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02x06 - Homewrecker

Posted: 01/08/22 14:51
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: Previously on The Shield:

Before you got hurt, you said you'd leave the house.

I know.

As soon as you can find a place.

I need a room.

I do things that can't be forgiven.

You're gay. Okay?

I'm getting married.

Married? To who? Vanessa.

I'm happy to help you if you're helping me. Are you?

I have been, but I'm just about through.

Hi, Vic.

You're clean.


VIC: This is a Cl contract.

You'll be required to provide four tips every month, tips that lead to arrests.

And I get paid?

Two thousand a month.

Drop the g*n now!


MRS. AL-THANI: I'll never forget what you do.

I didn't do anything wrong.

Justice will find you.

I come out to go to work, and I find my car like this.

The widow did this. She knows where I live.

Tell me you're leaving. [SCREAMS]

I want to hear you say it.

You work with a Detective Mackey?

The guy he's looking for, I am afraid if Vic isn't careful, he might start talking.

He's gonna explain the grill marks on his face, talk about how we were protecting his drug competition.

Somebody else finds him... Can't happen.

We have to find him first.


You've been greenlit.

ARMADILLO [ON TAPE]: Detective Mackey.

VIC: Hey, weren't you supposed to meet me here to suck my d*ck?

I hope you all made it.

I wanted to speak to you one last time.

You better talk to your brother before you start making death threats.

I've already taken care of my brother, and now... you've been greenlit.



ACEVEDA: Department of Corrections just sent this over.

When were you planning on telling me about Armadillo's death threat?

VIC: Relax.

Cops get greenlit all the time.

It's just talk. Nothing ever happens.

Armadillo had his own brother k*lled.

If there's one guy who'd be the exception, it's him.

Well, look at the bright side: this tape serves up Armadillo for accessory to m*rder and conspiracy to k*ll a police officer.

All we got to do is find him.

Before he finds you.

Not a problem.

About the minority on the Strike Team, Vic...

I've got a candidate I want you to meet.

Sure, send him by any time.

And, Vic... make sure you and your guys watch your backs.


Why does Aceveda want to bring on another guy?

It's a quota thing.

They need color on the team so the brass can feel better about underpaying their Mexican gardeners.

Taking on a new guy. This means one of us gets booted?

VIC: No, it means we go from four to five.

Have a seat.

I, uh...

I'm sorry about this Armadillo heat.

It's my shit. It... it should be on me.

I never meant to get you guys on a hit list.

SHANE: Hey, we're a team, right?

LEM: Yeah. Right.


RONNIE: So, um, Armadillo's saying you're greenlit.

Is that like you in a... In a plural sense or you in a singular sense?

No, it's just...

It's just I was on the porch the whole time.

I mean, he didn't really see me.

Don't worry about it.

We'll find him before he gets to any of us.

LEM: What about this new team member?

Someone who doesn't understand how we do things, they could throw a wrench into how we do things.


I'm not bringing anyone on unless they understand.

How are the wedding plans coming along?


Look, I'm not gonna say anything to Vanessa, you know, about things.

It's not my place.

Thank you.

It's just that if she hears from somebody else, though, you know, or if... If you slip, she's gonna be hurt really bad.

I'm not going to slip.


That's us.

Washburn Terrace.

What's the call?

911 hang-up.

Some 3-year-old probably just learned how to use the speed dial.

What's up?

I need you to put guys on my wife and kids, 24/7.

You think she's seeing someone?

It's not about that.

But if she is seeing someone, you want to know about it, right?

Look, I've been putting a dent in this Mexican banger's drug trade.

He made a threat.

I got to make sure he stays away from my wife and kids.

I'll put my best guys on it.

One more thing.

Corrine can't know you're watching.

You're invisible. You got it?

Got it.

DANNY: Julien.

One-Tango-13 requesting backup.

We have a forced entry.

WOMAN: Roger that, One-Tango-13.

DANNY: Oh, Jesus.

One-Tango-13. We have a 187.

Requesting additional backup and an RA.

WOMAN: Roger, One-Tango-13.

Sending additional units and an RA.


It's a battered women's shelter.

Clear the other side.





It's okay. Come here.

It's okay. Come, sweetie.

It's okay.


CASSIDY: Let me see it! MATTHEW: Hey! Cassidy!

CORRINE: You got everything you need?


MATTHEW: Stop it!

CASSIDY: Let me see it.

No, I like that open.

MATTHEW: Stop it!

Cassidy. CASSIDY: Matthew!

You still locking up at night?


VIC: Cassidy, stop. Okay.

I'm putting a new alarm system in the house.

Why now?

Because with me not here, it's the only way you and the kids are gonna feel safe.


VIC: Yeah?

Where is it?

DUTCH: Private shelter for battered women.

They decide to leave their abuser, they call a 1 -800 number, get picked up, brought here.

Location's never given out.

Looks like the wrong person found it.

As far as I'm concerned, there's only six suspects.

A boyfriend or a husband. Yeah.

CLAUDETTE: There's no ID's anywhere in the house.

These places usually issue aliases, collect the women's wallets.

Looks like he found them.

ACEVEDA: He spent time in the house after.

DUTCH: Cut the power, snatched the video.

This is more premeditated than blackout rage.

ACEVEDA: Any of the kids talk?

Child psychologist will let us know when they're ready.

DANNY: Ma'am, you can't go in there.

I'm Emma Prince, director of this shelter.

VIC: Can I help?

I live here. I run this shelter.

JULIEN: Danny! I'm sorry.

I have to get inside.

It's pretty bad.

I left for a few hours to pick up some... clothing donations.

They're all dead?

What about the children?

They're okay.

Uh, we're gonna need some help identifying the women.

We couldn't find their ID's.

I only know their aliases.

Well, who would know their real names?

Uh, Miss Henry. She, um...

She keeps all that info in her computer.

And where is she?

She was in there when I left.

Well, we're gonna need that information.

Her computer is password-protected...

Who else would know it? Our assistant, Julie.

She was also...


All seven of them?

We only found six bodies.


There should be seven.

We take a pic when they arrive to document the abuse.

And she arrived... Today.

A prost*tute.

Said her pimp had beaten her.

We usually don't take them in, but she said if she went back out on the street, he'd k*ll her.

You were right to help her, then.

I got two more women coming in tomorrow.

I can't send them back to their abusers.

Where am I supposed to take them?

Maybe the city has room for them.

If the city had room, I wouldn't have had to start my own shelter.

Hold on.

Yeah, that's her.

Hey, Walt, this is our missing woman.

Get her face and name out to everyone.

WALT: You got it.

Oh, it's password-protected.

I... I know, that's why I called you.

You're the computer guy, right?

Yeah, Police information Systems. PIS.


We don't call it that.

I don't have any suspects until I get the real names of those women.

Can you get 'em out?

I'm not cleared to work on non-departmental computers.

It's an emergency.


Oh. Ahem.



Yassirah Al-Thant just filed another complaint against you.


She claims you made a threatening phone call to her.

I didn't thr*aten her.

So you did call her, then?


I just told her I knew what she was doing and I told her to stop.

Just please tell me you did not call her from your house.

There will be a record of it, then.

What were you thinking?

That bitch destroyed my car.

She called here, saying that my mom died.

We can't prove any of that.

Oh, please.

Jesus, she is trying to ruin my life.

We just ducked a major lawsuit, and you've just given her a valid claim for abuse and harassment.

You're gonna make a formal apology.

How's it coming?


It's complicated.

What's going on?

Our piss guy's incontinent.

Mind if I take a look?


Emma ID'd our missing woman.

Dorea Pinchuk. Five priors for solicitation.

DUTCH: She's either a witness or a victim.

Or an accomplice.

Emma says her pimp was beating her.

That's our guy. I'll find out who he is.

VIC: No, no, no. I'll find him.

If this guy is behind the shelter slaughter, he won't go down easy. DUTCH: Thanks.

We'll run down other leads. Uh, how you doing with IDing the victims?

Your boy know what he's doing?

Better than this piss-poor pud.

Her name is Dorea Pinchuk.

She's a pro.

We think she was kidnapped from the shelter this morning.

Might still be alive.

I don't recognize her.

Who decorated her face?

Her pimp. I want him. You find out who he is.

Ask around.

See if anyone's spotted her.


Vic, um... this is, uh... kind of a big thing, isn't it?

High profile. A lot of press.

A lot of work.

VIC: Help me find her.

I'll make sure that it counts as two of your Cl tips.


I was thinking, uh... more like a bonus.


I'm, uh... trying to get a decent place to live.

Maybe show I can take care of Brian.

Find the pimp.

I'll see about your bonus.

Oh, she didn't firewall her back door.

Most people don't.

RONNIE: I can route around her password by changing the operations post back to default.

I... I tried that.


What do you want to know?


I need the real names of those women and kids.

ACEVEDA: Along with a formal apology from this department, Officer Sofer would like to address your client personally.

DANNY: Mrs. Al-Thant, I... apologize for... the phone call in which I accused you of harassment.

I had no proof to support such a claim, and I am very sorry if it caused you any undue stress.

That's all good and well, but we are still filing a temporary restraining order against Officer Sofer.

On what grounds? For what?

Mrs. Al-Thant fears for her safety.

You didn't sh**t and k*ll my husband?

MAN: You'll be receiving our paperwork by the end of the day.


MAN: Oh! Man, what...? Stay put!

What's this about? SHANE: It's about her!

Know where she is? Dorea? I... I wish I knew.

VIC: Get up.

You think I'm screwing around, man?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, man!

I haven't seen that bitch in a week, okay?

Who did that to her face? Her pimp.

Oh, yeah, that's right. That's you.

Man, I never put my hand on any of my employees.

That's some old school bullshit.

They can't go down if their lips are busted up.

VIC: You call me if you hear from Dorea, and I don't haul the rest of your stable in.

They can't go down if they're locked up.

No, they can't.

Her pimp's a dead end. You guys got anything?

According to shelter records, three of our victims checked in with a total of five children.

Hold on. We only found four.

DUTCH: I know. We're a kid short.

A 7-year-old boy. The missing h**ker's son?

No. His dad's the one guy we haven't been able to locate.

His mom's one of our bodies.

Looks like we got a suspect.

If it is him, he left his 2-year-old daughter behind, though.

A 2-year-old's harder to travel with.

Maybe he just doesn't like women.

I'll call back.

Who's our father of the year and why would he take a hooker with him?

Name's Mike Holden. He's a firefighter.

He's got a thing for hookers. Three priors for solicitation.

Any connection to Dorea?

She lied. Her pimp never beat her.

He hasn't seen her in a week.

How much you want to bet we find her sliding down our fireman's pole?

MAN: Whoa! Yeah!


All right, okay. Settle down.

Brass finally get wise?

The new chief wants every captain in blues and on the street once a month.

A sort of keeping-it-real thing.

Yeah, keeping it real funny.

I'd let you try out for the Strike Team, but, you know, very competitive.



Let's roll.

WOMAN: It was black and it was yellow, brand-new, with a black seat.

A Street Jammer.

Yeah, one of those new sleek things with the 18 speeds.

With 18 speeds.

Got it.

Uh, where was it stolen from?

WOMAN: Our yard.

Was it locked?

WOMAN: Yes, but I told him not to leave it out.

Three hundred dollars, and I just bought it two days ago.

We'll try to get it back.


Emma, hi.

These are the two women I mentioned.


I couldn't believe your message.

You really have a place I can use temporarily?

The city has a few apartments, houses they use to stash witnesses during trials.

I fudged the paperwork.

Got it signed out for a few days.

This isn't gonna get you into trouble, is it?

It's as white as a lie gets.

I just hope it helps.

Oh, you don't know how much.

Here's the address, the keys.

Call me if you need anything.

Thank you. Sure.

Emma... you're doing a good thing for these women.

Well... someone did it for me once.

Did you get my wedding invitation?

Yeah. Moving pretty fast.

Yeah. Heh. Vanessa and I are excited.

How long you been married?

Eight years this June.

Anything I should know going in?


Don't have any.

Tell her everything, because the one thing you think she can't possibly know about, that's the one thing that'll come back to haunt you.

Good to know.

Hey, that stolen bike.

Black and yellow Street Jammer, right?



Is that your bike?


It's kind of small for you, isn't it?

It rides, don't it?

We got a report of a stolen bike.

Brand-new, looks just like this one.

I didn't steal it.

You may be young, but I will arrest you. Give me the bike.

But I... You want me to take you in?

Book you?


Run home.

Go on.


Don't let me catch you out here again.

Two hours on the street, already cracked a case.

Oh, you know.

Once you got it, you never lose it.

Have pimp daddy get these to his girls.

Five grand.

That's like a hundred hand-job reward...

That guy was the pimp you were looking for, right?

That was good, right?

Yeah, that was good.

I'm working on that bonus for you.

Meantime, I got something else.

We think this is our sh**t.

Judging from his rap sheet, he's a regular john.

Hand him out to the girls. See if anybody knows him.

Five thousand dollars? That's how much my bonus is?

No, that goes to whoever gives us direct information that leads to the arrest of the guy or the safe return of the kid.

Just get 'em out on the street.

Yeah, okay.

You want to tell me why I'm here?

CLAUDETTE: You know Mike Holden?

Yeah. He's a friend.

DUTCH: No, you're more than just friends.

Best men at each other's weddings?


Bailed him out of trouble a few times?

Arrests for soliciting prostitutes, a drunk and disorderly.

Each time the charges dropped on a technicality.

Officers make mistakes.

And sometimes cops help out their friends.

Is there anything wrong with that?

Maybe not at Western Division, but here it's a different story.

That's not what I hear.

Six women were m*rder*d last night at a place where their husbands shouldn't have been able to find them.

That's... That's Mike's wife Julie.

What, uh... What happened?

DUTCH: Don't tell us you didn't hear.

Someone broke into a women's shelter and k*lled them.

We think Mike did it.

No way.

Five children staying at the shelter.

Only Mike's son was taken.

Mike... wouldn't do that.

Mike loved Julie. He wouldn't k*ll her.

He's violent enough to beat her regularly, isn't he?

She... She knew how to push his buttons, but it was never as black-and-white as she made it out to be.

Why am I here?

I think you got the address of the shelter.

It's secret to the public, but a cop could get it.

You told him where she was, then he sent his hooker girlfriend over there to make sure, and then he k*lled those women and disappeared with the hooker and his kid.

Any idea where your best man is now, Lou?

If I knew, that would make me an accomplice after the fact.

DUTCH: No, we just want to find Mike.

I need like 20 minutes to think about some things.

We don't have 20 minutes.

Then I can't say anything.

LEM: Yo, Tecks got a hit.

I talked to one of my girls.

It seems your fireman had a thing for Dorea.

He started seeing her regularly and then off the books.

Started playing Jack and Jill on my g*dd*mn dime.

Anyone seen him?

No, and the bitch won't return my pages.



You hear something, you call us.

WOMAN: I can't believe it.

Sometimes we're good, sometimes we're lucky, sometimes we're both.

Hey, this is not mine.

What? This is not my bike.

I scratched my initials under the seat.

See? "J.D." It's not there.

You didn't tell us that.

Well, can I keep it anyway?


I'm afraid not.


I just stole a kid's bike.

Time's up.

I hope you used it as wisely as we did.

Your bank says you withdrew $400 today.

DUTCH: While you were on duty.

You mind if we look in your wallet?

Where's the cash?

You got a call on your cell from a pay phone before you made this withdrawal.

That money was for Mike, wasn't it?

You saw him after these murders.

Look, I can't lose my job.

This isn't about your job.

Yes, it is.

It's about a child's life!

You know how many of these things end in m*rder-su1c1de?

Look, I'm not gonna sit here and tell you something to make me lose my job at 32.

I'm not even sniffing a pension yet.

CLAUDETTE: You knew Mike, Jr.

You've been to his birthday parties.

Believe me, I want this thing to end well, I do, but I got my own kid to worry about.

DUTCH: He's not gonna talk.

He knows talking helps us more than it helps him.

He's not gonna break unless we give him a reason to.

The fact that he's a cop helps us.

He may not like being unemployed, but he'll like prison even less.

Could take us all day to make a deal with him.

The kid could be dead by then.

Let's throw him a lifeline.

Give him a free pass for the information.

Just 'cause he's a cop doesn't mean he gets a free pass, not from me.

Dutch is right.

I'm not talking to you.

I'm talking about saving a kid.

Don't act like I'm not.

I vote he gets a pass.

Who says your vote counts?

VIC: I've been chasing leads all over this city.

You better believe my vote counts.

This isn't your call. It's ours.

I think he's right.

How old did you say your daughter was, Lou?

[SIGHING] Three.

I've got two little girls of my own.

LOU: Family's good.

And expensive.

No kidding.

VIC: Yeah.

[CHUCKLING] Well, see, I...

I understand what your problem is, Lou.

You got to keep your job.

Got to keep providing for them.

LOU: I'm in a real tough spot here.

Yeah, except Mike's still out there.

We think he has the kid.

We don't think he's in the best frame of mind.

Oh, for Christ sake, you think I don't realize that?

I don't know what to do here. I mean, I'm...

I'm in an impossible position.

Well, I-I think there's a way we can both get what we need.



You a smoker, Lou?

You jonesing for a smoke?


How about we go to the motor pool?

You grab that smoke, make an anonymous phone call, tell me where Mike might have gone.

I don't know.

It's too risky.

You find him, you can make me an accomplice after the fact.

No way.

Come on, Lou.

You know I want to help. I just can't.

You son of a bitch.

For the record, I have no useful information.

You know he's out there. You know he's got the kid.

All you can think about is saving your own ass?!

Whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you doing?



BOY: Oh, look.

It's the po-po who stole my bike.

There, uh, seems to have been a misunderstanding.

Yeah, I told you I didn't steal it.

Yes, you did. And you didn't believe me.

Well, we had a report. The description matched.


My parents say that's racial profiling.

No, that's not what happened here.

BOY: Uh-huh, they said if I ever get profiled, be polite, respect the officer, but, um, get a badge number.

Look, here's your bike back.

Is that an eight or a three?

Look, I'm sorry about the mix-up.

It's his first day on the job. He's still learning.

What do you say we just forget about it?

I'll make sure it doesn't happen again.

And I'll owe you one.

All right, but, uh, better not happen again.


Better not happen again.

I hear Aceveda's putting a new member on your team.

Nope, he's jamming affirmative action down our throats.

He's got you looking at any women?

Yeah, we're bringing in Batgirl and Charlie's Angels.

Oh, I see, 'cause someone like me could never run with the real cops, right?


No, I mean, you know, we're...

We're gonna look at all viable candidates.

assh*le. What?!

Oh, come on.

I didn't know you were being serious.

Three years on Vice, a year on Narcotics.

Any g*ng time?

Just what I saw in Vice, a little undercover when I first got my shield.

I'm a fast learner, though.

We're a tight team.

Trust and brotherhood keep us alive.

Well, I'm looking to be part of a team.

I see that.

[SIGHING] Decorated Marine.

You see any action?

Short tour in Bosnia. Marines saved my ass.

I used to be a hell-raiser. Needed the discipline.

You know how to follow the rules.

Yes, sir, and I'm the guy who likes busting people who break them.


I see you got a wife and kid.

Yeah, my boy will be 4 next month.

Brave guy.

I know it must have been a tough decision to join my crew right now, especially with people you love at home.


Uh, what do you mean?

Didn't Aceveda tell you?

We've pissed off a serious Mexican player.

The whole team's been greenlit.



Hits out on all of us.

What did you say to Villanueva?

He withdrew his application.

That's too bad. He had promise.

You scared him off.

Better in here than out on the street.

Look, the field is only gonna get thinner.

The choices don't get much better than Robbie.

Maybe the next guy will feel right.

Don't think these stall tactics are gonna work.

We're gonna hire a minority, and we're gonna do it soon.

Yes, officer.


Carla here says that fireman picked her up with another girl a couple times lately.


A threesome?

To babysit.

She'd watch his kid while he banged the other one.

Sometimes the other way around.


Why isn't she telling me this?

She, uh...

She just don't trust cops.

Or maybe you just forgot to tell her about the reward.


He come around lately?

Couple weeks ago.

Okay, well, he's got the kid back.

You tell her to call me if he comes around looking to play nasty nanny.

Don't worry. I'll call.

Connie... thanks for your help.

CLAUDETTE: We know if our h**ker's got a car?

MAN: None that's registered.

That means he's driving his own, or he stole one.

Get me a list of every car stolen within a five-mile radius of the shelter last night.

Yes, ma'am.

Maybe you, uh, should go in.

Try your way.

If Lou knows we've got nothing on him, what am I gonna use for leverage?

Yeah, I don't know.

Well, I'll try, but it's a waste of time now.

SHANE: Checked the arrest reports.

You've been on the streets seven hours, not one collar.

We're working a robbery.

LEM: How's that going?

It's progressing.

From the donut shop to the sports bar to the strip club...

Absolutely not.

Cute. Captain does not like excuses.

SHANE & LEM: He just likes results.


Uh, you want to get the paperwork on this bicycle thing, or should I?

I'll do it tomorrow. Mm-mm.

We need to complete our reports the same day.

I'll let myself slide.



The guys are here putting in the alarm.

Oh, good. Yeah, Vic, this isn't some simple little keypad by the door.

They're wiring the windows, putting in timed lights outside, setting up motion detectors.

There something I need to know?

Know that you have nothing to worry about.

It just seems... a bit much.

Seems a little complicated at first, but you'll get used to it.





Followed Corrine all day.

No problems. Same with the kids.


They're beautiful children.

Yeah, thanks.

Listen, this protection.

I can cut you a deal, but it's still gonna cost a bundle.

I know. Look, I-I...

Hell, I'd welcome the windfall, but paying to watch your kids at recess?

Let me just stick a couple of guys on the house at night, that plus the alarm.

I don't want to take any chances right now.

You stay on them.

Sure. Okay, Vic.

Uh, good news is you're right.

She's not seeing anyone, at least not yet.

You're a lucky man.

I'd leave the house to get milk, my ex would be balling some other guy before I got to the 7-Eleven.


I got to take this.

Yeah, sure. I'll talk to you later.

Yeah? CONNIE: Hey, it's me.

Hey, Connie. Where are you?

I'm in an apartment. I'm with the kid.

What are you doing?

I was with Carla when that Dorea chick came looking for a babysitter.

Figured it was for him.

Where are you?

1530 Los Prisa, number 24, right next to the 101 on-ramp.

This will get me the 5 grand, right, Vic?

Get the kid and get out of there right now.

I can't. I'm in the bedroom.

I gotta go past them to get to the door.

Is there a window or a fire escape?

Who are you talking to?


Setting up my next date.

Well, you're still mine for another 20 minutes.

Come join us.

Shouldn't someone stay with him?

No, he sleeps through anything.


Okay, let's set up a containment.

Ronnie, you take the rear.

Lem, you take starboard.

You take port.

SHANE: Where you going?

Through the front door as soon as the department sn*pers get here.


Oh, shit.

Ah, we're supposed to be non-code.

Nobody told the ambulances, g*dd*mn it.

[SOFTLY] Oh, no.

You called the cops.

No, I swear!

Don't you do it, Mike!

Put the g*n down, Mike!

Call them off!

Not until you take that g*n away from her!

Otherwise, you might as well be putting a b*llet into your own head!

I want 'em gone.


Back off!

Everybody back off!

Mike, I'm coming in to talk.

I don't need to talk.

Two hostages are better than one.

g*n stays outside!

Throw down piece two.

Come on, you think I don't know cops?


Dorea, get the door.

Come on.

MIKE: Come on, come on. Shut the door.

Lock it. Lock it!

Shut the blinds.

g*dd*mn sn*pers, right? Shut the blinds!

[MUTTERING] g*dd*mn it. Shit.

You okay?


You need a plan.

I'm the man that can make it happen.

Cut the Negotiator 101 crap.

Do what I tell you, or I'll k*ll you both.

Fine. Take me.

Let the girl and the kid go.

I already have what I want.

VIC: Hey, whoa. Call your buddies.

Tell 'em you're in here if they're using gas or knocking down the door.

It's not gonna matter that I'm in here. It will.

They're not gonna do the risky stuff with one of their own.

Do it. Okay.

Do it! Okay.



Tell me what's going on. Mackey's inside.

VIC: So... why don't you let him go?

Your kid.

He's been through enough.

I didn't go through this to lose him again. He's mine.

He's your son, he's not your property.

You don't know a g*dd*mn thing about it.

Like hell I don't. I got a boy. Heh.

Had a boy.

My wife has him now.

She left me.

Made me leave.

Then she took my son and my... My little girls.

They always take everything.

Everything except advice.

That's why I like whores.

You know what you're buying.

We never had a problem, did we, baby? No, baby.

VIC: It's not even like I feel alone.

I just feel abandoned.

Pissed off?

Yeah. Hell, yeah, pissed off.

I tried with Julie.

I didn't want...

I didn't...

It's all right.

L-I've had the same thoughts go through my mind that you've had.

You're not the only guy w-who's been used.

Most of all, I... I just miss my kids.


I can feel myself becoming a stranger to 'em, you know?

You're so full of shit.

No. You're gonna sit there and pretend to understand me?

What I'm going through?

I'm telling you the truth.

Think I'm gonna believe a bullshit story?

Calm down. What, it's gonna make me associate with you?

I'm gonna give you this g*n?

Calm down.

You think I'm some kind of idiot t-that you don't have to take seriously?

This is how serious I am.



MIKE: Don't move!

MIKE: Don't move! Don't move! Don't move!

MAN [OVER RADIO]: Suspect is wearing a gray T-shirt.


She's dying.

You're gonna be dead too, if you move.

You didn't need to do that. Shut up.

Jesus, what the hell is the matter with you?

Shut up!

You stupid piece of shit!

BOY: Dad, what's wrong?

Mikey, it's all right.

Stay in there, okay? Shut up now. Dad?

Shut up. I can't think when you're talking.

BOY: Dad? It's okay. It's okay.

Go in... Go inside.


Oh, Christ.


Oh, Vic, I'm s...

Officer Sofer?


Detectives Branning and Simpkins, IAD.


We need to search your vehicle.


We got an anonymous call.

Someone claims you're dealing marijuana out of your car.


Okay, look.

I was involved in an on-duty sh**ting last month, and that guy's wife has it out for me.

This is another bullshit prank of hers.

Either way, new regulations say we have to investigate every complaint, no matter how bogus.

Where's your car?


Got something.

Wait a minute. That's not mine.

I told you, this Arab woman, she wants my job.

She's the one that vandalized my car.

She must have put the pot in it at the same time.

We'll look into that, but we're also gonna have some questions.

What sort of questions?

Just dust the bag for fingerprints.

You're not gonna find mine on it.

Let's talk inside.


What do you think I am? Some big time drug dealer?

I just happen to keep my pot, all four ounces of it, in the back of an unlocked car in the middle of a police station?

It's a setup.

Mike's been shot.

He's dead.

Oh, Jesus.

DUTCH: He also managed to take another woman's life before he died.

Eight people dead, but you saved your job.

Listen, I never wanted any of this to happen.

CLAUDETTE: Good for you.

Now, get the hell out of my sight.


Okay, your system's running fine.

Well, it should. They told me it cost $2000.

I got a deal from a guy I know.

Sort of a barter thing.

What's wrong?


Did something happen?

It's just work.

Just make sure you turn it on when I leave.

I will.

Are you... You sure you're all right?


I'll see you and the kids tomorrow for dinner, huh?



Here you go.

They found it, Mama.


Put this on, little man. State law.


Go, go, go!

Thank you.

We're here to serve.

[CHUCKLING] Wow, $300 for a bike.

Lucky this uniform thing is only once a month.

Any more crying kids, I'd be broke.

Thought I'd stop by and check out the new digs.


What's this?


Thank you.

The things we do to each other.

Maybe someday I'll understand.

I doubt it.

Thanks for the food.


