01x20 - Old Friends

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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01x20 - Old Friends

Post by bunniefuu »

[Beginning theme music]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

[Dog barking]

[Dog barking]

Eddie: it's never
gonna work, man.

-Oh, yeah?

-Yeah, she thinks
you are a jerk.

-Only 'cause
she doesn't know me.

-No, she thinks
you're a jerk 'cause you do

Stupid things like this
to try and meet her.

-My tactics are not stupid,

They are imaginative,
and they are inventive.

-Tacky, tasteless, and most
of all, they don't work.

-Oh, yeah, watch this.

[Dog barking]


Here, muffie!

[Dog barking]

Oh, muffie!


-Oh, muffie!

Oh, thank you, thank you.

Oh, if anything ever happened
to my sweet little muffie.

Thank you.



-So how can I ever repay you?

-Well, it's all
in the line of duty.


-Let's go.

- All right, I think that's it.
I think we got everything.

Weekend in the santa monica
mountains, here we go.

Fresh air, pine cones,
it's gonna great.

-So what is
all this stuff about?

I thought we were going camping.

-You didn't tell him?


I thought you did.

-Tell me what?

-Well, we're going camping,
but also thought we'd do

Some hang gliding.

-You mean "we"
as in you and mitch,

Because I tried
this craziness once

And I'm not gonna do it again.

-Oh, don't be such a baby.

It's a lot of fun.

-It's a great sport, it's a...

All:a thing of beauty.

-You are gonna be
thanking us come monday.

-Another surprise like this,

And I doubt I'll be talking
to either one of you guys.

No worry, I thought ahead.

Just in case
you changed your mind,

I brought you a glider.

All: [laugh]

-Mitch, there is no case,
no possible scenario

That could ever get me
to jump off a cliff with you.

I should've known you guys
would pull something like this.

Come on, come on,
let's go, I am hungry.

You know, the oddest thing
is muffie hates the water.

I don't know what could have
possessed her to jump in.

-The water probably
just looked inviting.

-Is he friend of yours?

John, john.

-No, looked like
a guy I used to know.

[Heart pounding]

[Eerie music]

-I don't see lance.

-Don't let him drown, john.



Oh, god.

[Cash register rings]

-Man, I thought naps
were supposed

To make you feel better.


-No, no, just a bad dream.

-Hey, listen man,
I was gonna call in a pizza.

Nice large onion,
double cheese, pepperoni?

-Oh, I hate pepperoni.
The rest is fine, but--

-Hey, fine.

We'll just spit it in half.

-I had a friend once.
He hated pepperoni, too.

Always used to order it
just to hear me complain.

I never let him down.

-So do I know this friend?

-No, no.


Is that, "no, eddie,

Get back to work,
I don't want to talk," or what?

-No, his name was lance.

Lance jarvis.


Good guy.

We were buddies
back in the school.

About a year ago,
lance, kate and I were--


Kate was his wife.

Anyway, we were having dinner,
and we had some laughs,

Had some wine.

Too much wine, actually.

All: [laugh]

-You know what,
I'm gonna race you to the buoy.

-Ha! Don't you ever get
tired of losing to me?

-Hey, my luck's
gotta change some time.


-No, don't, don't do it.

Cort: next thing I knew,

We are racing out to this buoy.


[Indistinct chatter]


-Where is he?
I don't see him.

He is too embarrassed
to face me.


-Damn it, lance.

You are scaring me.


Where are you?

Don't let him drown, john.


Never found him.

-Didn't he wash up the next day?


Man, the ocean
just swallowed him right up.


The water was choppy,
the currents were real bad.

Never should've been
out there.


Kate was great about it, though.

She never, never made me
feel like it was my fault.

-Even though
that's what you think.

-Should've known better.

Funny thing was,
today in the marina,

We passed this boat,
and the guy driving it...

I thought that it was lance.

This kate...

I mean, have you talked
to her, heard from her?


No, we sort of fell
out of touch.

-If she's on your mind so much,

Why don't you try
and get in touch with her?


Mitch: I'm telling you, garner,
you are missing out.

Hand me that, craig, will you?


Garner: huh.

Mitch: okay.

You wanna hook me up here?

-I got you.

-Sure you won't
change your mind, garner?

-I was about to ask you
the same thing.

-There's nothing like the rush
of leaping off a cliff.

-Get this for me, will you?

-If you guys really wanna
die so bad, I have a g*n.

Both: [laugh]

-Take off the cliff,
drop a couple of seconds,

The wind takes over, it's up. What is it?

-A thing of beauty.
-A thing of beauty.

Come on, run away.



I'll catch up with you later!

Kate: thanks for the flowers,

[Water pours]


You want something to drink?

No, I'm fine.

-Yeah, I got myself a job
in san diego.

Small travel agency.

-Free vacations.

It's the only reason
to take a job, the pay stinks.

-So, I finally get up the nerve
to come see you,

And you're moving.

-I needed some distance.

I made that pretty clear.

You had nothing to do with it.

-Didn't i?

Me and mitch, craig.

You pushed away
everyone that was closed to you.

-Last I heard, you were breaking
hearts in jamaica.


It's been a hard year, kate.

It's a beautiful island.

Beautiful women.

Sure you had
your fair share of fun.

-Hey, I missed you kate.

I miss lance.

-Nothing has changed, john.

I still don't
wanna talk about it.


Let me help you pack.
You'll be done twice as fast.

-I'll call you.

-We were friends, kate.

-We still are.

-Even though you
can't look in in the eye?

-It's good seeing you.


Take care.


-Wow, beautiful craig.

Get up here.

Craig: I'm coming.

Mitch: hey, I got a friend up
here I'd like you to meet.

Craig: I'll meet you up
there in a minute.

I'm getting my gear together.

Mitch: make it fast, will you?


Craig, I hit a thermal.

Craig, I'm in trouble.

I'm going down.

Craig, did you hear me?


Craig, I'm going down!


[Static over radio]


Craig. Craig, you read me?







-You're hungry, garner?


Sleeping beauty.







All right


Girl: damn it.

Boy: I said I was sorry.


I can't look at you.

-I didn't mean it.

-Hey, hey, hey!
Oh, oh, oh!


-Let go of me. Let go.

-If I put you down,

You promise not to
try to drown your friend?

-He's not my friend, I hate him.

-What's going on?

-He kissed julia foreman
right in front of me.

-I didn't even know
you were there.

-Ah, you pig.

-Hey, stop.
Wow, wow, wow.

Look, be nice to him,
see if that works.

-Oh, stick to lifeguarding.


Nice work, john.

-Thank you.

-Well, you handled that
pretty well.


Teenagers are my specialty.

-All these summer months,

All the hours I spent
staring out of the water.

-Complaining every second,
if I remember correctly.

-I miss being a lifeguard.

Especially, getting
in the middle of a love fest.



-Between you and packing
more boxes, you won by a flap.

-I'll get my jacket.

-I guess you're surprised
to see me.

Cort: kind of.

Let's keep it fun, john.

Only the good times.

Fair enough.

Hey, chris.

[Cort and kate talking
in the distance]

-Come on, craig.

He crashed, didn't he?

-No, no, he's fine.
He's fine.

He's just up to some kind
of funny business.

-Why aren't you laughing?

And why can't we
pick him up on his radio?

-Because his radio's
only has a range of ten miles.

If we're not back in an hour--

-Hey, just find him, okay?

-I will.

I'll find him.

Okay, here we go.

[Tense music]




Craig: am I coming in?

Garner: loud and clear, craig.


[Tense music]





Garner: any signs, craig?

-Not yet.

Garner, I've got a visual.
It looks like he's down.

-Is he okay?

Craig: I don't know.
I don't see him.

Just some broken branches.
It looks like he hit hard.

-Sounds like the boy scout
broke something.

Look, I'm gonna take the jeep
down the mountain

And get a chopper.

-You'd be out of range.

-What choice do we have?

It'll be night soon.

-Look, give me a chance
to find him,

And I can give
you his exact location.

-20 Minutes.

[Tense music]

Craig, what's going on?
Talk to me.

Garner, I see something.


[Static on radio]

Craig: I'm going in
for a closer look.

-Craig, you're starting
to break up.

You're almost out of range.

-I found him. He's in
the bottom of a rocky quarry.

I'm about 10 to 12 miles east.

[Static on radio]


I'm going in for a landing.

[Static on radio]

-Time's up, partner.
I gotta go.

[Tense music]




-You are a mess.

[Engine choking]


-Nothing to worry about.

Garner knows
exactly where we are.

He's on his way for help.


All right, my man.











-Mayday, mayday, mayday.

We're trapped in a rock quarry,
maybe 300-feet deep.

I have a snake bite
victim in need of immediate-

Mitch: [screams]


-That's was a good,
healthy scream.

I am glad to see
you're feeling better.



-Where are we?

-We are down
inside of a rock quarry.

-How the hell did that happen?

-You crashed your glider.

-I know I crashed my glider.
I hit a tree.

How did I get down here?

-I don't know, I guess you fell
trying to get away from a snake.


Oh, the snake.

Craig: easy.

-Help me up, okay?

-Come on.

Come on, come on.

-You do this?


-That's a good job.


-Oh, craig I broke my leg.

-You sure did.

You did a nice job
with the splint, though.



-Yeah, looks like we are in
for a chilly night.

-What do you mean we
are in for a chilly night?

What're doing
hanging around here?

Why don't you get help?

-I can't, we're stranded.

I can't carry you out of here,
I glided in.

-You glided in?

Oh, that's brilliant.

Well, obviously
you brought your headset?

-Yes, I brought my headset.


-But my headset doesn't work

From 300 feet down
in a rock quarry.

-Can I ask you
a personal question?

Where did you learn
your rescue training, anyway?

-I'm gonna go look
for some shelter.

Great idea.

I'll wait here.

Huh, glides in.

[Tense music]

Garner: [screams]








-Some landing, huh?

-Well, are you okay?

-Yeah, I'm okay.

It's mitch who's in trouble.

-I made a fire.
It's nice and cozy in here.


Here we go, here we go.

All right.

Hold on, all right, okay.




Okay, I got you.


-1, 2, 3, I got you.

Here we go.



-What do you think?

-I think it's better
if you put me over there.

-Oh, what?

-The other side of the fire.
It's better.

The least you could do
is get some branches

And some bigger logs.

This thing's gonna last
about 20 minutes.

-I found the cave,
I built the fire,

I know what I'm
supposed to put in it.

-Why are you
getting testy with me?

I'm the one with a broken leg
and a snake bite here.

-You're also the one
with a strange way

Of showing your appreciation.


-Does this hurt?

-Aah! Of course that hurts.

-Okay, okay, okay, sorry.

-Is the swelling
going up my leg?


But your color's still good.

-You better move
that thing, okay?

-I know to move this thing.

Okay, okay, hold on.

All right, all right.

Okay, okay, that's it.


-Stop exaggerating.

I was doing, I was doing maybe,

Maybe five miles
over the speed limit.

Besides, it was new orleans,

They don't care
if you're speeding there.

-You were not just speeding.

You were nearly supersonic.

When the policeman stopped us, I
was sure we were going to jail.

-Now, we would have.

Allow me.



-Stop, no!

[Tense music]

Both: [pant]

-Lance? What the hell?

-What a difference a year makes.

Guess I lost
a few steps on you, bud.



Thorpe: well, how long
before it clears?

What if we went out
of van nuys?

-The glider radio won't
transmit over ten miles.

-Well, that'd put them
in this perimeter.

-No helicopter.
The weather's going south on us.

We'll have to wait for morning.

-Captain, why don't you let us
take a unit?

We can get there
within a couple of hours.

-We can't find him in the dark.

-No, but that would put you
in a good position

For a land operation
in case the weather

Doesn't get any better
for the choppers.

It's a good idea, eddie.
Go ahead.

-Room for me?

-You bet, let's go.


-Hey man, come on.
You were there. You had eyes.

You knew how tight things were.

That kate and me
were having problems.

Cort: you were my friend, lance.

You could've come to me.

-We weren't looking
for moral support.

You know, we needed a way out.

-Oh, yeah, yeah, I understand.

You needed a chump for the
insurance company, preferably

A lifeguard chump to be in the
water with you when you drowned.

-What was I gonna do,
john, huh?

Tell you?

I mean, come on, get real!

A million dollars
was on the line.

Cort: and you went along
with this?

-He was my husband,
I had to stand behind him.

Cort: that's what you did,
all right.

You stood behind him
with your back turned.

-Hey, we paid the freight, bud.

A year of our lives
down the drain.

Kate was the good widow,

And I had to stick it out
down in cabo.

I washed a lot of dishes,
I ate a lot of beans.

-Why did you ever come back?

She signs for the check
in three days, john.

Three days.

-Look, kate.

No money exchanged hands.

That means no fraud,
no jail time.

The only crime you've committed

Is being married to a jerk
who took a long vacation.


There's this dirt road
down in cabo,

And there is this
house that is unbelievable, man.

I mean,
it's got this view on it.

-Spare me, all right?

-Did I forget to mention

That we're gonna cut you in
for a share?


I am not turning my back.

I'm not letting you use me to
collect bogus insurance money.

-Man, I know you.

You're no mr. Clean.
You bend the rules.

-Fine, fine.

You wanna play dead,
you go be dead.

I won't tell anyone.

You guys forget
about collecting any money.


You turn me in, huh?

You turn kate in?

-Dam right, the both of you.

You two deserve each other.

[Door closes]

-I don't want the money,
I never wanted it.

-Honey, when you see
this house--

-How many times do
I have to tell you?

I'm not going with you.

-You are, kate.

You're going, and cort here
is not gonna stop us.

You understand that?
He's not going to stop us.

Craig: this tourniquet
is gonna buy us some time,

But I guess
it can't last forever.

We're gonna
get you out of here.

We're gonna
get you out of here.



-Bring any marshmallows?

-No, bad for your teeth.

But I did get
euell gibbons' special.

Chew on that.

It's got vitamins
and minerals in the bark.

-Protein, too.

A family of termites
is living in here.


-How could you fly off
to save me

Without bringing me
any food, huh?

-I had to choose between the
med kit and roast beef sandwich.

-Yeah, right, like a candy bar
takes up a lot of room.

-Remind me never
to save you again.

-You call this a save?

-I call this a save.

-No, no, I'll tell you
what a save is.

A save is when I am stretched
out at home,

In a warm bed
with lots of hot food

And lots of loved ones
fussing over me.

That's a save.

-I should have brought
the roast beef sandwich.

[Sad music]

[Helicopter whirring]

[Indistinct chatter on radio]

Shauni: garner,
you worried about mitch?

-I'm sure they are okay.


Hey, hey, hold on.

-We gotta get out of here, man.
I can't--

What're you doing, I am okay.

-We're here,
I need the practice.

-Yeah, do me a favor, will you?

Watch out for hobie.


I'm gonna take a little rest.

I'm just--

[Indistinct chatter on radio]

-Let's go lower.

I don't understand it,
we are not in darkest africa,

Where the hell are they?

-I don't know.

-Come on.

Both: [grunt]

[Frantic music]

-Come on.

Kate:stop it, stop it.

Cort: get up man.

-Are you okay?


-You know,
I couldn't go through with it,

That I wasn't gonna take
insurance money.

That's why he came back.


What about our life,
our dreams?

Your dreams, lance.

Your life, not mine.

-This time there's
no coming back, lance.

This time, you're dead.

Get out of here.



I'm sorry, john.

I was scared, too scared,
I guess to be a good friend.

Can you ever forgive me?

-That's what friends are for.

-We're approximately 15 miles

From their camp site,
heading south.

The winds are kicking up.

Eddie: anything
from the civil air patrol?

-No, not yet.

-All right,
we'll continue up the mountain.

We're on our way.


[Helicopter whirring]

-There's craig, bring it around.



-How the hell did
they get down there?

-Hang on, mitch.
We're almost home.

-We spotted them.

We're going in
for a closer look.


[Heroic music]

We can't land here.
The winds are too strong.

We land on the cliff.

That fire road dead ends
in five hundred yards.

We'll land at the top
of the quarry and repel down.

Meet us at
coordinate 693 and 70.


They're at the bottom
of a rock quarry.

We can make it
down the south face.

All the gear ready?


We have three 500-footers,

Slings, check.

-All right, let's go.

Craig: hang in there.

-All right, easy does it.

Easy, take it slow.



-Where's mitch?

Craig: over here.

-How's he doing?

-Blood pressure's low.

Snake bite's swelling
for the last couple of hours.

He's got
at least two broken ribs.

-Neck, back?

-Seem okay.

-All right, easy.

Yeah, sir.

-Ready on three. Ready?


Easy, easy.

-Hey, captain.

-Hey, old man.

-Hey, craig.



What're you waiting for,
an invitation?

[Ending theme plays]
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