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04x16 - Feeling Ambushed

Posted: 01/04/22 08:18
by bunniefuu
MARY JANE: Previously,
on "Being Mary Jane"...

The school board just slashed the budget

for this high school for
the third time this year.

They're diverting funds to a for-profit

private charter school

and the students and
parents are planning

a big protest tomorrow.

This totally ties in
with all the controversy

swirling around the
new Education Secretary,

who is a big supporter of school choice.

- Yeah.
- We should send a team.

Oh, I'm one step ahead of you, mama.

I already convinced Garrett to send you.

So, I'll get to be doing

the hard hitting stories that I want!

Wait. Wait. If I'm out in the field,

who's gonna be taking
my place in my chair?

The anger of the crowd has boiled over

into outright hostility.

The protesters feel the board

simply does not represent their views.

- [head thuds]
- Justin!

- Mary Jane!
- Justin!

Hey, Paul.

Did you know that your
ex-lover was in town?

Frank and I...

it's water under a -year-old bridge.

You're a straight out son
of a bitch, Frank Pearl.

You show up at my house

and barely say two words to me?


I figured that's what you wanted.

What I want is an apology.

I was all set to start a
life with you years ago.

Come on, Helen, we both
know why that didn't happen.

I've said my peace,

and it's probably best to
leave it all in the past.

Seven million people heard
you scream his name live on TV.

It's gone viral,

and now everybody wanna
know who "that" man is.

REPORTERS: [shouting mixed questions]

I think keeping our lives
private may not be possible.

I'm a journalist.

I live by the mantra
that I cover the story,

I don't become the story.

I'm right there with you.

But facing the limelight, honey,

that comes with the territory.

All I'm asking is that
maybe we could do both.

Is that all right?


Let's do both.

♪ My life can get so crazy ♪

♪ But as long as you're right here ♪

♪ None of the gossip, nothing can stop us ♪

♪ I'm wanna love you with no fears ♪

♪ We can do this thing together ♪

♪ Close your eyes and take my hand ♪

♪ 'Cause what we have is something special ♪

♪ Baby let's just take our chance ♪

- JUSTIN: "ProducerBae"?
- Yeah, that's creative.

It's a compliment.

Mm, of what?

They're saying that you're
too hot to be a producer.

Don't fight the pretty, honey.

Ah, so, it's like he's
serious about his job,

you tack a "bae" on it and then
you make his title irrelevant.

Women have been objectified
since the dawn of time.

We do not get to exchange w*r stories.


But there is one way to solidify

our relationship on social media...

- Dog face filter.
- [phone camera clicks]

JUSIN: What is that?

Oh, look at that sweet
face. Look at you.

I'm so glad to know that
my high school classmate

ChattyCathy , who I haven't seen

since she was blowing a
tuba on the yard line,

will now get to see me
like that on social media.

You were in the band?

Point guard, but I
went to football games.

So, you were a point
guard and prom king?

Prince, actually.

But I would have been
preferred to have been

voted "most likely to succeed."

You're one of those annoying people

who did it all, aren't you?

Actually, no.

You know what? Maybe I should
just check with ChattyCathy .

Feel free.

You know, she hasn't
stopped posting about me

ever since we, uh, went public.

That's because we're
connecting with viewers.

We put our relationship out there,

and we're showing people
what a happy, positive,

successful Black couple looks like.

What about...

- George and Senovia?
- Who?

They are my -year-old neighbors,

and they are insanely happy.

And you know what?

They don't even know what Twitter is.

The ratings are up.

Garrett is over the moon.

And I see that he's been treating you

like his golden ticket

ever since people found out about us.

Lately, he's been giving
the big assignments

to Kara and other producers.

Maybe it's...

And I understand he is doing that

because he wants me
doing photo ops with you.

Now that kinda thing might get ratings,

and we need those

to solidify your place in the chair.


But it doesn't give me the EP spot.

Then we need to keep what we
post on social media on check.

I mean, would you be okay
with a more curated approach?

My Snapchat will disappear in hours,

and then #ProducerBae...

will be mine and only mine.


- That sweet face.
- Look at that sweet face.

- Mmm, yeah.
- [kisses]

♪ I've got a crush on you ♪

- ♪ Sweetie pie ♪
- [telephone ringing]

♪ All day and nighttime ♪

♪ Give me a sign ♪

[phone continues ringing]

♪ I never had the least notion ♪

♪ That I could fall ♪

HELEN: Oh, those damn telemarketers.

Dinner's almost ready.

[chopping vegetables]

♪ Could you care ♪

♪ For a cunning cottage ♪

♪ Can't wait to kick off my shoes ♪

♪ Strip outta this suit ♪

- ♪ Crash on the couch ♪
- _

♪ And relax my heavy mind ♪

- ♪ Relax my heavy eyes ♪
- KARA: [laughing]

- ♪ And if someone decides to call ♪
- _

- ♪ I'ma reject it and turn it off ♪
- _

♪ Uh huh uh ♪

♪ Don't break my peace ♪

♪ I want serenity ♪

- [blows kiss]
- ♪ Heavy mind ♪

[talking over each other]

[knock at door]

[remote clicks]

[knocking continues]

- Hey, ladies.
- Hey! Hey!

Gosh, what are you guys doing here?

- Oh, we miss our men.
- So much.

I know, but I'm kind of
"in" for the night, already.

That's exactly why we came to you.

We're gonna let you sit here

and wallow in your lonesome
while our men are away.

Oh, and we heard about your father.

So sorry. Our deepest condolences.

Thank you.

Well, and I've already
had a string of guests

since the funeral, so, I actually...

I don't mind a little
alone time, you know, so...

We're sorry, Kara.

If you wanna be alone,
we can reschedule this.

- No, no, no, no.
- Kara needs to be with us.

We have way more experience
when it comes to this.

Just trust us, sweetie.

I'm not even dressed to go out.

What makes you think
we're going anywhere?

You guys wore that

to come and drink
champagne in my living room?

Yeah, we can't just take selfies

in our sweatpants and
footie pajamas now can we?

Oh, no.

Anyway, you can decide where

we're having drinks tomorrow night.

LAUREN: Mm, yeah.

Oh, we're hangin' out
tomorrow night, too?

It makes the week go by so much faster.

We'll let Heidi have her champagne.

This is for you and me.


LAUREN: Mm-hm.

All right.

HEIDI & LAUREN: [excited applause]

I'll, uh, go get some glasses.

- Yes!
- About time!

You two are so cute.

I get why cameras wanna
follow you everywhere.

Hey, I think this is about you.

No, Atwood Hedge Funds and Brokerage

is an invite-only hedge fund.

It requires a minimum $
million investment to join.

WOMAN: Morning TV pays
well, but not that well.

MAN: Not even close.

So, how many zeroes do we think

Mary Jane's producer bae has?

I don't know.

But Miss Mary Jane Paul is
definitely not dating down.

MARY JANE: At least you've
got your own hashtag.

It's not funny.

This is becoming way too intrusive.

I already agreed to
scale it back, didn't I?


In the larger scheme of things, I mean,

is it really so bad that people
know that you have $ million?

How did you know it was $ million?

These so-called journalists
never even saw my statement.

They only saw my in box.

How do you know the exact amount?

Okay, fine! Fine!

Remember when you asked
me to get your passport

for you at your house?

Um... I just... I...
I saw that number...

just lying around your bedroom.

Lying around where?

Well, in a... in a banker's box,

like, up in your... in your closet.

I'm so sorry and it's wrong.

- It's really, really wrong.
- Yet...

- Justin...
- still did it.

♪ Good morning, heartache ♪

♪ You old gloomy sight ♪

♪ Good morning, heartache ♪

♪ Thought we said goodbye last night ♪

HELEN: [sighs]

That old telephone trick?

You're wasting your time.

You're barking up the wrong damn tree.

That old telephone trick?

It's tired.

I only came because I wanted
to tell you to your face.

If you had something to say,

you should have said it years ago.

PAUL SR: What are you
fussin' about, Helen?


I forgot to tell you, uh,

I have a Jack & Jane
meeting this morning.

A little early for it, isn't it?

Well, you know Ruby.

We all have to bend to her schedule.

Um... I... I won't be long.

Aren't you forgetting something?

- Oh...
- [laughs]

Oh, thank you, baby.

I won't be long. I promise.

♪ How long can lovers stand ♪

♪ To prove they were right ♪

[door closes]

♪ Why did I fold my hand ♪


You have questions about the show?


Then not now.

♪ Who said we had it all ♪

♪ Our hearts no longer lie ♪

AARON: Trouble in paradise?

WOMAN: These are for you.

♪ Who knew the veil would fall ♪

- ♪ Who'd guess that we would cry ♪

HELEN: That old telephone trick?

These days you could have just texted.

But what fun would that be?

In all honesty,

I was surprised you reached out.

I figured everything had been said

that needed to be said the other night.

Just because you got in the last word

doesn't mean there's
nothing more to be said.

Sit, please?

I do owe you an apology
for leaving Hattiesburg,

and re-enlisting, but that
was years ago, Helen.

You left more than my hometown.

You already know I
regretted leaving you,

but I tried to get you back...

for ten years.

I'd already committed to

making a life with Paul by that time.

- Yeah, I know.
- My best friend.

That's a hard pill to swallow, Helen.

Paul says you put all that behind you.

I did, but that took some time.

I realized that maybe he could give you

the kind of life that you deserve.

But when you came to my hotel room,

demanding an apology...

Did Paul not take care of you?

Frank, Paul and I aren't perfect.

But we are happy.

I made peace with losing you,

and I'm sure you moved on, too.

I did. I created a new life for myself.

I started a successful business,

kept myself busy so I wouldn't have to

think about you all the time.

Time heals all wounds.

But that time...

never came for me.

I think I oughta go.

One request.


A dance.

This isn't one of our
old nightclubs, Frank.

I don't need a nightclub
to dance with you, Helen.


KARA: Listen up, everybody.
I need your attention.

WikiLeaks just announced
that they're about to

drop a cache of information

on some very prominent
French politician.

French politician?

Ooh, this could be juicy.

KARA: Yeah, and Garrett
wants a team standing by

so I will be speaking to a few of you

as the day progresses, okay?

I'm here, if you need me.

KARA: Thank you, Emma.

MARY JANE: Hey, Justin,

can I talk to you for a second?

JUSTIN: [sighs]

I feel terrible about all of this.

Let me save you the trouble.

You don't trust me.

No, I do trust you.

Mary Jane, you crawled
into the back of my closet,

and scanned my bank records.

I'm sorry.

How is this relationship
supposed to progress,

if you keep doubting me?

- Am I wasting my time?
- No.

I have issues with trust, but I'm...

and I'm unmarried and,
yes, historically-speaking,

something has always
happened in the relationship.

But sometimes I go looking for it.

That's unhealthy.

You're not the easiest
person to get to know.

- What is it?
- What haven't I told you?

Lots of things.

Like what?

Like why you're hiding the fact

that you're a multi-millionaire.

I'm not hiding it.

I invested early in a tech
company that hit it big,

but I don't look at it as my money.

I tend to value my hard work
more than a lucky come-up.

Then why couldn't you just tell me that?

This relationship is still very new.

When would you have liked me to discuss

my finances with you?

Okay, yeah, you're kinda
contradicting yourself.

But we're gonna just
sh**t right past that.

I am sorry for snooping.

I'm sorry.

Did I... did I mention how sorry I am?

I do want this relationship
to be different.

But I'm...

I'm scared.

You know, when I imagined the guy

that I was supposed to be with,

you don't match that vision.

No, I mean, you far exceed that vision.

I've never been with somebody
who matched my hustle,

who gets it, who really gets it.

And doesn't pay child support.

And gives me multiple orgasms.

Stop it!

I mean, you're a freakin'...



That's some apology.

I meant every word of it.

I'm really ready to be in
a trusting relationship.



A hundred percent.



- - - - - .

What's that?

My passcode.

My entire life is in there...

contacts, emails, photos, notes.

I would give you my phone,

but I don't think you
really wanna field requests

for interviews about my financial stats.

Go ahead.

You're gonna give me yours, right?

- Right. Mm-hm.
- Yeah.

Trust is a two-way exchange, right?

- Of course, yeah.
- Okay.

The code?

- Right.
- Mm-hm.

You need that to get in there.

Um... - - - - - .


Well, look, I've gotta
go get some work done

on this modern parenting
segment for tomorrow.

- Okay.
- [kisses]

- I'll see ya.
- Okay.

Can I see you two ladies in my office...

like right now?

Like... like right this second?

Justin has my iPad.

KARA: Okay...

What are we missing?

He wanted us to be open and honest

in our relationship,
so we swapped devices.

Oh, and it has your texts on it.

For starters, yeah.

And you texted me about Justin's money.

Among other things.

Okay, uh, all texts go in the Cloud.

Just delete the texts from your phone.

Okay! Yes!

You delete the text messages,

and you help me with the emails.

Oh, what about incriminating photos?

- Oh, God, my d*ck pix.
- Yes.

Why is that incriminating?

Doesn't every guy expect his
woman to have a few of those?

It's like men and porn.

We all know they're watching,

but they're supposed
to pretend they're not.

Well, how many do you have?

- KARA: Uh... yeah.
- Oh, my God.

What do I delete first?
The d*ck pix or the emails?

- Emails.
- KARA: No, d*ck pix.

Okay, just hurry up and help me.

I've only got a couple of minutes

before Justin realizes I
gave him the wrong password.

Delete! Delete!

- God, there's so many.
- MARY JANE: I know.

- KARA: Jesus!
- How many d*ck pix?

What'd you keep that one for?

KARA: Just keep going.

- Look at that.
- Oh?

- Right?
- That's nice.

MARY JANE: [laughing]

Okay, let's try a different file.

- Oh?
- Hey, afternoon, ladies.

Mary Jane, the password
you gave me, it's, uh...

it doesn't work.

- No?
- Unh-unh.

- You know what?
- I... I...

I forgot I changed the last number,

you know, for security reasons.

Uh, but I'm sure it is - - - - - .

- Four six.
- MARY JANE: Yeah.

Okay. Ladies.

- Bye.
- Thanks.

You get 'em all?

I mean, six dicks are better than... .

FRANK: You know, I
traveled around a lot...

trying to curb my drinking.

HELEN: So, did it help?

FRANK: Yeah, but it was a bumpy road.

HELEN: All I know is

you looked damn good in that uniform.


I know what it did to you.

It ended a lot of
arguments, that's for sure.


Amazing how our lives could
have been completely different.

One of life's questions.

"What if?"

But, somehow, all roads
led to this moment,

in each other's arms...

like time never passed.

- Hey, Justin?
- Yeah?

I need to see my iPad just real quick.

So you can erase a few more d*ck pix?



You really keep stuff
like that on your iPad?

- What?
- So, you didn't look?


But when I saw you and your friends

deleting files like it was Watergate,

I figured you had something to hide.

So, you really didn't look?

At... at anything?

I prefer my relationships
to unfold organically.

I don't wanna find out
about you from an iPad.

Be thankful.

You know, I'm pretty
confident in my manhood.


Uh, I wanted you to see...



Mary Jane, you just tweeted that

you're taking me to Très Simas tonight.

Have you listened to
anything that I've said?

Trust me.

Trust me.

♪ Georgia ♪

♪ Georgia ♪

♪ The whole day through ♪


I'm not anymore.

Time has taken its toll.

Neither am I.

You are a beautiful woman, Helen.

♪ Georgia ♪

♪ A song of you ♪

♪ Comes as sweet and clear ♪

♪ As moonlight through the pines ♪

I suppose it's unfair to ask
you to stay a little longer.

This is goodbye,
Frank, a sweet farewell.

Well, I know better than
to press my luck with you.

But, thanks, for giving me the chance

to end our story like this.

[quietly] This is wrong.

Reel in the crazy girl.

Just reel it in.

Reel it in. Reel it in.

Kara, I need you to hold this for me.

- What is it?
- Justin's iPad.

I don't want it.

But you know snooping
is my gateway drug.

I will find something to bug out about,

when there is nothing even there.

Maybe there is something in here.

See? See? You're my enabler.

If there's something there,

it'll come to light
without me searching for it.

Look at you growin' up.

Oh, he is not gonna
out-mature me, I know that.


maybe you shouldn't
give it to me, either.

- Why?
- Because...

with you acting all adult-like,

I don't trust myself.

I might go through it
just to protect you.


- Aaliyah!
- Excuse me.

- Come here.
- What do you need?

Listen to me.

Whatever Mary Jane says or does,

you do not give her this iPad, okay?

- Don't do it.
- Yeah.


Hide it.

Oh, your purse? [laughing]

You clearly underestimate me.

I mean, seriously. [laughing]

Where do you hide your jewels?

- I've got it.
- Don't worry.

Her purse?

Like that wouldn't be,
like, right where I would go.


[microwave beeping]

Oh, I'm sorry, Paul.

My Jack & Jane meeting
ran over a little.

No problem.

It gave me enough time to
install this new microwave.

Oh, is that why you called?

You couldn't wait until I got home?

No, I couldn't wait to see that smile.

- Ah...
- Look.

It matches all the other appliances.

Oh, I love it. And I love you.

PAUL SR: [chuckles, kisses]

I love you, too, baby. [chuckling]

Oh, by the way, I invited
Frank over for lunch.

- Here?
- Yeah.

Patrick and Niecy are at work,

and he's only here
for a couple more days.

I hope it's not any trouble.

Uh, no.

I'll make mustard greens.


KARA: Garrett wants to talk to you.

I'm gonna get him on
the phone now, okay?

About the whole French hacking thing?

No, I think he's just
curious about the whole

Justin's a millionaire thing.

You're serious?

Yes, don't be outraged.

You went into this with
your eyes wide open.

KARA: Oh, gosh.

What's wrong with this damn thing?

How do you call out in here?

Where's your assistant?

- Oh, my gosh.
- [slaps hand]

I was just gonna turn
down the sound, that's all.


- KARA: Forget it.
- [hangs up phone]

I'll have Garrett message you later.

Oh, my God... whew!

Are you okay?

Girl, I have been having,
dare I say, hot flashes.

- No!
- Yes.

I could be sitting in full-blown A/C

and I heat up like a radiator.

Well, have you gone to see a doctor?

It could be something else.

KARA: No. Who has time for that?

And to make matters worse,

I have to go out with
the players' wives,

and their young,
fertile bodies, tonight,

those putas.

- No offense.
- Oh, none taken.

I actually had you
pegged for more like .


I love this girl.

All right, I'll see you guys later.

- Bye.
- Ah, they're here.

KARA: What are they?

What's all this?

Options for my date with Justin.

At Très Simas?

Uh, sort of.

You are really enjoying all
this publicity, aren't you?

Girl, I am doing what I gotta do.


It's not easy, Kara, all the scrutiny.

Yes, all the clothes

and the parties, and adoration.

It's called building a brand, honey.

The audience that doesn't
normally watch "GDU"

is now tuning in to the
Justin and MJ love show.

Mm-hm, mm-hm.

So, this is all just for work.

Your man, who happens
to be a millionaire,

wants to claim you to the entire world,

but this... this is a chore for you.

Okay, fine, I admit it.

I'm crazy about the
guy, and so what if I...

if I wanna share it?

I'm finally in a healthy relationship.

It's real and that's what
people are responding to.

The only thing that's sucky is

that Justin is exhausted by it all.

Now that, I believe.

Ever since Justin found
out that I raided his house,

I have a whole lot of making up to do.

Why don't you come over
and help me get ready?

I can't. I told you I
have to hang out with

those WAGS tonight, remember?

Oh, right, I forgot.

I guess I'll just have
to get ready on my own.

You will be okay, chica,

and I will be keeping up with you

and your cutting-edge
style on social media.


♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪

♪ I got a condo in Manhattan ♪

♪ Baby girl, what's hatnin' ♪

KARA: To when they come back!

- Yeah!
- Woohoo!

KARA: Mmmm...

Yes! Woo! [snapping fingers]

Let me tell you guys.

I just spent $ , on new lingerie.

Ooh, hoo, that's the part of
the homecoming for the boys.

I mean, you can't wear
the same thing twice.

After two months on the road,

Orlando does not care.

As long as I'm naked, he's happy.

ALL: [laughing]


- Are you okay, sweetie?
- You need a napkin?

KARA: No, no, I'm fine.

- It is really warm in here.
- Wow, right?

LAUREN: We should get some
ice water for the table.

KARA: Yeah.

Excuse me, can I get some water?

Thank you.

And just forget about the bra, right?

- It's all about the thong.
- Mm-hm.

Oh, you're right
because all men love ass.

I swear I've never met a tit man.

Well, Orlando clearly is an ass man.

I mean, look at the two of you.

Actually, Kara, you have both.

I think Orlando scored the
full package with this one.


You rented out an entire
Michelin star-rated restaurant.

No patrons meant no pictures.

So you sent the paparazzi to
Très Simas with the tweet.

So, I could have you all to myself.

You don't mind, do you?

Not at all.

So, you finally forgive me?


Have a seat.

- Ah...
- So, what's it gonna be?

Ahhh... hmm...

Give me your most dangerous
drink, Mr. Bartender.

I'm a big girl. I can handle it.

All right.

Oh, it looks like this drink
is gonna be celebratory.

Why is that?

Uh, apparently, you've proposed.


Yeah, everyone is assuming that's why

we faked them out with
that Très Simas tweet.

[laughs] Right.

So, I propose without a ring, huh?

According to ChattyCathy ,

impromptu proposals without a ring

are the most romantic.

Really? And then you've
gotta follow it up

with the Hope Diamond, huh?

I'm glad you know.

[glasses clink]

So, have you ever come close
to proposing to someone?

[gulps drink]



No. I've only ever said
the words "I love you"

to one woman and it... it wasn't her.


So, what happened?

[clears throat] It just didn't work out.

So, have you seen all you need to see?

Next time, I'll just ask.

I think we should remember...

that the publicity...

is the gimmick, it's
not the relationship.

Oh, that is good.

[quiet laugh]

Were you also on the debate team?

No. Senior class president.

Of course, you were.

What do you mean by that?

♪ Must've been crazy to
think that you loved me ♪

♪ I saw all the signs but I
just couldn't say nothing ♪

♪ I did the time across the line for you ♪

♪ 'Cause I can't see myself
with nobody else but you ♪

Kara, I'm sorry you
had to find out about

me and Orlando like that.

Look, the baseball world is small.

So... you and Orlando were a couple?

Oh, God, no, it was one drunken night

before me and Demond got together

and it was way, like, last season.

Oh, God...

And he didn't even do
anything but go down...

Oh, stop!

Stop. I do not need that
image stuck in my head.

[heavy sigh]

I'm sorry.

I hope this doesn't
interfere with our friendship.

I really think you're cool.

Seriously, you just think

we're gonna just go on
like nothing ever happened.

Kara, you don't have anything
to worry about from me.

I've never seen Orlando
like this before.

You two have something special.

[heavy sigh]

So, I really hope you can get past this.

I need some time to process
this whole thing, okay?

I'm really sorry.

♪ Oh, I was ridin' wherever you going ♪

♪ At times, I wanted to leave,
but didn't wanna be lonely ♪

♪ Can't deny the fact
you were my one and only ♪

So, how long were you
and Bindu together?

A little over a year.

And you never said "I love you"?

I say it when I mean it.


Well, you must have really meant it

when you said it to Simone.

Stop! You know I already
went through your stuff.

Let's... we're not playin' these games.

Her letters were in there.

JUSTIN: [heavy sigh]

It really does feel like, though,

like you guys were, like,
together for a very long time.

We were friends for a very long time,

and we didn't date until after college.

[heavy sigh] Ah, gee...

You take it for granted, you
know, when you're that age.

You think you have all the
time in the world and...

I know I did.


Oh, so grown.


AARON: Thank you, ASPCA,

for showing us the effective ways

that we can save abandoned
animals in our neighborhoods.

Shorter winters, hotter summers.

Four designers weigh
in on how climate change

affects today's fashion,

tomorrow, on "Great Day USA."

Mary Jane, I got some info

on that thing you asked me about.

- The $ million.
- Oh.

Right. Yeah.

It's funny because it was from
that tech company, Entropy?

Wait. No.

Uh, Justin said that he bet
on a start-up and hit big.

So, he worked there?


I don't understand...

because the initial
investment was employee stock.

It was actually double the amount,

but it looks like he
gave half to charity.

Well, how do you get employee stock,

if you never worked there?

I'm not sure.

Maybe you should ask him about it.

Yeah. Obviously. Yeah, I will.

Okay, on the real, as a friend.

You're just pretending
to trust him, aren't you?

Girl, I am new to this,
but I'm trying, I am.

So, you really didn't look at his iPad?


Maybe you should've.

FRANK: I'm amongst the
nose-bleed seats to see Marvin.

I finally muscled my
way down to the front,

to check it out so I
could get a closer look.

- PAUL SR: Uh-huh.
- He was killin' 'em, man.

I'm tellin' you he was killin' 'em.

He had everybody on his side...

Black folks, White folks,

pink folks, yellow folks, brown.

He was killin' 'em, man,
and havin' a good time, too.

And the same with Tina Turner.

I mean, it was just so
amazing to see a Black woman

just mesmerizing the
audience, as she did.

Well, they don't make
'em like they used to.

HELEN: Yeah.

Do you believe we qualify
as "senior" citizens?

- Unh-unh.
- Oh, boy...

Time just flashes on by,
but I'll tell you what.

I wouldn't wanna go to
being young and dumb,

no matter how much vitality I had.

HELEN: It's true.


Helen, that was one hell of a meal.

Paul, thank you for inviting me, man.

Here's to old friends.

You know what I found out?

Lauren slept with Orlando.

- No!
- Yes!

That's the one you like.


And it happened "a
lifetime ago," apparently,

as in nine months.

Oh, shady.

Oh, God, and she still
wants to be friends.

I mean, really, you know?

I mean, where I come from,

you do not hang out with
your man's old conquests.

Well, ain't no fun, if the
homies can't have none, huh?

KARA: [sighing]

Or just be glad that these broads

are not fighting over dudes.

Oh, girl, please, I am too
old to be tussling over a man,

and I'm too old to be lookin' at a girl

and smiling in her face
and acting all phony, too.

Well, if you are done with the WAGS,

that means there's more time
for you to hang out with me.

And your little friend, "Aaliyah"?

You don't like her?

She's cool. I mean, she kinda fits in.

- But she's basically a fetus.
- Oh, that reminds me.

Did you ever go see the doctor?

I did, yeah, and it is hot flashes.

- But not due to menopause.
- Good!

I've been taking some sleeping pills

to cope with my dad's death and, uh,

apparently, that's one
of the side effects.

I got rid of 'em, but now my
body's all outta wack, so...

Oh, well, Orlando will be home soon,

so, he can straighten
all this out for you.

BOTH: [laughing]

- Oh, my head.
- Oh, gosh.

That was nice, wasn't it?

Good to catch up.

It certainly is.

Frank always had some good stories.

It took me back, all right...

right back to the time

when I thought you were
slippin' away from me.

Oh, you thought I couldn't tell?

But I can.

You're still in love with him.

So, he came back for you.
Is that what this was?

No, Paul, it wasn't like that.

I had hoped that I was wrong,

but I see the two of you together and...

- [sobbing]
- Oh, hell, no, no, no, no.

You can't crawl outta this with tears.

[sobbing] He means nothing to me, Paul.

Oh, so you're gonna throw
our marriage away for nothing.

I'm not throwing our marriage away.

I choose you.

Look me in my eye...

and tell me you didn't make love to him.

I love you, Paul.

You are my lighthouse, my candle.

Frank is...

He's always been a match,

one I just can't help from igniting,

even when I choose you. [sobbing]

I know love is complicated.

But after all of this time,

when do I get to be your
match and your candle?

Because you have
always been both for me.

I am sorry, Paul.

AALIYAH: Girl, have you seen this?

Seen what?

#JustinKissedALotOfFrogs? What is this?

Justin's ex-girlfriend, apparently.

This is Simone?


And the general consensus is that

he got a serious upgrade in you.

I... uh... I...

Yeah, okay, she doesn't
look exactly how I pictured.

But, damn!

Are people really dragging
this poor girl for her looks?

Oh, there's a reassuring one in there.

It says maybe she was going through

some kind of awkward high
school phase or something.

In what world is that reassuring?

Well, they're giving her
the benefit of the doubt.

"Millionaire bae's investment

was in a pair of eyeglasses
before Mary Jane Paul."


KARA: Maybe you should
talk to him, honey.

At least, they're complimenting you.

Yeah, at the expense of the woman

that was the love of Justin's life.

KARA: Oh, boy.

Okay... [sighs]

Oh, Paul, what are you doing?

Please don't go.

I'm not going anywhere.

This is for you.


I just saw.

I'm so sorry.

You know how cruel people can be.

I'm fine.

Maybe we can find out
who posted it and...

issue some kind of statement or...

There's no conspiracy here.

ChattyCathy posted it.

And now it's taken on a life of its own.

That's all.

Is there anything I can do?

Maybe get Aaliyah on it,

and she can spin a story or something.

No, thank you.

I'm done with social media.

And, hopefully, this will die down

- by the time I get back.
- Get back?

I'm going to Paris. Tonight.

Garrett's sending you to
cover the hacking story?

I asked to go.

I feel like I just got you back.

I need to be on stories
like this, Mary Jane.

So, that's the reason
that you're leaving.

I don't know.

I'll call you when I land in Paris

Okay... Wh... Justin