01x05 - The Sky Is Falling

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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01x05 - The Sky Is Falling

Post by bunniefuu »

[Beginning theme music]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

-Morning, captain thorpe.

-Well, glad to see
you're keeping fit.

How many miles?

-Three. But it feels
like a hundred.


-You know, a lifeguard
could do that.

-A lifeguard is doing it.

This was my first tower, mitch.

Tell your rookies to take
better care of it.

[Airplane's engine]

-Mitch: that plane
is in trouble.

Come on, man, pull up.

-It won't make it.

[Crashing in the water]

-Thorpe: call for help!

-205 Link to camp 295.

We spotted a plane
crash near tower 21.

Request emergency
backup immediately.

-[Radio] they are on their way.

-Thorpe: I'll take the board.


-[Screaming] help!

-Please, grab the board.


-Are you hurt?

-He will be.

-Button it, sylvia.

If it wasn't
for my precision flying,

We wouldn't be here
to begin with.

-Was there anyone
else on board?


Just me and sky king over there.

The suitcase!

-Button it, sylvia!

-Thorpe: come on.
-Mitch: thorpe.

-Hold on the board.

-Thorpe: I haven't felt
this good in years.

About fifteen years,
to be exact.

You were great out there,
mitch. Just great!

-I feel great, sir.

-You haven't been behind
the desk for very long.

You still have the edge.

You still have sand
between your toes.


-That's what I miss.

The feel of hot sand
under my bare feet.

The sudden chill when
you hit the first big wave.

That good-nature give and take
with the other lifeguards.

[Sighs] you know, mitch?

I don't know half
the people on my beach.

-[Chuckles] command
has its price, sir.

Give me a tower, mitch.


-Kramer and mclain
are in tower 21 today.

It's the perfect chance
for a couple of rookies

To learn from
a seasoned veteran.

With all due respect, sir,

You haven't been
in a tower since...


A week out there will give
me a fresh perspective.

-Are you sure this is
such a good idea?

-Oh, it's not.

It's an order.

And mitch,
while I'm on the sand,

I'm just another lifeguard.

-Sure thing.


-[Laughs] sir.



-Craig: yeah, I saw
what's left of the plane.

The engine quitted.
The felt like a whack.

-Not a great way
to start a vacation.

Bet they wish they
never left wallula.

-Where were they going?


Mariachis,blue skies, beaches.

-Two out of three isn't bad.

-Sylvia: it has to be here!

-Harv: we should
have hand it over.

-Just keep looking.

-It's not a lost earring.
You can't miss it.

-Why couldn't I lose you?

-Try moving your eyes
as fast as your mouth.

-Hey, excuse me.

What do you think
you're doing?

-We're looking for our suitcase.

-This is a restricted area.

-It's our plane, we can go
whatever we want with it.

-After the ntsb guys
get through.

They'll want to sift
through was left

And find out what went wrong.

-Harv was flying. There.
I saved them the trouble.

-Come on, dear.

Come on, dear. Come on.

Well, that's all.

Face it, honey, it's not here.

Well, listen...

Let's get going.

Thank you. Thank you very much.

You've been very helpful.

I hope we haven't caused
any problem. Thank you.

-What's up?

-If we are still in the country

When sheldon opens
the vault on monday,

We're dead.

-We'll be long gone,

And a million dollars richer.

Remember? We were planning
to ditch the bag at sea, anyway.

-That was a stupid idea!

I happen to have
a very honest face.

We could've sneaked that bag
right through mexican customs.

-Now you can be thankful
I ignored you.


-Whatever it is, it's a vast
improvement over last week.

-At my place,
you always eat it first.

Go on.

-Mitch: maybe this will help.

-I've never seen a restaurant
consultant at work before.


-I have a new-found respect
for your profession.

-It's not lifeguarding.
But then...

-But then, it's a lot
more useful in ohio.


That's sort of why
I asked to see you.

They need me sooner
than I thought.

What it really means, is that
I have to leave on tuesday,

And I'd like to take
hobie with me.


-I'm sorry this is so sudden.

He was leaving anyway, it's just
happening a few weeks early.

-I thought we agreed I'd have
hobie through the summer.

Just because you have
to leave early,

Doesn't mean that he has to.

-Think about hobie.

He's going to be living
most of the year in columbus.

I want him to like it.

That means letting him
help choose his school,

His neighborhood

-You can make some new friends,

Find your way around,

Instead of dropping
into school cold on day one.

-I just finished summer school.

I won't have any
vacation on the beach.

-We'll make it up
to you next summer.

-Junior lifeguard training
isn't even over yet.

I'll be behind next summer.

-It's okay,
I'll coach you myself.

-You want me to go?

-No, I don't want you to go.

But your mom--

We know it's
the right thing to do.

Got to get your feet
wet in ohio.

-Dad, it's ohio, there's no
place to get them wet in.

-We can talk about
this more tonight.

I've got some stuff
in the garage to sort--

-What's the point? You've
already made up your mind.

-Wait a second.
-[Door opens]

-I have four days to have
a year's worth of fun.

I'll stay at clark's
house tonight.

-Get back here!

-Maybe he just needs
time to get used to it.

-So do i.

-I remember what it's
like to be a rookie.

All that intense concentration.

Nothing exists but you
and the waterline.

-I wish.

-You don't want let
anything distract you,

Because if you take your mind
off your job for one moment,

Someone could die.

The water out there is
criss-crossed with riptides.

-Was there a reason
you picked our tower?

-Captain, sir?

-Because this is tower.

I was here the first day
they put it on the sand.

And just about every day since.

Of course, all the towers
are my towers now, but...

This one will always be special.

-How nice.

-Tell me this is going to work.

-All I have to do is push
this little button.

A co2 cartridge will explode,

It will inflate a balloon

And the bag will rise
to the surface.

Have a little faith.

Any moment now, that bag
is gonna rise to the surface.

By this afternoon, we'll be
on our way to acapulco!

[Playful music]

Any moment now!

It must be very deep.

I wonder what went wrong.

-You built it.

-I resent that.

[Bubbling water]

-Harv: good thing we took
those scuba lessons.

-Sylvia: shut up and row.

-Gayle: I know my ceramic
duck is here somewhere,

Because I didn't
take it with me.

-Mitch: gayle, you took it
with you when you move out.

I know you did.

My surfer dude cap mysteriously
vanished when you left

-I hated your surfer dude cap.

-I hated your ceramic duck.

-It's funny how
they both disappeared.

-Seems like everything I love
is disappearing these days.

Damn it.

I've got it, okay?
I've got it.

-You know, hobie isn't
going for good.

He'll be back for the holidays.
For three months in the summer

You can call any time you want.

-Remember this?

Puerto vallarta?

It was the only day
of the whole week

That we came out
of the hotel room.


-Oh, here we are.
Loon lake with...

Your weird cousin,
what was her name?



-You look good here.

Remember me? Master fisherman.

[Laughs] I stuck myself
with so many lures,

You had to take me to town
for a tetanus shot.



Look, your sweater.

I bought you this, but it was...

Ten times too big and ten
thousand degrees too warm.

But you wore it anyway.


-Gayle? Gayle?

-Are you all right?

-I broke your lifeguard mug.

-Hey, it's okay.


You drank out of this mug
every single day.

It had a permanent
brown stain at the bottom

And no matter how much
I scrubbed and cleaned it...

It still smelled like coffee.

-Oh, come here.


-Come here.

Don't worry. It's all right.


I burned your cap.

-I crushed your duck.

-You crushed my duck?

-You burned my cap.


[Suspenseful music]

-You're home early.

-I forgot my baseball cards.

-Got some major trading to do.


Did you get everything packed?


Look, I know how you
feel about columbus,

And about having to cut
your summer short.

I know you don't want to leave
your dad or your friends.

And I know you don't like
me very much right now.

-It's nice to know you
don't know everything.

Didn't you know I don't want
to be away from you, either?

-No, I didn't know that.

-Hello, hobie.
-Good morning.


What do you say
we all jogged down

To get a couple of fruit
smoothies like we used to?


-I don't think that's
such a good idea.

-Why not?

-I don't have time for that.

In fact, I don't have time
for breakfast at all.

I'm sorry.

-It's all right.

-We'll talk tonight.


-Craig: oh, mitch,
please, I'm begging you,

Don't make more out
of it than it is.

-No, no, it wasn't
just a roll in the hay.

It was like it used to be,
before we started fighting.

-The fighting
started when you met.

-All right. Before
the fighting got bad.

-Problems don't go away
just because you went to bed.

You're still divorced.

-That can change.

Something happened last night.

-The marriage is over.

She's going to ohio with hobie.

-Maybe she won't, you know.

Maybe we can be a family again.

-Don't do this to yourself.

-I love her. I always have.

That doesn't change

Just because you signed
the divorce papers.


Sylvia! Look!

Sylvia! Look!

I think I found a gold doubloon.


-Are you crazy?

That could be worth a fortune.

-It was a bottle cap,
mr. Cousteau.

We've lost a million dollars,

And you're looking
for sunken treasure?

-I don't know how
to tell you this...

The money is gone!

We're never going to find it.

I'm just looking
at options here.

-It's monday.

That means the bank is open.

By now, sheldon knows
a few bucks are missing.

Pretty soon he'll notice his two
star employees are missing, too.

What do you suggest we do?

Go back and say,
"oops! Our mistake?"

-Make a run for the border.

-What do we do when we
get there? Sell tortillas?

-That's an option.

-I want my seaside villa.

My luscious tan.

My hot latin lover.
I won't give that up.

-Hey! Wait a minute!

I thought I was
your hot latin lover.



-There's always something
to watch on the sun.

Ten o'clock. Spot the sinker.

-We spoke.

She hasn't even waded
since she saw jaws 2.

-Eight o'clock.

-Shauni: wow. Looks like
he is in fine shape to me.

-For an anchor.

-Excuse me?

-He's built like a slab of beef.

And beef doesn't float.

If he got into trouble,
he'd sink like a stone.

-Are you going
to be here all day?

-The full shift.

[Rock music playing]

♪ These days are
the best of my life ♪

♪ These days it feels
good to be alive ♪

♪ Uh, uh, uh

♪ Above the clouds I'm flying

♪ These days it feels
good to be alive ♪

♪ Every road has a way
of throwing curves ♪

♪ I'm in a mode of not
letting it get on my nerves ♪

♪ These days are
the best of my life ♪

♪ The best of my life

♪ Don't worry what's
around the corner ♪

♪ Don't hurry through life

♪ Don't worry what's
around the corner ♪

♪ Don't hurry through life

♪ Every road has a way
of throwing curves ♪

♪ I'm in a mode of not
letting it get on my nerves ♪

♪ These days are
the best of my life ♪

♪ The best of my life

♪ The best of my life

♪ Uh, uh, uh

♪ Above the clouds I'm flying

♪ The best of my life

♪ Uh, uh, uh

♪ It feels great to be alive

[Suspenseful music]

-Hi, guys.



-We're still moving to ohio?

-Of course, we are.

We can't let captain cluck down.

-Mitch: no, you can't do that.

-I just thought...

Never mind.

-I knew last night
was a mistake.

-Holding you last night,

I thought maybe we were
starting something.

-I thought we were
ending something.

Ending as friends
instead of enemies.

I hope that's still true.

-I don't know how many hours
I spent watching you sleep.

Snuggled up around your pillow,

Stealing the sheets.

It was all so quiet.
It was all so perfect.

It was like everything
was behind us, you know.

All the pain, all the arguing.

-Did you think that just
because we made love,

Everything would be different?


No, but I thought maybe
it was the beginning.

It wasn't something
I took casually.

-Uh-uh. And what does
that say about me?

-I didn't mean that.
-No. What you meant was

That I'm not as noble
and pure and good-hearted

As the always perfect, always
certain mitch bucannon.

Unlike you,
I'm just a mere mortal.

I don't always do
the right thing.

Like last night!

-Like moving to ohio.

-Just stop fighting, all right?

[Slamming the door]

Shut up! I'll go wherever
you want me to go.

-Hey, hobie.

-I just want it to stop!

[Restaurant murmur]

-Mitch: I've never
been alone before.

I left my parents',
I moved in with craig.

Then there was gayle,
then there was hobie.

And now they are leaving...

It's gonna take a little
while to get used to it.

-You're going
about this all wrong.

You can't just sit
around feeling lousy.

That way, she wins.

-No, it's not just gayle.

A year ago, we were a family.

On tuesday, I'm gonna be looking
at a bunch of empty rooms.

-You've got to be strong.

Look at this as a chance
to start a whole new life.

That's what I did when
cecelia-marie left.

-No. You called in sick
three days in a row

And you sat in the dark
listening over and over again

"Try a little tenderness".


-Here you go.

-Okay, it was rough at first,

But then I realized there were
other women out there.

Women who could make me happy,

Instead of miserable.

Losing her was the best thing
that ever happened to me.

-Being alone, that's not
what's gonna k*ll me.

Being without hobie,
that's what's gonna k*ll me.

-You haven't lost him.
Hobie's always gonna love you.

And he'll be around
for summers and holidays.

-Garner: and in the meantime,
do what I did, meet new people.

Go to new places.

Do something you've always
wanted to do, but never could.

-I've been thinking about
buying a mountain bike,

Hitting some trails.

-There you go.
That's the attitude.

Maybe we could go
together next week.


-But every place I went,

I kept thinking what it would be
like with cecelia-marie there.

-Maybe eddie can go.

I bet he hasn't seen
the sierras up close.

-And every new thing I tried,

I wondered if cecelia-marie
had done it with someone else.

-We could get some saddlebags
and make it an overnighter.

-Let's go way up
into the back country.


-And every new woman
I met, I said...

"She's not as beautiful
as cecilia-marie."

-What do you say, garner?
Want to come with us?

-Craig: garner?

-Damn, I miss her.

I gotta go.

-What do you mean?
What's wrong?

-Now I feel alone.

You guys are a drag.



-Gayle: remember your comics?


-Don't you want
to take those posters?


There's nothing in there.
I already checked.

-Ah. I though these
were your favorites.

-Do me a lot of good in ohio.

-Hobie, come on.

-I don't want them!

Why are you making us leave now?

-We've been through
all this before, hobie.

They need me in ohio.

-But that was before last night.

Before you and dad started
to get back together again.

-[Sighs] oh, boy.

-You and me and dad,

We can be a family.

We can make it this time.

But captain cluck
tells you to move,

And you go running off.

I guess we know who's really
important around here.

-All right.

You just stop and listen to me.

You are what's really
important, okay?

You're the reason why your
father and I tried so hard

And for so long
to make this work,

But it didn't.

And it won't.

And if we tried it again,
the hurt will be even worse.

-I saw how you and dad
were this morning.

-Yeah, and you saw
how we were this evening.

We fight like that
every time we're together.

-I just thought maybe--

-Hobie, I am so sorry.

I shouldn't have let you
get your hopes up.

I guess that...

For a minute there
I wanted to think it too.

Forgive me.

-I guess I'll have to.

I don't have any friend
in columbus.

[Suspenseful music]

-Okay. I almost got it here.

-...and then with
the advent of plastic,

We switched from the large,
rubber torpedo buoys

To the small, easy-to-handle
flotation devices we have today.

I hope I'm not
boring you, mcclain

-Not at all.

I've always wanted
to know the history

Of flotation devices.

I only wish eddie were here
to enjoy it with me.

-There you go.

-Thorpe: kramer.

Sir, we were just--

-Don't tell me.

Her hair got caught
in the zipper

And you had to help her out.


-Even rookies know better

Than to try
the rapunzel scam on me.

-But, sir--

-You've got a lot to learn.

It looks like we'll be sharing
a tower longer than I expected.

-Yes, sir.

-That'll teach you not
to sneak off on patrol

And leave me with
captain windbag all day.

Nice try, though.


[Suspenseful music]

-Hey, pal.

-Hi, dad.

-Listen, I'm glad you're here.

-About last night--
-forget it.

-No, I'm not gonna forget it.

This ohio thing
is bad enough for you

Without us making it worse.

-Really, it's okay.


What's with the books?

-I went to the library.

-You went to the library?

-Are you feeling okay?

-I was reading about ohio, dad.

It's really sort of a new place.

-It is? I mean, it is.

-It's hard to believe,
but ohio can be pretty exciting.

Did you know that
just 15 years ago

An entire river caught on fire?

-Yeah, I read
about that somewhere.

It was so polluted,
it went up like gasoline.

-See? Nothing like that
ever happens around here.

-Sure, we have the beaches
and lifeguarding and all that,

But there's more to life
than that. No offense.

-No offense taken.

-It's like a whole
different world out there.

-And it's waiting
for you to conquer it.

-Yeah. And I'm not
giving up anything.

I'll still have my place in
junior lifeguards next summer.

Won't i?

-Whenever you want.

Just watch out
for burning rivers.

-Deal. See you later, dad.

-You got it.

-I'm gonna miss you, dad.

-I'll miss you too.

[Door closes]

-Man: check this out!

[People screaming and laughing]

- Ohio: land of splendor,
land of wonder.

-Are your parents
making you read this?

-No. They're making
me move there.

-Move? When?


I'm gonna live with
my mother in columbus.

-For good?

-Forever, until next summer.

[People screaming]

-What a drag.

-Tell me about it.

[People screaming]

[People screaming]

-What's going on?

-Riptide! Call it in!


-k*ller rip! Tower 21.

Back-up requested.

-How many people are caught?

-Twenty, maybe thirty.

But I'm sure there'll
be a lot more.

-That doesn't make any sense,

People don't go in the water
when there's a rip.

-They do when there's
money floating in it.

-Get everything
we've got out there.

Choppers, boats,
every available lifeguard.

-Yeah. This is
baywatch headquarters.

All available units. Rip at 21.

[Rock music playing]

-♪ Yeah. They say it makes
the world go round ♪

♪ It makes cents to me

♪ I don't care if it's
dollars or pounds ♪

♪ Baby, just give it to me

♪ I'm talking about money

♪ Let or fly through the air

♪ I'm talking about money

♪ Is there enough to spare?

♪ Gimme, gimme, gimme

♪ Gimme, gimme, gimme,
gimme that money ♪

♪ Yeah. They say that
it don't grow on trees ♪

♪ It's a fantasy

♪ It takes hard work
to get that green ♪

♪ But I get it easily

♪ I'm talking about money

♪ Let or fly through the air

♪ I'm talking about money

♪ Is there enough to share?

♪ Gimme, gimme, gimme

♪ Gimme, gimme, gimme,
gimme that money ♪

-Coming through!
-[People screaming]

-[Man screaming]

-[People screaming]

-Clear! Clear!

-Hold on to it.
You're gonna be okay.

-[Man panting]

-Argh! Argh!

-Uh! Argh!

[Ominous music]

-Don't let go. I'll be back.


-Get the girl, kramer!


-What's wrong?

-Ah! A cramp!

Get the girl!

-Take it!

-Take it! It's okay. Go on!

-You'll be all right. Take this.

Take it easy. Take it easy.


Yeah. Yeah.

[People screaming]

[People screaming]

-Jenny, look!

-Hobie, she's in trouble.

-Come on!



[People screaming]

-Open the airway.

-There's pulse,
but no breathing.

-Okay. Continue mouth-to-mouth.

One, two, three, breathe.

One, two, three, breathe.

One, two, three, breathe.





-Man: nice job, kids.

-Hey, shauni, did you
hear about our rescue?

-Did I ever.

Violated every rule there is.

You guys could
have drowned, too.

You should have seen
them when they heard.


-When I was a junior lifeguard
I screwed up plenty,

But I never got what
you're about to get.

I'd better tell them
you're here.

-How bad do you think
it's gonna be?

-Bad bad.

[Steps approaching]

-Hi, guys.

[Door opens]

-Hi, dad.
-He's not your dad, now, hobie.

He's your lieutenant

-Hobie bucannon and jenny drake.

By attempting a rescue

Without proper equipment

And thus endangering
your own lives,

You have violated junior
lifeguard regulations.

-But that kid was drowning!

-As your lieutenant,

I'm afraid there's only
one thing I can do.

I'm recommending you
for official commendation.


-Man: congratulations!



[Applause continues]

-[Whispering] and you expect
them to just give it to us?

-It wouldn't hurt to ask.
Besides, it belongs to us.

-It belongs to the
wallula national bank.

We stole it.

Did it occur to you
they might know that?

-They don't!

-How could they steal
a million bucks

From the wallula national bank?

They seemed like such
an ordinary couple.

[Police radio]

-Thorpe: you covered for me.

You didn't say a word about me
cramping up out there.

-Forget it. I would have
done it for any lifeguard.

-Consider yourself on report.

I expect my lifeguards to be
in top physical condition.

-You cramped. Up, not me.

Why don't you report yourself?

-I did. You didn't.

-[Sighs] I was just trying--

-You are not to cover for
anybody, especially not me.

If I want a tower,

I've got to be as fit
as I expect my men to be.

And I'm not.

And maybe you could
help me get into shape.

-Yeah. Sure.

-I appreciate it, kramer.

-So am I still on report?

-Don't push it.

-Hold in there.


No, no, no.

You've got it all wrong.

-We do?

-Yeah. Kramer's class
in in the weight room.

-It is?

-Thorpe: come on, this way.

Here. I'll take those.

Why don't you stretch
out in this patch

And you over here?

We can get a little head start.


Uh... Kramer, give me a hand.

-Yes-- yes, sir.

-Oh... Captain--

Come on.

All right. Hands up.
Ready to go.

-Kramer, let's go.


Hands up!

Easy, easy. There you go.


-All right! Let's pump some up!

-Get these off of me!
Help us!

-I'll help you, all right.

Officer, can you come in here?

You wouldn't happen to be
looking for this pair.

-You did it again,
captain. Gentlemen.

You ever want to exchange
your badge in for one of ours,

Just say the word.

-This is all your fault!

-Shut up, sylvia!

I made the worst mistake
of my life this weekend,

I ditches the wrong bag at sea!

-Thank you, captain.

-[couple argues]

-How did you come up with that?

-Well, sometimes,
the body lets me down,

But the brain keeps
getting better with age.

-Yes, sir.

-Hobie: it's here, dad.
The evening paper.

"Junior lifeguard saves
child from drowning."

Look at that picture.

-Hey! You're a star.

-Think they must have
heard of me in ohio?

-If they haven't, they will.

-If they give me a medal,
will you send it to me?

-No way.

You'll have to come
back here and get it.

-No, he won't.


-My new boss just
called to tell me

What captain cluck
had in store for me.

Six months of non-stop travel,

Hitting every franchise
across the midwest.

Then six more when
we open in the south.

-A year of travel?

-I think it's better
if you stay with your dad.

-Are you sure?

-You know this doesn't mean
I love you any less.

-I know.

-So thanksgiving?

-I'll be there.

-I've some packing to do.


-I don't have a minute.

It wasn't me. Captain cluck--

-Gayle, come on.

-[Sobbing] I saw how he
looked after that rescue,

How much being here and
being with you means to him.

[Sobbing] my god...

This divorce has torn
him up so much already.

To take him away from his
friends and his school

Would be so unfair.

I just couldn't do it , mitch

-I've got to go.
-Wait. Wait.

I've got something for you.

-Oh, mitch...

-We're really going to miss you.

-[Sobbing] yeah.

-Hobie: wait!

I got something for you, too

- Fifty wonders
of the buckeye state.


-I expect you know more by heart
by the time I get there.


I love you.

[Ending theme plays]
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