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02x12 - Breakpoint

Posted: 01/08/22 14:56
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: Previously on The Shield:

I'm not walking out on my kids.

I'm protecting myself from you.

From me? From divorcing me.

From keeping them from me.

Don't touch me!

So we're going to take down a money laundering ring?

One big hit, in and out, we're set for good.

He's come up with a new way inside.

We only have two weeks to master a new plan.

We're really doing this, aren't we?

Yeah. It looks that way.

Look, I'm married now. You can't stay with me.

Married? Julien.

What about what we had?

Keep away from me.

Keep away from my wife.

You're running for office.

I'll leave you as captain until that run is over.

If you win, you graduate to city council.

If you lose the primary, you resign quietly.

When my report comes out next week, it will hit like an earthquake.

So we'll all be buried in the rubble?

Not you. I'm recommending that you be elevated to captain, take over here and run things the way they should be.

DUTCH: Oh, God.

COP 1: Can you help me out with this?

COP 2: Check the evidence report.

COP 3: Copy, I'll take that.

Well, I can't say the content of this report comes as a surprise.

The changes around here can't just be cosmetic.

ACEVEDA: I agree.

JON: On top of this mess, we have a budget cut.

No more O.T.

What about a pay freeze? Done.

Even the pension is taking a hit.

A year longer to qualify, less in benefits.


You think I like doing this my first month on the job?

This squad is going to have to cut its work force by twenty percent.

Twenty percent?

How are we supposed to maintain our arrest numbers with a depleted force?

We have to find a way.

Start with the disciplinary cases and the retirement phase-outs.

Then fire whoever you have to to get to 20 percent.

You want me to choose who goes?

You're the C.O. You know them best.

You want the blood on my hands, not yours.

I won't do it.

Yes, you will.

Why should I?

I'm on borrowed time here as it is.

You can't afford to lose your job the day before a close election.

For the moment, you are still my employee.

I want the list of who's gone by this evening.


Julien. Thanks for coming.

This is Gary, my sponsor.

GARY: I help with Julien's reorientation therapy.

JULIEN: Look, I came to tell you to stop calling me.

There's no room in my life for you.

You've got to be kidding me.

And you brought him along as muscle?

GARY: Look, Julien's made his intent with you very clear.

Any further contact is only going to damage you both.

Listen, I got no place to stay. I got no money.

There are shelters that can help you.

Stop trying to keep yourself connected. It's over.

You stay out of this.

Tomas, I am married now. I have a son.

My life has to be about them and God.

You fags can hide behind Jesus all you want, but you're not fooling anybody.

That's enough. You've been warned.


GARY: My eye. What happened?

MAN: Hold up, man, hold up.

Look up, look up, look up.

Oh, God.

All right, all right, all right.

There's a full five paragraphs in the report on the Bob and Marcie case.

Well, it wasn't our finest hour.

I appreciate you including yourself, but everybody knows it was me who let the suspects go with the victim in their trunk.

COP: Jeffrey Cole, 14.

He's been missing since as late as last night.

Are you the parents?

He's the father, but I'm the parent.

Oh, come on, don't be like that...

This wouldn't have happened if he was still with me.

When was the last time you saw Jeffrey?

Last night when I left for work.

When I got back, I didn't want to wake him.

I should have checked on him earlier.

I live in Venice.

I called everyone we know there. Nothing.

CLAUDETTE: We'll need a recent picture of him so the officers can pass it around to everyone in the area.

Maybe someone's seen him.

There you go.

Oh, God, if anything's happened to him I'll never forgive myself.

The money train's moving up?

Don't know, the ship the Armenians use to get the money out of the country hits port tonight.

It's not due for two weeks.

According to the manifest, it's scheduled to ship out in two days.

The Armenians can't be onto us. We've been careful.

Maybe they're just changing things up, just trying to avoid a routine.

VIC: g*dd*mn it.

There's no room for last-minute surprises. This kills us.

LEM: We can't just walk away from the money train.

I know you need this... We all do!

But I'm not taking any chances.

LEM: At least let Ronnie and me try to find out where they might be moving the money train to.

RONNIE: Let's not give up yet.

All right, but if this thing's not rock-solid, we're bailing.

What's your name?


You can light me up at both ends.

DANNY: Have you seen this boy in the past 24 hours?

Sorry, sister.


So I haven't read the report yet, but I hear there's a whole paragraph on Armadillo getting stabbed to death in the cage.

I saw you frisk him.

He got that knife some other way.

Yeah. Tell that to the bosses. Sir.

Excuse me, sir. Have you seen this boy recently?

Last night.

Walking around. He seemed a little lost.

Sure it was him?

He stood out from the sickos.

Did you see which way he went?

He got into a car.

On his own, or was he forced in?

I was running somebody's credit card, and I looked up, and the car drove off with him in it.

What kind of car was it, sir?

DUTCH: Jeffrey attended school in Venice.

Dad lives here, wanted to take his son in for a year.

Mom reluctantly agreed.

Kid's only been in Farmington for two months, hasn't really made too many friends.

What's that got to do with him hitching a ride?

DUTCH: Fits the profile.

Isolated, alienated, vulnerable. He's the perfect candidate to be taken by an adult aggressor.

Two kids were snatched in that area three months ago.

Both taken at different times, bodies found weeks apart.

These are the two kids who were duct-taped and shot in the face?

Yeah. One 12, the other 13.

Both sexually assaulted and tortured.

That's Brent's case. Talk to him.

See if there's anything else pertinent in his file.

We may only have a couple of hours.

Kid may already be dead.

I hate to say it, but our best hope is that this deviant's got the boy chained up to a fence somewhere, loves his ass so much, can't give it up for a few days.

That's my son, assh*le!

Hey, hey, hey! Get off him!

Hey! Stop it!

CLAUDETTE: Get off him!

That's my son he's talking about!

He's talking about Jeffrey!

g*dd*mn it, stop it!

It was a stupid thing to say. Now calm down!

We're the ones that are trying to help you, okay?

The only thing that's important right now is finding your boy, right?


Come on. Let's go talk about it.

Come on.


The idea of some monster in my boy.

We don't know yet if that's what's happened.

Well, that's what that goddamned detective said.

Look, Dutch boy's people skills might not be first-rate, but his detective work is.

He doesn't want to know my son.

Jeffrey's a good kid.

He's been through a lot, but he's a good kid.

We're going to do everything we can to get him back to you.

You too?

Yeah. Me too.

How's the dad doing?

He'd be a lot better if we found his kid.

Look, this pedophilia thing's not my strong suit.

I can run with it.

Nah. If it's all the same to you, I'd like to lend a hand.

Just tell me how to help.

Okay. Well, um, the first two victims suffered sadistic t*rture ritual.

That stuff usually starts at the fantasy level.

What, fantasy as in kid flicks? All three abductions took place in the same hood.

Guy gets his victims there, maybe he gets his porn there too.

Vic and I will run the smut shops, get the names of the K-Y cowboys who prefer to ride ponies.

It won't be easy getting names from a sex shop.

Uh, privacy issues involved.

Maybe we can get around it.

ACEVEDA: Learn anything new?

I, uh, checked Brent's files, ran the names of the registered sex offenders who live where the boys were abducted.

So did Brent. Didn't find anything.

He, uh... He didn't follow up.

Convicted child molester lives in the neighborhood, he just didn't register until after the investigation.

Our guys talked to him. They didn't know the connection.

Get Brent's files, consolidate the two cases, and the two of you take the point.

CLAUDETTE: You got it.

BANKSTON: Detective Wyms, a pleasure to meet you.

I'm Chief Bankston.

Yes, I know.

My tour is done. Would you mind walking me out?


BANKSTON: I read Ms. Kellis' report.

I haven't had a chance yet.

Well, she thinks you're the best candidate to run this place.

That's a bit of an exaggeration.

How do you think things are here?

Well, the Barn has problems as deep as the report indicates, but not as wide.


I'd rather not elaborate.

So about the job, then...

I'm a detective, not a leader.

I do my work. I go home. I like that.


TAVON: Hey. We got a missing kid, huh?

Yeah. Shane and I are running the skin shops.

I want you over in Venice.

All right. What's there?

The mom.

Find out who the kid's hanging with.

See what they know about him.

Me and Ronnie'll stay on the money tr...

Money what?

Money, uh, money trail, right?

Yeah, right.


That's what the, uh...

Find out if the kid was using the dad's credit or check cards, right? LEM: Yeah.

All right. Let's get going. Come on.

Let's go, Ronnie.


SHANE: All right, man. See ya.

"Me and Ronnie'll look after the money train"?

Look, I stopped before I said it.

Not before Tavon smelled it.

I forgot. Tavon feels like one of us.

Yeah, well, he isn't one of us.

We don't know who this guy is yet, you understand?

All right. I'm sorry.

You two are on edge about this entire thing, and you pull this shit.

You know what? I screwed up.

Like it's never happened to you before?


I'm sorry, all right?

I'm sorry.

Hey, Julien, man, we just responded to an as*ault victim at Mission Cross.

My friend Gary. I dropped him off.

Poor guy's vision's blurry. It may be permanent.

Really? Yeah, said the guy who did it was wearing a ring and screwed up his eye.

He didn't see who did it.

L-I saw.


Who hit him. His name is Tomas Motyashik.

He's on parole.

Okay. We'll pick him up.


What did Tomas do this time?

He went too far.


Get out.

Let's go.

CLERK: Hey, hey, hey. You got a warrant?

I just busted a couple of guys cruising, asked them where they got their jerk-off material from.

It's still legal to sell pornography.

Yeah, and they said you got a back room.

How many back doors you got around here?

I see one.

CLERK: I want to see the warrant.

I'm not going anywhere your regular customers don't go.

Hey, what's in here?

This is all legal.

Child bondage films.

CLERK: No minors were used.

The faces were just digitally morphed to make them look like kids.

Yeah, hooray for Hollywood.

Well, you may not like it, but the Supreme Court says it's cool, because no real kids got hurt.

Until some assh*le watches this and gets some ideas.

Technically, you're out of luck.

Yeah, well, technically I see about a dozen fire code violations in here.

I'm going to need a list of your more deviant clients.

Want me to call and get the fire marshal on the horn?

No, that won't be necessary. Will it?

He looks very sweet.

We have a witness who saw Jeffrey get into your car around 9:30 last night.

How do you explain that?

You'd better get yourself a better eyewitness.

Why is that?

MAN: I was at dinner at 9:30.

With whom?

A group of, uh, like-minded individuals.

We talked about boys, but we didn't have any for dessert.

You're not funny.

You're a monster.

Men who k*ll and t*rture are monsters.

Not me.

You're a registered sex offender.

You molest children.

I have never molested a child.

I have only shared experiences with those that give consent, with those that yearn to experience life.

These boys are flowers looking to bloom.

I am their sun and their water.


This guy didn't do it, makes my stomach crawl, but he didn't do it.

I know. A 15-year-old named Lydell Crouch was just abducted from the same neighborhood.

Ah, jeez. Anyone see who did it?

No. It was in his house. Window was broken.

The kid's just missing.

Wait a minute. Maybe our predator's pathology is to abduct multiple boys simultaneously.

I don't think I want to hear this.

In Brent's case, the two boys were k*lled at the same time.

Maybe our predator needs a voyeuristic component to fulfill his fantasy, forces them to interact sexually, or maybe molests one while forcing the other one to watch.

The point is, if he needs them both alive to get off, there's a good chance he hasn't k*lled Jeffrey yet.

Okay, thanks. Keep working on the other friends.

I'll run this freak list against the DMV Records.


You found anything yet?

We're working on some good leads.

What does that mean?

It means you're going to have to trust me.

I'm doing everything I can.


Um, one of my men spoke to one of Jeffrey's friends over in Venice.

He said that Jeff's been depressed lately.

Is that true?

I guess.

I just thought he was going through a phase.

I mean, he's a teenager.

I missed so much of his life after the divorce, I just thought he was acting out, you know?

You think he ran away and got in a car with somebody he shouldn't have?

If he did run away, you have any idea where he might have gone?

To his mom's.

I mean, she's the only one that's really been there for him.


Julien, Julien! Come here.

Don't turn your back on me.

Not after all we've had together.

COP: Hey, shut up.

Oh, you got laid, now you want to just ignore me?


That's right. I was his lover!

Shut up. Now.

You loved me every night for a month.

You still love me.

Okay, you know what?

You can cool off upstairs.

We did everything. Stop it.

Everything. And now you won't help me?

You got yourself in trouble.

I didn't have anything to do with it.

You can't even admit who you are!

g*dd*mn it, leave him alone.

Your d*ck in my ass means you're gay.

DANNY: Shut up!

My d*ck in your mouth means you're really gay.

Yeah, hold on a second.

COP: I want him, you know what I'm saying?

COP 2: Yeah.


You okay?

Corrine subpoenaed your police jacket and financial records, froze joint savings, emptied your checking account.

Now, in my experience, no one goes straight to Def Con 5 the way she did without a reason.

The other night when you served her the papers, she came over to my apartment.

You weren't alone?

You know, this makes my job a lot tougher, right?

Look, you got to protect my rights with my kids.

That's the only thing that matters.

I'll do the best I can, but screwing some broad and getting caught isn't going to help.

Look, I'm supposed to go over and see Cassidy and help her with a science project.

If you had a predetermined time to be with your kid, honor that.





Aw, come on, Corrine. I know you're home.

[ON STEREO] ♪ And wash the spider out... ♪ Oh, Megan, she's such a good girl.




Matthew. Matthew!



You know what?

Wait here and keep an eye on your sister, okay?

♪ All the ran So the itsy bit... ♪



Corrine, what's the code?

What are you doing here?

Matthew was screaming.



Oh, God. You broke the window?

VIC: You changed the g*dd*mn locks.

To keep you out!

It's my house! Not anymore.

I came here to see Cassidy.

You'll have to go through my lawyer to set up a time from now on.

I'm not going to schedule time with your lawyer to see my children!

Then you're not going to see them!




CASSIDY: I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

VIC: It's okay, Cassidy.

Is she all right?

No, it's scalding water!

Let me see. Let me see.

♪ So the itsy bitsy spider... ♪ All right, she just got splashed.

She just got a little scared.

Just go!




Yeah, uh, the code?

"Little man?"

Yeah. No, we're okay. Thank you.



You okay, little man? Come on.

Okay. Okay. Come here. Come here.


Chief offer you my job?

Yes. I wasn't interested.

Why not?

Because I really don't want to be you right now.

Hey, we think we found a poss...

Where have you been the last hour?

Taking care of some personal stuff.

Well, do it on your own time.

You're either on this case, or you're not.

Shane cross-checked the kiddie porn client list with the DMV.

We might have found a possible match to the car.

Might have?

The same general description.

And his X-rated interests are a match for our predator.

That's not enough to satisfy a judge.

It satisfies me.

Look, one of us better start getting creative while this kid's still breathing.

DUTCH: Which won't be much longer If he follows the same M.O. as his previous victims.

He k*lled both kids within 30 hours of abduction.

Go around the warrant for now.

Pick him up on the street, just for questioning.

I'll use kid gloves.

That's okay, Adam. We'll drive.

ADAM: What'd I do?

Two 14-year-olds.

SHANE: Where'd you get the shiner?

One of them fight back, you sick prick?

ADAM: I didn't do anything.

This used to be a church, man.

You lie in here, you going straight to hell.

He's going there anyway.

Is that the guy?

Is that the one who...

That's what we're going to find out.

I'm on this for you.

You stay here, you stay calm.

It's okay.

Just go in there and sit down.

DUTCH: We have a witness who saw Jeffrey Cole getting into your car yesterday on Doverson.

I've never seen him before.


He barely looked at it. He's lying.

DUTCH: You didn't even bother to look at the photo.

What about Lydell? Did he fight back?

He give you that black eye when you abducted him?

I didn't abduct anyone.

CLAUDETTE: So they went along willingly.

Okay, that's not kidnapping. That might help you.

DUTCH: We're dusting your car for their prints.

If either of theirs turn up, we'll know you're lying.

You know, I was told that you wanted to ask some questions.

Now, if you want to start treating me like a suspect, I want to talk to my lawyer.

You don't have a g*dd*mn thing on him yet.

Lawyering up this fast, we know he's lying.

Captain, patrol just found a body.

Looks like one of our kids.

Over there.

COP: Mark it. Make sure they pick it up later.

It's Lydell, our second missing kid.

Looks like two sh*ts, back of the head.

Be a while before the M.E. can determine sexual abuse.

Maybe Adam had Jeffrey sh**t Lydell, his own twisted snuff film, only without the film.

Where do you get this stuff from?

Hey, it happens.

At least we got the creep in custody.

Yeah, for the moment.

VIC: I don't like talking about this.

SHANE: Look, this is important. What?

They cleared out the money location, moved everything out.

Well, that's it, then. We're out.

Hold on. I hacked into the port computer.

Armenians reserved a container with a bigger breakpoint.

That means more money. This thing is a gold mine.

I just said we're out.

The holding company they run shipping through filed for chapter 11.

After this, they're closing.

Moving it someplace else.

Seattle, Frisco, who knows?

We're only going to get one shot, so we've got to take it.

We have to come up with a new plan right now.

Look, I'm done talking about this.

I set up a series of important rallies for you.

You were supposed to be there.

I'm sorry. I sent Aurora.

I am financing you in this election, David, not your wife!

I have a very important case here.

I can't get away.

I need you to get out on the streets and try to win every vote you can get, especially now.

I have three dead children, and I'm missing one.

I'm overseeing the investigation.

That takes precedent over scrambling for a few hundred votes.

A few hundred votes will make the difference, David.

Right now I have a job to do here.

A job?

The chief is going to take your job away.

He told you so.

This primary is all you have and it's tomorrow.

You need to be out there.

I have a lot of important decisions to make.

I can't spare the time.

Sofer, what the hell's up with your partner?

What do you mean?

This gay thing. You know about that?

I know that guy in the cage is a total player.

Sounded convincing to me.

Yeah. Why would he lie about that?

Who knows?

That Arab widow came after me for no reason.

You k*lled her old man.

You know, I think the question here is if Julien's lying about this, then what else is Julien lying about?

And how could we trust him now?

You know what? Julien's a good cop.

Most of the time, better than the two of you combined.

So it's true, then?

Grow up.

ACEVEDA: We need prints from his car.

Without prints, no warrant.

The lab says three hours minimum.

His lawyer's going to be here in 20 minutes.

Now, you give me five minutes alone with him...

And you'll what?

DUTCH: Once he lawyers up, things get more difficult.


How about this?

Let him go.

You wait for the warrant.

I'll follow him.

Yeah, what could go wrong with that?

What could go right is he leads us right to Jeffrey.

He might not be able to resist the thrill.

VIC: Look, once his lawyer gets here, he's going to walk anyway.

All right.

My lawyer here?

Uh, no, not yet, but, uh, there's been a mistake.

We were able to clear you as a suspect.

You're free to go. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.


VIC: Shit.


Damn it.

LEM: Went straight home.

The one place we can't bust in without a warrant.

What if Jeffrey's in there?


Maybe we tell a judge we heard the kid screaming and had to go in.

If Jeffrey isn't in there, we've ruined any shot we have at a legit arrest.

All right, so what do we do?

COP: Oh, man.


COP 2: Got a fist full of speeding violations.

Hey, hey, Julien, what are...

ACEVEDA: Makes it awfully hard to defend this place to the chief when I see crap like this.

Anyone who knows who did this has an obligation to tell me.

Let's start acting like adults.

VIC: Okay, here they are.

That's the son of a bitch's house.


Once we're finally able to go inside, I'm going to need you to identify anything that belongs to your son.

What are we waiting for?

Search warrant.

The judge we pulled is just left of Karl Marx.

Our captain's trying to soften him up now.

DAD: How long do you have to wait?

VIC: A while.

Maybe the rest of the day.

Wait. My son is in there.

He could be doing...

The law only allows us so much latitude.

These guys have rights too.

I'm a cop. I have to honor that.

Well, I'm not a cop.

That's true.

Just a father looking out for his son.

You check this guy for a w*apon?

Yeah, I patted him down.


This guy'd k*ll for his kid, so let's be ready.


Ooh, that's a felony in progress. Let's go.


DAD: Where is he?

Where is he? Where's my son?

Where's my s...

Where's Jeffrey!

Where's my son? Where's Jeffrey?

He was in my car, but I did not kidnap him.

I swear. Okay, that's enough!

Stop. Right now.

Where's Jeffrey?

Hey, he was in your car, and you didn't kidnap him?

Try again, you bastard!

I just picked him up, and I offered him $20 for a blow job.

Get back.

Keep going!

We went behind a grocery, and then... Then he... He...

He pulled out a knife, and he stole my wallet, and he hit me in the face.

I did not kidnap him. DAD: You liar!

Your son is the one that att*cked me!


Let me get him.

Let me get him! Let me get him!



Hey, hold on.

Vic, where's Adam?

He's not our guy.

How do you know?

Ruled him out.

Doesn't have the kid. Checked his house.

I asked where's Adam.

He's at his house.

What did you do?

William... you told me Jeffrey was a good kid.

That's not what I'm hearing now.

I never said he was a saint, but he's got a good heart.

My guy in Venice talked to some more of Jeffrey's friends.

He's been selling dr*gs.

He's been getting in fights, carrying a knife.

No. No, not Jeffrey.

We know he's been rolling queens with that knife.

Why, because some baby-raper says so?

Look, another kid is dead.

I don't know how Jeffrey's involved in that.

He's not.

I'm sorry. I-I-I know this is hard, but you don't know Jeffrey as well as you've been letting on, do you?

I need to leave.

You need to help me find him.

I don't where he is.

There's another boy dead.

His name is Lydell Crouch.

Now, you need to think about how his parents feel.

I know how they feel.

I been helping you all day.

Now you're going to help me.

Help you arrest my son?

No. I'm leaving.

You can't arrest me.

Hey, hey, what's the charge?


Well, you had me do that!

No, I didn't. I told you the facts.

You decided what to do with them.

Look, believe it or not, I'm trying to help you.

Safest place you could be right now is in here.

What are you doing?

Trying to salvage what's left of my job.

David, please, you can't.

It'll cost you the election.

Hey, at least I can do the right thing here, then.

What do you gain by it?


Then why?

Because I can't fire people arbitrarily or in between campaign stops.

You'll have no job and no political career.

I won't do it.

You'll be throwing both away.

You don't think I've thought of that?




What happened?


I just want to be left alone.

CLAUDETTE: I saw Adam. William went after him.

It's a good thing we were there in time to break it up.

So how did he know where his house was?

Probably heard something around here.

You allowed an innocent man to get the shit kicked out of him.

He's not innocent. He's a pedophile.

You should have seen the diseased crap we found at his place.

But he's innocent of this crime.

Aw, I'm sure he'll think twice before cruising the school yard and committing his next crime.

But he's innocent now.

You just don't get that, do you?

TAVON: Boss!

Kyle Hutton.

He's a 15-year-old piece of work.

Jeffrey's friends in Venice say that he's the only one that Jeffrey talks to anymore.


I already told that monkey cop.

I don't know where he is.

VIC: What'd you just say?


"Monkey cop"?

You said it for a reason.

Come on. You got special insights in life.

Let's hear it.

Eighty percent of the world doesn't look like you.

I'll bet that drives you crazy, huh?

Let's see how hard-core you really are.

Don't touch me, f*gg*t!


Where'd you pick up that party line?

The Internet?

Some angry short-order cook, a couple of credits short on his GED?

I've been reading.

Jeffrey read those books in his school?

No way. That school's all n*gro.

Jeffrey can't even walk to class without getting jumped.

He have any trouble with Lydell Crouch?

Him and his homeys. Yeah.

So Jeffrey took out Lydell.

KYLE: I didn't say that.

What's Jeffrey's beef with the gay guys over in Doverson?

No beef.

Just for fun.

When we need cash we pull a knife, take their wallets.

They're not gonna talk to the cops, say they're trying to fudge-pack some teenagers.

What'd Jeffrey need money for last night?

A g*n to k*ll Lydell with?

Is that what he was planning to do with the rest of Lydell's buddies?

Come here. See that?

See that?

If there's one thing this country's good at, it's incarcerating black males.

That's where they belong.


Well, guess what?

It's one thing to chant "Heil Hitler" in your buddy's rec room.

It's another thing entirely to say it loud and proud in the exercise yard at Pelican Bay.

Now, you do the math, and you tell me exactly how it is you think you're going to survive down there.

KYLE: With help from the brotherhood.

I don't get it.

Now, you got the attitude.

You got the tats.

Why would you help a n*gg*r?


KYLE: I'd never do that.

VIC: Well, you are right now.

Jeff's father's a black guy.

I've met his mom.

She's pure.

His dad's not.

Look, see that guy right there?

That's Jeffrey's dad.

No, it's not.

Yes, it is.

Jeffrey never told you, did he?

Come on.

I'll go introduce you to him.

Then you'll tell me where I can find Jeffrey.

KYLE: Jeffrey's a n*gg*r?

The worst kind.




[g*nshots Shane! Oh, God, Shane!


Shit. Oh, God, Shane!


Drop it!

Everyone all right?

Shane took one in the vest.

Luckily the door slowed the b*llet down first.

It's just a bruise.

Found this in Jeffrey's pocket. It's a hit list and a map of his victims' houses circled.

You got him before his spree really started.

Lem got him.

Yeah, I know. Be gentle.

DANNY: What's going on?

Somebody called my house.

They told Vanessa?

They told Randall.

A 10-year-old boy, they just threw it in his face.

Oh, man, that's horrible.

I made those choices.

I can live with the consequences.


But why punish a little boy?

COP: All right. Good, thanks.

COP 2: All right, got it.


COP 3: I got his number. I'll give him a call.


COP 4: Uh, sergeant?


Jeffrey was armed.

He was planning on hurting other kids.

He shot another police officer in the chest.

We... We had no choice but to...


I really tried to get him back to you.

I've got a ton of work to do.

Whoever k*lled those other two boys is still out there.

Got to comb through the rest of Brad's files, make sure nothing else was missed, probably re-interview witnesses.

Can't let the trail get too cold.

Probably not going to get much sleep.

I'll see you in the morning.

COP: Right, thanks, man.

COP 2: I think you need the lab reports too.

COP 3: Yeah.

...pitching him not to cut it so deeply on the supplemental, and that pencil-neck deputy of his, uh...


That guy, Kelly, pipes in and says, "what about the supplemental?"

And the...

Excuse me.

I'm sorry to disturb your dinner.

It's quite all right.

What can I help you with?

If you offered me that job, I'd take it.

So now you want it?

No, but I'd take it.

You always communicate in riddles?

I've kept my head down long enough.

I don't like what I'm seeing lately, so it's either do something about it or quit,

and I'm way too young to retire.

Enjoy your meal.

Look, I know you don't want to talk about this, but me, Lem, and Ronnie really think that there might be...

Money train's back on. What?

VIC: Look, I don't know how we're going to do it, but we are.

We have to make it work, because we do need it to get past all this.

Money train's our safety net.

The way things are changing, we're going to need one soon.



I see you've been doing your homework.

You have those names?

Is this a joke?


I told you to cut the work force by 20 percent.

There are five names on this list.

Those are the real problems.

The others are good, hard-working people who deserve to keep their jobs.

Vic Mackey?

It all starts with him.

Shane Vendrell, Ronald Gardocki, Curtis Lemansky...

David Aceveda.

They couldn't have done it without me.

That's all right.

I sent the same list to the Times and a few of the news stations.


The election is tomorrow.

This'll k*ll you.

I know.

But it's the only way to pressure you into doing something about the strike team.

Once and for all.


Listen, it's just a couple of guys.

They're assholes.

It's not the whole Barn.

I need to get home to my wife and son.


Detective Vic Mackey?


You're wanted for questioning, sir.

Excuse me?

Your ex-wife's filed a domestic dispute complaint, says you broke into her home.

First of all, it's my wife, and it's my home.

Don't know facts in the case. We're here to affect the arrest.

Jesus Christ, it's just a misunderstanding.

I'm sorry.


I work here. I know these people.

Please, can these wait until we get outside?

You know I can't do that.

We need your g*n.

Can you block the way at least?




What in the hell is this?

VIC: Corrine.

We had an argument. It's a mistake.

Jesus Christ.

Oh, look, come on. Guys, it's bullshit.

I'm sorry.

Hold on a second.

I got him.



