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01x01 - The Pilot

Posted: 01/07/22 09:20
by bunniefuu
Gone fishing.

The lonesome foghorn blows.

Oh, dear.


Lucy, this is Pete Martell. Lucy, put Harry on the horn.

Sheriff, it's Pete Martell up at the mill.

Um, I'm gonna transfer it to the phone on the table by the red chair.

The red chair against the wall.

The little table with the lamp on it.

The lamp that we moved from the corner.

The black phone, not the brown phone.

Morning, Pete. Harry.

She's dead.

Wrapped in plastic.

Whoa, hold on. Hold on a second, Pete.


You stay right there. I'm on my way.

You better get Dr. Hayward.

Tell him to meet me up at the Packard Mill, the dock right below the dam.

And roust that Andy out of bed, tell him to get his butt up there now.

What is it? We got a body up there.

Lucy, not a word about this to anyone until you hear from me.

It's over here.

You want forensics first?

No, she's been in the water.

We'd better take some pictures.

Who is she? Andy, pictures.

Sorry. Then we'll turn her over.

Sure, okay.

Oh, Andy.

My God, Andy.

Same thing as last year in Mr. Blodgett's barn.

Give me the camera, Andy. Sorry.

Is this gonna happen every damn time?

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry. Okay. Okay.

Why don't you go up to the coroner's van and bring back that stretcher?

Okay. Okay.


Harry, let's roll her over.

Good Lord. Laura.

Laura Palmer.


Laura, sweetheart, I'm not gonna tell you again.

Yes, I am.



Oh, for goodness sakes.

Laura, now means now.



Laura, honey, are you downstairs?

Hello? Bett, it's Sarah.

Listen, I just went up to wake Laura and she's not here.

Is she with Bobby? Well, she could be.

He leaves every morning to go running and then he goes to football practice.

Can you, um, find out? Can you reach him? I'll call the school.

Just a minute, I've got the number of the field office here.

Thanks. Thanks, Bett.

You know, I'm wondering if maybe she went out with Leland.

He had an early meeting.

Oh, I'm sure that's it. Either that or she's with Bobby.

Sure. I'll call up to the hotel, thanks.


No, Bobby hasn't showed up for practice yet today.

And come to think of it, as a matter of fact, he's been late every day this week, Mrs. Palmer.

And last week.

And maybe even the week before.

Are they ready to sign? You're not gonna mention that we have not as yet acquired access to the Packard land?


We have solid information that the Packard Sawmill is gonna go belly-up within a year.

We're gonna be able to get it for a song. One verse, no chorus.

Now, let's get out there and get those cheese-eaters where they live.

Ahh, Benjamin...

Clean, wholesome environment, much like your very own.

With a quality of life to rival the very best that this country has to offer.

And that is what the Ghostwood Country Club and Estates will be.

Now, when I first spoke to Sven, he was naturally very concerned about the quality of air here.

If you'll permit me, Sven, to repeat what you told me this morning after your run:

"My air sacs, ah, have never felt so good."

Your wife's on the phone again. She said it's urgent.

Excuse me a moment, gentlemen. I'll be right back.

Uh, make it snappy, huh?

So... in Twin Peaks, health and industry go hand in hand.

I'll transfer you to the house phone. Okay, thank you.

Ahh. Sarah, what is it?

Is Laura with you? No, why?

She didn't go with you this morning?

No, what...? Honey, what's wrong? What's this all about?

She's not here. She wasn't here this morning.

Well, she's, um, probably with Bobby.

I can't find Bobby.

Well, there you are. That's it.

Let's not worry. I mean, they're probably together.

She would've left a note. Why didn't she?

She would've told me. Honey, honey, take it easy, please.

Excuse me. I'm looking for Leland Palmer.

He's right over there on the phone.

Sheriff Truman.

What? Who? What did you say?

Oh, my God.

Oh, God. Laura.


Laura. Oh, Leland, please, what is it? Tell me.


Is this about Laura?

I'm afraid it is.


Tell me.

Oh. My baby.

No! Oh, no!

No. Okay?

Leland, we're ready to go with the contracts.


What's wrong?

My daughter's dead.


What kept you, Heidi? Seconds on knockwurst this morning?

I couldn't get my car started.

Too busy jump-starting the old man, huh?

I thought you Germans were always on time.

I thought the only time you cared about, Bobby, was making time.

You heading out, Shelly?

Yeah, I'm heading home.

I'm going to practice. I can drop you by your place on the way if you want.

That would be great, thanks.

Here's a tune for you, gals.



I'll see you in my dreams.

Not if I see you first.

Don't do anything I wouldn't do.

I think she knows about us.

Norma? Mm-hm.

No. Fat chance. I think she's hot to trot for you herself.

It's happy hour in France.

Come on, cowboy, light your fire.

Right. Just a little pick-me-up before home room?

I thought I was your little pick-me-up. Ha, ha.

Baby, you are more like a three-stage rocket.

A pocket rocket.

And what stage are we in now?

Are you sure that your old man is still on the road?

Yes, he called me last night from Butte.

That's a long ways away and he ain't got a phone in his truck.

So quit worrying and start scurrying, Mr. Touchdown.


Back up.

I'll call you later.

Leland, I'm so sorry.

Seventeen years old.

Lee, I hate to put you through this.

No, I have to see her.

I have to see what was done to my little girl.


My baby.

It's my little girl.

God, God. Let's get out of here.

I can't...

Oh, God.

Have you seen Laura? No, not yet.

Nice day for a picnic. Uh, yeah.

Bobby Briggs, they're looking for you.

Who is? Sheriff is.

Well, here I am in school.

Hey, Snake. Hey, man, something's up.

Where? Think I'm kidding?

What, me worry?

Bobby, you're wanted in the office.

Who wants me in the office? Right now, young man.

Watch out.

Terry Franklin? Here.

Martha Grimes? Here.

Donna Hayward? Here.

Audrey Horne? Here.

James Hurley? Yo.

Excuse me. Room 106?


Is there a Bobby Briggs in this classroom?

No, um, he's in 107? 107.

Could I speak to you for a moment, please?


Um, there's a... Mm-hm.

The principal will be making an announcement.


Thank you for your time.


There will be an announcement from the principal.

I told you, I got up early like I always do.

I went running like I always do.

I went for some breakfast at the Double R and I didn't go to practice because I didn't feel like it.

Why didn't you feel like it, Bobby? Were you upset about something?

Something troubling you, Bobby? You wanna tell us about it?

Look, you guys, please, what did I do? What's going on?

Mr. Wolchezk, there's rumors all over school.

Maybe it's best if they heard it from you.

Mr. Wolchezk, why don't you go ahead and make that announcement?

Now? Now's the time.

Excuse me.

What is it, sheriff? What's going on?

Now, Bobby, you look at me.

Your girlfriend, Laura Palmer's, been k*lled.

She was found just after dawn.

Now, she was with you last night and you weren't where you were supposed to be this morning.

Have these fellas advised you of your rights?

Yes, but I didn't know why.

Laura's dead? Yes.

Did you understand your rights as they were explained to you?

You think I k*lled her?

We're gonna have you make a phone call.

You can call your parents and they can arrange to get a lawyer to be with you when we talk to you again.

Andy, take Bobby out to make his call.

I loved her.

And she loved me.

You think because I wasn't at football practice that I k*lled my girlfriend?

You are crazy.

You get off of me.

Bobby, we're gonna talk about this later.

May I have your attention, please? This is Principal Wolchezk.

I am deeply saddened to have to tell you that early this morning your classmate Laura Palmer was found dead.

This is a terrible moment for all of us.

For all of us who knew her.

Her friends, her family.

It is very important that we all try to help each other through this difficult time.

The police have asked me to ask each of you, if you have any information about Laura's activities after school yesterday or yesterday evening, please come forward.

I am dismissing all classes for the day, but before we leave, I would like to ask each of you to join me in a moment of silence for Laura and her dear memory.

Oh, God.

You can talk to her now, Harry.

Do you know what time it was when you last saw Laura, Mrs. Palmer?

What time? Yes.

Uh, it would have been about 9.

Yes, 9:00...


She came home from Bobby's

and she was going up the stairs.

Those stairs right there.

Who's upstairs?

Your husband and one of my men.

I can tell from the sounds that it isn't her.

Her diary?

Do you know where the key to this is, sir?

Do you have to take that? We'll return it as soon as possible.

Did she say anything to you?


She said good night.

And I said good...

Good night, sweetheart.

Mrs. Palmer, can you remember, did she make or receive any phone calls?

I heard her phone ring once.

About what time was that?

I don't know who it was.


That was Lucy.

Got a call from a guy that works up at the mill, Janek Pulaski.

Says his daughter didn't come home last night.

And she didn't show up at school today either.

Two by fours, four by eights.

Two by fours, four by...

Did you hear me? You can't do that to my workers.

Don't walk away from me like that. Come on back here.

You're not going anywhere and you're not gonna tell anybody anything.

Katherine, I'm sorry if this offends you, but I am the owner of this sawmill.

And you don't know the first thing about this mill.

That's why I'm running it.

I've never taken this authority before, but maybe I should have.

You're not shutting us down.

Katherine, I have the final say-so.

Peter, push the plug.

Pete, don't you dare.

Katherine, please.

Shorty, tell the boys to pull the plug.

That's right.

May I have your attention? This is Josie Packard.

I've decided that today, in the light of what has happened, all work here will stop.


This morning, as you know, the body of Miss Laura Palmer...

What's your name?

Was found near our dock. Fred Truax.

You're fired.

Just now your coworker and a friend, Mr. Janek Pulaski, has learned that his daughter, one of Laura's schoolmates, is missing since last night.

Today, all work here will stop.

The mill will shut down.

Perhaps you can spend the day with your families.

Thank you all for your attention.

What the hell?

Laura's dead.

Yeah, I heard.

She was the one.

Buy you a coffee?

Can't do it.

If you see Donna, could you give this to her?

You bet.



They said those drapes would be ready by 10.

Now, I want those drapes up by nightfall.

Diane, 11:30 a.m., February 24th. Entering the town of Twin Peaks.

It's five miles south of the Canadian border, twelve miles west of the state line.

I've never seen so many trees in my life.

As W.C. Fields would say, "I'd rather be here than Philadelphia."

Fifty-four degrees on a slightly overcast day.

Weatherman said rain.

If you could get paid that kind of money for being wrong 60 percent of the time, it'd beat working.

Mileage is 79,345, gauge is on reserve.

I'm riding on fumes here, I gotta t*nk up when I get into town.

Remind me to tell you how much that is.

Lunch was, uh, $6.31 at the Lamplighter Inn.

That's on Highway 2 near Lewis Fork.

That was a tuna fish sandwich on whole wheat, slice of cherry pie and a cup of coffee.

Damn good food.

Diane, if you ever get up this way, that cherry pie is worth a stop.


Looks like I'll be meeting up with a, uh...

...Sheriff Harry S. Truman.

Shouldn't be too hard to remember that.

He'll be at the Calhoun Memorial Hospital.

Guess we're gonna go and take a look at that girl that crawled down the railroad tracks off the mountain.

When finished, I'll check into a motel.

The sheriff will be able to recommend a clean place and reasonably priced.

That's what I need. A clean place, reasonably priced.

Oh. Diane, I almost forgot.

I've got to find out what kind of trees these are.

They're really something.

Agent Cooper? Yes.

Sheriff Harry S. Truman. Dale Cooper, FBI.

Pleasure. Ahem. Good to meet you.

Have any trouble finding the place? No, no. Your directions were fine.

Came out over Highway 2, near Lewis Fork.

Stopped at a place called the Lamplighter Inn.

Had a slice of cherry pie. Incredible.

Well, I'll tell you, we're sure glad to have the FBI here.

Kind of lucky, in a way, that Ronette stepped out across the state line.

Whole town's really badly shaken up.

Sure, nice, quiet place, something like this.

Sheriff, let me stop you in the hallway here for just a second.

There's a few things we gotta get straight right off the bat.

I've learned about this the hard way. It's best to talk about it up front.

When the Bureau gets called in, the Bureau's in charge.

Now, you're gonna be working for me.

Sometimes local law has a problem with that.

I hope you understand.

Well, like I said, we're glad to have you here.

Sheriff, what kind of fantastic trees have you got growing around here?

Big, majestic... Douglas firs.

Douglas firs.

Can someone get me a copy of the coroner's report on the dead girl?

Well, the autopsy hasn't been done yet.

But I'll take you downstairs to the morgue when we're finished here.

Oh, that will be fine.

Dr. Shelvy, this is FBI Agent Cooper.

Glad to know you. Doctor, how's the girl?

She's in shock, suffering from exposure.

Can I see her? All right, this way.

Was she r*ped?

Several times.

One perpetrator? We're waiting for the results.

Is there any connection to the dead girl?

Same high school.

Far as we know, they hardly knew each other.

No connection. Mm.

I'd like to question her.

This girl doesn't even know where she is. Or if she is.

What exactly are you saying?

We need a CAT scan and we're not equipped for that here.

My opinion, she may have neurological damage.

She's just not responsive at all.

I'd like to examine her fingers.

All right.

They've already scraped for particles. No, that's not what I'm looking for.

Oh, no, there's nothing here. Not a thing.

Don't go there.



I catch this fish, pull him out of the water, big mouth.

It's got a big mouth and starts talking to me. Wh...?

Hey, hey.


Dr. Jacoby.

Terrible, terrible tragedy.


This is Special Agent Dale Cooper.

Gary Cooper? Agent Cooper.

Agent. FBI.

Right. Heh.

Dr. Lawrence Jacoby, Agent Cooper.

Laura was a patient of mine.

You're on your way to the morgue now, do you mind if I join you?

Yes, I do. Why would you want to?

It's sort of against procedure, doctor.

Heh. Well, no offense. I thought I could be of some help.

You still could be. At another time.

Oh. I understand completely.

By the way, Laura's...

Laura's parents...

Well, they didn't know that she was seeing me. Ha, ha.

That guy's a psychiatrist? Yeah.

I have to apologize again for the fluorescent lights.

I think it's a bad transformer.

That's quite all right.

Agent Cooper, we did scrape those nails when we brought her in.

Here it is.

There it is. Oh, my God, here it is. What?

Would you leave us, please? Jim.

Uh, would you leave us alone, please?

Oh! Certainly.

I've got to find something to grab onto this with.

Diane, I'm at the Twin Peaks County Morgue with the body of the victim...

What's her name? Laura Palmer.

Laura Palmer.

I got here before the autopsy. Diane, it's the same thing.

I had a feeling we'd see this again.

What do you got there?

Ring finger, under the nail.

Let's see what he left us.

It's an "R."

Diane, give this to Albert and his team. Don't go to Sam.

Albert seems a little more on the ball.

We need to bag and tag this. Okay, Cooper.

You gonna let me in on whatever the hell is going on here?

Sheriff, we got a lot to talk about.

Hi, Ed.

Hey, Donna.

I'm so sorry.

Have you seen James yet? He came by.

Is he okay? No.

Do you know where he went? I've already been to the Roadhouse.

I don't know, honey. He told me to give you this.

What the hell are you doing?

Well, I came by... I've been looking all over for you.

In case you didn't realize it, Bobby's in a lot of trouble.

He's my best friend. You're supposed to be with me.

We're going to the police station.

Look, don't tell me where I ought to be.

Second of all, Laura was my best friend.

Get in the car. Muffle it, junior.

Mind your own business. You're on my lot, friend.

Oh, Ed, I'm not your friend.

Donna, you get to the sheriff's right now.

Boy, I sure know how to pick them, huh?

Ed, you waiting for those drapes to hang themselves?

Yeah, okay.

Well, I know how to pick them too.

Will you do me a favor?

If James comes around, tell him I'm looking for him?

You bet.

And, Donna, you take it easy.


That's the, uh, videotape we just saw. The one we found in Laura's bedroom.


At a certain point, I'm gonna wanna show this to the boyfriend.

You say when.

Did you complete your forensics? You bet. All done.

No key yet, huh? We're still looking.

Why not?

Diane, I've just opened Laura Palmer's diary.

This is the, uh...

It's the last entry, dated February 23rd.

It reads, "Asparagus for dinner again. I hate asparagus.

Does this mean I'll never grow up?"

And then she's written, "Nervous about meeting J tonight."

That's the letter J, Diane.


And that is the last entry.

That's something to get started on.

Yeah, that's one out of 26.

Yeah, one out of 26.

Diane, I've just turned back 18 days to day one.

What we have taped to the page here is a plastic envelope containing a white residue and what looks to be a key to a safety deposit box.

Sheriff, after you very carefully remove this key, we're gonna run this envelope.

And my bet is it'll test positive for cocaine.

That's impossible.

You ever been surprised before?

Mr. Cooper, you didn't know Laura Palmer.

Let's get started on a court order to open that safety deposit box, and maybe we'll both find out a few things about Laura Palmer.

Diane, I'm holding in my hand a small box of chocolate bunnies.


Andy, is that you?

Tell Harry we found where... it happened.

Where Ronette and Laura were taken and tortured.

Tell Harry...

...I didn't cry.

Andy, are you okay?


But, Lucy, it's horrible.



Oh, God.

This is to reaffirm that you have been advised of your constitutional rights, am I correct?


Bobby, did you k*ll Laura Palmer?


She was studying at your house until about 9:30 last night, isn't that right?



Yes, sir.

Did she drive herself home?


You two had a big fight last week, didn't you?

So what?

If I had a fight with her, if I sang songs with her, if I went skipping rope with her, what difference does it make?

I didn't k*ll her.

Bobby, here's how this works.

We ask the questions, and you answer the questions that we ask.

Briefly and to the point.

Did you sh**t this video, Bobby?


Well, if you didn't, then who did?

Did you know Laura was seeing someone else?

That's what you two fought about last week.

Look at these pictures.

Look how happy she is.

You ever do cocaine with Laura, Bobby?

I don't do dr*gs.

Excuse me, but what are you charging my client with?

That's right.

You're a football player, aren't you, Bobby?

Bobby, if you knew who she was seeing, trust us on this, now's the time to tell us.

Why don't you ask Donna?

She was there with her. Because I'm asking you.

Come on, Bobby. Give me a name.

Here's a hint. First initial, J.



She wouldn't do that to me.

You didn't love her, anyway.

Let him go.

Julie, the Norwegians are signing the contract at 4:00 when Mr. Horne returns.

Make sure they do not hear about Laura Palmer's death.

That will blow the whole deal, got it?

Okay, Bob. Thank you, okay.

Okay, Bob. Okay, Bob. Okay.

Julie, what would happen if I pulled this out?

You wouldn't.

Oh... Oh. Oh! Ha, ha.

Audrey, look what you've done.

Audrey... Oh...

Did they scarf that whole damn smorgasbord?

Audrey, honey, don't you go in there. I'm hungry.

Audrey, don't...

Don't go in there. Audrey.

Excuse me, is there something wrong, young, pretty girl?

They found my friend Laura lying face down on a rocky beach.

Completely naked.

She'd been m*rder*d.

Hey, buddy.


We're out of here, man.

Just a sec. Donna's still in there.

You straightened her out yet? I don't know what's up with her, man.

Forget her. I got it figured, Laura and her.

That cop mentioned something about the letter J.

We're looking at some freaking biker.

And some freaking biker's gonna get his head busted open.

What's his name? And we'll finish this quick.

Come outside.

Robert, I'll be at home this evening, if you need a sympathetic ear.

I don't need any damn sympathetic anything.

You know, dear, I have no idea what's going on here.

I... Let's just go home.

So you were on a picnic, just the two of you, way up in the mountains.

Not another soul around?

Is there some law against having a picnic?

Donna, this is interesting to me.

Because with just the two of you out there, I can't for the life of me figure out how these pictures got taken.


Well, that's easy. There was this, um, hiker that came along.

This woman hiker had a backpack and...


We asked her to take the pictures for us.

What was her name?

I don't know. I don't think we asked her.

I forgot. I don't know.

Donna, who are you protecting?

Nobody. That's really what happened.

Does this person's name start with the letter J?

No, she didn't tell us her name.

Donna, this is serious business.

More serious than Laura falling in love with someone other than her boyfriend.

Much more serious than you know.

Agent Cooper, the sheriff's ready to roll up to the site.

And I've got something else for you here.

You can come on in.

I know Laura was your best friend.

You've been through a lot today.

We're finished here for the time being.


Go ahead, Lucy, tell Agent Cooper what you heard.


Now, after you were done with Bobby and he was taken back to his cell, well, then his parents were standing by the door with his lawyer, and Bobby, he was released, and he came out and he saw his friend Mike, who was down by the water cooler, which is near my desk. Mm-hm, mm-hm.

Okay, okay. Well, I pretended to be typing, but I was typing what Mike and Bobby were saying.

And, well, they didn't say exactly who it was they were talking about, but anyway, here's what they were saying.

They said the person we're looking for is a biker.


Looks like a hog to me.

Holy smoke.

Holy smoke.

The Norwegians are leaving. The Norwegians are leaving.

The Norwegians are gone.

Everybody gone? Not good. The Norwegians are leaving.

Norwegians are leaving. Listen to me.

You are throwing away the investment opportunity of a lifetime.

Better that than to throw a lifetime away.

You stay out of this!

Ha, ha. The Norwegians are leaving.


Diane, it's 4:10 in the afternoon at the scene of the crime.

Here's something we haven't seen before.

A mound of dirt approximately a foot and a half in diameter.

On the top is a gold necklace with a gold heart.

Correction, half a gold heart.

At the base of the mound of dirt is a torn piece of newsprint written with the words, which appear to be in blood:

"Fire walk with me."

Sheriff, you and I have gotta find out who's got the other half of that heart.

Mrs. Horne.

Mrs. Horne, it might help if you talk to Johnny yourself.

So you think it might help?

Well, you can tell Johnny one more time that Laura isn't coming this afternoon to work with him.

Or tomorrow afternoon or any afternoon.

Now, what is so difficult to understand about that?

Thank you.

Oh, it fell down.

I knew Laura. She was always so nice.

When was the last time she came in?

Oh, I couldn't tell you exactly. Uh, we have so many boxes.

You don't keep records?

Well, we have plenty of paperwork.

Can you tell me how long she's had this box?

I'd say about six months.

Um, I could check for you.

Would you, please?

And close the door on the way out.

Okay. Thank you.

"Flesh World."

Man, oh, man.

There's over $10,000 here.

That's a lot of Girl Scout cookies.

Here's a page that's marked.

There's your connection.

Ronette Pulaski.

I can't believe it.

Local and federal law-enforcement officials emerging from this abandoned railway car, which is believed to be...

Shelly, would you please turn the television set off?

Why, Leo? I wanna see this.

Ronette Pulaski, a second...

Shelly, turn it off.

Apparently escaped her captor and fled to safety, remains hospitalized and in critical condition at Cal...

Shelly, sit down here a minute and help me out.

What kind of cigarettes do you smoke?

Whatever's around.

No, you don't.

You smoke these. What are these doing here?

Come on, Leo, I pick up different packs from the diner all the time, me and Norma.

There's two things, Shelly.

When I come home, this house should be clean.

And I mean clean. Okay.

Number two, you smoke one brand of cigarettes from now on, because if I ever see two different brands of cigarettes in this house again, I'm gonna snap your neck like a twig.

Okay, Leo, you have nothing to worry about with me, darling.

That's right.

Big Ed's Gas Farm. This is Ed speaking.

I'm sorry, I know I promised not to call you there, but I have to see you.

I feel so bad.

It's okay.

Why don't I, uh, meet you at the Roadhouse around 9:30?

Thank you, Ed.

I'll see you tonight.

All right, sweetheart.

I think I saw a cottontail rabbit.

It must have been a snowshoe rabbit.

Snowshoe? Right.

Snowshoe. Snowshoe rabbit.

Who's the babe?

That's one of the most beautiful women in the state.

Mrs. Packard.

Packard sawmill? Yeah.

Where's Mr. Packard?

Died in a boating accident last year.

Andrew Packard practically built this town.

Brought her over from Hong Kong six years ago.

Left her everything, which didn't exactly please his sister.

That's her right there.

The original deep freeze.

Who's the glad-handing dandy?

Benjamin Horne. Local bigwig. He owns half the town.

He's not after her, he's after her land.

Who's the lady with the log?

We call her the Log Lady.


Ladies and gentlemen, if I could have your attention.

Is this thing on?

Is this thing on? Hang on, Dwayne.

Sorry. Mm-hm. Mm-hm.

Thank you, Mayor Milford.

Agent Cooper?

Thank you, sheriff.

Ladies and gentlemen, Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent Dale Cooper.

One year ago, almost to the day, in a town in the southwest corner of this state, the body of a young girl named Teresa Banks was found.

She had no family. No one came forward to claim her body.

It wasn't even news. Until today.

There are irrefutable similarities that for obvious reasons I cannot discuss that lead us to conclude that Laura Palmer was the second, and Ronette Pulaski would have been the third, victim of the same k*ller.

Now, there is a chance that the person who committed these crimes is someone from this town, possibly even someone you know.

You are the leaders of this community.

It is vitally important that this not turn into a witch hunt.

I would strongly suggest a temporary curfew for those under 18 years of age.

Keeping your kids off the streets now may teach them a degree of caution that may protect them in the days and the weeks to come.

I will remind you that these crimes occurred at night.

When I left the house, Sarah was sleeping.

Leland made it through the day somehow.

I'm not sure I could've done the same.

Poor dear. Poor Sarah.

Eileen, the brutality, the madness of it.

I know.

They're not releasing many details, wisely, I suppose.

At the scene where it happened... No one else knows this.

They found part of a necklace.

Half of a golden heart.

It was Laura's.

They know this because she was wearing it in a video of a picnic they found.

The reason I'm telling you this is that Donna was in the video with her, and she won't tell them who shot it or who else was with them.


But they think the k*ller may have the other half of the heart.

Donna, which do you like better:

"The blossom of the evening" or "the full flower of the evening"?

Now, listen to me. This is serious.

Well, this is serious too. Shh.

I'm going out the window in a few minutes and I need you to cover for me.

Aren't you aware that there's a curfew?

They just announced it on the radio.

Yes, I know there's a curfew, Einstein. That's why I need you to cover for me.

I suppose this will include a phone conversation with Mike, Mr. Bonehead-Boyfriend.

No, this is about Laura.

And it's really, really serious.


Okay, thank you. Ha, ha.

Oh, I'll need to borrow your bike.

Oh, well, then put a little air in the back tire, would you?

Yeah. Harriet, don't forget to brush your teeth.

Actually, now that some time has passed, I like "the full blossom of the evening."

Hey, Snake!

Don't take any oink-oink off that pretty pig.

Don't you worry about that.

Hi, Dr. Hayward. I'd, uh, like to talk to Donna.

Donna's upstairs getting ready for bed, Mike.

You're not drinking and driving, are you?

Well, we're all pretty broken up about what happened today, sir.

Besides, Bobby's doing most of the driving.

I'll see if she wants to come down.

Mike, would you mind waiting out here, please?

The best-laid plans of mice and men.

Snake, man. Let's go!

Where's your sister?

Dad, I'm gonna tell it to you and I'm gonna tell it to you straight.


See that window?


Donna's not here.

What do you mean? She snuck out?

Maybe you have an idea where she might have gone.

Maybe you can help us find her.

Oh, we'll find her. Don't you worry about that.


Let's go.

Sheriff, I got a call for you from Dr. Hayward.

I explained to him that you were on a stakeout at the Roadhouse but he still would very much like to talk to you.

Go ahead, Lucy, patch him through.

I'm gonna patch him through to you now, sheriff.

I'm patching you through now, Dr. Hayward.

Harry, my daughter Donna snuck out of the house.

I don't know where she's gone.

Doc, you rest easy now. I'm gonna put out an all-points for her.

We'll keep our eyes peeled.

Thanks, Harry.

You betcha.

Lucy, you take care of that all-points now, okay?

All right, sheriff.

Of course Donna snuck out.

Meaning what?

Meaning how else is she gonna lead us to that biker?


Then I saw your smile

This whole afternoon I've been hanging drapes.

Drapes? Drapes.

Lots of them.

You know how I feel about you, Ed.

Don't do it for me, do it for yourself.

It's Tammy Wynette time, darling. Yeah?

What about you and Hank?

I told you, I'm gonna leave Hank.

Before or after he gets paroled?

I love you, Ed.

I'm gonna do what's best for both of us.

When your sweetheart's husband's in the joint for manslaughter, the word "parole" has got a nasty ring to it.

Falling Falling Are we falling in love?

You know why I'm whittling?

Okay, I'll bite again. Why are you whittling?

Because that's what you do in a town where a yellow light still means slow down, not speed up.

Mike and Bobby.

They're liable to be a little trouble this evening.

There is a love Meant for me The nightingale

It flew to me And told me

That it found my love

Scotty, Mutt and Jeff just crawled in.

Oh, what a wonderful world.

Looks like sooner than later.

Why don't you whistle for a little backup?

I can see which way the wind's blowing.

Lucy, get us a backup unit down here at the Roadhouse right away.

Make that two backup units.

And call Dr. Hayward. Tell him we found his daughter and she's fine.

All right, sheriff.


What are you sneaking around for? Everybody's looking for you.

You and Laura, you're the same. Get your hands off me!

Leave me alone. Get off me!

No! Get your hands off me!

Let go of me!

No! That's enough!

You heard him. Let me go.

Lights out, Mr. Monkey-Wrench.

You guys got it covered? That's right. No sweat.

Don't worry, I'll take you to James.

Joey Paulson.

That's a J. No, he's taking her to somebody else.

I suppose you want me to follow them at a discreet distance.

Harry, you're all right.

Hold on.

Do you think they spotted us?

Give me a doughnut.

Well, Harry, I think we lost them.

Man, smell those trees.

Smell those Douglas firs.

I think I hear them.

What's down there? An old logging road.

The only access is five miles back at the Packard Mill.

And I told Doc Hayward his daughter was okay.

My fault, Harry, not yours.

Thanks, Joey. No problem, James.

James, they're looking for you.

I'm gonna talk to them. But I think they're gonna lock me up.


I don't have an alibi for last night. I was with her.

James, what happened last night?

It was kind of like a nightmare.

Donna, she was a different person.

What are you saying?

I'm telling you, there were things she was involved with.

Things she let herself get pulled into. Things she thought you'd hate her for.

She said, "There are things about me."

She said, "Even Donna doesn't know me."

I knew her.

I knew her better than she thought I did.

Donna, she said something about a guy getting k*lled.

Who? She didn't say.

But she said Bobby told her that he k*lled this guy.

Oh, my God.

This is why I had to see you.

It all makes some kind of terrible sense that she died, that someone k*lled her.

I don't know, I can't explain it.

I didn't know whether to believe any of this last night.

I mean, half the time she wasn't making any sense.

I couldn't calm her down.

I could hardly keep her on the bike.

We came to the light at Sparkwood and 21, and she...

She put her hands around my neck and she screamed she loved me.

I looked into her eyes. They were clear.

It was like she was Laura again. She was so sad.

She sounded so desperate.

Then she ran off. I let her go and she died.

Oh, it's okay.

It's not your fault, James.

It's okay.

James, it's all right. James.

Oh, my God.

I'm sorry.

Oh, my God.

I changed my mind.

I'm not sorry.


Oh, James.

Those are sirens.

I've got to go to the police.

I don't have an alibi.

After she left, I just rode around most of the night.

James, the necklace you gave Laura with the golden heart.

You have to give me the other half.


Because they found the half where she was k*lled and they think the k*ller will have the other half.

If you go down there with the necklace and no alibi...

What about you? I'll get rid of it.

No. I'll hide it.

All right. We'll bury it.


Right here. Okay.

I'll take you home.

What goes around comes around. Around and around.

That's not Joey, that's James Hurley. He'll do.

James, stand away from the bike. Stand away from the girl.

Put your hands behind your head.

He didn't do anything.

She's probably right.


He didn't do anything.

Lucy, get an arrest form ready.

Doc, I'm gonna release her to you, but I want her back up here for questioning first thing in the morning.

All right, Harry.

Andy, Hawk, put James back in Number 4.


It's gonna be all right.


We'll be back to check on you later.

Good night, officers.

I'm sorry, Dad.

Donna, after what happened today, I'm sure you understand what you put your mother and me through tonight.

But I also know you well enough to know you wouldn't have done it unless you had a good reason.

But we also have another problem facing us, young lady.

Where's your sister's bicycle?

Uh, I left it at the Roadhouse.

Well, we'll have to go get it.

I understand you promised Harriet you'd put some air in the back tire.

Yes, I did.

We're so thankful to have a daughter like you.

A policeman's dream.

Yeah. Lucy sets it up for us every night.

Sheriff, is everything okay?

There's extra jelly doughnuts for Agent Cooper and there's some extra decaf.

You know, Andy's been drinking so much caffeinated coffee lately...

Thank you, Lucy.

You can go back to work now, and no listening.

Sheriff, that reminds me.

Can you recommend to me a good inexpensive hotel or motel?

Now, it doesn't have to be fancy, and I mean that.

I can get you a good rate up at The Great Northern.

Because, you know, I think I'm gonna be here for some time, and these motels, they'll promise you a good rate, and when you get there it's a whole different story.

Now, all I need is a bed, a bathroom, a telephone, and sometimes a television, in the unlikely event that one day I'll get a chance to knock off early.

I can get you a good rate up at The Great Northern.


Well, tomorrow comes early.

Diane, it's 12:28 a.m.

Looks like I'll be staying locally at a place called The Great Northern Hotel.

Sheriff's getting me a rate.

When you least expect it.

Hello, sheriff.

Hey, Jo.

I understand you wanted to see the sheriff up here.

Yes, I did.

Right over here.

He's here again.

Let's get together and talk about it.

All right.

It must have happened about this time 24 hours ago.

I'm afraid.