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04x27 - Face Your Fear

Posted: 01/05/22 08:56
by bunniefuu
♪ There's a hundred and
four days of summer vacation ♪

♪ and school comes
along just to end it ♪

♪ So the annual problem
for our generation ♪

♪ is finding a good way to spend it ♪

♪ Like maybe ♪

♪ Building a rocket,
or fighting a mummy ♪

♪ or climbing up the Eiffel Tower ♪

♪ Discovering something
that doesn't exist ♪


♪ Or giving a monkey a shower ♪

♪ Surfing tidal waves ♪

♪ Creating nano-bots or
locating Frankenstein's brain ♪

It's over here!

♪ Finding a dodo bird
Painting a continent ♪

♪ Or driving our sister insane ♪


♪ As you can see, there's
a whole lot of stuff to do ♪

♪ before school starts this fall ♪

Come on, Perry.

♪ So stick with us, 'cause
Phineas and Ferb are gonna do it all! ♪

♪ So stick with us, 'cause Phineas
and Ferb are gonna do it all! ♪

Mom, Phineas and Ferb are
making a Halloween special!

"Face Your Fear"

Okay, guys.
Now you try it!

Very smooth, Baljeet.


- What's the problem, Buford?
- Well, you know, the sun was in my eyes.

Buford, what's with the lack of effort?

- I'm just trying to be careful.
- You?

Yeah, we're out of credit
at the emergency room.

My mom said if I break one more bone,
she's gonna break the rest of 'em.

Fairly sure that was hyperbole.
Besides, look how hard that hydrant is.

Well, maybe we could make our own
fire hydrants out of soft foam rubber.

Hey! That's a great idea!

Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today.

That's it? A soft fire plug?

Well, yeah. Attached
to a giant revolving treadmill

with a giant soft neighborhood,
containing soft obstacles.

Oh, yeah, okay.

- Where is Perry?
- What did you say?

I was just asking where Perry is.

- Oh.
- What did you think I said?

Uh, well, I thought you said...

Uh, never mind.
It was too weird.




Get it off! Ugh!

Sorry, Agent P, I just
walked through a spider web.

Don't you just hate that?

You spend the rest of the day
worried there's a spider on you.

Gives me the willies.

Any-hoo, our sources
tell us that there's

a cowboy hat in front
of Doof's building.

Normally, that wouldn't
be of any interest to us,

because this is the week
of the Danville Hootenanny,

But it's a rather large hat,
and, in spite of its name,

the Danville Hootenanny
is a dignified affair.

I wish I had more information,

but Carl said there was a big
bee by the surveillance equipment.

So, get out there, Agent P.

[SHUDDERS] Carl, is...
is there a spider on my head?

Carl: No, sir. There's no spider...
on your head.

NARRATOR: Meanwhile, at the
Danville Space Laboratory...

MAN: "Laboratory"?


Oh, Jack, it sure was nice of
you to show Candace and me around.

This satellite stuff
is very interesting.

No problem, Linda.

I'm flattered you'd be
interested in our humble facility,

considering your
background in astrophysics.

Oh, yeah. Uh, listen,
that's kind of a secret.

- So don't...
- Oh! Oh, I'm sorry.

- So, what does your father do here?
- Oh, he's part of a team

that makes and manages
reconnaissance satellites.

They actually had a couple of
Rovers on Mars earlier this summer.

But they suddenly stopped working.

You wouldn't know anything
about that, would you?

Uh, how would I, uh... [CHUCKLES
NERVOUSLY] What do you mean?

All right, Your Highness.

- [GASPS] Who told?
- Stacy.

CHORUS: # Doofenshmirtz
Evil Incorporated! #

Uh, Perry the Platypus,
I bet you're wondering

wondering why I'm
cowering outside my lab.

Well, the day started
like any other day.

You know, I, "How am I going to
take over the Tri-State Area," but...

and I suddenly remembered a movie
that I'd seen long ago at a drive-in.

It was called Night of the Felis.

I knew right away that the old
masters were onto something.

Imagine, taking something cute and
enlarging it to frightening proportions.


But in order to take
over the Tri-State Area,

I'd have to start with some
other type of small animals.


Preferably something that could fly.

And I vowed to get right to work,
as soon as the movie was over.

The first thing I needed to do was create
an inator that would make things larger.


I tried it out on my cowboy hat.

It was a success.

My ten-gallon hat had turned
into a two thousand-gallon hat.



Well, that's the end of that hat.

Next, I had to genetically
modify a mouse so it could fly.


Doofenshmirtz: Ow!

Then I decided it would be
easier to just use a bat.

So, I ordered a retired stunt
bat from a low-budget bat circus

that had recently gone belly-up.
You know, the economy.

I was on the precipice of
Tri-State Area domination.

At last, I had the ultimate
creepy soldier! [SQUEAKS]

And then I remembered, I had
a very mild phobia of bats.


Get away, get away, get away!

I also have a mild phobia of shellfish.

WAITRESS: Here's your order, sir.

Doofenshmirtz: [SHRIEKS]
Get away, get away, get away!

But bats are worse.

Scram, you flying gerbil!



You're making me miss the
Hootenanny! [SQUEAKING]

Sir, I found your radio.

It was embedded in the
dashboard of your car.

Norm! Don't just stand there!
Do something about this bat!

Really? That's your solution?
Throw a radio at it.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Don't
throw that. That's imitatable.

What if I hit it with this?

No! No! Wait! Don't sh**t
him with that! That's my...

And I thought the bat was scary
before, when he was, you know, tiny.


It was at that point that Norm
and I decided to come out here.

Plus the bat kind of looks
like my cousin, Narthelliot!

Which, as you can
imagine, is weird for me.

- Isn't that about right, Norm?
- It's even more horrible than it looks!

Phineas: Everybody got
their helmets and boards?

- Isabella: Yeah!
- Buford and Baljeet: I'm ready!

Okay, Ferb, fire it up.
We're going to Foam Town!



♪ There's nothing that I've found
as good as goin' round and round ♪

♪ In Foam Town ♪

♪ In Foam Town ♪

♪ I used to skin my knees ♪

♪ But here it doesn't
matter where I fall ♪

♪ You'll never get scarred
'cause nothing's really hard ♪

♪ In Foam Town ♪

♪ So take a rollin' ride
on a squeezable urban sprawl ♪

♪ Come on down to Foam Town ♪

♪ In Foam Town ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ There's no bruises or concussions ♪

♪ There's no painful repercussions ♪

♪ There's no braces
There's no bandages No hospital stay ♪

♪ If you jump and try to land it ♪

♪ You can eat it or face-plant it ♪

♪ And you know that your
insurance plan will not have to pay ♪

♪ Come on down to Foam Town ♪

♪ Come on down to Foam Town ♪

♪ Come on down ♪

♪ Just come on down
to Foam Town ♪

♪ Come on down
to Foam Town ♪

♪ Yeah!
Come on down ♪

♪ Come on down to Foam Town ♪

And over here are the models of
our robotically operated Rovers.

The Mars Rover,

the Moon Rover,

and this is the Irish Rover.

- You sent a Rover to Ireland?
- Well, we had to test it somewhere.

♪ In a land afar in Castlebar
Many months ago ♪

♪ We sent an Irish Rover
To look around, you know ♪

♪ With a tur-la-lur-la
Fiddle-die-dee ♪

♪ And a tur-a-fiddle-die-do ♪

♪ In a land afar in Castlebar
Many months ago ♪

It took a couple of months,

but we're finally starting to get
some really great pictures back.

Thank you for the blanket,
Perry the Platypus.

- Vanessa: Dad?
- Vanessa?

Vanessa, get out of there!

- There's a huge bat on the loose.
- Really?


Vanessa: Wow! Cool.
It looks like your cousin, Narthelliot.

[QUIETLY] No sudden movements
or loud noises, Vanessa.

Dad, relax. It's just a
bat. They just eat bugs.

But it's a very big bat!

Now, come on. Just,
just stand up. It's okay.

It's time to face your fear.

[NERVOUSLY] Well, okay...


Oh, no, no!
Bad bat! Spit him out!


Gross! [SCREAMS]

Oh, yeah, this is much better!

Oh, hey, Perry.

I was wondering if you could

Thanks, Perry.
You're a peach.

So, what did I miss?

Oh, hey, Narthelliot! We
were just talking about you.

Jack: Of course, even better
than using a Rover, we have these.

We call them global
surveillance satellites.

No matter where you are on this Earth,

there's always one of these
flying above you in orbit,

streaming live video to us here.

That's right. Here's the outside
of our building, right now.

And we can look up any
location, instantly.

The Eiffel Tower, the Taj Mahal...

So, you could look down
on anybody's backyard

and just see what they're doing?

- Pretty cool, huh?
- Wow, that's got to be handy for something.

And three.
Two. One...

- What?
- Really? All right.


[Doofenshmirtz SCREAMING]

Whoa! Oh, I get it.
This is what it does.

Flying through a hoop.
That's what I get...

for buying a bat...
from a defunct... bat circus!

- So, having fun yet?
- Oh, you know I am!

You know, my Dad goes on and
on about the cafeteria here,

and I think he's right.
This food is... [SPITTING]

[GASPS] I've got an idea!
My brothers are

probably building something
in our backyard right now,

and we can use the surveillance
satellite to catch them doing it!

Come on!

I was wondering how
long that would take.

Just let me punch in my address...

[GASPS] Oh, my gosh!
I knew it! Look at that thing!

- Wow. What is it?
- It's an eye in the sky bust!

Come on, let's go get my Mom.

Okay, Ferb, turn it off.
Let's take a little break.


- You okay, Buford?
- I'm having the time of my life!

- Is anybody else hungry?
- I am!

Come on, let's go see
what's in the kitchen.

Doofenshmirtz: Oh no!
Oh, no, no! Not again!

[CLANGING] Ow, my head!
Ow, my head again!

Ow! Now I forgot math.

Ow! There goes Social Studies.

Oh, good! They're back!

This way, Mom.
Just see for yourself.

Oh, wow! It's our house!

And you can see the boys!
And their little skateboards.

Hi, boys!

- They can't hear you, you know.
- I know.

Hi! Whoo-hoo!

Hey! Foam Town's gone.

You say that like it
doesn't happen every day.

And you say that like
an angry old prospector.

- What does that even mean?
- I stand by that metaphor.

Finally, Daisy, we're here.

Our new home! Lots of elbow-room
and no one to bother us.

The last frontier! A place
where a man and his donkey can...

Dang it!
Come on, Daisy, we're heading west.

[Doofenshmirtz SCREAMING]

Perry the Platypus!
Welcome to Saint Louis.

Now, do something
about this bat, please!


[YELPS] Well, at least
I lost my fear of bats.


WAITRESS: Oh, it's you again.

Doofenshmirtz: [SCREAMING]
Go away, go away, go away!

WAITRESS: Oh, just stop it.

♪ There's nothing that I've found
as good as goin' round and round ♪

♪ In Foam Town ♪

♪ In Foam Town ♪

♪ I used to skin my knees ♪

♪ But here it doesn't
matter where I fall ♪

♪ You'll never get scarred
'cause nothing's really hard ♪

♪ In Foam Town ♪

♪ So take a rollin' ride
on a squeezable urban sprawl ♪

♪ Come on down
to Foam Town ♪