20x04 - Arc of Infinity - part 4

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderator: Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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20x04 - Arc of Infinity - part 4

Post by bunniefuu »



Part Four

First Air Date: 12 January 1983
Running time: 24:28

DOCTOR: We know who you are.

OMEGA (on monitor): That changes nothing. Transfer will take place as planned.

BORUSA: But you are anti-matter.

DOCTOR: You seriously believe you can reverse what happened?

OMEGA (on monitor): Oh yes, Doctor.

BORUSA: Not without Hedin's help. Your friend is dead.

DOCTOR: Omega, listen!

BORUSA: Omega must be found and stopped.

DOCTOR: We know he's on Earth.

NYSSA: He has a friend of ours c*ptive. Tegan, an Earthwoman.

BORUSA: Would she know their precise location?

DOCTOR: Perhaps, but I would have to enter the Matrix to find out.

NYSSA: No. Omega's mad. He'll k*ll her.

DOCTOR: Please, Nyssa

NYSSA: You know that

DOCTOR: Wait in the TARDIS! Please.

DOCTOR: Even if we know where Omega is, can the TARDIS leave Gallifrey?

BORUSA: We will contrive a way for you to leave.

DOCTOR: Well, Omega, you've won. We can't stop you now.

OMEGA: It cost Hedin's life to convince you.

DOCTOR: That was an accident. Is Tegan safe?

OMEGA: She is.

DOCTOR: Prove it. Let me speak to her.

TEGAN: Help us, Doctor. My cousin, he's sick. We're in an underground crypt behind a fountain

OMEGA: Silence, girl!

DOCTOR: I told you, you've won. Even if we know where you are, we can't leave Gallifrey. You know that.

TEGAN: Holland, Doctor. Amsterdam.

OMEGA: Tell him the precise location and you will die.


OMEGA: Silence!

DOCTOR: She's unharmed?

OMEGA: Of course. And so long as you do not work against me, she will remain so.

BORUSA: Amsterdam? Do you know the precise location of this Earth city?


BORUSA: Prepare your TARDIS. Be ready to leave as soon as I communicate with you. Trust me.

TEGAN: The Doctor will find us. If anyone can, he will.

BORUSA: Damon, the Doctor's TARDIS must leave undetected. Isn't there any way of distracting Omega?

DAMON: I've already tested the bypass procedures. Omega has cut us off.

THALIA: A pulse loop, Lord President?

BORUSA: Of course! Fetch it, Damon. Thalia, prepare the Matrix terminal.

ZORAC: A pulse loop?

BORUSA: Oh, a simple device to trace faults on the master circuits.

THALIA: It has a photon pulse. Omega will have to track it down to confirm that we're not trying to bypass the matrix control.

BORUSA: And in the confusion it will allow the Doctor's TARDIS to leave undetected.

NYSSA: Well?

DOCTOR: Don't worry, Tegan's unharmed.

BORUSA: Are you ready to leave, Doctor?

DOCTOR: As soon as you give the word.

BORUSA: Right.


BORUSA: Now. Go, Doctor.

BORUSA: Doctor?

DOCTOR: We're clear. Come on, Nyssa.

NYSSA: Now what?

DOCTOR: One or two things I've got to get together.

DAMON: It's working, sir. Omega is confused.

NYSSA: We're almost ready to materialise.


NYSSA: What's that for?

DOCTOR: Omega's using a fusion booster to build up energy to transfer. If we can attach this, it should knock it out of phase.

NYSSA: Isn't that dangerous?

DOCTOR: Hopefully it'll feed the power back through his own equipment.

NYSSA: A kind of short circuit.

DOCTOR: Exactly. How's the meter?

NYSSA: Now calibrated to detect any change in anti-matter.

DAMON: Omega's destroyed the loop.

BORUSA: Let's hope it gave the Doctor all the time he needed.

DOCTOR: I don't believe it.

NYSSA: What?

DOCTOR: I think we made it. Come on.

STUART: It sounds like a power house in there.

NYSSA: How do you know where to look?

DOCTOR: When I spoke to Tegan, she mentioned her cousin and the JHC.


DOCTOR: She risked her life to give us that piece of information. If we find out what the JHC is, it might lead us to where she is.

NYSSA: How will you find out?

DOCTOR: We'll start with the telephone directory.

NYSSA: You're dealing with a Time Lord, Doctor. You won't find answers in there.

DOCTOR: Won't we? JHC, JHC, JHC, JHC, JHC Jeugdherberg Central Youth Hostels. Must be where Tegan was staying.


DOCTOR: Well, there's not many of them. We'll give them a ring. Ah. Nyssa, money?

NYSSA: You must have a coin somewhere. Is that it?

DOCTOR: Afraid so. Anti-matter present but steady. Omega hasn't transferred yet, but it can't be much longer.

NYSSA: Can you find him using that?

DOCTOR: If only it were that easy.

NYSSA: What now?

DOCTOR: No other choice. We must check every hostel on foot.

NYSSA: Can't we use the TARDIS?

DOCTOR: Can't risk it. Might alert Omega. This way.

BORUSA: Ah, Castellan.

CASTELLAN: You wanted to see me, Lord President?

BORUSA: You wish to resign.

CASTELLAN: I had no right, without evidence, to accuse the Doctor of treason.

BORUSA: True, you made a foolish mistake, but ultimately we are judged by how much we profit from our mistakes. Will you?

CASTELLAN: Who can say, Lord President?

BORUSA: Your offer to resign is refused, Castellan. You will return to duty forthwith.

DAMON: Lord President, Omega's transfer is imminent.

NYSSA: This could take forever.

DOCTOR: Well, there's no other way.

NYSSA: That receptionist wasn't very friendly. What if he was being difficult, chose not to remember Tegan.

DOCTOR: We go on, Nyssa.

NYSSA: Can't the Time Lords help?

DOCTOR: No, they've done all they can, and now it's up to us.

DOCTOR: We'll try one more hostel, then we'll split up. Divide our effort.

NYSSA: How much time do we have?

DOCTOR: Well, it can't be long. I fear Omega is about to transfer.

MAN: We have no record of a Miss Jovanka.

DOCTOR: And what about her cousin?

MAN: How would I know that, sir?

DOCTOR: Yes. Sorry. Well, thank you.

MAN: Excuse me? You said your friend was from Australia?


MAN: Well, I wasn't on duty yesterday, but there was an Australian. Colin Frazer. One moment, please.

NYSSA: Isn't there anything at all we can do?

DOCTOR: No. Tegan is our only link.

RECEPTIONIST: Excuse me. You wish to know about Miss Jovanka?


RECEPTIONIST: Well, Mister Stuart, a friend of Mister Frazer, left something for her. I was to give this to her if he missed her at the airport.

DOCTOR: May I see?

RECEPTIONIST: Well, I'm not supposed to

NYSSA: It's very important we find her.

DOCTOR: Frankendael. Where is that?

RECEPTIONIST: Frankendael? Not far.

DOCTOR: Could you show me?



DOCTOR: Thank you.

DOCTOR: Thank you.

NYSSA: Where is it?

DOCTOR: Er, it's very near.

DOCTOR: Oh, sorry.

NYSSA: Oh, I'm so sorry.

DOCTOR: Sorry, sorry.

DAMON: Come on, Doctor. Come on.

DOCTOR: Frankendael!

NYSSA: I can't see a crypt. It must be behind the house.

DOCTOR: It's only a matter of minutes. The fountain! Tegan said behind the fountain.

NYSSA: Where could they be?

DOCTOR: Well, that depends on the form Omega's given his TARDIS. Listen.

DOCTOR: Yes, perfect.

NYSSA: Doctor?

DOCTOR: Of course. I've been so silly. Amsterdam is located on the curve of the Arc, below sea level to maintain pressure for fusion conversion.

DOCTOR: The fusion booster from Gallifrey.

DOCTOR: Nyssa!

DOCTOR: Nyssa! Fire, Nyssa!

NYSSA: What was it?

DOCTOR: An Ergon. One of Omega's less successful attempts at psychosynthesis. Quickly.

OMEGA: Drop the w*apon, Doctor. Drop it, or the Earthwoman dies.

NYSSA: Tegan!

DOCTOR: It's too late, Omega. You can't transfer now.

OMEGA: I have all the energy I need.

OMEGA: What have you done?

DOCTOR: The Arc of Infinity is shifting. Go, Omega, please, while you still have a chance.

OMEGA: I must transfer. Cease to be anti-matter.


OMEGA: Yes, Doctor. I live.

DOCTOR: No. The bond is not complete.

OMEGA: Isn't it?

DOCTOR: It's not permanent. It will fail, revert to anti-matter.

OMEGA: You're wrong, Doctor. I have life again. You destroyed my TARDIS, but I shall build another. Expect me on Gallifrey soon.

NYSSA: Doctor, quickly.

DOCTOR: I must find the matter converter. I can't destroy Omega without it. Tegan, help me!

TEGAN: I must help Colin.

DOCTOR: Tegan, hurry!

DAMON: The Doctor has failed. Anti-matter, and building up fast.

TEGAN: Doctor!

TEGAN: Omega k*lled him?

DOCTOR: Yes. He'd want to hide himself in the crowd. Well, at least we have some idea of what he's wearing.

TEGAN: What happens if we don't find him?

DOCTOR: The biggest expl*si*n this part of the universe is ever likely to witness.

DOCTOR: He can't be far ahead.

TEGAN: How much time do we have?

DOCTOR: I don't know. The magnetic shield is in accelerated decay now.

NYSSA: What'll happen?

DOCTOR: He'll revert to anti-matter.

TEGAN: Doctor!

ZORAC: The Doctor's not going to be able to contain it.

CASTELLAN: I've found it unwise to predict what the Doctor can or cannot do.

TEGAN: We've lost him.

DOCTOR: I see you, Omega.

NYSSA: Doctor!

DOCTOR: This way.

DOCTOR: He'll be all right.

TEGAN: Are you okay?

DOCTOR: He'll be all right.

DAMON: The shielding is going fast.

TEGAN: He's disappeared.

NYSSA: He can't have.

DOCTOR: I warned you this would happen, Omega.

OMEGA: Things could have been different. Power, and the greatness of Omega, could have been yours. But no, your hatred of me

DOCTOR: We didn't hate you, Omega. Why couldn't you be content to survive as you were? Why?

OMEGA: Time to come home, Doctor. Time for rest, to find peace. But it's over now. All must die.

OMEGA: You'll never have the courage to use it, Doctor.

DOCTOR: I can expel or destroy you, Omega. It's your choice.

OMEGA: Too late, Doctor. What you offer is worse than death. If I am denied life, then all must perish.

TEGAN: What's he trying to do?

DOCTOR: Willing his own destruction. Don't force me, Omega.

OMEGA: Farewell, Doctor.

TEGAN: Stop him!

DOCTOR: It's over.

DAMON: The anti-matter source is gone. Omega has been destroyed.

BORUSA: Unfortunate, wretched creature. My hope is that he has found peace at last.

NYSSA: Is Omega dead?

DOCTOR: Well, he seemed to die before, yet he returned to confound us all.

TEGAN: Well, you'll be pleased to hear Colin will be out of hospital in a couple of days and on his way home to Brisbane.

DOCTOR: Excellent.

NYSSA: And what about you?

TEGAN: Oh, indestructible. I'm fine.

DOCTOR: It's been marvellous to see you again.

NYSSA: Indeed. I've missed you. I wish you didn't have to go back to your job.

TEGAN: What job? Didn't I tell you? I got the sack. So you're stuck with me, aren't you.

DOCTOR: So it seems.

The Doctor
Peter Davison

Janet Fielding

Sarah Sutton

President Borusa — Leonard Sachs

Chancellor Thalia — Elspet Gray

Councillor Hedin — Michael Gough

The Castellan — Paul Jerricho

Cardinal Zorac — Max Harvey

Commander Maxil — Colin Baker

Omega/The Renegade — Ian Collier/Peter Davison

Damon — Neil Daglish

Talor — John D. Collins

Colin Frazer — Alastair Cumming

Robin Stuart — Andrew Boxer

Hotel Receptionists — Maya Woolfe
Guy Groen

The Ergon — Malcolm Harvey

Terry Phillips
Kevin O'Brien
Barbie Denham
Glenn Bexfield
Charis Andrews

Assistant Floor Manager
Lynn Richards

Dee Robson

Marjorie Pratt

Film Cameraman
Fintan Sheehan

Film Editor
Bernard Ashby

Incidental Music
Roger Limb

Frances Needham

Production Assistant
Diana Brookes

Production Associate
June Collins

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Don Babage

Studio Sound
Trevor Webster

Title Music
Ron Grainer and the BBC Radiophonic Workshop
arranged by Peter Howell

Visual Effects
Chris Lawson

Johnny Byrne

Script Editor
Eric Saward

Ron Jones

John Nathan-Turner
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