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03x09 - Slipknot

Posted: 01/09/22 11:28
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: Previously on The Shield...

If there's a mole, it's not Claudette's fault that you got made.

It is if she's submitting wiretap requests for us.

I don't get Trish back in one piece, I'll use every g*dd*mn favor I've banked for the last 14 years to get your lazy ass fired.

She belongs behind a desk.

Not messing with what we do on the street.

She's been playing both of us against each other from the jump.

Now, if we start playing ball together...

She can't command if we don't let her.

Let's see that mouth. Suck it.


What, and you couldn't stop them? He had a g*n to my head.

Do you know who they are?

I could find out.

But even then, what?

If it was me, I'd k*ll them.

It's been really busy right now.

You're always busy.

That's never stopped you from coming home before.

What's going on? There's money missing.

We're missing 7,000.

Including some marked money.

Ronnie reported the money missing.

Lem didn't even wanna steal it in the first place.

I didn't take that money.

You think there's any chance Vic took that money?

Shut the hell up.

...just gonna steal seven grand and leave a fortune behind?


WOMAN [OVER PA]: Line one.


Line one.


Wheelchair to Admitting.

Wheelchair to Admitting.

MAN: I'm on. I'm on it.

CORRINE: 5'7", short hair, um...


Are you okay? You didn't have to come.

VIC: What happened?

CORRINE: I was patching up this Asian guy and, um, I saw he had a g*nsh*t wound to the arm.

When I went to call it in, he freaked out.

Damn it.

You know, nothing's broken. I'll be okay.

MAN: I got all the details.

Any g*ng tats? No, just track marks.

He's either on something or off his meds.

I told you this place was a zoo.

Come on, I'll take you home.

I can get a ride.

No lectures, I promise.

He's still working with Matt? Not now.

What happened?

I'm okay. Some guy just went off at the hospital.

Jesus. Calm down.

You're gonna get Matt all worked up.

Matt can handle big feelings.

You an expert on my son now? Yes, I am.

Vic. MATTHEW: Mommy?

Mommy had an accident, and I'll be okay.

Cassidy, go get your homework out.

I'll help you in a minute. I can handle things here.

Because you're an expert on my whole family now.


You should come down to the Barn, look at the mug books.

Is that a good idea? I mean, he knows where you work.

What's to stop him from coming back and hurting you again?

I'm what's stopping him.

She picks him out, I find him, make sure he knows going back isn't an option.

It's not worth it. I mean, just leave it alone.

You know I wouldn't ask you to do this if I didn't think it was safe.

I'll call you. We'll figure it out.

Fine. You let me know.

Sir, Aurora's on the phone. Tell her I'm in a meeting.

Are you? Because I don't like lying to people.

I'm in a meeting.

Whatever you say.

BOY: There they are.

We heard dudes fighting or something.


Saw the gate. Merril always locks it.

You guys did good, calling us. Thanks.

Hey, hey, hey, wait here. Wait here, all right?

I'll go right. All right, I'll flank left.




There's a Merril Jindrich, runs the community center, says the name of the victim is Klee Jones, local kid.

Banger? Kid had no ink.

No g*ng tags anywhere.

CLAUDETTE: He painted this.

He's got others around the neighborhood.

It's beautiful stuff.

I always wondered who the artist was.

Maybe we could get the Strike Team and the Decoy Squad to help us run down leads.

We don't know if it's g*ng- or drug-related.

And I wanna give Walon some more cooling-off time.

Right now all we have is a homicide.

This boy wasn't just m*rder*d.

He was lynched.

You better know there's a difference.

I know.

You two can handle it.



How's the stomach? Uh, doc's got me on scrips.

Listen, uh, I can understand you not wanting to say anything in front of the others.

But if you took our missing cash...

Vic. ...for any reason, I promise we'll make it all right.

Look, I didn't take it.

Okay, I just had to ask.

Well, you know what, man? Ask someone else.

CLAUDETTE: Where's your mom and dad?


Me and Klee pretty much raised each other.

DUTCH: You know of anyone who would wanna hurt your brother?


People barely notice him. He's so quiet.

Everybody loved his paintings. CLAUDETTE: We saw.

They're amazing.

Ask Gitana.

I bet she's got something to do with this.

Who's that?

This Mexicali girl Klee hooked up with.

Her ex-boyfriend, all his friends, they're straight up gangsters.

Los Prof etas.

Klee was different.

I mean, not all about getting at my ass and tits.

I mean, we'd talk about stuff.

Art, love, you know, life shit.

He made me realize, you know, I could do better for myself.

Better than Neron?

We understand your ex-boyfriend was a member of Los Prof etas.

Neron's a Cristo boy.

DUTCH: Didn't work out, huh?

He wanted me to go to church and shit.

Meanwhile, he's on the street thugging.

Klee's sister thinks your g*ng affiliations might have something to do with his death.

A lot of the gangs was pissed about him painting over their tags.

Maybe Neron got jealous, you dating a black guy.

I'm fine, but I ain't k*lling-fine.

I gotta ask you something...

I counted right the first time.

I counted right the last time, and I didn't take the money.

Lem said you asked.

You ask Shane yet?

NINA: Sir.

I have Aurora.

No, I have her here.

Any leads on the lynching?

Claudette and Dutch are on it.

Anyone in custody?

Just witnesses. Why?

People are terrified.

The black leadership's convening a rally at the Hope Center.

You need to go.

It's a crime scene, not a photo op.

This isn't for the cameras.

You have to tell them that you have everyone protected.

You make it sound like I'm checked out.

The last thing we need is for a dark-horse black candidate to capitalize on this, run as an independent.

Crazier things have happened in this state.

Well, I'm not worried.

I've given you space to get through whatever this is.

If you don't want to tell me what the problem is, I'll find out another way.

Sir, uh, you need to take this call.

We heard some of the gangs were upset because his murals covered their tags.

He got some threats, talk mostly.

I think some of the gangs actually dug his stuff.

It just wasn't cool to say so.


Now what? Yeah.

Do I really wanna know?

Father Zavala. Stabbed five times.

Must have come out of the sacristy.

Wounds are to the back and neck.

DUTCH: Any witnesses?

Just the calling card.

CLAUDETTE: One-Niner payback for Klee Jones.

DUTCH: Klee wasn't a banger. This is bigger than g*ng beefs.

He was a black boy hanging from a tree.

The One-Niners must think the Los Prof etas are responsible.

Zavala was their spiritual counsel.

Bring in the Strike Team.

Track down the Decoy Squad and use them too.

Now that we know it's g*ng related?

Vic, we got trouble. What's up?

It's the money-train fed.

He was asking me where Aceveda and Dutch are.

SHANE: What's he want? Nothing we do.

Yeah, they told him to wait upstairs.

Detective, your team's needed right away.

CLAUDETTE: Any inside info on Los Prof etas?

K*llers with a conscience.

Got their piece of the street, usually keep to themselves.

It's biblical with these cats. Which means eye-for-an-eye time.

You cover the priest. Dutch and I'll stay with the hanging.

Hey, look, in this hood, if a black kid ends up dead, it's 'cause a deal went bad and someone's pissed off.

Guilty until proven white?

Yeah, maybe we should get the ACLU to solve it.

We'll look under our rocks, you look under yours.

These guys can't hear anything right now.

Let's check out the Niners first.


VIC: What's up, Tob?

What's this, "Bring your daddy to work" day?

Community outreach. Neighborhood's in mourning.

I see that.

Take the Shriners outside.

All right, let's go, pops. Let's go.

VIC: Let's talk.

Give up the booth, Twizzy.

VIC: Where's Kern at?

I think he's in Prague, touring.


One-Niners funding that tour?

We're creative partners.

Kern's put a lot of faith in you guys.

I bet he's gonna be pretty disappointed when he finds out you knifed a priest.

Oh, you're gonna be disappointed when you find out we didn't.

No? Then who wrote "One-nine" across his face?

He was tagged, assh*le.

VIC: What kind of crew you running here, Tob?

One hand don't know who the other hand's stabbing?

Look, if one of mine did it, I'll find out.

MAN: Make sure you give him a medal for it.

Look, man, people loved that kid's murals, all right, but I didn't order no hit on no priest.

But at least now the Prophets know what it's like to lose a local hero.

You wanna tell me why you were breaking bread with the thugs?

Like he said, community outreach.

You went to them for protection?

Don't make me dig deeper. You see that billboard?

Can you read it? I can't.

Decade ago, this whole block was black-owned.

Now, me, Perry, all that's left.

PERRY: Latin gangs hit my liquor store 19 times in the past year.

VIC: You think paying out to the One-Niners isn't robbery?

Banger get shot in a drive-by, that's one thing.

You put on the colors, you live and die the life.

But that boy, the painter, he was just trying to do good.

You know, we got grandsons coming up in this neighborhood.

One-Niners might be the only thing keeping them away from the noose.

VIC: You wanna feel safe, you come to me.

Ha! See, I heard that for the first time

40 years ago, after Watts.

Been hearing it ever since from you boys, every few years.

NERON: Los Prof etas didn't rope that guy.

Is that what the Niners think?

Is that why they k*lled Father Zavala?

CLAUDETTE: Your ex-girlfriend had nothing to do with it?

NERON: Gitana? Heh-heh.

Gitana was just to hit, like nothing real.

You think going to confession once a week exempts you from being a shitbag lowlife, Neron?

CLAUDETTE: Klee Jones saw an ugly world, tried to make it a little more beautiful.

He gave back. What'd you give?

What's everybody getting so torn up about?

There's dudes getting dead out there every day.

This dude was lynched.

I thought he was hung. Lynching is being hung.

You ever read a history book? I tried not to.

CLAUDETTE: Lynching's what they used to terrorize the ex-slaves.

That's how the Klan dealt with race-mixers.

Well, if I'm gonna do somebody, I'm not gonna waste my time looking for no tree and a rope when there's a million g*ns lying around.



You're gonna shut down all their street trade and lock them up?

How you gonna follow up on that?

We got a rally in two hours, and I don't want bloodshed.

Using that guy as your errand boy is a short-term fix.

That's all we got time for.

Now get him out of here so he can pass on the message.

Look what crawled out of the gutter.

VIC: Thought you guys were neck-deep in that homeless-torching thing.

Six days of undercover setup gone to shit.

LEM: Why, what happened?

Claudette brought us out for this lynching.

Why? It's pure gangland. It's not a decoy thing.

Oh, I'm sure she's got a plan.

Why the hell did you pull us off?

I want Trish and Annie inside this community rally.

You want my team pressing a crowd?

We've had two homicides that created enough racial tension...

Three homeless dead and a fourth one's gonna be toast because you can't keep... Stop that right there.

Last week you tanked a major case, now you want to turn us into mall security?

It's bullshit. CLAUDETTE: I made a mistake.

I start digging in your jacket, I won't find a few?

None that almost k*lled a cop.

If you can't find it within yourself to work with me, fine.

You're docked. Catch up on paperwork.

You signing off on this?

The job gets done when we trust the decisions of our superiors.

If he's out, we're all out. CLAUDETTE: There's a chair.

There's six weeks of FIs to file.

Mr. Rabinowitz?

I thought you were a doctor.

I've been waiting here You were mugged? Corman Street.

This man, he jumps from out of nowhere with a pipe, yells, "Give me your money." And you did?

Yes. And then he smashed my knee.

Took my streimel.

He didn't have to hit you. What did I say?

When these things happen, we must be strong.

Can you give us a description? Asian, black hair.

Had a bandage on his arm.


Our arrest percentages are down 30 percent since we've been here.

We never had this interference at Wilshire.

Yeah, it's not right. We gotta get free again.

This team is the assistant chief's baby.

Phillips will listen to me.

I just need a witness.

Look, I don't wanna be the one responsible for letting you slip away.

WALON: It'll all be off the record.

Phillips just needs to know that I'm not, uh, overreacting.

He does that sometimes. I can relate.

You can count me in as a witness.

VIC: Hold on, hold on.

You really want out?


I'll back you up. But you gotta do the right thing.

I need Trish and Annie to work the rally.

My guys are the wrong shade of black.


Hey, Vic, you got a sec?

They're all yours.

We just took a mugging call at Mission Cross, sounds like the guy who att*cked your wife.

Any leads? I'm tracking the stolen cards.

Let me know. Okay.

This guy hurt Corrine.

He can't come in feeling good about that.

What's the favor?

He turns up, before you bring him in, you call me.



You bet.

We appreciate your support and your concern.

Our purpose for being here today is not to just to talk about this travesty that's happened, but, um, to create a forum for our awareness, answers.

Right now I'd like to turn over the mike to Reverend Leeman.

Would you all be kind enough to join hands, please?

Lord Jesus, we ask you to guide our hearts and our minds.

Renew our faith, O Lord, and open our eyes...

I hear you're responsible for having Trish and Annie change their minds.

Walon was way out of line.


No problem.

REVEREND: the prayer of God...

VIC: Now, what do you guys got?

Not much conversation, but, uh, spotted six sporting One-nine ink.

Couple baby bangers.

Four of them with unnatural bulges.

Okay, point 'em out to my guys.

They'll be the first ones we jump if this goes ugly.


TRISH: It's all stirred up, ain't it?

Yeah. SHANE: Hey, Vic!

VIC: Sorry, boys, crusade's been canceled.

Ain't no holy w*r, homes.

Just come to listen. You're too smart for this.

Why don't you guys get in your cars and bounce on out of here?

ACEVEDA: Ladies and gentlemen, stay where you are.

Let the police officers do their job.

This Captain Aceveda is right...

Hey, ése, you got balls coming here and break up our rally.

They're not looking for a fight and neither are you.

No, we're just looking for a priest-k*ller, homes.




Anybody hurt?

MAN [OVER MEGAPHONE]: Everyone clear this area now.

Or you will be arrested, clear the area now.

You got a name for me?

Yeah, I got a lot of names for you.

Keep that sense of humor. Why are you locking me up, man?

We was there like anybody else, man.

No one else was jamming clips into semi-nines, assh*le.

What? The thorn heads came up in there looking for blood and shit.

Why don't you talk through the fence, maybe some racial harmony will break out.

Man, you ain't nothing but a rat.

We found firecracker scraps.

That's what incited the sh**t.

Pol Com and the archbishop have riot fears.

They're pressuring us to bring in the FBI.

Put the National Guard on standby.

VIC: Uh, that's a bad move.

CLAUDETTE: Sends a message we've lost control.

Oh, so we haven't?

We'll solve these, calm the waters.

VIC: How much time before the feds show up?

The chief wants me reporting from here the next 24 hours.

That buys us some time.

Let's see where we are by then.

I sense some disharmony between you and Tobar.

Kern keeps us civilized. Kern's in Europe.

I should've come to you first. Come to me about what?

I gave Tobar the chance to give up the Niner who offed the priest.

He blew it. I'm making you the same offer.

Okay, where's my upside?

When you give up the k*ller, with some proof, I'll get you your boys out of lockup.

Let you do business rent-free.

Come on, Mackey.

Everybody knows you've been shut down.

You're not on the street enough to landlord.

I'm getting the keys to the city back.

Spoke to Lem and Ronnie.

When you gonna ask me about the cash?

Don't have to. None of us took it, none of us spent it.

Trail won't lead back to us.

Yeah, I believe Lem and Ronnie too.

But that 7 grand didn't just spontaneously combust.

And now Aceveda's pulling his marked-money list from the safe.

He's hooking the Treasury guy up with Rodriguez.

Nothing's gonna lead back to us.


But if those flagged bills have anything to do with our missing cash, I'd sure like to know who the hell's spending it.

Rodriguez, I thought you were pulling those like-crime stats for me?

Sorry. Wagenbach's working the hanging.

I got stuck working this Armenian-mob thing.

I'll be in the car, we better hurry.

It's a long trip. Place closes at 4.

Where you headed? Some bank in lndio.

Where the hell's that? Palm Desert.

Sounds hot.

How the hell did our cash end up in the g*dd*mn desert?

It's not from the 20 grand Diagur took.

Those marked bills were all scooped up.

What g*ng's running meth through that part of the state?

I don't know.

Aceveda and the chief had us out of the loop the last few months.

LEM: Street sweeps and dime-bag bust quotas let us lay low.

VIC: Laying low has kept us in the dark.

We gotta get back to basics.

Plug back into the street intel.

Make ourselves indispensable to the department again.

SHANE: Best defense is a good offense.

How we gonna get Aceveda and the chief to unleash us?

We won't have to. Walon's gonna do it for us.

Meantime, as long as there's no paper trail leading from the marked bills in lndio to us, we're golden.

Can you tell us how long Klee was painting that mural?

About two weeks.

Did you ever see anyone harass him, complain about it?


Did you ever talk to him at all?


He was right across the street for two weeks.

You never spoke to him?

He didn't come in, buy a soda?

Didn't pay the boy that much attention.

Not an art lover, huh?

Oh, his painting's good and all that.

Just sends the wrong message.

And what message is that, sir?

PERRY: You know, in this neighborhood, you gotta choose a side.

I'm black. That's my side.

Should've been his side too.

Hey, Vic.

We pulled a match from the books.

Tung Yung? I wish I felt like laughing.

DANNY: The other victim's in synagogue.

We're gonna need your wife to make a positive ID.


Circulate this.

There's a steak dinner in it for the first one who gets me a face-to-face with this prick.

WALON: My squad's being wasted here.

Aceveda twisted the chief's arm to get you guys.

He's got us reporting to Wyms. Burying us in extra commands.

It's not working.

I got my problems with Wyms too.

But Aceveda threw her in the deep end.

It's not her fault she's drowning.

You want me to unplug you, I'm gonna need a better argument than a personality clash.

Providing for the homeless is one of the mayor's pet projects, right?


Might have a hard time explaining to city hall why your crack Decoy Squad was pulled off the homeless-torching case to file month-old robbery reports.

I'll need details. [CELL PHONE RINGING]

That's my case.

WALON: We were embedded six g*dd*mn days.

Perfect cover...

What? I figured out why Tobar was flaking on giving up the knifer.

Why's that? It was his boy, Link.

You'll find the blade and bloody wear at his crib.

Good work.

WALON: Next thing I know, me and my team are ear-deep in Barn shit.

Hey, we got a break.

m*rder w*apon. Blood-stained Yankee jacket.

It's a slam-dunk.

Great. This job's still only half done.

Where are we on the hanging?

Well, all of the likely suspects have come up clean.

CLAUDETTE: He doesn't circulate in the usual world.

We're hitting dead ends.

Decoy Squad hit a dead end too?

Father Zavala was k*lled by g*ng v*olence.

That's the Strike Team. I know what they do.

You have the Decoy Squad in your house also.

Why not put them on this?

ACEVEDA: Because they were docked for insubordination.

You docked them? I did.

We're trying to keep the lid on a racial pressure-cooker.

I know that. You put an entire special unit on a dead Latino priest and docked the team that could be solving the lynching of a black man?

That's not the truth.

The truth is whatever it looks like.

And this looks like racial prioritizing, councilman.

Come on. Yeah, yeah.

About time you let us out of here.

Just long enough to do this.

Elias Linkletter, you're under arrest for the m*rder of Father Oleos Zavala.

LINK: Man, this is shit.

No. This is proof.

Tob, man, I didn't k*ll him.

I ain't k*lled no priest, Tob!

You can let this half go, except for that one.

Aiding and abetting.

Hey, man, you hurt us, you hurt Kern.

Kern's licking caviar off a Czech whore's nipple.

He won't be too hurt.

I want you to tell me what's wrong.

Aurora... I went to Rigoberto.

Spoke to him.

Whatever your secret is, he's keeping it.

There's no secret.

You tell your cousin but not your wife?

A less secure woman might think there's someone else.

Babe, I'm not screwing around. You're hiding something.

Please let this go. What is it?

Act like a husband.

Please. Just trust me.

Trust me. Aurora.

I'm very scared, David.

Those guys I fought...

one of them assaulted me.

But you're okay now.

They tied my hands.

And they made me get on my knees.

They made you... suck?

Both of them? Just one of them.

You didn't.


Wait, you're a cop. You're trained in...

I was alone. I was in... I was...

No, David.

How...? How could you let that happen?

Because I wanted to live.

I wanted to live for you and Sophia.

I can't talk about this here.

I never saw that knife, and I'd never be wearing no Yankee rag.

I was born in Boston, man, I'd rather take a knife than wear N.Y.

I'm not sure if I'd use the Red Sox defense in a Dodger town.

CLAUDETTE: That was a horrible thing they did to Klee Jones.

Lynching a brother's some wrong shit.

Maybe you wanted to send him a message.

Make sure it didn't ever happen again.

You got the right message, but the wrong messenger.

No, we don't.

You stabbed Father Zavala five times this morning.


This morning?

I was in my group. DUTCH: Group?

LINK: Anger therapy.

Kern's shrink?

Been learning to keep my emotions in check.

He's probably lying about the therapy sessions, at least when he got there.

CLAUDETTE: The parish raised bail for the Prophets.

One m*rder still unsolved, and now all the players are back in action.

ACEVEDA: Put Walon's team into the mix.

Let them spend the night on the street. See what they hear.

You said you'd back me on that. Just do it, already!

Hey. Whatever's been eating at you lately, don't take it out on her.

She's the main thing keeping this place glued together.

That's enough, Dutch. No.

You got her juggling a full detective load plus this supervisory post.

And then you hang her out to dry? That's not leadership.

How's your detective load, Wagenbach?

Anything new on the sick bastard raping grandmothers?


DANNY: Hey, Cobalt, how's business?

JULIEN: We're looking for a friend of yours, an Asian guy trying to score painkillers.

Aren't we all? Mind if we take a look inside?

Mind letting me see a warrant?

That's okay. We'll just wait for him here.

Greet your customers.

Who you looking for?

He was around.

Junkie tried to give me a ton of Sudafed for a few Percocet.

This is a cash-only slot. Where'd you send him?

A Thai cat sells scrips out of a clinic on Hanover and Carmen.

Should be there in the morning.


His anger-management alibi checks out.

He's got a shrink and eight fellow hotheads who can account for his time.

How did the knife and bloody sweatshirt get in his place?

I'll follow up on that. I need a minute.

What is it? I bet on the wrong scumbag.

How did you do that?

You've have had me buried over the last couple of months.

I'm out of touch. Oh, so it's my fault?

I'll bring in the right guy. Good.

But I'm never gonna let this happen again.

I'm no good half in, half out. Now, you gotta make a choice.

You either let me do what I do, or I'll pull the plug on the Strike Team.

Take my boys to another part of town.

Lose the hardware! Lose it! Get on the table. On the table.

Drop it!

What the hell's going on, Mackey?

It's closing time.

My first task as the new landlord, get rid of the old tenants.

This was not a part of our transaction.

That deal went south the second you screwed everyone in this room.

Screwed who?

Oh, shit.

Seems you fingered a man with an airtight alibi.

Pigs trying to turn us against each other, Tobar.

Shut up, bitch. I can see I'm in the way.

What are you talking about? You can't leave me here with them.

I can't take you with me. You're an innocent man.

Unless you got something to confess, Twizzy.

I didn't do nothing.

VIC: Okay. Take care.

Vic, where you...?

TWIZZY: Wait! All right, Vic. All right.

How'd the knife and the Yankee rag end up under Link's bed?

Not so sure if I remember all the details now.

Let me refresh you on the math.

You framed number two, which implicated number one, which bounced you from number three to the new number one.

And that gets you zero.

All right, assh*le.

Let's let Tobar and Link finish the interrogation.

Let's go clubbing.

Hey, man, look what we found at Twizzy's place.

It's the same rope Klee was hanging from.


No one's gonna save your ass, Twizzy.

That camera hasn't worked in months.

Now you talk to us or you can talk to your boys between beatings.

I strung him. You damn right I did.

Someone's got to be the martyr here. It might as well be me.

Why? 'Cause that Rainbow Coalition shit was crushing us.

Kern and Tobar caved on me.

They punked out.

Wanna strike deals with the Lats.

So you decided to set off the racial b*mb.

The priest?

I wanted to see the Prophets cry.

Fuel the w*r.

Get the Black back.


Jack Uzis.

The local businessmen.

I got them all sitting down.

Talking about working together. I did.

Black-on-black lynching.

Is that better or worse?



What's that? Open it.

It's locked. It's funny, you know.

I never really lock my lockbox.


The reason I never lock it is because I can never remember where I put the g*dd*mn key.

But somebody locked it.

I... I was looking for some old photos, some stuff.

I don't know anything about your family, I...

You know, I really know a lot about your family.

I called your mom in lndio.

She told me about the $7000 care package that you sent.

You'd disappear at night.

I saw you take the key a couple times.

So you decided that you would steal from me?

I found a receipt for a storage facility with your handwriting and a fake name.

You'd been lying to me. What did you expect me to do?

Jesus Christ. You... You have no idea what kind of trouble this is.

You know what trouble I've been going through?

Why are you hiding money from me?

You stole from me!

You stole from me!

That trunk was filled with cash. I just took what I needed.

For us. Us.

What happened to us?

You gonna lie to your child too?

Hey, don't turn this around.

My mother's a g*dd*mn cancer. She was being evicted.

She would've showed up on our doorstep.

I didn't want her to ruin this.

You shouldn't have looked into those trunks.

Is there money in all those trunks?

Is it drug money?

You don't get to ask that question.

But it's from your job, right?

Just stop asking.

Should I ask Vic instead?

Is it Vic's money?

Did you steal it from him? No.

Then where did it come from? Just forget that you saw it.

How am I supposed to do that? Look, I...

You just do it.


Look, you don't take any more cash.

Don't breathe a word about this to anybody.

We gotta figure out what to have your mother say in case people start asking her questions.

Who's gonna ask her questions?

The money wasn't supposed to be spent.

When it comes to money, we can't trust her.

Then we're gonna have to find a way to control her.

Because if this money gets traced back to me... this is life-and-death shit, for all of us.

Is this the man who att*cked you?

Yeah. That's him. Great.

The old Jew he mugged has been in temple lock-down.

Now we can finally arrest this prick.

Did I say something wrong?

I'm sorry, are you Jewish? Someone keyed Owen's car.

Scratched "Stay away" across the trunk.

Oh, you think I did it?

Well, it had to have been done last night before I left here.

If I wanted you to stay away, I wouldn't scratch it in your Volvo.

You'd scratch it across my face?

What are you telling this guy? Nothing that I can't see.

You keep your mouth shut in front of my kids.

Don't yell at him. Stop it.

I wrote it.

Cassidy. VIC: No, I'll do it.

I don't want him here.

Owen makes your mommy happy, honey.

Why can't you make Mommy happy?

I'd be hurt if I were you too.

I will always be your dad.

And your mommy will always be your mommy.

That's never gonna change.

Everything is changing.


The Decoy Squad's being transferred to South Central.

When? Tomorrow.

Who? It's the assistant chief's call.

I didn't fight it. It wasn't gonna work.

We can still get done what we need to with the Strike Team.

Vic and his guys are going back to full-time anti-g*ng and vice status.

You're putting them back on the street?

I'm no longer running the team.

I had no time to consult with you.

It all went down pretty quickly.

You, uh...

You'll resume your regular detective rotation.

So strike one and I'm out?

It was my fault. I had you half in, half out.

And I should've just let... You're the boss.

You don't have to explain your decision.

Charges against your boys have been dropped.

I heard.

You also hear that we know who did it?

Tell Los Prof etas no more retribution.

That's God's decision.

God's decided to put me back in business.

My streets, my rules.

Niners ain't playing by the rules.

Twizzy was a rogue.

Kern, Tobar never would have let that happen.

We still got pain.

Twizzy will be in county until his hearing.

That'll give you a few weeks to get someone inside.

Stop the pain.

Anything after that, commit any sins, I'll be nailing you to a cross.

Thank God you caught the guy.

Yeah, people are relieved.

The election should be smooth sailing.


I just came home to change.


Oh, he's early.

Tung Yung?

Stay down.

JULIEN: Stay down.


♪ And it's in God that we trust ♪

♪ When asked about the men That had died by their hands ♪

♪ They said ashes to ashes ♪

♪ And dust to dust ♪ What's the target?

Blue house.

Russians. Fresh from the Kremlin.

Moving in, moving weight.

China white.

I got some bad news, Boris.

Air just tastes better today, doesn't it?


Vic, I, uh...


It's good to be back.

♪ Now, nobody lives forever ♪

♪ Nothing stands the test Of time ♪ JULIEN: Where do you want him? Put him in 2.

♪ But it's always best To keep in mind ♪

♪ That every tower Ever built tumbles ♪

♪ No matter how strong ♪

♪ No matter how tall ♪

♪ Someday even great walls Will crumble ♪

♪ And every idol Ever raised falls ♪

♪ And someday even man's Best laid plans ♪

♪ Will lie twisted And covered in rust ♪

♪ When we've done All that we can ♪

♪ But it slipped Through our hands ♪

♪ And it's ashes to ashes ♪

♪ And dust to dust ♪

♪ Ashes to ashes ♪

♪ Dust to dust ♪

♪ Ashes to ashes ♪ Knock, knock.


MAN: Put your hands up.

Put them up.

Get down.

Down, now.

Welcome to the neighborhood.

♪ No one remembers his name ♪

♪ But the seed that he sowed Took the show ♪
