01x12 - Armored Car

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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01x12 - Armored Car

Post by bunniefuu »

[Beginning theme music]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

[Instrumental music]

[Carousel music]

Biddle: ladies and gentlemen,
I'd like you do something

For me right now.

Imagine the beach
without the pier.

Without the hot dogs, skee ball,
and merry-go-round.

My family, like the rest
of the merchants here,

Have been working on this pier
since it opened in 1939.

You're standing on 50 years
of hard work and fond memories.

-Not to mention corroded planks
and battered pilings.

Biddle: but if we don't raise
another $50,000 dollars

Before midnight sunday,

Those construction workers will
all lay down their hammers--

-You don't think
it's worth saving?

-I don't care one way
or the other.

I get paid no matter what,
but I'd rather it goes

'Cause of my wrecking ball,

And not some whacko stunt
with an armored car.

-I take it you're not a fan.

-I wouldn't park a 20,000-pound
armored car here.

-We've raised
100,000 dollars so far,

Which you can see all weekend
in the armored car.

-I got one of my guys
under the pier.

He's checking things out
right now.

the five bucks you pay

To have your picture taken
with the money.

So reach deep in your pockets
and help out an old friend,

The beachfront pier.

Thank you.


Thank you.
Appreciate it.

-This is going to be
a terrific picture.

I look great surrounded
by money.

-Don't we all?

-I don't get it, mitch. People
have been lining up all day.

-Everyone loves the pier.

Besides, how often do you get
this close to a hundred grand?

I'm lucky to get
next to two tens.

There's your answer.
Besides, it helps the pier.

-Yeah, it does help.
Yes, it helps the pier.


Both: [laugh]

That's my son.

Lucky boy.

[Suspenseful music]

[Wood creaks]

Biddle: it's the chance
of a lifetime,

Ladies and gentlemen.

Yeah, dad, I look great.

I have to add this
to my collection.


-Oh, yeah, he's got pictures
with everybody.

President reagan,
jimmy and tammy baker.


-Dalai lama, alf.


[Wood creaking]


-Hey, what are you doing?

-I got a man down there.
You got a better idea?

-Just take it easy.

[Indistinct chatter]

[Tense music]

-Baywatch, this is garner.
Beachfront pier.

We got a worker in the water.
Requesting lifeguard backup.

[Tense music]

See you, beach.

Mixed, doubles.

I know you were a pro once.

Sure, you're a little
out of practice now,

But I can carry us.

10,000 Bucks for the winners.

-I'm retired.
I only play for fun.

-Hey, what could be more fun
than winning money?



What could be more fun
than trashing your old partner?

Chris barron is favored to win.

But they haven't seen us yet,
have they?


[Knocking on door]

-Yeah, yeah,
I'm coming, I'm coming.

-I woke you up, didn't i?

-Oh, it's okay, I gotta get up
in three hours anyway.

-Great, let's go for a run.

-Jill, it's four o'clock
in the morning.

-I know. We got time to make it

To topanga and back
before morning workout.


I saw the posters.

Chris is back.

He's such a--

-I'll get the coffee started.


We were a team.

-You sure were.

Hottest volleyball doubles
on the circuit.

-He had an affair, mitch.
Did I tell you about that?

-Oh, yes.

-Such a worm.

I wonder if he has the guts
to face me now

After all this time.

-What about you?

You got the guts to face him?

-I've been rehearsing the moment
just in case.

Want to see it?


-Pretend like you're chris.

-Okay. Hi.

Ow! That's perfect.

That's right to the point.

Maybe the coffee's ready now.

I'm sorry, mitch, I gotta go.

I've got a lot of tension
I gotta work off.

-Oh, okay.

-Thanks for the visit.




[Sad song]


Chris: you haven't changed.


Let me guess your next line.

"You're still
as beautiful as ever."

-Look, jill, I didn't come here
to ruin your day.

It's just that I haven't been
back here since we split up.

And now that I'm here,

All I can think about is us.

There were good times, jill.

Lots of them.


You really hurt me.

-Yeah, well, there was plenty
of hurt to go around.

-Yeah, well, I guess
I wasn't perfect, either.

-You were close enough for me.


-I've missed you.

-I knew you'd come back someday.

With those brown eyes,
those smooth lines,

And a bunch of "I'm-sorry"s
and "let me make it up"s.

-Maybe next weekend.

-It's a time-share. Somebody
else is in there next weekend.

Since when have you had
a crowded social schedule?

-I'm going to catalina.


Well, I can live with catalina.

Do a little snorkeling--

-Uh, shauni.

Sorry, it's guys only.
You know how it is.

-You're joking.

So it's more important to you
to spend a weekend with the guys

Than a romantic weekend
with me.

Eddie: I never said
it was more important.

Shauni: but you
don't wanna be with me.

-You don't?

Butt out.

Shauni, look,
this has nothing to do

With my not wanting
to be with you.

-Then what does it
have to do with?

-It has to do with guys.

guys just gotta be guys.

It's a tribal thing.


Does the phrase "insensitive
slug" mean anything to you?


-Shauni, I'm free.

-Shut up.
Listen, shauni, listen.

You make too big a deal
out of this, really.

It's a simple weekend.
A little male bonding.

Drink a little beer,
talk about important issues,

Like hoop sh*ts
and three point plays.

Sure beats spending time
with me, huh?

-Come on, shauni,
we're not talking a month.

We're talking a weekend.
Two short days, 26 miles away.

Come on, we'll have
plenty of weekends together,

Just not this one, all right?

Shauni: it's nice
to know where I stand

On your list of priorities.

Right smack at the bottom.

-Shauni, come--

Hey, my towel.

Shauni, come on.


-Finally learned
how to handle women, huh?

Man: this is a worthy cause.

Just five dollars.
Help save the pier.

Come get your pictures.

Have your picture taken
with all that money.


How's the man who fell?

-Still in intensive care,

-Is that why you look so


-Listen to this wood.
It's creaking and groaning.

I feel like I'm standing
on toothpicks.

-It's part of the charm.

Let's you know you got an ocean
under your feet.

Mr. Biddle, this wood is old.

-So am i.

-I've worked on this pier
every day of my life.

The floor has never given way
under me once.


In fact, I find the sounds
rather soothing.

[Man talking in the distance]




Chris: my accent was bad,
but I got us a free room.

Uh, so, uh...

Are you, uh, happy that you
came out with me tonight or not?

-As much as I'd like
to be angry, I am glad I came.

-Me too.

You know what I miss?

The team work.

The synchronicity.

Reading the way
you moved your body.

The way you looked at me.

The way you knew how I felt
before I did.

Not just in the game.

-Yeah, we were a terrific team.


Well, we should have played
that tournament five years ago.

We would've aced it.

Then we could've traveled
the circuit

And try out
all our other rotten accents.


Well, that moment's gone.

-It doesn't to be.

We can make that happen.

We can be a team again.

Next weekend we can be
a team again.

-What are you saying?

-Five years ago
you weren't ready.

But you're older now,
you're wiser now.

We can win
that tournament together.

-All this talk about making it
right and being together

Is your way of luring me
onto the volleyball court.

-No, it's just
the perfect opportunity.

My partner dropped out
at the last minute--

-You're incredible.

-Jill. Hey, jill.

I'm doing this for you.

Look, we didn't make it before
because you couldn't handle it.

I'm just giving you
another shot.

-You were sleeping with another
woman, that's why we broke up.

-That's your version.

I found someone else
because you flaked out.

-Well, that's great. You had
an affair, and I flaked out?

-Missing practice,
screwing up on the court.

You didn't have the guts
to take it all the way.

-That's not true.

-You choked.

-Sign this.

-The entry form
for the tournament?

-I know what it is.
Just sign it.

-I thought you'd
see things my way.

-Look, I'm never gonna see
things your way.

Just sign it, okay?
I have my own reasons.

-Yeah, 5,000, I bet.

We are splitting the kitty

-Not if I do
70% of the work.


-This is no goofing around
in the sand.

This is a
professional tournament.

-Hey, I am a volleyball demon.

-You're a rank amateur.

It's gonna take a miracle
to make you pro stock.

What are you waiting for?
The tournament's this weekend.

Let's go.

Man: it's a lot of money, folks.

Get your picture taken
in front of the armor car--

[Wood groaning]


[Ominous music]




-I'm not doing it again.

My hands are numb,
my arms are numb,

My body is numb.

-Live with it.

-Thanks for the sympathy, coach.

Both: [pant]

Heads up.


-Looks like I'm not the only one
who's a bit tired, huh?

-Yeah, looks like it.

-Okay, so what do you say we
stop working on my return

And have some fun?

-You wanna play for fun
or you wanna play to win?

It's your call.

-There must be an easier way
to make 10,000 bucks. Come on.

-Night, fellas.

-Good night.

-Good night.

-You working tomorrow.

-Yeah, double shift.

Man: really?

-Don't forget to set
your car alarm.

-Worried about the money?

-I wouldn't leave my lunch box
out here all night,

Let alone a hundred grand.

-Without the key
and the electronic code,

The only way someone is getting
in there is with a bazooka.

-Have you seen what the kids
around here

Are packing these days?
I wouldn't put it past them.

-You got a point.

Not only is this baby sleek
and sporty,

She's air-tight
and virtually impregnable.

[Wood grunting]


Man: welcome
to the 19th annual seal beach

Pro-am volleyball tournament.

[Indistinct chatter]

Man: the elimination rounds
begin on court two,

Where jack turner and dorothy
copeland will compete

Against trevor cole
and jill riley

-You've been staring
at that board for 15 minutes.

-Just figuring the odds.

-Yeah? How do they look?

-Not seeded to play chris
until the final round.

One loss, and we're knocked out
of the finals.

-Don't worry, champ.
No one's gonna eliminate us.

Let's get him.

[Indistinct chatter]

[Frantic music]

I bet you didn't know
I'm an expert marksman.




-This is how we spend
our day together?

-Well, we're alone.
Just you, me, frogs.

-And the lakers.

I won!

I won.

-All right!

Yeah! Hey.
Shauni, where yo--

-There you go.

-Thanks, man.
Hey, shauni.

Shauni, hey, come on, wait up.

Wait up.


I'm sorry.

-Sorry you didn't have
a portable television set

Or radio, you mean.

-All right.

You have my complete attention.

It won't happen again,
I promise.

-It's half-time, isn't it?

Well, yes, but what does
it have to do with--





Man: have your picture taken,

Help save the beachfront pier.
Only five dollars.

Come on, ladies and gentleman.

You can have your picture taken
with a bunch of money.

-Hey, garner, see shauni around?


-Come on, honey,
show me a big smile.

Show mommy your new teeth.

Come on.

Come on, honey.

Show me a big smile.

Come on.

-Sometimes I'm glad
I was an orphan.




Baby! Somebody help my baby!


Eddie, no.

My baby.

-Go back, stay back.
Yeah, keep cool.

[Tense music]

-Okay, guys, let's get
on the back.

-Just a moment.

-Can you come to me, huh?

I'm sure you can. Come on.
You can do it, come on.

All right, just relax.
Everything's gonna be okay.

I'll come and get you,
all right?

Man: give us a chance
to secure the truck.

-This thing is barely
hanging on by splinters.

It's our only chance.

All right, just don't move.
I'm gonna come and get you.

All right? It's gonna be okay.
Don't move, we'll get you out.

All right.


Man: okay, guys,

Let's get some weight
on the back of that truck.

[Indistinct chatter]


-Don't move.

[Indistinct chatter]

Okay, give me your hand.

Come on.


Hold it.


-Come on.

Come on, give me your hand.

Girl: [sobs]

Oh, man.

I can't reach her.



Come on, I'll pass her to you.


I got her, I got her.

I'll get you.
There you go, there you go.


Okay, cool.
It's okay.

Come on, come on.

-Use my body.

Reach out. Come on, baby.


Come on.

Eddie: you have her?

-I got her.
Come on, there you go.

There you go.
There you go.

-There you go.

I have her. Come on, come on.
We got you, come on.

That's okay, come on.

-Oh, yeah.

Oh, oh.


[Tense music]

[Siren wailing]

I'm just arriving, mitch.

I'm going in, cover me.

I'm on my way.

[Siren wailing]

-Move back, will you?

Move back. Move back, please.
Please, please, come on.

Move back, move back.

Move back, please.

Craig: how long has it been
down there?

Garner: two,
maybe three minutes.

The truck is air-tight, maybe.

I'm checking it out.

[Tense music]



They're out there.

Good. Push.


-How are you feeling?

Not too bad for a guy
with a couple of broken ribs.


You did this just
to keep me from the game.

-At least I have you
all to myself.


-Craig just went in.

-You see them?

-I saw shauni. She's okay.

-What about eddie?

-I don't know,
I only saw her.

-Craig, is the truck
in one piece?

-Seems to be.

-That's good news.
It's air-tight.

-It also means
we can't get air into it.

Who's got the key?

-It's not that simple.
It's a combination

Of a key and
an electronic code.

The system has shorted it out.

The company's got a team
of experts on the way.

-We can't wait that long.

Bring the crane around.
Maybe we pull it out.


-Hey, craig, we got
your gear covered.

[Indistinct pa announcement]

-It's not gonna get any better,
is it?

-I'll be all right.

-Jill, look at yourself.
You can't hardly raise your arm.

Don't be stupid.

-Look, I'm not pulling out.

-I don't fancy being humiliated
in front of a crowd of people,

You know.

We can still win.

-You can't even play.

I have to.

-Give me one good reason.


-Chris? I said a good reason,

Like a loan shark
biting at your heels.

-Look, he thinks I choked,
all right?

He thinks I quit the team

Because I couldn't take
the pressure.

I want him to know that I quit

Because I didn't
wanna play anymore

Without him.

You don't understand that,
do you?

-Sure I do.

You're gonna ruin your shoulder
to prove a point.

He's worth it, jill.

You know what the truth is,
and that's that counts, right?



-Yeah, you're right.

I'm gonna go pull us out.


-"Adios," fame and fortune.

Well, at least no one can say

That the excitement has gone out
of our relationship, huh?

Come on, push.

-They're gonna rescue us soon.
They know we're in here.


We'd better be.


-Come on, push.


Man: the mixed doubles final
are just about to start

On the championship course.

Man: can I help you?

-Uh, jill riley.


I knew we'd get this far,
I just didn't think it'd be

On opposite sides of the net.

-Congratulations to you.
It looks like you've won

I'm pulling out.
I've hurt my shoulder pretty bad

Oh, I guess
things haven't changed, huh?

Easiest win of my career.

Thanks, jill.

I know just where to spend
the money.

Give me five.
We just won 10,000 dollars.


Can you believe it?


-It took a lot of guts
to pull out.

-It doesn't take guts to quit.

Let's do it.


[Heroic music]

I'll take the serve
and pass to you.

-What about that bad shoulder,

-Make them--

-You don't even get it over the
net, how are you gonna spike it?


-We either win or not.


-Come on.

[Tense music]


Referee: time out.

You can scratch the crane.

We can't move it
over here in time.

-How much time do we have?

-I just got off the phone
with the armored car company.

Their best guess is two hours,
tops, then the air runs out.

-Then let's cut
into the damn thing.

-No chance. We're talking about
an armored car remember?

That's what
they're designed against.

Maybe we're could float it out.

-With what?

-Inflatable boats.
The diver shop on the pier

Would have this. Strap them to
the truck, inflate them,

And bring her to the surface.

-We need a compressor and a
line surrounding to the water.

We don't have either of them.

-We'll improvise.
We'll use scuba tanks.

-It could work.

-It has to.

-Get some ropes and start
running them under the truck.

-You got it.


-I'd conserve your energy
if I were you.

I think you're gonna need it.

-Shut up, eddie.

-What are you
snapping at me for?

-We're trapped in an armored
car underwater,

And in case you haven't noticed,
the water is rising.


It's kind of romantic.


Think about it.

We're alone, wet,
swimming in money.

You're pinned up against
the wall by a safe.

Eddie: I never said
it was perfect.





I'm scared, eddie.

-Compared to going
to the dentist,

This is a piece of cake.

-I love you so much.

[Tense music]

[Heroic music]


-Sorry about that, mate.

I thought
you were hiding for me.

-I was, not anymore.

Didn't I tell you
to look for the block?

-It's pretty hard to see

With a volleyball
implanted in your face.

-You take the set,
I'll take the serves.

-You're crazy? You wanna lose?

-We're already losing.

-You can't spike with that arm.

-There's more to volleyball
than power, trevor.

-We can't do any worse.

[Heroic music]

-Something wrong, dear? We could
have the official stop the game.

-I'm fine.

-If you say so.

Gee, that must hurt bad.

You holding up all right?

Yeah, I'll be all right.


[Sirens wailing]

All right, go, go!

Get out there.

Move it! Move it, move it!

Hit the water.
Come on, let's go.

Hey, did I ever tell you

About three big nightmares
I used to have when I was a kid?

-This is not the time, eddie.

-Oh, no, that's great, really.

One was two walls with spikes
on them closing in on me

Until I was crushed
between them.

-This isn't helping.

-Hey, honey, no, no.

In another one, I'm pushed out
of a tall building,

And all I see is the sidewalk
rushing up on me and it splat.

[Suspenseful music]

Diving in clear water, right?

That's with beautiful
colorful fish around me.


Then my foot gets stuck
in some rocks.


-Can you believe it?

Shauni: don't try to talk,

-Wake--wake me up, will you?

-I'm not gonna
let you drown, eddie.

I'm not.

Hold on, eddie.

[Siren wailing in the distance]


[Indistinct radio]

[Tense music]

Shauni: breathe.

Breathe, eddie.

Man: the truck's breaking
the surface of the water now.

Go ahead.
Bring it in nice and easy.

It's not over yet.

[Tense music]

Right here.

Okay, here we go.

Come on, guys, come on.

Move it.
Let's help bring it out.

Pull, pull.


Pull, pull.

Man: truck is on the beach.
Now returning to bay.

-Hey, they're coming.
Over here.

Come on, come on, come on.

Move it.

All right, lock it down.

You guys are ready?

Ready? We're set.

All right, hit it.

Get them to shore.


Air obstruction.




Let's forget about
the catalina weekend, huh?

[Heroic music]









There's no stopping us now.

The deauville invitational,
the nassau grand pro-am.

We can go back
to sydney on this.


You're on your own, trevor.

I just went into retirement

[Victorious music]


So you like to travel?

[Ending theme plays]
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