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01x13 - Circles

Posted: 01/07/22 10:57
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: Previously on The Shield...

ACEVEDA: We got a double homicide in the Grove.

They called 911, and it took you over an hour to show up.

TONYA: Where is the police? Where are you?

Someone leaked the 911 tapes.


We got a situation brewing.

KAREN: I know you're angry.

This is a serious problem.

Wouldn't be no problem in Beverly Hills!

I was in a hit-and-run tonight.


Got out to check on him, and his gangbanger buddy took some sh*ts at me.

BEN: That's the guy's buddy right there.

He's the one that shot at me.

We're good friends to have, Jesus.

Yeah, if I keep quiet.

You call me anytime... [g*nsh*t]

Jesus Christ!

What did you do?

Nothing you haven't done.

When were you gonna tell me you were shagging a Latina in the neighborhood?

I didn't want to get her involved.

Who is she?

Sedona Tellez.

Sedona Tellez is listed as a C.E.O. of a corporation based in the Grand Cayman islands.

Its sole purpose...

Buying up real estate right here in Farmington.

You've been manipulating police resources to crash land value in this neighborhood?

Your mistress has been buying up property in this area like Disney.

The mistress never checked into those bungalows.

Another lie?

Maybe he stashed her someplace else?

Or slashed her someplace else.

VIC: I'm gonna have to miss dinner tonight.

But Ben's already here.

Gilroy's there?

What are you doing at my house?

You should have left Sedona out of it.

Pack bags for you and the kids, now!

You're not staying here.

What are you talking about?

This is our house. It isn't safe.


OFFICER ON MEGAPHONE: The police department is ordering you to disperse!

The men are coming under increased attack.

It's time to pull back or turn them loose.

I wish I knew.

Send them in.





I'm getting reports of a casualty.

Civilian. Female.

OFFICER OVER RADIO: Rescue standing by outside, affirmative.

DISPATCHER: One Tango 13, respond.

Conner and Adelaide. One Tango 13 responding.

FEMALE OFFICER: One Tango 19 responding also.

Hey, wait a minute. This is our call.

Hey, it's a crazy night out here.

You might need the backup.

Hit the lights. Go around the park.

Don't let them beat us there.

Keep them comfortable. Keep them calm.

You got it.

Hey, you mind sleeping on the couch tonight?

No. Hell, no, man. I've had worse.


Just lay low until I find Gilroy.


They're all asleep.


You want to tell me why my children are in danger?

They're not.

Then why are we living like refugees?

I just have to find out a few things first.

I wanna go home. We can't do that.

Why not? What have you done? What are you mixed up in?


This doesn't happen to other cops' families, so tell me the truth.

What are you doing that's worth making us go into hiding?

I just need the four of you to stay here.

All right?


Told you we should have taken Caravelle.

We'd still be at the park if you'd taken Caravelle.

I guess we'll never know.

Hey, was that a false alarm or what?

Oh, my God!

Officer down! One Tango 13! Officer down!


Paula! Up...

JULIEN: He's dead.

What? Up!


Come on!

JULIEN: There's more than one!

Up there!

They're gone.




What happened?

Someone made a bogus 911 call.

When the units responded, they opened fire.

Detective. Thanks, Chris.

Who got hit?

Rudy's dead.

Paula's bad, but she's got a chance.

Danny and Julien were there too. They're okay.

Is this because of the dead women who got stood up by 911?

Yeah, looks like it.

I want a shot at the son of a bitch who did this.

Get in line.

Line starts here.


How you doing?

They k*lled him and Paula's really hurt.

I know.

We traced the 911 call to a cell phone.

Who's it registered to?

VIC: Police!

On the ground, assh*le!

Hey, hey, hold up!

Don't move!

I ain't! All right, nobody sh**t, man!

Where's your cell phone?

I don't know. Maybe I lost it.

Did you hear about the cops that got shot, Cyrus?

Your phone was used to lure them there.

I said I lost my cell.

Why don't you tell us for the third time you got no idea how.

Don't get all surly with me.

It ain't a crime to lose your cell phone.

Hey, Dutch, you still on top of this hit-and-run thing?


Any luck on the whereabouts of our driver's girlfriend?

Aren't you the guy who keeps insisting this is a waste of time?

What, you want me to say it? Maybe I was wrong.

What do you got?

Sedona Tellez used to work in accounting for the department.

What, our department?

[LAUGHS] Yeah.

Down in headquarters.

Two months into the job, she starts buying up Farmington property with this Cayman Island shell company.

Were you able to cut through the paper trail?

All the land transactions went through the same escrow company.

Did you talk to him?

Without a warrant, they won't let me see anything.

How about letting me take a shot at it?


I just want to keep my fingers busy until we find out if this guy's gonna crack.

Gilroy's not at home or his office.

The guy is a goddamned ghost.

He's got to be somewhere.

Who knows where he's gonna show up next?

Your house again? My house?

Come on, Vic.

We have to find him before he finds us.

Maybe he's hiding out with the mistress.

Oh, come on. He k*lled the mistress, man.

We don't know that.

He threatened your family.

Brings up Terry dying... I'm telling you, Vic, the guy is taking his last breaths.

Will you stop making threats and start helping me find the guy?

Now, dig in.

Since when do we start catching guys by diving into financial records?

Look, if Gilroy is gonna is gonna cash in on these crooked land deals, he's got to have the girlfriend's signature.

We find this Sedona, we find him.

Though I walk through the midst of trouble, your hand will revive me.


You will stretch out...



It's all right. I'm...

You're shaking.

No, I'm...

Julien, look, it's okay to be scared.

It is.

I mean...

You were almost in a situation...

I almost lost my partner last night.

I'm just thankful.

Yeah, me too.

This isn't the first cell phone you've lost, is it?

Excuse me?

I've talked to seven different wireless companies.

You've either had a phone lost or cloned by each and every one of them.

Always on the first of the month.

Bill time.

You sell the phone to some grifter, you wait a few days, report it missing.

Meanwhile, half of Union Station is calling up Guatemala.

Or 911.

That makes you a felony accomplice.

Wait a minute, wait a minute, man.

All I could tell you is who I sell the phones to.

I mean, I wouldn't get involved, mixed up in no cop killings or nothing like that.

I mean, you guys are the real heros out there, right?

Stop kissing ass and give us a name.

His name is Igal.

He's one of those Jews.

Those Jews?

I mean, he's not an American Jew.

He's one of them real Jews from, like, Jerusalem or something.

There's been another What?

They got Patrick and Chris. They're both dead.

WYMS: You see that?

They took his badge.

Chris' too.

DAVID: Jesus.

You know one of these vultures saw something useful.

Want to try the smokeout?


SHANE: Excuse me.

Detective Vendrell.

Had a report that someone here witnessed a crime or the perpetrators...

What report? There wasn't one.

There was a woman here when the sh**t occurred.

She didn't see the crime, but she did see another witness.

Now, she's gonna be down here in a few minutes to identify you, so you may as well come forward right now.

You! Stop!

Stop right there!



VIC: Don't make me sh**t you, assh*le!


All right, slappy, you start talking!

I didn't do nothing, man!

All right. Fine.

You're not a witness, then you're an arrest, and this here's just enough to make you a trafficker.

Man, you can't do that, man!

What, bust drug dealers?

You just made my quota for the week.

Come on!

Okay, look, man, I'll tell you, man, look, look...

Just got to get that rock up off me, G.

The whole truth first.

All right, look.

I heard sh*ts, man.

I seen two cops go down, man, then I seen somebody go over there and mess with the body a little.

Who? It was three of them, man.


Yeah, two brothers, man, and a sister, man.

Now can you take the dope with you, man?

Please, man, come on, man.

Have them secure the areas before going in.

Our artist just finished up.

How many copies you run off?

Five thousand. Make it 10.

I'm gonna talk to my contacts on the street.

Someone's gotta recognize these assholes.

GILROY: No one talks to the press but me.

I want every off-duty officer scrambled and in this building within 45 minutes.

Wagenbach, what the hell you doing sitting at your desk?

Uh, I'm working a hit-and-run.

Well, stop.

We got cops bleeding out in the streets.

Half the district's on fire.

There is no other case.

You and Claudette will oversee the investigation.

I was handling this personally.

Not anymore.

Are you sh1tting me with this?

You had command of the riot squad, and a woman got trampled to death.

The sh**t last night, I stayed out of your way, and now I got two more cops dead.

I can't afford your leadership right now.

We're making progress.

Not enough.

If you want to cry to the chief, give him a call, but do it downstairs because I'm taking over your office.

Pete, I need the case file, duty roster, and a cup of coffee, not too much cream.

Pete, could you wait for a minute outside, please?

Stay close in case I need you, though.


What do you want, Vic?

You threatened my family.

If I wanted to hurt them, I could've.

You kept digging into Sedona and our land deals.

I was just refocusing you.

You know what you did.

You know what I'm gonna have to do.

You're not doing anything.

Not now.

But soon.

You think I'd take you on without a little insurance?

Trust me.

I got something on you.

You bastard.

You hit that kid, come begging to me for help.

Call me "friend"?

Stop chasing after me and Sedona.

Do what you do best.

Find these cop K*llers.

Okay, friend?



Get me Donald Graham on the phone.

I want to get some of the Southside boys transferred over here till we catch these pricks.

That's all for now.

Gilroy's really got you spinning, huh?

I mean, blame this whole mess on you and then yank you off it.

We get these guys, he's the hero.

Either way, you're the goat.

Guess you can kiss that city council seat goodbye, huh?

You here to pile on?

No. I'm here to help.

What if I told you there was a way to flip things around, make you the hero?

Maybe even put your political career on track.


Help me take down a dirty cop.

Gilroy diverted police units from that part of town so crime would rise and he could buy property at a discount?

Led to the m*rder of those two women, the riots, the cop sh**t.

When he k*lled that kid in the hit-and-run with his mistress in the front seat, he was afraid the whole thing would come out.

Well, if this is true, why don't you just walk upstairs and arrest him?

Because I can't prove it.

This land deal is a paper-trail nightmare.

I can't begin to crack it.

Your smarts, you could.

You're flattering me, so this must be a setup.

It's not.

Gilroy is bad.

You can't get him on the hit-and-run?

He had the car fixed.

And one of the witnesses was already k*lled in a g*ng hit.

What about the woman in the car?

Sedona Tellez.

Gilroy's mistress. She's the key.

If you can find her, she can give him up for the land deal and the hit-and-run.

No, find her yourself.

Gilroy wants me out on the street.

And why should I do all your legwork?

Because when I find these cop sh**t, I'll let you bring them in.

That way, you get the credit for taking down Gilroy and them.

Sounds like a nice headline to me.

A little too nice.

Look, I don't know what trap you've set for me...

I don't expect you to trust me... but I know you're too curious not to check in on it.

Trying to put AT&T out of business, Igal?

No. I'm just trying to get by.

Each and every one of these phones is either stolen or cloned.

I am as shocked as you are to discover that.

I bet.

You sell phones to any of these kids?

I don't know.

What did they do?

They k*lled three police officers and put the fourth in a hospital.

What? No.

These are them?


And they used your phones to lure them there.

No, no, this is a horrible thing.

I have no idea.

So you did sell phones to them?

One each, yesterday.

Please, please, you must tell me how I can help you to catch these monsters.

Give us the numbers of the phones they bought from you.

Of course, of course.


Hey. Hey.

We were just at Patrick's kid's party a few weeks ago.

I know. Jesus.

All right, let's hit south of Olympic.

I'm giving out a reward to whoever IDs these three.

How my kids doing?

Good, I rented them a PlayStation.


Hey, you should really call Corrine.

She's not thrilled.

Okay, give me a call if you find out anything.

Let's get them! Come on!

Hey, it's me.

When are we going home?

I don't know, hopefully in a day or two.

Day or two? Are you okay?


Then what's going on?

I... I got things coming at me from every direction.

I don't need any more problems.

What's happening to this family is the problem, and you won't even tell me why!

Just do nothing.

That's all I'm asking you to do is just sit there and do nothing.

Is that so hard?

I'm not your prisoner.


Look, I'll tell you when it's safe.

Don't bother.


MAN: What's up, dawg?


Tio! You're out early.

People's nerves are shot. They need a little escape.

Yeah, well, k*lling brain cells is fine.

k*lling cops ain't. Let's go. Showtime.

Know anything about these 911 sh**t?

A lot of people think the cops had it coming.

I say we need to work with the police.

I'm glad you feel that way.

I need a line on these guys.

Well, if I hear something... That's not good enough.

You're gonna go out looking.

You're gonna be my eyes and ears.

If something goes down, you're gonna be my feet and hands too.

Means you're gonna have to get off your corner and get involved.

Shitheads sometimes brag about these things.

They do, we need to know.

I'll get involved, see who's talking.

You do that.

Yes, I was waiting on some information on some escrow accounts at your company.

Well, who can release that information?


Now call them at home and tell them that Captain David Aceveda is about to show up at your office with 10 officers and a subpoena if he isn't on the phone with me in about 30 seconds.

Yes, I'll hold.

You got a minute, David?

Yes, sir.


I'm sorry if I was hard on you earlier.

Nerves get a little raw during a time like this.

Yes, they do.

And I know how bent up you are about being pushed aside here, but I got something that might help take the pain away.


You've always tried to warn me about Vic, but until recently I figured he meant well.

Now I'm not so sure.

What are you talking about?

There was a dead kid the other day, Jesus something.

It got written down as a g*ng hit.

I've got a source, though, that says it was Mackey.


I know how badly you've wanted him, and he has a lot of friends who don't want to see him hang.

You're the only one I can trust with this.



WOMAN: Get down!

Lock down the building!


OFFICER Hands up! OFFICER 2: Freeze!

OFFICER 3: Let's see them hands! See them hands!

Throw your weapons outside the car now!

You're just gonna k*ll us.

I got a clean shot, Captain.


No sh*ts until I give the word!





They're Latino, not blacks.

Everyone in the neighborhood feels like they can take a free shot now.

Nice job.

That thing we were talking about, you interested?

In Mackey? Very.


Let's talk.

Heard about some punk flashing a cop's badge like it was a souvenir, talking about how he started sh**ting and the cops ran like b*tches.

Know where this chatty assh*le lives?

His old man's a heavy biter. All loused up.

VIC: Great.

Dad's busy mainlining and junior's a cop k*ller.

I doubt Mom's Betty Crocker.

Thanks for the fast info.

VIC: Police!

Don't move!


Ah, Jesus Christ.

What do you guys want?

We're looking for your boy.

Sonny? He ain't here.

Where's your kid?

I don't... I don't know.

Well, you better remember, or you're going to be visiting Jonestown Yeah. In a brightly lit, cold cage.

I can get my boy down here, but, like, what's in it for me?

I still got one vein working.

How much do you need, porcupine?

DISPATCHER: One Tango 13, 911 call.

Woman caller reports she's dying.

8811 Lorraine.

That's three blocks from last night.

Got yours on?


All right.


You called for the police?

WOMAN: In here!

Police in the house!

WOMAN: You got here!

JULIEN: What's wrong, ma'am?

My daughter left and I need to take my medicine.

What medicine?

For arthritis. It's over there.

You called us for your arthritis medicine?

In the brown bottle over there. Hand it to me.

Ma'am, 911 is for emergencies.

Well, this is an emergency to me.

How many?



Well, would it k*ll you to get me a glass of water?


Hey, boy, where you at?

Mama's here.


She got Jesus now.

She looks good.

She can't wait to see you.


All right, son.

He's on his way.

Yes, sir...

One of the phones Igal sold to our K*llers just got used to call an apartment in the Grove.

Yes. Here we go.

Okay, roll.


What are you...

Sorry, sonny, I ain't your mama.

Look what we got here.

It's nice.

This what you used to k*ll my friends?

Aw, you cop-k*lling piece of shit!

Who are the other sh**t?

Kiss my ass, man.

I can't tell you how much I was hoping that's what your answer would be.

You want to k*ll me, sonny?


You want to k*ll me?


[SHOUTING] Who are the other sh**t?



What are their names?


[WEEPING] Benji and Twanya.

Where can I find them?

We were gonna find some abandoned building to squat in.


What part of town?

Near the Groves...



OFFICER: Police! Search warrant!

SHANE: Hey. Hey, hey!

VIC: Whoa, whoa! It's just us.

SHANE: We already got him.

We got him.

One of our cop K*llers.

He was stabbing me with that badge.

[SOBBING] assh*le.

You look fine to me.

WYMS: I'm listening.

First you want me to shut up, now you want me to talk?

How many personalities you got, lady?

Walking around, pretending to be a man?

I know what you really are.

You don't know nothing.

I know that leg is shaking.

Why'd you do it?

Three officers dead.

How many more lives you plan on ruining?

More the merrier.


It is... everything in me... not to slap you silly.

Come on. No freebies, girl.

Now, step off.

Screw your mother in the ass, Tio.

Already did twice this morning, bitch.

Tio, I need another favor.

You almost as bad as her.

How much money you got on you?

I don't know. A few thou.

Give it to me. What?

I need to grease a few wheels.

I left my play money at home. Come on!

Can't say I ain't paying my dues.

No, I can't.

Talk to every Boxcar Willy and bag lady you see.

If our sh**t are squatting, I want to know where.

Looks like it's gonna be raining Jim Beam.

Make it Thunderbird. It'll go farther.

I'm Sedona Tellez.

I was told there was a problem with the closing on one of my properties.

Actually, there's not.

Sedona, I'm Captain David Aceveda.

Have we met before?


But I've got lots of questions.

Very nice.

Quite a step up from your place in Farmington.

I've done well lately.

Thanks to your corporation in the Caymans.

That's quite the shell game.

If you were going to arrest me, you would've taken me in, not back to my place.

Sure you don't want a drink?

How does it work, this land scheme of yours?

I speculate real estate. It's no scheme.

And it's not against the law.

Unless your boyfriend is keeping police resources from that area so it stays a slum so you can buy it on the cheap.


Then he pours resources back in, cleans it up, and you get to sell your properties for a k*lling.

Wow, I should've thought of that.

I'm sure you did.

Seems a bit complicated for Gilroy.

I don't know a Gilroy.

You worked in his office for two months.

And I'm betting you're the one who showed him how to park department pension funds into your account long enough to make your purchases.


I made a few calls this afternoon.

Now, let's talk about your boyfriend's hit-and-run.

I understand your anger.

You don't know me.

Your father's a heroin addict.

Your mother left when you were 9.

Am I missing any of the broad strokes?

Those two women who were m*rder*d across the street from you...

Did you know them?

Saw them sometimes.

Is that what this is all about... revenge?

No, no.

What, then? Just for kicks?

Deal with it.

You m*rder*d three of my people.

Twanya knew the women good.

They looked after her.

Benji and me figured the three of us should do something about it.

The police didn't k*ll those women.

Wally Thornton did.

They called 911!

You all took an hour to show up.

So you k*ll three people?

Just cops.

Just like you all k*lled those ladies.

I don't care how right you think you are.

I don't care what kind of bad life you've had.

What you did was wrong.

It's as wrong as it gets.

Vic, this is Sedona Tellez.


I've been looking for you.

I've been right here.

She has a lot of interesting things to say about our assistant chief.

So much for loyalty, huh, lady?

Ben's in love.

I have a future.

Gilroy's not the only one she implicates.


Meaning I was wondering what your trap was, and now I know.

You didn't think I'd find out about the m*rder?

What m*rder?

Jesus Rosales, the witness to Gilroy's hit-and-run.

That was a g*ng hit. Are you in a g*ng now?

What, is she saying I k*lled Jesus?

She says a cop buddy cleaned up the whole thing for Gilroy.

I wonder who that could be.

It wasn't me.

You wanted me to take down Gilroy before he could take you down.

You're both filthy in this.

Hey, I had nothing to do with k*lling that Rosales kid.

So, if I checked out your place, I wouldn't find the m*rder w*apon?

No way in hell.

All right. Let's find out.

This is a search warrant for your place.

Gilroy thinks we'll find something.

Ben... Ben...

Ben was at my house yesterday.

He... I thought he was there...


He must have planted the g*n there.

And why would Gilroy have a m*rder w*apon to an unsolved g*ng hit?

Because he k*lled Jesus.

Oh, you are just full of surprises, aren't you?

I was in the room when he did it.

I found him for him.

If I said anything, it would have looked like I was in on it.

Oh, and we all know how squeaky clean you are.

Gilroy had you get this warrant?

That's right.

This warrant is six hours old.

You haven't searched my house?

I talked Gilroy into letting you catch these cop-K*llers first, and then we're moving on you.



Hold on, hold on.

Okay, I got it.


That was Lem.

They know where the other two sh**t are.

Now... are you gonna help Gilroy frame me, or are you gonna go with me and nail these bastards?

You sure the sh**t's inside?

Thunderbird did the trick.

Couple squatters ID'd them, said the guy told them to get lost.

Waved the g*n around in his face.


And stay close.

I know what I'm doing.

All right, ladies.

They want to come peacefully, fine.

If not... they k*lled Rudy, Patrick, and Chris.

[COCKS g*n]



MAN: Keep faggots and punks off my truck.

I ain't about the romance I'm all about the finance.

VIC: Shh.






Hey, assh*le.

One more inch and you're dead!

Now put your hands on your head!


Okay, it's cool. It's cool, it's cool.



VIC: Don't!

Get down on your knees! Get down!

Put your hands on your head!

I'm not gonna tell you again!

LEMONHEAD: Everyone all right?

Yeah. We got it.

Great work, David.


You got that warrant for Vic's place?

Right here.

You ready to serve it?

He took three cop-K*llers off the street, cleaned up your mess, and you can just s*ab him in the back?

My mess?

I practically choked on the shit digging my way through it.

If you're talking to Mackey, trust me, he's just covering his ass.

These land schemes, the hit-and-run?

You gonna try laying those at his door too?

Don't come near this, David.

Especially without any proof.

Everyone's gonna know what you did.

Last time. Don't play with fire.

Get out of my office.

If you won't serve this, I'll find someone who will.

You're fired.



Check the den again.

Nothing in Matthew's room.

Check the garage.

VENDRELL: Ah, this g*n is nowhere!

I found it! What?

I found it! I found it!

Where'd you find it?

It was in the central air vent in Cassidy's room.

Still loaded.


Come on, we got to go!

Hi, Ben.


I figured you'd be at your place.

Looking for this, right?

Sit down, you prick.

It was just some insurance, Vic.

VIC: Yeah?

You should have taken out life insurance.

Vic, please...

You planted a m*rder w*apon in my house?

A loaded g*n in my little girl's room?

She wouldn't have found it.

I found it.

Oh, you are so over, man.


I'm really sorry about all this.

I mean, there's a way out...

Shut up, you g*dd*mn drunk!

Vic, just drop me and Sedona off across the border. We got some money.

We'll disappear. You'll never hear from me again.

I can't let you walk away from this, Ben.

I'd be giving up my job, my life.

Oh, we got a different price tag in mind.

Oh, yeah?

Then k*ll me!

You're damn right.

Well, come on, already!

Just k*ll me, Vic! Go ahead!

But don't act like you're better than me.

What things have you done?

What have you done to cover those things up?

I'm not like you.

Not yet.

Not ever.

If you really believe that, pull the g*dd*mn trigger!

SHANE: Do it, man.

Come on, it's time, man, do it.

What, you're such a saint?

Pull the trigger!

Hey, look, it's all right, man.

It's all right.

You two got history. It's not easy.


All right? Let me do it.

Let me do this for you, Vic.

Please, Vic...

Looks like it's starting to work.



Of course, you never ask me about my stuff.

I'm always trying to convince you to open up, but you never pry.

Why is that?

You want to talk... you will.

I'll wait for you outside. We'll walk out together?






Went by the hotel. Your family's gone, man.

What? They're gone.


ACEVEDA: Two of the sh**t have been detained.

The other is dead.

Captain, can you comment on the arrest of Assistant Chief Ben Gilroy?

I think the facts will show that Assistant Chief Gilroy chose a path that led to tragic circumstances for this city.



♪ Oh, no ♪

♪ I see ♪

♪ A spiderweb ♪

♪ ls tangled up with me ♪


♪ And I lost my head ♪

♪ And thought of all The stupid things I said ♪

CORRINE'S VOICE: It's me. I'm... really tired.

I don't know where we're going, but I... I... I know you'll want to find us.

But... if you still have love for me, you won't try.

For a while, anyway.

I'm sorry.

♪ Oh, no, what's this? ♪ I can't comment at this time until we have more information.

Captain, one more follow-up question.

There you are.

I'm a sucker for a good show.

Well, for us, the show's over.

Husband just shot his wife because she lost his car keys.

He's already in custody.

Want to pick up some food on the way?

You're not dragging me to that Chinese place again, are you?

Come on.

I got a thing for egg rolls tonight.

You have a thing for egg rolls every night.

How about spare ribs, roast beef...

Anything else?


♪ I never meant To do you wrong ♪


♪ And, ah, well if I ever Caused you trouble ♪ Oh... Oh, no...

♪ Oh, no, I never meant To do you harm ♪ Okay...

Oh, no.

Oh... God!

God... damn it!

Do these joint arrests put you in the front-running for this year's City Council elections?

In my experience, people don't like to be told who to vote for, so I wouldn't declare me the winner quite yet, Chuck.

I've enjoyed my underdog status up till now.

♪ ...The spiderweb ♪

♪ And it's me in the middle ♪

♪ So I twist and turn ♪



But today's events can't hurt, right?

Let's focus on what today's events really mean.

Three officers gave their lives in defense of an institution that their boss betrayed for personal gain.

It's a scandal and an outrage.

The curse of corruption has left its mark on this department.

Now we start the difficult task of healing.

♪ And if I ever Caused you trouble ♪

♪ Oh, no, I never meant ♪


♪ To do you harm ♪

♪ They spun a web for me ♪

♪ They spun a web ♪

♪ For me ♪

♪ They spun a web ♪

♪ For me ♪♪


♪ Day ♪

♪ Day ♪

♪ Living the good life ♪

♪ Throw your hands up ♪

♪ Just another day ♪

♪ Just another day ♪

♪ Day ♪

♪ Day ♪♪