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03x03 - Bottom Bitch

Posted: 01/09/22 11:11
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: Previously, on The Shield...

You've known this girl for two months, you're buying her a new car?

What's the problem?

This thing between me and Vic, sometimes brothers fight.

So why is he always making you the little brother?

Did I do something to piss you off?

I don't like the way you treat Shane.

You don't understand the world Shane and I live in.

Shane works for you but he comes home to me.

You said you had a few ideas about adding personnel?

The undercover decoy squad work in Wiltshire.

I'm gonna need someone overseeing the practical elements of my plan.

Your plan?

David's bringing in the decoy squad from Wiltshire.

They're gonna be working with you.

I'm gonna be in charge of both teams.

They k*lled these Armenians looking for our money train cash.

There's only four people who know we took that money.

They're all sitting right here.

Let's stick to the plan.

Connie, you need to go somewhere. You need help.

I'll get clean.

You can get me through it.

Oh, Christ, Connie.

I need help.


You're clean? Yeah.

This is a CIA contract.

Calm down.

Jesus Christ!

Shut up! What the hell's the matter with you?

Oh, Vic, I'm... I'm sorry.


Yo, what's up, boss?

VIC: Seen the new 20?

LEM: Yeah, man. The colors are funky.

Yeah. Well, the old ones are gonna be phased out of the system over the next year or so.

So, what does that mean about our money-train 20s?

We have to unload our 20s sooner than we wanted to, before they stand out too much.


So Claudette's in charge of our team now?

That's the way she sees it.

You had a female boss before?

You ever met my daughter?

She's insisting we go mini-putting.

So how do we deal with her?

VIC: k*ll her with kindness.

Couple of months, we'll get our freedom back.

It's not like we can't use the break.

MAN: Catching those preppy lawyers with their pants down.


I think you got the wrong room.

Uh, Wyms told us to shack up here.

We're, uh, the Decoy Squad. We just transferred in.

I'm Walon. Eddie, Annie, Trish.

Vic Mackey.

It's a little crowded in here.

Why don't I talk to my captain, see if I can scrounge you guys up some new digs?

Seems okay to me. Yeah, we can make it work.

Man, what's that smell?

Oh, I've been playin' homeless for the last three days.

Kind of ripe, huh?

Where's the, uh, shower around here?

First door on the left.

SHANE: Look, I need to go to work.

Then go already.

Well, I-I don't wanna leave arguing.

What's the problem? Nothing.

Look, what are you doing?

This doesn't have to be a thing.

You don't want me here.

Look, I said I thought it was a little fast for you to be moving in.

It doesn't mean that I don't want you here when I get home.


Hey, hey, hey. Hey-hey-hey.


What, couldn't find the shower?

Yeah, I found it. Thanks.

Where's the rest of your team?

I gave Ronnie a pass.

He's seeing a plastic surgeon about his face.

Ah, and Shane?

Car battery died. He'll meet us.

Okay, our first target, prostitution.

We've mapped out four key red-light zones.

Phase one, get the girls off the street.

Phase two, nail the johns.

A temporary processing station's been set up to expedite arrests.

Also, media crews will be filming to discourage offenders and anyone watching from ever coming back.

The DA's office has been helpful as well.

Members of your team can now show their, uh, members to the girls.

[MEN CHATTER] Whoa. We get to show our dicks?

Time to pull out the pipes, fellas.

It's only to convince them that you're not law enforcement.

They can look, they can't touch.


Their loss.

VIC: Chicken-head, 2 o'clock.

Hah. Drive-through blowjobs.


TAVON [ON RADIO]: All right, I'm rollin' up.

LEM: We got you, good buddy.

You looking for a date, honey?

It's too nice a night to be lonely.

You a cop? I look like a cop?


Let me see your package.

You gotta promise not to get scared away.

Go ahead, frighten me.



Halloween's early this year.

Want some candy?

Well, how do I know you're not a cop?

I am a cop.

See my badge?


LEM: Go, brother.

Oh, that just made my week.

prost*tute [ON RADIO]: Head's 50, sex is 75, a**l's a hundred.

SHANE: Hey. Sorry.

TAVON: You wanna be my backdoor baby?

Where the hell you been?

Just dealing with some stuff.

Well, next time, pick up a phone or at least answer yours.

TAVON: We got an as*ault in progress. You guys see that?

[SCREAMS] VIC: Lem, hit it.



I'm okay.

LEM: Get off. Here. Come here.

TAVON: I got the runner.

Get off me, you assh*le.

VIC: Freeze! Police!

You're under arrest, princess.

LEM: All right, ladies. Easy.

Just relax. Ow, my arm.

SHANE: All right, everybody calm down.

Hey, I know you, right?

No. Yeah.

You're the cop that was there when Connie got k*lled.

I saw you at the funeral. I-I was her friend.

You were too, right?

What do you want?

My pimp kicked me out on the street, won't let anyone else take me in.

I got no protection.

Well, it looks like it's time to relocate then, or find a new line of work.

Please, I just... Sorry.

Connie said you helped her, said you looked out for her and Brian.

Look, Connie was just an informant of mine.

So dropping her name is doin' you no good.

But I heard you helped her out...

You heard wrong.

Please. You're a cop.

They're gonna k*ll me out there.

Do something for me.

I'm not gonna judge the life you chose, but I'm not gonna get sucked into it either.

Good luck.



Oh, my. You two dirty up quite nicely.

Oh, this? Just a few rags from my closet.

I'll give you a runway show sometime.

Heh-heh. She's not kiddin'. These are hers too.

All these arrests are for solicitation?

VIC: as*ault and battery.

Buys us an extra three to six months off the street.

Sorry to set the bar so high your first night on the job.

Well, we'll see if we can keep up.

Thanks for coming.

Yeah, I had a flat. I got there as quick as I could.

I told her your battery died.

It was personal. It won't happen again.

CLAUDETTE: I talked to the hooker who got jumped.

She's willing to build a case against her pimp.

I talked to her too. She's a liar.

Then she should fit right in on your team.

Work with her.

I've sent a message to the gals and johns and I'd like to send one to the pimps too.

You're the boss.

DUTCH: Thought you had that hooker sting?

It's in motion.

I heard you got a call. Thought I'd check in.

Victim's name is Isabel Nelson, r*ped by a lone male.

Guy was waiting in the house naked when she came home.

Left with jewelry, a little cash.

CLAUDETTE: Is that her? DUTCH: That's her daughter.

Isabel's 73.

He had a ski mask covering his head.

Was he black, uh, white?

White, maybe Mexican, not black.

Do you remember anything about his body?

Tattoos, birthmarks, anything?

All I saw was his...

And it didn't look anything like my husband's used to look.

Well, we can talk about this later.

I wanna help. He shouldn't have done this.

Is it true that, uh, he didn't leave right away?


He wanted to know where my jewelry was, and he took it.

Then he laid down on the bed again, next to me. He put his hands on me, two or three hours.

CLAUDETTE: Was he holding you down?


He just...


Cuddled with you.

That was the worst part.

It's okay. Good.

Would you stop ignoring my messages and call me back, baby?

Okay? Please?

Trouble in paradise.

That's one I won't miss.


What's up?

L-I'm sorry I went over your head.

I didn't know she was your boss.

Y-you just don't understand how dangerous Smooth is.

VIC: I know pimps.

Only thing original about them are their names.


Where you from?

San Jose.

When this is over, why don't you take a bus, open up shop there?

I like L.A.

Smooth will k*ll you if he finds out you helped us.

Not if you protect me.

Let's be clear.

This is a one-shot deal, sweetie, then we're done.

The guy in the suit, what's he in on?

Solicitation. Won't give his name, had no ID.

Nothing at all? Mm-mm.

Ass invader?

I've been looking all over Beverly Hills for one of those.


Somebody dropped by the screw store and said, "Give me one of everything."

He has got a dildo in there you could snake a drain with.

ACEVEDA: I'll handle this one.

Finish the paperwork, run it by me.

Captain's real hands-on here, huh?

You could say that.

See anything in there I should take home?

How are you, David?

Better than you, Javier.

That policewoman made a big mistake.

I don't wanna get anybody in trouble, but, you know, she's acted out of line.


She flagged me over, said she wanted directions.

I'm not out there looking for this, so help me.

Come on, Javier, I saw the bag you were arrested with.

Embarrassing, it's not illegal.

Why didn't you give your name?

I panicked, I...

I'm trying to save the district from scandal. I...

For God's sake, do you know what would happen to me if people think I actually did this?

So why cuddle?

Is that a guilt reaction or some kind of emotional souvenir?

"Just because I r*ped you doesn't mean we can't be friends"?

Thanks for the assignment. Farrah's a real winner.

What'd she give us?

Well, Smooth's running a glorified whorehouse for downtown suits.

He keeps a drug stash in the house in case his guests need a pick-me-up.

You know, X, oxy, coke.

I'll call for a warrant.

You see if Shane slept through his alarm.

All right, that's the target.

The drug stash is in the last bedroom down the hall.

Tavon's got point.

Tavon? What about me?

You got one strike with Claudette.

If something goes wrong, I don't want you taking a hit.

Well, why would something go wrong? It won't.

It's on.

VIC: Okay. Give up your hardware.

Farrah says they're running clients for metal on the way inside, so give it up.

Okay, you're not packing, so keep it simple.

Get in, get solicited. Shane will call in the signal.

Who's Smooth's bottom bitch?

She's the queen whore, Cocoa.

So how'd you hear about us?

We came in for the car convention.

The boys from Chevy gave me your number.

COCOA: Who you like?

What about you?

You can get the mouth, but only Smooth gets my booty.

Suck you bone-dry for a hundred.

Hope you're worth it.

Now, that's mine.

COCOA: Party favors?

Coke? X? Viagra?

I'll take some X.

And get my boy here some of that Viagra.

He can use the boost. [CHUCKLES]

Follow me.

SHANE: You got a bathroom?


I'm gonna give you something more than you bargained for.

Hey, it's a go.

Two guys packing just inside the front door.

Go. Move, move, move.

Come on, move your ass.

Go. Go.


Shit, it's reinforced.

The door is holding. Have to open it from the inside.

I got it.

It's a raid!

Where the hell's backup? Can't get in.

[PANTING] WOMAN: Get out, girls.

Hey, get her, man.


WOMAN: Let us out there.

Police. Freeze.

Where's Tavon?

SHANE: She's flushing the dr*gs!

VIC: Get down. Get out of here right now. Get out.

Can we get a ram in here?

TAVON: Hurry up.

VIC: Get the ram.

Here, come here, come here.

Go, go.

Too late. Get on your feet.

Hands on your head.

Get against the wall. Turn to the wall.


Yes? I'm Detective Wagenbach.

I'm investigating a break-in at the building next door.

You notice anyone unusual?

Just the police.

What about the rest of your family?

It's just me and my son Josh, but he wasn't home.

How old is Josh? Nineteen.

I'm gonna need to talk to him. Have him give me a call.

That's my number if you think of something else.

Should I be worried?

That was a lot of commotion for a break-in.

Uh, just make sure you lock up when you're not at home.

Thank you. Excuse me.

VIC: Smooth's smarter than we gave him credit for.

They registered his cathouse in Cocoa's name.

Summer classes at Pimp U paid off.

Well, she's so brainwashed, she'll never roll on him.

Without a drug charge to hold over...

FARRAH: What are you saying?

Everyone but King Shithead gets busted?

Looks like it's time for you to catch that bus.

I didn't do this so he could walk.

And I didn't do this to settle some personal grudge of yours.

We got his house, his bottom bitch, most of his girls.

It was a good day.

No. Use me if you have to.

That cocksucker turned out my 13-year-old sister when she came to visit me.

Got her sh**ting up.

Next thing, she's hooking.

Then she gets sick. AIDS?

I haven't seen her in two months.

Who knows who she's sucking off for pocket change.

Don't let him keep doing this.

What do you think?

Her half-assed sob story?

No. Using her to get to Smooth.

Could get her k*lled.

But if she doesn't care, why should we?

We send her out of town when it's done.

I say we move on to the next thing, get her out of our lives.

The reason pimp cases are impossible is because girls won't cooperate.

She's willing. I say we go with it.

Saddle someone else with it.

I'm saddling you.

Look, you want Smooth, I want my clubhouse back.

This isn't a barter, it's an assignment.

Everyone's saying Mrs. Nelson was r*ped.

Ma'am, we don't discuss ongoing cases.

Look, I'm alone a lot when my son's out and I asked you if I should be worried.

Paul Fets, have you talked with him?

He's r*ped before.

Paul Fets?

He's a registered sex offender, lives across the street from Mrs. Nelson.

Why am I the one checking on this?

Ma'am, there are 34 registered sex offenders in the five-square-block area around that apartment including 12 high-risk felons.

Fets followed me into my apartment once.

Said he wanted to help with my groceries.

If my son hadn't come home right then, i-it would've been me.

Well, we will talk to him.

He was looking in her window, Mrs. Nelson's, about a week ago. I caught him.

Why didn't you tell me that this morning?

Because you didn't tell me you were looking for a r*pist.

DUTCH: Did you hear there was a woman r*ped in the building next to yours?


Somebody crawled into her window, r*ped her when she came home.

Sounds a lot like that trouble you got into before.

Sorry I'm late. Hello.

Mandy Trujillo.

She was a paraplegic girl in a wheelchair.

You forced her side door open, went into her bedroom, put your penis in her mouth, didn't you?

I don't think that way anymore.

Well, maybe you can explain why somebody saw you looking into Mrs. Nelson's window?

The same window the r*pist went in?

T-that wasn't me.

CLAUDETTE: Was she home?

Or did you decide to come back when she was gone?

I didn't look through her window.

And you didn't follow Wanda Ledda into her apartment either, did you?

I was just...

I was trying to help her with the groceries.

S-she didn't have to tell the neighbors about me. I...

I don't like that pressure.

Be here by 10 in the morning, we'll take a run at your pimp.

Why can't we do it tonight?

Because you're not the only woman in my life who needs attention.

Well, where am I supposed to stay?

Where'd you stay last night?

My place.

But it's not safe there.

Just give me some money for a motel.

I already gave you a bus ticket.

Feel free to use it any time.

Just call me and tell me you're okay.

Could you do that, please?

Great g*dd*mn day.

First Mara, then I gotta share a locker with Pig-Pen.

Ah, they'll be gone soon.

Yeah, or we will.

They made 15 arrests last night.

Ah, Christ.

So, what's with Mara?

These pimps have it figured out.

You treat them like shit, they stick to you like flies.

Heh-heh. If only swatting them away was as easy.

I just don't wanna swat this one away.

It's the first girl I've been with that's better than me, you know?

She's not better than you.

She's probably just blowing off steam.


Just, uh, give her some space.

She'll call you.

You goin' out?

Yeah, I got my daughter tonight.

Mini-putt and ice cream.

That's good, man. Yeah.

Be nice to get away from all the drama.


I'm sorry, I don't know what happened.

She kept screaming to come home.

Go to your room, get ready for bed.

I want Daddy to tuck me in.

Go to your room. No.

Listen to your mother. I...

I'll make it up to you next week, I promise.

No, Daddy, please stay.

Jesus. Cassidy, stop this right now.

VIC: Well, hold on, hold on.

Maybe I should stay, just for an hour.

Cassidy, come here right now. Get over here.

Listen to me.

I know what you're doing, and it's not going to work, okay?

Your father's going to leave now.

If you wanna spend time with him, you will behave when it's his turn to see you.

Now, let's go.

No, Daddy, please don't go.

Go. Please, Daddy, don't go.

Go. Dad, don't. Please.

Go. Dad, please don't.

As you can imagine, I-I deal with r*pe and death every day.

I'm sorry.

I don't mind. Feel like I'm helping.

Like I'm taking bad people away before they can hurt somebody else.

That's not me.

In my experience, people who would r*pe an old woman or a crippled lady, they always do it again.

You do know that, right?

You know what a moral compass is?

L-it's a thing in people that tells them what's right and what's wrong.

They know because this moral compass guides them.

Only it gets broken in some people, smashed.

So they do these horrible things, but it's not their fault.

Their compass is just broken.

C-can I...? Can I go to the bathroom?


Oh, no, this is for girls.

Uh, the men's is broken.

It's... It's all right, everybody uses this one.


I did things.

I know.

What...? All right, what if, uh, y-your moral compass is broken?

H-how do...? How do you f...?

How do you fix it?

You can't.

Isabel, that old woman...

This is the last sexual experience she's gonna have.

I mean, can you even imagine that?

A grandmother.

Imagine if it were your grandmother.

I don't think you wanna hurt anybody again, but you gotta help me make sure that doesn't happen.

I don't wanna be broken.

Okay, okay, okay.


Javier send you?

What are we going to do?

I don't think there's much we can do, Jorje.

Sanchez is a friend.

Of yours.

He's been supportive of you.

Letting him go without processing him while I look into things is as supportive as I can be.

He told me it was entrapment.

Is it possible?

I plan on talking to the arresting officer.

I remember when a reporter was asking questions about you once, about the r*pe at USC.

I didn't r*pe anyone.

She was an unstable woman.

Yeah, but I supported you.

And I never asked you if it was true or not.

Um, tell me about the Sanchez arrest.

He pulled up to the curb.

Did you flag him?

I smiled at him.

I do have a nice smile. Then what?

I engaged him.

He said the magic words, I gave the signal.

Uh, be more specific.

He's into pegging.

He said he wanted to do me with his favorite dildo, then have me strap one on and return the favor.

Offered me 150 bucks, the cheap bastard.

I've had men go as high as five.

He's claiming it was entrapment.

Did you see his bag?

Bondage is more like it.

I'm still looking into this case.

Don't discuss it with anyone.

Hey, you guys took a call at L.A. Sound Design last week?

Yeah, the one on Sixth Street? Yeah.

Just took one at the store on Olympic.

I asked the owner for his surveillance tape, he goes in the back for two minutes, comes out, the tape is ruined.

Ours didn't have a camera.

Two in two weeks.

Hey, can I get a copy of the serial numbers you guys took?

Isn't that for the insurance company to worry about?

Yeah, but the detectives are short-staffed.

It's low priority.

I was thinking maybe we can sniff around on our own.

Just because you been on the sidelines doesn't mean you have to play Wonder Woman.

Though I might be able to dig up the outfit for you.

The call didn't seem right to me.

We filed our paperwork.

Yeah, there was nothing weird that I can remember about the call.


Sorry to interrupt your dinner.

Hey, Danny.

Give me half an hour, and I'll pull it all together for you.


VIC: Keep it simple. Turn around.

Tell him you want back into his stable, you'll do whatever it takes.

I asked him before.

Most of his girls are in lockup.

Chances are he'll need temps.

Can't wait to see his face when we bust him.

Well, if he gets rough, I'll stop him.

I can handle a beating.

You won't have to.

Bury it.

Don't touch me. Come on.

Like you never took a free suck from Connie.

We can help each other.

Just put on the g*dd*mn wire.

She said you were nice.

All you've ever been to me is an assh*le.

Place the wire and follow me.

Dutch got a confession from the r*pist.

Oh, that's great news.

Hey, just curious.

Uh, we arrested but only booked 14.

I released one.

Now I'm even more curious.

Javier Sanchez is the superintendent of schools.

I'm just double-checking the facts before proceeding.

His facts couldn't be checked from the cage?

I'm extending him a courtesy.

What qualifies as the special-treatment club this week?

As soon as he's processed, he'll be publicly humiliated.

His career, effectively, will be over.

I was under the impression we were showing people that things were changing here.

We are.

Smells like the same cookin' to me.

ACEVEDA: You made all of these arrests in the last hour?

Good work.

Finish the handoff then get back out there.

We keep hauling in this many fish, we might need to find you new digs.

[CHUCKLES] We set?

Yeah, just waiting for your okay.



Where have you been?


Look, you understand that once you go in there, your life's at stake.


You're gonna have to get on the bus.

I will. Look, I gotta go.

We're in the middle of something here.

I'm sorry. Look, I need a personal day.

Not a problem.

SMOOTH [ON RADIO]: Look who crawled out from under its rock.

Can we talk?

You got nothing to say, bitch.

I'll work twice as hard. I'll be your best earner.

I said you have nothing to say. [GAGGING]

Gotta go.

Ho... Hold on.

You go out, hit it hard enough tonight, maybe we'll talk.

You freak on me again, I'll k*ll you.



It's good.

We got it on tape.

Good job.

These turn into bruises, get some Polaroids.


Can I get your opinion on something?

I'd stick with the fishnets.

French maid's outfit might be too much.

I got stuck between Claudette and Aceveda on something.

Um, what exactly are the politics around here?

Tell me more.

That john I brought in with the goodie bag.


Seems like Aceveda wants it to go away.

Important guy, I guess.

And Claudette has another idea.

So push comes to shove, which pony would you ride?


Aceveda's still the boss.

After that, city council.

If he asks for something, do him the favor.


You like Chinese?


I'll take you to Chinese sometime, pay you back.

Fets didn't cuddle.


In his statement, he says he r*ped her, then he left.

He also can't tell me anything about the jewelry.

Says he thinks he dumped it but doesn't remember where.

We've got a confession.

We got a witness who saw him at the window.

He is slow.

This is a guy who r*ped a woman, didn't leave a single hair fiber.

Now, not only have I been chasing the wrong guy, I caught him.

Give Smooth the money.

Be very clear you earned it hooking.

That's like $600. It's not enough.

You've only been at it a couple of hours. It'll be enough.

He won't take this. It's an insult.

Make it work. It's all we have.

He'll k*ll me if I give him this little.

We're not gonna let him hurt you.

No. I'll just tell him. I'll just go and explain.

You won't explain anything.

I'll tell him I was with you but I changed my mind.

You tell him that, he will k*ll you.

Let go of me.

You don't give a shit about me.

You're an assh*le.

He'll take care of me if I tell him.

Don't do it.

I'm not doing this.


You think you could just walk away from me?

Get off of me.

You made me a promise.

You told me you wanted this.

I don't wanna do this anymore.


Because you're scared?

He'll k*ll me.

You need to be scared of me.

LEM: Vic... Back off!

Let me just go talk to him.

Take it.


Smooth's my bitch, which makes you my bottom bitch.

You're gonna go out there, and you're gonna do what I told you.

Or I swear to God, I will hurt you like you've never been g*dd*mn hurt before.

You understand?

Say it! Okay.


You wanna make me happy, huh?


I'm sure you do.


Now, do what I told you.

Good girl. Go ahead.

What the hell was that?

I just saved her life. You watch.

FARRAH [ON RADIO]: Rolled some tricks for you, baby.

SMOOTH [ON RADIO]: Slow your roll, ho. Po-po's been cracking down. Come here.

All right. Give up the skrilla.

I can't see her.

Uh, we're fine.

SMOOTH: Petty cash. Where's the cheddar?

Sucked a lot of dicks for that.

You comin' crooked on me?

It's all the money I got. You don't like it?

Shove it up your ass.

What's she doin'? Damn, she's baiting him.

Let's go.

SMOOTH: Is that how it's gonna be?

Punk ass, you're nothin'. Oh, yeah?

FARRAH: You don't scare me. Help!

Let go of me! I said let go of me.


Bastard! Ah!


Get back.

Stay still. Don't fight me.

I got marks.

You and I can say he hit me, get him put away longer.

I'm not lying for you.

We got him for what we got him on and that's it.

After what you did, it'll be a long time before another pimp thinks about layin' a hand on me.

Forgetting about that bus to San Jose?

I don't need it anymore.

You're protecting me.

No, I'm not. We're done now.


Why are you such a shithead?

I chose you over Smooth.

I stopped you from k*lling yourself.

You stuck a g*n in my mouth.

No, I did not.

Now you're not gonna protect me?

Shut up right now.

You're a bigger assh*le than Smooth.

Even bigger than the one who turned out your 13-year-old sister?

That's right. 'Cause I found out the only sister you have is 7 and living in San Jose.

You're just pissed off that Smooth stopped you from earning.

Is that what you did to Connie too?

Used her?

She trusted you, and you got her k*lled.

Time to go. You dared that guy to sh**t.

Her boy doesn't have a mother. That's your fault.

Wouldn't want you to miss your bus.

You didn't give a shit about Connie!

I tolerated her to the extent she could help me make cases.

She's dead because of you.


You all find ways of k*lling yourselves.

Go find yours.


You call for backup?

Yeah, we got a hit on the stolen stereo.

A Sun Yun Do at this residence registered online to get the warranty.

Sure you didn't wanna call SWAT?

You guys were so helpful breaking this thing, I thought you'd wanna be here for the arrest.


What the hell are these?

I went to see Isabel.

One of them's Fets.

You showed a 73-year-old r*pe victim a penis line-up?

She wants the guy caught. All she saw was the penis.

Plus, she picked the wrong one.

So whose did she choose?

I couldn't get anyone to volunteer.

Oh, Dutch.

Well, I didn't ask you to look at them.

It's not anything you haven't seen before.

The important thing is, Isabel confirms that Fets isn't our guy.

We're sending you home.


Because you didn't r*pe Mrs. Nelson.

But I think about it. With other women.

Just like you said.

Still, you didn't do it.

No, m-my moral compass is broken.


Look, that was just an interrogation technique.

L-I needed you to believe it because I wanted you to confess.

Mandy Trujillo was seven years ago.

You've been good since then, right?

I tried real hard.

Well, and it's working.

There's a-a Dr. Lakeman who's gonna come talk to you about staying good.

I can't go home.

She told everybody about me.

And about Mandy.

Everybody hates me. And now she's just gonna tell them that I did it to that old woman.

I-I'll talk to your neighbors.

And, uh, we're gonna catch the guy who really did this.

Here... Here's my card.

You call me if you need anything.



You said you weren't gonna be here.

I wanted to see you for myself.

I'm just gonna get the rest of my things then I'm leaving.

What is your problem?


Why are you acting like such a psycho bitch?

Just leave me alone.

All right, fine. Fine. You wanna leave?

Then pack your shit. Get out.

Here, better yet, let me help you.

Why are you sulking? You're the one who turned on me.

That's not true.

So, what was the plan? You couldn't afford a car?

So you give up a little ass, play house till you can make your getaway?

You're such an assh*le. How's the Lexus driving?

Keep your g*dd*mn car.

You keep it. You earned it.

Hope the next guy enjoys it.

Please, you gonna start crying now?

Come on, let's see the floodgates open, Mara.

Just let me go.

No, I wanna see you cry first.

Let me leave.

No, I wanna see how you leaving me.

Tearing me...

I wanna see how it makes you cry.

I'm pregnant.


I am.

It was an accident.

Sorry, okay? I'm sorry!

Well, we'll get married. Oh, no.

Oh, God, help me.


Hey, hey, hey.


Look at me.


Marry me.

And I had some more ideas on your transition team.

So did Aurora.

Maybe we could get together this week.

Just thought you should know, uh, Carlos Izturis from the Daily News is downstairs.

Ah, hello.

What does he want?

He is coming to ask about Javier Sanchez being arrested for solicitation.

I know Carlos, I can talk to him.


You can tell him I'm moving forward with the arrest.

Give us a minute. Take a month, nothing's gonna change.

Send some unis to pick him up.

CLAUDETTE: Nice seeing you again.

She leaked this. She brought Izturis in.

The important thing is we cut bait before Javier drags us down.



Hey. Congrats on your job back.


Hey, thanks for talking to Aceveda for me.

This is that case that I left the message about.

DUTCH: Yeah. insurance thing, right?

Yeah. Guy's robbing from himself then making the claims.

Sure makes it easier when officers just hand me closed cases.

Just trying to help.

Detective, call for you on three.

Detective Wagenbach.

FETS [ON PHONE]: I tried real hard.


Her son just left. She's alone.

Paul? Finally got that bitch alone.

Paul? Now you can stop me.

Paul, don't go anywhere, all right?

Let me, uh... Let me talk to you.

You have to stop me.

r*pe in progress. Call it in.

Paul, what are you feeling right now?

How do you change what you want?

It isn't what you want.

I promise you.

You've done so well.

No, I haven't.

I'll try not to hurt her too bad.

Paul? Paul...

[SIREN WAILING] Police. Open up.


Police. WOMAN: Stop! Stop!



Let me see your hands.

School and sex crimes.

That story's gonna hit big.

ACEVEDA: He brought it on himself.

Well, you helped a little. I know I didn't call Carlos.

Why would I call?

We're sending a message.

We're showing people that we're cracking down and no one's safe in Farmington.

And you did it in a way that didn't squash you and Machado.

You always were my best detective.

You lookin' for a date?

I want her.

She's not for sale. That's Nasty's new girl.

How much to talk for two minutes?


Just wanna talk?

I see you missed that bus.

Figured I'd stay.

I know Nasty.

He's good at what he does.

You angling for him this whole time?

No. After you kicked me, I had to survive.

Told Nasty I'd help him get Smooth's girls.

Ah, so it's all my fault, huh?

Thanks for helping make me queen.

Enjoy your kingdom.

That's 20 bucks.


I mean, I'm through the door, and all I see is a black blur flying by me.

You're getting slow.

All I know is the r*pist assh*le got a double dip of vanilla and chocolate.


Hey, Julien, you walking out?

Not yet.

All right. I'll see you tomorrow.

TOMMY: He really knocked the wind out of him.

We got back here, he's still out of breath.


Wagenbach's upstairs givin' him CPR.

Congrats, man. Thank you, man.

Thank you, buddy. Thank you, buddy.


Hey, man, where's Vic?

Don't know, man.

I'm gonna step outside for a second. Okay.

All right. Okay.


Hey, Wayne. Beer's inside, buddy.

Hey. Thank you.


You know where Vic is, man?

No clue.



Is this the foster home for Brian Reisler?

Yeah. ls there, uh...? Is there a problem?

Uh, can I see him?


What's goin' on?

He wants to see Brian.


How is he?

What do you mean?

Is he talking yet? Making friends? What's he like to do?

He plays with the other children.

How many foster children do you have here?


Five hundred a head, that's...

That's 2500 you're pulling in a month.

Where's it all goin'?

You're saying we're skimping?

They get what they need.

Three hots and a cot?

You bank the rest?

What do you know about raising kids?

They're better off here than they were out there.

How do you know that?

His mother was a crack whore.

I knew her.

Then you know what I'm talking about.

At least we're there for them.

I'm gonna be checking in on him from time to time.

I'd better like what I see.

