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01x16 - Smooching and Mooching

Posted: 01/07/22 18:32
by bunniefuu

They got a lotta crap here, huh?

Yeah, no kidding.

I think I'm gonna try to sell all my junk.

You know, my crap is way better than this crap.

Look at all these books, man.

Why do people save their books, like... read a book twice?

They're probably just bragging to us, you know?

Ooh! Look at all these books I've read.

I'm so clever!

I read a lot of books and stuff!

Oh... check it out, man!

They got bongos!


We could play "Evil Ways" if we had these.

Yeah, actually, that would bring the Andopolis drum kit to an even 30 pieces.

31 pieces.

All right. I'm gonna buy these, man.

This garage sale rules.

Hey, man, listen, you gotta be quiet because my dad's really pissed off at me.


Did he see your report card?

Yeah. And I was playing "American Band" while he was watching "60 Minutes."


Nick... where are your drums?

♪ I don't give a damn 'bout my reputation

♪ Livin' in the past, it's a new generation

♪ A girl can do what she wants to do

♪ And that's what I'm gonna do

♪ And I don't give a damn 'bout my bad reputation

♪ Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

♪ Not me, me, me me, me, me, me

♪ Whah! No!

♪ No, no, no, no, no, no

♪ Not me, me, me me, me, me, me

♪ I don't give a damn 'bout my reputation

♪ I've never been afraid of any deviation

♪ And I don't really care if you think I'm strange

♪ I ain't gonna change

♪ and I'm never gonna care 'bout my bad reputation

♪ Not me!

I think you'd better lower your voice, son.

You had no right to give my drums away!

Those drums were making you go deaf.

Otherwise, you would have heard all the times that I tried to tell you to clean up your act.

You know that I've been trying.

Fine. With a little more effort, you could end up living in a cardboard box.

Those drums were my personal property.

Your only personal property is your future.

Maybe the drums are my future!

Why don't you think about that?

End of conversation.

You owe me money.

Excuse me?

Those were my drums, I paid for them, and you sold them, and I want the money.

How much did you spend on drums and how much did you spend on dr*gs?

Give me my money!

End of conversation.

Fine. you know what? I'm outta here.

And I hope that you enjoy your peace and quiet.

There's something wrong with these cans!

He hates these cans!

"The Jerk" is the perfect movie.

There isn't one scene in it that isn't hilarious.

Nope. "Caddyshack" is better.

Way funnier.

Ted Knight is the funniest.

Ooh, Billy, Billy, Billy.

Ooh, Billy, Billy, Billy! Huh?

No, no. That movie is so uneven.

I mean, yeah, half of it rules, but half of it sucks.

It's just like "Stripes."

You could not tell me what happened in the second half of the movie.

They get reassigned to Europe to work on a top secret mission concerning the urban as*ault vehicle.

Then the stupid border guys wouldn't let them in.

That's when, um- Um, Sam?

Can I talk to you for a second?



Over here.


Sam, I just broke up with Todd.



Um... I'm sorry.

Don't be! Todd's a jerk.

He's only interested in one thing.

All these jocks are.

Yeah. Yeah.

So anyways, I was wondering, are you gonna be home tonight?

-Yeah. -Good.

'Cause I'm gonna call you.

I really need someone to talk to.

Okay. Uh...

And, you know, any time. Ha, ha.

Oh, my god! It's happening!

You guys, where's my chair?


-Shallots? -It's a potato.

They're shallots, right?

Hey, is anybody using this chair?


You can have it.


That's really nice of you.

Grateful Dead.

Music sucks. Chicks are hot!


Does anybody wanna give me a neck rub?

[KIM LAUGHS] Ew! God, Nick!

I can't believe you spent the night on Daniel's floor!

His carpet is, like, infested!

Better than sleeping in my Maverick.


You gonna go home tonight?

No. Not as long as that fascist is there.

Hey, Ken, can I stay at your house tonight, man?

No. My dad.

He'll have a conniption fit.

Thanks a lot, man.

You know, he doesn't even let my grandma stay over.

He's got issues.

Whatever, man. Thanks.

I'd invite you over again, Nick, but you blew it.

You gotta remember to flush the toilet!

My mom almost had a heart attack this morning.

-Oh! -He's just joking.

I'm not joking!

Can we not talk about this now, please?

I had to plunge-

Can we not talk about this now, please?

Definitely don't wanna stay at your place.

-No, no. -I-you know what?

No. No, thanks.

Hey, Lindsay, you think that maybe I could, uh, stay at your place tonight?

God, Nick, if it were up to me... sure, but...

Come on, my dad? He's way worse than Ken's dad.

Yeah. No, don't- No problem.

Nice try, though, Nick.

Shut up, man.

What you should have done is you should have pretended to cry.

You would have been in

-if you pretended to cry. -[KIM LAUGHS]

Dad, give me one good reason why there can't be a woman president.

It's called three irrational days per month.

Now, I would have no issue with the other 27, but... we're talking about the atomic b*mb here!

Oh, Harold!

Dad, that is so stupid!

You know, men get periods too.

It has to do with your body tides.

My body does not have a tide.


Those religious people have been bothering me all day.

Can't a man finish his supper without those religious types bothering us?

Hey, uh, Mr. Weir.

Is Lindsay home?

She's eating dinner.

Oh, yeah. I can tell.

God, it smells really great in there.

Let me guess. [SNIFFS]



Hey... Nick.

What are you doing?

You know... just came by to say hey.

I-I didn't realize that you guys were gonna be eating so late.

You guys eat late.

Oh! Hey, Nick.

Hey, Mrs. Weir. Boy, I was just saying...

Your pot roast smells amazing.

Well, uh... would you like to join us for dinner?

We've got plenty of food.

I mean, sure, if-yeah! That would rock!

I haven't eaten dinner yet!

Is it okay with you, Mr. Weir?

Oh. Yeah. Yeah.

It would... rock.

Come on.

Oh, wow. This worked out well.

[MUFFLED] Oh, my god!

Mrs. Weir...

This pot roast is unbelievable!

You're even a better cook than my mom.

Oh, I'm sure she does fine. [GIGGLES]

You don't get to be as tall as you are without somebody doing something right nutritionally.

Hey, uh, so...

Mr. Weir...

You sell sleeping bags, right?

Yeah. Why, you going camping?


I've just been spending a lot of my time sleeping on people's floors...

Lately, so, you know, I thought I should probably get a good bag.

Why on earth are you sleeping on people's floors?

My dad kicked me out of the house.

He didn't kick you out.

He sold my drums.

That doesn't really seem like an invitation to stay.

Now, wait a minute.

He didn't just sell your drums.

I mean, the man must have had a reason.

Yeah. He had a really stupid reason.

He said... that my drums were interfering with my schoolwork.

I think my schoolwork was interfering with my drums.

How are you doing at school?


Why don't you spend the night over here?

On the couch.



You mean it?


Oh, my gosh.

My gosh. You guys are the nicest people.

Your whole family is... so nice!

Thank you so much!

Oh! Oh, my gosh.

Oh... it's like you cooked this in heaven...

Then brought it back down here to your table.

[GIGGLES] Oh, stop!


Bill, I need to talk to you for a second.

It's about yesterday.

That wasn't me. That was Neal.

He just said it was me.



[GIGGLES] Anyway...

Sam and I had the greatest conversation yesterday.

It just... lasted for hours!

Look, I know I can trust you with this, because we're lab partners.

I like Sam.

Me too.

[LAUGHS] No, I like like Sam.



I don't know. It's like I never date nice guys.

I should try it. I mean, I think I deserve to.

So do you think he likes me?

It's hard to tell.

Well, do you think you can find out for me?


And tell him to ask me to Mona's party.


There he is.


Everyone take their seats.

We've got a busy class ahead of us.

Bill! Psst! What just happened?

Cindy wanted me to find out if you li-

Gentlemen, can we save the chitchat for the cafeteria?

Today we will be having a pop quiz.


Cindy- Gentlemen!

Yes... Mr. Hal?

All right, Nick. This is what you gotta do.

Get her to stay up watching TV with you, right, until her parents go to sleep.

Then you offer to give a back rub.

You do it right... you're in.

All right, look.

Let's get this straight, all right?

Lindsay and I are just friends, okay?

And, anyways, I think it's really cool of her parents to let me stay at the house. That's it, all right?

Okay, man. just friends. I didn't realize.

I mean, you know, look- if she came to me in the middle of the night...

And was, like, you know... Nick, I love you...

I wouldn't turn her away.

Did he try to give you a back rub?

-No. -Well, he will.

He if tries to give you a foot massage... run.

Kim, what am I gonna do?

It's just too weird having him in my house!

You have to kick him out, Lindsay!

No. I can't do that.


Then you're in for a long night.

I don't believe you.

It's true.

If this is some kind of a joke...

And you're trying to set me up, I'll stop being your friend. I'm not kidding.

It's true!

Sam, you gotta ask her to that party!

I don't-I don't even know Mona!

What's the difference? It's what Cindy wants!

I think she wants to be your girlfriend.

Oh, man.

What's the matter with you?

You wanted this for years! Be a man! Go get her!

Yeah, I know, but- But what?

I'm scared!

Well, they're not.

I can hear what they're saying right now.

[DEEP VOICE] "Uh, hey, Cindy, you want to go with me to Mona's party?"

[HIGH VOICE] "Well, I was kind of hoping

"that Sam was gonna ask me, "but since he doesn't seem interested, okay, Thor."

Okay, okay, shut up.

I'm gonna ask her.

Hey, Cindy? Um...

Can I talk to you for a second?

Hey, Sam.

Yeah, sure.

Hey, I'll see you guys later.

-Okay, after French class? -Yeah.

All right.

What's up?

I was wondering...

Do you want to come to Mona's party with me?

I'd love to.



It's happening.

They're smiling.

What if he starts going out with Cindy and stops hanging out with us?

He won't.

He'll get us in with Cindy's friends.

Like Vicki.

Oh, man, I love her.

Thought you said they were pod people?

"A cult," you said.

They are.

But that's one cult I wouldn't mind joining.

Bring on the pods.

Uh, well, I'll see you there.


It's gonna be a lot of fun.


Call me?


See ya!

It's on.



It's quiet hour.

Am I being too loud? I'm sorry.

Shouldn't you be doing your homework?


Um, yeah, I mean, I was.

You were?

Then maybe you ought to finish it.

You're starting to sound like my dad, Mr. Weir.

Oh, yeah?

Well, then, your dad is a smart man.

I'm a drummer, you know, so, I mean, this is my homework.

Oh, come on, Nick.

This isn't homework.

This is screwing around.

Now, if you're really a drummer, your homework would be practicing your drums.

Well, I'd like to be practicing my drums, you know?

But my dad gave them away.

Well, then you go out and you find two sticks and you pound on a rock.

That's what a guy who really wanted to be a drummer would do if someone took his drums from him.

You know, when I was in high school, I was working in a department store, and learning all about retall, and I still got straight As.

Now don't tell me you can't find time to do both things.

You can't be that easy on yourself, Nick.

Push yourself.

You're a smart kid.

That's really, um...

That's really cool of you to say, Mr. Weir.

It's true.


By the way, that drummer you're listening to?


He's terrible.

That's Neil Peart.

He's the greatest drummer alive.

Well, Neil Peart couldn't drum his way out of a paper bag.

You want to hear drumming?

All right. Come on.

I'll play you drumming.


That guy is amazing.

How did you hear about him?

Are you kidding? These guys?

I grew up with Gene Krupa and Buddy Rich.

Oh, god.

How do they do that?

They must hold the sticks like this.

I can't do that.

I've never been able to do that.

You can go faster that way.


God, how do you learn to do that?

I don't know.

Maybe they took a lesson?

Oh, my-That is insane.

Nobody could do that.

Maybe I should take a lesson, huh?

Hey, Lindsay, can I ask you something?



Cindy and I are going to this party together, and I think it's sort of like a date.


Are you nervous?


She kissed me good-bye today in school, and I didn't know what to do.

I just stood there.

She kissed you?


What if she wants to kiss me at the party for real?


Well, what if I do it wrong?

You can't kiss wrong.

You'll know what to do when it happens.

It's just that...

I've never had a girlfriend before.

Just be yourself, Sam.

That's why she likes you.

She's the lucky one.

Be a gentleman and don't be weird- and don't smother her.

Did Nick smother you?

Nick was so into me, he made me want to move to a different country.



Oh, my god.

I don't think Nick's in love with you.

I think he's in love with Mom and Dad.

Oh, my god.

This is the best family ever.



[WHISPERING] Who is it?

Hey, it's Nick.

What do you want?

D-d-don't open the door.

I just-

I wanted to say thank you.

I think it's really cool that you and your parents are letting me stay here.

Yeah, it's okay.

Go back to bed.

I really appreciate it.

You know?

I need you to know that.

I know, Nick, I know.

Please just don't wake up my dad.

Okay, good night.

Good night.





I was, uh, working.

Hey, um...

Those are, uh, nice pajamas.

This is a whole new world.

I see double-dating and triple-dating and cheerleaders at your house and me at your house.

Congratulations, Sam.

I heard about your good fortune.


She's the one that should be thankful.

You're a catch.

So, can you get Bill and I into this party?

I don't know. I haven't really thought about it.

Well, think about it.

I don't-I don't want to go.

Why not?

Everyone wants to go to a make-out party.

It's a make-out party?


Nobody told me it was a make-out party.

Well, you better get ready to make out.

Otherwise she's gonna think you don't like her.

You're not gonna French kiss Cindy, are you, Sam?

French kissing is gross.

I wouldn't French kiss in a million years.

And why the hell not?


Germs. Spit. Mucus. Old bits of food.

That's just to name a couple.

There's a lot of things in there.

I mean, why do you have to use your tongue, anyway?

Aren't you supposed to kiss with your lips?

Because it's not a real kiss unless you use your tongue.


What's the point?

I mean, what are you supposed to do?

Lick the inside of her mouth?

Are you supposed to lick her teeth?

Do you make your tongue hard or soft?

God, Bill. Enough.

What? I want to know now.

Since everyone seems to think that French kissing is so great.

Okay, Bill.

You put your tongue against her tongue.

What if she puts her tongue too far into my mouth? Wh-

What if I throw up?

What if I throw up all over her?

What if I throw up in her mouth?

Ugh, shut up, Bill. That's disgusting.


Well, I'm just telling you guys I'm not doing it.

Well, I am.

As soon as possible.

What do you say, can we go?

Well, if I take you, then I have to take Gordon and Harris.

Guys, I can't make it.

I'm saving my virginity for the future Mrs. Crisp.

I have a date with Judith.

Every night's a make-out party with us.


All these make-out parties start the same way-

Spin the Bottle.

That's why this bottle is the key to our make-out future.

And the ability to control the spin will determine whether we have a good night or a great night.

You can't control a bottle, Neal.

Oh, can't I? Just watch.

I've been practicing all week.

How'd you do that?

It's all finger control.

All you have to do is train yourself to make the bottle spin two revolutions, then you add or subtract a small percentage of torque based on the position of your target.

That's amazing!

All I can say is... hello, ladies!


What if... they don't wanna kiss us?

That's the genius part of the game.

They have to!

I don't know. I just... I just don't wanna see the expression on their face when they see that the bottle lands on me.

Bill, who cares if they look disappointed?

All I care about is if they look disappointed after the kiss.

But I know they won't with me, because I plan on delivering the goods.

Do people French kiss when they play "Spin the Bottle"?

Some do.

Most don't.

I do.

I don't feel so good.

♪ I think I'm goin' to Katmandu

♪ That's really, really where I'm goin' to

♪ If I ever get outta here

♪ That's what I'm gonna do

♪ K-K-K-Katmandu

♪ I think it's really where I'm goin' to

♪ If I ever get outta here

♪ I'm goin' to Katmandu

♪ I got no kick against the west coast

♪ Warner Brothers are such good hosts

♪ I raise my whiskey glass and give 'em a toast

♪ I'm sure they know it's true Here we go.

♪ Every time I been there it's been great

♪ But now I'm leavin', and I can't be late

♪ And to myself be true

Bill, take off your turtleneck.

That's my look.

I can't. I'm not wearing anything underneath.

Besides, I happen to look cool in a turtleneck.

So do I! Everyone looks cool in turtlenecks.

That's the point! We can't both wear them.

We'll look like the Smothers Brothers.

I'm not goin' in topless.

Fine. I'll take mine off.

Nice dickey!

Shut up.

Guys, guys, okay...

Be cool.

You be cool.

Just-just don't embarrass me, okay?

What? Now that you're going out with Cindy, you're ashamed of us? Don't embarrass me.

Fine. Be that way. I don't care.


Hey, guys.

Hey, Sam.

You, um... you look really good.

So do you, Cindy.

You look beautiful.

Thanks, Sam. You're sweet.

Come on.

Are you going in?

Don't rush me.

You okay?

You remember that scene at the beginning of "Animal House" where Flounder wants to get into the fraternity, but they don't think he's cool, so they put him in that room with the blind guy and the Indian guy?

I feel like we're about to be sent into that room.

Blind guys are cool.

They have supersonic hearing.

You're right.

Let's mingle.

So, did you kids have a good day today?


I don't know. It was okay.

I had, like, the best day, Mrs. Weir.

I took my first drum lesson ever.

Oh, wow.

A drum lesson?


Hey, how'd that go, Nick?

It went so well, Mr. Weir.

The drum teacher, Terry Breeze, he's, like, the coolest guy.

He taught me how to hold the drumsticks jazz style, like this.

Paradiddle, paradiddle, paradiddle.


Nick, where did you get money to take drum lessons?

Um, your dad.

Yeah. Nick's gonna work part-time as a stock boy at my store to pay for his lessons.

Lessons. Good for you.

All right. I'll get the ham, and we'll eat.

Let me help you, Mrs. Weir, 'cause hams can be heavy.

Jeez. Dad, that's really nice of you.

What do you mean?

I just mean that you're playing records for Nick and giving him drum lessons and letting him stay at the house.


What's the deal?

I'm trying to help the kid out.

What, you don't want me to?

No, I'm just wondering why, when Nick has a problem, you're nice and logical.

But when I do, you just yell at me.

That's because I expect more from you.

Nick's father is a hard man.

My old man was the same way.

Yeah, I know the feeling.


Trust me, you don't.

Now, anytime you wanna dance with me to Gene Krupa, I'll be around.


Oh, why does the bottle keep landing on me?

How come the bottle never lands on me?

Okay. Whose spin?


That's three times.

Now it's seven minutes in heaven.

Hey, I'll give you 8 ½.

All right, Cindy. Your spin.

Oh, yes!

Sam, I'm sorry.

Yeah, sorry, Sam.

Come on, Cindy.



Hello. I'm Nick's father.

Oh. Well, I'm Harold Weir.

It's a pleasure to meet you, sir.

Come on in.

Nick, it's time to come home.


Could I talk to you in the kitchen for a minute?


Look, I appreciate your letting Nick stay here.

Oh, it was our pleasure.

That's quite a kid you've got there.


So, uh...

You gave his drums away, huh?

I guess they may be pretty distracting.

You have no idea.

Eh, things kids will get into.

When I was a kid, I was always bringing dogs home.


Well, teenagers will try all sorts of things.

Sometimes we just gotta let 'em be kids.

Harold, how old is your son?


You call me when he turns 16.

Hello there.

Great. Two more guys.

Oh, god.

♪ I lay my head on the rallroad tracks

♪ I'm waitin' for the double E...

It's kind of on me a little.

-No, it's not. -All right.

♪ Poor, poor, pitiful me Oh, of course.

♪ Poor, poor, pitiful me

♪ Poor, poor, pitiful me Thanks.

♪ These young girls won't let me be

♪ Lord, have mercy on me

♪ Woe is me

-Whoo! -Okay, Becky.

Oh, my god.

Just... quickly. Come on.

On the cheek.

Oh! God!

This is ridiculous.

There is obviously something wrong with that bottle.

It keeps landing on you, Bill.

Switch with her.



♪ Oh, woe is me Okay. I'm spinning again.



Hey, just kiss him and get it over with.

Okay, Vicki.

Your turn.

♪ To the hyatt house

♪ I don't wanna talk about it

♪ Hey!

That's three.

Vicki and Bill are goin' in for seven minutes in heaven.

[SINGING] Vicki and Bill Shut up, you guys!

[SINGING] sittin' in a tree Come on. Let's just get this over with.

♪ Huh! Never mind.

♪ Poor, poor, pitiful me Unbelievable.

♪ Whoo-hoo!

Close the door.

♪ Poor, poor, pitiful me

Well, uh, thanks again.

I hope he wasn't too much trouble.

Oh, no. He wasn't any trouble at all.

I'll be out in the car.


Good night.

You guys sure you don't wanna adopt me?

You sure you're gonna be okay?


I mean, he came looking for me, right?

Didn't really think that was gonna happen.

Hey, stop by anytime.

I will.

I'll see you at school.

Yeah. I'll see you at school.

Um, you know, I just... thank you so much.

-Good night. -Good night.

I'm really glad you could make it tonight, Sam.

Yeah, me too.

Cindy, do you wanna...

Go in one of these rooms and talk or something?



Don't even think about it, okay?

I wasn't thinking about anything.


That fabric softener smells good.

Just stay away from me, okay?

You're not gonna touch me, and you're definitely not gonna kiss me. Got it?

You know-you know what?

You're a jerk.

Excuse me?

You're a jerk.

I was just trying to make small talk.

I couldn't be less happy to be in here with you, so quit acting like I'm hoping I can kiss you.

It's actually the last thing that I want to do right now.

You know what, Bill? I'm... I'm sorry.

Okay? That wasn't nice of me.

Don't worry about it.

You only have...

Three minutes and 26- 26 seconds left...

In heaven.

Well, here we are.


Here we are.


Well, maybe we should listen to some music.

You-uh- can I ask you a question?


What's it like being pretty?


I don't know.

Like, this is the only way that I've ever looked.

I think people treat you nicer when you're pretty.

Why would you say that?

'Cause they're never nice to me.



This is not true, Bill.

Every time I look at you, you look like you're having a pretty good time.

-Really? -Yeah. Yeah.

You're always laughing or something.

So what are you laughing about?

I watch movies in my head.

Ha, ha, ha!

Heh, heh...

Hey, Dad.

That was really nice what you did for Nick.

I'm sorry you think I don't treat you right sometimes.

I didn't say that, Dad.

I just...

Wish you could talk to me like you talk to Nick.

You know what the difference is between you and Nick?

You're my daughter.

And... every second you're out of this house, every second that I can't see you or know what you're doing, it's...

It's absolute t*rture for me.

Dad, I can't stay inside all the time.

I know.

Why not?


Good night, honey.

All right. Good night, Dad.

So all the cans behind Steve Martin start springing holes, and Steve Martin says, "There's something wrong with these cans."

And he sees the guy sh**ting, and he says, "That guy hates these cans."


It's really funny.

It's very funny. I gotta see that.


♪ Yeah...

♪ Somethin' you should know, babe Oh, what the hell.

♪ I've seen you smilin'...

What? What?

Don't ever tell anyone about this.

♪ I've seen your long hair flyin'

♪ when you run

♪ I've made my mind up that it's meant to be

♪ Someday, lady, you'll accompany me

♪ Someday, lady, you'll accompany me

♪ Out where the rivers meet the soundin' sea

♪ High above me now you're wild and free

♪ Ah, but someday, lady, you'll accompany me

♪ Someday, lady, you'll accompany me

♪ Yeah

Um... Cindy, can I kiss you?

Of course.

♪ Some people say

♪ that love's a losin' game

♪ You start with fire but you lose the flame

♪ The ashes smolder, but the warm's soon gone

♪ You end up cold and lonely...

Hold on one second.

♪ I'll take my chances, babe

♪ I'll risk it all

♪ I'll win your love

♪ or I'll take the fall

♪ I made my mind up...

Bill, your seven minutes were up five minutes ago.

Vicki, your nightmare's over.

♪ Someday, lady, you'll accompany me Bill. God, this really sucks.

Bill. Bill.

Hello, Bill.