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03x05 - Mum

Posted: 01/09/22 11:23
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Shield...

I'd k*ll these Armenians looking for money train cash.

There's only four people who know we took that money.

And they're all sitting right here.

My office instituted a sting operation.

What kind of sting operation?

In San Jose, the Armenians were extorting a local businessman.

He allowed us to insert $50,000 of marked, traceable bills into his payment to the Armenians so, if any of these marked bills show up, it might lead you to your K*llers.

Diagur, I'm getting the feeling you're not appreciating the b*ttlefield promotion I gave you.

It doesn't matter to what I agree out there. I'm not the one who calls the sh*ts.

I just need proof you ordered the hit on this guy and the throne, the crown, all yours.

Put this with the rest of the money train stash.

It's $20,000 light. Byz Lats overhead I guess.

Better than losing oh, 100. The way I figure it.

Victim's name is Isabel Nelson, r*ped by a lone male.

Guy was waiting in the house naked when she came home.

Isabel's 73.

I need you to work it out with Shane.

Tell him.

I'm going to talk to him too.

But I'm asking you, take one for the team here.

He's been my best friend for seven years. You really think he's going to push me aside for some darky?


Get off!


LEM: Here she is.

VIC: What's going on? Jesus, no one's telling us anything.

I talked to Dr. Thiel and Tavon's condition is grave.

Traumatic brain damage.

He's got a tough road. Can we see him?

CORRINE: He's in ICU. It's family only.

He's on my team.

If he takes a turn either way, I'll let you know.




VIC: Did you get my messages?

No. What... What's going on?

Tavon got into an accident, man.

Hit a parked car full speed.

He might not make it.

Oh, man.

Listen, we're at Mission Cross. You gotta get down here.

Yeah. I...

I kind of had a rough night myself.

I mixed it up with this guy at the Three of Clubs.


I gotta take this other call.

If you can make it, you should come.


We gotta clean this up.


Hello? WOMAN: I called you.

DANNY: What's the problem, ma'am?

I think my ex-boyfriend's in the house.

Lyle Dockman. He's been harassing me.

My bedroom light was off when I went to work.

Did you get a restraining order out on him?

Yes. It just made him madder.

All right, we'll check it out.

JULIEN: Police.

Anyone in the house?

I'll check the upstairs.

Ma'am, stay back, please.

DANNY [ON RADIO]: Bedroom's clear.



Halt! Police!


You okay?


Is he gone?


VIC: I'm here. What?

Oh. Sorry about Tavon.

What do you want?

I need you to sweep the Alvarado Corridor.

Looking for? Cruisers, loiterers.

There have been complaints from business owners and citizens.


You want me for something real, I'll be at the hospital.

Well, the doctors said they won't know anything for a couple of days.

I'm sorry it happened, but there's still work to do.

I'm a detective, not a janitor.

Get your unis to do your sweeping.

I'm giving you the broom.

Strike Team's a special unit.

All you've done since your promotion is jam us up with bullshit gigs.

Maybe with Gilroy you could pick your special cases, but now it goes:

Chief Bankston to Aceveda to me to you.

You don't like that pecking order, take it up the ladder.

See who's out of a job.

Alvarado Corridor, huh?

Till I tell you otherwise.


You all right?

Bulb blew out.



VIC: Shane! SHANE: I got it.

Hang on.


Sorry, I was... I was on my way... Forget it.

Wyms has us on a shit sweep.


Jesus. Someone clocked you.

Dude, who kicked your ass?

It was this guy.

This drunk assh*le was pawing me in the bar and Shane told him to get lost and him and his friends jumped him in the bathroom.

There was more than one guy?

No, it was mainly one guy.

I mean, the other guys just stood there and watched.

How is Tavon doing?

VIC: Did he come by here tonight?

Tavon? No, why would he?

He said he was gonna mend fences.

It's just us. Laundry night.

Everything else all right?

Yeah. I'm good.

MARA: I'm taking care of him.

Stay home.

I don't want you showing up at work looking like you got bitch slapped.



Fiesta siesta.

Anybody still here in a minute gets run in.

You heard the man. Let's pack it up, party people.

Piss off.

Thought this was a free country.

Got a curfew in this part of town, hommes.

Not for me. I'm over 21.

VIC: What do you think?

About 14 coats of high-end enamel?

Let's see.

Yo, man. I'm goin', man.

Where were you tonight around 10:00?

MAN: Jogging.

I do three miles every night after work.

Sure you weren't doing the 100-yard dash through your ex-girlfriend's backyard?

Elena? I can't go within 1000 feet of her.

Or call her, but you've been leaving messages on her machine.

Before the restraining order.

It's a crime to want another chance?

She's not giving you another chance.

Not yet. Not ever.

Look, someone was in her house tonight.

Is she okay? DANNY: She's fine.

Can anyone verify you were jogging tonight?

You'd have to ask around.

Okay, well, we're watching over Elena.

And now we're watching you.

Problema, amigo?

This is your 10th citation for cruising in the last four months.

I juice up cars.

Humming out here with my baby's the only advertisement I got.

Try the Yellow Pages, because we're bringing the car in.

When do I get it back?

About a month or two.

After you see a judge, pay a fine.

We'll take care of her till then, all right?

Every cent I made the last five years I got wrapped up on her.

Really? I would have pegged you as more of a mutual fund guy.

What do I gotta do to keep my wheels?

Flip me someone juicier than you.

Oh, here's her ride.

Wait, wait. This vato, Aramis.

I call her twice a month. I always remember her birthday.

Her only son. So you're taking her end?

Seen Claudette?

She and Dutch just caught one.

Another possible elderly r*pe victim.

What do you need?

She's got me working the Alvarado Corridor for the next few days.

Right. Sweeping duty.

Last night, I'm tagging this guy, we're about to tow away his Hot Wheels, he spills about this guy sneaking contraband into Chino Prison for his g*ng buddies.

What kind of contraband?

dr*gs, cigs, cock rings, weapons of mass destruction, who knows what?

You checking into it?

I was looking for Claudette to see if I should stick with cruiser duty.

Follow up on this for the time being.

Wherever you want me.

DUTCH: Gentlemen, what do we got?

B & E, robbery.

Fits your r*pist profile though. Elderly woman, living alone.

You read my memos? Watch C.O. makes us.

CLAUDETTE: Did the victim call it in?

No, I didn't.

WOMAN: I did.

CLAUDETTE: Detective Wyms and Wagenbach.

Patty Klopp. My mother, Lou-Ann.

They broke in last night.

I stopped by this morning, I noticed some of her Hummels were gone.

Couple of tchotchkes. So what?

Someone broke into your home, Ma.

You have to report that. And now you have.

She's supposed to be watching her sugar levels.

Anything taken from the bedroom?

Not that I know of.

When did the robbery occur?

Last night.

Came home around 9 from the movies.

You see anybody?

Just saw my things missing.

You weren't afraid?

LOU-ANN: Honey, I've lived in this neighbourhood for 40 years.

Your daughter says she's trying to get you to move to Encino.

You'll have to k*ll me before I retire to the valley.

Ooh, you got something special in mind for the ride back?


The compulsive eating, the odd, distracted behaviour.

I think Lou-Ann was r*ped.

Well, yeah, she's a tough, old broad, but I saw it too.

You're agreeing with me?

I'm agreeing that she loses her dignity if she admits she was att*cked.

Her dignity and her independence.

Speaking of losing your dignity.

The bed was stripped.

There was nothing in the clothes hamper.

Whatever you find in there is gonna be too contaminated to test.

It's too bad.

Why do you throw out a perfectly good set of sheets?

To bury the truth.

Wonder how many other buried sheets there are out there?

LEM: Here's Aramis.

VIC: Byz Lats are showing initiative.

Diagur's running them better than I thought.

Yo, Ronnie, you see him?

Guy with the cigarettes? Yeah, I got him.

LEM: That's good.


VIC: Either this guy is sneaking shit into Chino, or he needs the world's largest patch.

Let's see where he takes us.

We can't provide 24-hour protection to every woman who has an ex with a temper.

Sir, I did some checking up on this assh*le.

The last ex who got a restraining order on him left a good job in Cleveland to move to New Hampshire just to disappear from this guy.

She was sure that he would k*ll her.

This one feels real to me, sir.

Look, Danny's right.

This one feels real.

Okay, we can escort her to and from work. Extra patrols.

You got one week for this guy to violate the order before I pull the plug.

All right. Thank you, sir.

Don't thank me. She should be thanking you.

DUTCH: I got 29 B & E's of elderly women.

Eleven in the last six months.

CLAUDETTE: Called the hospitals, they said they'd give us a heads up if anyone fits that profile.

What about your new promotion?

You sure you got time to help me out on this one?

For this? Yeah, I'm all yours.


You ever hear of this guy?

This "Mueller's Geographical Profiles."

That's the criminologist from Duke?

Doctor of Criminal Logistics.

Takes data on serial violent crimes, victims, nature of the as*ault...

Generates the most likely location of where the perpetrator lives or works.

Needs three confirmed cases to work up a preliminary profile.

We've only got one victim confirmed.

Two if Lou-Ann comes clean.

You think Aceveda will spring for it?

It's expensive.

No. Let's go find numbers two and three.

Then we'll stick him with the bill.

[DOOR BUZZES] You already made arrests?

Caught them exchanging packages of smokes and dr*gs along with 7500 in cash.

Guess that's the going smuggling rate these days.

Good work.

The banger puts together the care packages.

The white guy is a frozen food delivery man who drops off at Chino twice a week.

CLAUDETTE: What are you working on?

I got a tip from a cruiser last night about a guy sneaking swag into the state pen.

Shouldn't be too hard to get Joe Trucker to roll on cholo and vice versa.

You moved off the Alvarado Corridor?

Yeah. Couldn't find you so I moved up the ladder.

So I had some cigarettes.

We're not talking about a couple cartons of Marlboros.

We nabbed you handing off 20 thumbs of heroin too.

Must be the old man's, because I learned in school to just say no.

You take the orders, gather the shit, hand them off to Fred who sneaks it in with the frozen peas.

Am I right?

We got you dead to rights, man.

On all your wrongs. Look.

I spoke to the DA.

If you cooperate, I can make sure that you do your time at Chino again with all your fellow banditos.

Otherwise, who knows?

Maybe you end up someplace chilly like Shasta.

MAN: Can I go home now?

Sorry. It's gonna be a little while.

What's the problem?

LEM: We just talked to Aramis.

He told us the whole thing.

The twice a week drop-offs you make at Chino State Correctional Facility.

I'm a delivery man. That's my job.

There was heroin in this week's care package.

I don't look at what's in the packages.

But you knew it was wrong.

L-I should go home now.

My wife's making dinner.

Whoa, easy. It's all right.


VIC: Fred. Fred.

You're under arrest. You understand that?

FRED: No. That's not right.

If you can confirm who receives this stuff on the inside maybe we can make things a little easier on you.

No. This is a mistake.

This... This can't happen.

I'm not a criminal.

The Strike Team just made a bust that included $7500 in cash.

I need you to run the serial numbers of the bills against the numbers on this list.

Again with this?

Let me know if you get any matches and then return that list straight to me.

Why do you have me doing such menial things for you?

Because you're my assistant.

I could be so much more to you.

With the election and everything.

I have a campaign staff for that.

They don't know what they are doing.

You've no idea the mistakes I fix before they land on your desk. And I appreciate it, but for now, please, just check the numbers on that list against the money in evidence?

You okay?

It's Layla.

She reported a robbery five months ago and after a lot of hand holding, just admitted she was r*ped.

Jesus. This guy...

She tell you anything that will help?

No condoms, no climax.

A lot of cuddling.

That makes two confirmed. I struck out on my end.

We need one more.

I don't remember anybody snooping around.

Delivery guy? Anybody that seemed suspicious?

In this neighbourhood? Heh.

Try to find someone who doesn't look suspicious.

The reason we ask, Lou-Ann, is because there is a man who is breaking into homes and sexually assaulting women.

Sexually? I'm flattered, detective.

He's targeting women your age.

What are you talking about? Did someone hurt you?

Of course not.

Thank God.

DANNY: I pulled Tavon's accident report.

Thanks for doing that.

You know, witnesses saw the car swerving a couple blocks before he hit that parked car.

Before? Yeah.

Is Tavon a drinker?

I don't think so.

Which direction was the car going in?

Uh, north on Perry.




I thought you didn't want me coming in.

I thought you were gonna come alone.

She wasn't sure I was good to drive.

Thoughtful. Yeah.

What's up?

Tavon was headed away from your place.

Witnesses saw his car swerving all over before he hit the car.

Toxi report shows no dr*gs or alcohol.

That's weird.

What do you think happened?

Don't know yet.

Don't have all the facts.

There's something missing.

Like a coffee table or a painting?

Look, he came over.

Gave me this backhanded apology.

We had some words.

He jumped me.

And I tagged him back with a pretty good shot.

How good and where?

To the back of the head.

VIC: The back of the...

He has brain trauma.

It was from an accident that happened miles away.

He was swerving all over the road before the crash.

Your blow probably caused it.

You could face charges.

What did you hit him with?

A paperweight or something.

Look, he was all over me.

Where were you during all this?

L-I-I was doing laundry in the basement.

Really? Whites or colors?

She wasn't there.

All right?

This thing was all me.

Hold on.

Here's your list back.

Thank you. Got two matches.


Two of the bills' serial numbers were on the list.

I wrote which ones down for you.

Where are you taking him?

ACEVEDA: interrogation.

I'll meet you upstairs.

Sure thing.

We miss a piece of the puzzle putting together Aramis?

No. We just need to talk to him on an unrelated matter.

I'll let you guys get back to the Alvarado Corridor.


Who's the suit?

His ID said "Treasury."

That's the second T-fed in our house in two weeks.

What's Treasury want from our collar?

Aramis is one of Diagur's tenientes.

You think that Aceveda knows about the corners we cut with Diagur to get those g*ns back?

One way to find out.


Care about that.

Just tell us where you got the 7500 in cash you gave to the delivery guy.

ARAMIS: I already made a deal with the other cop.

Ain't gotta rat on my boys on the outside.

Your crime is now under federal investigation.

That's why Agent Nell is here.

Which means any previous deal, now null and void.

Bullshit. My ticket's punched at Chino.

Ticket's punched wherever we say it is.

Captain Aceveda has been checking all the money confiscated in big arrests.


Two of the bills you had in your possession were marked.

It was currency stolen from an Armenian money laundering ring.

Holy shit.

We've been waiting for it to show up.

Guess what? It showed up in your hands.

Our money's marked? LEM: No way.

ARAMIS: I don't know anything about...

Aramis said he got that cash from Diagur.

We got our bag back from Diagur 20 grand light.

We're starting at square one, Aramis.

Who did you get the money from?

I don't know where I got it from.

Not good enough.

Whoever stole that money k*lled two Armenians to get it.

We're gonna tie someone to these murders.

You want it to be you, or someone else?

I really don't think you want to be facing the death penalty for something you didn't do.

Go! Go!

I got a sick feeling, man. It's all crashing.

Not if we steer it in the right direction.

Our money's marked?

Some of it? All of it?

We don't know, man. Where are we going?

To silence a smoking g*n.



VIC: We're looking for Diagur.

Who are you faggots? Watch your mouth, man.

We're the guys busting you for possession of an illegal substance.

Where's Diagur? Who?

Today's not the day. I just need to talk to him.

Where is he?

Yeah. You give me a message, I'll pass it on to him.

How long you been out of Terminal Island?

Not long enough.

You don't tell me where your boss is at, you gonna be jumping back.

Home is where the heart is.

Huff the pipe, assh*le. Take a hit.

Take a hit.

Take it.


Take it, g*dd*mn it!



Join the party, sweetheart. Come on.

He's at Yolanda's.

One street over.

Brown house with the Madonna.





Get out! VIC: Jesus Christ.

It's okay. Okay, I know him.

How old are you? Old enough.

Glad Mom has such a firm grasp on things. Wait outside.

Come on, let's go. I need my clothes.

What you doing breaking in on my freak, yo?

You got a Byz Lats lawyer on your speed dial?

One of my boys has an uncle. Call him.

Get him down to the Farmington station house right now.

What's there?

Your prison delivery boy, Aramis.

If he's done anything it's without me knowing about it.

I'm all over your Chino game.

Unless you want my boss all over you, you get your lawyer down there and make sure he zips it.


Someone left a rose in Elena's mailbox this afternoon.

Don't you have more important things to do?

Actually, unlawful use of a mailbox is a federal of fence.

We just got done talking to your boss.

See, technically, you were on the clock.

Supposed to be making business calls.

You got proof it was me? For future proof, your boss has agreed to monitor all your calls and your online activity here at work.

You can't do that. No. But she can.

DANNY: You can either spend your 9 to 5 stalking, or you can spend it working.

You can't do both.

Listen, lady.

This is my job.

Not for long if you don't leave Elena alone.

Have a nice day.

All right, I'll talk to you later.

Lawyer's on his way. Good.

You know, you said before you didn't have my back.

Why you helping me now?

Feds are buzzing around the money you gave to Aramis.

It's tied to a robbery.

Somebody ripped off the Armenian mob.

Well, man. I ain't suicidal.

The Armenians find out that you guys are suspects, the Byz Lats will be up to their necks in severed feet.

I'm just trying to prevent a w*r.

Where did you get the cash?

Who knows? It comes in a dozen ways.

Anybody asks, that's your best answer.

You give Aramis anything besides the 7500?


Fifteen grand.

You handed it to him personally?

Think I trust some flunky with it?

So your fingerprints could still be on it.

Any idea where he might have stashed it?

Yeah. In his freezer. My idea.


Get somebody down to his place to pick it up, and you disappear for a couple of weeks.

Oh, shit.

RONNIE: He's back in the cage.

He talked.

He g*dd*mn talked.


ACEVEDA: Cold hard cash.

I'll run the serial numbers against the master list.

I get this to the lab before 5, I can get fingerprint results by morning.

You coming?

He gave us permission to search his place.

I'm curious what else we might find here.

I'll call some units for a ride.

CORRINE: Diana Peabo. She came into the ER last month.

Injuries sustained during a home robbery.

Her kids just brought her in again.

Allergic reaction.

Mixed up two of her meds.

They said that she's been kind of out of it since the attack.

One of the other nurses saw your bulletin.

Thank her for us.

It's a him actually.

They're in Consultation.

How is Tavon?

He's the same.

Excuse me. Could I talk with you a moment?


Detective Wyms.

Detective Wagenbach. Hi.

How is your mother?

She'll be just fine. What's this all about?

We were wondering if we could talk to her about that robbery last month. Why now?

We think your mother might be able to help us find the person who did it.

THUG: It's not here.

Police! Don't move.

Keep your hands in the open.

Hey! Don't move! Don't make me do it, man.

Stop right there. Put your hands in the air.

Don't make it worse for yourself.

Turn around.

On your knees, man.


Hey, hey, hey!

Hey, man.

Hey, don't make this mistake.

I'm a police officer.


So you a cop, huh?

That mean you can do whatever the hell you want?


You can still get out of this.

Oh, now you telling me what to do.


Hey, man, you need to calm your friend down.

Tie him up. Tie him up with something.

Put out your hands.

Hurry up.

Don't throw your life away.

I ain't afraid of prison.

But you should be.

You ever suck a d*ck like a cell bitch, copman?


Don't do this.

It's your turn to gag on something.



Open up, sweetheart.


[g*n COCKS]

You wanna die instead?






That's great.

Probably had a limo come pick him up.

Can I get confirmation on that pickup address?

There's no one here at our current location.

COP [ON RADIO]: Negative, 1 -Tango-16. Unable to confirm.

Let's head out.

They're gone.

Let's see that mouth.

El Presidente around?

Captain Aceveda? No.

Where is he?

Conducting a search at a suspect's house.

Could you raise him on the horn? I've got an important question.

I'll try, but I've left two messages for him in the last 10 minutes.

His cell phone coverage is bad sometimes.



Get your phone, man.

What? Your phone.

I wanna get a Kodak of this.

Mm-hm. Okay.

You ready? Yeah.




I got it.

You don't remember anything else?

There's nothing about his face?

His height?

I'm gonna tell you something you're not gonna like hearing.

I know, as a son, it's the last thing I'd wanna hear.

What's going on?

Um, we... We think your mother wasn't just knocked down by that guy last month.

We believe he may have sexually assaulted her.


It would account for why she's so distracted lately.

That's a lot of pain to push down.

We hope we're wrong.

Why don't you start by telling us what happened that day?

I found her lying on the kitchen floor.

She couldn't stop crying.

What else?

Back window was broken.

She said a guy came in, knocked her down, grabbed a few things, then ran.

She would have told me if...

Maybe she needed more time.

THUG: Yo, man, if he tells his boys, we're done.


You gonna say anything?


Hey, you can't believe that shit.

What? You wanna k*ll him?

You do it.

You want it done, you do it.

Hey, man.

I have a little girl.

I have a wife.


Yo, man, you gotta do it.

I'll watch.

You've been wanting the juice, man.

[g*n COCKS]

Do it.

If your mother were here, what would she tell you to do?

Not this kind of juice, bro.

Not this kind of juice.


It's the other cop. Let's go.


I'm in here!

VIC: Bust the door.


LEM: It's locked. Try it again.

VIC: I got it.

He's here! Sweep it.

You all right? Yeah.

LEM: Clear. RONNIE: Clear.

They got my g*n. They?


There are two of them.

Are you hurt?


I was able to fight 'em off.


I need you to tell me what happened during the robbery.

I told you everything I remember.

Have you?

What else did he do to you?

Where are those police people?

VINCE: He hurt you?

MOM: Stop it, Vincent.

r*ped you?

Don't you say that.

Mom, did he?

Yes, he did.

[SOBBING] Yes, he did.

VINCE: Why didn't you tell me?

Mama, why?


Hold it.

You see something?

JULIEN: Maybe.

Let's go. Yep.

You can't keep me here. That's true.

You'll probably make bail sometime tomorrow.

Trial won't be for another six months.

But in between, every time you roll a stop sign, I'll be handing you a ticket. Every lunch break you take, I'm gonna be sitting right there at the next table.

Yeah, that's harassment.

No, Lyle, that's stalking.

DUTCH: Hey, you okay?

Yeah, I had a little run-in.

No harm done.

Let's not waste any time on it.

Hey, what happened?

He fended off a couple of bad guys.

Miracle he hasn't called a press conference yet.

She's in there alone with her husband's service w*apon.

My key wasn't working in the new lock.

She shot at me when I opened the door.

You're okay?

Come on, I told you to stay in the car.




♪ You take me home ♪ Lou-Ann?

CLAUDETTE: Can you drop the g*n?

DUTCH: Put the g*n down, Lou-Ann.

It's okay, sweetheart.

I know what happened to you.

LOU-ANN: That's our wedding.

You were very beautiful.

I was a size 4.

Can you tell me what happened to you?

He robbed me.

I didn't want to get robbed again.

Hey, Casey.

Hey, Mr. Mackey.

Cassidy, Owen said hello to you.


I'm sorry. She's struggling with this whole thing.

It's okay.

Hey, little man.

I'm drawing a zoo.

Wow. Hey, that's great, Matty.

Corrine's in with Megan.


How did she do with Dr. Franks?

Ah, you know shrinks.

You ask them one question, they give you five back.

She's being quiet and a little stubborn.

He wants you and I to do sessions too.

One on one.

Look, I want her to get all the help she needs, but me laying down on a couch? It's not gonna happen.

Stubborn and in-communicative.

Wonder where she gets that from?


How is Tavon doing?

The last surgery gave some hope.

The brain tissue bruising isn't as bad as they thought.

That's good. The next 48 hours should tell.



If he recovers, would he be able to remember anything that happened?

I got him working on this undercover assignment.

Well, he could remember every detail, or he could wake up and barely recognize his own reflection.

If Tavon lives, he could remember everything that happened.

If he dies, an autopsy could reveal the blow to the back of the head before the crash.

We'll figure it out, baby.

Chew on this, baby.

We just found out the feds marked some of our money train cash.


Part of a sting they're doing on the Armenians.

Oh, shit.


And if that's not enough, this accident leads back to you without us getting self-defense on the books, I.A.D. could be all over you right at the time we're gonna cash in on the money train.

So, what do we do?

Oh, now it's "we."

Tell me the truth.

I did.

You had a fight.

One of you hit him. It was self-defense.

If you both tell your story right now, this could all go away.

Look, we gotta make a decision.

Right now.

Which road are we going down?

Look, everybody knew Tavon and I had bad blood.

No, we gotta make this disappear.

DUTCH: We think this cuddler r*pist has been around for a while.

CLAUDETTE: We've looked at like-crimes.

We've interviewed dozens of women.

We've confirmed three victims, which is required for his analysis.

Mueller's results have been proven accurate down to the square block.

We match this with known offenders, we narrow our search dramatically.

Well, if this Mueller can help, then let him.

Mueller isn't free.

His fee is $5000. Right.

That can't happen.

DUTCH: We're really at a standstill on this.

Stranger perpetrator.

The victims could just pile up until he makes a mistake.

And so far, he hasn't made one.


No. I said, no.

We don't have the money.

All right, roll up that rug.

Hit some yard sales, pick up a new rug and a table.

Picture too.

Use cash.

I'll drop by this week and help you patch that wall.

What did you hit him with?

Nice paperweight.

Put that in the truck with the rug.

It's a brand-new iron. I washed it. It's clean.

SHANE: We'll get a new one.

Put the broken table on my truck.

I'll dump that too.


This is dangerous, you know that, don't you?

It's not my fault that he crashed.

You mean, "it's not Shane's fault."

He must really love you.

He's doing what he thinks is right.

What do you think is right?

I trust him.

We're gonna cover our tracks the best we can, but if push comes to shove, you gotta step up and tell the truth.

DA never gonna pursue the conviction of a pregnant woman trying to protect the father of her child.

It's not how Shane wants to do it.

He'll do it however you tell him to do it.

SHANE: ls everything okay?

MARA: Sure.

Sweetheart, let me get that.

Got it.

Hey, hey, hey.


Spray it all around. Use the light.

Blood traces will glow.

Here, I...

Fumes could be dangerous to the baby.

Clean up's on you.

Thank you.


Sir, we caught that stalker lurking behind the victim's house last night.


Just thought you'd like to know, sir.

NINA: I need your signature.


Are you ready for the monthly reports?

Not yet.



