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02x10 - Coyotes

Posted: 01/08/22 14:54
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: Previously on The Shield...

MAN: I'm unarmed. He called, gave himself up!

SHANE: Going to explain the grill marks on his face.

We were protecting his drug competition.

He's got me.

No, no way. This does not end like this.


CLAUDETTE: Jesus Christ!

Who searched that guy?

I did.

How could you miss a knife?

SOFER: It wasn't on him when I frisked him.

I'll never forget what you guys did for me.

You've been manipulating police resources to crash land value in this neighborhood?

What are you doing at my house?

You should have left Sedona out.

You threatened my family.

You think I'd take you on without a little insurance?

Trust me, I got something on you.

Do it, man.

Come on, it's time, man. Do it.

All right, let me do it. Let me do this.

ACEVEDA: The facts will show that Gilroy chose a path that led to tragic circumstances for this city.

My report to the city council is due next month.

I'm sure you'll be fair and accurate.



VIC: Yeah, hold on.

SHANE: Hey, Vic, it's me. Open up.


What's up? What? You see this?

I thought Lanie's report wasn't coming out for weeks.

It's not. Then what's it doing there... in black and white?

VIC: Are we named?

Strike team's mentioned.

You bitch.

Well, at least we're not alone.

Aceveda's name is mentioned.

More than three times.

WOMAN: Will you get me a towel, please?

I'll see you downstairs in a few minutes.

All right, man.


Just reading the newspaper.

Have you?

Lakers cut it pretty close last night.

They're not the only ones.

That about the Armadillo thing?

I just don't like not liking my job.

Well, lucky for you we might not have jobs in a couple of weeks.

We better talk, get our stories straight.

I don't have time to talk.

I have to manage perhaps the most dysfunctional, inefficient precinct in this city.



Vic, Gilroy called. VIC [OVER PHONE]: What?

Ben Gilroy, he called here at the house.

You spoke to him?

He left a message on the machine.

He said he was coming over. I thought he was in jail.

He's out, but he's supposed to be under house arrest.

All right, I'm on the way. Is the alarm on?

Yes. What if he gets here first?

Keep the doors locked and the alarm on.

I just got married. Not a good time for me to be losing my job.

That's not how it works.

They start by offering older officers early retirement.

Then they cut the discipline problems.

They're not going to take a young black officer off the street, not in this district.

The only one that's in trouble is me.

No way. Did you know they practically blamed me for Armadillo's m*rder?

Just a sec.

I need to clear my name on this Armadillo thing.

How can I help?

You were the lead on the case.

If there's anything you know, fill me in?

I'll keep an eye out.

I patted that guy down.

There is no way I missed a knife that big.

Maybe you didn't.

The only thing I can think of is another inmate must have given it to him.

Or another cop.

Why would a...

I probably shouldn't have said that.

Wait a minute. What are you talking about?

What do you mean?

Sarge wants us on the street, now.

I'll talk to you later.

I just want to apologize!

CORRINE: Go away!

I want to say I'm sorry!

CORRINE: You said it! Now go!

I'm not here to hurt you. I need to speak to Vic.

VIC: Hey!

Are you kidding me?

I need to talk to you. You wouldn't pick up.

Vic, get rid of him.

Corrine, shut up. Go back inside.

I've got this under control.

CORRINE: Vic! Go inside.

You were supposed to be under house arrest.

I cut off my ankle transmitter.

You've gone fugitive?

Let me explain this.

Save it! I'm hauling your ass in.

GILROY: Sure, and you can start sizing up the cell next to mine.

The D.A. wants me to give you up.

There's nothing to give up.

There's places you don't want them looking.

I can't go to prison, Vic.

The best my lawyer can do is eight years.

My liver can't do seven.

I'm not going to rat you out, but I'm not going to go back to jail.

You're running out of options.

Help me get out of the country. No!

Once I'm gone, you're in the clear too.

They wanted me to wear a wire. I told them to go to hell.

We haven't got a lot of time, Vic.

We got to do this now.

I'm not going to do this.

Then you better put a g*n to my head right now, because if you send me back to prison, I'm not going to hold out much longer.

Just help me get across the border.

Get in the car.

What a stupid bastard you are.


Fresh clothes. You owe me $200.

How you doing, Shane? Great.

Your picture's going to be at every border crossing, so you're going to need paper to survive on the other side.

I'll need American and Mexican passports and ID and money.

Oh, you're looking for a loan from us, you can tickle my zipper.

This key here opens up a safe-deposit box.

The money's in there.

VIC: How much?

Seventy-five thousand.

That's all you got left from your land schemes?

Sedona disappeared with most of it.

VIC: Seventy-five grand isn't going to last very long.

Ah, I don't need much.

A hut on the beach, and rice and beans.

I'll make it last.

VIC: They'll look for you in Mexico.

I know a guy in Brazil.

I just need a ticket from, uh, Mexico City to Rio.

What do we look like, we're wearing little headsets?

Where is the money?

Tellmare Savings on Vermont.

I owe you, Vic.

Shut up.


Your report wasn't due for another two weeks.

That isn't my report.

I was supposed to have a copy. This is one-sided.

Someone stole my notes, then leaked the damaging portions to...

Who has access to your notes?

That's what I'm trying to find out!

The chief's office just called me!

Do you have any idea how much this screws me?


Look, the fact is, nothing was embellished.

All the incidents in the paper happened, David.

I am sorry that they don't show you in a good light, but they all happened.

Aceveda and I picked out a new strike team guy.

He starts today.

Talk about crappy timing.

Lem, you keep him occupied.

Test him out. See how he runs.

Look, why do I have to baby-sit the new guy?

Somebody's got to handle our car-ring sting while Vic and I clean up a little problem.

What problem?

Gilroy skipped bail. Shane and I are going to slip him out of the country.

I thought we're going to keep clean till we hit the money train.

If Gilroy goes back inside, starts cooperating with the D.A., there won't be any money train or anything else.

Gilroy said the D.A. came to him, so the question is, who's going to the D.A. about us?

Lanie? Or Claudette.

I'm thinking Aceveda.

Whoever it is, timing on this and the morning headlines, no coincidence. SHANE: Think they're related?

VIC: I think we got to be extra careful.

Look in every dark corner.



Tavon. Hey.

Tavon here has been in Special Crimes the last few years.

It's a job.

This one sounds better.

Lemonhead, Shane.

What's up, man?

Hell of a first day.

Do we still have jobs?

VIC: All the assholes in this city, we'll always have jobs.

So what's on the agenda?

We have a one-day window to sting the head of one of L.A.'s biggest car-theft rings.

We've been targeting this guy for a while, but he knows our faces.

We've never been able to get close.

You, however, he doesn't know.

Here's a file.

It's a one-day trial period.

Lem here'll fill you in.

Let's go.

I guess it's on.

What's the deal with Mr. Special Crimes?

Seems a little too cool for school, don't you think?

Well, let's give him a chance.

I remember the last guy we gave a chance to.

This time, I did my homework. I spoke to him a couple of times.

He seems straight up.

Yeah, we'll see.

LOWE: Toni Jahnes, 71, widow.

Looks like the intruder entered here.

What's missing?

Nothing that couldn't travel.

No appliances.

Someone did get to the jewelry, though.


Looks like he hit her head on the mantle.

Being so old, probably couldn't put up a fight.

You know I closed three robbery cases last week, one homicide?

Way above departmental average.

Think that gets mentioned in the report?




Yeah, so am I.

Just doesn't seem fair.

Looks like she had two daughters.

I saw that.

How are yours?


Good question.


Look, Quazi's going to get the money, he's going to make the fake IDs, and Gilroy will be out of our lives for good, with no blood spilled.

Look, I know you got a soft spot for Ben, but if he goes sideways...

I'm not going to let him hurt us, Vic.

Good morning, chief.

Sorry I have to meet like this.

I understand.

You're a busy man.


I was supposed to have a chance to respond to the report before it went public.

Respond to it now.

It's completely biased.

Compared to other divisions, Farmington has the steepest reduction in crime rates in the city.

Our arrest records far outweigh any allegations of misconduct.

What would you do in my position?

My first instinct would be to fire me.

So far, I'm with you.

And then I'd think how that might look.

Fire me on the day this news breaks, you give the charges credibility.

Then when the whole truth comes out, that the barn has a first-rate return against crime, a real success story...

I suggest you withhold judgment a while before shaking things up.

I've heard about this kind of slick shit of yours.

It doesn't work on me.

You're running for office.

I'll leave you as captain until that run is over.

If you win, you graduate to city council, and you remember that I gave you another six months.

If you lose the primary... you need to spend more time with your family due to the strain, and you resign quietly.

Relax, David.

Every campaign has a crisis point, which is why we always have a contingency plan.



A smear campaign? No.

No, dirty tricks might be the norm in Mexico, but not here.

Half of your voters were born in Mexico, David.

To them, this is a way of life.

Look, if I do this, where does it stop?

With you beating Karen Mitchell.

No. No, I'm going to rearrange the barn, and if I'm lucky, I can... I can get things back on track.

I can turn things around before the primary.

Not soon enough.

Whoever leaked this was coordinated and determined.

We have to be all that, plus smarter.


There's got to be a better way.

Think Aceveda's the one who went to the D.A.?


Backstabbing bastard.

Who knows? Maybe he caught wind of the report, figured he'd have us take the hit.

I'm telling you, I don't like the timing of this new strike team guy.

Aceveda signed off on him.

Maybe he knows something that we don't.

It's just one day.

He'll be gone tomorrow.

Okay, he's got it.

Oh, crap.

I guess intelligence is his second language.

He can duplicate government documents flawlessly, and can't tell his left from his right.

VIC: He's nervous.

I hope he remembers where the meeting place is.


SOFER: Drop your weapons!

Drop your weapons now!

Get away from her now!

Come here! Come here!

Stop! On your knees!

SOFER: Get on the floor!

Get on your knees!

Get on your knees. Now! Put your hands on the ground now!

Open your mouth.

Spit it out.

Spit it!

SOFER: Turn over!

Turn over.

Jesus Christ.

We talked to some girls in your neighborhood.

They said this isn't the first time you started a fight in the last couple of weeks.

You're eight months pregnant.

You want to tell us why you're mixing it up?

Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I have to stop bringing it.

SOFER: You're a little old to be brawling.

You want to try me?

Why don't you tell us about the father, this Antonio.

I don't know, I don't care. LOWE: Maybe he cares.

It ain't about him, is it?

It's about the baby.

You don't want to hurt it. Right?


You trying to lose this baby?

Look, whatever happens happens.

I'm just going to keep doing my thing.

What about that little boy inside of you?

That's right, it's a boy, which means it's going to look like Antonio, sound like Antonio, and I don't want to be looking at a little Antonio for the rest of my life.

Have you thought about that?

She worked for the parks department for 30 years, outlived both her daughters.

One was k*lled by a drunk driver.

Other died of ovarian cancer last year.

I ran a check on like crimes.

Uh, three break-ins the last two weeks.

That the report there? No.

What is it?

Win list.

I'm, uh, compiling a folder of all my wins.

Your wins?

What have you got to be worried about?

You've got a great jacket.

You weren't mentioned in the report.

People remember headlines.

M.E. sent over Toni Jahnes' prelims.

You can close your folder.

Wasn't a m*rder.

What was it?

Uh, she died of a heart attack, not the blow to the head.

When did she have a heart attack?

They haven't determined that yet. Why?

Because maybe she had it when she saw the burglar in her house.

File that under "we'll never know."

Should I contact next of kin?

She had no kin, no heirs, no friends that I could tell.

Heart attack probably doesn't qualify as a win, does it?



These were my last two beers, the only booze I had left in the house.

g*dd*mn it, come on.

Where we going?

Nearest bar.


Here are my buddies right now.

You the police?

Yeah. Why?

He got physical with a couple of my customers.

When I go to remove him, he says he's a cop.

I called 20 minutes ago about this guy.

It's a good thing I wasn't robbed.

Okay, okay. We'll take care of it.

Stand up right now and walk out with us.

You know how long it's been since I've had a drink?

Fifteen seconds?

Four months in jail.

I want to buy you guys a drink.

The cops are on their way. Buy them a drink.

Stop making a scene, dumb-ass. Oh! You!


This could be my last chance here.

It is your last chance. Get up!


Oh, jeez! Grab him.

Hey, I can't do this thing.

I can't do it.

When our backup shows, you tell them we took care of it.

Hey, who's going to take care of the tab?

Go ahead.

Now, Louis, you want the D.A. to give you a break on this drug charge, you're going to help us out.

Denon's my cousin. I can't dime him out.

Why not?

He's my cousin.

It'll screw up Christmas, and I'm not letting some cr*cker cop ruin the holidays.

What'd you say, my man?

Get off me!

Get off me! Get off me, man!

Easy, brother.

Dude, there's cameras in here, man.

You got to watch your shit.

I heard we did things different around here.

Well, you heard wrong.


You go along willingly, or I release you right now and tell your homies you're my snitch bitch, all right?

You're going to help us.

It's up to you how much it has to hurt.

Come on, now, Louis.

This boy's just your cousin.

Ain't like he's your brother or nothing.



What'd he say?

He's drunk. He wants him to sober up first.

Oh, no, ése, uh-uh.


GILROY: Where's my money? We're holding on to it.

Why don't you wait until Quazi does your ID makeover?



LEMONHEAD [OVER PHONE]: We got the cousin to roll.

Meeting with Denon's set up for this afternoon.

Aceveda wants a progress report.

Okay, tell him we're on the way.

Sting's happening. Let's go.

We got to get down there.


Where's Claudette?

Not sure.

What are you doing, Dutch?

Little homework. How about police work...

Instead of dusting off your resume?

You, uh, saying I don't need to?

sh**ting with casualties on Penn and Sunset.

Find Claudette and get down there.

Yes, sir.


Where you been?

Been looking all over for you.

Nice try.

How's Tavon doing?

He seems to be trying hard.

Yeah, we all should be doing that about now.

If you've got a case that you can close, today would be a good day to do it.

Are you worried about keeping your job?

I'm a Latino police captain.

I could find a spot tomorrow in a dozen cities.

You're the one who should be worried.

Well, if we stick together, neither one of us will have to worry.

I'm still willing to honor our deal.

What about you?

Our arrangement's more important than ever.

Aceveda's definitely screwing us.

How do you know?

He's saying all the right things.

Only wants to know about the new guy and our car thief bust.

Nothing about Gilroy.

Well, it must be an epidemic.

The Assistant Chief of Police is on the run, there's not one single news story.

D.A.'s too embarrassed to put the word out on the news yet.

We got to take advantage of the time while we can.

You track down Coyote Jack yet?

He's delivering a shipment of illegals in about an hour.

Got the drop point from my Cl, we're good to go.


You back from the scene?


How many casualties?

Uh, just the one.

Still trying to figure out whether she was dead before or during the break-in.


This is the sh**ting on Penn?

No, I'm working the Jahnes case.

That got knocked to a B & E. Not by me.

If the burglar caused her heart attack, he k*lled her.

The law doesn't see it that way.

I do.

You were to move on to a priority crime.

Where's Dutch?

I don't know.

I guess he's got his priorities straight.

And you?

I'm finishing what I started.

This is a break-in with no victim.

Move on to a real case.

I am working a real case!

If you spent more time letting me, and less time stopping me, maybe they wouldn't worry about their families, how they're going to feed them because of crap they know nothing about, and had nothing to do with!

Damn it!

No wonder this precinct's upside down.

Saving these people's jobs should be your priority.


Are you okay?

Am I being graded?


It's going to be hard to back away from the things leaked in those notes, no matter what my final report says.

So some of us are going to be swept away.

That is the way it looks.

But maybe you can help me point the broom in the right direction.




Coyote Jack, looks like you brought a full load north, huh?

Get out!


COYOTE: Is this INS?

VIC: No, that's downtown, about three miles away from here.

We can drop you off there too.

Look, those people were hitchhikers.

I picked them up outside of Oceanside.

We want to hire you to drop someone back across the border.


You want me to smuggle somebody into Mexico?

Yeah, how much for something like that?

I never charged anybody before.

Come on. We know the tunnels run both ways.

Now, you can either help us deliver our package, or we can deliver you inside to booking.

I'll get your package across the border.

I thought you were at the Penn sh**ting.

I'd rather be working with my partner.

Broke easy, huh?

Caught the guy two blocks away, .22 still in his belt.

Another win.

All we got to do now is file the paperwork.

But I came here before I did that.


Check the kitchen.

DENON [OVER RADIO]: 'Sup, Louis?

LOUIS [OVER RADIO]: 'Sup, guy? A'ight.

This n*gga right here got a bead, man, on a fleet of expeditions, man.

Holla. A'ight.

Yo, I ain't never seen you before?

Where your 'hood at?

Detroit, man.

Guess that's why a n*gga's into rides, right?

Well, who you run with?

Fourth street clown posse here.

So I hear you're moving trucks.


What condition?

Factory fresh, straight out of Motown.

How's it work?


My boy's a truck foreman. He assigns the routes.

Driver of the rig, he gets a small piece of the action, you know?

That's all right, man.

A'ight, I'll pay you 10 Gs a truck.

Eleven for leather.

Hell, no. That ain't what I get in Detroit.

Yo, this ain't Detroit, bitch!

You better back up off me, bitch.

You calling me a bitch?

Oh, no.

Hey, yo, k*ll that, man.

MAN 1: Let's do this. MAN 2: Yeah.

Nah, man, nah.

No, this your turf, so they're your terms.


Damn straight.


Look, just tell me when and where you want the wheels, and we good.

What do you got?

Well, someone took all her lipstick.

A girl could never resist free lipstick.

I got three empty bags of cookies and a half-eaten bag of brown sugar.

Junkie girl.

Should I check with Vic, see who's running junk?

I don't need a "special team."

I'll do my own police work.


Your mama know you're hanging out in a bad neighborhood?

Got me a note says it's a'ight.

What's your name?

Long John.

Oh, the pirate gangster, huh?

Okay, let's empty your pockets.

Hands up.

We're looking for one of your customers.

Don't got no customers, and I talk to you, I ain't got them no more.

We're looking for a girl.

Probably bought last night.

Maybe tried to trade jewelry for rock.

Oh! Didn't think I could reach that, did you?

Oh, my.

Oh, ho, ho, ho.

L.J., come on.

I walk on the rock, right?


This transie, calls herself Mancy.

It was her.

Is Mancy a transie or a cross-dresser?

Is there a difference?

Fairly large one.

Anything? No.

No APB, no sheriff's request, no bench warrants, no Department of Corrections notifications.

I'm telling you, man.

There is no one looking for Gilroy.

That doesn't make sense.

Guy cut off his ankle transmitter and bailed eight hours ago.

Maybe, uh... Maybe it's a malfunction?

On the same day that Lanie's report gets leaked to the press?

It's unlikely.

g*dd*mn it.

No, there's something very wrong.

I don't buy it.

You were worried about your job.

You asked for answers.

Make your own conclusions.

Look, I know Vic.

He wouldn't do something like this and hang me out to dry for it.

He wouldn't.

He wouldn't.

Sorry to waste your time.


What's he keep saying?

He says stop smiling.

It makes you look gay.

Just take the picture, monkey.

You done? Yeah.


Plane ticket.

Plus we had to take $10,000 out of the 75 for expenses.

Expenses for what?

The coyote who's going to give you your ride.

Okay, yeah, sure.

I know you guys don't want to talk about this, but the D.A.'s been asking me about Terry.

Just been...

I think they're going to reopen his sh**ting.

I didn't tell them how I warned you Terry was looking to take you down, but they're still sniffing around.

There's nothing solid tying you to his dying, right?

Is there?

Terry got k*lled in the line of duty by a drug dealer.

Come on, Vic. It's just us.

I'm trying to look out for you.

What are you doing? You already did...

[WHISPERS] g*dd*mn it.

No transmitter.

Just a tape recorder and a mike.

We checked him twice.

That's what the trip to the bar was about, wasn't it?

GILROY: I'm sorry, Vic. You son of a bitch.

What did you tell them? Nothing!

What did you tell them? Nothing!

What did you tell them? Nothing!

I don't believe you!

What do they know?

What do they know?

They're surveilling me outside the building!

They're surveilling me.


If anything happens to me... they're going to know.

Oh, this is not good.

This bastard has guys following us?

What do you think they've seen?

The bar?

The bank? Quazi?

Coyote Jack?

Even if they have...

It doesn't matter.

It doesn't matter.

They can't use any of it against us.

He asked us for our help.

It's entrapment.

The tape... It's the thing he can use against us, and we have it.

You know what they have?

They have our asses is what they have, man.

We've been harboring a fugitive.

Not anymore, we're not.

You're going to Mexico, just like we planned.

How am I going to live?

On the 75 grand, dipshit.

No, I'll tell you what. Make that 65.

It's not going to last me a year.

What about the hut? The rice, the beans?

That's when I wasn't really going.

Oh, you're going, all right. Get up. Get dressed.


Oh, for Christ's sake.

GILROY: I didn't want to do it.


They made me.

It took every drink that I had to do it.

Sorry, Vic.

I'm sorry, Vic.

I'm sorry.

Ben, we need you now.

Listen, you pull yourself together.

We can still all win here.

I'm just going to need you to lose the tail on your own now.


Just got to make sure that whoever's watching sees us leaving without him.

SHANE: We're putting our success in his hands?

Jesus! Relax!

Ben's done some of his best work soused.

Haven't you, Ben?

How did I get here, Vic?

What am I going to do?

Let's just cut our losses and turn him in, all right?

The guy's been nothing but poison from the start.

No. He can do this.

Vic, come on! He's tanked, man!

I'm not depending on this guy, not for anything.

We send him back to prison, he starts talking, he makes our lives hell.

He can do it.

He can do it.

VIC: Captain?


Ben Gilroy skipped bail.

What? How do you know that?

Because he came over to my house, asked me to help him get out of the country.

Just now?

No, this morning.

Why didn't you bring him in then?


I've known him for 15 years.

I was trying to get him to come in on his own.

He wouldn't.

I want to help the guy, but I'm not going to commit a felony doing it.

Where is he now?

He's still at my apartment.

Going to have to send someone over there to pick him up.


He's drunk. He's crying his eyes out.

Wasn't going to bring him in like that.

I'll call it in.

Vic, Denon just called.

He wants to move those cars now. Now?

Yeah. It was supposed to be tomorrow.

Changed his mind. Now or never. Denon, the stolen car guy?


He's major. Go get him.

Okay, round everybody up. I'll meet you out back.

Can we talk? I'm in a hurry. Later, okay?

All this shit's going down.

People could be losing their jobs.

Especially me.

I'm at the top of the list because of this Armadillo thing.

You shouldn't have been suspended for that.

It was unfair, okay?


Word is that Armadillo dying could have been good for you.

What word is that?

Look, Vic, this is my career, g*dd*mn it.

Took me six and a half years to get here, and I'm not going to lose it.

Who's been talking about me? Claudette?

What happened in that cage?

I don't know.

These guys hide things sometimes.

Sometimes cops miss them.

No, no, you know damn well that I'm not going to miss something like that.

You had something to do with this, didn't you?


Yeah, you did.

Danny, Jesus Christ.

Think about what you're saying.

Jesus Christ, I know what I'm saying.

g*dd*mn it, and after all that I've covered for you, everything that I've done for you.

I've never said a word to anybody about anything, and you pull this on me?

g*dd*mn it, I know what I'm saying.

You stay the hell away from me.


DUTCH: Mancy... You know where she is?

CLAUDETTE: Where's Mancy?


Good Lord.

Let's get her to a hospital.

He says Gilroy's still in the apartment.

Can your men see him?

Where is the rest of the surveillance team?


Just go in now.

Make sure you get the tape.

Everyone, listen up, please.

Could I have your attention?

I should have said this 12 hours ago.

We're a team... a family, and, uh, I'm going to fight like hell to save every single job in this building.

In the meantime, let's just... focus on what we do best.

Protect and serve.

Nice speech.

Could be my last.

So you got the, uh, B & E guy?


He saw the body, decided to break in.

He was not the cause of the heart attack.

At least now you know, death was natural.

She had her time.

That's some consolation.

Not really.

She died alone.

LOWE: We can put you in lock-up, we can talk to a judge.

We can detain you till that baby is born.

Go ahead. Put me in county.

What You don't think there's other ways to do it?

Fighting's just the way you get the most props.

Look, if you don't want the kid, it's okay.

You can give him to somebody else.

Yeah, like who?


Did you talk to him?

Yeah, we talked to him.

What'd he say?

Does he want me back?

Does he want to be the daddy of his son?

Look, we can find a good foster home for your son.

At least give him a chance.

You ever try giving away a brown baby?

Come on, now. Not even his daddy wants him.

Do you want him?

I will do everything that I can to help you find the best possible home for your son.

I'll take him.


I'll take him.

I can make this work.

I want him.

I ain't giving my baby to a white cop.

I'd rather k*ll him with my bare hands.

Now get out of here.

Get out!

♪ I just about Went out before... ♪



Told you.

I made it.

How many wine coolers it take you to get here?

Is this really necessary?

VIC: Yes, it is.

Do everything I told you to do? I'm here, aren't I?

You took the bus? Crossed the plaza?

You went down to the subway station?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I paid the coyote the $10,000, and then he gave me this.

Did you lose the tail?

I know how to lose a tail, Vic.


Everything's in place.

Time to go.

Who's this?

Coyote who's taking you across the border.

Who's the guy in the subway?

That was the hit man you paid $10,000 to, to k*ll you if I ever call this number and tell him this code.

You made me pay my own hit man?

I bet you really need a drink now, don't you?

If you ever get caught, come back on your own, doesn't matter, you're all done.

Vic, we were friends.

You were the one who threatened my family.

It was a bluff.

This isn't.

You had the chance to pull the trigger on me, and you couldn't.

You're not going to do this, either.

Maybe not... but Shane will.

I guess this is good-bye.

It better be.

SHANE: Get in.

Hey, Vic. Vic.


I got greedy.

I lost everything.

There's a lesson there, Vic.



I ain't agree to buy no stolen rides, man.

Thought they was on the up and up.

You got time. Think of a better story.

Our stolen car ringleader?

Not anymore, sir.

Good. It's nice to have a win on a day like today.

Hey, Tavon?

These guys treat you okay?



Well, looks like we survived the day.

Yeah, well, we always got tomorrow.

We'll survive tomorrow too.

I wish I had your confidence.

Yeah, a lot of people do.

Gilroy's not at Vic's apartment.


He was there when I left, lying passed out in a drunken stupor.

Well, he must have sobered up and walked away.

All they found were his clothes and a tape recorder.

Tape recorder?

Unis are sweeping the neighborhood now, but it looks like he's gone.

Well, he couldn't have gone far, not in his condition.

Well, looks like I owe Aceveda an apology.

The whole time I'm thinking he's the rat, when the real rodent's sitting drunk at my apartment.


In 24 hours, Gilroy will be Rio de Janeiro's problem.

How did Tavon grade out?

Flying colors, man.

The guy's got cojones.

It's not having them.

It's using them that counts.

Tavon's cool. He's a hard worker.

A bit of a mean streak, but under control.

We lucked out with this guy. Don't cream all over this guy... before you see him naked.

He's no Ronnie, and he's no you or me.

I'm just saying he could open up some new avenues for us, you know, being black and all.


Transfer papers, all signed.

Just need to call my old commander, let him know if I'm staying or if I'm going back.

Tell him you're staying on a little longer.

Extended trial period.

You got it.

SHANE: Decent start.

Just be ready for something a little more difficult than auto capers.

Can't wait to follow your lead.


Hey, Danny.

You were serious about keeping that kid, weren't you?

It was a stupid idea.

No, not if you really wanted to.

I didn't, all right?

I just thought I did.

Vanessa and I are taking Randall to dinner.

Then we're going to church.

Why don't you join us?

You trying to convert me now?

No, it's just...

It's been a long day, and you don't have to be alone.

I haven't been to church since I was, like, nine.

God remembers you.

Yeah, well, I forgot about him.

GILROY: I put you on the strike team. I know what you guys do.

VIC: We don't take any crap, if that's what you mean.

GILROY: Vic, come on. The law doesn't apply to you.

VIC: Look, out there, it's not what you do.

It's what they think you'll do.

GILROY: The beatings, the frame-ups...

VIC: Fairy tales.

The assholes fear you, they don't cross the line.

Rep's everything on the street.

Aceveda is right.

His unit is clearing cases at a better rate than anywhere in the city.

You want me to bust up that squad over crap like this?

There are all kinds of irregularities.

And Aceveda will be the one to fall on the sword for it.

After the election, he's gone.

LANIE: Forget Aceveda.

The strike team is at the center of the shit storm.

Vic's dirty.

You haven't proven that to my satisfaction.

I would have had the evidence if someone hadn't stolen my notes and tipped him off.

That's between you and the city council.

Turn in your official report.

This is done.

I want to see the budget allocation numbers by 3:00, and you...

You can go, Ms. Kellis.

What have you got for me, Bill?


You almost done?


Logging this report is the only thing keeping me from going home.


What are you doing?

I'm e-mailing my daughters.

Look, you better figure out how much you hate me and how you're going to deal with that, because I'm not going anywhere.

Neither am I.
