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02x07 - Barnstormers

Posted: 01/08/22 14:52
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: Previously on The Shield...

g*dd*mn it! Tell me right now! Where is she?!

I don't know!

Maybe Bob's not a sadomasochistic thrill k*ller.

DUTCH: She's dead.

She was in the trunk the whole time?

Marcy, why didn't you tell me?

I'm sorry, Daddy.

DANNY: Battered-women's shelter.

I'm Emma Prince, director of this shelter. Let me in.

Two more women coming in tomorrow.

Can't send them back to their abusers.

Where am I supposed to take them?

What's this? Donation.

I'm not gay.

Julien, come on.

I'm getting married.

Married? To who? Vanessa.

My God. You haven't told her yet?

It's not necessary.

You don't tell her before the wedding, I will.

When am I getting out of here?

Two years is the best I can get for you.

How much time are you getting for sexual misconduct?

Pardon me? I got a yammy full of Georgia joy juice, darling... so am I walking out of here, or, uh... do we need to call your supervisor?

Ever heard a rumor about a money train?

Runs out of L.A. every couple of months to clean their dirty money overseas.

So we take down a money-laundering ring?

VIC: One big hit, in and out, we're set for good.


When were you gonna tell me about Armadillo's death threat?

Cops get greenlit a lot. It's just talk.

If there's one guy who's the exception, it's him.

I never meant to get you guys on a hit list.

Hey, we're a team, right?

We'll find him before he gets to any of us.

LEM [SINGING]: ♪ She's a rich girl ♪

♪ And she's gone too far ♪

♪ But you know It don't matter anyway ♪

♪ You can rely On the old man's money ♪

♪ You can rely On the old man's money ♪

♪ It's a bitch, girl ♪

♪ And she's gone too far ♪

VIC: Bang.

You're dead.

Now, on the day, there'll be two guys with Glocks at 11 o'clock.

LEM [ON RADIO]: Damn, I thought you said it was 9 o'clock.

That's why we're rehearsing.

LEM: You mind getting that thing off of me?

It gives me the creeps.



Now, there'll be no one inside that bay.

SHANE: Vans will pull in there.

We'll be waiting for 'em.

Secrecy over muscle.


So how much dirty money is this thing gonna be carrying?

Enough for the four of us to retire.

I'm sorry I'm late.

You know, this job depends on the four of us having our act together.

Where the hell were you?

I've been driving around in circles.

I thought I was being followed by some Mexican.

One of Armadillo's boys?

I don't know.


Oh. Maybe it's just some pizza delivery guy.

S... Stalked by a cheese-and-sausage.

This green-light thing is serious.

You been getting enough sleep?

Yeah. Just being cautious.

Okay, good.

All of us should be extra careful till we find this prick.

Now that paranoia boy's here, you gonna run through this thing again?

Till we get it right.

All right. Let's do it.

Marcy Lindhoff agreed to a plea.

How much time's she getting?

Eight years... in exchange for testimony against her husband.

Eight years?

Uh... The DA agreed to that?

To avoid shining the light on our screwup, yes.

We had the victim alive in a car trunk in our own parking lot for hours, until you released the main suspects... at which point, she died.

The DA... arranged for you to take Marcy's statement.

Confirm the facts she gave him jive with your investigation.

Dutch, the chief called me personally.

He's not pleased.

And to be honest...

I'm concerned about your performance as well.


I'm going through a rough patch.

It happens to everybody.

Claudette says you're moody, uh, distracted.

She said that?

You need to start closing cases... and closing them without incident.






MAN: Detective... it's Doug from the front desk.



Detective, the couple's at it again.


Aren't you gonna do something?



g*dd*mn it.

You want me to back you up?

I've only done this about 3000 times.

Okay, if you need me...

I'm here.


I live across the street.

I'm here about the noise.

I'm sorry.

I had the TV set up too loud.

Look, let me in.

I want to talk to the jackass who's beating on you.

Look, I... I'm fine. Really.

Is he still here?


It was just an argument.


I see he talks with his hands.

I didn't call the police.

Ah, yes, you did... through my closed windows.

Look, it won't happen...

I can't just lay in bed and listen to him doing it to you.

So you're either gonna move...

We can't afford... ...or get some help.

I don't need any help.

Well... if you're not gonna move, then you're gonna get some help.

Let's go.



You gonna be okay?

Yeah. I'm perfect.


Congratulations on your plea.

Thank you.

Plea's bullshit, Marcy.

You deserve life, just like Bob.

No, I mean... thank you.

I guess the DA didn't want this to go public.

You need to be 100 percent open and honest with me, or you lose your deal.



[CLICKS ON] The peephole.

Who put it in and why?

That was Bob.

He liked how Kayla looked.

He wanted to see more.

You were okay with this?

Bob liked bringing other women into our bed.

I wanted him to be happy.

Did Bob want to bring Kayla into your bed?

He asked me to talk to her.

I did. She wasn't interested.

So you lured her over to your apartment one night?

Bob was... obsessed.

He thought she was so pretty.

Bob said it was your idea to cut off Kayla's arm.


After that, she, uh...

She wasn't so pretty.

VIC: Okay.

Me and Shane are gonna clear the roof.

Ronnie, you disarm this guy.

Lem, you... hit the ground, grab the truck.

Hit 'em fast, leave 'em reeling.

SHANE: It can work.

I'm in, brother.

Why are we even talking about this when Armadillo's got a hit out on us?

We got feelers out on the street.

We get a call, we'll grab him.

And when we do, Vic and me got a plan.

We're gonna tie him up, stick him someplace safe till we hit the money train... then leave him dead in the getaway truck.

The Armenians and cops will think the Turucos are responsible.

Two birds with one stone.

Only one problem.

RONNIE: Besides the fact we don't know where Armadillo is?

Would you stop being such a p*ssy about this?

Excuse me for wanting to stay alive.

Then let's stick to the job at hand.

What are we gonna do with the money?

It's too much to spend right away without drawing attention.

We launder it.

Got a friend who just bought into a restaurant.

Practically an all-cash business.

That's exactly what IAD will look into.

We can't do this alone.

What, you saying let someone else in?

Someone we can control who's gonna be more afraid of us than going to prison.

VIC: You used to know a guy named Tio?

Why are we not in a police station right now?

Theodore Osmond, drug dealer.

Guy you helped to buy a comic- book shop in another building.

Tio, sure.

I heard somebody, uh... burned him to death.

That's terrible.

So you did sell him the store?

I brokered that deal.

I'm a licensed realtor.

And you know Tio sold narcotics out of that store?


He bought it in cash. Where'd he got his money from?

I don't ask my clients where they get their money.

Is that because most of your clients are drug dealers?

I think you specialize in buying property for drug dealers so they can launder money, isn't that right?

This is ridiculous.

Checked your files, Leith.

Tied you to four major dealers.

How'd you like to see our police station now?

I don't touch any of that.

I just buy and sell property.

The only property you're gonna be selling now is bunk space in Pelican Bay.


What do you guys want?

Real estate.

♪ Just another day ♪


♪ Day! ♪

She'll have to be wait-listed at another shelter.

Can't you pull some strings?

She's a neighbor. You're a friend.

I filled my last bed this morning.

What about a hotel?

She can't afford a hotel.

Ah, I might be able to double her up someplace.

Do, and I'll owe you dinner.

You know, even if I find a spot, she's not gonna go.

And I'm partial to steak joints.

They don't leave until they call from the street or the hospital.

She didn't even call.

It's a waste of time.

Just find a bed.

I'll put her in it.

Is that everything?


We're done.


Why'd you do this?

It just kind of... happened.

No, I mean, um... what made you think you could fool me?

I didn't fool you.

I just let you fool yourself.

Dutch... how'd it go?

I got everything I needed.

Good, 'cause we got a case.

Woman strangled to death in Fairview Park.

Sure you want my help?

According to Aceveda, I'm... moody and distracted.

He said that to you?

Why am I even in a police station?

I didn't do anything.

Fine. Go home.

Next time Prince Charming starts using you for sparring practice, keep it down.


I know it's hard to leave your home.

It was hard my first time.

I don't need a damn shelter.

Sometimes staying away even one night makes him realize he's crossed a line.

If you don't do it now, you might never get another chance.

I don't even have any of my stuff.

VIC: Yeah. Give me your keys.

I'll bring you whatever you need.

I don't want you in my house.

I'll get you some clothes.

You can't make somebody get help.

Sure you can.

Keep working on her.

You don't know what you're talking about.

Oh, so eight years as a street cop cleaning up messes like this means nothing?

It's different when you're on the receiving end of a fist.

That's why the next time this guy wakes me up in the middle of the night, I'm gonna have a chat with him.

It'll stop. Trust me.

Stop v*olence with v*olence. Yeah.

Why do men always have the answers?

That's a good question.


CLAUDETTE: Any witnesses?

JULIEN: No. A couple teenagers smoking joints discovered the body.

Found her purse and wallet in the bushes.

Name's Leah Madson.

Never seen a victim strangled with an over-the-shoulder boulder holder.

Not in the mood, Ray.

ME said no prints on the victim's body.

Doesn't appear to have been forcibly removed.

Bra's not damaged either, but the clasp is missing.

Probably, uh... fell off when he strangled her.

What are you thinking?

I don't know. Uh... r*pe turned homicide, maybe?

CLAUDETTE: What's this?


It's on her fingers.

Means she helped him remove the bra.

This didn't start off as a r*pe.

They knew each other.


Guess I'm wrong again.

Downtown just faxed a list of promotions.

Stewart and Hernandez got the two senior lead-officer spots.

I was next in line for that.

I know. [SCOFFS]

This has to do with the complaint the widow's been filing against me, huh?

The marijuana IAD found in my car?

LAD believed you.

There's no reason that should have any bearing...

Oh, come on. That promotion was a lock.

You're telling me this has nothing to do with the bogus complaints put against me?

Of course that's what this is about... but the brass will never admit it.

You're gonna have to ride this out.

Detective Vendrell.

Somebody here to see you.

Well, well.

It's the penis flytrap.

Hope you're not a daddy.

Hey, Georgia.

Can I talk to you?

I'm, uh...

I'm a little busy right now.

I got a case.

Illegal activities.

My ex.

Selling scrip dr*gs to illegals, grannies, anyone looking for a cheap way to medicate.

Sounds like you found yourself a real winner.

I said my ex.

Bastard was banging my next-door neighbor while I was sweating my ass off at the strip club.

Figured the best way to pay him back would just to be to drop a dime on him.

Still all class, huh?

Are you still upset about what happened between us?

Nothing happened between us.

Come on. It was just fun.

No. It was blackmail.

[SIGHS] Seriously... my ex... he's a bad dude.

And I would only trust a really good cop with this.

Look around and take your pick.

I'm not your guy.

So... why aren't we following up on Tulips' lead?

She's a lying whore.

I trusted her, and she screwed me.

From what I saw that day, the screwing was mutual.

Look, I just don't want to be around her.

So we lose an easy bust on our record because you got played for a fool?




Brent. Yeah?

Brent, it's okay. I got it.

You... Okay.

...come with me.


You know this woman, Stu?


This girl at the rib joint I work at set me up with her.

You went out with her last night?

Yeah. We met at her place at 9.

How long did you stay?

I didn't. I wasn't attracted to her.

I figured why waste both our time.

Where'd you go then? Home.

Anyone who can corroborate that?

I don't think so.

I just went home, watched some TV.

Any word on Stu's alibi?

No one to confirm or deny.

What about his coworkers?

I'm heading over to talk to them now... long as I'm not too moody to change my mind, or too distracted to lose my way.

Why is what I said to you in confidence about Dutch coming back to me?

Because his results lately are a concern.

I was concerned about Dutch personally, not about his job performance.

It's not just me. It's the chief.

Bob and Marcy were a serious black eye for us.

On top of that, it happened right under the nose of our civilian auditor.

Is Lanie behind this?

She hasn't been here in a few weeks.

Who knows who she's talking to?

Until further notice, you'll be lead investigator on all your cases.

Oh. And how is Dutch supposed to get back on the horse when you cut him off at the knees?

I just don't want to see him screw up again.

He won't.

I hope not.

Because if he does, I can't protect him anymore.


Too busy protecting Vic?


Hey, who the hell are you? Hey.

I'm a cop.

What do you want?

Look, look, I don't know what she told you, but she's a lying bitch.

She said it was all her fault.

You didn't even touch her.

Lying bitch.


Where you going?

Where is she, man?

What, you sleeping with her or something?

Answer me, man.

That's not hers. It's my sister's.

Give it back.

I said, give it back.

Aah! Aah! Oh!

Thanks, assh*le.

You just made me a very happy man.


Thank you for bringing lunch.

Wait till you see the spread you get when you're actually my husband.


So it's okay if I drop off Randall later when I get my dress fitted?


What's wrong? You seem a little distracted.


Don't tell me. Cold feet.

No, no. Heh. No.



The prayer group that I go to on Thursday night isn't just Bible study.

What else is it?

It's also a sexual reorientation group.


I've made some bad choices in my past.

Um, bad relationship choices.

We all have.

Mm-mm. Mm-mm.


I used to be attracted to men, but through counseling and the grace of God and Jesus, I've straightened... You're gay?

No. No, I am not.

Oh, God. I'm not.


Randall looks to you like you're his father. Vanessa, Vanessa, I am the man that God intended me to be, all right?

I am with a beautiful woman.

I'm about to start a family.

I love you.

I just didn't want any secrets.

When was the last time you were with a guy?

It's been months.

I've been in this group for months.

You had sex with a man.


I have made mistakes in my past... but I am begging you for your understanding and your forgiveness.

I need you.

I need you.

I need to think.

DEZ: Hey, hey! Baby! Baby!

Tell him it's all good with us.

Said you wouldn't arrest him.

He's on parole.

If he goes to jail, he loses his job, I lose my apartment. And you stay alive, and I get some g*dd*mn sleep.

Hands off her!

He didn't hit me. Let him go.

Stay back. I'll take her.

Baby, get me out of here. Call Skeeter.

He knows a bail guy.

Shut up.

EMMA: A couple can hit each other, hate each other, but try and pull 'em apart, tell 'em they're wrong for each other, they look at you like you're speaking in tongues.

Gee, I've never heard that before.

So you actually thought she wouldn't go back to him?

Are you unromantic or just dumb?

I just didn't want to hear 'em in my living room anymore.

It's harder to get out than you think.

Liked the bad boys, did we?

It had its appeal for a while... and then it didn't.

She hasn't hit bottom.

She's not ready for me yet.

He touches her again, he's mine.

You just can't stand anything you can't control.

That's part of my dance.

Your, uh, coworkers say you're a bit obsessive about your weight.

Summers at fat farms... dozens of diets, weight training, yoga, running.

All true.

What happened with Susan Lang?

Aggravated as*ault when you were 12 years old.

That's what they called it.

She didn't want people to think she was a slut.

Nah, you and some other kids were playing spin the bottle.

On her spin, the bottle pointed to you.

She was supposed to kiss you.

She refused.

You were humiliated.

So 11 years later, I k*lled some chick?

Come on.

A few days later, you followed Susan home from school, you told her to kiss you, she refused, you struck her, you broke her nose.

She tried to kiss me. I wouldn't.

She slapped me. So I hit her.

You were the last person to see Leah Madson alive, Stu.

Except the k*ller. Yeah.

Except the k*ller.

Huh. Pretty quiet in there. Any thoughts?

Uh... hard to read. [SCOFFS]

Let's check his apartment, see what we can come up with.


All right, just keep it short and simple.

Tell him I got a supply. I need a buyer.

Just, uh, get a time and place, and then hang up the phone.

How come you don't look at me?


You don't look at me.

Just make the g*dd*mn call.


It's me.

Look, I don't want to fight.

I've got a guy who wants to hook you up with some product.

Hell, yeah, I'm still pissed, but you know what?

A buck's a buck.

Danny... find the bra clasp?

Nothing yet.

I'm guessing it's here or in his car... maybe on a shoe or a...

We find that bra clasp, we've got this guy dead to rights.

We're looking.

CLAUDETTE: Odd place.

What's it tell you about our guy?

Uh... Uh, I don't know.

Well, you must be thinking something.

What's your gut tell you?

There are red flags everywhere with this guy.

Red flags for what?

Possible serial predator.

Think he's a serial k*ller?

Or a r*pist.

Has the makings of one.

The obsession with detail, the, uh, reliance on fantasy.

They're warning posts.

He's young.

If he is one, I'm guessing Leah's his first or second.

You know, it's a bunch of crap.

No, no.

We got nothing else to go on. It's worth exploring.

We need to find the bra clasp, people.

Our guys are already on it.

Look, let's go back to the Barn, get a confession from Stu.

I don't have anything to work with.

You've done it before.

I'm gonna head back to the crime scene, make sure those guys didn't miss anything.


Three, four million.

I can get you a few 10-acre lots in Castro Peak.

Now, they'll appreciate nice in a few years.

Nothing in your name... but you'll have total control.


All cash.

I usually get a 5 percent commission.

Why don't we make it 10 percent?



Good faith...

plus a little extra money... since you're taking the extra risk.

What extra risk?

Well... if you even think about ratting us out, then we tell the four drug dealers that you've been doing business with that you ratted them out.

Bang bang.

I understand.

Look, you guys searched my apartment, right?

There was nothing there.

I'd be hearing about it if there was.

You're so innocent, maybe you'd like to take a lie detector test?


Afraid of something?

No, I just hear they're not so reliable.

I mean, what if I took it, and it said I was guilty when I'm not?


He's suspicious, but clean.

Dutch has a theory, though.

What's your theory, Claudette?

I don't have one. Ask Dutch.

It's... It's nothing.

He thinks Stu's guilty.

He shows signs of being a predator.

We have any proof?

There are definite warning signs.

He refused to take a lie detector, talked about getting a false guilty reading.

Nobody who's innocent does that.

Thinking he's guilty is one thing.

Proving it's another.

Find out who did it and close this case.


A night at a shelter is a good first step, so how do we get her to take it?

Not by forcing her caveman-style.

Well, uh, I do have to get some sleep, and I want to see her stay in one piece.

I have been known, in dire times, of resorting to trickery.

If I spend a night in the shelter...

Dez won't have to spend a night in jail.

It's a new city law.

We have to hold alleged abusers overnight... for the woman's safety.

Okay, then.

I want to try your place for a night.



Nice tits.

How much they cost?

Hundred percent natural.


She legal?

Born in Inglewood, bitch.

I meant is she 18, stupid.

Yeah, I take her everywhere with me.

She doesn't piss me off.

Screw you.

Not anymore.

Ah, and you miss it. He gets it all now.

So this assh*le's your new boyfriend?

Yeah. It's a relief not having to fake it anymore.

Can we get down to business here?

So what you got?

Uh, X, hoxy, pot, mash-dash, RX.

I need Viagra.

Yeah, you do. Hah-hah.

Anything to make it bigger, like my man's?

I think V and X. That'll be all.

How much weight you need?

Start out slow. How about five grand worth?

Five grand? Yeah, I'm your man.

Don't forget about my cut. I pay lover-boy.

You get your money from him.

That wasn't the deal. That was not the deal.

Is now.

Get in the car here. Anything you say, honey.

Here you go.

Got the money?

Here's your 5K.

If this stuff sucks, I'm coming after her.

Be my guest.

He doesn't mean that.

That's called love talk.



All right. Let's go. Put your piggies in the air.

Right now! Turn around!

Come on, turn around, highlight boy. Let's go.

Hands on your head. You too, darling. Let's go.

Hands on your head.

TULIPS: You dumb a-hole! You just got busted by new big-d*ck boyfriend. Huh?

How does it feel, you f*g?


How does it feel? SHANE: Shut up!

Bitch! Shut up! You shut up!

g*dd*mn it.

You ever... know somebody's guilty, but you just don't have the evidence?

On occasion.

How do you handle it?

You wearing a wire?

Tired of people getting away with m*rder.

Sometimes the evidence fits the case.

Sometimes... you got to make the evidence fit the case...

If you know the guy did it.


Hey. Still didn't find anything?

Place is clean.

I'm gonna take one last look.





You sure you were thorough?


Do me a favor. Check one more time.

The trash, uh, his clothes...

You gonna sign for the overtime?

Yeah. Just be sure.



I think I left something.


You okay?

Yeah. You?

Actually, I'm not.

I'm having...

a really bad day.

We busted him, didn't we?

This whole thing was about you burning some guy who dumped you for somebody hotter.

It was not.

And no way was that taco tart hotter than me.

You don't think so, do you?

I think you use people.

You're really upset with me.

You got what you wanted.

Just get out of here.

Oh, my God.

I really hurt you, just like he hurt me.

I'm... I'm sorry.

Doesn't matter.


I'm always falling for the wrong guys when I'd just be better off with someone like you.

Yeah, you would.

But you'll never know.

Come on. Let's get out of here.

I got, like, six hours left on my shift.


Well, don't you have to, um... interrogate me or something?

You know, just to wrap it up?





All right. Come on. I'm bailed.

Let's go, baby.

She's not going home with you.

Look, you stay out of my business, bitch.

She's not going home with you.

Emma? I'm doing this for you, sweetie.

It's the law.

DEZ: What law?

They can't keep us apart. Come on. Let's go.

Needs a break from your macho bullshit, so hit somebody else.

You want some too? Get off!

Bitch. [GRUNTS]




OFFICER: What's going on? Hey, hey.

Just stay still. Stay still.



It was self-defense.

She pushed a man off the balcony.

Well, he was attacking her.

It happened on our property.

There are legal and civil considerations.

I don't want her in the cage.

Then bail her out.

[SCOFFS] Thanks for your help.

Come on. Let's go.


What are you doing?

Had some bad mojo in there lately.

I need a new room.

It's all yours, Dutch boy.

You couldn't take a lie detector if you wanted to, because the wire wouldn't fit around that thick wrist of yours.


You know what word you never use, Stu?


I'll bet people don't call you that to your face either, do they?

They're too polite.

They should though, because... you are fat.

You were a fat baby, you were a fat little kid, and now you're just a g*dd*mn whale.


I've busted black K*llers, white K*llers, smart K*llers, dumb K*llers.

Never anybody as fat as you though.

See, the bra you used to strangle Leah with... the clasp was broken.

Your, uh, fat fingers weren't nimble enough to unclasp it, so you just ripped it off her, didn't you, Stu?

Which means... that bra clasp is somewhere in your house, your car, your extra-extra-extra large clothes.

I don't need a lie detector, Stu.

I can get you on physical evidence...

And let me tell you something.

A jail cell... feels small to someone my size.


He's going too far.

Ah, be quiet. Can't beat me.

Got you right here.

BOY: I'm unstoppable.

Hey, big guy. Your mom's here.

Hey, baby.

Hey, Mom.

Baby, keep your grandma company.

She's in the car.

I parked it out back, okay?

Okay. See you, Julien.

See you later, big guy.

You should've told me sooner.

I know.

I... I'm sorry.

I believe you... when you say that you've changed.

I believe in the power of our Lord.

Thank you.

But... if you ever... feel... like you want to be with a man...

I won't. I won't. I mean it.

I never...

I never will be again.

I'm going to make the two of you so happy.

Kiss me.



Well, uh...

I have a hundred things to do before the wedding.




So... um...

So the wedding's still on?

Don't keep me waiting up there, okay?



She's a beautiful girl.


You know... guess I must've missed something.


Last person I saw you kissing was a little more... male.

You sure you know what you're doing?


In that case... congratulations.

When was the last time you saw your d*ck without using a mirror?

Shut up.

So you got set up on a blind date with Leah Madson.


I mean, her friend was cute.

You must've expected a hottie.


Instead it's big, fat Leah.


I mean... you deserve better, right?

I get better.

No, you don't.

Women won't sleep with you.

So you're horny... you figure... what the hell, the park's dark.

What's the old joke about fat chicks?

Um, roll them in flour and aim for the wet spot.


Hey... is that... Is that what it's like?

I wasn't attracted to her.

I know.

Leah was fat, but she couldn't stop eating.

She had no control.

You hated that.

But there you are, on that park bench, hating yourself for every minute you can't control your little hard-on.

Had this in your fridge for years.

Never took a bite.


The chocolate bar was the trigger.

You wanted to get laid.

All she could think about was the candy in her pocket.

She pulled it out, and you just lost it.

Strangled her with the same bra your fat fingers were fumbling to get off of her.

That's not who I am.



Tell him you found the bra clasp.

Good to know.

We found the bra clasp, Stu.

It was in your car. Hm-hm.

I'm not fat.

Yeah, you're not fat.

I'll k*ll you too! No!

Don't say I'm fat! Don't say I'm fat! Okay.

I'm gonna be thin! [GRUNTS]

I am! I'm gonna be!

I'm gonna be thin! [CHOKING]

Help! Get some help! Get off of him!

Get off! Get off!

Get off!

Don't move, don't move.

Cuff him up.

Hey, Ronnie...

Shane got the pictures back.

I don't want 'em lying around for anyone else to find.

Can you run 'em by my place?


And, uh, listen, while you're there... can you get my checkbook?

How come?


State won't pony up the money for a decent burial for Connie.

I figure it's the least I can do.

Be careful out there.

I hear the Thai food delivery guys are packing heat.

You guys are dicks.

Jesus. Take a joke.


Yo, if he's freaking out now, how's he gonna be taking down the money train?

Or when it comes time to take care of Armadillo?

You trust him every day busting down doors.

Doesn't mean I trust him to sit on a few million for a year or two.

Money does strange things to people.

All right, we'll keep an eye on Ronnie.

You finish up with Tulips?

Yeah. It was a clean bust. No hitches.

Nice work.



Nice job.

Don't sound so surprised.

Well, I was just worried about you for a little while.

Should've had more faith in me.

Nice work.

I know.

I'm glad.

You should be.

I break cases nobody else in this division can.

I deserve a little more g*dd*mn respect than I've been getting around here lately.

You wanted me to close a case without incident?

I did it.

I guess he's back.

I guess so.


You run off to Mexico and miss your court date, you owe me three grand.

You want to play with fire, that's the chance you'll take.

Is he okay?

Unfortunately. [SIGHS]

Guess I should feel bad.



Oh, sorry.


Matthew's been asking for you.

He wants to say hi.

Oh, great. Put him on.


Say hi to Daddy.

Matthew, say hi to Daddy.

CORRINE: O-on the phone.

Talk into the phone.

Say... Say... Say hi.


Hey, buddy.

Hey. It's Daddy.

Did you go to school today?

Did you have fun?


Um... you know, I'm sorry.

Uh. He... He was talking just a second ago.

It's okay. Thanks for trying.


Yeah, I'm sorry.

No, no, no. It's okay.

Thanks. I'll see you.

Your dog or your kid?


One of three.

I'm more a dog person.




Wait. Wait.

What's wrong?

What's that smell?


What's the matter? Shh.

Get down.

Stay down.



Oh, my God.

Call an ambulance.




♪ Day! ♪


♪ Day! ♪

♪ Day! ♪

♪ Living the good life ♪

♪ Throw your hands up ♪

♪ Just another day ♪

♪ Just another day ♪

♪ Day! ♪

♪ Day! ♪