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04x20 & 04x21 - Love at First Byte; One Good Turn

Posted: 01/05/22 08:54
by bunniefuu
"Love at First Byte"

♪ There's a hundred and
four days of summer vacation ♪

♪ and school comes
along just to end it ♪

♪ So the annual problem
for our generation ♪

♪ is finding a good way to spend it ♪

♪ Like maybe ♪

♪ Building a rocket,
or fighting a mummy ♪

♪ or climbing up the Eiffel Tower ♪

♪ Discovering something
that doesn't exist ♪


♪ Or giving a monkey a shower ♪

♪ Surfing tidal waves ♪

♪ Creating nano-bots or
locating Frankenstein's brain ♪

It's over here!

♪ Finding a dodo bird
Painting a continent ♪

♪ Or driving our sister insane ♪


♪ As you can see, there's
a whole lot of stuff to do ♪

♪ before school starts this fall ♪

Come on, Perry.

♪ So stick with us, 'cause
Phineas and Ferb are gonna do it all! ♪

♪ So stick with us, 'cause Phineas
and Ferb are gonna do it all! ♪

Mom, Phineas and Ferb
are making a title sequence!

MAN: [ON RADIO] Yeah, roger,
Madam Chairwoman, we do have

confirmation that the
fireworks area has been flooded.

I understand. You can't do
anything if your wicks are wet.

Hi, Mom. How's the setup
coming for the big block party?

I'm totally overwhelmed and now I
have no fireworks for the big finale.

- Anything we can do to help?
- Oh, that's sweet, boys.

MAN ON RADIO: Madam Chairwoman, we
have a code blue at the beignet bus.

Yes. Okay. I've got it.

[SIGHS] I'm at my wits'
end, and I've got no finale.

- What about a laser light show?
- That's a great idea!

Here's a budget, and a list of
companies that do light shows.

Uh, can you just handle it for me?

I've got to run. Thanks so much.

You know, I think it might be easier
if we just did the light show ourselves.

Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today.
I mean tonight.

Hello! Hello! Hello!

Can you guess what my DJ costume is

for tonight's big
Mardi Gras block party?

A scary post-apocalyptic

Why does everyone guess that?
No, I'm a Mardi Gras jester!

Speaking of which, where's Perry?

Hello there, Agent P.

Your assignment concerns
tonight's big block party.

We've intercepted intel
that Doof is planning

on attending tonight's festivities...
just for the fun at eight.

We need you to attend the block party

and confirm that he's not up to no good.

I realize that's a double negative
but I think it still works.

"Not up to no good."
Yeah, yeah, it works.

Unfortunately, since your
surveillance will take place

in close proximity to your house,

you will need to be in disguise
for the duration of your mission.

Carl, activate the
Hydraulic Costume Chamber.

Oh, Agent P, you look
adorable as a balloon animal.

Now, get out there and
laissez les bons temps rouler.

Candace: This dumb block party's
totally throwing off my entire day.

Jeremy's stuck working
the Slushy Dawg concession,

my parents are busy with preparations,

and the boys are so
preoccupied with the party

they haven't done anything
remotely bustable all day.

Um, I'm probably gonna regret this,
but wouldn't a giant robot insect count?

I'm back in the game.

What horrors did I just unleash?

Phineas! Ferb! What is this
giant insect robot thingy?

It's not a giant insect
robot thingy, it's...

It's part of the light show extravaganza
for the block party's big finale.

Huge. Impossible.
Bustable! Mom!

CHORUS: # Doofenshmirtz
Evil Incorporated! #

Okay, Norm, you ready to
head out to the block party?

I'm not going.

Don't tell me you're still bummed
out about not having a date.

Yes. Yes, I am.

Quit your whining.
Just go stag, like me.

You mean dress up like a wild
forest creature with antlers?

Nah, not quite. I tried
that and it did not go well.

Uh, hello?

Uh, I think I may have
come to the wrong address.

Come on, Norm, you might
meet a nice popcorn machine,

or a blender or something.

You had me at popcorn machine.

Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom!

Do you know what Phineas
and Ferb are doing?

BOTH: They're working on the big
finale for the block party tonight.

Huh? Wait, what'd you say?

I asked the boys to help out
with the finale for the party.

On purpose?

Yes, Candace, on purpose.
I really need the help.

- But, but, but, but...
- Now leave them

alone so they can get the job done.

- Situation, unbustable!
- Ooh, twist.

Presenting the Pyrotechnic
Holographic Light and Audio Simulator

and Electromagnetic Radioscope!

- Or PHLASER, for short.
- Why not just use fireworks?

Isn't that traditional for a finale?

It may be tradition, but
the PHLASER is way cooler

without the danger of losing a digit.

Quit it, Ferb! You're
creeping me out, man!

As soon as we polish the
lenses, we're good to go.

Come on, guys, let's grab some towels.

- Situation, unbustable.
- [SIGHS] Then why are we sitting here?

- Come on, chuckles, let's have some fun.
- No can bust. No have fun.

WOMAN: Occupied.

MAN : Occupied.

MAN : Ocupado.

MAN : Oui, oui.

DOOFENSHMIRTZ: Okay, you see that
cute popcorn machine over there?

You just gotta walk up to
her and say something smooth.

You remember your opening line?

"You've got a pretty hot oil pan."

Oh, yeah, you've got game, now.

Oh! Now, see, someone
else is making a move.

You snooze, you lose, Norm.

I guess I'll just have to
get used to being alone. Oh!

Norm? Are you okay?

My inner circuitry
seems to be overloading.

Oh, man. I left the electrical
tape in my other lab coat!

Oh, now I get it!

[STUTTERS] You've got a thing
for that girl robot, huh?

She's not bad. I think you got a chance

with her if you play your cards right.

What do I say? I do not believe
she has an oil pan to compliment.

Just introduce yourself and, you
know, ask her what her sign is.

And then run the other way
if she says Sagittarius.

- Thank you, sir.
- Go get her, Norm.

Hi, I'm Norm.
What is your sign?

Hi, I am Chloe. I am a Pisces.

- Well? - You did not tell me
what to do if she is a Pisces.

In my experience, you get married.
And then subsequently divorced.

But we don't have time for that.
We gotta get you rolling.

- Excuse me. Can I... ?
- Shh.


So are we clear, Norm?

Talk about her interest and
try to find something in common.

Right, but don't be too obvious.

Women really like it when you
challenge them and act all superior.

That does not seem logical.

We are talking about women here, right?

Okay, now, remember,
don't forget to stay cool.

No problem. My compressor
is from a refrigeration unit.

What you're telling me for?
I'm the guy who installed it.


Ah, Agent P. Just checking in to see
if you've noticed any evil activity

from Doofenshmirtz this, uh...

Monogram out.

Carl, why didn't you tell me
he was sitting right there?

- Hello, Chloe.
- Hello.

So, what is your prime directive?

- My core competency is dancing.
- What a coincidence!

My core competency is being
superior and challenging

those whose core competency is dancing.

We shall see about that.
I accept your challenge.

See you on the dance floor.

See you there, right after I
defrost because I am so cool.


She wants to dance with
me, but now I am nervous.

Oh, go on, now. You just got
to get out of your own head.

How do I get out of my own head?

Just get out there on the dance
floor and strut your stuff, Normy G.

Norm: Commencing stuff strutting.

All right, I wanna see
everyone out on the dance floor,

parents, kids. Giant robots?
Sure. Why not?

Let's kick this party into second gear.

Oh, wow! That's our cue!
Time to fire up the PHLASER, guys!

Are the lenses all clean?

The lenses are good, but all
the blood's rushed to my head.



Hey! My tattoos are gone!

Now I can finally be an accountant!


That's, like, a lot of cats.

♪ I see you there ♪

♪ You're scanning me ♪

♪ My optic relays detect ♪

♪ A codified anomaly ♪

♪ Well, I'm here,
squirrel drive online ♪

♪ There's a diode
spike up my metal spine ♪

♪ I can see where you're coming from ♪

♪ When your receptors
blink and your servos hum ♪

♪ I'm so overclocked
I don't know my name ♪

♪ There's something
wrong in my core mainframe ♪

♪ Don't you know that I'll
take you to a higher place ♪

♪ As we meet on the
floor and we interface ♪

♪ I sense a change in my info-stream ♪

♪ From your innovative
positronic sequencing ♪

♪ You used to have
such an eight-bit feel ♪

♪ With your screw-on
head and your squirrel wheel ♪

♪ Now I'm forced to re-evaluate
my old motherboard and my data rate ♪

♪ We'll move our
dancing to a higher place ♪

♪ As we meet on the
floor and we interface ♪


BOTH: # Don't you know that
I'll take you to a higher place #

♪ As we meet on the
floor and we interface ♪

Looks like the finale's ahead
of schedule. Glasses, everyone.

Already on it.

Everyone looks smaller than
they usually do from up here.

And that is already pretty
small because I am so tall.



I've got to go and thank the boys.

Oh, Norm, your performance
exceeded my previous computations.

I just had to get out of my own head.

Well, what a phenomenal
finale to our finale.

Congratulations and
kudos to our two winners!

And there wasn't even
a contest! [CHUCKLES]

Wow! You were smoothtastic.

Are you gonna introduce
me to your new girl?

Why, yes! Of course. This is...

Chloe! What are you doing?

Rodney! Wait, wait, wait.
This is your robot?

Come, Chloe. Let's get you
away from this rusted Romeo!

Oh, yeah... [STAMMERS] Well,
I'm too flustered to come up with an insult.

So I'll call you later and give
it to you then. Come on, Norm.

Goodbye, Chloe. Parting
is such sweet sorrow.

That is a reference
from Romeo and Juliet.

So, I shall say,
"Good night till it be 'morrow."

See, you don't need her,
Norm. She's a know-it-all. Ugh!

Ooh, look! Corndogs!

Boys, are you here?
I just wanted to say...

[GASPS] Phineas! Ferb!
You are so busted!

What? Get out of the way!
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!

Did I hear you just
bust Phineas and Ferb?

I certainly did.

What are all my good guest
towels doing out here?

- And they're filthy!
- Towels?

- Oh! Sorry, Mom. We'll clean 'em up.
- Towels?

Yeah. You get right on that.

And when you're done
we'll have beignets.

So, let me get this straight.

After everything
they've done this summer,

you decide to yell at them
for a few dirty towels?

Isn't that enough?

Way to make a mockery
of my lifetime goal, Mom.


"One Good Turn"

Ferb, we've got a lot of leftover parts

from the last time we
used leftover parts.

There must be something
we can do with them.

You know, besides
hodgepodges or art pieces.

Whoa! Dudes! What's with all
the junk in your backyard?

It's like an obstacle course back here.

That's it! I know what
we're gonna do today!

- What'd I say?
- You said obstacle course, of course.

- Oh, I meant to say "chilli cocoa".
- Are you telling me that we have never

made an obstacle course
this entire summer?

- Ferb.? - I'm filled with remorse
that we haven't, of course,

even thought of building
an obstacle course.

Then let's build one and
make it our new "tour de force."

That is a plan I can clearly endorse.

- Of course!
- Of course!

Of course! I'm putting an end to
this before it breaks into song.

Where's Perry?

Morning, Agent P. There are
some pretty suspicious goings-on

going on over at the
Doofenshmirtz building.

We've had reports that the building
has been rotating all morning.

So either he's got something evil
up his sleeve, or he's turning it

into an expensive romantic
restaurant with an impressive view.

In which case, I would like
a reservation for : P.M.

Either way, I'm gonna
need you to get over there.

Okay, he's gone.

One, a two.
A one, two, three.

♪ I am the very model
of a modern Major Monogram ♪

♪ I've information, vegetable
and animal and hologram... ♪


Wow, Gluttony Games was totally
bloated with mindless mayhem.

And the two girls, they
were so brave and fearless.

We would make an
awesome team, you and me.

You and me, baby. Of course we'd have
to learn to sh**t a bow and arrow.

And build a road bridge, and catch
leaves between two pieces of wax paper,

and choose matching
backpacks, and sharpen a hatchet.

And we'll live on nothing but...

BOTH: Holy cannoli!

What in the world is going on here?
Phineas and Ferb!

Phineas: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls,
babies and slightly smaller babies,

welcome to the Phineas and
Ferb Ultimate Obstacle Course!

[CROWD CHEERING] The first team
that makes it all the way to the end,

you know, alive and stuff,
will win this nifty trophy!

So are you ready to get muddy?

- That tears it! Those two are so...
- Hang on, Candace, we can win this.

- Yeah, we can... Wait, what?
- I want that trophy.


Very good, Ginger.

We'll put it up here with
the rest of your awards.

I'm still saving a place
for your trophies, Stacy.

You know, just in case.

[GULPS] Uh...


Candace, we'd make an awesome team.

- All right, I'll do it.
- For the trophy.

And for whatever it was you
were thinking about just now.


Hmm, I wonder who that could be.

[GASPS] Perry the platypus?
Well, come on in.

Wipe your feet, if you don't mind.
I just mopped the floor.

Ha-ha! Gotcha!

That's what you get for
having manners! [CHUCKLES]

Now, I bet you're
wondering why my building

has been turning
degress every moment.

Well, that's because I was just testing
out my Ninety-degree-turn-inator!

Huh? You like it?
You know, it turns things!

But only degrees at a time.

You see, back in Drusselstein...

you know what, just
watch this documentary!


Dateline, .

The Mayors of Gimmelshtump
and Stumblegimp prepare

to sign a treaty declaring
they are sister cities.

However while reaching
for his quill, the Mayor

of Gimmelshtump accidentally
turned degrees.

Since showing your side to another
is considered a Stumblegimpian insult,

the Mayor of Stumblegimp was
forced to follow tradition.


And so, w*r was declared.


Gimmelshtump had no
choice but to retaliate!

The w*r escalated and
raged on for years.

Finally, the only way
to end the senseless feud

was for the Mayor of
Gimmelshtump to perform

the Stumblegimp Humiliating
Dance of Contrition!

♪ If you ever insult a Stumblegimpian
by turning slightly to the side ♪

♪ You can win back
zeir trust in ze end ♪

♪ Now place six chickens on your head ♪

♪ Then you try to eat a feather bed ♪

♪ Put a jelly donut into your pants ♪
♪ Und dance! ♪

♪ Write a letter to a chimpanzee ♪

♪ Paint a portrait underneath the sea ♪

♪ Move to France and
refuse to speak French ♪


You think I will speak French?

I will not speak French!


♪ Juggle piglets with an angry cook ♪

♪ Split an atom in a breakfast nook ♪

♪ Zen he will know you're a mensch ♪

♪ Now go sit down on zis bench ♪
'Cause you're tired!

NARRATOR: And so, the Mayor
of Stumblegimp was appeased!

And once again, all was
right between the two cities.

Or was it?

And the Stumblegimp Humiliating
Dance of Contrition is

just as much a tradition
now as it was in the ' s,

when this newsreel was
made about the s.

You see, Perry the platypus,
my brother the mayor is

going to meet the present
day Mayor of Stumblegimp.

And I plan to zap Roger with
my Ninety-degree-turn-inator.

It will turn him degrees, which will
insult Mayor... Uh, uh, what's his name?

Something with "Waffles." He'll
have to sing that whole song.

And when the people of Danville
see him eat a feather bed

or put a donut in his
pants, he will be forced to

step down as mayor and I
will step into his place.

One hundred per cent donut-pant free.

Unless, you know, something
like last week happens again.

Phineas: And finally, our
third team, Candace and Stacy!

We are so ready.

What was that about?

Oh, that's our secret code
for "I love you, sis." I think.

Good luck, contestants, and
watch out for giant worms.

- On your marks... Get set...
- Wait, what?

- Did he say "giant worms"?
- Go!


Phineas: Well, it looks like Buford
and Baljeet are out of the race.

Sorry guys.
You know what they say,

giant worms can do whatever they want.


Phineas: Both remaining teams
have made it to the beach.

Nice jobs, ladies. But
you may wanna get to cover.

- Cover?
- Fire!

- Incoming!
- Water balloons!

Just look at 'em go.

Stacy: Get off the
beach! Get off the beach!


Ah, yes! The horse-drawn
coach has arrived,

and Mayor Waffle-something
is walking up to Roger.

[CHUCKLES] Mayor Chickenen, it
is so good to finally meet you.

Chicken and waffles! That's why
I had waffles stuck in my head!

That was it. And now!

It is indeed a rare pleasure to...

What is the meaning of this?

I will have to declare w*r now!

- Maybe not. Psst.
- What happened?

Get the Dance of Contrition
team out here pronto!


Yeah, baby, it worked! And
now for the humiliation!

# Dance of Contrition #

♪ Humiliating Dance of Contrition ♪

♪ Everybody, dance ♪
♪ Dance of Contrition ♪

♪ Humiliating Dance of Contrition ♪

♪ Everybody, dance ♪

♪ Everybody, dance ♪

[STAMMERS] Wait, that's not the
Stumblegimp Humiliating Dance of Contrition!

[FRUSTRATED GRUNT] One day I gotta ask
Norm what he did with my binoculars.

It looks like Isabella and
Ginger are way out front.

Hurry, Stace, they're getting away!

Phineas: Watch your step,
ladies, that's mud down there.

Baljeet's suggestion.

- Really?
- I knew we would not make it that far.

Well, not with an attitude like that.

We'll see who gets mud
in his face, smart guy.


Good thing mud's good for the skin.


Let's dry them off, Ferb.

Hold on to something, Ginger!
We're almost there.

Hey, he's right! My skin
feels so soft! Come on, Stace!


Whoa, nice hang time!


Isabella: Aah! I regret nothing!

That puts us in the lead.

Pie? Really?

Phineas: And Isabella
and Ginger take the lead!

Wonderful! The new
improved Dance of Contrition

always makes me want to shake a leg.

- Fantastic.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa!

That was not merely humiliating enough.

Where was the part about bowing and
pulling your shirt up over your face

and juggling piglets?
Where were the piglets?

Oh, we haven't done that since the ' s

when we made that
newsreel about the s.

Things have changed.


So, what's your point?

We're nearing the finish line.

And here comes Team Ginger and Isabella,

with Candace and Stacy in hot pursuit!

And now, ladies, who's
up for some popcorn?


We're the last ones standing!

- Yay! Whoo-hoo-hoo!
- Yay! Whoo-hoo!

Candace and Stacy win!


Sorry. Forgot about
the giant gorilla hand.

My bad.
Remember, everyone's a winner,

but only one team gets a trophy.

- Stacy, we won!
- Congratulations, Stacy.

Ha! Now I'm like you.
I have a trophy.

But, Stacy, I won all those
trophies just trying to impress you.

- Really?
- Yeah. You're the coolest

big sister a girl could ever have!

- How can I compete?
- Well, I am pretty cool.

I'll take that. Giant worms
can do whatever they want.

That does it. It's busting time!

Mother, may I please speak with you?

Oh, boy.

Oh, how rude!

Oh, give it a rest!

left it in Random Fire mode.

PILOT: Uh, welcome to
Flight J- to New York.

Uh, hey, who wants to go to Alabama?

Mom, take a look outside the window!

- Candace! What's gotten into you?
- Look!

- Hi, boys!
- What?

- But, but...
- Really, Candace? This is getting old.

But... but... but...

♪ Write a letter to a chimpanzee ♪

♪ Paint a portrait underneath the sea ♪

♪ Move to France and
refuse to speak French ♪

You think I will speak French?

I will not speak French!


♪ Juggle piglets with an angry cook ♪

♪ Split an atom in a breakfast nook ♪

♪ Zen he will know you're a mensch ♪

♪ Now go sit down on zis bench ♪

'Cause you're tired!