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03x04 - Streaks and Tips

Posted: 01/09/22 11:12
by bunniefuu
[Narrator] Previously on The Shield.

I'm goin' back to work.

There's a nursing shortage and the pay is good.

How's that gonna work with the kids?

People are wondering what you're doing about the beating you took.

Still can't prove who did it.

Everybody here knows who did it.

They're watching you.

[man gasping for air]

Julien please!

[cracking] [screaming]

You know I was thinkin' if we both talk to Aceveda bout teaming up he might put us back together.


But, I like the way things are for now.


I'm pregnant.


Is it next?

Well, we'll get married.

Oh no!



Marry me.

David's bringing in the decoy squad from Wilshire.

They're gonna be working with you.

I'm gonna be in charge of both teams.

[throat clearing]

I think you guys have the wrong room.

Oh, Wyms told us to shack up here.

We're the decoy squad.

We just transferred in, I'm Waylon, Eddie, Annie, Trish.

Ah, they'll be gone soon.

Yeah, we will.

Made 16 arrests last night.

We keep hauling in this many fish, we might need to find you new digs.

SHANE: Oh, you didn't hear, dude? Shane's getting married.


Smokes for everyone.


TRISH: This mean you're coming off the market?

Oh-ho, he's a family man now.

He's gonna be stuck at home with a rug rat.

You having a kid? I... I didn't know you were married.

I'm not. Must've been an immaculate conception.

DANNY: Congratulations. Who is she?

She your cousin?



RONNIE: Amazing thing is, she's not a stripper.

How's Mara feeling? [SIGHS]

She's got morning sickness already.

It's crazy, isn't it, man? I'm gonna be a daddy.



Listen, we haven't talked plans.

I don't know, we may just elope.

But whatever we do, I want you there.


Someone call for a detective?

That was me.

Mrs. Mackey? I didn't know you worked here.

I just started. Corrine Mackey.

Dutch Wagenbach. Vic's wife, right?

Yeah, technically.

Dr. Genty asked me to call you.

Hi. Hi.


A patient came in with a bad case of food poisoning.

It's his third time this month.

Fast food'll k*ll you.

Especially when it's laced with thallium.

Thallium. What's that?


Odorless, colorless, almost impossible to detect.

Maybe someone's messing with things at my grocery store.

We'll look into that.

We can check the other hospitals, see if they have people with similar symptoms.

We'll need to go through your house, make sure none of the packages were tampered with.

Maybe it's a mix-up at the lab? I mean, I feel better now.

We ran two different samples.

We have to ask, uh, but did you try to poison yourself?

God, no.

No cell phones here, please.


Where'd you eat today? CLAUDETTE: Hello?

Home. My brother stopped by, we had breakfast.

WAGENBACH: What about the other times you got sick?

Home, I think.

Your brother stop by then too?

Yeah. He feels awful.

I give him shit for being such a terrible cook.

CLAUDETTE: That was Aceveda. You're on your own.

VIC: What's up?

I'm thinking of transferring off the team.


It's not as much fun as I thought it'd be.

I'm not fitting in the way that I wanted.

You're wanted.

I know we're a tight bunch.

There's no hard feelings.

You're cool.

But, um...


Look, I need to be somewhere where I can be the go-to guy.

NINA: Detective?

Just sit tight, okay?

I got plans for you. Trust me.

Captain Aceveda and Wyms need to see you right away.



Victim's Karen Rivas, the homeless advocate.

She and her child were apparently carjacked after a robbery.

Fortunately, the baby's fine.

The owner and his son.

That's three dead, including a public figure.

This is Claudette's case. Both teams will take her lead.

Why both? We've knocked down cases like this before.

So have they. Don't worry, Mac, man.

You can back us up at the arrest.

CLAUDETTE: We'll huddle in five.

You'll get your marching orders.

WALON: Random crime. No video.

Media attention.

Lucky we're here.

Look, the boss ma'am's waiting.

What do you say we, uh, put down a few notes on this?

First team to bring in the sh**t wins.

Who needs money? Why don't we put up something that really counts, like your pride?

All right, you guys lose, Sasquatch here has to take a bath.


Better yet, how about this?

The losing team streaks through the Barn.

Very 1974 of you.

You okay with that, Daddy?

What sort of bet is that? Put some money up.

Yeah, be a man. SHANE: Yeah.

Well, a real man puts his dignity on the line.

Afraid your boys will fall short?

Look, you guys have ladies.

I gotta be a gentleman and offer you an out.

Only ladies I see are you pussies afraid to take this bet.

VIC: Ooh.

All right. You're on.

Oh, and yours are gonna be off.

Yeah, we'll see.


♪ Come on ♪

Rivas was driving a 1999 white Mercedes S420.

Vic, put your guys on finding it.

Get the license plate and VIN number.

Put out an APB. You got it, man.

CLAUDETTE: Unis combed the crowd.

Of course, no one seems to have seen anything.

Walon, you find somebody who has.

Annie, hit this crowd up again.

Trish, across the street.

Eddie, hit the neighboring stores.

Two of the cases inside were cleared out.

Maybe the sh**t was looking for something special.

Maybe he couldn't get in the register, took something just so it wasn't a bust.

Check the records, see if something's missing.

Ronnie, play bookworm.

Now, I know a fence nearby who'll buy anything.

Maybe the stuff'll end up there. Good.

Find out what's missing and take Shane.

Better yet, I'll get there now and start hitting the fences.

Just call with the info. I'll come with you.

Let us know?

Good luck.

If the k*ller dumped the car, it'll turn up.

Since he didn't get the till, maybe he flipped it for a few bucks.

Let's hit the chop shops, see what breaks.

Good. Report anything to me. Okay.


Already got a witness.

It was horrible.

I... I heard sh*ts, and then I saw this white guy and this black girl run out, and they jacked this lady's car, shot her dead, and threw her baby to the curb.

And all I could do was scream for somebody to call 911.


How come you didn't report what you saw to us immediately?

I went home to change first, put some makeup on.


I saw all the cameras.

I need the tape.

I been out here for six months with nothing to show for it.

You can't land a gig without tape.

You're an actress?

You have any idea how tough it is?

Aren't you worried these K*llers know you can identify them?

They don't know my name.

It's on the news, right?

But they won't know where I live.

Are you in the phone book?

You all are gonna protect me, right?

Edixon? All right.

Yo, Ronnie says the Decoy Squad brought in some other witnesses.

Aceveda's definitely auditioning them to replace us.

Yeah, won't let it happen.

Yeah, damn straight. Edixon! Hey!


Hey, it's getting harder to find you.

Took me all of two phone calls today to track you down.


Mercedes Bronco.



No Mercedes, huh?

No, no Mercedes.




Not another chop shop, Edixon.

Who's stealing for you? Evil churro vendor?

VIC: Policia!


Now. Now!

EDIXSON: Hey, hey.

If I find Mercedes, I call, okay?

Not good enough. You're gonna tell everyone that you're looking to buy. Pay top dollar.



Yo. Tavon, yo.

This is my partner, Shane.

What up?

Listen, we're looking for some things.

They were taken from Ling's over on 5th.

Saw it on the news. Can't say I'm sorry.

Those rat slants always did outbid me.

Still, that's a rough way to go out of business.

Haven't seen any of it.

You sure? If you already shelled out cash for it, maybe you wouldn't wanna say.

Yeah, I'm sure.

What you doing back there?

Like my partner says, just looking for a little stolen bling-bling.

Stuff involving a triple m*rder.

And I don't have it.

Yeah, what do you have?

Yo, man, what's up with partner boy?

Hey, Shane, Meaty's cool.

If he says it ain't here, it ain't.


Got a license to sell these?

The serial number's filed off. There's four in the box.

Look, assh*le, I said I didn't see your shit.

Now, leave mine alone.

Oh, yeah? You're under arrest.

Turn around, skinny, let's go.

Hey. Hey, Shane.

Come on, what are you doing? Being an assh*le.

Come on, if it turns up, he'll call.

Not anymore. See?

You gonna stand there? Can I get a little help, please?

Your cuffs, man.

One pair just isn't doing it for this cat.

Don't worry. There's thousands more.

Can we finish this later?

My 15 minutes are ticking away.

Sit down.

The truth is, I saw the sister good.

But the white guy with her, they all sort of...

It's hard to differentiate, you know what I'm saying?

Keep looking.

City just posted a $5000 reward.


We got a few chop shops paying top dollar for '99 Benzes.

If our sh**t dump it, my CIs will call.

What about the missing pawn items?

Well, Ronnie went through the robbery victim's ledger.

Turns out all the missing items were jewelry pawned by the same guy:

Dean Warrison.

Maybe he came back for his stuff.

LEM: Yeah, we went by his place, but he moved months ago.

Talking to associates, trying to track down his new crib.

We're also trying to figure out who the Bonnie is to his Clyde.

Robbery, breaking and entering, drug possession.

CLAUDETTE: Is that the man?

He's white. Could be.

It feels good.

I'm gonna release the make and model of the car to the press.

Let them know we have two suspects.

How's the Decoy Squad doing?

Rivas' Amex card was, uh, used about an hour ago at a gas station.

Walon's talking to the station clerk now.

You're here because someone's trying to k*ll your brother.

We found traces of a deadly poison, thallium, in Robert's stomach.

That doesn't sound right.

Especially since this is the third time this month he's been hospitalized for it.

Y-You think he's trying to k*ll himself?

That's an interesting theory. Let's think it through.

Robert's got a decent-paying job.

He's been there 12 years.

He owns his house.

Seems to have a lot of friends.

No trouble dating.


Besides the food poisoning.

Besides the food poisoning.

So why would a guy like that try to k*ll himself?


Let's consider my theory.

You're unemployed, been to rehab.

You're broke.

You really don't have a lot going on.

But Robert made you his insurance beneficiary.

Then he suffers a rash of poisonings all after you come over to cook food for him.

A guy can't cook his brother breakfast?

Look at the facts, Kevin.

You cook, he gets poisoned.

It's a little perspicuous, don't you think?

You don't know what perspicuous means, do you?


You think you're smart enough to lie to me?

You think you're smart enough to convince me you had nothing to do with this?

Perspicuous means obvious.

Oh, well, it's obvious you're a d*ck.

Talked to one of Dean Warrison's drug buddies.

Hasn't seen him for a while, but heard he moved in with some black girl.

Our Bonnie? What's the address?

Still working on it.

Well, work harder.

Our k*ller's running around out there, and I don't wanna be running around in here buck-naked.

Yeah, well, I got nothing to be embarrassed about.

If I'd known, I'd have waxed my back.

I seen you in the shower.

Not your back you need to be worried about.

We gotta ID the girl.

His jacket said that he was in rehab.

Run that down. Maybe they met there.

All right.

I've been fielding calls from chop shops all day.

Nothing so far.

Take the mug shot around to local motels.

See if he's holed up somewhere. That's a good idea.

Whose mug shot?


Oh-ho, ho, ho. That's cold.

Not as cold as you're gonna be.

I'm gonna crank up the AC in the clubhouse so your sac shrinks.

I'll shrink your sac.

Detective, you know Carlos.


Daily News.

Carlos is gonna be covering our investigation for a piece in the Sunday magazine.

He's to have unlimited access.

How did you get that assignment?

It was your captain's idea.

NINA: Sir.

Chief of police is on the phone.

Tell him I'll call him back.

Have a seat.

We'll get you started in a minute.

I know you like the limelight...

It's not about me.

A good Samaritan gets k*lled while running errands?

It feeds into everyone's bad perceptions about Farmington.

And how's this piece gonna read if this case doesn't get solved?

We have a suspect. We're going to solve this.

It's never a slam-dunk.

You said you have everything you need to crack this.

So let's turn this press coverage into a positive.

See about getting you three square meals.


What's up?

Shane arrested my Cl.

He... He ruined a five-year relationship.

He's trying to make me look like a punk.

All right, all right, all right.

What's going on?

Caught Fatboy Slim here filing serial numbers off a few handguns.

What's this have to do with our homicide?


He's got his head up his ass.

And I told him, back off.

Hey, you don't tell me anything. I tell you.

When Vic's not around, I am in charge.

My lead. My guy.

Can you believe this?

Kick him. Kick him?

Look, I don't have time for this bullshit.

We're trying to catch a k*ller before the Decoy Squad.

TAVON: Sorry, brother.

No need.

You ain't the bitch.

Hey, I just did you a favor.

You open your mouth one more time, you'll be begging me to only lock you up.

Now, get out. Get out.

Take your shit.



What was that about?

Passionate people having a difference of opinion.

Trust me, it works.

Can I speak to you?

Guess I'll take advantage of that unlimited access.

I, uh... I went a little too far with the poisoning victim's brother.

How'd you do that?

Because you were down here with your photo sh**t and I was up there by myself.

Oh, so it's my fault?

Well, I... I was trying something new.

Uh, trying to...

You know, a curve ball to my fastball.

Don't tell me you played bad cop.

You weren't up there to stop me.

I knew you could handle this.

Ninety percent of the time, yes.

But 10 percent, there's a connection.


It's like you...

Please don't say I complete you.

Go up there and give it one more shot.

VANESSA: We will go to a doctor! We'll get checked out!

JULIEN: Spend thousands of dollars...

Are you coming?


It's Julien's house.


We got a call about a disturbance.

Can we come in?


Hey, Julien. How you doing?

Maybe we should go?

VANESSA: No. No, it's okay.

It was just verbal.

I didn't realize it had gotten that loud.

Actually, the call came from this address.






Did you call 911, honey?

Baby, I'm sorry.

We didn't mean to scare you.

Mind if I speak to the boy, ma'am?

VANESSA: Go ahead.

I'm gonna have to talk to Vanessa.

DANNY: Everything okay? VANESSA: Yes.

Are you feeling threatened or unsafe?

Lord, no. No.

Look, everything is fine.

He has been through so much and it's hard on him.

The shame, the stress. The surgery just...

Surgery? For... For his back.

After the beating.

He's already had one and it still hurts him.

He might need another one.

I didn't know.

Randall just got scared, that's all.

We're all right.

The Decoy Squad got a call from a motel clerk who saw the car.

They're talking with him now.

I got one better.

Got an ID on Dean Warrison's roommate, the black female.

Her name is Danielle Riggs.

You show the picture to the witness?

Positively ID'd her as one of the carjackers.

Nice work.

Thanks. More to do.

What was that before? Tavon and Shane.

Ah, it's just two dogs humping.

Well, if you can't pry them loose, I can get my hose out.

I can handle it.

Because the Decoy Squad is working very well.

I don't want any worries with your team.




You know they ain't in there.

I saw 'em both leave early this morning.

[WHISPERS] Check it out.

Is this Danielle?

Is that her?

Yeah, that's her.

She left with the white boy.

Damn it.

LEM: All clear.

Here you go.

Robert's gonna stay in the hospital overnight.

Just for observation.

It's nothing to worry about.

So, uh...


I spoke to him again.

He, uh...

He really cares about you.

Practically threw me out of his room when he found out we were talking to you.


I can see there's a real bond there.

He says, uh, you've really been trying hard lately.

Is that what he said?


You've blown a few opportunities in the past.

He's needed to bail you out.

He says it's added up to 15 grand over the years.

It's only 14.

The other investors hadn't gotten cold feet and pulled out, then, you know...

So you're, what, one of these guys who, uh...

Doesn't work out, you just blame someone else?


And you're one of these guys who's always just a d*ck.

I saw you and Lucas responded to a domestic at Julien's.

How did you know about that?

New policy.

Any 911 call at an officer's home address is flagged.

Everything all right?

Yeah, it was nothing.

Then why didn't you put it in the report?

I brought you back to be straight with me.

I thought our deal was if I saw anything.

All I saw was a husband-wife argument and a kid who got scared and called 911.

No special treatment.

There's a complaint against Julien for excessive force.

And now this.

Should I be worried for him?

I'll talk to him. I'll let you know.

Lem and Tavon are sitting on the apartment.

Shane and Ronnie are running down the girl's family.

If they're still in town, we're gonna nail them.

You won't have to look far.

WALON: We got him.

Interrogation 1.

You brought in our guy?

Looks that way.

How'd you find him?

Claudette gave us his sheet, I saw the drug-possession bust.

We followed up, discovered a treatment program he attended.

We sat on a few methadone clinics and bingo.

You busted him based on my tip.


Uh, speaking of tips, um...

Give us a little preview.

Cut or uncut?


Heard about the sh**ting at the pawnshop, Dean?

Not really, no.

Three people dead, sh**t runs out with a bunch of jewellery.

Chains, rings, bracelets. All stuff you hocked.


Just put him at the scene already.

Got a witness who saw you run out of the store.

I wasn't there.

Sure you were.

You and Danielle.

I didn't go in that shop.

It was Danielle and my friend, Crazyhouse.


Danielle's boyfriend.

Got out of prison a couple months ago.

He shot those people. Not me.

CLAUDETTE: Make me believe.

I drove them there, but I stayed in the car.

He's not the sh**t.

Yeah, I believe him.

Start stripping.

I've been staying with Danielle.

Haven't been hitting her, though.

I needed some cash, so I hocked a few things.

She didn't even miss them.

Get to it.

Crazyhouse gets out, starts asking about the jewellery he gave her.

I fessed up. He freaked out.

Made me drive them to the shop.

I stayed in the car.

When I heard sh*ts... [GRUNTS]

I jumped, man.

Man, he must have jacked that car after I split.

And I didn't know he was gonna k*ll no one.

He's not the sh**t.

WALON: He's an accomplice. We said the sh**t.

I don't know what you're talking about.

You've got the k*ller's name and his girl.

Find them.

You're welshing?

The bet was who'd find the sh**t first.

That guy's the driver. Are you welshing?

Okay. Bet's still on.





Got a little tip about the missing car.

See you.

WOMAN: Eddie, it's half now, half later.

That's always been our deal.

Police. Hands up. Up.

Looking for someone?

Hear you're looking to ditch a '99 Benz.

Uh... Uh, sorry.

Can't help you.

Right, Eddie? Don't sh**t.

Who are you?

Oh, God. Cut the crap.

You set me up.

You're making an awful mistake.

VIC: I don't think so.

I know who you are.

Long lost friend.

Trying to dump off Rivas' car.

She might be able to lead us to the sh**t.

How come you never called?

DANNY: Hey, Vic.

Thought you forgot my name.

Welcome back.


How's it going? It's good.

I hear you're mentoring Julien, sort of.

What's going on?


You looking out for him?

I just told Julien to stand up for himself.

You mean like with Carlson and his broken arm?

I don't know how Carlson broke his arm.

I just know that no one's gonna be giving Julien another blanket party anytime soon.

DEENA: So I hear you're going to the city council.

I just won the primary.

The general election isn't for a few months.

Well, yeah, but you're running unopposed, right?

You can wait till all the votes are in before making me the second Mrs. Aceveda.

ACEVEDA: Well, I'm sure the first Mrs. Aceveda will have an objection or two.

Are your suspects usually so flirty?

No. Who are you?

...That jacked that car you were trying to sell.

They left three people dead.

Where are they?

I understand there's a reward.

For information leading to their arrest.

Well, I don't know where they are.

I mean, I just work for a car broker.

They called, said they were looking to dump a '99 Benz.

I heard Edixon was buying.

I mean, I didn't know it was the ride you were looking for till I was arrested.

So you never spoke to these people?


But I can tell you where the car is.

I was careful.

All that pristine evidence, just sitting there.

And what will it cost me?

Just the reward.

Up front.

And my boss and I walk.

Hasn't talked to our sh**t?

Please. She knows more than she's saying.

We've gotta find that car.

I'm gonna give her immunity.

Then kick her.

Let me follow her. See what angle she's playing.

I heard you got a lead on the vehicle.

Need us to run it down?

Sure. The car thief just gave up the car.

Give me a sec. I'll give you the exact location.

Where have you been? Working a triple m*rder.

I can't get anywhere with the brother.

He hates me.

What about the evidence?

Did you go through the house?

No traces of thallium anywhere.

If he doesn't confess, he's gonna walk out of here and do it again.

Robert totally trusts him.

He can't believe his brother poses any threat.

What do you want me to do?

Let's recapitulate.

Your brother is a success.

You are not.

Your brother has lots of money.

You're in the negative.

Your brother is a well-adjusted, caring individual.

You are fratricidal.

Which means, you're going to jail.

Is that perspicuous enough for you?


You remember or should I get a dictionary?


CLAUDETTE: What the hell is going on?

I'm interrogating a suspect.

What is this shit?

Would you step outside?


He's got an uncle higher up on the force.

We can't get rid of him.

She's just playing him.

I got here on merit.

I've been doing this job a lot longer than he has.

And he's always trying to teach me something.

Like I don't know what I'm doing.


I get worked up just thinking about it.

I get it.

CLAUDETTE: Oh, yeah?

I know someone like that.

No of fence, he can't possibly be this bad.


So, what are you gonna do about Tavon?

Booting the one black guy we have on the team isn't gonna win us any favors with a Hispanic captain, a black chief or a black nanny.

Besides, we need him.

For what? He's an outsider.

He keeps us sharp about the Money Train.


We never needed him before.

It's my call.

Live with it.

SHANE: All right now, this could be it.


Man, she's fast.

All right, move in, boys. Move in.

LEM: Copy that. [TIRES SQUEAL]

Get out. Hands up. TAVON: Get out of the car!

Hands up. Get over here.

Out of the car! Get out!

Against the car.

Man, twice in one day.

Damn. It's a good thing we're friends, huh?

Is that your car?

No, but I have immunity.

No, not on this one, you don't.


You talked to the sh**t.

Now, save the snow jobs for Aceveda because I will press charges on this.

They sold us the stolen Mercedes.

They needed a new car to get out of town.

Hon, just let me handle this, okay?

Look, we were gonna do the deal and then we were gonna turn them in. I swear.

So they were gonna pay you for the stolen wheels and you were gonna get the reward.

Something like that.

I got a new plan.

Man, I hope these two idiots don't blow it.

I'm worried about chucklehead.

The future Mrs. Aceveda'll do just fine.

[CELL PHONE RINGS] Give me a second. Yeah?

Vic, Cassidy's missing.

What? She's missing.

The babysitter thought that she was in her bedroom, but when I got home, she's gone.

Well, did she run away? I think so.

Call the police.

They're on their way over.

I'll be right there.

Cassidy's missing.

Shit, man. What do we do?

Just get these guys.

Hey, wait a second, man. Who's...? Who's in charge?

We're a team. Just get it done.

Any word?

I called all her friends. No one's seen her.

VIC: You set up a perimeter?

We have six units on it.

Juvenile detectives have been notified.

They're on route to set a command center.

Good. Okay.

Her bike's missing.

Well, good. Probably means she left on her own.

Where would she go?

I don't know. Think.

I'm thinking.

Were you here?


Did you hear anything? No.

Nothing? No.

What were you doing? CORRINE: Vic.

I was working with Matthew.

Let's go find her.


What are you doing here?

Aceveda called in extra units until those K*llers are in custody.

Hey, Julien, you think maybe you came back too early?


Maybe you should've stayed on disability some more.


Vanessa worries too much.

Look, things are good for me now.

Better than they've ever been.

Here. At home.

I was at your home.

Come on, Julien. You're not yourself.

I am.

Yeah? Well, what happened to Carlson, then?

He got hurt.

Yo, Ronnie, that's them.


[WOMAN SCREAMS] Shit. He blew it.

TAVON: Get out of the way!

Everybody down!

We know she's your girlfriend. Just let her go.

I'll still k*ll her.


You got a car, man. Just go. Go, man.

TAVON: Don't move.

SHANE: Nobody saw it. Nobody saw.

Hands up! Palms up!

TAVON: Turn him around. I got him.

Get your ass up. Let's go.

Was she upset or something?

I told her she couldn't go to Piper's for a sleepover.

She lost it. But I told her that we were gonna talk about it tonight after I got home from work.

I thought you were taking night shifts.

This was OT.

And then this happens.

Camilla was there and Owen was with Matthew.

I don't even know Owen.

And... And who the hell is Camilla?

Jesus Christ... We're getting a divorce.

I need to work. This is not my fault.

Whose is it, then?

Vic, shut up. Just shut up.

I didn't do it.



W-What is it?

It's a quad...

...drophenia report.

Positive traces of thallium were found in your kitchen.

I didn't have any thallium in my kitchen.

Then how do you explain that?

Okay, what...? What happens now?

Dutch gets his name in the papers.

Egomaniac roped in a reporter to do a story on him.

He's in the building.

So everybody'll know he busted me?

He was assigned the case. He gets credit.

Well, uh...

What if I tell you what happened?

I guess that I'd get the credit.

Well, it's not like you think.

I mean, I knew I could never pay Robert back all that money.

And the thallium, it just...

It just seemed easier than disappointing him again.

There. There.

Stop! Stop!

Cass. Are you okay?



All right, come on, let's go.


Let's go.

Right now.

I decided to partner you up again.

I thought Tommy and I were doing well together, sir.

You two have a history. This made more sense for me.

Do you have a problem with this?

Not if Julien doesn't.

ACEVEDA: Trust me, this will work.

You'll start riding together tomorrow.

Yes, sir.

SHANE: How's Cass, man?

She's good.

Looks like you guys did just fine without me.

TAVON: Oh, yeah. That's right.


Lookie what we got.

Now you can get the chief on the phone.

The sh**t's in custody?

Oh, it's chilly in here.

Somebody turn up the air conditioning?

How'd you find them?

By running my ass off.

Wyms had us going over the stolen car looking for nose hairs.

So how about a preview? Bikini or Brazilian?

VIC: Hey.


It's good stuff out there today.

Avoided a sh**t at the swap meet.

Could have got real ugly.

It was no biggie. Yes, it was.

It was great work.

Hey, you don't have to go overboard.

I do when I'm about to ask someone a big favor.

I need you to work it out with Shane.


Tell him.

You could be the bigger man here.

I dig what you do. And Shane...

He's a cr*cker with 'tude.

He's just acting out because you're good.

Help me make him feel secure.

Send him to a shrink.

I'm gonna talk to him too.

But I'm asking you, take one for the team here.

For me.



Oh, babe, what are we doing?

Maybe it's God's plan for us just to have Randall.

I want my own child too. With you.

Randall is your child.

A man like Shane Vendrell can get his woman pregnant without even trying.


We're trying.

We'll just... We'll keep trying.

You know what I mean.

You're not comfortable.

I don't wanna start another fight about this.

No fight.

I will go to the doctor and I will see what I can do.

Two cases in one day. You're on a roll.

You're the one who solved the poisoning.

I was just your pawn.


That's one way of looking at it, I guess.

So, what's your story?

You running your two teams, or are you still a measly detective with me?

I'm whatever you need me to be.

And what if I need you to complete me?

Please don't say that.

MARA: Hey.


What's going on?

A baby, man. Congratulations.

I can't feel anything.

Looks like you're feeling something.

Look, man, um...

I was hoping we could talk.

Yeah, what about?

[CLEARS THROAT] Figured we could, uh, work some shit out.

How you feeling?

As long as I have ginger ale and crackers, I'm fine.

Yeah? Yeah.

So you want anything?

[CLEARS THROAT] Just to clear the air.

I'm gonna go check on the laundry.




All right, look.

The Strike Team, that's your gig, okay?

And you and Vic, you established it, everyone knows that.

I just wanna add what I can to the mix.

I appreciate that.

But I don't wanna be along for the ride if I'm not wanted.

Look, I wasn't trying to be a d*ck.

But Me and Vic built this thing and I don't want somebody coming in and screwing it up.

I won't.

You coming here and apologizing, I get that.

Just as long as you know your place, we'll be all right.

My place, huh?

What, like back of the bus?

What, you think you're driving the bus?

Damn it, Shane. You know what?

He doesn't wanna hurt your little feelings, but Vic has plans for me.

He's my best friend.

He's been my best friend for seven years.

You really think he's gonna push me aside for some darkie?


Get off!

Stop it!


Where are you going? MARA: No, no.

No! No. Where you going?!

Come here. No, no!

Come here! Stop!

Come here! Let go of me!

Let go of me! Let go of me!

No! Let go of me!


Oh, my God.




I wanted you to know. That little problem before?

All taken care of. Good.

My guys did good today.

Just as long as they keep their clothes on.

You heard about that, huh?

Little wager.

Good incentive for a great job.

Lucky you didn't lose.

I wasn't worried.

No, lucky for us you didn't lose.




Call 911, man. Somebody.

Gentlemen, this way, please.

Let's go. Keep moving.

Cage is clear. Give them the two-minute warning.



I spoke to Cassidy's teacher.

You know, the usual this-is-normal-in-a-divorce kind of stuff.

Well, what do we do now?

We all need to sit down together and work it out with a counselor.

Listen, uh, this wasn't your fault.

I was just...

I was out of my mind.


I know.

Okay. Um...

I'm just glad she's home.

Me too. Okay.



♪ Stroke me, stroke me ♪

♪ Say you're a winner But man, you're just a sinner ♪

♪ Do your fancy dances ♪

♪ You can't stop ♪

♪ You just stroke me Stroke me ♪ God.

♪ Stroke me, stroke me ♪ No.


♪ Yeah ♪


I cannot believe that Shane and Tavon just missed that.

♪ Right into my case ♪
