01x08 - Cruise Ship

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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01x08 - Cruise Ship

Post by bunniefuu »

[Beginning theme music]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

[Rock music]


[Indistinct chatter]

[Motor revs]



[Tense music]

-All right, hold on.

Hold on to that.

Put your arms around it.

-So what's her name?

Eddie: who?

-Your date for tonight.


-Is she new?

-New? What you mean?

-Has craig or gina, or any
of the g*ng met her yet?


-Same with andy. Except for you.

Eddie: who's andy?


What are you doing?

-Andy, andrew garrison.

You took me to ollie's,
and we danced all night.

-I can't place the face.

-In the parking lot.

You turned blue
when you saw his '68 vette.


-He lives in the marina.
He goes to law school.

Big blue eyes. He's 6'3".

-Hey, that guy
was no more than 6'.

-So you do remember him.



-Hey, listen, I was thinking.


-Since it's his first time
meeting everybody,

Maybe you could talk to him.

You know, make him feel
more comfortable.

Would you do that for me?

What? What?


This is gonna be
some honeymoon, huh?

You'll get your husband back.

You'll be good as new tomorrow.

[Indistinct chatter]

[Indistinct chatter]


Excuse me, just a sec.
Excuse me.

-There's something wrong
with these chicken balls.


-They don't taste like chicken.

-Jill. Jill.

Do me a favor.
Would you taste one of these?

-Sure, which one?


-It's good.

-Yeah, but what is it?



-Stop it. Don't tickle me.

-I can't help it, i--
I have to touch you.

It's like an addiction.


Hey, buddy. For you.

-Oh, great, thanks.
That's great.

Hey, try one of these for me,
will you?

-Oh, would you please stop
with this taste testing thing?

Hi, you look nice.


-Where's your date?

-Sore throat, you know?

Under the weather.
102 Temperature. Awful.

What is this? Cheese?

-You see?

-Oh... Wait, sore throat?

102 Temperature?
Under the weather? Awful.

-I'm sure
that was going around.

You know, I wasn't sure
I was gonna make it.


Excuse me.

-Is this the liver?

-Does it taste like a liver?

-No, it tastes like a chicken.

-What's up?

If you stare
at that clock any harder,

You're gonna make it stop.

-I wish I could.

Jenny's gonna show up
any minute.

-I thought you liked jenny.

-In small doses.

-Come on, is this
the same hobie buchannon

Who just last week was
saying jenny was great,

That she wasn't
like a girl at all?

-Yeah, dad, but that was before
she glued herself to me.

-She likes you.

She wants to spend time
with you.

[Doorbell rings]

See? There she is now.

-I can't even ride my bike

To junior lifeguards
alone anymore.

I mean, a guy needs time
to himself, you know?


For a moment I thought I'd be
going to headquarters alone.

-Are you joking?
Who would you race with?

-Who's racing?

-Don't tell me you want more
than a ten-second head start.

-Have a safe ride.

Shauni: party was pretty good,
wasn't it?

-Yeah, it was great.

-So then
why did you leave early?

-Why do you care?

-Maybe because I asked you
to do me a favor

And make andy feel at ease.

And instead, you did
just the opposite.

-Opposite? What did I do?

Let me see,
where should I start?

You made fun of his clothes,
his hair, the way he laughs--

-Hey, wait a minute.
I wasn't making fun of him.

I was just trying
to make him feel

Like he was one of the guys.

-By spraying him
with a beer can?

-That was an accident.

-Oh... Accident?

-Yes, an accident.

-You're serious?


I wouldn't do anything
to embarrass you.

-Well, thank you, 'cause I have
to admit I did think the worst.


Tell me what you think
about andy.

-Can we talk
about something else, please?

-Yeah, but why?

-Because I'm...

Sick of "andy" this,
"andy" that, that's why.

I don't wanna talk
about your love life.

-I thought we were friends.

I thought at the very least
you'd be curious.

-I'm not. At all.

-Well, I am. I wanna know
what you think about andy.

So maybe we're not friends
at all, eddie.

Maybe I'm just some lifeguard
of the opposite sex

Who you share a shower with.

-We're friends.


-Well, then be honest with me.

Tell me what you think
about andy.

-He's a jerk, shauni.

An arrogant bonehead
and a patronizing stooge.

That's what I think, okay?

-Well, who asked you?

[Indistinct chatter]

Craig: congratulations.

-For what?

-For graduating rookie school.

Mitch said you were
top of the class.

-Oh, yeah, thanks.

It's a big honor
being a county lifeguard.

I get to wear red trunks,
carry a rescue can.

Don't know how I got along
without them.

-There's nothing like
the enthusiasm of a rookie.

[Boat horn sounds]


[Boat horn sounds]

-Tom logan.

Name of the guy
that owns the boat.

He's been hanging
around the club

The last couple of days,
drumming up business.

-That's a business?

-Catered parties.

Boozy, breezy. Mostly boozy.

They're supposed to be
a lot of fun.

-That kind of fun we don't need.

Sooner or later, we're
gonna be pulling passengers

Out of the water.

I already have.

Day before yesterday.
A wedding party.

The bride took a header
off the stern.

They didn't even miss her.

-What happened to her?

-Oh, I swam her to shore.

Wedding's off.

We've got a date next week.

-You talked to logan?

-What about?

-The lifeguard stuff, you know.

Alcoholic consumption,
endangering passengers,

That kind of thing.

-Well, I didn't want to overstep
my mark, you know.

After all, I'm just an
enthusiastic rookie, aren't i?


-How's it going?

-It'd be a lot better
if I knew what I was doing.

-Then why don't you stop? Let
the landlord take care of it.

-No, I said I'd fix it
and I will.


Hand me the screwdriver,
would you?


-Thank you.

-If you fail
your civil law test,

Don't go pointing
your finger at me.

-What? You're afraid
I'm gonna tell my dad

I'm suffering
due to your bad influence?

-I wouldn't put it past you.

-Dad will love you.

-What about mom?



Mom's a lost cause.

She'll take one look
at your hair and your curves,

She'll pull me aside

And say you're not
garrison material.

-Oh, that's comforting.

-No, it doesn't matter
what she thinks,

Just as long as I like your hair
and your curves.

-Would you stop it?

I still have two chapters
to summarize.

-Hey, if I can take time
out of my busy schedule

To fix your sink--

-Mr. Garrison.

-Oh, I like the sound of that.


-Kiss me.

-Andy, let me finish.
What are you doing?

-I want that kiss now.

[Ominous music]

-Let go of me.

-Kiss me, and I'll let go.

-Let go first.


-[Clears his throat]

I'll buy you a new one.

Shauni, I'm sorry.

I am, I was only playing around.

You have a blackboard handy?

I'll write "andy's sorry"
a hundred times.

How about--how about
"andy loves shauni"

A thousand times?

Did you really think I was going
to take "no" for an answer?

[Ominous music]

[Boat horn sounds]


I'm looking for tom logan.

-I'm seeing a lot of guys
in red trunks these days.

-I'm craig pomeroy.

I hear one of those guys
in red trunks

Swam out to your boat
a few days ago.


Kinda busted up a wedding.

The groom's still
looking for him.

-The bride almost drowned.

-She jumped overboard.
What am I supposed to do?

-You know, I know you want
your cruises to be fun,

But you'd sure make
our lives a lot easier

If you'd keep the drinking down.

Take it easy out there.

-Take it easy?

Look, my customers
call the sh*ts, pal.

They expect this
baby to be humming

From the time they get on
to the time they get off.

-It's a good way
to wreck an engine.


You got jurisdiction over
a watercraft on the open sea?


-Great, because me
and my little party boat

Are gonna be raising
some hell tomorrow.

And the day after that,
and the day after that.

You see, I got a reputation
to maintain.

-So do i.

So I guess
I'll see you tomorrow.

And the day after that,

And the day after that.


-Hey, eddie,
have you seen hobie anywhere?

We're supposed to go fishing.

-I haven't seen him.

-Well, if you do--

-I'll let him know
you're looking for him.


-Okay, kiddo.

-I need privacy here.

-I need my trunks.
Hobie, what are you doing?

-Oh, jenny?

-She's always trying to hug me
or hold my hand.

Yesterday she even tried to
get me to play spin the bottle.

-Sounds good to me.

-She's driving me crazy.
What am I gonna do?

-Well, if you're really
that unhappy--

-I am.

-You'd better tell her.

-But that would hurt
her feelings.

-Hey, there's no avoiding that,
believe me.

Listen, hobe,
better the clean, sharp snap

Than the long, slow bend, man.

-There you are.

I've got the bait
and everything.

-See that curtain?
Men on this side only.

-Don't you wanna go fishing?


I can't. I mean...

I've got some stuff to do
around the house.

-You want some help?


-Well, I'll see you.

-See you.


Going for the long, slow bend,

-Sid, he must have called.

Are you sure that you haven't
left the switchboard

Since last time I phoned in?

Well, maybe someone else
took the call.

Okay, okay, if andrew calls,
tell him that i--

He hung up on me.

-What do you expect? You've
been badgering him all morning.

What's the big panic about?

-We had an argument last night.

It's so weird. I hate to fight.

It seems that we do
more and more of it.

-Any better off
after the fight's over?

-You mean, besides getting
better at making up?

-So what was the fight about?

Politics, religion?

Or was it something
really important,

Like he didn't want pepperoni
on your pizza.

-No, we fought
about lifeguarding.

-You're kidding.


He thinks I spend all my
time caring about strangers

And not enough time
caring about him.

You know,
with law school and all,

He's under a lot of pressure.

Sid, did i--

I'm gonna take a patrol.

-What do you want me
to tell andrew if he calls?

-Tell him I called,
I cared, and I left.

-I went through
the old incident reports.

Tom logan's name was all over
them a few years ago.

He was running
this parasailing operation

Behind a powerboat,
didn't know what he was doing.

-And we spent the month of june
rescuing his customers.

I remember that guy.

-That's him.

-I thought the county
put him out of business.

-Time to do it again.


I mean, he's right.
We don't have jurisdiction.

-Give me a rescue boat.

-You gonna ram him and sink him?

-No, I'm gonna lie in wait.

He's bound to do something
stupid, I'll be there to see it

And report it.

-You might think about doing a
little shore patrol, you know?

While you're out there.
Justify the boat.

-Details, details.

-Who you're gonna take with you?



-Yeah, spend you mornings
here, your afternoons out there.

Blue skies, open seas,
no ringing phones,

No captain thorpe.

-Well, what about the staff?
I mean...

I just can't abandon them.

-Anybody care if mitch spends
afternoons on patrol?

Pick you up at 12:30.

-I'll be ready.



[Indistinct chatter]

[Rock music playing]

Shauni: you didn't call all day.

Why is it every time
you do something rotten,

You automatically think flowers
are gonna make it better?

-You'd prefer wood carvings?

-Don't make fun of me.

-Okay, no jokes.

We'll grab some dinner,

We'll get cozy

And for dessert,
I will give you a massage

That is guaranteed to relieve
all forms of stress.

Job-related or otherwise.

-It sounds good.

But not tonight.

-Come on, shauni.

-You didn't call,
and I made plans.

I'm not canceling, okay?

-With jill, right?


-So she won't care.

-Just because you're insensitive
with my feelings

Does not mean
I'm gonna treat jill that way.

-Message received,
loud and clear.

I don't wanna fight
and I don't wanna play games.

But I do wanna be with you

-Andy, I am not
canceling on jill

Just because you want me to.

-You wanna bet? Get in.

-What are you doing?

Stop it.

[Ominous music]

[Ominous music intensifies]

-Shauni, it's eddie.

Shauni: go away.

-No can do.


Hey, come on, shauni.
I wanna talk to you.

Shauni: I don't feel good,

Would you please just go away?

-Look, I really wanna apologize,

But I don't wanna do it
to a door, all right?

Shauni: thanks,eddie.
Could we just talk tomorrow?

-Yeah, sure.

Look, I brought your mail
and I'll just set it

Outside your door.

[Envelops drop]

[Door unlatches]

[Suspenseful music]

[Sensual music playing]




Did you hit him?


-thr*aten him with a knife?

-No, it wasn't like that.

-What then?

Did you make fun of his mother?


It was a fight, eddie.

I said things, he said things.
It went back and forth.

I'm not an angel in all this.
I have some responsibility too.

-Where I come from, there are
only two kinds of guys

Who hit women, creeps who drink
and just plain old creeps.

Which one is he?

-It could've happened
to anybody.

-You're not just anybody.

[Knocking on door]

-Who is it?

Andrew: it's me.

-No, eddie.

-I don't get it.

Just because you wanna
let him off the hook

Doesn't mean I have to.

-Just let me handle it, okay?

-Shauni, come on.

-Just let me do it.

-I was, uh, driving

And driving.

I ran out of gas
somewhere around palm springs.

That's when I started walking.

And walking.

I think I might have even
started crawling for a while.

But all I could see was--

Was your face
in the oncoming headlights.

Hear your voice
in the truck horns.

Think about what I was gonna say
when I finally saw you again.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry down to my toes.

[Suspenseful music]


This snake crawls
up with some stupid story

With lights and voices,
and you buy it?

-Eddie, listen--

-Are you crazy?

-I want you to go.

-You know, I think
you're special.

I guess I was wrong.

You are just anybody.

You're some dumb,

Blonde bimbo.


[Suspenseful music]

[Thwacking noise]

[Thwacking noise continues]

-Oh, man.

Craig: eddie.


-What's wrong?

And don't say nothing's wrong,
because I'm already punchy

From hearing you pound
that bag for the last hour.

-Women. Go figure.

-If we're gonna talk about your
love life I think we should sit.

-It's shauni.

And this andrew garrison
the third, fourth, fifth,

Whatever the hell his name is.

He hit her.

-Is she all right?

-You know what she about it?
She kisses him.

-Oh, man.

-You believe that?
Right in front of me,

She kisses him,
and then she hugs him.

-That makes you mad.


First I saw her face
and I saw his face.

And I saw red. Red.

-But it's their problem.
You can't do anything about it.

-So it's their problem.

What? Iwalk away?

Everybody walks away, huh?

Look, I know about fighting.

And the first punch,
that's instinct.

The second punch, no.

It's something else.

It could happen again, craig.

-The chances are
it probably will.

But you can't get in the middle
of their relationship, eddie.

You're not licensed
as a referee.

All you can do is, what?
Is to be there as a friend.

And hope that she starts
loving herself

As much as you love her.

-What are you talking about?

-Lawyer's hunch.

-Hobie! Hobie!


You don't look
too happy to see me.

-Jenny, we have to talk
about our relationship.

-Our what?

-It's just that--

I don't think we should see
each other anymore.

-Why not?

-I need some time to myself.

-I don't understand.

It's not like we're going
steady or anything.

Maybe if we just take
today off--


I don't want you coming
by my house anymore, okay?

I need some time to myself.
I need space.

-Yeah, all right. I got it.

[Upbeat music playing]

[Indistinct chatter]


-Excuse me.

-You know, we really gotta try
to get a head count

To see how many passengers
actually make it ashore.

-Hey, my escorts.

You know, if you guys really
want to be helpful,

You'll come replace
this oil line of mine.

-No, thanks.

Oil line's all yours
as long as you're in business.

-Look, beach boy,
I'm completely legit.

And, you know, I'm not losing
a minute of sleep

Because you don't like
what I'm doing.

-Well, it's not just us.
The police don't like it either.

Come on, give me a break.

-When people stagger to
their cars after getting drunk

On your boat, who do you think
is responsible?

-See you.



I'm sorry.

For a lot of things,

Especially yesterday.

-It hurt.

-I know.

-A lot.

-It wasn't right.

-You really embarrassed me.


I embarrassed me.

Look, shauni, uh--

I don't like saying
"I'm sorry," so...

I won't do it again, okay?

I'll see you tomorrow.

-I know how it looked.

The bruises and the tears.

But it wasn't that bad.

It really wasn't.

-I'm sure he's a swell guy.

-He is, eddie.
I know you'd like him.

You two could get
to be best friends.

I mean, you have almost
the same exact taste in music.



I said I was sorry
and I meant it,

But I'm really not in the mood
to talk about your boyfriend.

See you tomorrow, okay?

[Soft music]

[Crickets chirping]

-Still staring
at the ceiling, huh?


I feel sick to my stomach.


Why do I get the feeling

This has got something to do
with girls?

-I don't understand it.

If I got what I wanted,
how come I feel so sad?

-Hey, if you weren't hurt a
little bit too, I'd be worried.

-It hurts a lot.

It went by so fast.

I mean, sometimes
you gotta be selfish, right?

-Sometimes you gotta be selfish,
you're right.

You're not alone.

You know, relationships
have their ups and downs.

-Then I guess I'm not ready
for them yet,

Especially with girls.


I wish I could go through
this one for you.

But I can't.

Relationships are tough,
and they only get worse.

-Great. Thanks
for cheering me up, dad.

-You wanna feel better,
you go talk to jenny,

Straighten things out,
end it on the upswing.

You sure you wouldn't
rather watch tv?

-No, the ceiling is just fine.



[Phone ringing]



All right, shauni, just--

Calm down, I can't understand
a word you're saying.

I'll be right there.
Ten minutes. Stay cool.

All right.

[Suspenseful music]

[Birds singing]

-Hey, jenny.

Wait up.


So you can tell me that you're
tired of seeing me

In junior lifeguards?


I wanna say I'm... Sorry.

-Yeah, so you're sorry.

It's not that easy.

-Do you hate me?

-You haven't exactly scored
many points.

-I hope
you don't hate me forever.

-Yeah, forever.

But it is gonna take some time
before I can forgive you.

-Hey, jenny. My brother's
waiting in the car. Let's go.

-Where are you guys going?

-Ballgame. Later, hobie.

[Sad music]

[Door opens]


[Clears her throat]

-Every time I come by
to apologize,

I keep running
into the same people.

-If you need me,
I'll be in the hall.

[Door closes]

-What the heck, you needed
a new set of dishes, anyway.

I'm just the guy
to get them, right?



-Shauni, let me hold you,


-Okay, no touching.

How about shopping?

Let's go buy you a new lamp
and stuff.

-No, new stuff isn't gonna help.

-But it's a good place
to start, isn't it?

You wanna hear me say how
embarrassed I am

For what I did to you?
Is that what you want?

-Yes, I do.

But you've apologized before.

Andrew: shauni, you know
what's been going on.

You know the kind of hassles
I'm having at home.

School's a joke.
My professor's all over me.

-And after this course,
after this professor,

There's another one.

-Come on, shauni.

-No, it's true.

Other papers, other exams,
law boards,

More hassles, more pressures,
and more excuses.


I love you.

I want us to work.

I'll do anything.



It can't happen again.

-It won't.

[Suspenseful music]


I'm sorry,
I can't let this happen.

-You can't stop it.

-It's over, andrew.


Don't say that.
It can't be over.

It's that guy who was here,
isn't it?

That's what it is.

-It's you. And it's me.

And it's the way
we are together.

And it's never
gonna get better, never.

Goodbye, andrew.

[Suspenseful music]

-Go to hell.

[Suspenseful music]

Shauni: [cries]

[Rock music playing]

Craig: you realize
logan's got that boat

Working seven days a week?


[Indistinct chatter]


Can't this piece of junk
go any faster?

-Piece of junk?

-We paid for excitement, man.
This is for old ladies.

-All right, you want it faster?

You got faster.

[Motor revs]

[Whistling and cheering]

-Right, man.
That's more like it.

-He's at it again.


[Tense music]


-Hey, hey, we're on fire, man.

[Alarm goes off]

-Can't steer it.

-What's the matter, man?
What's the matter?

-I don't know,
the controls are jammed.

-K-m-f two-nine-five,
this is rescue baywatch.

We've got a powerboat
out of control

Heading toward the jetty
near tower seven.

Request backup now.

Logan: nothing's working.


-Come on, man, make it work!

-Get off.

[Tense music]

It's jammed.

Can't stop it. Move.

Come on!

What's going on?


-Coming out.

-What's going on?

Come on!

-Get me up there.

[Tense music]

[Alarm blaring]

[Alarm blaring]

Logan: no!

[Birds singing]


Man: way to go, man, thanks.

[Siren blaring in the distance]

-Maybe we won't have
to follow you around anymore.

[Siren blaring]



You left yesterday.

I looked in the hallway,
and you were gone.

I just didn't feel right

-You didn't call.

-I just figured
you wanted to be by yourself.

-I spent a lot of time thinking.

-Breaking up is hard to do.

-Not about andrew.

About you.



I never would have made it
through this without you.

You're a good friend.

You're cute too.



I really hate that word.

Synonyms are okay.

[Ending theme plays]
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