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03x11 - The Eye of Jupiter

Posted: 01/08/22 14:28
by bunniefuu
Previously on:

There's enough algae on this planet to feed the entire fleet.

But the star in the system is highly unstable.

If you can believe it, on the verge of going supernova.

We just picked up four base ships inbound at high speed.

It's just a matter of time until the Cylons find out what we're up to on this planet.

Starbuck has gone down!

I am going after my wife!

I can't let you do that, Sam.

I am not asking you for permission.

Sergeant Mathias.

What if I told you that your daughter was still alive?

I'd say you were lying.

She's on our base ship right now.

She's ill, and we don't know why.

I mean, I don't even know how I found this place.

I just got this urge to start walking, and then suddenly, here it is.

The scriptures say this temple is the final resting place of the Eye of Jupiter.

What exactly are we talking about?

It's a marker that was left behind by the 13th Tribe.

It's supposed to point the way to Earth.

We want the Eye of Jupiter.

Make any attempt to attack this ship or the people on the planet's surface, I'll launch every nuke I've got.

Major, you've got to hold off the Cylons until Chief finds the Eye of Jupiter.

If it looks like they're gonna get into the temple, your order is to blow it.

We have to go down to the planet.

I am so close to seeing the faces of the last five Cylons.

The Final Five revealed only to those who enter the temple.

Only to the Chosen One. The Chosen One.

We just picked up six heavy Raiders heading down toward the planet.

Order nuclear ground-strike missiles I'm not gonna let the Cylons get their hands on the Eye.

Are we prepared to sacrifice Lee?

Missiles are loaded, Admiral.

Release of nuclear weapons is now authorized.

Mr. Gaeta... disable, launch, and warhead safeties on tubes 4 through 10.

Safeties disabled.

Warheads are armed.


Please input your firing code.

These nukes will obliterate anything or anyone within 20 klicks of the temple.

I know.

He's gonna do it.

Recall the Raiders immediately.

We agree.

Bring them back. We agree.

After all this time, we can't afford to lose everything.

We agree. Bring them back.

If Kara dies out there...

I swear to gods, I will k*ll you myself.

If she dies out there, I'll let you.

So what are we gonna do now, follow me around with a g*n?

Because that is the only way that I am not going after Kara.

Private Sykes.


Get Lieutenant Dualla on the line.

I'm here.

Do you have eyeballs on Starbuck's position?

Negative, we have no visual on her Raptor, but I can see smoke from the crash site.

She went down behind a hill a couple klicks away.

Can you get to the Raptor?

I don't know.

It's pretty far away. There's minimal cover.

Is it doable?

I don't know.


Standing by.

Launch sequence set to Auto.

They want the key to finding earth as much as we do.

He won't just destroy it.

We spoke, and the decision's been made.

Fire on my mark.

Sir, the Raiders are turning back.

Not all of them.

Uh, correction. Five have turned back.

One is still en route back to the planet.

What are you doing?

He won't launch against just one ship.

He won't.

That's not the issue. We made a decision.

D'Anna has to turn back.

Call D'Anna and Baltar.

Turn them around now.


What do you mean, "No"?

This is something that we have to do.

He won't launch over one ship. You'll see.

You want me...

You want me to rescue Captain Thrace?

Attempt the rescue.

Yes, sir.

Foxfire One out.

We go.

Weapons are still hot, Admiral.

Safe all missiles. Close down the doors.

There. You see?

Never over just one ship.

That is not a good sign, my friends.

She defied us, defied the group.

It's not about in the Eye of Jupiter.

It's about her.

It's like we don't even know them anymore.

We may have to so something about this.

We may have to do it sooner than later.

Hera's alive.

I'm her mother, and I'm going to get her.

Sharon, baby, listen to me, okay?

We could take a Raptor.

We can fly to the base ship ourselves.

I don't... I don't care anymore.

We can't.

We'll find another way.

We will.

There is no other way.

Don't ask me to do this, Sharon.

No, no.


Listen to me.

You have always been the strong one.

You believed in us when no one else would.

I'm begging you to do this.

Find the courage to do this for both of us, okay?


I love you.

I love you too.



Wait outside.

Sharon's downloading into another body aboard a Cylon ship right now, isn't she?

She begged me.

She begged me to do it.

Gods, if you'd... seen the look in her eyes when I......

She has important information on our defenses.

Codes, procedures, the tactical situation down on the planet's surface.

The Cylons have access to all of that as well.

She won't betray us.

You know that.

It's why you gave her the uniform.

She may not have a choice.

Did you consider that?

She says she could resist, that she wouldn't let it happen.

She'll get Hera...

And she'll come back.

That's quite a leap of faith you've made, there, Captain.

And if it involved your family only, I'd say it was brave.

But you've put the entire fleet in jeopardy, are you aware of that?

If you hadn't lied... and stolen our baby in the first place... we wouldn't be here at all.

I certainly played my part in bringing us to this moment.

And there's plenty of blame to throw around, and I accept it.

And now all of our lives are in the hands of Sharon Agathon.

All we can do is hope that your wife is worthy of the unconditional trust you place in her, Captain.

And you as well, Admiral.

Can you tell me what happened?

They wouldn't let me see my daughter, so my husband shot me.

It was the only way.

Well, it's over now.

The important thing is that you're here.

How's my daughter?

She's getting worse.

I want to see her.

And then what?

What they did to me... stealing my baby... and telling me she was dead... you proved it.

Hera's safer here...

And so am I.

All right, before she went down, Starbuck spotted about 15-plus chrome jobs advancing on us from here.

To get to us, the toasters have to come through this canyon.

This is a natural choke point.

That's where we'll ambush them... guerilla style.

Our mission is to hold the temple here.

If we fail, we blow it up. we fall back to these rendezvous points.

And then we head into the mountains and we wait for rescue.

Well, it's a good a place as any to die, I suppose.

What do you think?

Well... it was a nice day for a walk.


Hey, take it easy, Fischer.



Oh, gods!

Oh, it's just crazy.

Come on, think, think.

Galen, it's Major Adama.


Chief, we're in position.

Any luck finding the Eye of Jupiter?

No, Major. I need more time.

Get on it. The Cylons are on the move.

We'll hold them off as long as we can.

Apollo out.

Okay, people, listen up. We're running out of time.

I'm going to decipher this damn thing if it kills me.

It's so close.

I know.

The answers to all your questions are down there in that temple.

What's wrong?

I'm worried, Gaius.

This is what we've been waiting for.

You are the anointed one.

Chosen by God to look on the faces of the Final Five Cylons.

It's already written.

You will succeed.

That's what I'm afraid of.

To know the face of God... is to know madness.

The Hybrid had looked into the space between life and death.

And she's seen things that we cannot conceive of.

But she's been driven mad as a result.

Have faith in God.

Put your life in his hands.

He will guide you to your destiny.

I'm grateful to you.

For everything.

Her destiny will part company from yours, Gaius.

She's not the chosen one. You are.

Yes, I know.

I know.


Okay, we're set.

And now we wait.

What happens if the Cylons don't dance to the major's tune?

What happens is we get splattered all over these rocks.

Shut up.

This is his game, not ours.

We just do what we're told, and maybe we get out of here.

You really think these civvies can stop them?

Well, they stopped plenty of them on Caprica when we were running for our lives.

Okay, three clankers just entered our k*ll zone.

Gotta be their recon element.

Sykes, give 'em the signal.

All right, showtime, showtime.

They're headed our way.

Don't detonate till they're all the way in.

Wait for it.

Come on, you sons of b*tches.

Come on.

Now, now, now, now.


Look out!


Man down!

Cease fire! They're pulling back!

They're pulling back!

Oh, frak! Oh!

Gods damn it!

Come on!

Damn it.

Oh, frak, frak.

Okay, this man's dead. We gotta pull him back.

Sam, pull it together.

We bought ourselves a little time, but they'll be back.

And with force.

So dig in.

We'll need to hold them off until Chief finds the Eye.

And keep your eyes out on those ridges.

You have any word from Kara or Dee?




Dee, why the hell didn't you sing out?

I almost blew you away.


Glad to see you too.

Okay, okay.

It's okay, yeah.



Lee sent you?


My husband... ordered me to risk my life for yours.

That's what I'm gonna do.

I'm gonna bring Starbuck back to Apollo.

She's here.

It's me.

It's Mommy.


What's wrong?

We tried everything.

She didn't respond.

Look at that.

Hera knows her.

That's amazing.

You and she are biologically identical.

Hera recognizes her mother.

Well, good, because you can have her.

I'm done with her.

You don't mean that.

I know you still care about Tyrol and Adama.


I'm done with that part of my life.

I learned that on New Caprica.

Humans and Cylons were not meant to be together.

We should just go our separate ways.

Wanna lay down?

Her belly's as hard as a rock.

Have you noticed that before?

What do you think that means?

Blocked intestine, maybe.

Our doctors examined her.

Well, your doctors have never examined a child.

Hera needs to be seen by a human doctor.

I need to take her back to Galactica.

You know that can't happen, what this child means to us.

What she means to every living Cylon.

I should have known.

She's been planning this all alone.

Feel her.

She's right.

Belly's as hard as a gourd.

If you don't let me take her, the first of a new generation will die.

God will never forgive you.

Maybe Cavil's right.

Maybe God never wanted us to have children in the first place.

Maybe it'd be better for you if I just snapped your little neck!



Please don't k*ll my baby girl.

Honey, oh.

I believe the future of the Cylon rests with this child.

And the others who are gonna come after her.

So do I.

There's a captured raptor aboard.

Let's go.

We've gotta get you back to Galactica.

Here they come.

Open fire!

Tell 'em to blow the thing!

The Cylons are closing in!

It's the major.


Tell me you've found the Eye of Jupiter.

No, but I'm getting close, Major.

I've deciphered some more of the glyphs.

I got a reference to an eye, something about a star, and an expl*si*n of some kind.

All right, cut to the chase, Chief.

Do you have the Eye of Jupiter in your hands or not?

No, Major.

Oh, Cylon!


It's hot!

All right, Chief, listen to me: that's it!

Get your people to the rally point and blow the temple.

I repeat, blow the temple.

Yes, sir.

Damn it.

All right, fall back!

Mathias, fall back!

Fall back! Fall back!

All right, that's it, everybody.

Drop what you're doing and get out.

That means you, too, Cally. Come on!

Leave the gear! Go!

If I only had a little more time.


It's in the hands of the gods now, Galen.

Let's go. There's nothing we can do!

The ship's structurally intact.


That means that the only thing keeping us grounded is the busted fly-by-wire.

So... you gotta bypass those bundles with datacord from the com system.

And then we... we may have a shot at getting out of here.


There's only one left.

Better save it for when you fly us out of here.

I can't fly.

Especially all whacked up on morph.

Well, that's just frakkin' great.

He won't cheat.

He's too honorable.

Unlike you.

Yeah, unlike me.

I love Sam.

I hate Sam.

I love Lee.

I hate Lee.

Gods, I have to cheat just to keep the pieces all nice and neat.

Stay with it.

You still gotta walk me through these avionics.

The Cylons have reached the temple.

Chief, what's your status?

I'm wiring the last detonator.

The Eye of Jupiter has to be somewhere in this temple.

They've wired it with expl*sives.

Let's disconnect it.

Pull out the detonators.


Chief, blow this thing!

You out of your frakkin' mind?!

I can't do it.



Help us!


Give me the control!

This just about does it.


What have you done? What have you done?

Major, look.

What is that?

There it is, Gaius.

It has the answers to all of your questions.

That's the Eye?

What is?

Oh, uh...

Something the Hybrid said, uh...

Sapphire blue.

Shining like unto a star.


You didn't come here looking for Earth.

You came here looking for something else.

Picking up massive energy pulse from the central star.

Sir, it's a helium flash. The star's going nova.

Nova's gonna obliterate the entire planet in less than an hour.

Major, look.

It's the mandala from the temple.

This is supposed to be happening.

That's it.

I was staring at it the whole time.

The sun is going nova.

The nova isthe Eye of Jupiter.

All right, we can still blow it.

We can still blow it.

We just gotta make it into orbit.

Galacticawill find us from there, okay?


This is my destiny.

To see what lies between life and death.

And to look upon the faces of the final five.

That can't happen.

This is my destiny.

Sorry, D'Anna.

The Final Five. Is it really you?


Forgive me, I... I had no idea.

No idea about what?

What did you see?


Who was it?

It was beautiful.

What was?

Tell me! Am I one of you?

You were right.

About what?

D'Anna, did you see my face?

I have to know, please.

Please, stay with me.

Stay, I have to know!

Tell me, I have to know!

Did you see my face?!

Am I a Cylon?


God, tell me the truth before I die.

Welcome home, Mr. President.


Admiral, the Cylon fleet just jumped away.

They don't wanna be here when that nova shock front gets here.

Neither do we.

Launch a rescue mission, now.

We don't have much time before the nova fries everything in the system.

It's gonna be a photo finish.

All rescue ships from the planet accounted for.

Count us down!

Commence FTL.

Jump in three... two... one.


I got it.

He's not dead?

No, unfortunately.

Take him to the bridge.


Hey, there.


We have to get her to Doc Cottle right away.


Hold your fire! Hold your fire.

She helped us escape.

Get out of the way!



I think the chief is right.

I think the nova does look like the mandala inside of this temple.

Do you think the 13th tribe had a vision of what was to come?

I don't know what else it could mean.

Maybe they saw another nova, and drew a picture of that.

You've seen one nova, you've seen them all.

There was another nova.

Seen 4,000 years ago, around about when the temple might have been built.

It's 13,000 light years from our present position.

It's a cloud of gas known as the Ionian nebula.

Maybe it was a road sign... showing the direction that they headed to next.

So Starbuck, tell me, is that what you gotta do to get a little extra rack time around here?

Did you just come by to frak with me?

Actually, I wanted to know if you had any, uh... pictures of your old apartment on Caprica.

Um... yeah.


The locker, top shelf.

Cigar box.


I'm curious about something.

Well, I hope you and Sharon aren't planning on redecorating, 'cause you're not gonna get any bright ideas from my old place.

Oh, I remember.

I've seen better looking train wrecks.

Oh, thank you.

But I do remember those paintings you did.

What about them?

This... was on the temple.

Where'd you get the idea to paint yours?

I don't know.

It was just something I've been doodling since I was a kid.

I liked the pattern.

Well... they built the temple 4,000 years ago.

What is it?

Just something Leoben said once.

That I had a destiny.

That it had already been written.


You know the drill.

Long, deep, controlled breathing.

At least you'll never have to go through this again.

The decision wasn't easy, but the conclusion was inevitable.

Your model is fundamentally flawed.


It's not a flaw to question your purpose.

Is it?

To wonder who programmed us, the way we think and why?

Well, that's the problem right there.

The messianic conviction that you're on a special mission to enlighten us.

Look at the damage it's caused.

I would do it all again.

Yes, we know.

That's why we've decided to... box your entire line.

Your consciousness, memory, every thought your model ever had... are going into cold storage.


One must die to know the truth.

There are five other Cylons, brother.

I saw them.

One day, you're gonna see them too.

One day.


Brother... one day.


I've got it...

Make it stop!