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02x03 - Partners

Posted: 01/08/22 14:48
by bunniefuu

I did nothing wrong!

Drop the g*n, now!



I need it now to get back my kids!

What are you talking about?

They're gone, Shane!

Corrine took 'em and disappeared.

I have some cash and my records in the safe.

What, like payments to me?

My name is in that g*dd*mn ledger?

It's in code, man. I call you Landlord.

He was making monthly payments to a landlord when he owns the building.

Maybe this is the guy Armadillo is trying to squeeze.

Armadillo, pack up your shit and get on the next donkey back to home.

I'm going to be staying for a while.

You're gonna watch my back?

How do I know I can trust you?

[LAUGHS] Well, how do I know I can trust you?

Then I guess we have a deal.

What happened today was bullshit!

I'm gonna find the truth, and if I have to go through both of you, I'll get it.

MAN: Mackey!



Time for you to leave.



I don't have to leave.




SHANE: Vic! Come on, dude!

Tell me you're leaving.

ARMADILLO: That which doesn't k*ll me...



Vic, come on!

Come on, come on! Get off.

Let go of me!

♪ In your life ♪

♪ You seem to have it all ♪

♪ You seem to have control ♪

♪ But deep within your soul ♪

♪ You're losing it ♪

♪ You never took the time ♪

♪ Assume that you're to blame ♪

♪ You think that You're insane ♪

♪ Won't you spare me? ♪

♪ I know the breakdown ♪

♪ Everything is gonna shake now Some day ♪

♪ I know the breakdown ♪ Vic!

♪ Am I awake now? ♪

♪ Maybe you can find The reason ♪

♪ That no one else ls living this way ♪

♪ Living this way ♪

♪ Yeah ♪


♪ In your life ♪

♪ You seem to have it all ♪

♪ You seem to have control ♪

♪ But deep within your soul ♪

♪ You're losing it ♪

♪ You never took the time ♪

♪ Assume that you're to blame ♪

♪ You think that You're insane ♪

♪ Won't you spare me? ♪

♪ I know the breakdown ♪

♪ Everything is gonna shake now Some day ♪

♪ I know the breakdown ♪

♪ Tell me again Am I awake now? ♪

♪ Maybe you can find The reason ♪

♪ That no one else ls living this way ♪ Hi.

♪ Living this way ♪ David Aceveda. Vote for me. Appreciate it.

♪ You can find the reason ♪

♪ That no one else ls living this way ♪ Hi. David Aceveda. Vote for me.

♪ Living this way ♪

♪ You can find the reason ♪

♪ That no one else ls living this way ♪

♪ You can find the reason ♪

♪ That no one else ls living this way ♪

That's an arm.


♪ Day ♪

Went to Armadillo's place to talk to him about Tio's m*rder.

What'd he say?

He wasn't there.

Signs of a struggle, though.

Blood stains, seared flesh on the stove.

Pretty ugly stuff.

That sounds like Armadillo's m.o.

Checked Tio's phone records.

You were the last call he made last night on his cell before he died. Ah!

He sounded kind of agitated.

We got cut off. Too bad.

What are you asking me?

Look, I don't like these questions any more than you do.

I was with my guys all last night while Tio was being k*lled.

Feel free to ask 'em.

Okay, then.

A single blow. A heavy blade.

An ax, maybe a machete.

How long ago?

Based on core temp, I'd say recently.

Three to four hours.

So she's only been dead since around 6:00.

Didn't say she was dead.

Skin lividity and clotting indicate she was alive when this happened.

Sadomasochistic t*rture ritual.


If someone were trying to keep her alive, how long could she survive?

With a tourniquet and basic medical knowledge, indefinitely.

Until he tired of his domination control Dr. Mengele experiments, and decided to squeeze the last breath out of her so he could watch.

See, this is why you and me can't date.

Run these prints. Get me an I.D.


I spoke to Shane.


He said you weren't with him for about an hour last night.

Yeah. That's right.

I was with a private eye named, uh, Gordie Liman.

What's he got to do with Tio and Armadillo?


It's a private matter, and I'd rather it stay that way.

I'm happy to help you if you're helping me.

Are you? I have been... but I'm just about through.

I guess I'll have to figure this out on my own.

What the hell was that all about?


Why didn't you just leave it here and call 911?

This dog was sniffing around it.


It's a bone.

The arm probably fell out of the Dumpster when the truck picked it up.

Call City Services.

Remand the truck, have some uni search it.

The rest of her might still be in that truck, alive, even.

Lowe, did we I.D. the fingerprints yet?

There's a backlog. Backlog?

I can't find her if I can't I.D. her. Give me that.

Ah, have your guys do door knocks, talk to every neighbor.

Tell everyone if they find anything, give me a call.

This is Detective Wagenbach.

I told you I needed a rush on those prints.

We don't know she's dead.

She could still be alive, and if she is, I'd hate to see your "backlog" cost her her life.

You told Claudette I was gone for an hour?

You were gone for an hour.

Jesus. She's all over my ass about this Tio connection.

She said she talked to you. I figured the truth was safe.

Now it looks like I'm lying.

Well, you are lying to her.

What, are you trying to be a wiseass?

No, I'm... I'm just...

Well, just shut the hell up.


Where we headed?

I got things to do.

I gave you guys to Aceveda for the day.


Apparently, a group of male hustlers is hanging out on the same block as Aceveda's campaign headquarters.

He's setting up a sting operation.

I volunteered you guys.

You can't be serious.

Well, your shirt's gay enough for the job.

What do you mean, you gave us to Aceveda?



I've got your assignments.

Briefing room, five minutes.



Is everything okay with Kayla?

When was the last time you saw your roommate?

Last night around 6.

She didn't come home all night?

I don't know. I slept at my boyfriend's.

Any idea where she might have gone?

There's two million single men in L.A.

Take your pick.

We found her car in the garage, but not her purse or keys. Is there someone close?

Somewhere she might have walked to?

Wait a minute.

Is Kayla dead?

We have every reason to believe that she's still alive.

'Cause I don't wanna be a bitch, but our rent's due next week.


I got great news. What?

Just be glad you hired me, and not the brain-dead idiot your wife did.

Jerk off privately. What do you got?

Corrine's P.I.?

Been making non-secure calls from a cell phone.

I caught one.

Found where she's at.

Beauty. You got the address?

Yeah, sure.

Corrine. Oh, jeez.

Don't run away.

Just hear me out for two seconds.

Look, this running has to stop.

How much time could you possibly need?

This isn't about me, Vic.

It's about our kids, about them being safe.

Do you honestly think I'd put my children in danger?

Not intentionally, but the things going on in your life...

Something told me to run.

School's back in session.

Matthew needs to be at Glenridge.

He needs his routine.

Cassidy needs to see her friends.

This isn't gonna change things between us.

Look, don't punish them because of me.

I'll move out if I have to, if that's what it takes, but I need to know that they're at home, where they can be safe.

I don't... I don't know, okay?

I'll... I'll think about it.

Hey, how'd your meeting with IAD go last night?



You just ran outta here so quick.

They... They told me not to discuss it with anyone... but it went fine.

DUTCH: Anything yet?


Hi, I'm Detective Wagenbach.

Oh, I... Just a sec.

[MUFFLED] Bob, the police are here.

MAN [MUFFLED]: Police? Open...


We saw y'all coming in. What's going on?

I'm investigating your neighbor's disappearance.

You hear or see anything suspicious last night?

Which neighbor?

Kayla LaSeur.

Oh, man, we heard her arguing last night out on the balcony.

Yeah, around midnight.

I saw her through the window with a guy.

You recognize him?

Hm? Yeah, Marcy had me come take a look.

I've seen him around a few times.

Come down, give a description?


Sure. Let me just grab my jacket.


♪ The losers and the winners ♪

♪ In the end... ♪ Over there? All right. Let's take...

Hey, how's my favorite hillbilly?

Joe, what in the hell are you doing here?

I'm here to meet the big guy for lunch.

Hey, you still cracking skulls, man?

Yeah, man. How's retirement?

Shaving a few strokes off my golf game, you know?

You look good.

You, I don't know.

Ronnie Gardocki.

Yeah. Joe Clark.

I taught your boss everything he knows.

Yeah, but you didn't teach me everything you know, right?

That's right. I'm saving some.

Hey, we're gonna grab a bite. You guys wanna go?

They're busy.

And I missed tee time at Riviera for this.

You'd better be buying. Riviera?

Since when do they let hacks like you play at Riviera?

Judge Barker's kid, I did a favor for him once.

You guys still here?

Come on.


Hey, who is that with Vic?

Joe Clark. His old partner.

RONNIE: They kicked him off the force.

Why is that?

Some punk took a swing at his last partner.

Joe knocked out like half of his teeth in front of a crowd.

Total railroad job.

Don't worry.

It's nothing like what you're going through.


So it's been a year since you called me up.

You dragged my ass down here. What's going on?

I can't buy you lunch?

Vic, come on.

It's, uh... been a pretty rough ride lately.


Enough I'm thinking about getting off the train.

You wanna give up your badge?

I'm looking for a sign.

You seen any around?

You don't wanna give it up.

Well, retirement's been pretty good to you.

Pssh. Forced retirement.

Believe me, I still miss it.

We could hit the links every day.


What's bothering you, man?


When, uh...

When we were riding...

Did you ever feel like you went too far?

Yeah. A couple times, maybe.




Hell, you can't always land just right.

Going too far will get you fired.

Not going far enough will get you k*lled.

I never lost any sleep over it, though.

Anyway... we always did more good than bad, right?


That's the key.

Yeah. Yeah.

That's him, all right.

DUTCH: Good.

Anything else we can do?

She was such a nice girl.

She still is.

Roommate I.D.'d the photo as a Jordan Arnold.

Run the DMV, get me an address, now.

We're running out of time.

Snitch's Tavern. Your first arrest.


That guy had to be 6'6", easy.

Ah, still, that bust was when I knew.


Maybe you wouldn't be a complete screwup after all.


Take a right. I wanna show you something.

No, I can't. I gotta to get back to the Barn.

I've got some stuff I've gotta check on.


This your training officer, all right?

Take the afternoon off. Humor an old man.

Take a right. Come on.

All right.




I've got a problem on this Tio m*rder.

What's that?

The more I look into it, the more Vic Mackey's name pops up.

Well, uh...

Tio was Vic's C.I.

He was also a drug dealer.

Vic's name is all over his phone records, but Vic told me he hadn't talked to him in months.

He lied.

Well, what do you wanna do about it?


I went through Tio's place.

I found his business ledger, detailing payments made to a landlord.

I wanna check them against Vic's cash deposits in his bank accounts.

I need your authorization.

Claudette, Vic's one of us.


I got a dead drug dealer, I got a suspect who's probably skipped town, and the only person who can shed some light on it is an uncooperative cop with a bad rep.

You want me to let this case just slip away some?


LAD on Danny's sh**ting.

Draw up the authorization form.

I'll take a look. [WHISPERS] Thank you.

Everything looking good for my officer?

Getting all the cooperation that you need?


'Cause if anybody's giving you any... interference?

I can help.

Ah. Thanks.

Claudette, a witness brought in a freshly amputated arm.

I'm thinking sadomasochist, probably keeping her alive.

I've got a suspect named Jordan Arnold.

Let me help you with that.

Thanks, I could use a sounding board.


You know who lives there?

The cocksucker who cost me my job.


Fleetwood. Yeah.

City paid off the lawsuit.

One point two mil.

He moved back just a couple of months ago.

Well, son of a bitch. Hey.

How'd you like to help me do some good, serve up a little common justice, huh?

Joe... Hey, 20 bucks says we bust him on a felony before nightfall.

These assholes could win a lottery and still not keep their noses clean.

See that little prick?

He got one over on me, man.

You know that ain't right.

Yes, I know it's not right.

Then here we go.

FLEETWOOD: Lookie here.

The bitch that made me rich.

Yeah, you thought it would be fun to beat on me like a punk n*gg*r now, huh?

Who's the n*gg*r now?

Hey! Step back!

Yeah. Here.

Go get some new gear, on me.

Why don't you go back to your party, burn off whatever brain cells you got left?

Come on, bitch! Hit me!

I could use another couple million.

Put the camera down.

Come on, show's just starting.


Hey, let go of him! Let go!

Back off.

That's all right. I'll just buy me a new one.

[GRUNTS] Hey, what's this?

It's a Palm.

Keep it. Got 10 more on order.

Why don't you crawl on back to your crib?


Hey, you need a beer, the keg's always on tap.

Yeah. This ain't right.


What's the verdict?

Well, other than a few hiccups, it's looking good.

What hiccups?

According to Julien's statement, he didn't see the sh**ting.

What do you mean? He was right there.

He says he was in the woman's apartment, but...

I wouldn't worry about it, though.

It's gonna be a good sh**t.



Jordan's alibi checked out.

I ran a records check on everyone in Kayla's building.

Any hits? Two.

A woman passing bad checks, and a Bob Lindoff.

Bob Lindoff?!

I just had him down here. Nine years ago, an attempted kidnapping charge, later dropped.


BOB: She's coming to again. Get in the car.




Hi. I, uh... I tried to call, but there was no answer.

Oh, we, uh... We went out to grab a bite to eat. What's up?

I've got a suspect down at the station I was hoping you could I.D.

Y-you mind coming back?



Is it really necessary?

DUTCH: Yeah. Do you mind?

No, not at all.

Great. Follow me.


Fleetwood's been checking in with his parole officer, doing community service and scrubbing graffiti.

Son of a bitch is totally clean.


I ran some of the names here in his Palm Pilot.

He had four two-strikers in his address book.


You need a new C.I.?

Doesn't everyone?

I'm gonna hit the head, and then we can go do some arm-twisting, huh?

Vic, we need to talk.

What's up?

[QUIETLY] Claudette's got Tio's ledger.

He was supposed to burn that.

Well, apparently, Armadillo burned him first.

Claudette wants to run your financials against Tio's records. Fine. Let her.

You sure? Trust me.

She's not gonna find anything.

What's Joe Clark doing here?

You know Joe?

I remember his picture in the papers.

He can't be here.

Hey, he's a friend of mine.

And he's also an embarrassment to this department.

So unless he's here to report a crime, I can't allow him in this building.

I don't know. It makes you think.

From everything Vic says, the guy was a real crackerjack cop.

If somebody like him can get booted, man, none of us are safe.

Come on, the guy's old.

Probably lost his edge. Nothing's going to happen to us.

Now, how are you so sure? Because we're careful.

Because Joe got sloppy and stupid.

Stupid, huh?

Vic, I... What's stupid is, Joe's twice the cop you'll ever be.

You're too sloppy to even know it.

Here we go again. I guess so.

You know, I'm getting tired of this bullshit.

I'm tired of constantly having to clean up after your bullshit.

Every time something goes to shit in your life, I become your whipping boy. Why don't you find someone else?

Maybe I'll do that.

Hey, you want my transfer request?

Say the word, Vic!

It'll be on Aceveda's desk first thing in the morning.

Fine. Write it out. Fine!


What did you call me?

JOE: Hey, hey.

Everything all right?

Just a little spring cleaning.

Let's ride.


I thought this was about IDing somebody.

Actually, we're more interested in the kidnapping charge that was filed against you in 1993.


That was a misunderstanding.

You were 35 at the time, right? Correct.

And your girlfriend was in high school?

She was 18.

And you took her away on vacation for two weeks, and you never told her parents.

I know. In...

In hindsight, it was just a bad judgment call.

But Amanda was an adult.

You're 17 years older than Marcy too.

You, uh, like 'em young, Bob? Heh.


They just feel right.

Did Kayla feel right?

I wouldn't know.

SHANE: I know how you feel.

DANNY: Excuse me?

What'd your partner do?

He's not backing me up on the sh**ting.

Yeah, that guy cost me a promotion.

He's not backing you up?

After all I've covered for him.

You covered for him? What did he do?


Hey, it's cool.

You... You can tell me.

No, it doesn't matter.

I gotta get back.


Seeing the way you stiffed your partner, I figure you're just one big hard-on today.

Excuse me?

Do you know what an officer-involved sh**ting means?

It means that we're all involved.

Look, I told the truth.

Hey, when it comes to your partner's career...

...the truth is like grits.

You don't serve it up plain. Put a little salt on it.

You g*dd*mn rookies.

MAN: Twenty dollars apiece.

I'll let 'em both go for $35.

That's like chiffon, you know?

And this'll look good with your eyes.

This is silk right here, you know?

I mean, this'll look real... Shop's closed, ladies.

Although you have gotta have that one.

Thank you. She's keeping that one.

Wait. Look, look... Whoa!

I got receipts for all this, man.

Oh, yeah? That's funny.

I got a police report for it from Dress for Less.

Dealing stolen merchandise, Taylor.

That's your third strike before you're 25 years old.

That makes you the g*dd*mn rookie of the year.

Okay, whoa, whoa, whoa.

I got a little baby at home, all right?

She need milk and books, man.

The only thing you got at home is a wide-screen TV you haven't paid for yet.


Oh, shit! Ow!

Here's your statement. Sign it.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. What the hell is this, man?

This is all filled out. You don't wanna sign?

I'll throw you in County right now on that third strike.


And if I sign this bullshit confession?

You play ball with us, we'll let you play extra innings.

We know you've been selling stolen goods to Fleetwood Walker.

Give us a hand, we'll lose this statement.

We'll forget we ever saw you.


Oh, my God.

Why would someone do this to her?

DUTCH: Most likely trying to fulfill a twisted sadomasochistic fantasy.

Why would someone fantasize about cutting a woman's arm off?

Some people derive sexual pleasure through inflicting physical, emotional abuse.

It's horrible.

Yes, it is.

How old were you when you met Bob?

Was he your first boyfriend?

How did you know?

He made you feel powerful, right?

CLAUDETTE: Did he tell you about the attempted kidnapping charges filed against him?



Bob went to medical school for two years.



So if a woman had her arm cut off, he'd know how to keep her alive.


God, no.

No, I swear to you.

Bob didn't do anything like that.

What did we get back on the river basins and the state-parks check?

Nothing. We're waiting for regional and county.

Call 'em back. Don't wait on 'em. Yeah.

Bob's cold, manipulative.

Always been with women he could control.

Marcy accepts this. She knows no better.

She's been force-fed his opinions to the point she's incapable of having her own.

Sounds like a surface diagnosis to me.

Heh. Believe me, if you'd grown up in my family for 20 years, you'd recognize it right away too.

I'm going to, uh... go in on my own on this.

Marcy only knows how to take orders from men like Bob.

L-I-I can handle this.

Bob is innocent.

I understand.

You're afraid of him.

MARCY: I'm not afraid of him.

DUTCH: It's okay.

I can protect you, but only if you tell me what he's doing.

He's not doing anything.

Don't lie to me, Marcy.

I'm not lying!

Yes, you are!

Bob tells you how to think, how to feel, how to act.

Without him, you're worthless, nothing.

It's not like that.

And you won't leave him, because you're afraid no one else will ever love you.

That you'll learn Bob was right about you all along.

No! Oh, dammit, Marcy!

Don't lie to me. Why are you doing this?

Because there's a girl out there who may still be alive, and I won't let you k*ll her.

Now, g*dd*mn it.

Tell me, right now, where is she?

I don't know!

[SOBBING] Really, I don't!

I played the daddy. I broke her.

If she knew Bob was involved, she would've confessed, or at least given me a non-denial.

You think?

I don't know.

Maybe Bob's not a sadomasochistic thrill-k*ller.

Maybe he's just an assh*le.

CLAUDETTE: The problem is, he's the only assh*le we've got.

Well, what do you got for me?

What you got for me?

Aw, come on.

Embrace the relationship.

Fleetwood is fencing again.

Ah. He's so g*dd*mn predictable.

What's he moving?

Just, you know, warehouse electronics, man:

CDs, TVs, DVDs, same stuff as before.

Where's he keeping the stash?

Are you gonna hold this third strike over me for the rest of my life?

I could lie to you, but I have far too much respect for you as a person.

Yes, I am.

Here's your authorization to check Mackey's financial records.


Hope we don't find anything.

I just hope you find the truth.



Hey, Joe. It's Vic.

Can you believe I walked out on them?

When they left, I thought it'd be easier.

I thought they'd... miss me more than I miss them.

Guess I'm a shithead, huh?

Is Stacy still on the swim team?

Yeah, I think so.


Yeah, she, uh... Damn!

I didn't want you to see me like this.

Broke, with nothing.

What about your pension?

Damn lawyers for the civil suit ate it up.

What about the stuff you took on the side?

I guess I didn't take enough!

Always so careful, never wanted to get caught.

Joe, you can't live like this. Oh, sure I can.

Hell, the truth is, the people we save from the worst day of their lives never got to see us when we have to face ours.

Hell, and why should they?

We took the job, not them.

No, that's not right.

What you gonna do, man?

I'll tell you what we're gonna do.

Fleetwood's got a... A warehouse full of stolen merch.

I say we nail him, sell half the stash to my new C.I., and we get you some new digs.

I can't let you do that, all right?

Hey, I'm just...

I'm just trying to do some good.

You know, deliver some karmic justice.

Now, are you in, or are you out?



♪ Oh, yeah ♪

Easy. Don't suck on his tailpipe.


One second.


It's me.

Where are you?


What, our home?

Yeah, the keys still work.

Are the kids with you?

Yeah, we're all here.

Oh, thank you.

This doesn't change things.

I know.

When can I see them?

Now? Well, I... I...

I gotta finish up something first. I'll be right there.



JOE: Looks like he's making a deposit.

Yeah, you gotta love good intel.

Stay here. Watch my back.



Fully a*t*matic. You know what I get for those on the street?

Drop it!

Drop it! Drop it!

Fingers interlaced, palms on the back of your head!

Now, assh*le!


Come on...




Vic! Stay back!




You've been hit. I'm all right! Get outta here!

Fleetwood. I'm going to k*ll him.

Just get outta here. No, no. I'm not ditching you!

You're not ditching me.

I can't explain you being here to Aceveda.

Now, go!

Just call an ambulance. And call my family.

I'm gonna k*ll that son of a bitch.

No, no.




g*dd*mn it.



[CELL PHONE RINGS] Jesus Christ, I hate playing this with you. Ha, ha, ha.

Ten, 12 more.

This game's sucking...

You can stop and you can just give me the money.

Shut up.

It's Vic.

Hey, what's up, boss?

Jesus Christ. Are you...? Are you okay?


Vic got shot.

What? Vic got shot!

Oh. Can we leave?

Shouldn't be much longer.

Oh, please... don't walk out on me again.

Just please don't leave me alone.

Look, um...

I believe you.

But maybe Bob did this without you knowing.

I was with him all night.

If I thought he did this, I would tell you.

I would.

I know you would.

Who...? Who...? Who did this to you?

Fleetwood. You mean that...?

That prick that got Joe kicked off the force?

Yeah. Joe's going after him. You got to stop him.


You've gotta stop him.

MAN: Come on guys... Okay.

We will, all right? Just hang in there.

Just hang in there.

Detective Wyms, Carlson just called.

There's a homeless guy with a bloody machete saying he k*lled somebody. Where?

Just south of Bell on Vine.

That's a block from Kayla's apartment.

Where's Dutch? I don't know.

Maybe he's checking in on Vic. Have you heard anything?

Not yet.

Find Dutch. Tell him to meet me there.

I'll k*ll again! Excuse me. Excuse me.

We got the guy?

CLAUDETTE: Sir, put the knife down.

MAN: I'll k*ll again!

Drop your w*apon!

MAN: I k*lled them all!




Carlson, got beanbags?

Locked and loaded.


That's the guy? He's a nut.

I... I was told he had a bloody machete.

I called in a kitchen knife. Oh, for Christ's sakes.

I was told to call if I found anything.

End this. Come on.


WOMAN: My God! It's just a beanbag, ma'am.

Let's get back to Bob and Marcy.

I released them.

You what?

I thought we had the guy here.

Look, Bob didn't do it.

Marcy would have told me.

MAN: Feel for me, sir.

That's it. Agh!

I'm his boss. How is he? He's gonna live, but we need him in surgery.

Not until I see my kids.

Vic, don't be stupid.

They're on their way here.

They're gonna be here any second.

CORRINE: Vic. Where are they?

They're in the waiting room.

I gotta see 'em. I won't let you.

Not like this. Corrine... Agh.

I don't want them to be scared.

They won't be.




Daddy. Ah!

Ooh, ha, ha, ha.

I missed you so much.

A kiss. Mm.

Hey, Matty... give Daddy a kiss.

ACEVEDA: Hey, Vic, I really need you in here now.

Dad, don't go again.

Aw, honey, I'm sorry. I have to.

Listen, someone was hurt really bad, and I have to stay here until he feels better, but as soon as I can, I'm gonna come and see you again, okay?

I promise.

I love you.


♪ My man Ain't like no other man ♪

♪ You could say He's one of a kind ♪

♪ Gives me love Like no other man ♪

♪ Takes troubles Right off of my mind ♪

♪ He's a man Who can understand ♪


Where is he? Who?

Fleetwood. You're packing his g*dd*mn suitcase.

Now where is he?

[SCOFFS] I forget.

Where's your boyfriend at? You know, I don't even hear you.

He just shot my partner.

Hey, where is he? Where is he?

What are you gonna do, hit me?

I don't see any witnesses here. Yeah?

I'll let my bruises do the talking.

Don't make me do something that we both don't want me to do.


Go ahead. Just tell me where he is!

Please, just tell me where he is.


Go ahead and whack me, you cr*cker prick.

I'll make my own million.

Is that what you want? Mm-hm.

That what you really want? Mm.

All right, let's go. What?

Let's go, let's go, Let's go, let's go.

Come here.

LEM: Bro, open up!

Let go of me!

Leave me alone! Open up!

Leave me alone!

What's going on in there?

Shane, come on! [POUNDING ON DOOR]

SHANE: You and me, we're about to get well acquainted if you don't start remembering.

Don't touch me.

Where is he?

Leave me alone.

Open up!

Let go of me!

Shane, open up. You wanna tell me?

You wanna tell me?

Dammit, open the door!

Just let go of me.

Well, maybe... No.

...I should just let my d*ck do the talking.

How about that, huh?


g*dd*mn door!

Shane, come on!

Huh? Where is he? Where is he?


He told me to meet him at the stash house.

Where? Open up!

Come on!

Near the bridge.



You got no idea what you just missed, darling.



♪ He's my Every little thing ♪

Couldn't split town before you picked up the merchandise, huh?

You were always such an idiot, Fleetwood.

Weren't you?

You can't arrest me.

I'm not here to arrest you, assh*le.




SHANE: Drop it!

Right there on the ground! You heard him, assh*le! Now!

Turn around! Turn around!

Your girlfriend gave you up, man.

She couldn't resist my charms.

You found something?

Yeah, over here.

While I was checking the bathroom, this tile fell off.

It looks directly into Kayla's bathroom.

Oh, God. Oh, God.

We... We've gotta get an APB out on their car.



You okay?


Better than you.


Looks like I taught you my last lesson, huh?

Don't end up like me.


I shouldn't have dragged you into this.

Going after that guy was the right thing to do.

Hell, I got you shot.

I always knew there was a b*llet with my name on it, and guess what?

I'm still here.


So are you.


You really ought to get in there and see him.


Me and Vic aren't really talking right now, you know.

He'd wanna see you.




Hey, what the hell is going on?

We found the peephole, Bob.

What are you talking about? This is ridiculous.

Step away.

It's clean.

Pop it.


She's dead.

She didn't like the way I looked at Kayla, and the arm was her idea.

She was in the trunk?

The whole time?

Marcy, why didn't you tell me?


Sorry, Daddy.



♪ Monday ♪

♪ Seventeen degrees ♪

[HOARSELY] Hello, Shane.


When we retire, we're gonna play golf together everyday.

I never played golf.


I'll teach you.

I'd really like that.

♪ Isn't it the truth? ♪

♪ The whole truth ♪

♪ And nothing but the truth ♪

♪ So help me ♪

♪ The whole truth ♪

♪ And nothing but the truth ♪

♪ So help me, God ♪


♪ I'm the bad guy ♪

♪ Waiting in the wings ♪

♪ And the key light ♪

♪ All my words fall flat ♪


♪ Day ♪

♪ Day ♪

♪ Living the good life ♪

♪ Just another day ♪

♪ Just another day ♪

♪ Day ♪

♪ Day ♪