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01x01 - 33

Posted: 01/06/22 15:37
by bunniefuu
Previously on Battlestar Galactica.

Now you tell me you're a machine.

The robot.

You knew I wanted access to defense mainframe.

Do you have any idea what they will do to me if they find out?

Get down.

Moments ago, this ship received word... of a Cylon att*ck against our home worlds is under way.

As of this moment, we are at w*r.

All right, we can take three more people.

Giving up my seat.

I've decided you're an expression of my subconscious mind... playing itself out during my waking state.

So I'm only in your head?


There may be Cylon agents living among us.

Some may not even know they're Cylons at all.

They could be sleeper agents... programmed to perfectly impersonate human beings until activation.

And one minute to mark.

God has a plan for you, Gaius. He has a plan for everything and everyone.

Gaius? Are you even listening to me?

Passengers, 30 seconds to mark.

Planet. Men. Women. Age.

You know what? Do this after the jump. It's all right.

You have to believe in something.

I believe in a world that I can and do understand.

A rational universe. Explained through rational means.

I love you. That's not rational.


No, but you're not rational.

You're also not really here.

Neither am I.

Madam President, ladies and gentlemen... our 33 minutes are almost up once again.

Please prepare for our faster-than-light jump. Thank you.

Cutting it a little close this time, aren't we, Billy?

Pilot says they've had to reboot the FTL computer again.

Why do the Cylons come every 33 minutes?

Why isn't it 34, 35...

Cally. What?

Shut up.

Fifteen seconds.

Sir, Jump 237 under way. Fifty-three ships have jumped.

Ten still reporting trouble with their FTL drives... including Colonial One.

We're getting slower.

Maybe this time.

Dradis contact.

It's the Cylons.

Damn it. Not this time, maybe the next.

Got another idea for the next cycle.

Ladies and gentlemen, I'm afraid the Cylons have appeared again.

However, our FTL drive is now working and we will jump momentarily.

Five days now.

There are limits... to the human body, the human mind.

Tolerances that you can't push beyond.

Well, those are facts... provable facts.

Everyone has their limit.

All right, you know the drill, people. Scatter formation.

Keep them off the civies and don't stray beyond the recovery line.

Watch the a*mo hoists in the main g*ns. You've got a red light right there!

We have a hit on the starboard bow. Away the damage control parties.

Basestar's launching raiders.

Colonial Oneis ready to jump.

All civilian ships away, including Colonial One.

Recover fighters. Stand by to jump.

Combat landings.

All fighters aboard, sir. Execute jump.

Jump 237 complete.

All civilian ships present and accounted for, sir.

Start the clock.

And let's start prepping for the next jump.

Clock is running. Thirty-three minutes.


You have 32 minutes, people.

You know you're not safe.

No, of course not.

The Cylons will follow us again... as they have the last 237 times.

You're right, you know. There are limits.

Eventually, you'll make a mistake. And then you'll k*ll us all.


Yes, I know, but... not for another 33 minutes.

I want to try something new this time.

Divide the fleet into six groups.

And they jump...

And they jump two more times and on the fourth jump, we rendezvous at... a common set of coordinates.

Twenty-four jumps to plot. We're breaking our humps... calculating one jump every 33 minutes.

Get off my jacket.

Are you eating this? Not anymore.

Combat landings expected again to be the order of the day... so double-check your undercarriage before...

Look, you've all done this 237 times.

You know what to do.

No mistakes.

And let's make it to 238.

Good luck and be careful out there.

Never forget.

Dave, you do me a favor? Tell Capt. Apollo he owes me one wing.

You got it, Chief.

No, Cally, there's three. I know there's three.

Can you check it again for me, please? Yeah.

At least get some of them starting to work.

We'll sleep when we're dead. Come on.


Heard the latest? They say Cylons look like us now.

Primary fuel? Primary fuel 2893 KRG.

Marine told one of the pilots that we marooned some guy back on Ragnar... because they actually thought that he was a Cylon.

You know what? I don't give a frak.

Red light on the number four thruster. Go make a visual ID. See if it's blocked.

Right. "Right."

A little rough on your new ECO, don't you think?

He's not my ECO.

He's some refugee from Triton that I'm saddled with and I didn't ask you.

Helo's gone, Sharon. I didn't ask you that, either.


Colony? Saggitaron. How many have you got?

5,251 survivors from Saggitaron, last count.

We can't transmit photos yet. If you want, you can leave them with us... or you can put them on the board outside.


Thanks. Next.


Update on the head count, Madam President.

How did we lose 300?

There were some overcounts, a few deaths from wounds and a few missing during the last att*ck.

Do you want children, Gaius?

Let me think about it for a minute.


Procreation is one of God's commandments.


I'm sure some day if you're a good Cylon he'll reward you... with a lovely little walking toaster of your very own.

I want us to have a child, Gaius.

You can't be serious.

It's Dr. Amarak. What was that?

I'm so sorry for interrupting you while you were speaking.

You were just saying?

I was just saying that a Dr. Amarak... had requested to speak with the President. - Dr. Amarak. I see.

You know him?

Have you always been able to multitask like this?

Yes. Yes.

I used to work with him at the Ministry of Defense.

It says here that he's uncovered important information... regarding how the Cylons were able to defeat colonial defenses.

I was always a little worried he was onto us.

Were you going to speak to him?

Perhaps I should speak to him if you're busy.

I think he wanted to speak directly with the President.

It sounded urgent.

It must be very, very important.

Maybe something about a certain traitor in the President's inner circle?

There's not enough time before we jump.

I want him on board first thing during the next cycle.

Thank you, Doctor.

I'd say you have a serious problem. If I can help.

He's a strange one, isn't he? Cuckoo.

Landing base Team Alpha, check three.

Did you see?

Twelve more cases of nervous exhaustion. That makes 61.

Have the docs start pumping them up with stimulants... and get them back on the line.

Pilots, too. Fuel report.

One out of every three, every other cycle.

That's gonna come back and bite us on the ass.

We have too much work and not enough people to do it.

Fuel report.

I already signed one of these. Yes, sir. I'm sorry, sir.

Comm traffic two from the President.

Is this my 10 minutes or is this yours? - Yours. I took 10 last time.

I'll see you guys in combat.

I believe it was your 10 minutes.

If the old man's so tired he can't remember, then it's his turn.

You see the note from the XO? Yeah, I saw it. No way.

Kara, everyone else... - STARBUCK: I don't fly with stims.

They blunt your reflexes, your reaction time.

Come on, Kara, give me a break. Just... Why are we arguing about this?

I have no idea.

Neither do I. You're the CAG. Act like one.

What the hell does that mean?

It means that you're still acting like you're everyone's best friend.

We're not friends. You're the CAG.

"Be careful out there"?

Our job isn't to be careful, it's to sh**t Cylons out of the frakking sky.

"Good hunting" is what you say.

And now one of your idiot pilots is acting like a child... and refusing to take her pills. So she either says, "Yes, sir"... and obeys a direct order or you smack her in the mouth... and you drag her sorry ass down to sick bay and you make her take those pills.

Well, I'm glad I'm not working for you.

You're damn right you're glad.

So, do I have to smack you in the mouth, Lieutenant?

No, sir. I'll take my pills.

Oh. Perfect.

Carry on. Yes, sir.

Pilots to ready room for pre-flight briefing. Pilots to ready room.


Jump 238 complete.

Start the clock.

Thirty-three minutes.


All civilian ships present and...

Strike my last.

One civilian ship missing and unaccounted for, sir.

Which one? The Olympic Carrier.

Commercial passenger vessel. Were they left behind?

I think I accounted for all civilian ships before we left.

You think? Did you or didn't you?


They're not logged in, sir. I think they may have been left behind.

How many people aboard ship?

1,345 souls, sir.

You're telling me we left over 1,300 people to die at the hands of the Cylons?

It may not have been her fault, sir.

It may have been a navigational error and they jumped to the wrong coordinates... or the Cylons destroyed the ship before they jumped...

Or 50 other things may have happened.

The point is we don't know what the hell did happen.

Yes, we're tired. Yes, there's no relief.

Yes, the Cylons keep coming after us time after time after time.

And yes, we are still expected to do our jobs.

We make mistakes, people die.

There aren't many of us left.

Carry on.

Okay. Next crisis?

List of calls? Yes.

But first, where's the doctor that's supposed to be on board?

What's his name?

Dr. Amarak. Yes.

Dr. Amarak.


He was on the Olympic Carrier.

God is watching out for you, Gaius.

The universe is a vast and complex system.

Coincidental, serendipitous events... are bound to occur. Indeed they are to be expected.

It's part of the pattern, part of the plan.

Dr. Amarak posed a thr*at to you.

Now he's gone. Logic says there's a connection.

A connection, maybe. But not God.

There is no God or gods, singular or plural.

There are no large invisible men, or women for that matter... in the sky taking a personal interest in the fortunes of Gaius Baltar.

Be careful.

That which God gives, he can also take away.

Fifteen seconds.

Maybe this time.


No enemy contacts.

Keep the clock running.

What do you think?

I think we wait.

Get me the President.

Why this time?

Was it something that you did?

We had a new plan, but we didn't have time to implement it yet.

We lost that ship during the last cycle, the Olympic Carrier.

Does that have something to do with it?


Are you there?

Yeah, I'm here.

What do we do now, Commander? I've got people on the verge over here.

We're gonna go to Condition Two. We have to take advantage of this time... and let our people get some rest. All right.

And how long do we stay at Condition Two?

Until I'm satisfied they're not going to return.

It's a m*llitary decision.

It is. I know that.

You're right and I defer to your decision. And, Commander...

let your men and women...

know how grateful I am for the job that they are doing, please.

Thank them for me.

Thank you, Madam President.

Thank you.

Contact Apollo.

Tell him to set up a combat patrol around the fleet, order his other pilots to land immediately.

All right, people, you heard the order.

Boomer, Starbuck, form up with me. We'll fly the first CAP.

I want everyone else back on Galactica and in their racks.

Three-hour rotation. Hey, Apollo... not that I'm not honored by being chosen to sit in my cockpit... for the next three hours but...

But why you?

Take a guess. Because I'm on dr*gs?

You got it. This patrol is 100% stimulated.

Anyone else feels like... they've got frakking ants crawling behind their eyeballs?

How about you, Boomer?

Doc tells me you're holding up better than anybody in the squadron.

I'm tired like everybody else.

You never seem it. 'Cause she's a Cylon.

You're gonna make me come over there and kick your ass.

Okay. Let's set up a patrol here before somebody gets hurt.

Follow me. Copy that, Apollo.

A couple hours rack time does sound awfully sweet...

Right about now. You deserve it.

You know, truth is... all this has me feeling more alive than I have in years.

You look that way, too.

It's good to see you without the cup in your hand.

Don't start.

I know there's a whole lot of people aboard this ship... that wish you weren't feeling as good as you are.

If the crew doesn't hate the XO, then he's not doing his job.

Besides, got to make the old man look good.

I always look good.

Look in a mirror? Seriously...


It's one thing to push the crew. It's another to break 'em.

Dradis contact!

Bearing 348, carom 120, one ship.

Getting recognition signal.

Initiating response flash mode. Alpha, alpha.

It's the Olympic Carrier, sir.

Is that confirmed? It's confirmed, sir.

Thank the gods.

Action stations.

Put the fleet into Condition One.

I want all Vipers manned and ready, but keep them in the tubes.

Mr. Gaeta. Sir?

Restart the clock. Thirty-three minutes.

I hope you're wrong. So do I.

Clock is running. So do I.

No. It's all wrong.

If they were left behind, why didn't the Cylons destroy them?

And why are they showing up now?

It's God's punishment for your lack of faith.

That's just great, that is.

A more logical and useful explanation, please.

All right.

The Olympic Carrier has been infiltrated by Cylon agents.

They've been tracking the ship all along.


Then that means...

Logically, in order for you to survive... the Olympic Carrier should be destroyed.

Olympic Carrier... this isRaptor 478, call sign Boomer. I have you in visual contact.

Please respond to this channel. Over.

Raptor 478, this is the Olympic Carrier. We have you in visual contact.

Thank the Lords of Kobol. You don't know how relieved we are to see you.

Roger that, Olympic Carrier. Can I ask about your whereabouts?

We had trouble with our FTL drive. Took us almost three hours to fix.

Have Boomer ask them how they escaped the Cylons.

Olympic Carrier, Boomer.

I've been directed to ask you how you escaped from the Cylons.

You got me.

They were closing in on us when the rest of you were jumping.

I thought we were goners, then they just broke off.

Someone must've been watching out for us.

Roger that. One other thing, Boomer.

I've got a Dr. Amarak on board.

He claims he has an urgent matter to discuss with the President.

He's been driving me crazy. Can you be more specific?

I can't. He says he knows something about a traitor in our midst.

He's unwilling to share any more than that.

Madam President, I strongly recommend... we cut off all wireless communication with that ship right away.

Why? Why?

Look, forgive me for being rude, but wake up, all right?

The only reason the Olympic Carrier is still flying... is because the Cylons let them survive.

They've been tracking that ship all along.

There's probably a Cylon agent aboard now! - Calm down.

Start over.

Please, Madam President, I implore you. Listen to me.

Cut off radio communication with that ship... before they send via broadcast signal another computer virus... to infect our ship shortly before they blow us all up.

Commander Adama, are you on the line?

Cut off the speakers. Put her through on the line.

Yes, Madam President. And I'm inclined to agree with Dr. Baltar.

Good. So do I.

Thank the gods you're with us.

God's got nothing to do with this.

Boomer, Galactica.

Your orders are to jam all transmissions from the Olympic Carrier.

No further voice contact is authorized.

Roger that, Galactica.

Boomer, Galactica.

Orders are to send theOlympic Carrier the following message by signal light.

Message begins: Maintain present position.

Do not, repeat, do not approach the fleet until further notice.

Message ends.

I'm getting a bad feeling about where this is headed.

So am I.

If the ship poses a thr*at to us, we have to eliminate that thr*at.

I don't think they got the message, Apollo.

Yeah, I see it. Boomer, break wireless silence on my authority.

Warn them to stop their engines immediately.

I suggest that we evacuate the passengers and destroy the ship.

Solves the problem if they're tracking the ship.

What if they're tracking one of the passengers?

Olympic Carrier... you are ordered to stop your engines immediately. Acknowledge.

Apollo, they're not responding.

Are you using the same channel?

Yeah, but suddenly nobody's home.

Starbuck, fire a burst across their bow.

Copy that.

Boomer, let Galacticaknow we have a problem out here.

Commander, message from Boomer.

The Olympic Carrieris heading directly for us, sir.

They're refusing all orders to stop.

Galactica, they're still not responding... and continue to head towards the fleet. Request instructions.

Order the fleet to execute Jump 240.

Get us between that ship and the fleet.

Commander! Dradis contact. Strike that. Multiple Dradis contacts.

It's the Cylons.

Cylons are on an intercept course.

They'll be in weapons range within... two minutes.

Radiological alarm!

Radiological alarm! From where?

The Olympic Carrier, sir. They've got nukes on board.

Madam President, we have to eliminate the Olympic Carrier immediately.

There are 1,300 people on that ship.

We don't know that. The Cylons may have captured them already.

She's not going to do it. She has to do it.

It's not her decision, Gaius. No?

It's God's choice. He wants you to repent.

Look, at this point there's no choice. It's either them or us.

Repent of your sins.

Accept his true love and you will be saved.

I repent. There. I'll repent.

I repent.

Do it.

We have new orders.

We are directed to destroy theOlympic Carrier... and return to Galactica.

It's a civilian ship.

Yeah, a civilian ship with nukes.

I don't see anybody in there. Dxo you?

The Cylons will be here any second.

If we're gonna do this, then just do it.

Starbuck, form up with me.

We'll make one pass from astern.

Lee, what if you're wrong?

Lee, come on.


Okay, fire on my mark.

No frakkin' way, Lee.

Lee? Come on!


Are you alive?

Agathon, Karl C.

Lieutenant, junior grade, Colonial fleet.

PK-789-9348. I know who you are, Helo.

It's all right. I'm a friend.


What are you doing here? Can you walk?

Yeah, I think so.

What are you doing here, I thought... Let's move, mister.

Sir. Son.

I gave the order. It was my responsibility.

I pulled the trigger.

That's mine.

Madam President.

Madam President?

I'm sorry. You were saying something?

Twenty-four hours, no Cylons.

At least you know it was the right choice. - The right choice?

I'm sorry. Billy, I think I'd like some time alone, please.

Of course. Yeah.

What is it?

It's an update on the head count. Subtract how many?

Actually, you can add one.

A baby was born this morning on the Rising Star.

A... A boy.

A baby. Yeah.

Thank you.

I think we should blah, blah, blah, et cetera and so on.

Blah, bleeh, blah, blah...