01x16 - Snake Eyes

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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01x16 - Snake Eyes

Post by bunniefuu »

[Opening theme song]

♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge
of surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here


"Snake eyes"

[Eddie] shauni, slow down.
Executive parking up ahead.

[Shauni] eddie, come on,
give me a hint.

I hope cort and ruby have
the champagne ready.

Your door, madam.

Thank you.

You rented a tux
for a boat ride?

Not just any boat ride, come on!

Are we going to catalina?

You are taking me to dinner
and dancing, aren't you?


Huh, did I tell you or what?


[All] [laughing]

[Cort] now let's have some fun.

This is it? We're going
aboard this rust bucket?

Oh, come on,
all this thing needs

Is a couple
of coats of paint, trust me.


There you are, my dear.

Here you go.

Hey, don't be fooled
by their nasty looks here.

Hey, how's
the studebaker running?

It's a password. You've got to
keep the riffraff out you know?

Yeah, right.

Hey, mac, pick us up
in about three hours.


This place gives me the creeps.

This place is disgusting.

It gets better than this, guys.

I hope so.


Hey, cort, long time no see.

Another ship, another ocean.

Yeah. They're clear.

Go on inside.

Let's do this.

[Indistinct chattering]


It's a lot closer than vegas.

I'll meet you at the blackjack
table in an hour.

Eddie, isn't this illegal?

I mean, we're still
in the harbor.

Well, technically yeah.

Well, if they raid the boat,

Just tell them
it was all my idea.


I'm just kidding.

All right,
they've got spotters on deck.

They've got security people
roaming all around this place.

They can turn this whole thing

Into an innocent-looking

In about 30 seconds flat.

So lighten up.

It's just for a few hours.
Let's have some fun.

Eddie, we can't afford
to gamble.

No, no. We can't afford to lose.

There's a difference.

Well, let's see how long
I can make this last.

That's the spirit.

Oof! So, throw me
in a hundred bucks.

You're on, thanks.

And thanks for bringing me here,
this is a great place.

Oh, well, enjoy it while you can

Before they move this floating
palace to another port.

I'll do the best I can.

We got one chicken pot pie,
which one is it?

Dad, you're insulting me.

Why, what's wrong with these?

I mean, if I'm old enough

To stay home alone
while you go on a date,

Then I'm old enough to choose
my own frozen dinner in private.

Absolutely right.

Should I hired a sitter?

Good one, dad.

Let me ask you a question.

How do you feel about me seeing
ms. Keller all the time?

You're already seeing
her all the time.

You're right.

So, you don't have
a problem with me dating

Your english teacher?

English and homeroom.

So you do have a problem.

Dad, I'm only going to be
in the 8th grade until june.

It's your future
we're talking about.

You don't have
that many good years left.


So tonight better
be a very good date.

If you're really
concerned about how I feel--

Well, you know that I am.

Then there's always

That rad new surfboard
cort's got at the shop.

Oh, yeah, that's real nice.

Forget it.

[Croupier] black 31.


I guess you brought
lady luck with you.

So, what are these worth?
One, two bucks?

Oh, ten, blue. Twenty, red.

There's over
a thousand dollars here.

[Croupier] place your bets.

All righty.

What are you doing?


All right, let's go.

Yes, mr. Danvier?


[Laurence] what's his name?

Cort, sir.

Well, you've obviously
done this before.

No, poker's my game.

A little back alley craps,
darts, small stuff.

Well, I'm all cleaned out.

That's the idea,
isn't it, mr. Cort?

Well, you got me again, danvier.

Your friend is having
his share of luck.

Beginner's luck.

Then I look forward
to seeing you

When you no longer
have that advantage.


Well, g*ng,
it's about time to go.

What, are you kidding me?
I'm just getting started here.

Nope, nope. My boat's been
waiting out there three hours,

And I promised ruby a quiet,
romantic dinner back on land.

Yes, you certainly did.

I'm starving.

Oh, great. Okay, fine, let's go.

I tell you what, dinner's on me.

[Croupier] place your bets.

Here you go.

Let's go.

All of a sudden it's hard
to picture you teaching

A bunch of eighth graders.



If I had a teacher as sexy and
gorgeous as you look tonight,

I would have done
anything to stay after school.

Would you have offered
to clap my erasers?

Whatever it took.

Whatever it took?

Whatever it took to let
a certain school teacher know

That a certain lifeguard
is absolutely crazy about her.

Oh, we're talking
in the present tense now.

Present and future.



That nervy guy.

Why, for jogging?

No, for reminding us

That we're not the only two
people in the world right now.

[Romantic music]

I thought
you weren't working today.

Yeah, but I still
can't stay away from the beach.

Did I show you
the new bracelet he got me?

It's beautiful.
What's the occasion?

Ha, love, I guess.

And a little luck.

A little what?

Hey, they post tower
assignments yet?

Half an hour ago. You're late.

I, uh, I had an emergency.

Everything okay?

Yeah, yeah, it's just something
I had to take care of.

What something is that?

It's nothing.

Can you take my shift?



I'll see you. Bye.

On my way.

[Indistinct chattering]

[Eddie] yeah.

Place your bets.

[Croupier] red 14.

No more money?

Yeah, and no more brains.

Hi steve, here's your marker.

Marker for a thousand dollars.
Just like credit cards.

Thanks, honey.

Don't thank me.
Thank mr. Danvier.

[Croupier] place your bets.

Uh, excuse me.


Can I get one
of those markers please?

How much do you want it for?

Uh, 1,000.

Excuse me, make it 2,000.

There you go.

[Jackpot ring]

I always make good on my debts.

You told mr. Danvier that,
didn't you?

You missed a payment.
He's very upset.

I'll get it to him, I promise.

Sorry, jay, no second chances.


No, no!


[Mysterious jazz music]

Might as well lose it all.

[Amanda sighing]

[Mitch] you're up early.

[Both] [laughing]

I was going to make some coffee,

But I see someone beat me to it.

It's the curse of dating
a lifeguard.

Up before the sun.

You don't have to work today?

No, I don't.

I'm all yours.

[Skateboard sounds]

Oh, no.

It's okay, it's okay.
It's only the neighbor kids.

No, I'd better put
some clothes on.

I don't think
hobie's ready to see

His english teacher
in his dad's bathrobe.

Yeah, I think you're right.

Wait, what do you want
to do today?

I don't know.

I am kind of curious about what
a lifeguard does on his day off.

Let's go to the arcade.

I can't, I've got to do
my dumb book report.

Oh, that thing.

Don't tell me
you've written yours already.


Have you even read a book yet?


Since when are
you the genius brain

Who doesn't need
to do his homework?

Since my dad started
dating ms. Keller.

So you just slough off
your homework?

What rad break for you, hobe!

I wish my dad would
start dating one of my teachers.

Jeremy, your dad's married
to your mom, remember?

Tell me about it.

When one of them isn't
grounding me, the other one is.

[Shauni] where is he?

Two hours.

Correction, two hours
and ten minutes.

I'm gonna k*ll him.

He said we'd spend
our day off together.

I was supposed to meet him
here in the morning at tower 2.

I mean, I packed
a picnic basket.

He said he'd bring the wine.

Never ever trust a man
to bring the wine.

They always forget
the corkscrew.

And if they don't forget
he corkscrew,

They'll forget the wine.



You've been out
with a man before.

I guess eddie
just forgot... Everything.

A little overdressed
for the beach aren't you?

I'm sorry I'm late.

Did you have a nice boat ride?

It was very long,but I'm here

And I'm ready for our picnic.


Just bring the basket
back when you're through.



I can't win at anything today.

[Romantic music]

♪ Guess I never knew
when I fell for you ♪

♪ That our love
was truly undeniable ♪

♪ We go hand in hand
♪ like the sea and sand

♪ Like a heart and soul
♪ are undividable

♪ Our love is indescribable

♪ We go together
like heaven and earth ♪

♪ Like a poet and a verse

♪ We go together,
♪ we're each other's catch

♪ And, baby

♪ We are a perfect match

♪ You're so beautiful
♪ I can't take it all

♪ There's no word to call you

♪ Everything we do
is more fun with two ♪

♪ Like it's all brand new
♪ and unforgettable

♪ Our love is unmistakable

♪ We go together
like heaven and earth ♪

♪ Like a poet and a verse

♪ We go together
♪ we're each other's catch

♪ And, baby

♪ We are a perfect match

♪ We go together
like needle and thread ♪

♪ Like a pillow on a bed

♪ There's no illusion
there's no catch ♪

♪ 'Cause, baby

♪ We are a perfect match

♪ This is our moment

♪ This is the time
we will remember ♪

♪ We gotta make the most

♪ Of every second of every day

[Eddie] damn!

All right, all right.

Oh, man.

Okay, okay, I'm doing these.

No, no, no.


What are you trying to do,
scare me to death, huh?

Would I do that?

Who's my most dedicated
and attentive employee?

Yeah, right.

What are you doing here, anyway?

I thought you were hot
and heavy with ruby today?

Hot and heavy, and expensive.
My wallet is empty.

Instant bank.

So what's that?

Oh, I can tell you how to beat
the casinos at their own game.

Is that right? How?

Don't play.

You play.

In fact, you're the one
that took me out to that ship.

Oh, that was just a lot of fun.

Only an idiot thinks you're
going to make money gambling.

I did.

Oh, anybody can get lucky.

You also got smart.

I did?

Well, yeah sure, sure.

I mean, you walked away
with cash.

Most guys get so greedy
that they wind up losing

Three times
as much money as they won.



I owe me $200.


So, if it gets
any deader in here,

Why don't you just close up?

All right, I will. Thanks a lot.

You got it.

Hey, have fun.

I always do.

Yeah, sure.



It may be my lucky day
after all.

I owe you--

As I said before,
these book reports

Are going to count
heavily on your term grade.

I received
some excellent reports,

Including jonathan king's
analysis of david copperfield.

And, jeremy, you used
some evocative prose.

Is that good, ms. Keller?

You got a b.

All right!

Hi, ms. Keller.

Hobie, I'd like you to stay
after school today, please.

An f?

I guess you're not teacher's pet

After all, huh, hobe?

Hey, hobe, where are you headed?

To see you.

Oh yeah?

You asked me how I felt

About you and ms. Keller
dating each other?

I think it stinks.

I just thought
you should know that.

Hey, wait a minute.

Wait a minute.

You can't just lay it on me
and walk out of here.

What's going on?

I have to see her
all day long at school,

And now I have to see her
on the weekends too.

Well, that's not how you felt
about her the other day.

Things are different now.

Why, what happened?

They're just different.

I get teased about it.

I'm sorry about that.

It's messing up my life.

Hobe, the last thing I want
to do is mess up your life,

And you know that don't you?

You know that.

It's just that I've got
feelings for amanda.

I don't know
how to explain it, hobie.

Are you saying
you're in love with her?



Yeah, I think I am.

Then fall in love
with someone else.

You don't choose the person
you fall in love with, pal.

It just happens, you know?

It kind of hits you
over the head really hard

And really fast,
and there you are.

I mean,

Suddenly you can't stop
thinking about that person.

You've got no control
about that. I mean--

Am I making any sense at all?

Yeah, I guess so.

We've got to work
this thing out, pal, because...

I want to keep seeing her.

Yeah, I'll see you back
at the house.


that's 22. Sorry, sir.

[Jackpot ring]

Split them.

Mr. Kramer,
I'm surprised to see you here.

Yeah, well not as surprised
as you're going to be

After I win back
all the money I lost.


When I heard you were on board,

I assumed you'd come
to pay your debts.

I did.

Then I'm sure you won't mind

Paying what you owe
before you finish this hand.

Mr. Danvier,
you'll get your money.


Now that the games are over--

It's time to talk business.

our preferred language is cash.

[Clears his throat]

Could i-- could I pay
you tomorrow?

We don't like to hear that
in any language.

Yeah, and I don't like
saying it either.

I'm tapped.

I don't even have enough money
for the boat ride back.

That's one thing you don't have
to worry about, mr. Kramer.

The boat ride is free.


Please stop!


Come on!

[Eddie] [coughing]


[Eddie] [coughing]

Where were two miles ago, huh?

What happened?

Let's just say I went
for a boat ride

Without a life jacket or a boat.

I'm getting an ambulance.

No, no, no.

I'm just a little tired.

It's a good thing
you're not exhausted,

We'd be burying you.

Eddie, what happened?
What's going on?


Tell me, eddie. You can tell me.

Or you can tell mitch.

Mitch? You'll tell mitch?

Only if I have to,
only if he asks.


Of course, when he reads
the incident report saying

I dragged you out of the surf,
he's probably gonna ask.


What could I do?
Laurence and his g*ons

Grabbed me from behind.

What could you do? You could
have not gone to begin with.

I felt lucky.

Oh, yank the chain man!

Where the hell was
your damn brain?

What are you hitting him for?

You took him
there to begin with.

You introduced him
to this illegal gambling boat.

Hey, don't go knocking
on my back door, pomeroy.

Just a night's entertainment.

So is a good movie.

Yeah, well I didn't tell
him to go back all right?

The second feature
was his choice.

I screwed up.
I'll take care of it.

You never said
how much you lost.

I lost everything I won
the other night and then some.

Oh, come on, eddie, tell me.

Tell me you didn't
sign a marker.

How much?



Where the hell is your brain?

Did laurence bother telling you

What the interest
is on an unpaid marker?

Yes, 20%, no different
than most credit cards.

That's 20% a week,
eddie, a week.

So your three grand at the end
of the first week is 3,600.

The second week it's like,
what, four something?

The third week
is like five something, right?

I get the picture.

This is an illegal gambling

Your debt
won't hold up in court.

Where are you going?

I'm going to use the phone.

We cannot turn these guys in.

What are you doing?

Eddie gambled, he lost,

He owes them the money.

Craig, craig, he's right, man.

It's my fault not theirs.

Where are you going
to get the money?

I'll get it.

I'll work nights,
pay it back week by week.

You're not going to be able
to work hard enough to earn

Enough money to pay
the interest on the interest.

Look, I can take care
of myself, all right?

I don't need you guys
to babysit me.

I'm calling garner.

Oh no, before you call garner,

Give me a shot
at cutting a deal, okay?

All right.


[Knocking on door]



You look great.

Thanks, school clothes.

Hmm, I'm going back to school.

We have a problem.


Yeah, come on in.

Thanks for coming by so early.

Hobie's pretty upset.

Before we go any further,

I don't like having
to defend grades

And I can't play
favorites with your son.

Grades? Favorites?
What are you talking about?

Hobie's f.

What f?

His book report,
didn't he tell you?

This is the first I've heard
about a book report or an f.

Well, then I don't get it,
because I thought

That's why you wanted me
to stop by.

I wanted to talk
to you about us.

Hobie's upset about us dating.

He came to me yesterday.

Before or after school?


After I flunked him.

No, no, this has got a lot
more to do with it than that.

Well, all I know is

That hobie is in serious
trouble with his classwork.

Missed homework assignments,
this book report.

There's a big mid-term tomorrow,
I know he's not prepared for it.

Why didn't you tell me
about this earlier?

Because whenever possible,
I like to work things out

Between student and teacher.

Amanda, that's
all good and fine,

But you could
have said something.

I am saying something.

What am I supposed to do,

Come running to you
every time he makes a mistake?

You could have said something.

I've got to get to school.



Dad, I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to cause
so many problems.

Then what did you mean to do?

Get ready for school,
you've got a test tomorrow.

Don't let me down.

Hey, dad, she forgot her--



Snake eyes.



Danny told you
to wait for me up on the deck.

Well, I got tired
of looking at long beach.

This is more my style, anyway.

Hell, if you had
a croupier down here,

You could have made
some cash while I waited.

That could always be arranged.


500 Bucks here.

A friend of mine's
got a marker with you.

Eddie kramer.

Well, it's a start.

One of these a day,
and we'll clear up

This little matter in no time.


No, I had more like
one of these a month in mind.

Then the kid's got a problem.

Well, just set me up.

You're out of cash.

A thousand-dollar marker,
one bet.

What will it be?

Why don't you put it
on the don't come line?

Snake eyes.

You win.

Apply it to the debt, my friend.

They cheated me?

Yeah, loaded dice,
marked cards, the works.

I thought you said
you knew these guys.

All right, so it was
a little error in judgment

Taking you guys over there.

Are you ready to get
the police involved?

No, now it's personal.

I think we should take care of
this little problem on our own.

Personal? Eddie, I'll get you
the three grand, no interest.

You pay them off and you walk.

Pay them off? No way.

Look, these guys cheated me and
now they're trying to collect.

They're scum, man.

You know,
he's got a good point there.

I think it's time we hit
these guys where it hurts.

Come on, you with us?

All right,
where do you want me to put it?

Put it on your head.


Put it anywhere,
just want to make sure

I haven't lost my touch here.

All right, you tell me when.

Uh, ba, ba, ba, ba.

Right there, that's good.

Let's personalize this.

[Cort] [laughing]

[Eddie] huh, you like that?


All right.

All right.

Here we go.

[Eddie] I'm surprised craig
is going along

With this kind of plan.

Oh yeah, no problem.

Not bad.

This is gonna be fun.

I'm very pleased
with your test results.

They show me that you have
been paying attention in class

And that you have been doing
your homework.

That's what she thinks.

Of course,
there are always exceptions.

Nice job, hobie.


Glad to see you're back
to your old self again.

I guess you were right, hobe.
Your tracks are greased.

Newmie said
he saw you sitting out here.

I would have waited
till you got home,

But I thought you might
want to try it out.

Go on, take it, it's yours.



Aren't you the same kid
who's been talking my ear off

For two weeks about how much
you wanted this surfboard?

Hey, hobie, I'm proud of you.

Amanda told me
about your test scores.

Go on, take it, it's yours.
You deserve it.

What are you waiting for?
Hit the waves.

See you back at the house
in a couple of hours.



Take it back.

Why, what's wrong?

I don't deserve it.

I don't deserve anything.

I didn't mean to.

I swear to you I didn't,

But it was like there was
a magnet in it or something,

I couldn't stop.

You wanna translate?

Ms. Keller's briefcase.

It flew open.

The test was there,
and I saw the answers.

I didn't get the a, I cheated.

You got yourself
in quite a mess, haven't you?

You gonna tell her?

No, you are.


You're gonna start off
by saying you're sorry.

And then you're gonna
crack your books.

You're gonna study
real hard from now until june,

Or you're going right back
to summer school, you got that?


You're not gonna return it?

You told me the truth.
I appreciate that.

Keep it in your bedroom.

Get your grades up,
it's all yours.

All right.

Are you ready?

I was born ready.

Have fun.


What do you want?

I was wondering

How the studebaker was running.

Come on aboard.

I told you my presence

Would open a few doors
around here.

Yeah, that and the password.

Thanks mac, come back
get us in a couple of hours.

[Tense music]

[Jackpot ring]

[Croupier] well?

I'm thinking, I'm thinking.

I think we should stick.

Gina, I know what I'm doing.

I'm just saying
that I think it's a good idea--

Hit me.



All right.

Hang onto this bag
just a second.



[Eddie] you've got
to be kidding me.

Cort, john cort.

Honey, it's getting late.

What do you think happened

To eddie
and double o blonde head?

If we lose all our cash,
they'll write us a marker,

Isn't that right?

[Croupier] right.


The little lady.
She's such a worrier.

[Tense music]

[Suspense music]

[Door slams shut]

[Knocking on door]

[Knocking on door]

Damn it, darter, open the door.


Did you get that?

Yeah, yeah.

Here we go. Hang on to that.

What's that?

Just a little insurance.

Okay, there should be an
air duct around here somewhere.

Okay, here it is.

Does craig know about this?

Don't worry about craig.

He'll be the first one to
thank me when this is all over.


[Tense music]

Was fire included in this plan?


Are you sure?


Cort was just supposed
to cut the power.

Ladies and gentlemen, please
move to the nearest exit.


Let's get out of here.



All right,
everything's going okay.

Where's cort?

He's still down below.

I'd better go get him.

I have a little surprise.
You stay here, you'll be safe.

[Knocking on door]

[Knocking on door]

Damnit, darter, open the door.



[Both] [scream]

[Siren wailing]


[Both] [scream]



[Mitch] strait water warning.

He's coming in loud and clear.


[Siren wailing]

[Tense music]

Nice timing.

[Laurence] it's not like
you to get caught

With your hands
in the cookie jar, cort.

[Cort] well, it seems
to me you got things

A bit twisted here, laurence.

[Laurence] I'll be out of these
waters before the cops come.

I tell you what.

I'll bet you 100 bucks

You won't get out of here.

A man of your experience
should know the odds

Of the house.



Drop it.


Looks like
you rolled snake eyes.

So, what are you doing here?

Garner's a cop.

It's his job
to arrest the bad guys.

Thanks, craig.

What? You were wired?

That's why you were standing out
there in the hallway

Risking my life?

That's right.
Did you get all you needed?

You bet. Bad choice of words.


Well, we didn't need him, craig.

I mean, no offense, garner, but
he wasn't part of the game plan.

Neither was the smoke b*mb.

All right.


[Garner] cort, we need to talk

About your style
of doing business.

But first,
the rest of the money.


The rest of the money.

Come on.

Thanks, guys.

All the money.


[Soft music]

[Ending music]
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