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01x11 - Carnivores

Posted: 01/07/22 10:55
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: Previously on The Shield...

I'm not gay.

Julien, come on.

I hate this thing inside of me.

You can't go through life hating who you are.

I pushed away everyone.

What about your alleged r*pe of a 21 -year-old white girl?

There's not a story here.

I'll take that as a "no comment."

I want to thank everybody for coming out to my album release party.

Hey, yo, yo! Hey, Kern!

Do that duet with Tyesha!

Rondell in the house!

Me and Kern, we been hanging since we was kids.

We're still tight.

Don't you mean Kern financed your entry into the drug business?

Yeah, no comment.

I'm gonna get my money, bitch.

Over my dead body, bitch.

Damn, that sound like a good idea.

Shut up!

VIC: This w*r ends here.

I'm never for sale.

You two can't make peace, I'll see one of you in the morning.


Nobody else coming out of there.

Told you he was a bitch.

I'm the landlord, Rondell!

I let you use space that I own.

Now, you can't follow by my rules, then I'll find someone who can.


How am I gonna come up with the rest of the money, man?

KERN: It's easy, Rondell.

Why don't you sell dr*gs, stop snorting your profit?

Oh, man, don't be like that.

Hey, you got to hook me up, Kern.

Hook you up?

Man, you got Paula so high this morning trying to get laid, she couldn't even sing.

I will make it back up to you, Kern.

I always do.

Listen, don't make me beg, brother.

Just hook me up with the 50 grand.

KERN: Since when am I a g*dd*mn ATM?


Oh, shit!


So, where's this 50 grand?

Rondell should be here any minute.

We don't ever touch the cash or the shipments.

I'm not waiting around here all day.

He'll be here.

Thought you guys knew what you were doing.

We do.

Then what's with the g*dd*mn amateur hour, man?

Do you know how many other people would love to slip a crate through Customs unopened?

All right, let's set a new meet for tomorrow.

I'll drag Rondell here myself.

We'll get this all squared away.


I'm not sitting on that package another night.

It's going to the highest bidder.

Something comes into this neighborhood, it goes through me.

You guys come up with 50 grand, you call me.

Oh, I'm gonna k*ll Rondell.

See, this is why I didn't show.

Bastards tried to k*ll me!

KERN: Wait till I find who shot at my ride, man.

Good thing you got armor.

Who else did you call?

Just you.

I had some product on me.

What about the 50 grand you were supposed to give to Jasper?

Look, I'm a little short on the 50 Gs right now, Vic.

Short? You don't have the g*dd*mn money?

Man, these guys been breaking in on my business!


Man, them bean-selling, bow-tie-wearing, skinny-suited, Nation of lslam t*rrorists.

Same guys who shot at me!


Yeah, man. They been rousting my dealers, scaring away traffic, so yesterday, when three of 'em rolled up on the corner, started preaching and babbling all sorts of ancient Biblical nonsense, I swung on the main cat! Click-clack!

He didn't even see it coming.

So these same Muslims sh**t at you?

I figure they come looking for payback.

So what you been hanging around me all day long for, then?

Kern, I didn't think they was gonna touch you.

And I don't got no armored car.


Stay here till I get back. I'm gonna go talk to 'em.

Which way to Mecca?


That's the one.

DANNY: Police. Are you all right in there?



Entering the premises. Step away from the door.

Oh, God.


One-Tango-13 requesting an RA and additional units.

We have a possible homicide and as*ault.


She's gone.

DANNY: Clear!

They nailed his feet to the floor.


What do you want me to do?



Okay, see if you can pull the nail out of the floor without pulling it through his foot.

I'll get some towels.


Whoa. Whoa.

Prop his feet up.





Oh, Jesus.

Are you okay?


Assalaam alaikum, My brother.

May I interest you in one of our magazines?

Looks like you wandered into the wrong prayer group, Frosty.

VIC: We're looking for Xavier Salaam.

Xavier Salaam!

I'm Xavier Salaam.

Formerly Xavier Cries, spent six years in Chino for manslaughter?

That's right.

I'm Detective Vic Mackey.

We'd like a few words with you.

I'm happy to cooperate.

I hear you had a little run-in with Rondell Robinson the other day.

You want to tell me about that?

I was trying to distribute my magazines on the same corner that Mr. Robinson's men were attempting to distribute his dr*gs.

We fought briefly and concluded.

You two kissed and made up, huh?

There'll be no retaliation.

I thought you guys were "an eye for an eye," whacking off hands.

Those are the Jews and fundamentalist Muslims.

The Nation of lslam is an African-American way of life.

So you didn't sh**t up Kern Little's car trying to get to Rondell.

The Nation does not m*rder.

You committed m*rder.

That was a long time ago, and it was manslaughter.

Why this neighborhood?

Because it needs cleansing.

What if I said that's my job?

I'd say you were doing it poorly.

You can do better?


WYMS: You okay?

Yeah, I guess.

Get some rest, son.

Don't bother with that one.


You, uh, want someone to take you home?

No. I'm okay.

Uh, yeah.

m*rder, t*rture, su1c1de.

Where to start?

DANNY: Home invasion.

Looks like they were after the life savings.

WYMS: Family bank.

Brought their distrust of institutions with them from North Korea.

Force entry?

No, that was us.

Neighbors said they heard a conversation for five, 10 minutes, then arguing, then loud music.

They recognize any of the voices?

No. Just said they sounded young.

What a mess.

We just spoke to Xavier.

I don't get the feeling this guy's behind the sh**ting.

I'm telling you, man! They did it!

If not them, then who, Mackey?

Well, the b*ll*ts were aimed at Rondell.

Who else wants you out of the way?

There's all kinds of rival dealers popping up, taking away my business.

I've had shipments stolen, and now these Muslims messing things up.

What am I paying you for, man?

Hey, another dealer comes in, I'm happy to clean it up, but there's no way I'm strong-arming a law-abiding citizen.

You're gonna have to find a way to work around it.

So do something about these new dealers, then.

I will. In the meantime, I'd be trying to come up with the rest of that 50 grand and hoping Jasper agrees to another meeting.

I can't come up with the cash till I got the dr*gs.

Well, he's not coming up with the dr*gs until he's got the cash, which screws both of us, so think of something.

Sweep up some of these new dealers.

Twist their arms till they tell you who's running them out on the street.

It'd be a pleasure.


SHANE: Right there. Right here.

Come here.

Where you going?

Huh? Come here.

Come here, all right? Where you going?

Put your arms back.

Where you going, huh? Huh?

You're supposed to be Rondell's friend.

SHANE: His right-hand man.

I am.

One of your baby dealers finally broke when we took away his Pop-Tarts.

Selling Rondell's dope behind his back while he's out chasing a bunch of bow-ties.

That's a pretty ballsy move.

You give me too much credit.

VIC: Yeah?

I guess we should just apologize, let you go, then, huh?

No, we got to settle this. Settle what?

You say you didn't sh**t up Kern Little's car.

We think you did.

That's what we're gonna tell Kern.

Not a good enemy to have.

Things got to change.

Nation of lslam is bad for business, and Rondell wasn't hearing it.

So you figured he'd hear about

50 slugs in the side of Kern's car?

I just know it's gonna take a smarter man to deal with them than what we got now.

You dumb enough to think that smarter man is you?

Things are about to get crazy and dangerous out there.

Well, lucky for you, you'll be sitting safe and snug in a cage in here.

WYMS: You're expecting some kind of reward?

We solved 23 murders with one bust.

What do we get?

No bonus, no time off, not even a commendation.

What is that?

You broke one serial k*ller case.

Get off your high horse.




You, uh, think they noticed us?


We're looking for Rhee-Soo.


Are you Rhee-Soo?

Is there a place where we could talk?

It's about your father...

Yung Ho?

Yung Ho?

Uh, is there anyone who can help us?

Does anyone here speak English?


You'd better come with us.

No one here speaks English?

I know it was rough.


Don't spend too much time asking why.

Vic says if it was Dragontown or Flaming Fist, they would have tagged the walls.

So our K*llers are merely working freelance?

What a relief.

No telling how much they got.

Our victims had a checking account, but no savings.

They'd deposit $1,000 every two weeks to write checks against.

The father owned a butcher shop for years.

Probably squirreled away a small fortune.

We should put out the word for any kids blowing cash.

Huh. What?

I should have thought of that. It's a good idea.

You would have, given time.

Uh, Dai.

You're here. Great. Could you do us a favor?

What? We need to talk to this woman.

She doesn't speak English.

Can you translate for us?

I don't speak Korean.


I was born in Torrance.

Dai speaks less Korean than you do.

Better call Division for a translator.

Already done.

Are you feeling all right?

Yeah, sure.

Then pick up the pace.

You're doing a 12-minute mile.



Hello, Maureen.

David Segovia Aceveda.

I knocked, but, um...

A little out of your comfort zone, aren't you?

I struggled with whether to come here or not.

A phone call didn't feel right.

I hope I didn't catch you at a bad time.

She interviewed me two days ago, David.

When you pursue a council seat, they open up all your closets.

And I'm your biggest skeleton.

Actually, it was quite healing, sharing what happened.

And what did you tell her happened?

The ambitious Latino pursued the rich white girl, got her drunk, tied her up, subjected her to sexual acts against her will, he continued to stalk her obsessively, until one night, she was forced to fend him off with a penknife.

Am I leaving anything out?

Just the truth.

I thought maybe your hatred for me would have...

It's been 15 years, Maureen.

15 years later, I still hurt.

What do you want from me now?

An apology.

I'm sorry you felt hurt.

An admission of what you did.

I did nothing wrong.

We'll let the public decide.

My friends, they know people at this newspaper.

One phone call, they say the whole story will just disappear.

Then why did you come here?

I thought we could make some sort of peace after all this time.

Then you wasted a trip.

I have to get back to work.

VIC: What happened?

We were gathered peacefully, then sh*ts rang out.

How's your buddy?

He hit his head diving for cover, but that's the only casualty.


Allah's will.

SHANE: Know who did it?

Rondell Robinson.

How do you know that?

Because we saw him.

He was fast, and we tried to catch him.

We couldn't, but we will.

No. I will.

You just file the police report and let us handle grabbing up Rondell.

I have little faith in your cooperation.

Cooperation sounds like we're working this together.

We're not. You stay out of my way.

That's easy.

We're headed in opposite directions.


My father lost his life savings.

He couldn't protect my mother.

INTERPRETER: He would have been ashamed.

He must have felt he had no choice.

We think her father knew his attackers.

They talked for a while before.

Does she have any idea who would do this?


No idea.

We're sorry about your loss.

I'm, uh, I'm off in there.

Did you leave your A game in your cereal bowl this morning?

Going through a translator, there's no back-and-forth.

I got no rhythm.

Well, I say she's lying about something.

You learn Korean in the last half-hour?

I don't tell liars by listening.

I tell them by watching.

Body language?

Come on, it's a completely different culture.

People are people, aren't they?

I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but Matthew has been wait-listed.


But you said we were in.

The Admissions Board still had to review your application.

Well, what's the problem?

The Glenridge families are a very tight-knit community.

The Admissions Board selected a family they felt...

When the Demochellis interviewed last week...

Last week?

I thought the deadline was three weeks ago.

There were special circumstances.

What special circumstances?

Some of our trustees saw an article in the paper.

You and some other officers...

My husband, he didn't steal those dr*gs.

The charges were dropped.

If I really did that, do you think I'd still have my job?

I'm sorry.

There are other programs that are quite good for autistic children.

We don't want another program.

How long is the wait-list here?

Nine months, maybe a year.

Matthew's behind already.

He's drowning socially.

I really am very sorry.

Hey, Danny, you got a sec?

What's up?

Linda here decided to have a crack party in her El Camino.

That's nice.


Problem is, she likes to keep her stash where the sun don't shine.

You up for a strip search?

Ask some rookie.

You're the only female uniform here.

Come with me.

Okay, lean over.

I got my period.

Keep your mouth shut, please.

Yo, my lips are sealed.

Not for long. Put your palms on the floor.

Aw, come on.

You don't have to touch my string.


Who's in charge here?

I'm the captain. Can I help you?

We have a citizen's arrest.

They were selling crack cocaine on the street corner.

Go ahead and book 'em.

I'll need your statement.

This is my statement.

We will not rest until the dealers and the police who provide them comfort are brought to justice.

Farmington has a veneer of tranquility, but the dermis is infected.

Could you be more specific about the dermis?

Those drug dealers that we apprehended, now, they might as well have been wearing a sign that read, "I have no fear of being arrested."

Really? I couldn't believe it.


It was clear that they were just soldiers.

The captains and the general are still at large.

Any idea who they might be?

Hey, Vic!

What the hell are you doing here, man?

Look, this is the only place safe, man.

Look, look, I tried to k*ll those bastards, remember?

I missed.

I can't let 'em find me, Vic.


You're a goddamned drug dealer.

You can't be coming to where I work.

Man, they looking for me out there, Vic.

They're looking for you in here.

You're supposed to help me, Vic.

You been telling those Muslims I'm backing you up?

Look, what kind of good is police protection if no one knows about it? Huh?

Go home. Stay there.

I can't go home!

They could be waiting for me, man.

Then go somewhere, because you ain't staying here.

If I go down, I ain't going down alone, Vic!


That's right. You heard me.

You'd better do something about it!

You'd better do something.

I've had my suspicions about Rondell, questioned how he so easily operated within our district.

What cops do you believe he's in league with?

I'd rather not say at this time.

Oh, come on.

Not until there's 100 percent certainty.

The wait won't be long.

Where will you be if I need to speak with you further?

In your lobby.

Until we're satisfied that this matter has been settled, the Nation is not leaving this building.


I spoke to your legal aid guy.

Stealing CDs?

Look, what were you thinking?

With your prior record, he said you could get prison time.

Hey. Say something.

You abandoned me. What?

You never called.

That cop told me not to call.

He tell you the same thing?

I wanted you to call.

I needed you to call.

I'm sorry.

It's too late now.

I'm going away.

I'm scared.

I screwed up, I know, but...

where were you for me?


What do we know about the family that got Matthew bumped onto the waiting list?

A banker and his second wife, living real large.

They've got a house in Brentwood, a ranch in Telluride.

So Matthew's stuck because this rich prick can buy his way in?

SHANE: it sucks.

I'm... I'm sorry.

What about the dirt on him?

There's nothing. Nothing.

There is nothing. What about Ms. Emerich?

She's clean.

Come on. There's got to be something.

She's a school administrator.

She's pristine.

Domestic abuse, an alcoholic brother.

Give me something I can use.

The only record of her in the system is a police report that she filed three weeks ago when her house was broken into.

Well, let me see it.

Excuse us, Detectives.


I got a million things going on here.

A million and one.


Xavier Salaam has an interesting take on how drug dealers keep managing to slip through the cracks.

He's actually got his men out doing your job.


Salaam also thinks someone took a shot at him.

Rondell Robinson, to be exact.

Still to be proven.

By five or six eyewitnesses.

A couple of uniforms went by Rondell's house.

He wasn't there.

He shouldn't be too hard to find, though.

It'll be real interesting to hear what Rondell has to say.

You doing okay?

You don't look so hot.

I'm fine.


I'll leave you to your work, then.



Maybe it's all in the family.

Rhee-Soo has a son with a rap sheet.

You think the kid went from loitering and shoplifting to strangling Grams and nailing Grandpa's feet to the floor?

Well, they probably had tens of thousands of dollars in that mattress.

Who else but a family would know about it?

No way.

Robbing the grandparents, maybe, but nailing the feet?

You rarely see that kind of sadism amongst family members.

So then, let's see your list of suspects.

Three Korean male teens just spent a ton of cash on jewelry.

I wrote the address in English for you.


Hope you found your game, because I'm on mine.

Three boys.

Very flashy.

Spent over 7,000.

On what? Chains.

Men's and a woman's.

Thank you.

Have you seen any of these boys?


He bought the biggest bracelet.

He paid for all the stuff in cash.

Probably Christmas gifts for the rest of the family.

Do you have the cash they spent?

We need it.

You give me different $7,000?

No. We'll give you a voucher.

When do I get the money back?

It's evidence in a m*rder.

If we retrieve the merchandise, we'll see it's returned to you.

So I never get my jewelry back either? Right?

Why did I even call the police?

Because you're a good citizen?

Not anymore. Too expensive.

COP: All right, ladies. Backs against the cage.

No talking.

You finger yourself after you finger me?

You bitch.

Hey, watch your mouth.

Show her some respect.

Hey, relax.

COP: Come on, ladies. Your ride's here.

Move it along. Single file.

You know the drill.

I don't need you getting in someone's face every time they look sideways at me.

Look, I'm just sticking up for you.

Yeah, like you did with that drag queen who bit me?


MacElroy just told me about the blanket party you guys threw.

What the hell were you thinking?

Julien, that guy is seriously hurt.

Why would you do that? Is that who you are now?

After what he did to you?

Exactly. To me.

You should have stayed out of it.

He tried to k*ll you.

He's the criminal, remember, Julien?

You know, after all the problems we had, I thought the one thing that I could count on was the fact that you had a good heart.

COP: Okay, boys, your turn.

Let's go.

Machado and his hatchet men had my story k*lled.

Well, I'm sure there'll be more stories.

Like the Nation of lslam standing sentry in your lobby.

That'll be the second one I sell.

I left La Unidad.

I'm freelancing now.

My first sale was to the Times.

It's a piece about an ambitious police captain who uses aggressive tactics to hurt people and squelch the truth, just like you did I thought maybe you'd like to see a first draft.

Feel free to call if you have any questions.

KERN: If he ain't up here, man, I don't know where he's hiding out at.

Used to come up here all the time when we were shorties. Yo, Rondell!


VIC: Rondell, put the g*n down, you shithead!


Yeah, and Kern!

You two okay, man?

You shot at me!

Mackey, let me talk to him, man!

When I'm done!

I didn't know...

You sh**t at me, you die!

KERN: No! No! No!

No! No!

Chill, Mackey! Mackey!

You want to join him?

You got a problem! Look at those people down there!

Come on, man. That's my boy, man.

We got serious history, man! Chill!

He could have k*lled you and me both. He's the problem.

No, Mackey! No!

Chill, man, chill!

He won't be a problem no more. I'll take him someplace safe where this captain won't get him, man.

Just chill, Mackey! I'm all over it, man!

Just chill, a'ight? Just chill.


If he's a problem again, you've got a problem.

Next time, you'd better grow wings.

What are you doing?

Just getting us a little privacy.

What for?

Explain to me why it wasn't the stupidest move of your life to try to take out Kern Little with Rondell.

Rondell was telling everybody that you and Kern had his back, that y'all was dealing out retribution if any harm came Rondell's way.

So let me get this straight.

After you took out Rondell and Kern, you were gonna come after me?

No way, man. You? I knew I could reason with you.

Well, start reasoning, then.

What do you want to know?

Why are you a better deal for me than Rondell?

I don't use my own product. Rondell does, more and more.

He's getting sloppy.

This whole Nation of lslam thing came on when he was high.

How would you have handled it?

Let 'em have the corner.

Move three blocks over.

Dopers follow the dope.

Pissing off the bean-pie crowd just gives 'em a reason to live.

Throw a little bit of that peaceful resistance right back at 'em, huh?


Now, if I'm done filling out the job application, let's talk about how much rent's gonna be.

Actually, 50 grand lets you move in right away.

Good thing I've been saving.

That's a good thing.


What's wrong?



Sorry. I just can't seem to focus.

Verella interviewed Maureen Wilmore.

Oh, God.

She still blames me for what happened, and now the article could run in the Times.


I went to talk to Maureen.

What? When?

Today. Why?

I thought maybe if I could convince her... but she's sticking to her story.

What did you expect?

I was hoping I could reason with her.

Reason with her?

You said she was a crazy girl.

That was 15 years ago.

David, 15 years is nothing to a woman.

My guy at the Times says the Metro editor likes it, but can't confirm it will run.

What happens if it does?

Change your name to Kennedy, you move to Massachusetts, and you'll be fine.

It's critical, but it's not fatal.

Isn't this libel?

Technically, yes.

The law presumes the statement is false unless she can prove the contrary.

You show damages, you have a case, but the damage to you will already be done.

What are my options?

You get this woman to recant before it prints.

I already tried.

Try again.

She wants me to admit I hurt her, apologize for a r*pe I didn't commit.

I won't do it.

David, if she's willing to make it go away, you give her what she wants.

Won't Verella still print the story?

Not if this woman denies it. It's survival, David.

You wanted in the game.

Now is when it starts to get fun.

Ms. Emerich?

Mr. Mackey.

Look, I understand your frustration.

Actually, I'm here on police business.

What's that?

I understand you had a ring stolen from your house about a month ago?

The report said it was an heirloom.

Yes. It was my mother's.

I was hoping to give it to my daughter someday.

Can I be brutally honest with you?


Hollywood Division's never gonna get your ring back.

I figured.

Let me explain.

The police have the resources to solve almost any crime.

It's just a matter of making it a priority.

To them, a stolen ring doesn't rate very high.

I guess not.

I can see it's very important to you.

Maybe there's something I can do.

Looks like they're not budging.

Guess not.

Did you find the ring?

I gave your guy Felipe a detailed description.

It hasn't passed through his pawn shop, but he's checking around.


Guy's kinda whacked.

He bet me 50 bucks he could find it in less than 12 hours.

Did you take the bet?

Oh, damn right.

Bad move.

You don't know Felipe.

WYMS: We know your son Nam Young has been in trouble before.



She only wants to talk to him.

What? Why?

WYMS: Because she doesn't want to talk to me.


Oh, no. You tell her we don't do that.

Dutch, whatever.

Just as long as she talks.

DUTCH: Fine. Um... ask her if there's any ill will between her son and her parents.

She won't answer that.

Would you let her decide that, please?

I'm sorry. I know she won't.

If she thinks we're prying into her family's business, she'll shut down completely.

So I can't even do my job now?

Dutch, just work with it.

We're looking for Nam Young and his friends, Kenny and Paul.

They were arrested together in the past.

Do you have any idea where they are now?



He stayed at Kenny's house last night.

We talked to Kenny's mother.

She thought they were at your house.


I guess teenage lies are pretty universal.

I never told that one before.

DAI: Detectives.

There's been another home invasion.



Our home-wreckers left their hammers behind this time.

This family gave it up.

No one's talking, but whatever they took, they took it all.

DUTCH: Who called 911?

I... I did.


They don't like to talk about these kind of things in front of other people.



Whoa, whoa, whoa.

What happened?

TEENAGER: They got all our money.

They took my X-Box.

They took the games too.

Well, did you recognize any of them?

Sure. It was my cousin and his two buddies.



Look, I just want my X-Box back.

Qué pasa?


Qué pasa aquí?


Graduation party. Kid's got a g*n.

One Tango 13 requesting assistance, 8266 Alameda.

You go through the house. I'll take the side.


JULIEN: Come on. Stay out front. Move.

Okay. Go. Move.


Por favor...


Por favor!

[g*nf*re, SCREAMING]

Julien, wait!

One Tango 13. sh*ts fired.

Get back!

I'll sh**t, man! I swear I'll sh**t!

Are you deaf?

I said I'll sh**t you!

Get away from me!

Go ahead.

You wanna die?


I said I'll sh**t you!


DANNY: Julien!


Give me the g*n.

Get on the ground.


I got him.

I got him.


COP: Hey, you guys all right?


Nice work, Julien.

I'm just glad everyone's safe.

Well, it could've been bad.

Who knows? Come commendation time, maybe we'll hear your name.

Way to go.

Yeah, you're a real hero.

What's that supposed to mean?

You're not wearing a vest, are you?

I forgot to wear it today.

You holstered your w*apon at the scene.

After the suspect was on the ground.

No. I talked to the suspect.

Look, I made the arrest, all right?

Did you wanna get shot?

Julien, did you wanna die?

Why? You can tell me.

I do things, things that can't be forgiven, and I can't stop myself.

I know.

You have no idea.

You're gay. Okay?

I'm your partner.

I know. It's not worth dying for.

Fighting this is k*lling me.

Then stop fighting.

I would rather die than be that.

You don't mean that.

I can't go on like this.

[HITS WALL] I can't.

What's up, money?

I got the name of your sh**t.



That's Rondell's dawg.

Used to be.

All right.

I'll make sure no blood don't spill your way.

There's more.

Rondell's out.

This kid, Tio, he's in.


Rondell's been blabbing all over town you and me both are protecting him.

Man, that's just Rondell talking, man.

Well, that talk got your car shot up and the Nation of lslam camped out in my backyard trying to make me into the devil.

Listen, Mackey...

Rondell's using. He could've k*lled us both yesterday.

He nearly messed up a relationship that's gonna be very valuable to me.

He got one of my acts high.

Ruined the whole session.

Tio's prepared to make restitution.

I'm making the change.

Whether you wanna fight it or not is up to you.

Man, me and Rondell, man, we grew up together, man.

We got a lot of history, son.

People change.

I don't really recognize him no more.

So, what do we do now?

Tell him it's safe to go home... then we let the street take care of it.


Freeze. Face down.

Get your hands behind you back.

When I was a kid, we just tipped cows.

The three of you decided to rob your own relatives?

We just wanted what the other kids had.


WYMS: You k*lled your grandmother.

No. Kenny did that.

You didn't stop him.

Should've just told us where the money was.

You nailed your grandfather's feet to the floor.

Kenny did that too.


Grandfather kept following us around.

He wouldn't sit still.


MS. EMERICH: Oh, my God.

It's beautiful.

I can't believe you got it back.

You just have to know where to look.

I don't know how to thank you.

You know how to thank me.

I don't know. It's a little late.

Special circumstances.

Look, my family will be a great asset to this school.

You win.

You've arrested Rondell Robinson?

Not yet, but he's not gonna be a problem for you anymore.

He was your problem, not ours.

Well, we're both on the same side.

I doubt that.

There's nothing I can say to you, is there?

Admit you're evil?

I'm out of here.

Sure you don't wanna wait this out at the Best Western?

Hell of a lot more restful.

You get your rest, Detective.

The peddlers of illegal dr*gs can hide, but we know where to find you.

As long as you keep it legal, you'll get no trouble from me.

You have a good night.

Thank you for seeing me.

What do you want, David?

I know you're still upset, I understand that, but I need you to tell the truth about what happened that night.

You need me?




I'm married now.


Stop it.

You wanna save your political career?

Then I want you to say it.

Say it just once.

Admit what you did to me, so I'll know I wasn't crazy.



You're recording this? You're unbelievable.

Verella said it was the only way the Times would print the story.

Why are you doing this?

I was just a kid.

I wanted to explore sexually.

So what?

That's right. You wanted to explore.

You loved it!

Then you got tired of me, and you go tell your friends about the crazy white bitch who likes to be tied up and choked.


Two of them came to my room.

They held me down and r*ped me.

They said they heard that I liked that.

Oh, my God. Who?

Mark and Peter.

Don't tell me you don't remember.

I don't. Mark and Peter, I... barely knew them!

You knew them well enough to tell them how to hurt me.

Oh, Maureen...

You sent them there to r*pe me!

No, I didn't. I am so sorry, Mau...

Don't touch me. You are responsible.

Maureen, I am so sor...

Stay away from me.

You know, you tell that slut you married I feel sorry for her.



Something you wanna tell me?

I love you?

Oh, I love you too. Now, how did you do it?

Do what?

Matthew was accepted into Glenridge.


That's great!

Oh, please. Stop with the act.

Yesterday that woman thought you were a criminal, today she's calling up to set an orientation? Fess up.

Well, it could happen.

What did you do?

Nothing any dad wouldn't do.

Come here!


Well, thank you.

Matthew really needs this.

What about the other family?

Well... they missed the deadline.

They broke the rules.

Don't worry.

They'll be fine. They're loaded.

You and the kids come first.

Aww... remind me not to get on your bad side.

DUTCH: Young black male.

Shot numerous times at close range, no witnesses...

Now we're talking my language.

Don't tell me.

Oh, yeah.

I think I'm back.

Oh, God help us.

♪ I'm gone ♪

♪ I'm gone, pretty baby You treat me too much wrong ♪♪


♪ Day ♪

♪ Day ♪

♪ Living the good life ♪

♪ Throw your hands up ♪

♪ Just another day ♪

♪ Just another day ♪

♪ Day ♪

♪ Day ♪♪