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03x02 - Blood and Water

Posted: 01/09/22 11:11
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: Previously, on The Shield...

I'm supposed to be Captain in two days.

I still have some unfinished business.

You are stealing my ideas and you're taking my job, and... I've got the power to make those ideas happen.

I can still make a difference here!

This is my job.

Not yet.

They k*lled these Armenians looking for our money train cash.

There's only four people who know we took that money, and they're all sitting right here. We stick to the plan.

Low-profile business as usual?

Hi guys. We in your way?

No, no, we're just, uh... We're just finishing up.

Just needed to ask a question, and sneak a kiss.

You've known this girl for two months, you're buying her a new car?

It's pre-owned. Nice try.

No sale, you got it?

Why'd you say you would help me if you couldn't?

It's so embarrassing! I'm sorry.

I need to make a living! Would you buy a half a million dollar home from somebody driving a '97 Neon?

Byz Lats arming themselves to the tit with MP5s!

Well, the Byz Lats got their g*ns.

I'll disarm the Mexicans.

Not used to trusting... Give me tonight to prove it.

[g*nshots FIRING]

Who bought the g*ns for the Byz Lats?

An OG. Named Garza.

You got the g*ns, huh?

Uh, half of 'em.

Byz Lats already have the other half.

Trying to put together a buy while they're still all in the same hands.

I need some cash. How much?

Hundred grand. Right.

Hey, just to show them that we're real.

You have to file the proper paperwork and wait a couple days for the hundred grand.

Or you can stop by an ATM.


MARA: Jesus, between your snoring and the phone...


SHANE: Yeah. VIC: Rise and shine, gorgeous.

Time to go to work. Where are you?

About five feet from your door.





I guess we're up.


Hey, man.

VIC: I set up a meet with the Byz Lats.

We're getting those g*ns back tonight.

MARA: Should I make some coffee?

VIC: No. No time. Thanks, anyway.

I was asking him.

SHANE: Don't worry about it. Go back to sleep.

All right? I'll be home in a few hours.


Grab your g*n, leave the badge.

We're not cops tonight.

We're neo-Nazis.

Bye, baby.

All right.

Ready? Yeah.

VIC: I see someone parked a new Lexus in your parking spot.

Mara needed it for work, and it's pre-owned.

Yeah, and I told you not to buy it for her.

We're gonna talk about this later.

This Garza guy's just gonna give us his g*ns? Why?

It's called commerce. Here, you carry the money.

Holy shit.

Army-issue MP5s don't come cheap.

Aceveda signed off on a wad like this?

Not exactly.

Look, I didn't have time to go through the proper channels.

This is from our money train stash?

It's for display purposes only.

Then it goes right back where it came from.

I told Kern that I'd get the g*ns back.

It's gonna make our jobs easier and safer.

So you dipped into our life savings to keep a promise to some scumbag.

Aceveda wouldn't sign off on time so we're gonna do this off the books.

We won't even get credit for taking these g*ns off the street. [ENGINE STARTS]

We're gonna talk about this later too.


You Garza?

You have a shipment of MP5s.

They belong to our organization.

Which is?

The Sword of the Creator.

If the gats are yours, how come I got 'em?

We put down a deposit.

The dealer got nervous and dumped 'em.

Half to your crew, other half to the n*gg*r*s.

Only the n*gg*r*s got busted, which leaves my éses with all the firepower.

Look, it's not your fault our deal went sideways.

Which is why we're willing to compensate you for them rather than taking them from you.

Trust me, doing business with us is preferable to doing battle.

Besides, we're still gonna need somebody to mow our lawns once this race w*r's over with.


WOMAN: De nada.

Whatever you shelled out for those g*ns, I'll pay double.

Look, you got two choices.

Either you put some money in your pocket, or Elwood here dimes you to the A*F.

SHANE: I got a brother-in-law over there.

Ever have the feds crawl up your ass before?

Half the money up front.

Then give me half the g*ns up front.

Meet me in an hour.

I pick the place.

And I want all 36 weapons.


JULIEN: Get him. I'll clear the car.

Let me see your hands!

Let me see your hands!


JULIEN: You hurt?

He's dead.

TOMMY: One-Tango-4. Code 6.

1949, Coronado.

Two victims down.

Request three additional units and a supervisor for a crime scene.

VIC [OVER RADIO]: You guys set?

RONNIE: We're good to go.

LEM: We got a four-runner.

Driver and a passenger. Extra muscle in the back.

Two. They're strapped.

How did I know this guy was gonna bone us?

RONNIE: I got the guy in the hat.

LEM: All right, fat boy's mine.

VIC: Any sign of the g*ns?

Oh, yeah. VIC: Okay, well, hang tight, we're 10 minutes out.

Damn. How many rounds went off here?

CLAUDETTE: Multiple sh**t?

DUTCH: Who's that guy?

TOMMY: Passenger in the back.

Bawling his eyes out when we got here.


Found this in the alley back there.

DUTCH: Whoa.

You don't need more than one sh**t if you're packing that.

Tell the two assholes hiding to drop their g*ns and come out with their hands where I can see 'em.

You been watching me, homes?


Actually, we gonna need the money and the g*ns to help with our expansion.

[g*n COCKS]

Don't do something g*dd*mn stupid here.


MAN: What's up, y'all?

RONNIE: Tell them to let him go right now, assh*le!

I lived five years longer than I ever thought I would.

The vatos I came up with in the game, they gone.

Go ahead, sh**t.

Make me a hero.

But Byz Lats are walking away with that cash.

Your guy so much as twitches, my guy's gonna put one in the back of your skull.

sh**t the prick.

No. Don't.

Ronnie... put it down.

Him first!

Ronnie, go on.




Mow your own lawns, putas.



Rough night?


Sometimes mommy just won't nut no matter how hard you hit it.

Shut up.

All right, here's the plan.

We're gonna set up Garza in a drug sting.

Use the takedown to leverage these g*ns off the Byz Lats.

Who's Garza? Their soon-to-be ex-leader.

VIC: Get with your contacts. I'll get with mine.

Let's find out who's dealing quantity to this crew.

I already know they're getting their skunk out of Humboldt.

I wanna get Garza on the hard stuff.

Tougher prison sentences on the assh*le.

You chase the rock, I'll find out where he's getting H.

TAVON: All right.

So, what about our g*dd*mn money?

VIC: Our priorities are g*ns off the street and Garza rotting in jail, knowing we put him there.

Oh, our priorities?

I don't remember being consulted, do you?

Look, it's my fault for letting a guy get behind me.

You never should've been in that situation.

Shane's right.

What happened last night was an error in judgment on my part.

We were out of position, out-manned.

It won't happen again.

SHANE: Meantime, we'll never see that 100 grand again.

Yeah, that's on me too.

So why don't you stop whining and take the money out of my g*dd*mn share.

Deal. LEM: No.

It's the cost of doing business, all right?

We should all take the hit.

VIC: Shane needs the dough.

He tell ya?

Bought the new squeeze a sweet new ride.

Against my orders.

On this job, you're the boss.

But when it comes to the money train deal, we are partners.

And I can live my life just fine.

Go ahead and live it.

Count your money and wash your Lexus.

We can get Garza and the g*ns on our own.


News is the Byz Lats jacked some white dudes buying g*ns.

One bald head, one dirty crackerwood.

Save it.

Three Byz Lats went down wet.

One of them's not getting up on account of your guys.

Look, man, I can't control every dog in the pound.

They see the Byz Lats strapped with g*dd*mn MP5s. I mean, shit.

Your hollow points seem to be getting the job done all right.

Man, that was a tooth for a tooth, man.

My boys gonna do desperate shit, they got to.

Talking about capping Byz Lats' girlfriends and kids next.

You gotta stop them.

Man, I can steer the ship, but I can't turn it around.

I'm gonna get the MP5s.

And I'm gonna get this Garza assh*le good.

Ticktock. I'm just here to let you know it's about to jump off.

That's real spit.

Well, I'm here to tell you, any more One-Niner drive-bys, I'm holding you personally responsible.

The mayor's office and tell them I need...

Chief Bankston, I've had trouble getting you on the phone.

That's because I've been ducking your calls, detective.

Um... am I wrong or was I not offered the captain's job?

BANKSTON: That was when the job was open.

Captain Aceveda has a plan for cleaning up Farmington, and he wants to see it through.

Yes, I know all about his plans.

If the promotion in Farmington doesn't happen, put me someplace else.

Your value's at the Barn.

Besides, I don't have any positions open anywhere else.

Be patient.

So you're telling me that a chief has been out-politicked by a captain?

When Aceveda takes office, do I have your word I move up?

You have... my support.

But you might try playing a little politics yourself... with him.

I thought you were working.


I got into something with Vic.

You want me to make you a sandwich?

No, I'm not hungry.

What's the problem?

It's not important.

Well, it must be for you to be all torqued up like this.

It's about me.

Me and this g*dd*mn car.

Why does he even care?

Look, it's not that.

Look, we can return the car.


I need it for work, but we can figure something out.

No, we're keeping the car.

Look, this thing between me and Vic, it's complicated, you know?

Sometimes brothers fight.


So why is he always making you the little brother?

That's not how it is.

Dutch. Aceveda said you had some questions for me?

Your missing g*ns. They're MP5s, right?

Yeah. It was an MP5 used in our sh**ting.

Who were the vics?

Two Latino bangers.

Sound like One-Niners?

No, we disarmed them.

What's the neighborhood? Coronado.

No, that's Byz Lats territory.

Don't worry. I'm on it.

VIC: Anything on Garza's cane slanger?


Got a description of a cat driving a blue 740 on Lexanis.

You know those rims alone, 2 grand a pop.

What'd the DMV kick up?

Got six of those registered in Farmington.

Plate numbers.


Alonzo Wang.

My guy did say that the Byz Lats' heroin supplier is a black Asian.

So their heroin dealer's also their crack dealer.

Makes it easy. Get me an address.


Everyone all right?

Yeah, fine. Uh, I just got my new work schedule.

And I thought we could go over it.

Oh, not now.

Okay. You know what?

Take a look at it, call me at home or the hospital, then.

Which hospital?

I'm back at Mission Cross.

What, in the ER?

It's becoming a w*r zone down there.

We respond to brawls twice a month.

They have a high turnover rate.

That's how Heather was able to pull some strings, get me my old job back.

You get two night shifts a week.

You hiring a nanny nights too?

I thought you would take the kids.

I can't...

You wanted to spend more time with them.

I do, but...

I spent 11 years working around your schedule, Vic.

Divorce means occasionally working around mine.

ACEVEDA: Hey, Corrine. Nice to see you.

CORRINE: It's nice to see you too.

Um, I gotta go.

Call if you have questions.

Thanks for this. I'll work it out.

Getting back together?

Not exactly.

Look, I-I-I got a tip.

Could put the Byz Lats' dope supplier out of business.

Yeah? I need a warrant.

How good's the probable cause?

Uh, my Cl's got a stellar track record.

I'll see what I can do.

Look, this is time sensitive. How long for the paperwork?

Depends how solid your paperwork is.

We could use this to pry something loose on Dutch boy's sh**ting case. I got it, Vic.

There's a system in place.

Feed your warrant request through it. Anything else?

Not at the moment.

Raymond Montes. He was the passenger, right?

Arrested a month ago for possession.

And this Calva guy.

Narcotics convictions, as*ault. I can't even count the DUIs.

You, on the other hand, graduated cum laude, National Merit winner... Me too. Wasn't easy, was it?

So, what were you doing with these two losers?

Raymond wasn't a loser.

He was my friend.

Since high school. He found out these guys were...

Were beating on me, stealing my stuff.

High school can be hell.


Raymond made sure everybody knew that if anybody hurt me, they'd get it back worse.

A guardian angel with a rap sheet six pages long?

I don't know.

He just did what he did.

And now he's gone.

CLAUDETTE: Sorry about your boyfriend.

DUTCH: Raymond's friends say you're making threats against Garza.

You think he shot Raymond and Calva?

Come on.

Juan Pepe.

WOMAN: What's the question?

Calva was a Toruco, right?

So, what, uh, Garza thought Raymond was a traitor for hanging out with him?

WOMAN: You got the 411, why you sweating me?

All we're trying to do is catch the k*ller of your boyfriend.

Garza marked Calva's ass for leaving the Lats and joining the Torucos.

What was Raymond doing with Calva?

Warning him.

Trying to get him to come back to the crew.

Garza saw that as talking with the enemy, retaliated.

WOMAN: You better get that puta before I do.

We'll certainly do our best.

Where the hell is Tavon?

He'll get here when he gets here.

If we hadn't involved him, we'd go and pop this assh*le.

Use him to get our money back.

I'm trying to put this prick Garza away.

Which means I need a legal, solid case against this guy to get him to cooperate.

If Aceveda's got so much juice, how come he can't get us a warrant while I'm still in my 30s?

VIC: He's on the move.

RONNIE: g*dd*mn it.

VIC: He's going back inside.

LEM: Come on. VIC: Here's Tavon, let's go.


We got the warrant. About time.

Don't blame me. Judge had a Pilates class.


Can I help you?

Not only can you, you're going to.

Have a seat.

RONNIE: Clear!

TAVON: Clear.


TAVON: Oh, check this out. My God.

LEM: Hey, boss!



I hope you got something for a headache, 'cause I'm it.

LEM: It's a regular Rite Aid in here, Lonzo.

LONZO: My lawyer's gonna read this warrant.

If there is even an apostrophe missing...


Why don't you roll the dice on a 20-year stretch.

See how good we spell check.

Or you could get your ass on the phone with Garza.

And tell him you got new shipments of H and coke you're selling at deep discounts.


Garza's late.

TAVON: Yeah, our, uh, boy here says he's never on time.

How long you gonna keep Shane on the bench for?

He'll come back when he's ready.

VIC [OVER RADIO]: Tavon, tell your girlfriend to stop looking so nervous.

TAVON: Relax, man.

Here we go. Game time.

LEM: That's our bag from last night with our money.

Shit. That's not our guy. It's not our guy.

It's Diagur, one of his lieutenants.

LEM: How are we gonna bust Garza if he's not doing the deal?

Tavon, give him the dr*gs.

Tell him you'll get the money from him later.

What? VIC: Just do it.

What the...? We let this guy skate now.

We take him down for the money later on without Tavon around.

VIC: Tell him that your place is under surveillance.


Mind holding on to that for a little while longer?

We got some heat on the crib. Safer that way.


Besides, it's not like we don't trust you folks.

All right. Hey, no problem.

Later, dog.

Yo. What the hell was that?

TAVON: You're letting him leave with the dr*gs and the money?

TAVON: Vic? Vic.

ACEVEDA: I told you going to the chief wouldn't help.

Look, for the last 10 years, Farmington has been the place people come to buy their dr*gs, sex, fence their stolen goods.

I wanna clean it up.

Spare me. I'm not one of your voters.

You had two years to clean it up.

And I'm finally in the position to do it.

Anything else?

I gonna need someone overseeing the practical elements of my plan.

Your plan?

You would have command over the Strike Team and the new Decoy Squad.

Think of it as a promotion.

I had a promotion.

You took it away, remember?


LEM: Hands on the wheel! Hands on the wheel now!

Get 'em up here!

You again? What's your problem?

I'm on a dope hunt, Diagur.

Why don't you pop the trunk, see if I bagged something?

Damn. Where's Garza?

Garza, you're only 27, already CEO of one of the biggest gangs in town.

Y-you've taught yourself what guys spend years in business school trying to learn: leading men, maximizing profits.

I decide to take the Lats public, I'll let you know.

Let's talk about, uh, where you were last night, midnight to 1.

Candi's Lounge.

I got a VIP table.

Well, you're a very important person.

You like trim? 'Cause I can get you in.

Is that all?

Man, 'cause I'm missing an appointment.

Yeah. Relax.

The wheels of industry can turn without you for a couple of hours.

You're gonna take the fall for your boss on these dr*gs?

'Cause that's exactly what's gonna happen unless you tell me where these g*ns are.

Man, I don't know nothing about no dr*gs or no g*ns.

Come on, man, where do we find Garza?

No clue.

VIC: Look, I... I got nothing against you personally.

But I had a beautiful plan to take down Garza and you stumbled right in my way.

How come we're not conversating in a real cop house?

I take you in, you're in the system.

I lose control of the situation.

What happens to you gets decided by some guy in a suit who doesn't understand how valuable you can be.

I'll never be valuable to you.

Oh, sure you are.

You just need some convincing.

CLAUDETTE: Esteban. We've got a suspect in the sh**ting.

I need you to look at this lineup.

Take your time.

I told you. I...

I didn't see anyone.

Sometimes, you think you didn't see anything, then you see a face and it all comes back to you.


This, uh, group of guys in my middle school hated my guts.

Every day, they'd, uh, think up something worse to do.

They'd spray-paint my locker, steal my homework, charge me 10 bucks to get it back.

That was in the Midwest.

I can only imagine what things are like here.

So I understand.

You gotta be pretty scared.

No one in this lineup can see you, son.

I know you wanna do this.

For Raymond.

I didn't hear anything, I didn't see anything.

DUTCH: Okay.

We'll get there.

He saw Garza do the sh**ting.


Kids growing up in this cesspool...


You finally meet one that's on his way out, and he ends up in the back of a banger's car, covered in blood.

Heh. You gotta ask yourself, what's the point?




You okay?


JULIEN: Let me see your hands!



OFFICER: Don't fight us!

Give me your hands. Give me your hands.

Sorry for the interruption.


DIAGUR: What the hell's he doing here?

He's Kern. We like him.

Kern, meet the new leader of the Byz Lats.

What are you talking about, man? Garza's mi jefe.

Garza's out of a job.

He just doesn't know it yet.

I'm grooming you.

So you two are gonna draw some lines, and we're all gonna leave here happy.

DIAGUR: You having a chronic moment, homey.

I ain't trucing with no spook.

Hold up. This taco boy didn't call me no spook.

There's no need to go racial here.

No one wants to settle this in a locked steel container with our bare hands.

Right, Kern?

So you two start talking this out.

And I'll check on you in a couple hours.

Lem, you stay here.

Glad you're back.

You're the boss.

But my personal life stays personal.


TAVON: You wanna tell me what that little dance was about?

The dealer we were supposed to take down waltzes with the dr*gs, money and a stroll?

He's agreed to cooperate.

Now we're gonna set up Garza and get those g*ns back.

Now, I had to snag a g*dd*mn ride here with our snitch.

Lucky for you he drives a Beemer with $2000 rims.



What are you doing?

Figuring out how much I've got in savings and partial pension.

See if you can afford to quit.

You're too young to quit.

And I'm too old for this.

Aceveda's just trying to shore up his cop credentials.

Couple of months, the numbers will turn around, the job will be yours.

I wish I had your faith.


You're the best cop I've ever worked with.

Well, thank you.

Nobody else ever came close to keeping up with me.

Hold that thought. Do I have to?

Question, Vic.

Make it snappy, I'm drowning in something.

Suspect in our sh**ting heads up the Byz Lats. Name's Garza.

Wondered if you guys have a profile on him.

Garza? That's the assh*le who's got our g*ns.

We've been looking for him all day.

L-I just cut him loose.

He was here? Kid wouldn't ID him.

I know he did it. I just need to prove his alibi's bullshit.

Says he was at Candi's Lounge?

SHANE: Yeah. Yeah, I may have heard of that place.

Just happens to be on your way home?

Hey, we're all about the job.

CLAUDETTE: Dutch, Crime Reconstruction called.

They're ready for us.


VIC: Garza goes down for a m*rder charge, we won't have to prop up a shaky drug bust with our own cash.

It goes back into its hole, no questions asked.

Let's go knock down this assh*le's alibi.


Ah, you seeing what I'm seeing?

Literally rained b*ll*ts.

DUTCH: And not just into the front seat.

Okay, let's lose the art projects.

Are you kidding?

Do you know how many hours I've been at this?

Take your pictures, then tear it down.

First crime scene, son?


Garza's alibi checks out.

Yeah, he was at that club doing body sh*ts off some stripper named Poundcake.

Titties for everybody.

I didn't need to hear that.

Vic, that warrant check out? The Byz Lats' supplier?

Not a g*dd*mn thing.

ACEVEDA: I thought your intel was solid.

The dealer's house was clear.

I had to pull Judge Davies out of Pilates class to expedite that warrant.

We're trying to connect Garza. He's not the triggerman.

We know.

He is.


Sorry about this.

I gotta do this, uh, witness-statement thing.

It's procedure.

No problem.

I talked to administration at UC Santa Barbara.

They said you didn't re-enroll for next semester.

Move back to L.A.?

Hang out?

I guess.

What are you planning on doing?

VIC: How's it going?

Still at the friendly chat stage.

Which for Dutch might go on all day.

Applied anywhere?

ESTEBAN: No. Not yet.

Look, is this gonna take much longer?

I'm sorry. Um, get up, walk around.

L-I know this room can feel a little claustrophobic.

SHANE: Come on.

Would you just scare the crap out of this shit already?

Think you can scare him as much as Garza does?

Actually, yeah. VIC: Let Dutch do his thing.

DUTCH: Okay, uh...

I-I know you didn't see anything the night that Raymond and Calva were k*lled.

Are you sure you didn't hear anything?


I told you. The... The music was just bumping too loud.

I couldn't hear any... Right.

So how'd you hear the sh*ts?


You must've heard the first couple of sh*ts and hit the floor pretty damn fast, right?

Otherwise, we're not having this conversation. VIC: Okay.

Here we go.

Y-you look at the crime-scene reconstruction, it's amazing the b*ll*ts missed you.

I mean, I know you're skinny, but, uh...

Why am I even in this room?

You know why you're in this room.

You think I had something to do with it?

You did.

Why would I k*ll my best friend?

My partner and I did a little test.

From where the sh**t was standing, you can't see the passenger's seat.

You only meant to k*ll Calva.

I didn't even know Calva.

You wanted to come back to L.A., hang with Raymond, make a little money.

Best way to do that was to join the Byz Lats.

No. Raymond wouldn't even let me join.

Which is why you went behind his back.

Asked Garza to jump you in.

Taking out Calva was your initiation.

No. You did the sh**ting.

Then you went down to the car and you saw Raymond.

You know why he was there, by the way?

He wanted to give Calva one last chance to come back because he didn't wanna see any bloodshed.

You were right about Raymond.

For a banger, he turned out to be a pretty good guy.


I didn't mean to do it.


Who gave you the g*n, Esteban?

It was an accident, man.

The g*n that k*lled your best friend.

ESTEBAN: Garza did.


Can you help me? Please?

CLAUDETTE: Not anymore.


CLAUDETTE: It's still Esteban's word against Garza's.

To convict we're gonna need corroboration.

Well, I'm Mr. Corroboration.

Don't ask.

So how goes the peace process?

Middle East'll be a love-in before these idiots sort their shit out.

What's the roadblock?

This fool ain't offering me d*ck.

He ain't got nothing to deal.

We're the ones strapped.

KERN: See what I mean?



I'm getting the feeling you're not appreciating the b*ttlefield promotion I gave you.

It doesn't matter to what I agree out there.

Garza the one that calls the sh*ts.

Garza's going to jail.

He's got his own guys k*lling each other.

You ain't got nothing on him. He already punked you once.

How smart was it sending a 19-year-old bookworm to do the hit?

A college boy gave him up.

You can't tell me Garza's a businessman.

I got his money, his dr*gs and his top lieutenant.

You tell me one thing your boss hasn't screwed up.

Your choices are climbing up the ladder or going down the drain.

If the vatos know I spun him... Who's gonna know?

This is between you and me.

I just need proof he ordered the hit on this Calva guy, and the throne and the crown are all yours.

Look, all I know is... he gave Esteban a g*n, the address, and he printed out a map how to get there.

That's all I know.

Good. Let's finish this thing.


Knock it off! Now!



My appeal was at 11 this morning.

Can you give us a minute?

Where were you? It's been hectic here.

Right. You promised that you would be there for me.

Look, the vote's gonna be 2 to 1 in your favor.

I put in a call this morning. It's a done deal.

I got my job back?

You'll get official word tomorrow.

Thanks. You got it.

But I am really busy here, okay?

Okay. Sorry.


Scared the holy hell out of him.

What was I supposed to do?

You're in church on Monday afternoon, your life could use a little excitement.

Guess what? They're bringing me back.

Wow. Congratulations. Thanks.

That's great.

TOMMY: They upheld your appeal? Wow.

What desk you have to bend over to make that happen?

[LAUGHING] It sure as hell wasn't yours.

A guy can dream, can't he?

How's he working out?

He's doing good.

Made a few arrests.

I thought I'd give you the news. I'll talk to you later.

BOTH: All right.

You better make sure your people deliver on this truce.

And if I don't? Hey.

You owe me. I'm the one keeping the One-Niners from being wiped out. We'll see.

I mean, you got Garza, but you still ain't got the g*ns.

No, but I'm smelling 'em.

VIC: Baseball cap's our signal Garza's inside.

Gave up his buddy, huh?

What separates them from us.

Loyalty, that most disposable of virtues.

[SOFTLY] One, two, three.

Where's Garza?

MAN: I got him. I got him. Don't move.




VIC: Hey!

SHANE: He's going out the back.



MAN 2: Hurry up.

Now you got about two seconds to tell me where the g*ns are.

Suck me hard, bitch.

We got him.

VIC: Hey.

Managed to stop him before he got away.

Hey, captain, what's up?

The pastor from the church lodged a complaint against you.

Oh, Jesus. What's he saying?

ACEVEDA: Excessive force.

That's crap.

The guy was tweaking, he wouldn't go down.

Took four of us just to get him in the cage.

Tommy, give us a minute, please.

Come on, captain.

Tommy, please.

Fortunately, the pastor's a friend, so I think the complaint will go away.

I just wanna make sure you're all right.


How would you characterize the incident?

The amount of force was necessary to effect the arrest.

And everything's okay with you?

Yes, sir.

Everything's great.

Even if we don't get him on the homicide, this should put him away for a couple of decades.

Call me greedy, I still want him for the m*rder-for-hire.

Me too. Hey, Dutch boy.

Might wanna grab this prick's computer.

See if there's anything in there that ties him to Esteban.

DUTCH: Right.

DUTCH: Uh, bag the laptop separately.

Where's my phone call?

We got your laptop.

Downloaded records of your recent online activity.

The porn sites were illuminating.

I liked the map you printed out for Esteban: directions from his house to Calva's.

I talked to the DA.

You turn in the remaining 35 MP5s, she's willing to take the death penalty off the table.


Put the needle right here.

Show me where the g*dd*mn phone is.


Gonna get you a good lawyer, all right?

[WHISPERS] The g*ns?

Look, man, word's out you got popped.

Torucos and One-Niners, they're coming at us hard.

Yo, homey, where those cuates at?

So we can protect what's ours.


All right.

Get a truck, pick up the g*ns.

Wait for my call.

Oh, and put a few aside for emergencies.

How we gonna explain to Aceveda how we got all this a*tillery?

We can't, so we won't.

Put this with the rest of the money train stash.

It's 20 grand light.

Byz Lats' overhead, I guess.

It's better than losing the whole hundred.

The way I figure it.

I guess everything worked out okay, huh?

Got lucky.

So we cool?

Of course.

You got the Decoy Squad for sure?

They start next week. Supposed to be great.

How'd you get Griggs to give them up?

Well, he hasn't yet.

But he's gonna call Councilman Docknovitch to get me to back off... not knowing that Docknovitch is gonna need my support next year on his zoning application.

Which you'll be only too happy to give.

I think we need a series of high-profile busts using the Decoy Squad to flush them out and the Strike Team to step on 'em.

In a very public way, you change perception, you change reality.

Does this mean I can welcome you aboard?

Anything I can do to help.

Shall I give Vic the good news or do you want to?

Shane's not home.

I know.

I wanted to apologize for barging in on you last night.

No big deal. Look, uh... it seems like you and I got off on the wrong foot here.

We should really get to know each other.

Why's that? Well, you're becoming a big part of Shane's life.

Which makes you a member of the family.

Never really been big on family.

Or cops really.

Shane's the exception.

Look, I'm just trying to find a way for us to get along.

And I've seen that same smile on about two dozen guys who thought a wink and a $3 gin and tonic was all that it would take to get me into bed with them.


I do something to piss you off?

I don't like the way you treat Shane.

But that's his problem.

You don't understand the world that Shane and I live in.

Shane works for you, but he comes home to me.

You've known him for two months. I know enough.

I'm not exactly sure what your problem is.

Maybe 'cause you couldn't hold on to your own family, you're scared Shane's all you got left.

Excuse me? Whatever the reason, I got enough bullshit seeping into my life without inviting yours in.

So please, don't pop in if Shane's not here.


I called Treasury to see if any of these marked bills have shown up yet.

And? No.

Whoever's got 'em is sitting on 'em or spending 'em someplace they can't be traced.

I wouldn't sweat it.

No one steals money to sit on it their whole lives.

I'm sorry about that.


I know you had a connection.

Just when I thought he was a victim.

The minute I found out he was a sh**t... just another loser.

So, uh, you sticking around?

Can't retire on cat food.

Yeah, you'll never leave me.


Need some help?

No, I got it.

You know, I was thinking, if we both talk to Aceveda about teaming up, he might put us back together.


You were my training officer, but I'm not a rookie anymore.

Actually, I've been bumped back to P2.

So officially we're equals.

That's how it'd be.


But I like the way things are for now.


Glad things are working out for you.



CLAUDETTE: I need to meet with you and your guys in the briefing room next Tuesday, 3:00.

Sure. What's up?

David's bringing in the Decoy Squad from Wilshire.

They're gonna be working with you.

Oh. Uh...


I'm gonna be in charge of both teams.

I'll fill you in on the details on Tuesday.

Three o'clock.

I just spoke to Claudette. Good.

Sounds like an interesting experiment.

It's more than an experiment, Vic.

It's your assignment for the foreseeable future.

Yeah, I thought Claudette was taking your job.

Well, you'll have to stomach me for a little bit longer.

How much longer? Just so I can warn my stomach.

Maybe working under Claudette will actually produce results.

I've been producing results.

Not today.

You had a drug warrant blow up in your face, Dutch and Claudette beat you to a g*ng bust, and those 35 Army r*fles you've been so hell-bent to get are still on the streets.

Doesn't seem like your finest hour.

I guess not.




All right, let me throw one in.

Bon voyage.

