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03x06 - Posse Up

Posted: 01/09/22 11:26
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: Previously on The Shield:

...doesn't mean you have to play Wonder Woman.

Though I might be able to dig up the outfit for you.

Victim's name is Isabel Nelson.

r*ped by a lone male.

Guy was waiting in the house naked when she came home.

Isabel's 73.

We think this, uh, cuddler-r*pist has been around for a while.

Mueller's results have been proven accurate down to the square block.

His fee's $5000. CLAUDETTE: Right.

No. We don't have the money.

AGENT NELL: Two of the bills you had in your possession are marked.

Currency stolen from an Armenian money-laundering ring.

Holy shit. We've been waiting for it.

Our money's marked? Showed up in your hands.

Chew on this, baby.

We found out the feds marked some of our money train cash.


Part of a sting they're doing on the Armenians.

Oh, shit. Deep.

AGENT NELL: Take it to the lab before 5, I can get fingerprint results by morning. You coming?

I'm curious what else we might find here.

Police! On your knees, man.


Let's see that mouth.

Suck it!


VIC: Anything?


All right, we switch, do it all again with new eyes.

LEM: g*dd*mn. Shit.

VIC: We can't spend a nickel until we know which bills are marked.

I'm gonna check for dummy serial numbers this time.

Who's got the Federal Reserve seal?

SHANE: Uh, I'll take it. Here.

The, uh, cuddler-r*pe case. Ahem. How many victims so far?

Five. We're going to the press tomorrow.

N-no. Not... Not yet.

The reporters are already calling with questions.

They've got the story.

We might as well give them our side.

We got a list of registered sex offenders, guys with prior robberies.

Let us talk to 'em first.

There have gotta be a hundred suspects at least.

L-it'll take you a month.

Actually, we've, uh, narrowed the list down to 14.


We got the geo-profile. I said no to that.

When I told the prof tier who the victims were, he offered to do it for half-price.

Apparently his grandma put him through school.

It's still too much.

I... Twenty-five hundred.

I wrote him a check.

L-if it doesn't work out, just take it out of my salary.

Believe me, I will.


The prof tier gave us hot zones, places where the guy likely lives or works.

Plus we've got high-risk areas for future r*pes.

Well, talk to whoever you need to, but you got 24 hours till the press conference.

W-What if our guy, uh, has a lust for fame?

Going public now will build his confidence, make him more dangerous.

Give us another week.

Potential r*pe victims need to know the threat, and they need to know it now.

You've got until tomorrow.



You're early.

You told me you wanted me to check the pool filter.

I'll do it before I take Cass to the game.

Okay, I'll go get her ready.



MATTHEW: Noisy. OWEN: Right.

Hey, Mr. Mackey. How's it going?

Hey, little man.

That's enough for today, Matthew.

You did a good job. I'm proud of you. Let's pack up.

He's working on understanding concepts, as well as objects.

Like a horn's not just a horn, but it's...

Noisy. I get it. It's good.

Matthew, those don't go there.

Let's put 'em in your room right now, okay?

It's okay. He can get it later.

He knows he needs to do it now.

And I said he can do it later. I got a job for him.

She's getting her uniform on. She'll be out in a minute.

I'll be by the pool. Come on, Matt. Help your dad.

Hey, I talked to a nurse. Tavon's doing a lot better.

That's great. SHANE: Yeah, it is.

LEM: He's off the ventilator. Who? Tavon?

LEM: Yeah. He's, uh, still not responding to voices, but, uh, breathing on his own was a big hurdle.

He could still have a full recovery.

I'm gonna go see him after work.

Anybody wanna come with?

SHANE: I... I can't make it today.

Look, I got another idea on how to track those bills.

You know those, uh, lists that the feds send around to banks to track counterfeits?

You can't just walk into a bank and ask to see their Treasury watch list without attracting attention.

Those lists also go around to check-cashing places, they go to Indian casinos.

Anyway, I know this wink joint, he cashes checks.

I go in, I tin Uncle Ho, say I need to make sure his list is current.

He'll go for that?

If it keeps me from poking around his backroom where he's pimping slope cooch, yeah.

Yeah, I think he'll go for it.

VIC: Yeah, that's not bad.

Just keep it quiet. Okay.

Oh. All here.

You're assigned to Trish for the day.

I'll try to break you in easy.

CLAUDETTE: Got gay bashers going after male hustlers out on the stroll.

Where's the rest of the Decoy Squad?

TRISH: Deep cover.

Trish will fill you in on operational details.

VIC: Just for the record.

I have no problem working with the Decoy Squad, but we don't work for them.

That's right. You work for me.



TOMMY: Who the hell wrote this?

DANNY: Who do you think? Nina.

What, are we in third grade?

Hey, that yours?

MAN: Tommy Hisk?


Detective Kouf, Wilshire. Can I talk with you?


Do you wanna come with me?

I'm about to go on duty.

Just step outside.

Go get the captain.

Your ex-wife and son were found m*rder*d.

I'm very sorry.

I need to take you to Wilshire with me.

Wait a minute. Why?

That's my captain's orders.

This happens and Griggs wants to sweat him?

Just a couple of questions. We're all cops here.

Think I had something to do with this?

Hey, it's just procedure. What do you want?

Save him the car ride and you talk to him here.

You do it fast, and you get it over with.



Are you all right?



Where were you last night between 10 and 11 p.m.?

Is that when they, uh...?

KOUF: Just where were you?



I don't know. I worked late and went home.

Okay. Were you with anyone, like a girlfriend maybe or...?

Don't have a girlfriend.

I'm sorry? I don't have a girlfriend.

This is bullshit.

Heard his divorce got nasty, but come on.

They'll get a statement, see there's nothing there.

Meanwhile, the real k*ller's trail's going cold.

It's Wilshire's case. Your team's got yours.

How old was his kid?

Four or 5. g*dd*mn it.

We gotta posse up.

Find out who did Tommy's family.

Who's coming?

True they got him in interrogation?

We're gonna fix that.

Talking about disappearing off the grid?

If the hammer doesn't come down fast and hard, it sends a message that cops and their families are fair game.

MAN: I got cage duty. What can I do from here?

Run a records search.

Anyone Tommy's put away, recently paroled.

I'm gonna check out the crime scene.

You guys come, canvass the neighborhood.

All right. Okay. Let's go.

Change of plans. I'm calling in sick.

Are you?

Well, I could put a penny under my tongue, or you could take me at my word.

This about that uni's family getting k*lled?

The only reason your old boss is dicking with Tommy is because Aceveda took you and your team from Wilshire.

This is payback.

And what am I supposed to tell Claudette?

Tell her I was present and accounted for.

Oh, she spanks me, I'll spank you.

Hey, Vic. I'm coming too. VIC: No.

I'm not sitting around on flamer duty while Tommy gets boned.

You've got problems of your own if Tavon comes to.

Besides, I need you here.

Vic, come on. I got some bodies.

I'll handle it. You handle this for me.

VIC: Hey, Julien. You hear about Tommy?

Yeah. There's no way he did this.

A bunch of us are going out there to prove it. You want in?

Yeah. He was my partner, I knew his son.

It's a deep blue run.

Could be consequences, a little hot water.


Good, you're in. Let's go.

Did you place any calls so we can prove you were home?

No. Look, I wanna see them.

KOUF: Mm-hm. When can I see 'em?

KOUF: It's all right. We won't be here too long.

Excuse me a minute.

She's been crying for you.

She doesn't understand where you've been.

I'm sorry, it's, uh...

It's been really busy right now.

You're always busy.

That's never stopped you from coming home before.

I can't get into it right now.

Well, we're here right now.

That's all you gotta say?


Will you be home for dinner?

I don't know how long I'll be needed here.

Spending another night? I don't know.

For God's sake, what have you been doing?

One of my cops just found out his family's been m*rder*d.

And on top of that, he's a suspect.

And then you've been calling all day.

And then you bring Sophia down here.

You know, what are you thinking? You know, qué piensas?

Calm down.



I'll be home when I get home.


I'll call it in.

VIC: Mind if we take a look around?

MAN: You're in the wrong district, aren't you?

Uh, this was the family of one of our guys.

Yeah. I heard.

Techs are still inside.

No one's gonna disturb your crime scene, man.

Normally, sure, but the captain's taken a special interest in this.

He could stop by any time.

Look, we just wanna help out a friend who lost his wife and kid.

Who's caught up in the middle of a pissing match between your boss and ours.

Look, I'm not trying to be a pain in the ass.

Two minutes.

We just wanna see what happened.

Look, they can wait outside. Just me and Tommy's partner.

Two minutes. In and out.


MAN: He came in a back window. Broken lock.

Wife was stabbed a couple dozen times.

The sister found her.

Anything missing?

MAN: Off the top of her head, a silver tea set and some jewelry.

The kid ran to hide under the bed.

k*ller found him and slashed his throat.

Think God's gonna show mercy to the person who did this?


How bad was it?

Oh, it was a speed m*rder.

The guy had to be cranked on something.

Neighbors say there's been a lot of break-ins lately.

There's a crack house right over there, across the street.

VIC: Hey, anybody check that rock house over there?

We knocked. No answer.

Oh, for Christ's sake.


Hey, Vic, wait a minute. I just got my job back, okay?

I'm not breaking into this place.

There's a citizen inside here in need of immediate medical attention.

See? Medical emergency.

Somebody get this man an aspirin.

Rise and shine, party people.

Yo, dude, this is my crib.


A cop's wife and kid across the street were m*rder*d last night.

This looks like a good place to round up the usual suspects.

Ain't nobody here last night except myself.

Well, that makes you a prime suspect.

Y'all tripping for real.

I was too blind off a eight ball to raise my hand against my fellow man.

Are you playing a game with me?

Because I know some games myself.


DANNY: Come on, Vic.

JUNKIE: Ah! Okay, okay.

This slanger, Darontay, came by here last night to make a delivery.

Yeah? He sees that bitch outside writing down his g*dd*mn license plate.

Darontay goes out to regulate.

Tells her to get ghost or be swarmed on by a n*gga.

VIC: What happened then? I don't know, man. I...

I... When homes came with the product, I was too busy trying to get my smoke on.

If Tommy's wife wrote down this guy's license plate, maybe it's still inside the house.

Look, I think I saw some kind of list on the fridge.

I'm not sure.

Okay. Here's what we do.

I need another quick look inside.

I got a call that Captain Griggs is on the move.

Come on, man, I'm just trying to lend a hand here.

Then turn around and walk away.

VIC: I thought we were working on the same team.

I don't know what this beef between our captains is...

You want me to break it down for you?

No. I just want you out of here before mine shows up.

All right, I'm out of here.

Plate numbers. I figure the last one belongs to Darontay.

Good. Copy down the last few to be safe.

Gonna turn that over to Wilshire?

After we run the numbers. Why?

It's their investigation.

Yeah, and they're focusing on the wrong guy.

Wait a minute.

Breaking and entering? Withholding evidence?

If the perp fences the stuff he stole before we get him, it's gonna be harder to tie him to the case.

We gotta get this assh*le now.

Look, I signed up to keep Tommy out of jail, not put myself in.

Oh, please. We're just doing the job they should be doing.


Julien, come on, let's go.

I'm gonna see this through.

We're on patrol.

It's not like I haven't covered for you for a couple of hours when you've had an emergency.

You got the numbers?


Feel free to return the list to Wilshire.

You know, there was another break-in last month?

She tell you about that?

She told me.

Same as last night.

Came in through the same window, stole a bunch of valuables.

Luckily, no one was home at the time.

Why aren't you out looking for a break-in guy?

Not a very good neighborhood for a mom and kid to be living alone, is it?

It's shit.

I tried to get Barb to move, but she likes the house, and I don't make enough cash for something better.

KOUF: You fought?

So they argued. She's an ex-wife.

It comes with the territory.

KOUF: Divorce was final two weeks ago, right?

What has that to do with anything?

Well, you know, like you said, it's tough to get a house in the Hills on a uniform's alimony.

Why the hell is that important? Why?

We're here to discuss last night.

Okay, am I interrogating you or him?

I thought we were just talking.

I, uh, reconned three victims' homes last night, all with windows facing the street.

Tried to get a look inside.

Drapes were closed in all three instances.

I can't wait to hear the punch line.

I re-interviewed the victims.

Before the att*cks, all had their drapes up during the day but closed at night. So?

He's scoping them out during the day. Unemployed?

Be less conspicuous if he worked in the area.

A courier, construction, someone you wouldn't look at twice.

CLAUDETTE: How's it going up there?

You guys any closer to a suspect, or are you just $2500 poorer?

We're gonna need daily surveillance patrols in areas of potential att*cks.

Save it till after the press conference.

Yeah, I've got my notes for you.

No, keep them. You're gonna be doing it.

The press conference? Y-you always do those.

I gotta get back up to Tommy.

DUTCH: Um, I still think this is premature.

We should at least release a psych profile, see if it gets us any tips.

What's the profile?

Uh, single, or with a submissive partner, frees him up for going out at all hours.

No, no. Enough of the profiles. Just give them what we know.

VIC [ON RADIO]: I need you to run a plate.

One-zero-zero- Paul-Charles-Edward.

Should come back to an owner, first name Darontay.

Yeah, I need an address ASAP.

Hey, I, uh... I hit that check-cashing place.


Palmed the serial numbers Treasury's watching.

Everything's under control here.

What, you can't talk? Right.

Soon as we're done with the bone-smokers, we'll check our cash against that list.

Uh, we don't know if your Cl's information is correct.

His info may not jive with Aceveda's expectation.

Aceveda might be working off a different list?


You need to review the evidence collected in the Byz Lats investigation.

Check it against the bills we know are marked in Property.

There you go.

Hey, Cacuzza.

I could use a little help on this, uh, Byz Lat investigation.

There was, uh, some cash logged into Property, last name "Salcido."

I can't release property without the owner's signature.

Doesn't need to leave the room.

Drug residue on those bills gets me the search warrant I need.

All right.


Here it is, the marked bills we're holding for Treasury.

Great, great.

KOUF: You haven't been back at the house since you left?


Picked up Jeff a few times outside the house.

That's the only reason, to pick up Jeff?

ACEVEDA: You heard him. Jesus Christ.

The thing is, uh, one of the few items that was stolen, uh, last month in the break-in was an American Eagle coin collection from your father.

We talked to Barb's sister.

She said your son saw the coins last week at your place.

He told his mom.

She said she was gonna press charges, breaking and entering.

That would have cost you your job.


Somebody made a mistake.

KOUF: Yeah? What's your son, a liar?

My son's dead and you pricks won't let me see him.

Captain. Steve.

What's going on, David? Why isn't he in custody?

Well, you said just a few routine questions.

There is a case against him.

I'm not obliged to lay it out in front of him.

Why don't you lay it out in front of me?

Okay. He breaks into his ex-wife's house.

Stole property, she found out. He kills her to cover it up.

The son sees it, so he kills him too.

Well, you've got nothing to support that.

So why don't you just let it go?

So if I search his place, I'm not gonna find those coins?

Steve, you know you don't have enough for a search warrant.

Are you still working with us, or are you a defense attorney now?

Cuff him and put him in the car.

No, he stays in my house until you show me more.

Let's call the chief.

Sure. Yeah.

I think he's on the tenth hole at Rancho Park.

I'll make sure to tell him what a great job the Decoy Squad's doing for me.

Or you can finish up with Tommy here.


Next time, I won't knock so hard.

Put your clothes on, walk out the door, and change your taste in men.

Where were you last night, playboy?

You know, ruling the streets.

Then back to the crib for a little thug passion with shorty.

There was a double homicide right down the block from the crack house you supply.

JULIEN: Police officer's wife and child were stabbed to death.

See me crying?

Well, we only just got here.

Did you do it?

I would have, but I had on a new suit.

You wear that around your neck and you talk like that?

Ah, you like the bling-bling. Twenty-five grand.

Yo, why you tripping, n*gga?

Two less blue-eyed devils in this world.


Witnesses saw you arguing last night.

Who didn't have words with that bitch?

Telling folks to come correct or get dimed on 'cause her baby daddy five-0.

Hell, even your boy couldn't deal.

Hired a straight G to come gank his own crib.

No speak Ebonics, shithead.

Her old man hired some dude to come rob his own damn house.

How do you know?

DARONTAY: My users tell me things of interest, like when a fellow smoke hound gets recruited by the po-po.

Who'd this cop hire?

Some smoker.

Probably wasn't a wise choice.

You hired someone to knock over your house?


Cut the bullshit, Tommy. I found out.

Now, we got about two minutes tops.

Tell me what happened.

I have a coin collection from my dad.

Gold American Eagles.

She got half of them in the settlement.

She was gonna sell 'em.

So you hired someone to steal 'em back?

It was a one-time thing.


You know, a bunch of us are out there trying to clear your name.

You're making us all look like assholes.

He was a 459 suspect I cut loose who owed me.

Has nothing to do with last night.

He came through the same window, the same broken lock.

Ex-wives know how to push buttons.

One way of getting out from under the alimony.

My son, Vic? You think I would do this to him? You got kids.

Yeah. I wouldn't hire some crackhead to break into where they sleep. Barb and Jeff were out of town.

He wasn't a crackhead.

Did you make him take a urine test?

This guy came back for seconds, k*lled 'em both.

Jesus Christ.

I gotta find him.

That's what I'm doing.

Tell me his name. [KNOCKING ON DOOR]

ACEVEDA: Hey, unlock this door.

Soren Arnovic. Run his priors, you'll find him.

I didn't know, Vic. If he did this, I didn't know.

Keep your mouth shut. Let me do my thing.

ACEVEDA: I said unlock this door.


What's going on?

VIC: Just showing a fellow officer some support.

Uh, the r*pes appear to be preferentially-motivated assaults.

Can you put that in terms our viewers can understand?

Yes. Uh, women, between the ages of 65 and 80, living alone.

The perpetrator... Uh, r*pist.

Watches for women to leave the house, enters and waits for them.

If you live in the area, keep your blinds drawn at all times, because he scopes out his victims during the day.

Uh, we believe he's a white or Latino male, aged 25 to 40.

That's three-quarters of the population.

You don't have any hard suspects?

We're making progress with our investigation.

Sounds like you have nothing.


We know he thinks of himself as a sophisticated predator.

But really he has low intelligence and poor interpersonal skills.

Probably in a menial job or unemployed.

It's doubtful that he has a relationship with a woman.

If he does, he's domineering and can come and go as he pleases.

And he struggles with impotence. Thank you, that's all.

WOMAN: One more question, detective.

I'm sorry. No, no.

CLAUDETTE: impotence?

L-I said he struggles with impotence.

He never ejaculates.

Dutch. It's a solid tactic.

Emasculate him in public, you draw him out or you defuse his impulses.

Or piss him off.

What if he uses this as an excuse to r*pe again?

He's r*ped five women that we know of.

He doesn't need an excuse.


Ran those bills from Evidence.

They're not showing up on the Treasury list.

Aceveda's working off a different list?

The question is how to flush it. Hey, hey, hey.

I got an address.

All right. Meet back here after you're done.

We'll get into it.

Hear Tommy might not be as clean as we'd like to think.

Think what you want to.

DANNY: We gotta get back on patrol.

What would you say if it was you in interrogation for two murders you didn't do?

Look, I'm not taking another fall.

You guys go back out there, I gotta go to Aceveda.

Let's go.

KOUF: Tell us about the coins.

GRIGGS: I got guys at your apartment right now.

They gonna find 'em?

According to the divorce settlement, they belonged to Barb, right, Tommy?

Part of the division of property?

I wanna see my lawyer.

Helping us or trying to hide something?

ACEVEDA: You have anything to do with the robbery?

TOMMY: I want to see my son, or get me a lawyer.

GRIGGS: A lawyer? Not a PBA rep, huh?

You can take him.

Let's go, buddy. Stand up.

Three assaults on gay hustlers in the last month, all on Saturday nights. Victims give us anything?

Besides big sad eyes?

TRISHA: Descriptions are all over, but the MO tracks.

Four to five guys grabbing for trick money.

We're supposed to be shutting down vice in Farmington, right?

That's the job. So if I'm a cocksucker...

What do you mean "if"?

And shit goes down in my place of business, don't I just take my willing mouth someplace else?

You may find it trivial, but two victims ended up in ICU, one with a fractured skull.

Shane, you'll be undercover with the fellas.

Everyone else maintains a perimeter.

Hold the phone there, doll face. You got me on salami patrol? No.

What about one of these guys?

They don't look gay enough.


Shane, when you want your buddy to release, gently squeeze the shaft at the base, applying tongue to the glans and frenulum. [LAUGHS]

SHANE [ON RADIO]: Hey, tube-steak, I'm engaged to a gorgeous female who's carrying my child.

You're the one who actually knows the names of d*ck parts.

You must be the undercover police officer.

I'm glad to be of service.

MAN: Thanks. SHANE: For what?

MAN: For watching our backs.

It's been the mama of drama here.

You might wanna hold off on the thanks.

More than likely be running you in next week.

I didn't get your name.


Uh, I got a call. Guy claiming to be the r*pist.

He's demanding a formal statement from you retracting the impotence charge.

So he's made contact.

Well, we've had over 100 calls.

It could be a hoax.

Well, he said he took a figurine from the last victim's house.

CLAUDETTE: Could say you take a figurine from an old woman's house and have a nine out of 10 shot at being right.

He says it was a Hummel?

Danny's not gonna say anything. She wouldn't do that to me.

She sure as hell isn't gonna do it to you.

Listen, we find this guy, after what he did, we don't take any chances.

He resists, he reaches for a piece, he lifts a finger, we use deadly force.

Not gonna give him a chance to hurt us... or Tommy.



What is it?

Our deal was if I saw something?

What happened?


Vic rounded up some guys to track down who k*lled Tommy's family.

I was one of 'em.

I mean, just to make sure Tommy was getting a fair shake.

But now? But now it's gone from a fact-checking mission into a fox hunt.

And who's with him? Julien.

You let this happen?


Well, I'm not his TO anymore, am I?

Obviously, Julien is responsible for himself.

L-I thought you had some influence over the guy.


Six-Paul-11 requesting backup at 95 Round Hill Road.

Possible 187 suspect.

All right, you take the front.

He sees the uniform, he runs, he did it.

I'll take the back.

Hey, hey. No chances.

JULIEN: Police!

He's got a g*n!

He's running! Police!

Oh, shit.

He's still got the g*n.

Couldn't get a good shot.

Go out front, wait for backup.

SOREN: Don't come near me.

When he calls, tell him the only way the public's gonna hear his side of the story is for him to come forward and tell the truth himself.

WOMAN: What if he doesn't call?

He's gonna wanna hear our answer.

You think he's gonna give it all up just to make it clear he's not impotent?

Why would he do that?

Uh, because he's mentally ill?

SOREN: Don't come near me.

[g*n COCKS]

Thing I couldn't take about prison? The stink.

Piss, shit...

You're looking at 10 years of that before they hit you with the needle.

The worst part?

Can't fix up when you're hurting.

Sometimes you can't fix at all.

SOREN: Shut up! VIC: Me?

I'd eat a b*llet right now.

JULIEN: Backup's two minutes out.

VIC: You got two minutes before the cavalry gets here.

You think it over.



Suspect who k*lled Tommy Hisk's family.

Saw the stolen property in the house.

Vic's trying to get him to put the g*n down and come out.

Hope he doesn't try too hard.

MAN: Go around back.

VIC: Stick the g*n in your mouth and pull.

Last chance. Do it, Soren.

SOREN: Don't sh**t!

Please, don't sh**t.

Put your hands behind your head.

Turn around.

Take him.

Come here.

MAN: Behind your back.

MAN: Check out the wheels.

MAN 2: Chrome 22s, sweet.

How much you think?

MAN 2: I don't know.

Couple of nights' work.

Set of Kruz Laguna chrome 22s, run you around 3200.

Throw in another grand for the spinners.

Looks like our breeder knows a thing or two about rim jobs.

Heh. Rim jobs.

MAN [ON TAPE]: in front of the camera, so the cops can't do nothing to me.

WOMAN [ON TAPE]: I can arrange that.

I'll say what I gotta say, but he's gotta take back what he said.

No one there except you, me and him.

You mean, Detective Wagenbach?

He needs to apologize.


I'm putting one of my men in with the camera.

WOMAN: No, not unless you know someone who can run a Sony D600.

You get the arrest, we get the video.

I've done this dozens of times.

My camera guy was in the middle of Baghdad when Desert Storm started.

I want at least two guys in close proximity.

I can handle it.

Three backup teams with radio contact and everyone's wearing a vest or you get no video.

MAN [OVER RADIO]: Back home, I had a Chevy 1500.

Four-barrel carb on a high-rise.

Slapped them paddle tires on every summer.

Sand-dragged the shit out of it.

I had an F-150 with a NOS system, so the nitrous shot straight into the manifold.

My brother did that to a Dodge short bed.

Oh, it's a bad move. No shit.

Threw a rod, sent it sideways, tires smoked.

Junked the whole engine, huh?



THUG 1: Hey, f*gg*t. THUG 2: Hey, come here, punk.

THUG 1: Yeah, come on. Come on.

Move! Move!

SHANE: Police officer! Police officer!

Drop the bat! Drop the bat right now!

Police. Stop right there. Turn around.

You, on the ground! On the ground!

RONNIE: Turn around. Turn around. Get over here.

Get over here. Against the wall.

THUG 3: This way. This way.

Stop right there!

Nice tackle.

What's this?

The collar you and me been working on all day.

Oh, right. We're good.

DA says this case has got the makings of a hate crime.

That'll work, but they were also in it for the money.

Got a confession out of one.

Spilled his guts.

Football players. After the game they go knock back a few and then go looking for queers to beat up on.

Rip 'em off for their trick money, pay the bar tab.

How'd the Strike Team do?

Fine. That one's a natural-born undercover come-guzzler.

I heard that, bitch.


You went off the grid today?

Who told you that?

I knew Tommy didn't do it.

Didn't like that Griggs assh*le trying to prove otherwise.

Today was a one-time thing. Got it?

Got it.

You weren't at the basher sting tonight?

I was there in spirit. Busts got made.

You never disappeared for a couple of hours to help another cop?

You look like hell.

Is everything else all right?

Long day, that's all.

I replaced the gasket on the filter.

It's working just fine again.

Thanks for doing that.


Matt having another session?

Not tonight.

Owen's here a lot lately, isn't he?

Matthew's improving.

Something you want to tell me?

About what?

About you and Owen.

Did Cassidy say something?


You walked by the door in your panties without batting an eye that he was just inside.

I don't have to discuss this with you...

Yes, you do.

I want him the hell away from Matthew.

He's not his father.

No, but he's here for him.

I'm not shelling out my own money so that the hired help can play daddy to impress you.

Get rid of him.

He's an amazing teacher and that's what you pay for.

Anything else is my business.

You know he has a record?

He got busted for weed in college.

You've been checking up on him?

Damn straight. He's alone with my son.

So he smoked a joint Wasn't possession. It was for dealing.

It couldn't have been that serious if he got his teaching certificate.

You date who you want, but he's out of a job.


Talked to a buddy over at Wilshire.

Arnovic's given a full confession.

Good. Not good.

He's telling about how Tommy had him break into his ex's house last month.

What's that gonna mean for him?

Probably his job.

I didn't have a shot.

I know.

Did the right thing riding with me today.

People saw you stepped up.

I'm going to church tonight. I'll say a prayer for him.

For his wife and kid.

Say one for all of us.

It's now four hours past the designated surrender time of the alleged r*pist who's been terrorizing elderly women in the Farmington District of Los Angeles.

Is he sending a message that it's your department who is impotent?

You may as well turn this off, 'cause it's never gonna air.

We're chasing our tails.

LEM: Maybe we'd be better off if the money train never happened.

Give me a break. VIC: Calm down, girls.

Now, we know Treasury's got Aceveda checking bills on any bust over a grand. SHANE: So?

One of the uni's just logged two large into Evidence.

We don't let that money out of our sight, we'll find the list he's working with.


Here's your phone list and your schedule for tomorrow.

Did you call Aurora back?

Not yet.

You really should.

I'll do it when I do it.

What? Something's bothering you.

If it's anything that I did...

It's not, Nina.

Please, just check the bills in Evidence like I asked you to.

What do you need?

Shane thinks he forgot to sign that evidence envelope from that 211. No, he signed it.

All right. Great. I'll let him know.

DUTCH: He was never coming.


I embarrass him, he wanted to embarrass me.


He's more self-controlled than I gave him credit for.

We still got some time before we have to get back to work.

You could buy me breakfast.

I'm broke.

We know where he lives, where he hunts.

Now we've got him on tape.

Voice analysis will tell us his ethnicity, personality traits...

We're getting to know him.

I was wrong.

You were right.

Maybe a little.

Come on.

I'm buying.

Hey, Nina.

Could you help with the computer in the briefing room?

It's not taking my access code.

I can't right now. It's really kind of urgent.

I'm trying to access this database.

I'm working on something for David. Sorry.


Thank you.

Have a good night.


Close it.

List's in Aceveda's safe.

Well, so that's it.

Not necessarily.

RONNIE: What do you mean?

Ripping off the money train was 10 times more complicated.

SHANE: It's in a safe, in a captain's office, inside of a police station.

VIC: Without that list, none of that money is any good.

[SOFTLY] Yeah.

Gotta be a way.
