

Then I'll get an assistant DA.

Dutch, give us a moment, please.


Do you know for an absolute fact this woman was abusing dr*gs?

Not yet.

You have knowledge that she was using in court?

She used dr*gs this morning.

That was a sentencing, not trial.

Oxy is not recreational. This is an addiction.

You can't prove that. I can try.

You have open cases that need solving.

That's your job, not this.

I wouldn't just be fighting the DA, would I?

I'd be fighting you.

When you're in command, you'll make these decisions.

I hope to God not.

Every cop in this house worked hard to earn those convictions.

You'll be alienating everyone here.

I can't worry about that.

You need to if you intend to be their leader.

If you think the DA and the chief are gonna stand and cheer while you risk putting these kinds of people back on the street, you are seriously overestimating your support.

What if one of the people she was representing is innocent?

The chief will not promote you.

He will look for the first chance to fire you.

You understand that, right?

I can't take a promotion if the only way to get it is to stick my conscience in a drawer.

Oh, please.



What happened? He just took off.

Which way did he go?

Took a right on Sunset, then disappeared.

Lem's not answering his cell phone.

You say anything? No.

Lem ripped us off? No.

No way. He was never in it for the cash.

He always thought the money was a problem.

Oh, no. No.

What? What?

I know where he's going.

Oh, God, no.


VIC: Don't, Lem!

SHANE: Lem, stop it!

Back off.

Back off.

What are you doing? Keeping us safe.

Put the g*dd*mn money down, Lem!

VIC: This won't help us.

If there's no money to find, Aceveda and the feds can't touch us.

SHANE: Lem, back off.

Back g*dd*mn off, right now.

Back off, man, I mean it.


RONNIE: Shane, put down the g*n.


Please, man.

Don't do this, man.


It's gonna be all right. I promise.

Oh, man. Come on, man.

You guys...

You guys are the only family I got, all right?

I'm not gonna let any of us go to prison.

That's a decision for the four of us to make, not just you.

I have always gone along with everything you ever wanted and all it's done is get us deeper and deeper into shit.

Stop it!

Just let me finish this, please?

Get off me!




It's over. It's over.

It's over. It's over.
